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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1919)
C ' 1 - JT..-'. - - THE OMAHA BEE. ' ; " - 1 V, P wftfc'iroa INDUSTRY sjHll0 Q 3. -a a'RT FiMANrg f"- - Trr-rr' aasgj TRAOE 7 gjCtr jMSg'Sfe'. 1 1 OMAHA, The Second Live Stock Market of The World. ' It has the moat Modern Stock Yard in the World today no xpento has boon (pared to mako it so. It U situated in the contar of a territory producing mora food product than any in tha World banco the largest demand for feeder sheep and for thi reason OMAHA is tha LARGEST FEED ER SHEEP MARKET IN THE WORLD. Railroad facilities are unex celled, being the only Missouri River market located on the main lines of all the western railroads, (she shrink, therefore, on ship ments to this market is less than to others. .Union Stock Yards Company of Omaha I (Ltd) Omaha, Nebraska NEBRASKA TENT AND AWNING CO. Tents, Awnings, Flags H. S. McDonald, Mgr., Omaha. Phones Doug. 3329-3330. John H. Harte, -General Contractor Office, 1609 Webster St. Doug. 1054. Concrete Engineering Co., 1116 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. , Tel. Doug. 5686. Return National Roofing Co., and Hara , " For ARTJCi (Incorporated) StTe B?fl"I and Paving Contractors OMAHi Established in 1878 , -co- Juglas 651. Omaha. ' LOST W " . 34x4 Ha ' wnrd. ftj tns : 1s I PILERS SMOKESTACKS w.h; TWO PLANTS SSrake, Williams, ?U ; Mount Co. Main Off tea and Works. -Jd, Hickory and U. P. R. R. is or Phono Douglaa 1043. tr I Breach ture t30th. Canter and C. B. Q. TUS 0T-Aeetylene Welding 11'. aJTOPgT? y TANKS thro' comi STAT.M.UWor.M.cbIn.Worka OR SA-ete A"ruUnf , AatoBobiUs. J15 . . and Ktoair rmn. MaQ 3ew fcaaajjj jr rns ''.Urn JSSO we. tor' 111S Howard Street SoBtfc- furnL. SACnlf 1 . and Aaents for Illeetrlc Piano1 'tor Every Purpose. Special Omaha Is tha Best Market West ef Chicaie, Try Us cad We WiU Do the Rest. 424 So. 14th St. PfaUs UII P. GOULD A SON, H3) BuUdert. ig. 1463 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Henry M. Johannszen Glass and Paint Company Glasing . Phono Dong. 349 114 So. 14th St Omaha, Nab. Parsons Construction Co., General Contracting 618 Keeline Building Tyler 2604 Omaha, Nab. 'nited States Rubber Co. 1.. Branch Everything in Rubber Omaha, Nebraska 8 PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY Omaha National Bank Building OMAHA ' FARM LANDS FARM MORTGAGES Benson & Myers Co. Investment Securities Farm Mortgages Omaha, U. S. A. OCCIDENTAL BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Cor.' 18th and Harney Sis. Doug. 3326 Omaha, Neb. ALEX BECK, General Contractor, ' D. 1293. 401 Keeline Bldg. Wiens Omaha Brush Co., 4301-03 No. 28th St., Tel. Colfax 31 Omaha, Neb. ALL-METAL WEATHER STRIPS Hav thm Installed on your window tod doort now or In the' spring cleanup keep, out durt. wind, rain, etopt nttlo. ALL-METAL WINDOW SCREENS t metal frum. with Mild bronze win olotk ll M different. THE HIGGINS MFG. CO, J. P. CONDON, Mgr., 20S Bee Bldg., Omihi. Neb. Phone D. 3070. GROCERY SALESMEN With Automobile to Sell Our Reliable Line Direct to. Consumer. R. L. HARRIS CO., Omaha bon Coal & Supply Co., Wholesale Dealers in 1 and Building Material. Exchange Building, Omaha, Neb. h DeLong mon Brick c. B. & Q. R. R.) Id. Douglas 2070 engel & Son DelWeir,- Commercial and TrWk Bodies. I Doug. 8289. 1912-14 Vinton St. i H -1 -o In lh iaiTY 206 Bee P W. Well MACK COMPANY Hydraulic and Hand Power Elevators. Elevator Oils, Supplies and Repairs. Vaughn Construction Co., General Contractors, Electric Bldg Omaha. Schneider Electrical Works Electrical Engineering Electrical Machinists Motor and Dynamo Repairing Doug. 2455. 1108 Farnam St Omaha, Neb. J. H. Kritenbrink & Son, Brick Manufacturers, Telephone Tyler 1746 13th and Frederick Sta., Omaha, Neb. ' CALL TYLER 3 Trucks of All Kinds Ford Transfer & Storage Co. 813-15-17 Douglas St Pioneer Glass & Paint Company All Kinds 'Paints, Varnishes, Glass and Store Front Construction 14th & Harney Incorporated 1SSS Omaha Loan and Building Association Assets, $11,350,000 A mutual saving t and loan association Wm. R. Adair," Sec and Trees. OMAHA, NEBRASKA Omaha Is the Heart of the Largest Automobile Center of the -World IS the MOTOR AGE we are and its various side lines are one of the most important of them all, especially in NEBRASKA. To prove the vast importance of the automobile to OMAHA'. One need only cite the figures of last year's business which amounted to $53,898,195 in this city alone. In 1917 the OMAHA automobile industry transacted $47,538,530 worth of business. In spite of the great curtailment of the motor industry during the last year of the war when the government put the clamp on the production of automobiles, which were classed as a luxury, the OMAHA dealers did $6,359,665 more business in 1918 than in the preceding year. This year's business is expected to exceed last year's by at least 33 1-3 per cent. OMAHA has one automobile factory building pleasure cars and trucks. The business of this initial motor factory in NEBRASKA has increased to such an extent that the erection of a second factory is already under way. Three tire factories have been erected in OMAHA during the past few years and all are reported to have more orders on file than they can possibly fill. There is one factory in OMAHA which devotes its entire output to the manufacture of automobile tops, hoods, radiator covers, tire covers, etc. OMAHA'S three spark plug factories do a broadcast business throughout the United States and Canada. Because of the large demand in this immediate territory, several accessories factories and a plant making cleanser soap for mechanics have been erected in the last few years. Without exception all standard tire manufacturers have district branch houses in this city. There are also several automobile factory branches and one large assembly plant in the city. OMAHA 'has some 60 automobile dealers who represent every known make of American and foreign cars and trucks. At the recent automobile show of the OMAHA AUTOMOBILE TRADE ASSOCIATION, which was organized 14 years ago by C. C. Powell, who since the establishment of the organization has held the position of a director and secretary and treasurer, 81 different makes of cars were exhibited. These automobiles, representing a gross value of more than $1,000,000, ranged in price from $555 to $7,000. see As ALL the cars sold in NEBRASKA and those in the western part of Iowa are cleared through OMAHA dealers and distributors, one can imagine the vast volume of automobile business this CITY handles. One motor company in a single year sold more than 30,000 cars in this immediate territory. Besides various smaller houses, OMAHA has nine large Jobbing Do you know OMAHA has tha largest pharmaceutical and physi cians' supply house west of Chi cago? Yes, and it ia THE HENRY R. GERING COMPANYV 1114-1116 Farnam St. Carl B. Kraut Company, Designing Engineers Fireproof Building Material 618.18-20 Keeline Bldg, Tyler 2604 Omaha, Neb. Johnson Hardware Co. Fine Builders' Hardware Completa Lino of Contractors' Snppliaa 1217 Farnam St. Doug. 581. Nebraska and Iowa Steel Tank Co. A. N. Eaton, Prop. 1300 Willis St. , Phono Webster 282. Everything in Sheet Metal Products. Oil Tanks and Supplies (IQQQHe(& iiaiiii tons im Commonwealth Life INSURANCE COMPANY Omaha, Nebraska living in and the motor industry COVER YOUR SHINGLE ROOFS With Our Firtproof AspfaUt Roofing. All Kinds of Roofs Repaired. OMAHA ROOFING CO., Doujlaa 3043 603-A Bee Bldg. CHAS. E. FANNING PAVING CO. Omaha, Neb. L. Wolff Manu facturing Co. PLUMBING GOODS Omaha, Neb. Best Butter Made llth and Capitol Ave. D 3903 Red Feather Poultry Feeds Clean Feeds Made In a Clean Mill That's Important PROPER INGREDIENTS PROPERLY MIXED For Chicks, Laying Hens and Broilers. M. C. Peters Mill Company . OMAHA. houses, which, through an army of salesmen, thoroughly cover the states of NEBRASKA, Iowa, South Dakota, Wyoming, Kansas, Montana and Missouri. IT IS AN ESTABLISHED FACT THAT THE OMAHA AUTO MOBILE SUPPLY MARKET IS THE LARGEST IN THE ENTIRE UNITED STATES. NEBRASKA ranks first in the country In per capita automobile ownership with one auto to every 7.8 people, or five autos to every eight families. If it were necessary for the entire population of NEBRASKA to leave the state within 24 hours without the use of railroads, it could do so. The state, with a population of 1,353,000 inhabitants has not less than1 173,397 automobiles. Iowa, our neighbor state, is a close second with 278,313 cars to 2,245,000 people. Mississippi with a populttion of 1,985,000 has but 11,792 auto mtbiles, or 168, 2 of one car to each person. There are some 17,000 automobiles in the city of OMAHA and 21,000 in Douglas county. As far as can be learned, the first automobile ever seen in OMAHA was an electric bus brought to the Trans-Mississippi Exposition by Montgomery Ward & Co., in 1898, or 21 years ago. The next to appear was'a home-built car, made by Otto Baysdorfer, who started to work on the machine in 1898 and finished it in the spring of 1899. The first factory car sold in OMAHA was a one-cylinder Winton gasoline machine owned by Dr. Cameron Anderson in the spring of 1900. Another OMAHA physician, Dr. Stroud, owned a Mobile Steamer, which he purchased from the Wittman Company in Lincoln, at about the same time. Dr. Fred Conner in 1901 bought a gasoline car named Darling and built in Shelby, Ohio, while George Patterson at about the same time bought a steam car. Dick Stewart of Council Bluffs was the next proud owner of a "horseless carriage." He owned a Locomobile steamer. - Practically all the cars mentioned were brought to OMAHA from the factories and the first automobiles really sold in this city were the old curved dash Odlsmobiles which were sold here first in 1900. The first buyer of one of these Oldsmobiles was Frank Young, a Broken Bow, Neb., banker. In 1901 the first electric car, a National, was sold to H. E. Frederickson, and in the early part of 1902 J. J. Deright took over the agency for the first electric car. The first automobile parade ever held in OMAHA was in the fall of 1902 and the first automobile race was held in this city in 1904 on the old Trans-Mississippi track. This is just a brief bit of history of the automobile industry in OMAHA which has grown from nothing in 1902 to one of the most important and largest commercial enterprises of all ages. Fairbanks, Morse &Co. FARM POWER SCALES 902 Harney St. Seeds That Grow Need Any? See That They Come From The Nebraska Seed Co. Omaha, Neb. - .Hauling Problem Solred DOUGLAS TRUCKS Built ta Omaha Strong Durable Dependable "BUDA Motor" Supplies Maximum Fewer at Minimum Cost. "Power Plus" Detail Specification. DOUGLAS 1 Vi-Ton Truck Telle the Story. DOUGLAS EIGHT Herschell-Spillman Motor Teurinf Road ter Speed, ter Cerractmse ef Design and Finisb Write for Catalog Douglaa Motors Corporation WALRATH & SHERWOOD LUMBER CO. 1501-03 W. O. W. Bldg. Omaha, U. S. A. Nebraska-Iowa Grain Co., Omaha, Neb. Doug. 961. 421-27 Grain Ex. Bldg. J. P. GUTH, Architect, Phone Red 1937 Rooms 516-517 Paxton Block, Omaha, Neb. Potash Reduction Co., 820 World-Herald Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Omaha Printing Co. Omaha, U. S. A. Burroughs Adding Machine Company Masonie Temple Building 19th and Douglas Sts. Tyler 380. REDWOOD STOCK AND SUPPLY TANKS Oolltite Stiel Taeke ss Cmta tew Meeer. California Redwood Sow lot Wire, shrink or ret. tharefore l better thee any ether Material for tenet. We carry s full line ef Mock aid eueelf tank la Omaha. Write for erloe Hit. . ATLAS TANK MFG. CO.. 1103 W. O. W Bldg. Omaha. Neb. Bankers Realty Investment Company Assets Over $1,500,000 Architects and Builders Omaha Pays Greater Dividends Than Any Company of Equal Resources. The Bankers Reserve Life Company Home Office, Omaha, Neb. ASSETS, 8,429,96S.53 Nat Legal Reserve $8,585,392.00 Insurancs in Force, Over $49,000,000.00 AGENTS WANTED GOOD TERRI TORY . ROBERT L. ROBISON, Pres. WALTER G. PRESTON, V.-P. JAMES R. FARNEY. V.-P. RAY C. WAGNER. Sec-Trees. SCHERMERHORN BROS. CO., Cordage and Twine 601-609 Jones St. THE BETTER CREAMERY BUTTER Is always preferable that's whr most people insist upon usintr DAVID COLE CREAMERY BUTTER. NEW LOCATION, 16th A Farnam, U. S. Nat'l. Bk. Bldf. Holmes Wildhaber Co.. Wholesale Grocers. 1112 Howard St. Tyler 276. Great Western Tire" and Truck Company Omaha, Nebraska Telephone Douglas 1710 Factory at 4th Pierce Sts. Electrical, Steam, Telephone and Mill SUPPLIES Omaha', Neb. CAN N EL COAL SI 0.00 Per Ton A Distinctly New Coal COAL HILL COAL CO., 211 So. 19th St. BERTSCHY MANUFACTURING AND ENGINEERING COMPANY, Manufacturers of BERMO WELDING AND CUTTING APPARATUS OMAHA, U. S. A. CASCO MILLING CO., Grain, Hay, Mill Feeds, Straight or Mixed Cars. Doug. 1479. 14th and Paul Sts. Kirschbraun & Sons, Inc., Creamery, Eggs and Cold Storage Ninon and Dodge Sts., Omaha, U. S. A. Say to Your Grocer ELKHORN MILK PLEASE OMAHA BODY CO., Builders of Truck Bodies to Fit All Makes of Trucks. 1529-31-33 No. 16th St. Phono Webster 337 SUNDERLAND MACHINERY and Supply Co. MACHINISTS, ENGINEERS, CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT 1006-8-10 Douglas St. OMAHA, NEB. STANDARD BRIDGE I COMPANY, Omaha. Neb. JOHN DEERE PLOW CO., Agricultural Implements. Omaha. Sioux Falls. HUDSON MFG. CO., Implement Supplies, Omaha and Minneapolis Oliver Chilled Plow Works Doug. 3236 10th and Farnam Stv Omaha The Paxton-Mitchell Co., Manufacturers of ' . The Mitchell Metallic Packing Gray Iron, Aluminum, Brass and Bronso Castings LET-LOU XU ! The Hugh Murphy Construction Co. Contractors of - Public Work D. 834. 206 Karhach Bldg. Independent Lumber Co. Harney 424 40th and Leavenworth Sts. The Ideal Family Loaf , It Boosts fof Omaha Jay Burns Baking Co. WELLS'ABBOTT.. NIEMAN CO. Manufacturer of PURITAN FLOUR GREAT WESTERN TRACTOR CORPORATION Has openings for 3 High Class Stock Salesmen. Call at . Suite 1012'First National Bank Building, Omaha, Neb. To Pare City Streets and Country Highways, Use VITRIFIED PAVING BRICV Western Brick Manufac turers Association. Kansas City, Mo. Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company. Successor to Midland Glass and Paint Co. Glass Mirrors- r .1 Paints 11th and Howard St! 1 5 1