, J It.. THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, JULY 1, 1919. 11 r J r1 FARM AND RANCH LANDS. Nebraska Lands FOR NEBRASKA LANDS SEE A. A. PATZMAN. 0l Kartach Ulk. Tyler 6M. South Dakota Lands. BEST RANCH IN SOUTH DAKOTA. ,i00 acre deeded land, 6,000 acres leased land; all fenced and crosa fenced; toncu all new cedar and steel posts; wster In every pasture: 400 acrea under cultivation; food new 9 -room house, team heat; good barns, sheds, corrals, ale Rsneh now running 1,000 head of cattle, 60 head homes, 200 hogs. This ranch, will stand closet t Investigation. Price on deed land 130 per acre; leases thrown In. Will sell all llvs stock and .itarhlnery If wanted. Don't waste time In writing. Come and make us show 'the 'goods. The O'Klelly Land Co.. Draper. 8. P. I s - Oregon Lands. jbltDAN VALLEY. Oregon, offers you a I home In the land of aunshtne, where (conditions are right for raising attaint and cattle. Address. Jordan Valley 'arms. Boise Idaho. Wyoming Lands. WYOMING ranch, 1000 a-res. Water right, mineral rights. Patented land, sell to close an estate. Address Flo La- Phapelle, K em inerer,Vyo. FARM LANDS WANTED. WE will sell your farm; timely saKs, quick returns. Held Land Co. 64 Brandels Bid g. AUTOMOBILES. For Sale. FOR SALE On account of falling health am compelled to cut down stock and will offer you bargains in a few trucks and autos. 14-ton Grant truck with cab and 8 In one body, brand new. only driven from Omaha, worth $:',200 will take 11.900. One grant six touring car used for demonstration, driven 600 miles; price, 1.000. One Bowser 'curb 2-gallon gasoline pump with 280-gallon tank, new, never has been uncrated; price, $325. Don't offer any trade we want the cash or good paper; better come or call at once Wm. Bredehoeft, Beemer, Neb. RENT A NEW FORD DRIVE IT YOURSELF 13 CENTS PER MILE. TOO ARE COVERED BY INSUR ANCE AGAINST LIABILITY RESULT ING FROM ACCIDENT. t0 NEW 1919 MODEL FORD CARS. FORD DELIVERY CO. DOUQ. 822. 1314 HOWARD. t-- a tit nr mATTTlTXlri Tour opportunity to buy a late mud si $5,800.00 Roamer at a big reduction. Owner leaving for the west Phone Mr, Scrlpps. Douglas 648 or Harney 130. DRIVE YOURSELF TOCRINO lOn PER ..ROADSTERS MILK TRUCKS. , CARS FOR ALL OCCASIONS. Melcher Service Co., 1616 LEAVENWORTH. DOUO. 4899. USED CARS. 1 Overland, touring. 1916 $400.00 1 Mitchell roadster, 1917 20') 00 1 Hupp-20 roadster, a snap 250.00 1611 Davenport St. Phone D. 1241. Auto Repair Shop for sale or trade. Lota of Auto Parts and Supplies. 1511 Davenport St. PROMPT DELIVERY ON ALL AUTOMOBILES NEBRASKA WHITE CO. FRED C. ROGERS. Mgr.. Tyler 1767. 1407-21 Capital Avenue. FOR SALE FORD COUPE. A. B. C. starter; 1918 model, 1st class shape. Demountable rims; just over hauled. A bargain. Call Miss Hunt, Tyler 1000 week days or Doug. 807 Sun rhiy. MEEK 8 AUTO CO. Used cars bought, sold and enchang-sd. We buy . for cash and sell on time. Full line to select from. Middle State Garage. 5ft20-8 Farnam St. Doug. 4101. WANTED FOR SPOT CASH. 100 USED CARS; quick action; no delay. Auto Ex change Co. 2059 Farnam St. D. 6035. FORD 11ARKET. 2230 Farnam. Used Fords. Time, cash, Uoerty bond, new bodies. $9.i. AUTO BODIES. NEW am) used Ford bodies tor sale. Get -. our prlcea. O'Rourke-Goldstrom Auto Co.. 8701 South tith St., O-nsha. A. L1SB & COMPANY. ISxpert automobile washers, slmonyers and polishers: all work guaranteed. 1.107 - N. 18th St. Victor Garage. Ph. Web. 807. 1100 Reward for any magneto we can't re pair. Sole mnfra of new selt-apaclng sf- flnlty spark plug. Baysdnrfer. 210 N 18th USED CARS AND TRUCKS AT BARGAIN PRICES. ' STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO. 2020 Farnam St Omaha. Neb. Used cars of exceptional value. GUY L. SMITH, 1888 Farnam St. Doug. 1970. NEW AND USED TIRE BARGAINS. SEE US FIRST AND SAVE ivlONEt FARNAM TIRE AND RUBBER CO.. H. 6768. 2914 FARNAM SI. WHEN you think of used cars think of TRAWVER AUTO CO., 1910 Farnam NEW (-pass, Cadillac touring car for sale, run- 1.300 miles; good reasons for sell ing. Write 890 Brandels Theater Bldg. WILL exchange new 1919 Cadillac touring car for new model Packard touring car. Write 890 Brandels Theater Bldg. NEB. BUICK AUTO CO., lth and Howard Sts. Tyler 176 iron TKRMS ON USED CARS VAN BRUNT'S , Look for the red seal on wind shield. THE DIXIE FLYER. W. R. NICHOLAS MOTOR COMPANY 2520 Farnam St. ALIU.SlUniL.IU eiecincttl rcpmio, vjvp station for Rayfield carburetors and Columbia storage batterlee. EdwaMs. BARGAIN IN USED CARS. McCaffrey Motor Co. ltth A Jackson. Ford Agents. D. 8SO0. SIX-CYLINDER roadater for sale. Tirs'- elasa condition, very classy, ilea eosi. 402 North Sixteenth St PAKLAND. Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO. 2300 Farnam St. LOTS of good used cars at a worthy price. United Auto Parts Co., used car Dept., 2083 Farnam. AUTO STORAGE 24-HOUR SERVICE. SERVICE OAKAUB. 18th and Leavenworth Doug.7000. GOOD USED CARS. GUY L. SMITH. ?OHD Sedan; First-class condition; Owner, 275t Chicago. Harney 1395. Cars for Hire. IFORDS AND LARGE CARS FOR HIRE. Drtva yourself; at very reasonable prices; no extras to pay. Nebraska Service Garage. 19th and Farnam. Douglas 7390. WO automobiles for aale or exchange. C. J. Canan. 80s McCague Bldg. Repairing ana Painting. RADIATOR CORES INSTALLED Manufactured In Omaha. 24-hour service for Auto, Truck & Tractor. Ex pert radiator and fender repairing Body Denta removed. New fendera malt. OMAHA KAU1A1UB JlHi. CO. 1819 Cuming St. Tyler 917. P. P. BARNUM CO.. IKS Cuming. Dong- la 8044. High grade automobile painting Tires and Supplies, WB will ship, subject tu examination, our 3,500-mlle guaranteed tires at these prlcea: , Plain. Non-Skid )3sxl $7.80 . $ 90 UUX3S 0.9 II St' 3xJ1 10.AU 12.60 4x4 13.90 14.75 Express prepaid when cash accompanies order. Standard Tire Co., 419 North 18th St. Phone Douglas 3830 BRINGING UP C I ( THE MAM THAT INVENTED r JkA ! WHAT'S WHt- TH1 FACTORY WELL-U.L I I THANK AUTOMOBILES. Tires and Supplies. WHY PAY MORE FOR TIRES? We use the best rebuilding process. Will run thousands of mils. 30x3 J7.S5 I 32x4 $10.50 30X3V4 88. SO ! 33x4 811.25 3l'x3'.j 9.75 I 34x4 812.65 Free One new Inner tube with each tire pure bused. GOOD-WEAR TIRE CO. 723 S. 27th. Douglas 423. NEW TIRES, 1-2 PRICE. Firestone, Congress, Leo Pullman, Visit. Write for prlcea " Mention sizes. K AIM A N TIRE JOHRKK3. 2018 Farnnm BARGAINS IN TIRES. New, used and Blonds, all sizes Omaha Radiator & Tire Co. 1819 Cum ing St. Tyler 917. NO need for steam BoaRed carcasses. We reliead and rebuild tires by Drv Cure process. Ideal Tire Service, ?576 Har ney St. GAIN more miles; have your Urea re treaded by O. A G. Tire Co. 8415 Leavenworth. Tyler 1261-W. Motorcycles and Bicycles. HARLEY - DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Bargains In used machines. Victor II Roos, the Motorcycle man, 27th and Leavenworth Streets. PERSONAL. THE SALVATION Army industrial home solicits your old clothing, furniture, magazines. We collect. We distribute. Phone Doug. 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and inspect our new borne. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. FOR little (i-sear-old girl, place where she can have mother care. Will pay rea sonable fee. Box K-78. GRADUATE nurse will give Swedish mas sage at your home or do nursing by the hour. Walnut 1806. WANTED Use of piano for storage, children. WebBter 1702. No POULTRY AND PET STOCK. MUST sell my large, black thorobred Per sian cat She is very gentle and I want a good home for her. Will ?lve youjaJJargaln1JonTyler 8492-J. Horses Live Stock Vehicles. BROOD SOWS Buy on Bird haver. Profit Sharing Plan. Phone Web. 2x84. O. 3. Pettis. Agent. Harness, Saddles and Trunks. We Make Them Ourselves. ALFRED CORNISH & CO.. 1210 Farnan FIRST $150 takes team, harness md ball bearing wagon. Hurry. 2421 Cuming. Douglas 4959. GENTLE young driving horse, buggy and harness. Tyler 1088. MONEY TO LOAN. ORGANIZED by the Business Men of Omaha. FURNITURE, pianos na notes as security $40, 6 mo., H. goods, total, $3.60. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY. 433 Security Bldg. 16th & Farnam. Ty. 66 LOANS ON DIAMONDS, WATCHES, ETC. EAGLE LOAN OFFICE 1301 DOUGLAS ST. LOANS ON DIAMONDS, JEWELRY AND Ml7n LIBERTY BONDS. OC7 2' W. a KLATAU. EST. 1893. O Chicago Grain and Provisions. Chicago, June 30. Fresh strength de veloped in the corn market today largely as a result of bullish estimates as to the size of the domestic crop this season. The close was unsettled, ic to Uic net higher, with September $1.76 to $1.76 and De cember $1.64 to S1.64H. Oats finished He to lMc down. In provisions, the out come varied from 26c decline to 17c ad vance. Estimates suggested by current figures on acreage suggested that the 1919 yield of corn In the United States would fall 300.000,000 bushels under the total for 191S. Demand was further stimulated by the fact that stocks in store were meager and that the movement of new wheat seemed likely to delay the handling of other grain. An unlooked-for Increase of the visible supply total had a depressing effect on the oats market. Lower quotations on hogs deprived pro visions of any tendency toward a decided advance. Commission houses, though, wers conspicuous at times as buyers of lard. Chicago futures: Art. I Open. I High. Low. Close. SaVdy Corn July Spt. Dec. Oats July Sept. Dec. Pork July Sept. Lard July Sept. Ribs July Sept. 1.79 1.25 1.63 68 .68 69 5, 1.81 1.77 K 1.66 I .69 V, .891 .70 1.77 1.75 1.539, 67V4 .67 .68 1.78 1.76 1.54 .67 .67 .69 51.40 49.35 34.05 34.05 27.70 27,0 1.78 1.75 1.53 .68 .68 .69 51.60 49.60 34.07 34.07 I 27.80 28.00 51.52 51.75 151.25 45.60 49.60 49.25 34.05 34.35 134.00 34.10 34.35 134.02 27.80 2S.00 127.70 27.90 28.10 27.90 New Tork General. New York, June 30. Flour Quiet; !?r'!?f Patents and Kansas straights, Jll.0512.00; spring clears, 9.5010.00: winter , Biralghts, $11.0011.2 Cornmeal steady; yellow ' granulated, $4.4o; white granulated, $4.57 Wheat Spot, quiet; new No. 3 red, $2.o4 cost and freight, export to arrive. Corn Spot, steady No. 2 yellow, $1.96 and. No- 2 whlte. $197 cost and freight. Oats Spot, easy; No. 1 white, 79c. ..??7??let; No- -162.20; No. 2, I2.OO0J.1O; No. 3, $1.901.95; shipping, $1.76. .Hop?r"Flrm! ,tate medium to choice. 1918. 605?63c; 1917, 3040c; Paclfio coast 1918, 6660c: 1917, 3542c. ., PorkSteady; mess $58.0058.50; fam ily, $56.C'58.00. Lard Steady; middle west, $34.50 34.60. Tallow Strong; city special loose, 15c. Rice Firm; fancy head, llU'4c; blue rose fancy, 11 12c. New York Coffee. New York, June 30. An early . decline was followed by sharp rallies In the mar ket for coffee futures on Edropean buy ing and covering, but the advances were not maintained and the market was un settled in the latter trading. The open ing decline of 39 to 64 points was under local selling on the lower market for fu tures at Santos with December selling at 20.45c anri March at 20.35c. The rallyi carried December up ta 21.40c and March to 21.20c, but this met renewed liquida tion accon.panled by talk of slightly eas ier tone In the cost and freight market. December -losed at S0.70c bid, with the general list showing net losses of 29 to 64 points. July. 21.40c; September, 31.20c October, 21. 03c; December, 20.70c; Janu ary. 20.65c: March, 20.56; May, 20.45c Spot coffee, nominal; Rio 7's, 22e'23c. Santos 4's, 2829c. Bar Strver. New York. June SO, Bar silver. $1.08- Mexican dollars, 82c. FATHER- Market and Industrial News of 1 LIVESTOCK Omaha live Stock.' Omaha, June 30, 1919. Receipts were: Cattle Hogs Sheep Monday estimate 6,000 15,000 16.500 Same day last week.. 7,086 12,258 13,696 Same two weeks ago. 6,395 11.430 6.440 Same three weeks ago 5,421 9,934 9,915 Same day year ago. . . 7,095 9,917 12,097 Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union stock yards. Omaha, Neb., for 24 hours ending at 1 o'clock p. m., June 30, 1919: RECEIPTS CARS. Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. H'r's. C. M. & St. P 3 16 Union Pacific (5 73 64 C. & N. W., east i 8 C. & N. W., west.... 44 80 1 4 C, St. P., M. & O... 48 11 .. 2 C, B. & Q., east.,.. 1 C, B. Q., west.... 27 22 2 C. R. I. & P., east.. 8 6 Illinois Central J 1 .. ,. Chicago G. W 6 6 Total receipts ....200 . 198 67 6 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Kogs. Sheep. Morris & Co 442 1,335 1,475 Swift & Co 893 2,770 2,099 Cudahy Packing Co.... .1,304 3,056 3,684 Armour & Co 1,241 3,534 2,974 Schwartz & Co 301 .... J. W. Murphy 3,532 .... Lincoln Packing Co 134 Co. Omaha Pack. Co.... 30 Hoffman Bros 41 John Roth & Son s. 3 Mayerowlch & Vail 7 Glassberg 13 R. O'Dea 5 Wilson 132 F. P. Lewis 136 Rosenstock Bros 136 F. G. Kellogg 16 Wertheimer & Degen... 79 Sullivan Bros 18 A. Rothschild 36 Banner Bros 36 John Harvey 324 Jensen & Lundgren 3 Dennis & Francis 14 Omaha 17 Midwest 6 Other buyers 6S8 5,669 Totals 5,753 14,529 14,827 Cattle Receipts of cattle were not as heavy as dealers were expecting, about 5,000 head, and the offerings were made up almost entirely of native stock. De mand from all sources was very good, especially for desirable yearlings and handy weight steers, while the heavy cat tle were not so much sought after. On the general run of beef steers prices ruled strong to 25c higher than the close of last week, the advance being confined largely to the lighter weight stock. Cows and heifers were in limited supply, good demand and quotably about steady, and there was no particular change in the market for stockers and feeders. COWS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 2 990 $ 6 60 3 810 $ 5 75 1 810 5 75 1 950 8 60 1 980 7 50 1 1110 9 00 2 985 6 75 1 1010 9 60 1 1190 11 50 YEARLINGS. ' 32 873 13 65 13 700 12 25 21 970 13 15 20 667 13 10 16...... 668 13 00 3 916 12 76 30 822 12 60 32 839 14 25 37 653 12 40 Vi owonwnowo STEERS AND HEIFERS. 26 830 12 75 BEEF STEERS. 10 895 1 1 75 22 1145 13 00 15 1004 12 80 31 1237 13 75 33 1074 12 50 43 1290 13 60 45. ..,..1310 13 75 31 1305 13 40 4 1120 12 25 Quotations on Cattle Choice to prime yearlings, $13.5014.25; good to choice yearlings, 1 2.7 5 13.25 ; fair to good year lings, $12.0012.75; common to fair year lings, $9.6011.80; choice to prime beeves, $13.7514.25; good to choice beeves, $13 00 13.D0; fair to good beeves, $12.5013.00; common to fair beaves, $10.5012.60; good to choice heifers. $10.0012.60; prime cows, $10.5011.60; good to choice cows, $9.0010.50; fair to good cows.- $7.60 9.00; common to fair cows, $5.507.50, good to choice feeders, $11.7512.60; med ium to good feeders, $10.00011.75; good to choice stockers. $9.5O11.00; fair to good stockers, $8.609.50; common to fair stockers, $7.75(&8.90; stook heifers, $6.60 9.00; stock cows, $6.607.60; stock calves, $7.7510.60; veal calves, $9.0014.60; bulls, stags, etc., $9.0011.00. Hogs There were 207 loads here today, estimated at 15.000 head The shlnner market opened at an early hour, largely xoj'irc more man Saturday, although there were some sales that did not look over 10c lower. Most of the shipper hogs sold at a range of $20.4020.60, with a iew scattering up 10 a top or 120.80. Packers were a little late entering the game, and then they bought their hogs largely around 1015c lower than Satur day. Bulk of the packer hogs was $20.15 wun a iew scattering on up to $20.60. HOGS PACKERS. No. Ph. Av. Pr. No. Ph. At Pr. 50. .250 ... 20 15 20. .285 ... JO 20 15. .291 64. .294 70 62. .309 70 20 25 87. .275 51. .260 ... 20 30 SHIPPERS. 56. .234 40 20 60 78. .198 ... 20 65 74. .229 150 20 70 71. .263 40 20 80 SHIPPERS. 67. .237 40 20 35 65. .202 160 20 40 PACKERS. 16. .208 ... 20 40 73. .236 140 20 45 15. .230 ... 20 50 75. .209 ... 20 76 Sheen There was a liberal run nf ihun and lambs here, 68 loads, estimated at 16,- ovo neaa. ine market was slow In getting under way, although a few Ma leu were made early In the morning. The demand was not overly brisk, and there was a weak undertone to the market. Few lambs sold around steady prices; but there was a generally lower tendency. Sheep sold steady to 25o lower; fat ewes selling from $5.756.50. Quotations on Sheep: Lambs, handy weight. $16.0018.70; lambs, heavy weight, $14.6016.00; lamb culls, $9.00 9.75; yearlings, $9.009.75; wethers. $8.00 9.00; ewes, good to choice, $6.607.00; ewes, fair to good, $6.006.50; ewes, culls, $3.005.00.- Chlcago Live Stock. Chicago, June 30. Cattle Receipts, 22,000; estimated tomorrow, 13,000; weak. Beef steers, medium and heavy weight: Choice and prime, $14.5015.50; medium and good, $13.35014.60; common, $11.00 12.40. Light weight: Good and choice. $13.4014.00; common and medium, $10 00 13.60. Butcher cattle heifers, $7.75 13.60; cows, $7.4012.25. Canners and cutters, $6.007.40. Veal calves, light and handy weight, $17.2518.26. Feeder steers $9.2512.75. Stocker steers, $8.0012.00 Hogs Receipts, 66,000; estimated to morrow, 37,000; closed, strong, but 16e to 25c lower than Saturday. Bulk, $20 60 21.35; heavy weight, $20.8521.25; me dium weight, $20.5021.40; light weight. $20.6021.40; light light. $18,7521.00; heavy packing sows, smooth, $20.O020.60 packing sows, rough, $19.0019.85; pigs. $17.6018.75. 6 Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 22,000: es timated tomorrow, 13,000; unsettled. Lambs, 84 pounds down, $15.00 17.50; culls and common, $S. DO 14.50. Yearling wethers, $10.25 14.00. Ewes: Medium, good and choice, $6.508.75; culls and common, 2.506.00, St, Louis TArve Stock. 8t Louis, June 30. Cattle Receipts, 8,000; market generally lower; beef steers, medium and heavy weight: Medium and good, $11.6014.50; common, $10,641 11.50; light weight, good and choice, $13.00 14.60; common and medium, $10.00 13.00; butcher cattle, heifers, $8.5014.00 cows, $7.6011.00: canners and cutters, $5.7597.26; veal calves, light and handy weight, $11.0017.00: feeder steers, $8 26 Oll.OOi; stocker steers, $7.28010 76. Hogs Receipts, 16,600: market -weak; toa. liWOi JUilk. tSO.S0ai.4O heavy Short Term Notes Quotations furnished by Peters Trust Co. Bid Asked First Liberty, 3s 99.40 Arm. Con. Deb., 6s, 1924 102 103H Beth. Steel, 7s, 1922 101 101 Beth-. Steel, 7s. 1923 101 102 Mi Canada, 5s, 1921 98 98 Cudahy, 7s, 1923 101 103 Int. R. T., 5s, 1921 89 90',j Kan. City Ter., 6s, 1923 100 101 Proctor & G., 7s, 1923 103 104 Proctor & G., 7s, 1922 102 103 Russian Rubles. &s, 1936, 108 112 Union Pacific, 6s, 1928 103 103 Wilson & Co., Cs, 1928.. ,...102 102 Second Liberty, 4s .....,. 96.96 Third Liberty, 4s 95.14 Fourth Liberty, 4s 94.14 Am. For. Sec, 1919 99 99 Am. Tel & Tel., 6s, 1925 .,..103 103 Am. Tel., 6s, 1924 99 10O',j, Am. Tobbacco, 7s, 1922 ....103 103 Am. Tobacco, 7s, 1923 ....103 103 Anaconda Copper, 6s, 1929.. 99 99 Anglo-French, 6s 1930 .... 96 16 15-16 Arm. C6n. Deb., 6s, 1919 ..102 103. Arm. Con. Deb.. 6s, 1923.... 102 103 weights, $20.9021.50; medium weight, $21. 10 21.60 ; light weight, $20.2521.25; light light, $19.0020.00; heavy packing sows, smooth, $18.7519.75; packing sows, rough, $17.0018.76; pigs, $1 1.00 19.60. Sheep Receipts, 5,000; sheep steady, lambs lower; lambs, 84 pounds down, in cluding springs, $14.00 16.65; culls and common, $8.0011.5O; yearling wethers, $11. 50 12.50; ewes, medium and choice, $7.007.50; culls and-common, $2.506.00. Kansas City Live Stock. Kansas City, Mo., June 30. Cattle! Re ceipts, 11,000 head; market higher; steers, $9.00W14.90; heifers, $6.6012.90; cows, $6.3011.60; calves, $13. 2516. 50; stock ers. $7.00(8)12.25. Hogs Receipts, 16,000 head; market lower; heavies, $20.SO21.00; lights, $20.25 20.80; packing, $19.7620.60; pigs, $19.50i)20.50. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 16,000 head; market steady; lambs, $9.5016.35; ewes, $3.0U16.00. Sioux City Live Stock. Stoux City, la., June 30. Cattle Re ceipts, 4,000 head; 2,000 on sale. Market steady. Beef steers, $10.0013.50; fat cows and heifers, $7.0012.50; canners, $5.007.00; stockers and feeders, $G:50Sj 12.00; feeding cows and hifers, $7.00"J.5O. Hogs Receipts, 10,000 head. Market, 15c to 26c lower. Lights, $20.252O.7O; mixed, $20.1020.60; heavy, $19.2520.25; bulk of sales, $20.0020.50. No sheep. St. Joseph Live Stock. St. Joseph, Mo., June 30. Cattle Re ceipts, 2,700 head; market steady; steers, $10.5014.50; cows and heifers, $5.00 13.50. Hogs Rceipts, S.500 head; market lower; top, $20.95; bulk, $20.6020.90. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 2,700 head; market weak; lambs, f 1 5.00 16.25 ; ewes, $5.607.00. New York Money. New York, June 30. Prime Mercantile Paper Unchanged. Sterling Sixty-day bills, $4.57; com mercial 60-day bills on banks, $4.56; commercial 60-day blllF, $4.66; demand, $4.59; cables, $4.60; francs, demand, $6.45; cables, $6.43. Guilders, demand, 38c; cables, 39c. Lire, demand, $7.98; cables, $7.96. Time loans, strong; unchanged. Call Money Strong; high, 8 per cent; low, 6 per cent; ruling rate. 6 per cent; closing bind. 8 per cent; offered at 8 per cent; last loan, 8 per cent. Turpentine and Rosin. Savannah, Ga., June 30. Turpentine Firm; 90c; sales, 33 bbls.; receipts, 358 bbls. ; shipments, 32 bbls.; stock, 7,014 bbls. Rosin Steady; sales, none; receipts, 834 casks; shipments, 1,725 casks; stock, 54,870 caskB. Quote: B. SI 4.75 14. 90; D, $15.00 15.10; E, $15.1015.20; F, 16.15 1 5.25 ; G, $5.2015.35; H, $15.25 15.40; I, $15.60 15.65 ; K, $t6.2516.50; M, $16.60 16.75; N, $17.0017.10; WG, $17.2517.30; WW. $17.60. . Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruit. New York, June 30. Evaporated Ap ples Quiet but firm; western, 20 22c; state, 21c. Prunes Firm; Callfornlas, 932c; Oregons, 1433c. Apricots Scarce; choice, 30c; extra choice, 32c; fancy, 35c. Peaches Firm; standard, 23c; choice, 24c; fancy, 26c. Raisins Steady; loose muscatels, 13 14c; choice to fancy seeded, 1216c; seedless, 15 22c. Liberty Bond Price. New York, June 30. Liberty bond prices at 11:30 a. m. were: 3s, 99.34; first 4s, 94.80; second 4s, 93.90: first 4 Vis, 95.22; second 4s, 94.16; third 4s, 95.10; fourth 4s, 94.12; Victory 3s, 100.06; Victory 4b, 99.94. Liberty bond final prices today were: 3's, 99.38; first 4's, 94.90; second 4's, 93.98; first 4's, 95.10; second 4', 94.16; third 4's, 95.12; fourth 4's, 94.04; Vic tory 3s, 100.06; Victory 4s, 99.92. New York Produce. New York, June 30. Butter Steady; cramery, higher than extras, 5152c; cramery extras, (92 score,) 6161c; creamery, extras, (92 scors,) 6151c; firsts, 49 61c. Eggs Steady, unchanged. Cheese Firm, unchanged. Chicago Potatoes. Chicago, June 30. Potatoes Arrivals, 121 cars; new, steady; Bliss Triumphs, No. 1, car lots, $3.003.50 cwt.; Irish C. bblers, Virginia, $7.00 7.25 bbl. ; do. Carolina, $4.606.50. Old, no sales. London Honey. London, June JO. Bar sliver, 63d per ounce. Money and discount, unchanged. 81 Avenues of Profit for Investors TF you have funds for July -investment, our new Bond Offering Sheet will be sent to you on request for OB 233. It lists or describes eighty-one carefully chosen issues of securities yielding attractive interest. TheNationalG1 'Company Correspondent Offices In 60 Omaha First National Building Telephone 3310 Dougl 3 VnaTipHAL errv'iAinn I m mil Sea Jiggs and Maggie in Full Page of Colors in Tha Sunday Baa. GRAIN MARKET Omaha Grain Market. Omaha, June 30, 1919. Grain arrivals today showed a moderate run of corn for a Monday's receipts with 76 cars and other grains generally light. Wheat receipts were 10 ears, oats 30 cars, rye 6 cars and barley 1 car. Arrivals of corn a week ago were 91 cars and oats 24 cars. Corn had a slow sale with prices un changed to a cent higher. White was generally steady, yellow some higher for the bulk in the good grades and mixed generally unchanged. Oats sold at Sat urday's figures. Barley was nominally lower and rye about 2 cents off. Wheat was steady. Cash sales today were: Oats No. 1 white oats, 1 carload, 68c; No. 3 white oats, 12 carloads, 67 c; No. 4 whits oats, 1 carload, 67c. Rye No. 2 rye, 1 4-6 carloads, $1.30. Wheat No. J hard, 2 1-3 carloads, $2.45; No. J hard, 1 carload, $2.46; No. 6 hard, 2-6 carload, $2.10 (musty); No. 2 spring, 1-6 carload, $2.42, 1 carload, $2.40 (northern smutty); No. 3 northern spring, 1 carload, $3.86; No. 2 mixed, 3-6 car load, $2.14 (durum); No. J mixed, 1 car load, $2.37; No. 5 mixed, 1 carload, $2.02 (durum). Corn No. 2 white, 10 cars, $1.83; No. S white, 7 cars, $1.80; No. 4 white, 1 car, $1.7.8; No. 6 white, 1 car, $1.73; sample white, -car, $1.46; -car, $1.00; No. 2 yellow, 9 cars, $1.77; H--car, $1.77, (ship per's lots); 2-5-car, $1.76; No. 3 yellow, 1 car, $1.76; 1 car, $1.-75 (S. W.); 3 cars, $1.75; No. 6 yellow, 1 car, $1.70 (musty); 1 car, $1.68i 1 car, $1.66; sample yellow, 2 cars, $1,60 (heating; 3-5 car $1.58 (hat ing); 2-5 car, $1.51 (heating); 1 car, $1.50; No. 2 mixed, 2 cars, $1.82 (near white); cl car, $1.80 (near white); 2 cars, $1.76; 1 car, $1.75; No. t mixed. 2 cars, $1.74; No. 4 mixed, 4 cars, $1.69 (loaded oat); sample mixed, 1 car, $1.46 (hot). Omaha Grain Movement. Receipts: Today Wk. Ago Yr. Ago Wheat 10 17 3 Corn 76 91 57 Oats 30 24 32 Rye 6 8 0 Barley 1 4 1 Shipments: Wheat 8 3 1 Corn 62 77 50 Oats 25 62 20 Rye 0 0 0 Barley 3 3 0 Receipts in other marke's: Wheat Corn Oats Chicago 3 137 119 Kansas City 65 69 52 St. Louis 18 136 61 Minneapolis 160 ... ... Duluth 13 Winnipeg 137 ... Omaha Grain Inspection. The number of cars of grain of the sev eral grades inspected 4,in" here during the past 24 hours follows: Wheat No. 4 hard, 1; No. 2 mixed, 2; No. 1 spring, 2; total, 6. Corn No. 2 white, 9; No. 3 white, 1; No. 4 white, 1; No. 6 white, 1; sample white, 2; No. 1 yellow, 1; No. 2 yellow, 6; No. 3 yellow, 1: No. 6 yellow, 1; No. 2 mixed, 6; No, 4 mixed, 2; No. 6 mixed, 2; sample mixed, 2; total, 35. Oats No. 2 whlto, 3; No. I white, 8; total, 11. PRIMARY RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. Receipts Today Year Ago Today Wheat 298,000 413,000 Corn 655,000 904,000 Oats , 996,000 1,166,000 Shipments Wheat 117,000 38,000 Corn 300,000 386,000 Oats 1,057,000 469,000 EXPORT CLEARANCES. Today Year Ago Today Wheat and Flour 385,000 257,000 Corn Oats 40.00Q Minneapolis Grain. Minneapolis, June 30. Barley, $1.04 1.13. Rye No. 2, $1.36 1.36. Bran, $35.00. St. Louis Grain. St. Louis, Mo., June 30. Corn July, 1.78; September. $1.78. Oats July, 68c; September, 68e. Kansas City Grain. Kansas City, Mo., June 30. Corn July, $1.78; September, $1.76; December, $1.54. Cotton Futures. New York, June 30. Cotton futures opened steady. July, 83.40c; October, 33.50c; December, 33.33c; January, 33.25c; March, 33.12c. Cotton futures closed steady. July, 23.90c; October, 83.68c: December. 33.51c; January, 33.35c; March, 33.22c. New York Metals. New York, June 30. Copper Firm; electrolytic spot, 18c; futures, 1919c. Iron and lead Steady. Spelter Quiet; spot offered at $6.96; July, $6.97. A Market for Your Hogs, Dead or Alive If They Are Insured in the American Live Stock Insurance Company Packing Houses Don't Pay for Dead Hogs, But the "American" Will. A policy in the "American" pays you for your loss should your hogs die form any cause whatsoever. It provides you with the bet local veterinary service that money can buy, ABSOLUTELY FREE, backed by Dr. J. S. Anderson, four years state veterinarian. It makes hog raising a safe investment. Your banker will lend you money on your hogs if they are insured. You know that you make more money on your hogs than on any other farm product, provided you can keep them healthy and alive until marketing time. But what assurance have you that disease or accident will not rob you of your season's profits? Mr. Farmer, think it over. If your hogs are worth raising, they're worth insuring. You carry insurance on your buildings, your implements and your crops. HOW ABOUT YOUR HOGS? See the local agent in your territory at once. He will be glad to explain the "American" plan in detail. Or write the t ' American Live Stock Insurance Company, 704-7 lp World-Herald Bldg., Omaha, Neb. We are reDresented in manv Nebraska counties, but can locftt few more enterprisinmem who will work as fy' wntnr special, oca.lor aistriciv- the Day FINANCIAL New York. June 30. Trading In stocks today occasionally was reminiscent of the dullness and hesitation which in prewar times marked the advent of the new fiscal year and its attendant uncertainties. Despite last week's better bank state ment, call money opened at 6 to 6 pet cent, rising later to 8 for mixed loans and 10 for all Industrials, Indicating Increased discrimination against the latter form of collateral. The new order created by the Ver sailles treaty found no very clear reflec tion In the course of quoted values, aside from the sustained strength of snares which have assumed a fixed place among so-called peace industrials. Transportations shared only moderately In the day's movements, excepting Texas & Pacific, which was again responslvs to substantial accumulation. Rubber issues related to the motor di vision extended last Saturday's gains, Ajax, Keystone, Kelly-Springfield and United States Rubber recording gross ad vances of two to seven points, but Motors were relatively backward. Food shares came next In speculative favor, Wilson Packing, Jewel Tea and corn products rising three to five points with affiliated issues, notably American Can and Continental Can. Baldwin and American Locomotives, Central Foundry, common and preferred Central Leather, Hide and Leather pre ferred, American Woolen, American Ex press and International Paper were con spicuous among the other strong stocks. Sales amounted to 1,12j,000 shares. Bonds, including ' Liberty and Interna tional issues, wero inclined to ease frac tional issues, were Inclined to ease frac- gated $10,800,000. Old United states bonds were unchanged on call. The following quotations are furnished by Logan & Bryan, members New York Stock Exchange, 315 South Sixteenth 130 p. m. prices 133 106 97 32 159 96 101 99 9 34 31 79 45 43 87 62 17 21 29 9 107 116 87 92 49 89 86 110 104 46 73 46 19 28 24 89 63 28 ' 1 3 83 80 183 165 66 61 100 105 88 31 106 69 80 136 233 35 103 48 133 86 40 61 23 66 Street. Opening prices Union Pacific R. R 133 Southern Pacific R. R...107 Northern Pacific Ry 87 Mo. Pacific Ry 32 Canadian Pacific Ry 159 G. N. Railway 97 Atch., Top. & S. F. Ry. ..100 III. Central Ry 99 C. G. W. Ry 9 Wabash Ry., pfd. A 34 N, Y., N. H. & H. R. R... 31 N. Y. Central R. R 79 Penn. R. R. Co 46 Baltimore & Ohio R. R. . 44 Reading Co 87 Lehigh Valley R. R. Co.. 63 Krle R. R 17 N. Y. Ont. & West 21 Southern Ry 29 -Mo. Kansas Texas.... U. S. Steel Corp., Com.. 108 IT. S. Steel Corp., Pfd 116 Bethlehem, steel corp. .. 88 V, Republic Iron & Steel.... 94 Colorado Fuel & Iron.... 49 American Locomotive .... 87 Pressed Steel Car 85 American Car Foundry. . .110 Baldwin Loco. Wks 105 G. N. Iron Ore Property.. 47 Anaconda Cop. Mln. Co... 73 Chino Copper Co 46 Nevada Cons. Copper 19 Miami Copper Co 28 Ray Cons. Copper Co 24 Utah Cons. Mining Co 90 Inspiration Cons. Cop. Co. 64 Butte & Superior 29 Tennessee Copper 13 Amer. Smelt. & Rof. Co... 83 National Lead 81 Mexican Petrol. Co., Ltd.. 184 General Electric Co 165 Westinghouse Air Brake.. 56 Peoples G. L. & C. Co 61 Cons. G. L. & P. Co 100 Amer. Tel. & Tel ...105 West. Union Tel. Co 88 Brooklyn Rap. Transit.... 30 Central Leather Co 106 American Can 58 Goodrich (B. F.) Co 81 United States Rubber 137 General Motors Co 237 Willys Overland 35 Studebaker Corporation ..106 Maxwell Motor 48 Amer. Sugar Ref. Co 133 Amer. Beet Sugar Co 86 Kennecott 41 Sinclair Oil ;,. 62 Pierce Oil 24 Plerce-Arrow 65 Chicago Produce. Chicago, June 30. Butter Lower; creamery, 4550c. Eggs Lower; receipts, 20,133 cases; firsts, 4041c; ordinary firsts, 38 38c; at mark, cases Included, 3839c; storage packed, 42c; extras, 42 43c. Poultry Alive, higher; fowls, 30c. Kansas City Produce. Kansas City, Mo., June 30. Butter Packing, c higher, 43c; other grades, un changed. Eggs Unchanged. First, S9c; seconds, 32c. Poultry Unchanged. wskte te-ru -parvic-tiari Drawn for The Bee by McManus Copyright 1819 International News Service). Local Stocks and Bonds Quotations furnished by Burns, Brlnker & Co., 449 Omaha National Bank building: STOCKS, i Bid. Aski d. Armour & Co.. pfd 103 103 H Cudahy Pkg. Com 117tt 118 Douglas Motors Com 46 60 Flsk Rubber 7 pet. pfd 9V4 100 dooch M. & E. 7 pet. pfd. B. 8S 100 Qooch Food Prod. pfd. bonus 100 Harding Cream 7 pet. pfd... 101 101 H Llbby, McNeil & Ltbby 10 SOVi Lincoln T. & T. Com. 7 pet... 90 Orchard & With. 7 pet. pfd... 100 100H M. C. Peters Mill 7 pet. pfd. 1927-1938 99 100 Swift & Co. Internat 67 54 58 Swift & Co 135" 136 Union 8tock Yards, Omaha.. 99 H 101 Un, P. & Lt. 7 pot. pfd 99 100 Wichita Un. Stk. Yds. pfd. ..95 BONDS. Armour A Co. ty,, 1939 87Vi S7H Fed. Land Bank 4H. 1939 ..100H 100 Vs Lin. Jt. Stk. Ld. Bak. 6s, 1923-38 101 101. Omaha Athletic 6s, 1920 98 100 Om. C. B. St. Ry. 6s, 1928.... 77 80 Omaha, City of, various .... 4.6S pet. Studebaker Corp 7s, 1927 ...100 101 Studebaker Corp. 7s, 1928 ...100 101 Swift & Co. 6s, Aug. 1921 ...100 100 Wilson Conv. 6s, 1928 102 101 Ex. Dividend- New York U. S. 2s. reg.. 99 "4 U. S. 2s, coup. 99 U. S. cv. 3s, registered ... 8t U. S. cv. 3a, coupon 81 U. S. 4s, re:.. 10614 U. S. 4s, coup..lOC4 Am. F. Sec. 5s. 99 Amer. Tel & Tel. cv. 6s 10 Anglo-F. 5s.... 96 Arm. & Co. 4s.87 Atch. gen. 4s. . 81 Bait. & Ohio cv. 4 76 Beth. Steel ref. 6s 91 Central L. 6s. . 97 Cent. Pac. 1st.. 78 44 Chesapeake & O. cv. 5s 89 C, B. & Q. joint 4s 95 Chi., Mil. & St. I P. cv. 4s.. 76 Chi., P.. I. & P. Ry. ref. 4s.. 70 Colo. & Southern ref. 4Hs 80 Chili Cop. cv. 7s 124 City of Paris 6s. 97 Denver & Rio O. ref 6s 67 Dom. of Can. 6s (1931) 97 Erie gen. 4s.. 54 Bid. Bond List. Qen. Else. 5s.. Ot. Nor. 1st 4s Illinois Cental ref. 4s 18 15 80 Int. Mer. Ma. 6s.97 k.. c southern ref. 5s 86 Louis. & Nash, un. 4s........ 14 Mo., Kan. & Tex. 1st 4s 66 Mo. Pac. gen. 4s.61 Mont. P. 5s 92 N. Y. central deb. 6s Nor. Pac. 4s. . Nor. Pac. 3s. . 99 81 68 Oregon Short L. ref. 4s 85 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Cs 10 Penn. con. 4s.05 Penn. gen. 6s... 94 Reading gen. 4s. 83 St. L. & 8. F. adj. 6s 66 Sinclair Oil & Ref. sf. 7s... 100 So. Pac. cv. 6s. 106 South. Ry. 6s.. 93 Tex. Co. cv. s.l03 Tex. & Pac. 1st. 91 Union Pac. 4s.. 85 U. S. Rubber 6s. 88 V. S. Steel 5s.. 101 Wabash 1st.... 94 Will of Late C. C. Conkling Gives $25,000 to College In accordance with the will of the late Clementine C. Conkling of Omaha, real estate here to the value of approximately $25,000 has been bequeathed to the college of medi cine, University of Nebraska. STATEMENT OF Nebraska Savings & Loan Ass'n. 211 South 18th St., Omaha, Neb. At Opening of Business, July 1, 1919 RESOURCES Real Estate Loans Loans on Association Stock Real Estate sold on Contract Real Estate Loans in Foreclosure Interest Due from Borrowers U. S. Liberty Bonds, Treasury Cer tificates and W. S. S 154,473.47 Municipal Bonds and Warrants.... 28,148,33 Cash on hand and in Bank 28,239,73 LIABILITIES Dues Paid and Dividends Added Thereto Reserve Fund ; Undivided Profits Incomplete Loans THE GOSPEL OF HOME OWNERSHIP The Gospel of Home Ownership emphasizes itself at the present time with greater force than Omaha has experienced in a quarter century. Demand exceeds the supply of homes. War time restriction of building operation in part explains the scarcity. Increasing population also steadily presses for shelter. A condi tion is thus created which demands constructive enterprise, moderation in profits and judicious helpfulness in meeting the needs of the hour. People who have been content to live in rented houses, ac cumulating nothing more than a bundle of rent receipts, now often find themselves shelterless, and obliged to become home owners under circumstances which make for higher costs. Those who paid no heed to the appeal of home ownership and trusted the landlord for a square deal, in many cases were awakened to the realities of the situation with notices to move out "Where do we go from here?" the unfortunates rightly ask. The answer is easy: , BUY A HOME During the first half of the year the Nebraska Association met all demands for home loans where the security offered was deemed sufficient. .. . The Association loans its money oh first mortgage Real Estate interest in small regular payments, thus wiping out the debt on J the home with small persistent monthly payments. A dividend of 6 per annum was declared for the period from January 1, 1919, to July 1, 1919. ; O F. F THOS. A. FRY ROBERT S. WILCOX JOHN R. BRANDT C. F. BRINKMAN. '. EDGAR M. MOBSMAN. Jr. DIRECTORS THOS. FRY. President F: Shoe Co.. , 16 th MAJOP Bra Jouitias. OMAHA PRODUCE Wholesale prlcea of best cuts: No. 1 loins. !4o; No. 1 loins. ISO! No loins. !7o; No. 1 ribs, 25c; No. I ribs. 14o; No, 1 ribs, lls; No. 1 rounds., !6o; No. 1 rounds, 15c; No. I rouuds, lle; No. 1 chucks, ITc; No. 1 shucks, 16c: No. 1 chucks, llc; No. 1 plates. 16c; No. 1 plates. 14o; No. 1 plates. 12c Quotations furnished by the Qllnsk Fruit Co. ( . . Fruit Oranges: Valesclsa, 1S-100, II lOt 116, 86.00; 150.JKSI.3i4. 16.50; 174, 100, Jit, 150, 17.00. Lemons: Sunklst, Ioi-160, 15.71; Red Ball, 300-I60, 16.11. Orape fruit: California (all s'tes) 11.16. Bananas! 1 to c Strawberries: Missouri, 17 10. Pineapples: 41-48, 15.60; 24-SU-J6, 11.00. ' Vegetables Potatoes. Northern Whites, I. 60; Colorado, ts.60; Ohios, 160; Texas New potstoes, la Cabbage: Texas and California crate, esc: small lots, Co, Onions, California Reds. to. California ' head lettuce, 13.60 crate: California head, lettuce. 11.21 doxen: leaf lettuce, 40e doxen; H. O. radish 16-85o doaen; H. O. onions, 26-16c doxen ;egg plsnt, 13.10 doxent splnsoh. market price; hot house cukes, ' 13.50 doxen; bushel hssfcet Texas cukes, I8 60 basket :market basket cukes (about I asparagus, H. O., 60-76o dosen; Florida tomatoes (6 bssket crates) 87.10 cratet wax and green bvana, peas, market price. Nuts English walnuts, sack lots. !4e less 85c; No. 1 raw peanuts 10c; Jumbo raw peanuts. 13c; roast No. 1. 12o: roast Jumbo, 15c. Plants Cabbsge, per box, 1J.0O; toma. toes, per box, 11.00; pansy, 1 dosen bssket, II. 60; swset potatoes (per 100)) 11 00; other plants, market price. Farm Brings $225 an Acre. Beatrice, Neb., June 30. (Spe cial). John Ilerold of the Lewiston vicinity has purchased the J. H. Rhoten farm of 70 acres near Wy more for $225 an acre, which is be lieved to be the top price for land in this section. Mr. Herold recently bought the Lyman Bednar farm near Wymore for $190 an acre. A Safe, Permanent Investment WORTH OIL & REFINIDG CO. Capitalization, $100,000) $64,000 paid in Refinery located at Yale, Old. "Incorporated under the laws of Oklahoma." Headquarter at Fort Worth, Texas. PLANT IN OPERATION Free of debt. To facilitate more working operation capi tal the company is offering to THE PUBLIC $36,000 RESERVED TREASURE STOCK At $10 PAR QUICK ACTION IS NECESSARY This Is an opportunity tor quick thinker who sees an opportunity and ACTS. Don't delay a minute send your cheek by first mill, or wire us to hold stock (or you. In case of over-subscription your money will be Mfunded at once. MANUFACTURERS HIGH-GRADE LUBRICATING OILS Ready market for its products, SAFE MANAGEMENT, SAFE, PERMANENT INVESTMENT, NO PROMOTION, NO COMMISSION . FOR SELLING STOCK, ETC. INVESTIGATION INVITED .The employees of Armour ft Co., Vt. Worth plant, own about one-half stock already sold. Fill out the coupon sad mall today. No stock limed for less than five shares. . Worth Oil A Refining Co., Fort Worth, Tex. Enter my application for shares of Worth Oil Beflnuif Co., at Per Valus, f lo.OO. The enclosed cneca or money order is to pay for aame. Name .... Address r Worth Oil & Refining Company J. W. Winter, Pres. asd Gn. Mgr. P. M. Waltrlp, Vloe-Prei C. E. Scalai, Sec.-Traai. $1,154,050.00 27,187.69 2,986.22 844.47 " 8,541.90 671.40 210,861.53 $1,405,143.21 .$1,336,080.07 30,728.86 8,820.96 29,513.32 $1,405,143.21 I C E R S President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Attorney (jtsars and Tobacco, 1808 FstftianaJJ WILLIAM G. UBK, T-V vtty tJommleiioner. r THOS. F. GODFREY-' i.enenis so. .Agent Misso lro X7H 1st Nat IJ 1 I