Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 30, 1919, Image 1

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Generally fair Monday
and probably Tuesday; con
tinued warm.
llnnrly Ttmprrmtvrra. .
a. m est t p. m i
a. m. SI I t p. m '
T a, m I p. m ss
a. m .W 4 p. m SS
a. m.. 89 B p. m SS
I a. m II' p. m SS
II a. m H 1 p. m S4
II m IS,
The Omaha
Chicago, June 29. Government
coal production figures point to "the
greatest coal shortage in historyj'
next winter unless production is
stimulated immediately 25 per cent
or more throughout the nation, ac
cording to t statement made public
by F. S. Peabody, chairman of the
National Coal association's special
committee dealing with the prospec
tive shortage.
"The information gathered by the
committee is that at the present rate
of production one industrial plant
out of tvery eight in the United
States will have to shut down next
winter for lack of coal," said the
statement, which attributed the fall
ing off in production to the ex
tremely low demand.
Berlin, June 29. (By the Associ
ated Press.) The Evangelical
churches of Germany will celebrate
Sunday, July 6, as a day of mourn
ing. It will be requested that quiet
prevail and that Germany make an
earnest effort to recuperate by con
sistent work.
Boston, June 29. Sailors from the
French cruiser Jemie d'Arc and po
licemen had a street fight Saturday
night when the Frenchmen refused
to stop a demonstration in celebra
tion of the signing of the peace
treaty. Two policemen were slight
ly injured and five sailors were ar
London, June 29. (By the Asso
ciated Press.) Lloyd George, on
his return from Paris Sunday eve
ning, drove with the king to Buck
ingham palace, being acclaimed with
triumphant cheers, by tremendous
Mr. Lloyd George addressed an
assemblage, f rom his residence, say
ing in closing:
"I sincerely trust that the unity of
spirit and concord which won this
great peace will continue until we
have established on a firm founda
tion the new world won by the sac
rifices of millions of brave men.
Let us thank God for the great vic
tory, not in a spirit of boastfulness,
which was the downfall of Germany,
but in a spirit of reverence worthy
the noble sacrifices that have been
Paris, June 29. Amid the chorus
of triumphant joy in the French
press over the signing of the peace
treaty, the only frankly censorious
note is that of Marcel Cachin, the
locialist leader. Writing in Hu-
Biamio lie ooiu.
"The peoples were absent from
the ostentatious ceremony in the
hall of mirrors. The signatures are
not thdse of their representatives.
They take no part in . this treaty.
It is. not thus that they undersand
the future of civilization of human
ity. Other radical journals like Le
Radical, Le Rappel and Libreparole
do not disguise their uneasiness over
what they call the menace of Teu
tonic nnregeneracy.
"Muzzled they may be, but cured,
Mver," says Le Radical.
Paris, June 29. The signing of
the peace treaty was celebrated with
enthusiasm in Paris Saturday. The
French soldiers, who for nearly five
years withstood some of the strong
est onslaughts of the Germans, were
the center of the crowd of cele
brants on the principal boulevards.
Marching columns of troops drew
wild cheers from the throngs in the
streets and the soldiers were pelted
with flowers and blue confetti
whereever they appeared. Large
crowds were massed In front of the
Hotel De Crillon- the American
headquarters, and salutes of cheers
for America were given.
The Strassbourg statue had an
American flag at its apex, thus
typifying the efforts of American
soldiers, on the fighting front in Al-
t4 "aT ftrra ina
Except for the inevitable lack of
spontaneity, the celebration was a
duplicate of that the night the ar
siistice was signed.
They were many American sol
'diers in the throng drawn to Paris
i... .u . u:.j Th re
frain of "Hail, hail, the gang's all
here," was heard almost as frequent
ly as that of the Marseillaise. Rep
resentatives of the British domin
ions also took a prominent part in
the noise-making.
Peace was celebrated throughout
France with the utmost enthusiasm.
At Marseilles, Toulon and Cherbourg-
as well as other seaports,
warships were dressed in flags, sa
lutes were fired, church bells were
, rung, and there were illuminations
and torchlight processions.
Paric Tim TO Th TVnrh ornv.
ernment is preparing a volume giv
ing the record of American co
operation during and after the war.
A copy, the Temps says, will be
given to every American soldier
who served in France.
Erzberger Plans Holiday
Among Swiss, Paper Says
Berlin, June "29. (By the Asso
ciated Press.) Mathias trzberger,
vice premier and minister of finance.
. the Tages Zeitung says, soon will
take a holiday in Switzerland. The
reason for this journey, the paper
advises, probably will be found in
Errbergers well-known modesty
which is impelling him to escape the
ovations which are being showered
on him at present from all sides."
Ex-Premier of Rumania Dead
v 'Jassy, Rumania, June 29. Pierre
P. . Carp, former premier of
Rumania, is dead here. He was 82
years old.
VOL. 49 NO. 10.
U. S. S. George Washington,
Carrying Presidential Party,
Steamed From Harbor of
Brest 2:20 P. M. Sunday.
President Seemed Pleased to
Get Aboard Vessel; Sa
' lute Speeds Departure
Brest, June 29. (By the Associ
ated Press.) President Wilson,
sailed from Brest Sunday on his re
turn to the United States. The U.
S. S. George Washington, carrying
the presidential party, steamed from
the harbor at 2.20 p. m.
The departure of the president
from France caused little excitement
in this port. There was only a dis
tance of fifty feet from where his
special train stopped to where a
motor launch was waiting to convey
him to the George Washington.
There was little cheering and ap
plause from the several thousands
who had gathered at tbe embarka
tion pier. A procession of social
ists, singing the "Internationale,"
debouched from the Rue Siam as
the president walked across the pier.
The president waved his silk hat to
the paraders.
Gathered on thj wharf were
French and American officials. The
first to greet the president were Ad
miral H. Salaun and Admiral E. N.
Benoit of the French navy. Rear
Admiral A. S. Halstead of the Amer
ican navy and Maj. Gen. E. A. Hel
mick and Brig. Gen. Smedley But
ler greeted the president in turn.
Roses Given Mrs. Wilson.
Mrs. Wilson was presented with
a bouquet of Brittany roses by Mrs.
Josephine Lewis of Cincinnati, rep
resenting the American Red Cross
in France. Mrs. Wilson wore a navy
blue tailored dress and a handsome
but simple little hat apparently the
latest creation from the Rue de la
Paix. She smiled and thanked Mrs.
Lewis and then chatted briefly with
her. Mrs. Wilson appeared tired
and fatigued and apparently was in
a hurry to reach the launch.
Bands Godspeed President.
The band of the Tenth Chausseurs
played "The Star Spangled Banner"
and the Marseillaise as the presi
dent descended the steps in the
launch. As the launch went into
the stream a company of marines
and veterans of the Yser presented
arms, while cries of Vive Wilson,
"Vive America," "Vive La Paix,"
arose. The president stood aft on
the launch waving his hat at the
crowd on the national bridge. The
launch was lost to view down the
harbor just as the socialist parade
reached the cliffs overlooking the
Retire to Staterooms.
"This is America" were the presi-l
dent's words as he shook hands with'
Capt. Edward McCauley, aboard the
George Washington. The president
and Mrs. Wilson retired to their
staterooms as the engines and ma
chinery began to roar and final or
ders were given. Luncheon was
served at 1 o'clock and the meal
had just been completed when the
George Washington began to mak
headway out of the harbor. The
battleship Oklahoma led the way.
The destroyers Woolsey and Tar
bell were on the port and starboard
sides, while the Wickes and Yarnell
brought up the rear.
As the transport moved out the
president appeared on the bridge
wearing a cap. Rear Admiral
Grayson, his physician, stood near
by. The president was silent as he
gazed at the disappearing shores of
The weather was perfect and
there was scarcely a ripple on the
ocean as the Washington emerged
from the Brest roads into the At
lantic. The French destroyers
Fanion and Carquois escorted the
presidential squadron to the Ushana
lights. After saluting with their
sirens and guns the French war
ships returned to Brest
As the George Washington dis
sappeared in the summer haze, the
president stood on the bridge wav
ing a farewell salute of the French
Allies Reach Agreement
on Economic Terms to
Be Imposed on Austria
Paris, June 29. The council of
four Saturday reached an agreement
on the economic terms to be im
posed on Austria.
Will Advise Turks to
Return to Constantinople
Paris, June 29. A note will be
sent the Turkish delegation by the
council of four addressing the mem
bers to return to Constantinople.
The message -will say there is no
reason to believe any agreement can
be reached in the near future be
cause' of the great difference be
tween the demands of Turkey and
ttie concessions the allies are will
ins to arrant.
Cattrt u MMld.etau ttr May . IMS,
Oaiha P. O. midtr Ht (f Mirth 3, 1179.
Enough Liquor Law Now,
Seems General Viewpoint
, Held by U. S. Legislators
House Will Likely Adhere to Plan Outlined by Leaders
to Let Whole Prohibition Question Go Over Until
After Holiday Recess, Following Wilson's An
nouncement Not to Lift Wartime Alcoholic Ban.
Washington, June 29. While
Wilson's announcement Saturday
night that he would not lift the ban
on wartime prohibition until the
army was demobilized provoked a
storm of varying comment in con
gressional circles, there were no
indications of any concerted move
to obtain immediate consideration
by the house of enforcement legis
lation. The general view was there was
law enough for the present and that
the house will adhere to the plan
outlined by leaders to let the whole
prohibition question go over until
after the holiday recess, which may
begin Monday night or Tuesday.
Members opposed to the drastic
provisions of the measure reported
out by the judiciary committee gave
notice. They would endeavor to
have these striken out on the floor.
From the other side came intima
tions that in some respects the bill
was not strict enough, and it was
said an amendment would be
offered to eliminate the section
which would permit citizens to
store liquor in his home, and the
other classes which would make its
"use" unlawful.
Wilson Statement Clear.
The president makes it clear in
his" statement that with the failure
of congress to act on his sugges
tion for repeal of the wartime law
so far as it relates to wines and
beer, the effect of his proclamation
to be issued upon completion of
demobilization would be to permit
the sale of whisky until the country
Cheers Given for De Valera
and Irish Republic as
Torch Is Applied.
Dublin, June 29. (By the Asso
ciated Press.) The British flag
was burned in Dublin Saturday
night. Outside of Trinity college
a number of Union Jacks were
seized and the torch applied. Cheers
were given for De Valera," president
of the Irish republic and revolution
ary songs were sung,
Sinn Fein demonstrations oc
curred in other parts of the city also.
Hun Submarine Chaser
Flying War Flag Comes
Into Port of Sweden
Stockholm, June 29. (By the As
sociated Press.) The German sub
marine chaser, U-21, flying the Ger
man war flag and commanded by
Captain Ruckteshel, arrived at Got
tenborg Thursday. The occupants
of the chaser were without pass
ports and are under police sur
veillance. Captain Ruckteshel did not di
vulge the destination of the craft
upon leaving Kiel. When the boat
reached the open sea he told the
crew he would not return, as the
honor and fortune of-Germany had
been lost in the peace treaty.
Lansing Succeeds Wilson
on Peace Delegation
Paris, June 29. (By the Asso
ciated Press.) With the departure
of President Wilson, Secretary
Lansing becomes head of the
American peace delegation, which
will carry on negotiations on the
Austrian and other treaties under
consideration. But this arrangement
will probably be only temporary' as
Secretary Lansing expects to return
to the United States about the mid
dle of July. Frank Polk, assistant
secretary of state, will replace him.
Henry White is leaving for a
week's vacation at the seashore
Monday and Colonel House is going
to London; General Bliss and Sec
retary Lansing will be the only
American delegates in Paris for the
next few days.
Battleship Arrives With
More 'Overseas Forces
Boston, June 29. The battleship
Minnesota arrived here from St.
Nazaire today with 2,032 troops, in
cluding headquarters, ordnance and
sanitary detachments and several
companies of the 115th engineers
and a number of casual companies.
The troops were formerly mem
bers of the national guard, -of Cali
fornia, Colorado, Missouri and
Texas. They fought in the Argonne
and were in the army of occupation.
Lieut. CoL Joseph C Taylor was
the commanding officer of the trans
port. .
Newspaper Owner Dies.
Pittsburgh, June 29. Thomas
Hartley Given, financier and owner
of the Pittsburgh Post and the
Pittsburgh Sun. died Sunday night
becomes "dry" by constitutional
amendmtnt January 16, 1920.
This means according to Rep
resentative Randall, prohibitionist,
California, that the country will be
thrown into a whisky-drinking orgy,
which he says, the president surely
does not desire. In order, therefore,
to bridge the gap between the date
of the proclamation and the effective
date of constitutional prohibition,
Mr. Randall announced that he
would introduce Monday an emerg
ency peace measure to prohibit re
moval from bond or transportation
in interstate commerce of any dis
tilled spirits for beverage purposes.
No Beer After October 1.
Mr. Randall estimated that at the
earliest the army would not be de
mobilized before October 1, at
which time there would be no beer
in stock, and that breweries would
not open for a three months' run.
Some of the outspoken opponents
of prohibition, as soon as the house
takes up the bill, will endeavor to
have it separated and immediate
consideration given the part dealing
with enforcement of the wartime
The main fight will be on the def
inition of intoxicating liquors with
a view to the elimination of the
words "more than one-half of one
per cent alcohol."
The attorney general, and not the
War department, will have to advice
President Wilson when demobiliza
tion of the emergency forces has
been completed, military experts
said when their opinions were
sought as to the approximate date
of rescinding of wartime prohibition.
Used Brand New Rope; Con
victed of Slaying His
Aged Wife.
Minneola, June 29. Dr. Walter
Keane Wilkin s, who was convicted
of the murder of his wife, Julia, by
a jury here Friday, committed sui
cide in the bath room of the Nashua
county jail by hanging himself with
a rope.
Although the aged physician's
pulse was still beating when he was
cut down, and every effort was made
by the jail physicians to save his
life, he died a few minutes after 8
o'clock. Dr. Wilkins' neck was
broken, it was announced.
Jail officials were unable to ex
plain how the doctor obtained the
rope with which he ended his life.
The rope Dr. Wilkins used was
brand new. He had been thorough
ly searched Saturday, jail officials
Dr. Wilkins left behind him a
long letter protesting his inno
cence and declaring his belief that
he had not received a fair trial.
The doctor had spent the entire
afternoon writing his letter of self
vindication and two other letters
giving directions for the disposal of
his bpdy and the care of several
pets to which he was greatly at
tached. "Rather than be driven across the
state of New York by Carmen
Plant (Nashau county detective)
and delivered up to Sing Sing
prison," he wrote in one letter, "I
prefer to be my own executioner.
Besides it will save Justice Manning
from looking into my face when he
tells me I have had a fair trial
"I am absolutely innocent of this
crime which the indictment charges
me with."
Envoys Leave France
Punctiliously Polite
Paris, June 29. The departure of
Dr.- Hermann Mueller and Dr. Bell
and about 50 other members of the
German delegation from Versailles
Saturday night was virtually un
noticed. The Germans were sent in 15
automobiles by a roundabout route
to Noisy-Le-Roi, where they board
ed their train at 9 o'clock.
The Germans were accompanied
as far as Cologne by French and
Italian officers. The Germans took
their leave of the French officers at
Versailles with punctilious polite
ness. Herr Haniel von Haimhausen,
Herr Leinert and Herr Dunker are
among the 58 Germans who will re
main at Versailles for a short time.
Deceased Omaha Hero
Receives War Cross
Washington, June 29. Awards of
the distinguished service cross to
the following are announced: . .
Capt Robert A. Griffin San Jose,
CaL; James B. Austin, deceased,
Omaha,' Neb.; Thomas D. Barton,
Saint Joe, Tex.; Privates Austin
Gates, Drummond, Mont, and Don
Greene Eldorado, Kan,
JUNE 30, 1919.
Train Hits Auto One Mile
West of Oxford, Neb.,
Six in Machine Are
Instantly Killed.
Mother and Daughter Are
Victims While Three in
Car Seriously Hurt
Oxford, Neb. June 29. Six per
sons were killed and one badly in
jured a mile west of Oxford late
Sunday evening when an automobile
carrying a party of seven was struck
by a fast Burlington passenger train
at a grade crossing. The dead:
Mrs. Fred Flohr, aged 26.
Dorothy Flohr, 5.
Velma Flohr, 4.
Frances Flohr, a baby.
Mildred Ferguson, 12.
Corinne Flohr, 2.
Fred Flohr, 6 years old, probably
not fatally.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Flohr are par
ents of the' four children. Fred
Flohr, who was driving" did not see
the train until it was upon him.
Wife and Daughter
Are Instantly Killed
. Valparaiso, June 29. An automo
bile driven by Stephen Kasparek,
carrying his wife and two children
and Julia Zatocha, daughter of a
neighbor, was struck by a Union Pa
cific passenger train near here Sun
day evening. Mrs. Kasparek and
her young daughter were instantly
killed. Kasparek and the other two
occupants of the car. were seriously
hurt but probably will recover.
Booze Hounds Sent
To Guard Bridge Stop
Every Automobile
Ten police officers in plain clothes
and one motorcycle officer were sta
tioned last night on Douglas street
bridge with sawed-off shotguns to
search every car that crossed into
Nebraska. Sergeants Thestrup and
Anderson and Detectives Armstrong
and Herdzina, two special officers
and four state agents stood guard
at the toll stations.
Early this morning, when fewer
cars crossed the bridge, they spent
their time at target practice with
their shotguns.
No car escaped their vigilance.
Cars that have crossed the bridge
every night for months were
searched throughout. No arrests
were made up until 2:30 o'clock.
A tin target hung on one of the
girders of the bridge accepted
charge after charge from the booze
hounds' shotguns.
Police Are Called
to Quell Near Riot
at Rourke Ball Park
Police quelled what tended to be
a riot yesterday afternoon at Rourke
Park when several hundred negroes
swarmed onto the field from one
side of the grandstand and several
hundred whites from the other side
after the firstbaseman for the Union
Giants, a colored team, struck Jim
mie Collins, outfielder for the Ar
mours. Chief of Police Eberstein, Russell
Eberstein, Sergeant Russell and a
squad of officers' most of whom
were attending the game as spec
tators, dispersed the crowd and ar
rested Jack Marshall, the colored
The trouble started when Collins
and Marshall collided at first base.
Marshall, claiming that Collins had
spiked him, struck Collins in the
face while he had the ball in his hand.
German Correspondents
Sent Out Uniform Report
Berlin, June 29. (By the Asso
ciated Press.) Dr. Herman Muel
ler, the foreign minister, begged to
be excused from an interview with
the correspondent of the Tageblatt
on his arrival at Versailles because
he did not desire to detract from
the nature of the mission assigned
him. The minister told the corre
spondent he was fulfilling his task
with a heavy heart.
The German newspaper corre
spondents, who were admitted to the
ceremony, voted to send a uniform
report to the German press and to
record the happenings in plain lan
guage on the ground that "because
this is a day of mourning in Ger
man history, journalistic pyrotreh
nics are not suitable."
Big Dirigible Beady
East Fortune, Scotland, June 29.
(By the Associated Press). The
overhauling of the giant British
dirigible R134 in preparation for a
flight across the Atlantic has been
so arranged that she will be ready
to sail Monday night if ordered to
do so. The weather, however, con
tinues unsettled.
By Mall (I ytar). Oallr. M: Sna'ar.
Dally Sia.. W.M: aatilda Nrt. aoitiM aitta.
Entente Will Not Request
Extradition of Ex-Kaiser;
Will Be Deposed Forever
Heir Hohenzollern Must Not Escape "Moral Conse
quences of His Acts," Though, Holland Has Been
Informed; Peace Treaty Must Be Ratified Before
Blockade Against Germany Will Be Lifted.
Amsterdam, June 29. The allied
and associated powers will not ask
for the extradition of the former
German emperor, the Paris corre
spondent of the Telegraf says he
learns, but will ask the Dutch gov
ernment, in the name of the league
of nations, to see that Herr Hohen
zollern does not escape the moral
It is expected as a member of the
league, he adds, Holland will in
form the former emperor he must
appear before an international court
or leave the country. A highly
placed French authority on inter
national law told the correspondent
the proceedings against the former
emperor would be on moral grounds
and the sentence would be of a
moral character entirely. There is
no question of a death sentence or
imprisonment, the correspondent
was told.
It is probable, the correspondent
continues, that the crimes of the
former emperor against interna
tional morality in starting the war
and in violating Belgian neutrality,
will be condemned severely, the
Hohenzollerns will be declared for
ever deposed and it will be made
Peace Treaty Signed at Ver
sailles a Mockery,
He Says.
Boston, June 29. Eamonn De
Valera, "president of the Irish re
public" appealed to the United
States in an address Sunday, to
frame at Washington a new coven
ant for a league of nations which
would give Ireland a place among
the nations of the world. The
peace treaty signed at Versailles
Saturday, he said, was mockery.
Speaking to an enthusiastic crowd
of more than 40,000 persons, which
thronged Fenway Park, the Irish
leader measured his terms. He must
be careful what he said in this coun
try, he explained.
His lieutenant, Harry J. Boland
was more direct.
"We are here to plead the cause
of Ireland," said Mr. Boland. "We
have no wish to interfere in Amer
ican politics, but we do ask you not
to put your name to a document
which will perpetuate the slavery of
our people," he added.
"We will guarantee In Ireland
that there will be no peace until
Ireland is free."
Senator Walsh Speaks.
The appeal brought response from
United States Senator Walsh of
Massachusetts, who asked Mr. De
Valera to take back to Ireland the
word that the senate already was
pledged to support the aspirations
of the Irish people and that they
could "depend upon it that the
United States will never place an
obstacle in the way of Irish inde
pendence. Czecho-Slovak Forces
Become Very Restless
Tokio. June 29. (By the Asso
ciated Press.) The restless atti
tude of the Czecho-Slovak troops
guarding the trans-Siberian railroad
and on duty elsewhere is causing
apprehension among allied repre
sentatives. They are said to show
a disposition to form Soviets, ac
cording to information received
here. Their leaders claim that, if
necessary, they will fight their way
back to Czecho-Slovakia.
Many desertions among the
Czecho-Slovaks are reported and
attempts are being made to pacify
the soldiers.
New Zealand Votes Wet;
Soldiers Determine Issue
Wellington, New Zealand, June
29. The final figures in the ballot
ing on liquor licensing show a ma
jority of 1,362 votes in favor of a
continuance of the licenses. The
vote follows:
Civilians For continuance, 232,208;
for prohibition, 246,104. Soldiers
For continuance, 31.981; for prohibi
tion, 7,723.
State of Siege Proclaimed
At Breslau Saturday
London, June 30. A state of
siege was proclaimed at Breslau Sat
urday night and government troops
occupied the railway station after
short resistance by the strikers, ac
cording to a Berlin dispatch to the
wireless press. The state commis
sary had decreed compulsory work
for Breslau workmen.
Formally Deny German
Crown Prince Back Home
Berlin. June 29. (By the Asso
ciated Press). An official state
ment denying that the former Ger
man crown prince is in Germany
was made public through the Wolff
impossible for the former emperor
to do further harm by assigning
him a place of residence from which
he must not move.
Must Ratify Treaty First.
Paris. June 29. (By the Asso
ciated Press.) The official notifica
tion to Germany that the blockade
will not be raised until the treaty is
ratified by Germany was in the form
of a resolution adopted by the coun
cil of four and presented to the
German delegation before its de
parture for Berlin. The resolution
The superior blockade council is
instructed to base its arrangements
for rescinding restriction upon trade
with Germany on the assumption
that the allied and associated pow
ers will not wait to raise the block
ade until the completion of ratifica
tion, as provided for at the end of
the treaty with Germany, but that
it is to be raised immediately upon
receipt of information that the treaty
has been ratified by Germany.".-''
Conditioning the raising of the
blockade upon Germany's ratifica
tion of the treaty is regarded in con-
(Conttnoed on Pace Two, Column On.)
Some Writers Temper Their
Words With Hope of
Brighter Future.
Berlin. June 29. (By the Asso
ciated Press). Some of the Berlin
newspapers, announcing the signing
of the treaty, "..Vrr" in black
borders, with captions or their Ver
sailles articles such as: Germany's
fate sealed" "Peace and annihila
tion." The Tages Zeitund says: "Clem
enceau, Lloyd George and Wilson
and their accessories have sown
dragon's teeth of eternal enmity."
The Taeglische Rundschau says:
"What we need is a depot to
compel the nations to work. If we
are unable to install him, our
enemies will send him."
Dr. Dernberg, in The Tageblatt
says: "The cup is drained to the
dregs. There is no sense in con
tinuing the controversy. It is better
to endeavor to find our feet. The
concessions made to us are not
without value and open the way to
certain alleviations.
The Freiheit Lokal Anziegef and
Vorwaerts all protested against the
idea of revenge. General Count
Max Moat Gelas, writing in the
Tageblatt says: "There is no
choice but 'to observe the treaty to
the limit of what is possible. Ab
solute candor and sincerity must
form the lone star of Germany's
foreign policy."
Telegraph Operator Indicted
for Obstructing Wire Traffic
Portland, Ore., June 29. Indict
ment of J. J. Brown, a telegraph op
erator employed jointly by the West
ern Union company and the Oregon
Railroad and Navigation company
at Arlington, Ore., for the alleged
violation of a congressional act and
presidential proclamation in ob
structing telegraph traffic, was re
ported by the federal grand jury
here Saturday.'
On June 19, Brown caused the re
moval of a number of plugs in the
Western Union office, severing con
nection between Portland and points
east of Arlington, the indictment al
leged. Brown was released on $1,500 cash
Heavy Rain and Hail Storm
Visits Ravenna and Vicinity
Ravenna, Neb., June 29. A down
pour of rain, at times reaching the
proportions of a cloudburst, last
night caused damage estimated at
$100,000 or more in Ravenna and
vicinity. Nearly every basement in
the town was flooded, the water in
several business buildings reaching
3 or 4 feet on first story floors. A
quarter mile east of town the Bur
lington railroad tracks were washed
out for a distance of 200 feet and the
trains were detoured. South of here
the rain was preceded by a heavy
hail, destroying corn fields and level
ing wheat.
Trial of Alleged Murderer
Promises to Be Sensational
Rapid City, S. D.. June 29. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Charles Doll, ar
rested for the murder of James Fox,
on June 26, was arraigned before a
justice of the peace here Saturday
and -the preliminary hearing set for
July 14. Attorney for the prosecu
tion stated that he has four wit
nesses who will swear Doll threat
ened to kill Fox last Sunday, and
40 who will swear he threatened to
kill. Fox within the past year. The
trial promises to be one of the most
sensational in years.
Former German Chancellor
Assumes All Responsibility
for Acts of Huns Dur
ing Term of Office.
Request Made in Communica
tion to Premier Clemen
ceau of France.
Berlin, June 29. (By the Associ
ated Press.) Dr. Theobald Von
Bcthmann-Hollweg, former German
chancellor, has formally asked the
allied and associated, powers to place '
him on trial instead of the former
emperor. The former chancellor -
savs that he inmis rpsnnncihilitv
for the acts of Germanv dnrinff fii
period of office and places himself
at tne disposal ot the allies. ' -
The request of the former chan- '
cellor was made June 25 in a com
munication to Premier Clemenceau, v
president of the conference. Dr. von
DCtnmann-iioiiweg, it is said, de- '
sired to take this step May 20, but
refrained at that time on the ex
pressed wish of the German gov
ernment. "The communication asks
Premier Clemenceau to hrino- th .
following document to the know- .
the reckoning which the allied and
In article 227 of the oeace trrmn. '
the allied and associated nnwer ar
raign His Majesty William II of
nonenzouern, tormer oerman em-,
peror, for a supreme offense against
international morality and th
sanctity of treaties. At the same
time thev announce their resolve tn
address a request to the government '
of the Netherlands for thi
of the former emperor for purpose -
oi trial. - .
Offers Up Himself. . "
-"With reference thereto I takfV :
the liberty of addressing a reqn'.
to the powers to let the projected
proceedings against his majesty the
emperor be taken against m, -FoKlT
this object I hereby place myself
at the disposal of the allied and
associated powers.
"As former German imperial chan
cellor. I bear for my period of office .
sole responsibility, as regulated in
the German constitution, for the po
litical acts of the emperor. I believe
I deduce therefrom the claim that
the beginning of the war. The for- .
associated powers desire to demand! '
for these acts shall be demanded
solely on being convinced that the
allied and associated powers will not
deny international respect to the
legal position fixed by public con
stitutional law. I may express the
hope.that they would be inclined to i
yield to my urgent request J
"Von Bethmann-Hollweg
Eirht Years ChanreUnr
Dr. Von Bethmann-Hnflwicr m
German chancellor from 1909 to Ju
H, IV17. He succeeded Prince V
The definition of the treaty gu
anteeing the neutrality of Belgi
as a "scrap of paper" was made
Von Bethmann-Hnllwrir in an
dress in the reichstagr shortly af
the beginning of the war. Th fn
mer cnanceuor nas Diamed the mi
itarists for starting t h war wfcilt I n: i
ne in turn, nas Deen blamed.
Last rehruarv h rffrrA tt
j a v'
before a tribunal to give an account
ing tor nis stewardship as chance
lor. It was annniinrrrf in Rri;.
March 27. Von Bethmann.Hntlw.
would be among those who would
be tried bv the German rnnrt wh,Vk
would investigate responsibility for '
the loss of the war by Germany.
He has beec mentioned , several
times as among those who might be
tried by the allies for political of
fenses in connection with the origin
of the war.
Dr. Bethmann-Hollweg i 62 '
years old. Before becoming chan
cellor he was Prussian minister of
the interior and imperial treasurer
and vice chancellor. He held the
rank of lieutenant general in the
German army. Since his retirement
from office he has been living at
Hohenfinow. his estate near Eberi
walde, north of Berlin.
New German Budget
Causing Some Headaches
Berlin. June 29. (By the Asso
ciated Press.) The new budget is
the subject of long conferences and
discussions between government
leaders. It is expected the program
will be ready for the national as
sembly early next month.
The conferees decide dto extend
the confiscation -list to bring in 70.,
000.000.000 marks to 90,000,000.000
marks. Payments will be made ai
easy as possible: but those who do
not pay promptly will be taxed.
Suppress German Journal
for Article Asking Revenge
Berlin. June 29. (By the Asso
ciated rress.; ine Fan-Genna
ueutscne-ieitung has been su
pressed' lor printing a headliti
"Revenee for the riishnnnr f 101
un n article rriaiive to tne peafe
treaty which was published by rf
newspaper this morning,
i ..