"SiWqlt'.p.j i.faajwwi in ,i n:i. ii THE BEE OMAHA. MONDAY, JUNE SO, 1919. I:' j f IK i ,J I. i Want Ad Rates (Cash With Order.) ;e er word om Insertion 4a per "word for 1 consecutive Insertions 1c psr word for each sddltlonsl Insertion No ads tsken for less than a toul ot 20o or less thsn lie per day. CHARGE. llo psr 11ns (count 6 words to line) 1 time e per line each' Urns, I consecutlvs times la psr line es.cn time, 7 consecutlvs times ta per line each lime. JO consecutlvs times 512 . f,'Af"'r iFr in.- FI NEKAL NOTICES. Ida psr line eacb Insertion Minimum charge. 60 rents. Contract Rates on Application. "or convenience of advertisers, went sds will bs accepted at the following of- MA1W. OFFICE... Ames Off ics Lake Office Vinton Office ... Park Office South Bide 4410 North !0th St. ....2618 North I4th St. ...2467 South 16th St. ..2615 Leavenworth at. 2318 N St. THE BEE win not bs responsible for mora than one Incorrect insertion of an advertisement ordered for mors than one . PHONE TILER 1000. Evening Editions in-Ill v M Morning Editions 'V1J ? . 0 ' "sunrtsy Editions 10 P. M. Saturday. deathITfuneral notices. CRAY Owen, a ted S3 years, died at his residence. 4623 Dodge street, Omaha, after a short Illness. Survived by one son. William of Calloway, Neb . one daughter. Mary of Omaha. On brother In Ulysses, Neb. Funeral notice later. tYNAM Katherine, aged 36 years, sister of Wllllsm and Edward Lynam and - daughter of Mrs. Ellen Lynam, 2313 Bouth Fourteenth street. Funeral no- tics later. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. FRED E. FERO FUNERAL DIRECTOR I.sdy Attendsnt d and Cuming Sts. Phono Douglas 77. Auto ambulsnce. HEAFEY & HEAFEY, Undertakers and Embalmere. Phone H. 286. Office, 611 Karnam. . HULSE & RIEPEN Pioneer Funeral Directors. 701 B. ICth St. Phone Doug. 1226. TAGGART & SON UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS. Telephone Douglas 714. 8212 Cuming St STACK & FALCONER Independent Undertakers. 82d Far. H 64. 1 JOHN A. GENTLEMAN, Undertaker and Embalmer. l4.lt Tarnsm St. Harney DUFFY & JOHNSTON. Undertskers and Licensed Embalmers. 717 B. 16th StJ Tyler 1676. FLORISTS. LEE L. LARMON S 1814 Douglas St. Douglas 8244. 30HN BATH, 18th and Farnam. D. 3000 t. u.il.run 1619 Farnam. D. 1248 MONUMENTS & CEMETERIES TUB laraest display of monuments In the United States. FRANK SVOBODA, '1216 a nth. Phone Douglas 1872-6216. ATTRACTIONS. vnn .. I a uu kinds novelties, dolls, bull Hnn with diamond eyes. Give away Slum flash goods, etc. VINNICK'S NOVELTY HOUSE. 120 No. 15th Street Hiim.A nur hnnsa in Florence for rent. call at 2513 Ohio St. Sunday or after "LOST FOUND REWARDS. T"osT Between Paxton hotel and Lake view park, brown pocket book contain ing gold, currency and Jewelry. First ' National bank. Wood River, Neb.. atamped on outside. Leave at Bee of fice : SM) rewara. LCST Diamond and sapphire platinum bar pin valuable to owner aocount associa tion. Reward $50.00; no questions asked. Return Albert Edholm, Jeweler, 16th and Harney Streets. FOR ARTICLES LOST on street cars tele phono Tyler 800. Wa are anxious to re store lost articles to rightful owners. OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. RY. CO. 1 LOST Between Omaha and Oakland, la., 34x4 Hawkeys non-skid tire on rim; re ward. W KoriUta, 1250 S. 13th St. Tyler 1873. . LOST In H-yden's grocery department Saturday' afternoon, a small bill folder containing $103 In currency. Reward of -4-M if returned to Bee Office. . LOST Boston traveling bag; ilack, In Itlaic, E. C S., containing toilet aNIcles, shois. hat. etc. Reward. Walnut 1038. LOST Check book containing note, check and currency. iteiurn io xe unn-c. Liberal reward. , SMALL black hand pocketbook contain ing $12 and change. Liberal reward. Webster 869. LOST OR STOLEN Red cow. weight about 1.100 pounds. Reward of $50. Walnut 1480. LOST Firestone cord tire, 37x6 on rim. IjbLarrtPA"J1iyrleyjl01- FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Furniture and Household Goods. TOPMOST VALUES IN FURNITURE la our claim and by this wo mean Bet ter Furniture for Less Money. Furni ture aqua) in material, construction and design at a positive saving a dollar pent with the STATE FURNITURE CO. tor furniture will do a greater duty. We quote $19.75 dressers for $13.50; $27.60 dresser for $18.60; $35.00 dresser for $2.1.00; $35.00 Buffet for $24.76; $22.60 Chiffonier for $13.95. Bargains thrnui-hout everv line. We specialise on complete home outfits. Liberty bonds tftitikn at tifll. STATE FURNITURE COMPANY ll4th and Dodge Sts. Opp. U. P. Bldg. it'OR SALE One Ecllpss gas range, five- Durner ana oven, just ukb new, bhu Round Oak Chief steel range. This rang ha hot water back and can be used with or without connection to hot water tank. These are bargains. 2217 South 17th. Tyler 1723. FURNITURE bought, sold and exchanged Our motto Is: "Prices that satisfy you." $421 Cuming St.. Douglas 4569. SACRIFICE sale of household furnishings. Oood cash offer. Douglas 4977. Pianos and Musical Instruments. SWnQPTT' Tfl Everything in , XlUOr J!i ViKJ. art and music. ' ' Pianos for rent. $4.00 per month. Store and Office Fixtures. FURNITURE FOR OFFICE OR HOME. THE Ov- A SKANS CO.. 190$ FARNAM 8T DOUGLAS 7998. Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES We rent, repair, sell needles and parta. MICKEL'S ' NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 15th and Harney Sts. Doug. 19'. 3 TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES. VKW AND REBUILT. The most complete line of Typewrlt . and Adding Machines west or wnicaso. CaiT furnish any make at most my ,rir vau desire to nay. We rent and , repair all makes and will buy or .rade for your old machine. Every machine guaranteed. See us before you Buy CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE (Established over 16 years.) Douglas 4111. 10S Farnam St. uirirnii.T HAid rented. reDalred. Carbon paper, ribbons and supplies. Service guaranteed. Try us. Phone Doug. 6034. OFFICE EQUIPMENT iu.. 106 North 15th St. TYPEWRITERS, all makes, sold, rented and repaired. THE W. N. LONG COMPANY, JOS 8. 18th St. Tel. P. 39B9 Typewriters and Supplies. Tarn M.iiu-tion In sliahtlv used and re hull, tvuewrltera. Write for list. Mid- Isnd Office supply io.. n un8. RENT an Oliver Typewriter, three months for $6.00. Oliver Agency. 1905 Farnam St.. City. . Miscellaneous. - TiTJTM V Reliable old port. $1 UIVlINXa. srallon: grape cider. per 50c ' i. . ( all in 16-callon kers. Remittance with order. No charge for hers- return empties. Porto Beverage Co . 144 4 W Burt St. Phone Doug. 3453. FOR SALE First class machine toole. pert new, balance same as new. Milling ma . .ht. Shanar. drill press, etc. Also woodworking tools, hsnd Joiner band etc. Address T in. umans -rq. wiB buy. sell and make deake, afea. show h.Insf. etc. Omaha, Fixture ft Supply Co.. 11th and Douglaa. P. 27$4. CHERRIES, currants, gooseberries sad . rasnberrlea for sale at M. Rbra'g fruit farm, ilst and Military Ave, nu a u i sTT.i.nw CO. Ma'ireaaea mad over la new ticking t bail : the price of sew ones. Iei Cuming. ALL kinds of furniture must be sold at once, cheap. 35 m. mn. mr. FERKO Marine motor; fine shape. bargain, uongias b.ij. VINDLLNQ delivered. Ill load. Web. 46. WANTED TO BUY WANT TO, BUY HOMES i x H. A.WOLF CO. MEMBERS OMAHA REAL ESTATE BOARD. ELECTRIC BLDG. TYLEK 85. LIBERTY BONDS If you havs a Liberty bond to Mil, aes us. We pay spot cash for all Issues. Also buy partial payment receipts. 200 M'CAGUE BLDG. N. W. Cor. 16th and Dodge Bta. LIBERTY BONDS Including partial payment recelpta bought for cash; Immediate remittance 411 M'CAGUE BLDG. Highest Cash Prices Paid for LIBERTY BONDS a V--viol Psvmont RfrtlDtS. NATIONAL BOND CO., I0 World-Herald Bldg. Tyler 699 i inESTV RONP8. Ws pay the highest market price, with accrued Interest, less nominal charge. SEE US BEFORE YOU WiLL YOUR BONDS. . EDWIN T. SWOBE CO.. INVESTMENT SECURITIES. 1007 W. O. W. Bldg. iiiTnDT 1:11 T.1RKRTT BONDS. All issues bought. Special prices this week on 1st, 3d, and 5th issues, (jet them before selling or you will lose money We must have bonds of these Issues regardless of N. Y. market quota- Tyler2"3 3. 639 Securities inuaej pmw ir T :OT,li li p . Furniture ana nmu.vi Furniture, rugs, nnoMJuw, i" "". - stoves office lurnuure, m .,iit r. bedding. Mnen. loul- trv netting and garden tools. Better n,i. for less money. Credit If you ;-ui. 18.19-47 North 24th. Web. 1607. WANTED TO BUY ar.,h th. rtntiv bond Quotations In thla. naoer and get tlia market price tr vnnr f.lhrtv bonds. Corns to ua. E. H. LOUGEE. INC. 638-40 Keellne- til.lg. DESKSDESKS DESKS New desks; used desks nought sold and traded. J. C. Reed. 1201 Farnam, D. 146 1BSON COMMERCIAL COMPANY pays cash for LIBERTY BONDS. Special at tention to mall business. 317 McCague Building. LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS, HIGH SPOT CASH PRICES. HILL INVEST MENT CO.. 643 Securities (Rose) Bldg.. Omaha. RINO DOUG 3369 IF YOU HAVE .FUR NITURE, hUGS, OR OFFICE EQUIP MENT FOR SALE. WE PAY MORE. V A T T? nays highest prices for old I JLlIZt clothes, shoes and uunka Call Douglas 8028. WILL buy second-hand clothing, shoes and furniture. Ty!er 2698. A. Zavott. 706 North 16th St HIGHEST prices for your old clothes; ir i first and be convinced. Doug las 3444. HIGHEST prices paid for furniture, ruga, and stoves. Call Doug. 6567. WE buy old battery plates. Smelting and Kenning o. WAR Savings Stamps. Immediate cash. Harnev .,hS7. I WANT to Ibuy a house to be removea, north part. Call Webster 5035. BRING your Liberty Bonds to 207 Bran dels Thea.' Bldg. and get square deal. LIBERTY BOX DS boughtJUS fio. 17th St. ANNOUNCEMENTS. . Acordeon Pleating. ACCORDEON, side, knife, sunburst, box nieatine covered buttons, all sizes and styles; hemstitching, plcot edging, eya- let cut work, button holes, pennants. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO. 300-308 Brown Bldg. Phone, D. 1936. HEMSTITCHING, PLEATING. BUTTONS. ' n n VonArnam Pleating Co.. 412-17 Paxton Block. Phone. Doug. 3109. Appliances. ELECTRIC fans, $8.50 and up; washing machines, $59.50; vacuum cleaners, -17 no I.allev-Wllson Electrlo Co., 1307 Farnam. . Baggage and Express. "The Only Way" tt Sl Omaha Transrer t-o. Fisher Transfer Co., 417 So. 14th St. Tyler 4233. Chiropractors. Ethel Maltby, D. C. 312 Bee Bldg. D. 3072. Dr.' J. C. Lawrence. Balrd Bldg. T). "(.. Brass and Iron Foundries. PAXTON-M ITCH ELL CO., 27th and Martha Sts.. Omaha, Neb. Brass, bronze, aluminum and machine gray Iron castings. , Dancing Academies. KEEPS', Hotel Rome, closed lor summer. Will reopen in weptemper. KEI.-PINE DANCING ACADEMY. 2424 Farnam. Class and Prlv. lessons. D. 780. Dentists. Dr Bradbury. No pain. 921 W. O. W Bldg. Detectives. JAMES ALLAN $'2 dence secured In all cases. Tyler 1136. BEAR'S SECRET SERVICE ASSN. Everett Block. Council Bluffs. See first. FORMER U. ,S. revenue officer, vice free. Tyler 2730. Legal lid- Read The Bee-Want Ads for the best opportunities in bargains. ANNOUNCEMENTS Electrical Utilities. HTTT? iVTMElectric washing machines U XV XVI IN electric irons and reading lamps. 2223 Cuming St. Douglas 2519. Hat Cleaners. THE most up-to-date hat cleaning dept. In the city. Bring your hats in now and avoid the rush. Tyler 3299-J. LAMBROS. BROS.. 1521 Farnam St. Jewelry. DIAMONDShpaIrr.?negbrtoprb,uc? back at small profit, GROSS JEWELRY CO.. 402 N. ISih St. Red 6081. Lawyers. T. J. M'GUIRE, Lawyer, 108 Om. Nat. Office, Tyler 769. Res. 3218. Film Developing. M'CULLOUGH, photo finishing, best ma terial, best workmansnip, copying " enlarging a specialty. Mail orders so licited. 6403 soutn asm ot. DEVELOPING and printing. one-aay service. Photo crart tsnop, imi rmmu. FILMS developed free. Mall orders so licited THE E.NSItiS l""' no"'""- Insurance. INSURES AGAINST TORNADOES Accident and Sickness AWRENSON 300 BEE BLDG TYLER 1606. Osteopaths. DR. MABEL WESSON. 614 Brandels Bldg. T. 2960. H. 4741. Patents. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. In ternational Fateni to., es di D. 6691. Painting. PAINTING. painted J. Nau. walls, wall paper Walnut 4567. cleaning. Remodeling Contractors. LESSARD & SON'. 2021 Cunning. Ty. 16 Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announcementa and printing Douglas Printing Co. ei. Douglas 44. Silos. KRETCHMER MFG. CO. COUNCIL BLUFFS, IA. "HAS YOUR SILO." Safes. SAFES j3 BARGAINS 1212 Farnam. J. Deright Safe Co. Tailors. -VICTORY TAILORS have opened up at 1613 Capitol Ave Tailor-made Suits a Specialty. ilAX SCHWARTZ, ladies tailor; 614 Pax tor block, moved to 205 Crounse block. Dledrkk. P. L.. 21 S. 20'h. Tailor. P. .433 Printing. Wedding Stationery U. 3. Printing Co.. Bee Bids. Phone D. 1-78 Tdlliver Printing Co,y.M St. 183L Commercial Printers. - Mary's av. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Stationery. OMAHA Stationery Co.. 307-9 South 17th. Towel Supplies. Frontier Towel Sup. 201 S. 11th D. 6291. Omaha Towel Supply. 207 8. 11th. D 628. Miscellaneous. special, imnorted Italian cheese. Im ported Italian Galame. Kiaito ueiica- tassen, 15th and Douglas. VISIT oupr( new Delicatessen Store. Open Sunday. 803 S. Uth St. Miscellaneous. ALL kinds of hats cleaned and blocked. 1520 Harney St. Keo 4ts. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE OR TRADE A restaurant th nut tiinff comDieie: duiiuuik. rood location, good trading town, will 1,.. fnr nm land, but rather selL Want to go west. Write for particulars to M. H. Cllek. Owner, Arcaaia, nea. A NO. 1 CAFE for rent in gooa live town of 13.000 lnnaouanis; win ii people; fully equipped; rent reasonable; long lease In the heart of the city. If Interested address Mohney Bros., Hotel Terry. Fremont, Neb. . PAINTERS NOTICE. Annual election of business agent and delegates will be held Monday evening, room 309, Labor Temple. S. E. Jack son. Recording Sec'y., Local 109. 12-ROOM apartment house, equipped with Ice boxes and gas ranges; best location In town: always full. 538 takes It Box K-39, Omaha Bee. CANDY KITCHEN FOR SALE Good lo cation for restaurant ana canuy Address Hamburg Candy Kitchen. Price $2,300. RESTAURANT and 16 furnished room for sale, reasonable after July 4. Will clear over $3,600. Three year lease yet. Ad dress Ross Robert. McCook. Neb. uunTn rTtktkksS' No. 1 up-to-date; small town with rich well Improved territory; good opening ror a uvo Address, Lock Bax 71. Casey, la. FOR Sale Exclusive millinery shop in progressive town. Excellent trade. No competition. Address Graham Hat Shop. Adair. Ia. FOR SALE Good paying grocery busi ness. Inquire J. J. Schneider, 1242 S. Kth. or telephone Douglas 1824. FOR SALE Grocery store doing strictly ,,.h hnanR. stock and fixtures st sac rifice. Webster 4952 or Douglas 7626. I FOR SALE City cafe, at reasonable price. Address box jus, cars v-n Plainvlew, Neb. FOR SALE Good paying grocery store. Walnut 3564. SITUATIONS WANTED. Male Painting, papering and general house repairing. Red 6478. THE BEE will publish tree a situation- wanted ad under tnis ciassuicuuuu . soldiers, sailors and marines who will show their discharge papers at ',ur office In the lobby of The Bee building. Seventeenth and Farnam DISCHARGED Soldier wants work as agent or collector. o.cqi guages. Call South 2934. Joseph Novct nv. 5131 South 19th Street . CHAUFFEUR, married, wishes position Wltn private lainuy ; uwt ui iciwmv. Phnne Harney 1694. YOUNG MAN desires general office work. Has mall ordiT and sales correspondence experience. Box K-22, Bee. EXPERIENCED lady. -Ing. Harney 61(iX, ironing and clean- YOUNG man, O. H. S. and Boyles grad uate desires position as beginner stenog rapher; references. Walnut 991. carmrrk wa can furnish you farm hands: wire, write or phone. Savage's Labor Agency. 210 S. 12th bt. D. 7879 WANTED Few hours' work In evening along clerical line. Call Harney 3130. WANTED General office work, clerical experience. Harney 3130 BOY wants work for summer. Call Red 8414. Laundry and Day Work WANTED Day work by experienced colored woman. Phone D. 2466. BUNDLES, curtains, call and deliver. blankets laundered; Webster 4283. BUNDLE washing, .day work wanted. Webster 3956. SWEEPING and cleaning. Webster 4815. I'.Y WORK wanted Call Webster 6920 DAY WORK wanted, fall Webster 4224. HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. RAILWAY mail clerks needed, $1,100 $2,000: woik'IS days monthly, paid full time: ra iroad pass- hotel allowance. Write, Ozment, 132 St. Louis He con ducted examinations. USE the Marti service In securing a high class commercial position. THE MARTI CO., 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. Professions and Trades Bakers' Helpers. Apply J. Burns Baking Co., 20th and Cuming Sts. WANTED FREIGHT HANDLERS. S HOURS PER DAY. APPLY UNION DEPOT. OFFICE AMERICAN RAIL WAY EXPRESS. WANTED Optical bench man, must re competent and fully experienced as in all around optical bench mechanic. Sal ary" S30 ner week. Expenses to St. Louis to be paid by us. Address, Aloe Optical Co., St.' Louis, Mo. REGISTERED druggist, single; must lie registered in North Dakota or state that reetDrocates. Good chance foi right fellow. Answer at once, stating salary, experience, etc. Y-678, Omaha Bee. HART-PARR COMPANY, founders of the tractor industry, Charles City, Ia., want 5 experienced J. & L. operators; piece work and good hourly rates; open shop; n labor trouble; state age, experience and salary first letter. WANTED An architectural draftsman: steady nosltton: give full particulars in first letter stating experience and salary expected. Architectural and Engineer ing company, Pocateiio. Ida.. Box 430. WANTED Reliable, efficient married man for farm work, $75 per month; separate house, cow, garden, fuel. Come or give full particulars in first letter. Martin Mischke. Crofton, Neb. WANTED First class car repairers and rough carpenters with tools to work n freight car body work, 68e per hour. Apply at Cass Street Gate. U. P. Shops. 7 a. m. WANTED Experienced, hustling, piano salesman. ' Man who wants permanent position; excellent proposition. A. Hospe Co., Council Bluffs, Ia. WANTED Experienced store man, capa ble of managing department. Not under 25; good salary to start. Address Box K-34 omnna Bee. WANTED Three or four first class tire repair men. State age, experience aal ary expected in first letter. Year Tire & Rubber Co., Sioux Falls, S. D. WANTED Good all-around carpenters. steady work all summer and fall, 81c per hour. S. Holtze & son. 1921 uoug- Iss St.. Sioux City. Iowa. FIREMEN, BRAKEMEN. $150-$200 monthly, experience unnecessary; write send stamp. Railway Association. Care Bee. Y-546. AUTO painters; good Job. steady work, for high-grade men. F. P. Barnum Co., 2122 Cuming St. WANTED Granite ietterer at once. The Cherokee Monument Works Cherokee. I'wa. , ELECTRICIAN WANTED Man who does his own work and can use good helper. Call Webster 1640; CEMENT packers. steady work, big wages. Northwestern Sates Portland Cement Co., Mason City. Ia. EXPERIENCED shoemaker wanted, good machine operator. 1408 N. 24th St. Webster 4592. START right. Los Angeles Y. M. C Auto school. Service men. HOUSEMAN wanted at once. Apply Wise Memorial Hospital. Salesmen and Solicitors SALESMAN, LACE AND EMBROIDERY IMPORTERS, WORK established trade Nebrsska and adjoin ing terltory, excellent opportunity right man with estsWJIshed trsde smaller towns. Fuld. 1140 Broadway, New York. WANTED Live salesman with car to soli a commodity that Is an absolute neces sity to farmers. Must have experience selling to farmers. Will stand the clos ' est Investigation. This is a real Job for a man willing to work; no money to advance. Address Box K-J5 Omaha Bee. HELP WANTED MALE Salesmen and Solicitors. HAVE OPENING FOR TWO SALESMEN IN SOUTH DAKOTA AND NEBRASKA TODD PROTECTOGRAPH CO.. 430 WORLD-HERALD BLDCt. WANTED. Salesman for electric and other signs. We have the largest variety of trade designs and mechanical electric signs ever shown In the west; 115 to $60 and better made dally by real salesmen; commission paid promptly; no sdvance; exclusive territory. Best season now ap proaching. AMERICAN SIGN & NOVELTY CO. 1218 Harney Street. WANTED Salesmen for Iowa, with car, to sell direct to farmer on a commis sion bssls; must be honest and furnish references; also must have some past experience dealing with farmers. If you can qualify, ws teach you how and will demonstrate that this job will pay J100 per week and up, with expenses. No money to advance. Address K69, Omaha Bee . IF YOU can sell insurance and can come clean you can obtain a liberal contract In good territory with an established company offering a full Una of standard policies. No stock-selling or organisa tion proposition. Address Lock Box 823. Omaha, Neb. SALESMAN with $800 to Invest, with serv ices. In established installment Jewelry company. Shares In profits of business. Box K-18. Omaha Bee. RETURNED officers and soldiers who ure willing to begin at $36 weekly, call at 1814 St. Mary's Ave. inquire lor Mr. Hixenbaugh. ' Boys BOYS FOR GOOD EVENING ROUTES APPL1 BEE PARK STATION. 2615 LEAVENWORTH Trade Schools. AUTO SCHOOL Electrical work a ape cialty. Free catalog. National Auto School. 2814 North 20th St.. Omaha Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Experienced cafeteria help for Sundays and holidays. See Mr. Mint at Manawa pa-rle WANTED Middle aged single man to do ' the cleaning andJake care of office at nlghi Oguen Hotel, council biuiis, ia WANTED Four voung men to wait ta bles: good wages. Apply (iatiron Cafe. St. Mary's Ave, and 17th St. WANTED Experienced help for refresh ment stands for Sundays ana noiiqjvs See Mr. Scholes. Manawa park. WANTED 9433. -A cook at once. Call Douglaa Miscellaneous. WANTED. 15 GOOD STEADY MEN FOR FACTORY WORK. NEBRASKA & IOWA STEEL TANK 1300 WILLIS AVE. Laborers and Mason . Tenders Wanted, at Home Builders' U. P. Shops. POSITIONS, locations etc., for druggists, dentists, doctors, nurses, veterinsrians F. V. Kniest. 212 Bee Bldg.. Omaha HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. STENOGRAPHERS, $100-$90-$86. Beginner stenographer, $60-$65. rnshUr. nlcture show. $12 week. BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASS'N. 917 W. O. w. mag. WANTED Good stenographer with clvl cal exnerience: cannot use beginner; po sltlon permanent. Phone Doug. 94 Fleming evenings, Colfax 2556. STENOGRAPHERS $100-$90-$85-$80-$75, Co., 1138 First Nat Watts Reference Bank. Professions and Trades. AN EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY LEARN TELEPHONE OPERATING. PER MANENT POSITIONS THE WORK IS CLEAN, IN TERESTING AND IMPORT ANT. OFFERS MANY OP PORTUNITIES ' FOR AD VANCEMENT. STEADY EM PLOYMENT IN HEALTHFUL SURROUNDINGS. Good salary to start and frequent In creases at regular intervals. VACATIONS GIVEN EACH YEAR WITH - PAY. YOUNG WOMEN. 17 YEARS OF AGE OR OVER. APPLY TO C. F. LAMBERT- NEBRASKA TELEPHONE COMPANY. ROOM 613. NEW TELE PHONE BUILDING. NINETEENTH AND DOT-'-. .A" STREETS WANTED Chocolate Bon Bon dipper. Enlov a season of Colorado climate Wallace, 109 Exchange Place, Colorado Springs. WANTED Experienced shirt Albert Cahn, 1322 Farnam St, makers. WANTED Film inspectors; experience nor necessary. Famous Players-asny cor poration, 208 S. 13th St.. omana. .eo. GOOD hand ironers for two or three dsys a week. 30c ..per hour. Call Walnut 920. Saleswomen and Solicitors. SALESLADIES WANTED For the busiest Resdy-to-Wear Department of the biggest De partment Store In Sioux City. Must be thoroughly experienced, of good personality and capable of earning the utmost In salary and Tonus. Permanent positions. None better anywhere. Write, with full par ticulars about experience, age. etc., to Superintendent. DAVIDSON BROS. CO., ' Sioux City, Iowa. Household and Domestics. WOMAN, white or colored, for general housework on modern farm, 20 miles from city One whole day off every oth er week. Use of car to and from city. Top wages. Harney 3461. WANTED Thoroughly competent house maid; family of two; cook and laun dress keut: call in person with refer ences. 3722 Dewey Ave., or Telephone Harney 393. GIRL for general ftousework, small fam ily, no children; good home; good wages. Harney 1166. 544 Park Ave. References. WANTED Housekeeper. Must be good with clldren. Roy wells, noire, ia. R. R 2. wanted Girl for general housework good psy. no washing. Call at 2214 F St. WANTED Maid for nurses' home. ply at once. Clarkson Hospital. WANTED At once a white wash lady. 2511 Capitol Ave. WANTED White girl for general house work. Phone Walnut 24ZQ. Hotels and Restaurants. w k vt irn tMrlle-ared colored chamber maid for colored hotel. Nice cnance lor the right party. Apply in person, war den hotel. Sixteenth and Cuming. TWO waitresses wsnted hours. Flatiron Cafe, Ave. at once;- short 1720 St. Marys WANTED Experienced chamber maids for half-day's work. Hours from 1$ iO (. Apply Clalrmont Inn. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED A cook and waitress. Apply Central Hotel, 11th and Dodge. Gaod wages. VVANTED First cook. Apply Wlss Me morial hospital, call ryier imi. WANTED A lady cook at once. Call Douglas 9433. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted at New Model restaurant, 13th and Harney. Miscellaneous. ENO'S of, Council Bluffs wants experi enced help In hair dressing ana manicure rarlors. Call at once, jeiepnono v, or write, GIKLS over 18 for cabaret snow; musi be ladles at all times; sieauy this show Is booked solid. Call Red 30(18. HELP WANTED. Male ana Female anted Bright young man or woman for cigar and sundries salesman. Apply to general office, secona nour, ium- teenth and Farnam. Sherman & McDon nell Drug Cck WANTED Men, ladles and boys to lain barber trade: big demana; wages wnn learning; strictly modern. Call or write 1403 Dodge St. Tri-Clty Barber Coll?. WANTED An experienced mumgrapn operator. Apply 40 City national Bank Bldg. ; HAVE 6,000 barley sacks torepair: win deliver and call tor same. Feed Store. 801 N. lBtn St- TEACHERS WANTED Registration free. Inler-Mountaln West Serlco, inc.. ugaen. Utah. WANTED r An elevator operator. Apply room 401 Electric Building EDUCATIONAL.- DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL BOYLES COLLEGE. Students are admitted at any tltca. Complete course In accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry, short hand and typewriting, stenotypy. rail road and wireless telegraphy, civil S9rv-r ics and all English and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Douglas 1565 for large illustrated catalogue. Address, BOYLES COLLEGE, Bowles Building. Omaha, Neb. DWORAK SCHOOL OF ACCOUNTING Day and Evaning Classes. Short courses In Shorthand. Typewrit ing, operation of Comptometer and Bur roughs Calculating and Bookkeeping machines. Call, write or telephone DWORAiC SCHOOL Or AUCUUNTinu, 18th and Farnam Sts. Phone Doug. 7416. ACCOUNTANCY BE A v a '0 The highest paid profession taught thor oughly In a lew montns or nomo nun bv new system. FREE BOOK. international Accountants Society. 638 Paxton Bldg. Omaha. Neb. LEARN Mother shorthand and typewrit ing in our day school or Dy man. ope clal short summer course for Gregg writers. Omaha Business College, 7tb floor Bee Bldg. Douglas 6628. Van ejant School of Business. Dav and Evening Schools. 120 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglaa 6890. ANNIE E. GLASCOW. voice and piano, 503 Karbach Blk. Studio pnone nca 185. 209 South 15th St. FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room; modern private home, walking distance, gooa neighborhood. Must be seen to be ap preciated. Webster 1401. ROOMS for rent, both sleeping and llgnt housekeeping. 1711 uoage. one-nan block from postofflce, right on car line to depot FURNISHED room In private home, 31st Ave. and, Farnam St.; Dusiness woman preferred; references required. Harney 1483. BEAUTIFUL, cool, airy room for gentle man, In strictly modern private nonie; shower bath. Call Harney 6968. i HOTEL FLOMAR, 17th and Capitol Ave. Rooms with running water, special rates for permanent guests. , LOVELY, furnished rooms, privats home; good neighborhood. 221? Boutn e.a Ave. Harney B225 CLEAN, cool room In strictly modern pri vate home; walking distance; near cr. Harney 1913. y 14 NORTH 19th; nicely furnished room; modern; convenient, walking distance. ONE large front sleeping room, Just dec- crated. 2120 l alliornia. LIGHT housekeeping and sleeping rooms for men only. Sunshine Apartments, ov N. 17th St. FOR RENT Rooms, large and small. 418 North 25th St. Tyier odu. LARGE south 3215 California. Harney 4352. TWO single or light housekeeping rooms. Modern. WebRter 4(. 1812 CAPITOL Ave., modern furnished rooms. NICE, cool south rooms, hot and cold water in rooms. 1722 Capitol Ave. NICE cool sleeping rooms In quiet neigh borhood. 918 . ana Wt. tiarney inu. 2103 DOUGLAS Cool sleeping rooms, run ning water; two piocks west rmumguj. Housekeeping Rooms. Tim niietii rooms complete for house- U nnnlnir on bathroom Iioor. Busier 2471. or Webster 4027. 3007 South 20th. Two good housekeeping rooms, furnished completely FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. BLACK STONE HOTEL One. two or three room spartments 36th and Farnam Streets Phone Harney 945 EL-BEUDOR APARTMENTS. 1STH AND DODGE STREET. Two snd three-room apartments, com nletely furnished. Hotel service. Tyler 4200. 3 ROOMS and bath, complete furnished onartmont. near 2tjth ana narney, uu rtadv to move Into, $50. D. 1734 or D. 6499. Houses. COMPLETELY furnished attractive -room house for summer months; Dun dee. Walnut 37 NICELY furnished cottage in Bemis park. Phone Walnut 1342. FOR RENT HOUSES. South. BIRKETT & CO. Real estate;, sell, insure and rent. 250 Bee Bldg Douglas 633. LARGE ROOMS, second floor, $10.00; 4411 South 26th St. Tyler 1812 J. Miscellaneous. PETERS TRUST CO., Specialists In Apartment management. LIST your propertv tor rent or sale with FIRST TRUST COMPANY. Realtors. Tyler 729. fREinH SONS CO.. HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY Doug 200. "yv Pee piqg. FOP RENT Business Propertv Stores. GOOD store looms. 15tb and Douglas """WORLD REALTY COMPANY. Phone, Douglas 6342. 715 3. 24th. 14x60 .$20 00 WALSH-EUMEK WO. 333 Securities Bldg. Tjller i636 STORE $50 mo. G. P. Stebbins, 1610 Chicago. WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished Apartments & Houses FOR- RENT 4-room modern suite; electricity and gas furnished Phone, Harney . Miscellaneous. WANTED Room and garage; young man would like room In private lamuy on North Side of city; prefer private gar age. Address Box Y-676, Omaha Bee. MOVING AND STORAGE. GLOBE VAN AND STORAGE CO. For real service in hauling or storage call Tyler 230 or Doug. 4338. auto or wagon service. FIDELITY llSfvA-N CO. 16TH AND JACKSON. DOUG. 288. STORAGE. MOVING. PACKING. REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE COMPLETE LIST OF ALL VACANT HOUSES; and APARTMENTS. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and planoa: moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA-VAN AND STORAGE CO. 806 South 16th. Doug. 4163 SARATOGA VAN and STORAGE CO. COLFAX 601. MOVING. PACKING STORAGE. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. 1 Owned br H. R. Bowen Co. Trier 1400. MOVING AND STORAGE. by I WE will furnish you any also truck hour, month or year. HARTUNG'SVr'anafer CO. 1211 HOWARD ST. TYLER 17 UNION TRANSFER CO. Let us estimate your moving, pecking and storage. 1S0S Davenport. Doug. $908. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. WEST FARNAM DISTRICT. Owner leaving city. Will aell 7-room modern home. 3310 Dewey. Phone Har ney 4402. NEW, -up-to-date. 6 rooms, oak finish, fine location; price, $5,250; terma; location 611 N. 47th St. Norrls & Norris. P. 4270. List your property with J. J. MULVIHILL, 200 Brandels Theater Bldg. Doug. 98. WE have cash buyers for West Farnam and Dundee homes. Phone Douglas 6074 and we will call and Inapect your property. Shuler & CarT. North. MINNE LUSA homes and lots offer the best opportunity to Invest your money. Phone Tyler 187. We Have Property for Rent or Sal.. AMERICAN SECURITY CO. 202 South 17th St. Doug. 6013 3-ROOM house, 2 lots in garden, fenced. $1,000. $300 down, rent payments for balance. H. G. Foster. 3919 N. 42d St. YOUNG A DOHERTY. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT. 332 BRANDE1S THEATER. P. 17E1. South. 826 FOREST AVE., $5,250. Seven-room, two-story, all modern house, very conveniently arranged and In the best part of the South Side dis trict. $1,000 cash will handle. Contract has been 1ft (or painting and this price includes this exepnse. 'Arrange with this office for inspection. GLOVER & SPAIN, 919-920 City National. Douglas 3962. 5-ROOM COTTAGE, $1,100 $2Q0 DOWN. 2411 Castellar St. Large living room and two bedrooms upper floor; dining room, kitchen, store room, bath and basement lower floor; gas, sewer, city water. $12.50 per month, hi block to 24th street car. Hastings & Heyden, 1814 Harney St. Phone Tyler 50. $18,000 FOR 93 FT. frontage, near 19th and St. Mary's ave., very good Improve ments; sure to be business property -soon. $11,750 for business property on 18th' St.. occupied by brick flats. RASP BROS., 212 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 721. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW Nearly new, occupied one year, mod. Price, $3,600; $300 cash, balance like rent- A. W. TOLAND. D. 8707 694 Brandels Bldg. Miscellaneous. FOUR-ROOM stucco cottage: full lot. $2,000. Easy terms. C. D. ARMSTRONG, Realtor. Tel. Douglas 1280. 325-8 Securities Bldg. HAVE Inouiries for good homes In good locations. Do you want to sell your property. List it with C. A. urtmmel. 849 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. H)R SALE 8-room arartment. beauti fully furnished, on car line and walking distance to town. Phone, Douglas 6760 CLOSE-IN INVESTMENTS. Leavenworth St.. Capitol ave.. Cuming at. PAYNE A SLATER COMPANY. Dg. 1016. NEAR Hanscom park, 1-r. nouse, on large corner, lot, with garage ana snea ror storage. J. W. Rohblns. Douglas 529 FOR SALE Two 6-fOom cottages to be movf-d, in good repair. xraver cros., 819 First Nat. Bank. BARGAINS In homes. Investments prop erties tad acreage near Omaha. Hani son ft Morton. 916 Omahs Nat Bk Bldg REAL ESTATE-Business Property BUSINESS property and Investment. A f. TUtiY a: our. 420 First National Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE WILL trade cash building lot in idlact location, 45-foot front by 127 feet ror new automobile. Phone South 3t04 RAL ESXAXEi UNIMPROVED. South. BIG BARGAIN LOTS. 81.00 DOWN. $1.00 A WEEX buys fine garden tract, 47x132; omy J blocks from West Center car line and one block to paved street; high and sightly, black soil: prices f-'J and $340. TUG BJKDW U., 1612 Farnam. Douglas 297. FOR SALE Two lots, 50x150, just south of Elmwood park. Address x-oiz. Omaha Bee. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE Bargain for cash. Choice corner lot. 2 blocks from aiacKstone hotel, 37th and Dodge streets. Address J. W. Hohne, 3837 S. 23d. Phone S. 3604. . REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Benson. $3,250. 6-room bungalow, one-half block to car In Benson: fine repair; terms. $500 cash, balance $30 per month. BENSON 6c CAKMlCHASU 643 Paxton Block. Tyler 3540. NEW oak bungalow, fine condition, east front, corner lot: price 4.4uu; easy terms: $500 cash. Call days. Doug. 1734. Council Bluffs. FOR SALE. 10 lots located at the corner of 27th street and 6th avenue, with sewer snd water In street. Inquire of owner. ouis Schneider, Wlckham Block. Council Bluffs. Ia. 7-ROOM HOUSE, close to school; away from mud and water, uerms. uu Red B54. Dundee. ONE OF DUNDEE'S FINEST BUILDING SITES. Southwest corner of Happy Hollow boulevard and Dodge street, 136x167: paving paid; ideal building site; best buy on the boulevard; price for quick sale, $5,500. J. L. HIATT CO., 00 FIRST NATIONAL PHONE flO FOR homes or vacant property in Dun dee See GEORGE & CO. Realtors 902 City Nat. Bk. BUlg. Doug. 756 We specialize in Dundee homes. C. B. STUHT CO., 912-14 City National. Douglas 8787. FOR SALE A most desirable lot in Dundee. Located on sist hi.. lourin ioi south of Dodge. Price right for Im mediate sale. Harney 4928. South Side. JAS. J. FITZGERALD, 4931 Soutn ZlO St., 'Insurance." Buy ano sen property. Real estate mortgage loana promptly made. IF you want a real home at a bargain. you should see jas. n nopieis. mm tate investments. 4733 South 24th St. A. W. JONES, Soutn umana, ouys, sens. exchanges all kinds oi properly, ror results, quick action, see us REAL ESTATE-OTHER CITIES BLOCK OF 12 LOTS. Council Bluffs, right between trie two cmes; gooa ugu ground and Improving steadily around It; fine for home or Investment t $1,200 for the bunch. McOee Real Estate. Co.. 105 Pearl St.. Council Bluffs GOING east, will sacrlllce my equiry in three fine lots near tenter ac. car mc. P. O Box 9fi. Sioux Hty, la. REAL ESTATE WANTED. BUNGALOWS WANTED. We have cash buyers for well located bungalows and renldencea worth Ihe money. For quick results Ilst with us. ONEIL'S R. E. & INS. AGENCY. 6.12-6 Brandels Theater Bldg. Tel. Tyler 1024. I HAVE a man who will buy your . proved property ana pay casn iur but the price must be right. GEORGE F. JONES. REALTOR. 926 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug 1945 It. MODERN five or six-room bungalow or cottage; must lie oargain. nave and good touring car as first payment or equity. Address K-9. Omaha B-". your property wun us. we nave tor nomes ana iiivenimiioii. McCAGUE INV. CO.. Phone D. 416. 15th and Dodge. IF your property Is lur esle or rent, list It with the AFRO-AMERICAN REALTY CO.. 2706 Lake. Webster 640. - for 'eSs T'i srrt' lt I 00 Bee Bld. Tvler 160$. REAL ESTATE WANTED, FOR quick aalea list your properly with w. u. 9nsivv 1047-f Om. Nat. Bk. BldsT. Doug. 13( LIST your property for aale with J. H. Robinson for quick sales. 441 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglaa 8097. HAVE buyers for 7 or 8-roora houses. Intel-State Realty Co. 2620 Farnam. Tjler 4316. WANTED to hear from owner of farm for sale. Mrs. W. Booth, H. P. 8ta., Dea Moines, Ja. WANTED 6-room all-modern bungalow, north side of city preferred. Call Web ster 331. FINANCIAL. Private Miney. SHOPEN A COMPANY. Doug. 4228. Real Estate, Loans and Mortgages. $100 to $10,000 MADE promptly F D. Wead. Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam. WE are looking for someone to Invest In established and growing business. In vestment "will grow with business. Box K-58. Bee. MONEY to lend on Improved Real Estate. Interest payable eenil-annually. W. H. THOMAS & SON. 228 Keellne Bldg CITY and farm loans: 5l and ( per cent: no delay. J. H. Dumont Co.. 41$ Keeline Bldg. LOW rates without delay. C. O. CARLBERG, 312 Brandels -Theater Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1016 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg.' Doug 71C. Miscellaneous. WANTED TO BORROW $7,600 on first mortgage at 6 per cent on $18,000 In come property. Address Box K-19. Omaha Bee. FARM AND RANCH LANDS. Acreage. 30 ACRES. A finely Improved forty, lying about three miles from Benson and three miles from Florence. Land Just has enough slope for (rood drainage. Ex cellent orchard, all kinds of small fruit, grapes, raspberries, currants, gooseber ries, strawberries, asparagus, alfalfa, small pasture and good fcm land. Im provements are exceptionally fine. Eight-room house, thoroughly modern, hot water heat, electric lights, fine large barn, with hay mow, good fencer. All outbuildings In excellent shape. This Is an ideal place near Omaha for the money. $600 per acre. D. V. SHOLES CO., REALTORS. 915-17 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Douglss 46. THIS IS A BARGAIN Why pay $1500 per acre when you ran buy 60 or 120 acres 4 miles west of Falracre for one.third. On Dodge road, good lmp:overm nU lays high and level. Nothing like It. For Information See Ryan Real Estate or Shultz at Elk horn. Call South 1371. THE BEST 20 ACRES of Improved land In Douglas county, located at 70th and Mason, overlooking the Ak-Sar-Ben field; will sell for $20,000; terms to suit See oWner. Phone Webster 2404. Arkansas Lands. PLANTATIONS and timber aoutheastern Arkasas. W. S. FRANK. 202 Neville Blk. lands In Colorado Lands. LOW PRICED EASTERN COLORADO LAND. Come with us next Tuesday for the Flagler district and secure a farm where prices are still low $25 to $40. Don't wait phone us today. D. 4264. Shedd Investment Company, Railway Ex change, Omaha. WRITE me for list and best price and terms of Eastern Colorado lands. Have large list of Cheyenne. Kiowa and Kit Carson counties. Would also like to hear frlm dealers and agents. A. N. MITCHEM, 306 Gas & Elec. Bldg., Denvei Colo. 30,000 ACRES choice raw or Improved Lin coln Co., Colo., lands. Bargains. Easv terms. See J. L. Maurer. Arriba, Colo Missouri Lands. LARGE PASTURE. 9,000 acres all under fence, abundance of water, six miles from railroad. 10' catcd in Dent county, Missouri; now pasturing 800 cattle: 1.000.000 mining props on land, Price, $5 per acre terms If desired. F. E. Denison. Rolls, Mo Minnesota Lands. GERMANY HAS - SIGNED We have the signature that means money to you If you get busy Inside of ten days from date. LISTEN. Mobbed and ordered out of the country. We have his holdings of twelve hundred acres of beautiful land, every acre tillable, and best of soil. The cream of southeastern Minnesota located twenty-five miles north of the Iowa line, seventy-two miles south of the Twin Cities In a sure cropping country. Thers are 6 fine sets of buildings on this land that you would be proud of. Clog-? to good up-to-date towns, schools and churches. Write today for price and terms. Address box K 87, Omaha Bee. 240-ACRE Improved farm 60 miles from Minneapolis, one-half under cultivation: balance meadow and pasture land, no waste land; 6-room house, corn-crib. granary, barn that will hold 30 Bead ot cattle and six horses, hoghouse and chicken house, good well of water. Price $17.60 per acre, $2,000 cash, balance five years, 6 per cent. Schwab Bros., 1028 Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis. Minn. Nebraska Lands MOST EXCELLENT ALFALFA LAND FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. We have 320 A. all level alfalfa-land; In fact this will make one of the choic est alfalfa farms In any community: good, rich soil, bottom land, 10 to 14 feet to water; two good wells, also creek of running water on this place; never overflows; story and a half house, two years old. In splendid condition; barn, corncrib, chicken house, hog house and corral; located on the main road three miles from Benkelman, county seat of Dundy. Price $66 per acre; one-half cash, balance to Tun from five to seven years at six (6) per cent Interest. This place Is a money-maker and will sell soon. Will never stand long at the very reasonable price offered; must be looked into at once. We have some fine tracts of land In this vicinity for sale. If In terested write or wire us Immediately. Benkelman Is located on the main line of the Burlington and Is a flourish ing business town; has three good banks, two of which have $1,000,000 on deposit; two large elevator", two drug stores, two lumber yards, four garages, three hardware and Implement dealers, five busy general stores, fopr churches, namely. Catholic, Methodist, Presby terian and Lutheran. It Is an actual fact, this is one of the most enterprising little towns from Lincoln to Denver. Benkelman Investment Co.. Benkelman. Neb. A REAL BARGAIN IN REAL ESTATE. 320 Acres wheat land, six and oie half'(6W) miles from main line of the C. B. & Q. R. R. In Dundy county. Neb. 190 A. In wheat this year which will yield, without a doubt from 25 to 35 bu, per acre At 30 bu. per acre, the 190 acres would yield a total of 5.700 bush els and at the Government price of $2.00 per bushel, would bring $11,400. We can sell you this entire 3 ID A. for $9,900, which Is $1,500 less than the wheat crop for this year will bring. This tract is all level, except about 20 acres In the southeast corner which Is a little rough and cannot be broke very easily. This is one of the best bargains we know of In the entire wst and is bound to sell within five months fnr a great deal more money. Cash, $5,000 down, balance In five years at six per cerA 6) Interest. If you become Interested, write or wire us at once. BENKLEMAN INVESTMENT CO., Benklemnn, Nehr. 1920 acres six miles from town and R. R. Southern Sheridan county, about 100 acres In cultivation, 40 acres In sweet clover snd alfalfa, will cut about 200 tons wild hay this year, all fenced and cress fenced, from 10 to 50 feet to water, poor Improvements, a real stork grazing proposition. Price $12.60 per acre. Terms. A. A. Patzman. $01 Karbach Blk.. Omaha. Omaha. ICO acres, five miles N. W. of Ogalal a, Neb. 80 acres In cultivation, all tillable. -..!.. kia tnr trartnr farming, small buildings, ail fenced in 1918. Price $65 00 per acre; $1,800 cash: $3,600 ..--..I. i 1Q90 Rnlsrire 5 years, 6 per cent. A. A. Patzman. 301 Karbach Blk., Omaha IF YOU wish to buy. sen or ex. n eastern Nebrsska farm land call first on Paul Peterson, 304 Brsndeia thesier I offer farm loans lowest rates, best terms. KIMBALL County. Neb.. Laramie cou.ity Wyoming, farm land: particulars from r. V NELSON. 616 Omaha Natl. Bank Bldg. MERRICK COUNTY. Unproved corn ud alfalfa farms At the right price. M. A LARSON. Cntral City, Nfb. FOR Western Nebrasks and Eastern Colo rado lands s-e held Land co.. 64 Brandels H'dir WRITE m for pictures and prices of my furn.s and ranches In good d Diiwes courty Arab L. Hungerford. Crawford. Noli. IMPROVED and unimproved wheat farms, Kimball county. Neb. K, E. Holmes, Eushnell. Neb. v FARM AND RANCH LANDS. Nebraska Lands FOR NEBRASKA LANDS SEE A. A. PATZMAN. . 0t Karbach Blk. Tyler $. FINE 400 acres of level land. Oood Im provements. One mile north of Her man. E. P. Hanson, Herman, Neb. South Dakota Lands. BEST RANCH IN SOUTH DAKOTA. -t.600 acres deeded land, 5.000 acre leased land; all fenced and cross fenced; fences all new cedar and steel posts; water In every pasture; 400 acre under cultivation: good new t-roora house, steam heat; good barns, sheda, corrals, etc. Ranch now running 1,000 head of rattle, 60 head horses. 200 hogs. This ranch will stand closest Investigation. Price on deed land $30 per acre; leases thrown In. Will sell all live atock and machinery if wanted. Don't waate time In writing. Come and make ua ahow the goods. The O'Rtelly Land Co., Draper. S. P. . Oregon Lands. JORDAN VALLEY. Oregon, offers you a home In the land of sunshine, where conditions are right for raising alfalfa and cattle. Address. Jordan ValWy Farms. Boise Idsho. ' Wyoming Lands. WYOMING ranch. 1000 acres. Water right, mineral rights. Patented land, sell to close an eatste. Address Flo La- C'hapelle, Kemmerer, Wyo. WHEATLAND Wyoming farms, $60 per A., Including paid up water rignt. Henry Levi A C. M. Rylander 864 Omaha Nat. FARM LANDS WANTED. WE will sell your farm; timely sale, quick returns. Held Land Co. 4 Brandels BMg. AUTOMOBILES. For Sale. LET'S CELEBRATE THE FOURTH New -cars are scarce, but we have a flock that are almost new. New Essex. 19 Oldsmobile , $950. 15 Dodge touring. $825. 18 Oakland six touring, $776. 18 Dodge rosdster, $860. 18 Chlvrolet roadster. $460. lStChivrolet touring. $426. IK Monroe touring, $625. 217 Haynes six. $90O-$l,200 17 Grant six touring. $500. 17 Chalmers six roadster, $650. 17 Chalmers six touring. $600. 17 Buick six touring. $860. 17 Bulck six touring, $750. 18 Bulck six touring. $726. 17 Ford touring. $300. 16 Hupmoblle touring, $400. 15 Overland touring, extra, good, $200. Money-Back Guarantee. TflAWVER AUTO CO., 1910 Farnam. FOR SALE On account of falling health am compelled to cut down atock and will offer you bargains In a few trucks and autos. 1 -ton Grant truck with cab and t In one body, brand new, only driven from Omaha, worth $2,200 will take $1,900. One grant six touring car used for demonstration, driven 600 miles; price, $1,000. One Bowser curb 2-gallon gasoline pump with 280-gallon tank, new, never has been uncrated; price, $325. Don't offer any trade we want the cash or good psper; better come or call at once Wm. Bredehoeft, Beemer, Neb. . RENT A NEW FORD DRIVE IT YOURSELF 12 CENTS PER MiLE. TOU ARE COVERED BY INSUR ANCE AGAINST LIABILITY RESULT ING FROM ACCIDENT. 50 NEW 1919 MODEL FORD CARS. FORD DELIVERY CO. DOUG. 8622. 1314 HOWARD. ROAMER TOURING Your opportunity to buy a late m!1 $2,800.00 Roamer at a big reduction. Owner leaving for the west. Phone Mr. Scrlpps, Douglaa 648$ or Harney 130. DRIVE YOURSELF TOURING 10 PER ROADSTERS "V, MILE TRUCKS. CARS FOR ALL OCCASIONS. "Melcher Service Co., 1516 LEAVENWORTH. DOUG. 4I USED CARS. 1 Overland, touring, 1916 $400.00 1 Mitchell roadster, 1917 200 00 1 Hupp-20 roadster, a snap .... 250.00 1511 Davenport St. Phone D. 1241. Auto Repair Shop for sale or trade. Lots of Auto Parts and Supplies. 1511 Davenport St. PROMPT DELIVERY ON ALL AUTOMOBILES NEBRASKA WHITE CO. FRED C. ROGERS. Mgr., Tyler 1IT. 1407-21 Capital Avenue. FOR SALE FORD COUPE. , A. B. C. starter: 1918 model, 1st class shape. Demountable rims; Just over hauled. A bargain,- Call Mia Hunt, Tyler 1000 week days or Doug. 80T Sun day. MEEKS AUTO CO. Used cars bought, sold and exchanged. , We buy for cash and sell on time. Full line to select from. Middle State Oarage. 2026-8 Farnam St. Doug. 4101. WANTED FOR SPOT CASH, 100 TJ8ED CARS; quick action; no delay. Auto Ex. change Co. 2069 Farnam 8t. D. 6086. i FORD MARKET. 2230 Farnam. (7ed Fords. Time, cash, Lloerty bond, new bodies, $96. AUTO BODIES. NEW and used Ford bodies for sale. Oetf our prices. O'Rourke-Goldstrom Auto,1 Co., 3701 8outh 24th St.. Omsha. J A. LEE & COMPANY. J Expert automobile washers, shnonyera and polishers; all work guaranteed. 20T N. 18th St. Victor Garage. Ph. Web. tT 1100 Reward for any magneto we can't pair. Bole mnfrs. of new selt-spsclng af-j J flnlty spark plug. Bsysdorfer. $10 N Uth f USED CARS AND TRUCKS AT BARGAIN PRICES. STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO. 2020 Farnam St Omaha, rtW Used cars of exceptional value. GUY L. SMITH, 2S63 Farnam St. Doug. HT7 WHEN you think of used cars, think! TRAWVER AUTO C( 1910 Farnam. FOR SALE 1918 Maxwell 6-pass. new tires, fine condition, only run miles. C. B. Strickland. 107 8. Phone Walnut 2818. NEW AND USED TIRE BARGAIN SEE US FIRST AND SAVE FARNAM TIRE AND RUBBE H. 6758. 2914 FARN NEW (-pass. Cadillac touring run 1.300 miles; good reasons ing. Write 390 Brandels The WILL exchange new 1919 Cadllf touring- car for new model 1'arkara tf."' r. Write $90 Brandels Theaterfidg. NEB. BUICK AU 19th nd Howard Sin. FOR TERMS ON USED CARff VAN BRUNT 7 Look for the red seal or."d shield. THE DIXIE FLY W. R. NICHOLAS MOTOR'MPANY 2520 Farnam Si AUTOMOBILE electrical rf,r! er ce station for Rayfleld car'rs "4 Columbia storage batter) Edwar-. itorage batter Edi UN IN USEARS. BARGAI 15th A Jackson. Ford D. JM. SIX -CYLINDER rosdster'' '"le. Firs', class condition. Very ry- Re '. 402 North Sixteenth S nivr ivn a... h s MARSH OAKI.O -"0. 2300 Fsrna? LOTS of good used car'1 Priced right United Auto Tarts cf -.r iepi. o Parts G'd Ci I pairing "Heed 2032 Farnan KPh'.RT Rt,lrltiv. sirnvipR WAGE. 16th and Leavenwd Ooug. venwd. GOOD USlf-AK!- GUY I.. M"- FORD Sedan: First -.(.. con dltlon; Owmr, Z764 i.nicago. Cars fHire. FORDS AND LARGARS FOR WIRK. Drive yourself; ; vrv reasonanle Drlces: no extif? Pv' Nebraska Service Garage.111 id Farnam. lb Douglss 7390. V ll'l suramnMlM or exchange. C J. Cansn. 306 'uo Bldg Repairing fainting. HE, ii..r. Omaha. 24. service for Au;ruc,,k Tractor. Ex. pert radiator ' '"d''' replrln. Body Denis re0- New fenders ma 1. OMAHA R'TOR UFU. CO. . 1819 Cuming , Tyler 1T. r P. BARNUM: Cuming. Dts laa $014. aitf MwW.t palntlaa, m v , n itrsef 'S f Bldg. 1 f touring llng car, ldg. fC0.f frier 17e, -y--