Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 29, 1919, Page 6, Image 6

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Delegates to Meet in Hall of
( Representatives on the
First Tuesday in
" Lincoln, June 28. W. T. Thomp-
( son, chairman of the executive com
! j mittee of the new Nebraska federa
( tion, which has for its object the
' selection of the best men irrespee
( tiv of politics, to the constitutional
I convention, has prepared a digest of
!' the new law passed by the last leg
" islature covering the election of del
egates to the convention. The digest
I is as follows:
. . OoOTenHon AaMmbUas, WhenT
I t. Th eonntto (hall MiemliU ?
!' hall of representative t Lincoln, Web.,
on th tint Tuesday In December, 1S1I, at
It o'olock noon. i
Composition Of.
I 1 It shall be eompoaed ot MS delegates,
t i wb Shall be elected on the first Tuesday
l after the first Monday in November of
f thll jrear.
n nere riw u.
i I. The eleptori of the eeral repreeenta-
tlve dlatrlcti shall elect many dele-
aate to the convention aa such district la
,. entitled to representatives In tb lower
boiue ef the legislature,
f Compensation.
4. the eompensatioh if delegates shall
be lit per day and mileage.
I low Delegates Nominated.
8, Candidates for membership shall be
nominated by petitions which shall be In
writing, addressed to the county cleric
where such legislative districts consist of
but one county, but to the secretary of
atate where the representative district
oonslsts of more, thun one county. Nom
" lnatlng petitions shall Contain hot less
5 than 100 signers nor less than 6 per cent
of the qualified electors of the repr
' aelttative district. Such percentage being
" based on the number of electors voting
t th last preceding; general election In
. enicH district
The elector signing the petition shall
add to his signature his place Bf resi
dence, Inoludlng street and number (if in
' eltr or village).
'' No eleotor Is authorized to sign his
narAs to more nominating petitions than
there are members to be elected to the
. convention from hta district. Five sign
ers to each separat petition shall mike
,oh In writing that the petition Is bona
fide in every respect to the best -of their
' knowledge and belief; and the certificate
f Such oath shall be annexed.
ths nominating petitions shall be filed
v sot earlier than July , ahd not later than
August .
f Form of dominating Petition.
1. Nominating petitions shall be sub
, stantlally In the following form:
"To the County Clerk (or Secretary of
'I,. , do hereby announce my
self dandidate for member of the comtl
tutlohal convention to be convened De
cember 1, 1919. I reside at in
i . In the representative custriot,
.' and will Qualify as a. member of the eon
; stitutlonal convention, if elected.
) :: "We, the undersigned electors of the
..!,, representative district of Ke-
braska, do hereby petition that
1 be named as a member of the constitu
tional convention to be convened on le
i cember 2, 1919, from .(....... representn-
t ttvs district, and we do each hereby sep-
arately recommend his election as such.
Nam i.
Address ' i .
County, ss:
Tha undersigned having signed h
foregoing petition and being first duly
' sworn on oath state that said petitln Is
bona tide In every respect to the best of
' , ur knowledge and belief.
i,' i , Notary Public.
, When Primary Neeiwwrty.
tv"her In any representative district
the lumber of (persons nominated oy oe
tltioa equals, 'or exceeds. Ihree times tne
number to be elected- from any district,
a honpartlsan primary shall be had in
such district on the 16th day of Septem
ber, 1919. At such i primary only twice
the number of persons to be elected dele
I" lnated by nominating petitions, and those
so ebosen shall be deemed nominated for
f delegate, and their) shall appea'
ft on the ballot at the special election In
$? November. At. such primary an elector
I may vots for as many candidate as trie
district is entitled to elect. No party nr
What Car Now Rivals
The Hudson Super-Six?
Does Any Other Name Appeal Like Hudson? Developed By Ten
Years Experience-It Approaches the Perfect on Men Had Predicted
' 1 Owners of Hudson ears understand
the perfection that has been attained
" In the new SuperSix They have had
-experience with its reliability and en-
uurancei at wets nicy nuu uarc uvue
to much to aid in its development. '
1 A. 1.1
And therefore it is natural that when
f the new Super-Six was
, , ... JlTBi uuyers auwusu uunc evsiu ajicn
- - .Mho car best. f
8 r Its Quality Never Questioned
' '. Not since the first Super-Six four
. c years ago proved its leadership on
speedway and in road test, has anyone
" - questioned Its position.
'.r "It was the coveted car of thousands
J? who could not obtain deliveries and of
'other thousands who could not meet its
price. . '
Now production ii greater than ever.
T . More buyers canHbe accommodated than
-V has been possible.
'Before you make your choice, look
over all the fine cars. Let your decision
result from the known qualities and
their comparative prices.
... E J. I .L...IJ I AW
Here ii Hudson Proof
' The new Super-Six li just such a car
as you would expect. It typifies all the
"experience gained in building 60,000
- earlier models. Every speed and en
durance test in some way influenced an
- improvement in its performance and
- v, endurance.
456S-5-7 Farnam St.
political designation shall appear on the
ballot at either of said elections.
Primary, How Cond acted.
I. Primary elections shall ha conduct
ed as provided by law In case of a reg
ular state primary for the (election of
candldatea for repreaentatlvea to the leg
islature, insofar as applicable.
t. Taeaneles In ease ef delegates an
filled In the same manner as vacancies la
ths house of representatives.
Who Not Disqualified.
1. The holding of any other office
shall not disqualify from being a mem
ber of the convention.
Iws Applicable to Xtaetton.
II. The laws of ths state relative to
general elections shall apply ta all elec
tions under this act, as far as applicable,
except there shall be but a single election
board to eupervlse the election and count
ths ballots.
Ballots, How Arranged and Printed.
II. The number of ballots to be printed
for the county shall be divided by the
number of candidates, the quotient se ob
tained shall represent the number of bal
lots In each series of ballots printed; and
the names of candidates arranged ta al
phabetical order, and the first series of
ballots printed, then the first name shall
be placed laat and the next aeries printed;
and this process shall be repeated Until
each name shall have become first. The
ballots ahall then be combined in tablete
with no two of the same order or name
together, except where there may be but
ene candidate.
Petition Blanks.,
It. Blank nominating petitions printed
by the secretary of stats will be sent to
the county olerks ef ths several counties
where they may be scoured upon application.
Hamilton County Men Out
for State Convention
Aurora, Neb., June 28. (Special.)
Present indications are that the
coatesMor delegate to the consti
tutional' convention from Hamilton
county will be between Frank E.
Edgerton of Aut-ora and Judge
George F. Washburn of Giltner. Pe
titions have been in circulation for
Edgerton for several weeks ahd it
is understood that Washburn's
friends will get busy immediately.
Mr. Edgerton was formerly dep
uty attorney general and is at pres
ent county attorney. He ran for
the congressional nomination in the
First district several years aga He
is a member of the law firm of
Hainer, Craft & Edgerton.
Judge- Washburn served three
terms as county judge. He retired
in 1911 to make the race for district
judge, and although defeated, Car
ried his home county by about 1,000
majority. He was assistant prose
cuting attorney at Cripple Creek
during the early '90s. He is at pres
ent engaged in the hanking business.
Roth men are republicans.
Much Replevied Auto Case '
Untangled by the Court
Aurora, Neb., June 28. (Special.)
A peculiar legal tangle was un
wound by County Judge Jeffers
when he dismissed a petition for an
injunction to' restrain the county
clerk frort replevying an automo
bile that had already been replev
ied by the sheriff. Rufus S. Cros
by, a wealthy rfctifed farmer, replev
ined an automobile he had given his
soh-in-laW and daughter, Arthur
and Maude Alden. They under
took to replevin it from the sheriff,
through the county clerk, and Cros
by tried to secure an injunction
against the clerk. Judge Jeffers
suggested that all facts be brought
out in the hearing on the original
replevin, and the other suits were
Married at DeWitt.
DeWitt, Neb., June 28. (Spe
cial.) Carl Wilkins of this city R'id
Miss Izetta Jones of Clatonia Were
married June 25. Only relatives
and a few sorority friends of Miss
Jones were present. Mr. Wilkins is
engaged in farming one and a half
miles south of DeWitt, where the
young people will make their home.
L L J a
announced, the
A. r
Meeting of 100 at Hotel
Blackstone Preliminary to
Large Gathering in
the Fall.
In the Oriental rsom on the roof
garden of Hotel Blackstone about
100 women gathered for luncheon
Saturday under the auspices of thi
Equal Franchise society to evidence
their satisfaction in the recent pas
sage by congress of tht federal suf
frage amendment. Invitations to
the luncheon were sent to members
of the society, who were privileged
to bring friends. Miss Josephine
Congdon was chairman of courte
Mrs. C. E. Johannes, president,
says the luncheon was designed to
be preliminary to a large gathering
i tU k fall -tart-t ak4 1 bm ApnanU .
in 1. 1 us icaita rt lit ii ssti vi ouii.a uuu
will be perfected for the purpose of
instructing the new electorate.
Resembled Prayer Meeting.
Except for the delectable and
well-served luncheon, the tables
gaily decorated with golden core
opsis the suffrage color- and the
absence of an occasional amen.
the gathering resembled an old-time
Methodist prayer meeting. There
were testimonials! admonitions, good
resolves and close communion of
spirit. Mrs. Guy Kiddoo toast
mistress, took as her text, "The Re
sponsibility of the Young Women of
Today Toward the Next Genera
tion, saying that the older women
who have worked unceasingly, and
with final success, for equal suf
frage hate given that heritage to
women who would otherwise spend
their lives in an endeavor to win it
"Having made auoh definite gain, it
is for the young woman of today
to hold high the torch which lights
tne path to further progress, she
Tells of Long Struggle.
Mrs. Halleck Rose pictured Tid
ily for her heaters the 50 years of
struggle leading up to the insertion
of one three-lettered word, "sex,"
in tho 15th amendment to our fed
eral constitution. Mrs. A. W. Tef
feris, wife of the congressman from
this district, said she was glad her
husband had been afforded the op
portunity to vote in favor of -this
epochal measure. Mrs. C. C. Bel
den emphasized the need for contin
ued activity, and Mrs. Philip Pot
ter paid tribute o the national and
state workers who have been inde
fatigable in their efforts to make
equal suffrage a realization.
Other speakers were Mr. and
Mrs. C. S. Stebbins. Mrs. Z. T.
Lindsay, Mrs. J. M. Metcalfe, Mrs.
E. G. McGilton, Mrs. E. H. Cole
and Mrs. Morrison, who read from
a "Declaration of Sentiment" drawn
up 71 years ago at the Seneca Fa'ls,
N. Y., convention in the interest
of equal suffrage the first such
convention held, among whose ear
nest workers was. William Lloyd
Garrison, the famous abolitionist.
Bank Charters.
Washington, June 18. (Special Tere
(rram.) The charter of the City National
bank of Lincoln, Neb., has been extended
to June 26, 1939.
A charter has been granted for the
American National bank of Cheyenne
Wyo., with a capital of 155(1,090.
As a result the new Super-Six starts
easier, rides easier . and runs more
smoothly. All the old qualities are re
tained many are enhanced.
Think of the value of such a test as
the double trans-continental run in
Which a sevenpassenger touring car
made the roUnd trip from San Francisco
to New York in 10 days, 21 hours. Or
the 24-hour run in which one man drove
1,819 miles. So also of the many speed
way contests. Records more minute
than the temperature charts of the most
careful physician were kept of every,
phase of Hudson tests. As a result.
Hudson engineers found ways of enlarge
ing Super-Six attributes, hot possible un
der other circumstances.
That is why each hew Hudson is su
perior to its predecessor. It is why the
new model is more desirable than any
that has preceded it
As Always in the Past,
Hudsons Are Scarce
- There have never been sufficient-Hud-sons
to meet normal demand. Mid-sea
son has always seen a Hudson shortage.
This year is no exception.
Dealers are keeping delivery lists
made up in the same sequence as orders
are placed.
Some dealers are already sold out for
weeks ahead. The situation grows more
acute daily.
So see about your Hudson now.
BuniutThiiAi is tWo
Yank Visits His Own Grave;
Says It Is "Grave" Mistake
Divernon, lit., June 28. Sergeant
Louis Chubboy has .returned home
after Tiewing his own gray Li
France. Captured by ths Germans,
ht was held a prisoner for more
than a year. When taken he aban
doned his pack and personal effects.
These were found and identified as
belonging to Chubboy. A dead
American lay alongside hem. He
was buried ai Chubboy. Chubboy,
on release from the German prion
camp after the signing of the armis
tice, came to France and saw his
own grave.
Trial of Alleged Murderer
Promises to Be Sensational
Rapid City, S. D.rjune 28. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Charles Doll, ar
rested for the murder of James Fox,
on June 26, was arraigned before a
justice of the peace here Saturday
and tht preliminary hearing set for
July 14. Attorney for the prosecu
tion stated that he has four wit
nesses who will swear Doll threat
ened to kill Fox last Sunday, and
40 who will swear he threatened to
kill Fox within the past year. The
trial promises to be one of the most
sensational in years.
Hail Storm Does Much
Damage Near Rapid City
Rapid City, S. D., June 28. (Spe
cial Telegram.) A hail storm which
lasted half an hour did thousands
of dollars worth of damage in this
city and vicinity Saturday night.
Hail stones as large as hen eggs fell,
breaking windows and destroying
crops. No fatalities were reported.
Bee Want Ads Produce Results.
BEE! JUNE 29, 1919.
Quantity of Contraband Seized
After Exciting Chase Be
tween Policeman and
Whisky Runners.
An exciting chase at 7 o'clock yes
terday from Thirtieth and Fort
streets to Twentieth and Lake
streets, between Motorcycle Officer
Art Cooper and two men driving a
seven passenger automobile, resulted
in the capture of the automobile
laden with 1,000 pints of whisky,
and the escape of the two men.
Cooper brought the 1,000 pints of
whisky to Central station, together
with the car and the coat of one of
the bootleggers. '
Cooper suspected ths whisky-runners
at Thirtieth and Fort streets.
His actions prompted the men in the
automobile to speed up. The of
ficer fired several shots and punc
tured a tire of the liquor car. The
early morning race followed a
southerly course along Twenty
fourth street to Lake, where a turn
was negotiated without accident, but
when another turn attempted at
Twentieth and Lake streets, the au
tomobile struck the curb and
smashed a wheel. The occupants
escaped with Cooper firing over
their heads.
As the two bootleggers dodged
into an alley and escaped, Cooper
just reached the coat tail of one of
them. Mr. Bootlegger wriggled
Many a good meal has been spoiled
by poor bread On the other hand
many a poop meal gets by because the
bread is good. And since there is
nothing but smiles on the faces of those
at the family table when Omar bread
is served, I can rightfully claim to be
Omaha's family man,
You will find me on every sack of flour featured
by grocers whose customers interests come first
Tam not as high priced as some, nor as low as
many But I am the most economical flour to
use because my 48 pound sack will bake about
5 more loaves than 40 other xbrands which were
tested in the baking laboratories where I am
made, and my mill backs me with this guarantee:
MIf Omar doesn't bake the best bread yoii
ever baked, simply take the empty sack
to your grocer, and feet your money'
2500 Barrtts Daily Capacity
from his coat and fled with his part
ner to safer quarters.
Detectives are holding the coat as
an important clew in the identifica
tion of its owner.
.The whisky is labeled "Sunny
brook" and "Cascade."
Beatrice Boy Shot in Effort
to Run Past Booze Hounds
Beatrice, Neb., June 28. (Spe
cial). According to information re
ceived here, Lester Kennedy, 16-
year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. W.
E. Kennedy of West Beatrice, was
shot and probably fatally wounded
near Troy, Kan., while trying to
run a blockade with an auto load of
whisky. The boy was taken to a
St. Joseph hospital.
Young Kennedy and two other
men were ordered to halt by offi
cers as they neared Troy, it is al
leged, but instead of doing so they
opened fire, the officers sky. which
was returned. Kennedy was
wounded by Deputy Sheriff Hayes,
but the other two men escaped.
Young Kennedy gave his name as
Wesley Jones when he was taken
in custody by the officers. His
father left for St. Joseph in re
sponse to a telegram stating that
his condition was critical.
Aurora, Plans "Hot Time
in Old Town" on Fourth
Aurora, Neb., June 28. (Special.)
Big preparations are being made
for a Fourth of July celebration in
Aurora. The program includes two
ball games, wrestling matches, box
ing matches, races, water fights,
band concerts, singing by a female
chorus, fireworks and other attrac
tive features. A merchants" disptay
parade will open the festivities at
9 o'clock. Dr. H. H. Harmon of
Lincoln has been engaged as
Bank Commission Denies
Charter at Scottsbluff
Lincoln, June 28. The state
banking board met again Saturday
morning and took up the matter of
the application of former Land
Commissioner G. L. Shumway and
others for a charter for the Com
mercial State bank of Scottsbluff,
which has been before the board on
a hearing covering two days.. The
board refuses the charter in the fol
lowing language, the vote being
"From the evidence adduced at
the hearing and the information ob
tained by the investigation made by
the banking department, it is hereby
ordered that the application cf the
Commercial State bank of Scotts
bluff for charter be denied."
Notice has been given that an
appeal will at once be made to the
district court of Lancaster county
by Mr. Shumway. '
Grant Charter for Union
Stale Bank at North Platte
Lincoln, June 28. A bank char
ter has been granted to the Union
State bank of North Platte, with a
capital stock of $50,000, by the state
banking board. Officers of the bank
are T. O. Swenson, president; C.
W. Swenson, vice president, and
Ed Westering, cashier.
Increases of capital were granted
to the following:
Gordon State bank, Gordon, in
creased from $40,000 to. $150,000;
Farmers State bank, Henderson, in
creased from $25,000 to $50,000;
Farmers & Merchants bank, Edi
son, increased from $15,000 to $20,-
000; Walton State bank, Walton, in
creased from S1U.0UU to S15.UUU; Cit
izens bank, Ogallala, increased from
$25,000 to $50,000; Farmers Ex
change bank, Trumbull, increased
from $10,000 to $15,000; Trumbull
State bank, Xrumbull, increased
from $5,000 to $10,000. ,
New Hotel to Cost $ J 50,000
to Be Erected at McCook
McCook, Neb., June 28. (Spe
cial.) Over $100,000 has been sub
scribed for McCook's new hotel, ahd
the stockholders have adopted ar
ticles of incorporation and by-laws,
and elected a board of directors, and
are getting in condition to push
along this enterprise. A 75 to 100
room building is being planned, to
cost in the neighborhood of $150,
000. It is to he of fireproof con
struction. The directors are: P.
Walsh, chairman; C. E. Eldred. vic
chairman; J. F. Cordeal, secretary;
F. A. Pennell, treasurer. Mr
Walsh is also chairman of tli
building committee. The hotel wil
be called "The Keystone."
Stephen Bennett Chapter,
D. A. R., Entertains Soldiers
Fairmont, Neb., June 28. (Spe
cial.) The Stephen Bennett chap
ter, D. A. R., of Fairmont gave a
party in Odd Fellows hall for the
returned soldiers and sailors, Jurs
25. Flags and flowers in great pro
fusion and arranged with artistic ef
fect transformed the hall, where
about 70 guests made merry.
A community celebration will
take place later when all the boys
have returned.
Beatrice Man Cleans Up
Nice Sum on Land Sale
Beatrice, Neb., June 28. (Spe
cial). Otto Grieser of the Adams
vicinity has sold his quarter section
of land for $145 per acre. The land
was purchased 16 months ago for
$97.50, and in the transaction Mr.
Grieser cleaned up $7,500 on the
advance of the land.
Bee Want Ads Produce Results.
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