Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 29, 1919, Image 43

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8 D
Hotels of Belgrade Harbor
Guests Whose Identity Is
Revealed by Teutonic Cast
of Features,
Belinda, Jun 28. Th German
and Anatrian peaceful infiltration of
Serbia hat begun. The hotel of
thia dry harbor fueitt whoee Iden
tity la rerealed by their heayy Tto-
tonie caat of feature. They talk in
German and laugh loudly orer their
. beer. Indeed, if one doea not apeak
German in Belgrade one aometimes
findt himtelf misunderatood. The
waiter do not know Engliah or
French in the majority of ease.
"My friend in Basle told me I
would' be mobbed in Belgrade if I
. spoke German there," declared a
self-styled Swiss salesman. "How
ever, I found that when I spoke
Italian 1 was treated with disrespect,
that when I spoke French I was
ignored and that when I spoke Eng
lish I was smilingly but politely
told, in German, that I could be
best served by speaking the tongue
I know best"
Serbia from one end of the coun
try to the other haa been flooded
with cheap Austrian and German
goods. - How ,they got in one can
not learn, but every ahop window
in the ' villagea from Uskub to
Semendria contains cheap mirrors,
toilet articles, knives and gimcracks
of every description "Made in Aus
tria." Many of the articlea are
celluloid of the former Austrian and
German emperors in all their re
galia. There seems to be little pre
judice against German and Austrian
goods among the peasants and vil
lage dwellers of Serbia.
The Serbian hates the Bulgarian
as venomously as ever but he does
not sing a morning hymn of hate
against Germany or Austria. The
country is flooded with pictures of
atrocities committed by Bulgarians
upon Serbians. The former Em
peror Charles' picture stfll adorns
the local police headquarters.
In Belgrade . there is bitterness
against the Austrians, especially
among the better class of people
whose homes were systematically
despoiled by Austrian officers who
shipped 60 trains of household goods
from Belgrade across the Danube
into Austria. Each train was com
posed of approximately 30 cars.
Three hundred pianos were includ
ed in the loot. Belgrade and north
ern Serbia are flooded with the de
preciated Austrian currency in
fact, there apparently is more Aus
trian money in circulation than Ser-,
The advertiser who uses The Bee
Want Ad Column increases his
business thereby and the persons
who read them profit by the oppor
tunities offered.
... -
fpemont "Post office.
Officials Resign Rather Than
Accept Responsibility for
Strikes In Coal Fields of
Ruhr District.
BerQn, Tune 28. (Correspondence
of the Associated Press.) No long
er willing to take the responsibility
for the "economic need and incal
culable Buffering" caused by repeat
ed atrikea. leaders of the old Min
ers' Union associations in the Rhur
district have tendered their resig
nations. These men, most of whom
are majority socialists, have bitterly
opposed the strikes which for weeks
have been disrupting the coal fields.
"Strikes begin over the heads of
responsible leaders and against our
advice," the retiring officials say in
a statement accompanying tneir
resignations, and are not answer
able to our comrades.
"A large portion of our members
and officials are prevented from at
tending miners' meetings and are
shouted down, cursed and threat
ened, while irresponsible 'word
heroes' work in the most senseless
manner for the destruction of our
association in order to attain their
political purpose, which lead to
economic and political anarchy and
prepare the ground for counter rev
olution opposition. They see in the
Spartacists their ally and peacemaker.
"Bv strikes the number of work-
less Germans has been doubled, in-
dustrv lamed, hunger lengthened,
food importation prevented, the
economic, financial and political
breakdown of the German republic
brought into the near future, and
unionized discipline destroyed.
"We decline responsibility for all
that Our conscience, our honor,
our past filled. with sacrifice, and our
Inns rf Anr rnnrarlH fnrr tn
IV I . V. VM. .... u t
abandon definitely a path whichi hotel
many of our members appear to be
taking." ' '
Omaha Owned Supply
Company Located In
New Modern Building
The Sanitary Supply company,
the only concern of its kind in the
city owned entirely by local capital,
has moved into its new home at
Fifteenth and Jackson streets. Ex
cellent trackage makes the locatioi
one of the most choice in the whole
sale district
The company has expanded great
ly since moving into its new
quarters and with the continual ar
rival of new stock it has become
one of the most complete and up-to-date
firms in this territory. The
building is especially equipped to
facilitate the greatest conveniences
in giving the customers perfect service.
The Sanitary Supply company
was organized six years ago and
has built up a business covering Ne
braska, western Iowa and part of
South Dakota. Holiss M. Johnson
is president and general manager.
J. H. Evans, vice president is as
sociated with Mr. Johnson in the
management of the company. W.
C. Bullard is vice president. The
directors are Frank Martin, O. D.
Kiplinger, J. B. McKittrick and
Charles Gurnig.
Get Booze and Girls
But Arrests Followed
Kansas City, Mo., June 28. "We
want some booze, George. Can we
get it here?" asked two soldiers of
James Warren, the negro porter of a
hotel here.
"Yessah yessah; but mah name's
James, not George," said the
porter as he turned to leave t'fic
"All right, James; and a couple of
girls, too," one replied.
"Sho, boss," replied the porter.
Soon two girls and a bottle or two
of booze came to the room.
Just then three men walked into
the room and arrested the two girls.
One of the men was Lt. Joe Haher-
korn, in charge of the military police
here. The other two were govern
ment agents. The negro porter, the
hotel manager, with the two girls
were arrested. The police are said
to have refused to raid the hotel.
British Empire Seeks to Dis
courage Its Subjects From
Seeking Homes In Foreign
London, June 28. British subjects
endeavoring to emigrate to the Unit
ed States are having their troubles.
Due to the lack of houses, the glut
in the labor market and the high
cost of living, hundreds of new'y
married couples anxious to escape
to some other part of the world
where opportunities and conveni
ences are moreplentiful.
In the Nottingham Gate district
there is a line of men and women
daily who are seeking to go over
seas. When they say they want to
go to Canada, Australia or some oth
er part of the British empire, thry
are given every consideration and
allowed to proceed as rapidly as lim
ited facilities will permit.
But if they want to go to the
United States they must go through
another line at the American con
sulate, where only about one in five
would-be emigrants stxeed in get
ting their papers to go forward.
Apart from business passports and !
papers for returning soldiers, many
of them having served in the British
army, few permits to go to Amerira
are being issued.
The government emigration office,
feeling perhaps that the name im
plies a severing of ties with the
homeland, has changed its name to
the oversea Settlement office. The
word emigration here after will Ue I
applied only to settlement outside ;
the empire.
Warnings are being given the
would-be "settlers" that in many of
the large cities in the dominions
conditions are crowded, and each ap
plicant is asked to go fully into fu
ture plans before undertaking set
tlement abroad.
The Canadians have established
school for girls who have marritd
Canadian soldiers, showing them
how to raise chickens, milk cows
and othewise prepare for a farming
life in the northwest
Pins Medal On Himself
Then Dodges Publicity
San Francisco, June 28. Major
General John F. Morrison, com
manding officer of the western de
partment, is wearing the ribbon of
the Distinguished Service Medal re
cently awarded him by the govern
ment for meritorious work in the
training of American soldiers for
service in France.
True to his natural modestly and
well known dislike for publicity, no
ceremony attended the bestowal of
the medal. General Morrison, being
the commanding officer of the west
ern department and the ranking of
ficer on the Pacific coast, simply
pinned the medal on himself.
Fremont, Nebraska
Douglas County
?t0 acres, iy2 miles from Valley, excellent improvements, modern house;
155 acres in cultivation, 12 acres alfalfa, 20 acres hay land, 30 acres
pasture, all fenced; 70 acres hog tight; $325 per acre; cash, $34,250;
balance 10 years time at hy2
Dodge County
80 acres, V2 miles from Fremont, valley land, fair improvements; $300
per acre; cash, $8,000; balance 5 and 10 years time.
160 acres valley land, Zy2 miles from Fremont, Zy2 miles from Arling
ton; 20 acres pasture, balance in cultivation, including 10 acres alfalfa,
all fenced; extra good improvements; $300 per acre.
240 acres, 7 miles from town, rolling upland; 180 acres in cultivation,
balance pasture, all fenced, 5 acres hog tight; fair improvements; $185
per acre; cash above $18,000 mortgage maturing March 1, 1923.
Saunders County
160 acres, iy2 miles from Fremont, 5y2 miles from Fremont, 5y2 miles
to Leshara; rolling upland, fenced; 120 acres in cultivation, balance hay
land and pasture; extra good improvements; $225 per acre; $20,000
cash, balance reasonable time.
Richards, Keene & Co.
. . . -,. ., , .
Try Bee Want Ads for Quick Results
What Our Remedies Have Done
for Our Customers' Hogs
Recommended Above Anything Ever Used
Tamora, Neb., April 23, 1018.
Widhelm Remedy Co.,
Fremont, Neb.
- Gentlemen:
Replying to your inquiry as to how my
hogs got along, will say that your Hog
Remedy was the first out of a number that
I tried that ever cured sick hogs for me that
looked like they had Cholera. I gave your
full treatment to 35 of the worst ones
some of this bunch had been dying at the
rate of from one to three a day and I only
lost one after starting your treatment. I
cheerfully recommend your Remedies
. above anything I ever used to anyone hav
' ing hogs that are in bad condition, and
would in a friendly way advise such to give
the Widhelm Remedies a trial.
Yours truly,
Used Our Remedies Four Year
Ames, Neb., Aug. 19, 1918.
Widhelm Remedy Co.,
Fremont, Neb.
In reply to your inquiry as to how long I
v have used your goods, will say that this is
the fourth year, and during all this time I
have found your Remedies to do all you
, claimed for them. They are doing excellent
work in this community, and I shall cer
tainly continue their use in my herds.
Yours truly,
HENRYV EID AM, Secretary,
Farmers' Union. Ames, Neb.
Best Worm Powder on Market
Hampton, Neb., Nov. 20, 1917.'
- Widhelm Remedy Co., .
Fremont, Neb. -Dear
Please ship me 200 lbs. Hog Powders. I
have 31 little pigs and need some worm
powders. You may send me three cans of
your Worm Powder. I know that you have
the best on the market, as the pigs will pass
worms for three and four days. I believe if
more people would use your worm pow-'
ders and hog tonics there would not be
half as many hogs dying through the coun
try each year. I can certainly recommend
. your Remedies to all who aim to raise good
healthy stock, and I know you have proven
to several of my neighbors that your goods
are all you claim. Their little pigs had the
white scours and your Remedies cured
them in a few days and put the rest of the
hogs in fine shape. I am enclosing check
for the powders and also for one of your
Tank Heaters, and wish to say I am sure
stuck on that sanitary hog waterer it
works fine. Yours truly,
Sanitary Hog Waterers for Winter
and Summer, Chicken Fountains for Win
ter and Summer, Individual Hen Houses,
Brooders, Incubators, Nests, Tank Heat
ers, Hog House Heaters, Cupolas, Sun
Lite Windows, Hog Troughs, Feeders,
Dips, Disinfectant Oils, Etc.
Hog Powder, Brood Sow. .Powder,
Horse Powder, Chicken Powder, Cattle
Powder, Worm Powder, Worm Capsules,
Poultry Tablets, Hog Tablets, Ointments,
Operated equally well by your largest or smallest
hog or pig.
Proof against any waste of feed by your swine.
Positively prevents poultry, rats, mice, or any other
rodents from coming in contact with the feed.
Protects the feed from the inclemency of the
Keeps the feed in better
condition than when
in your granary.
Indestructible Lasts a
life time.
Equipped with Patent Sanitary Dirt Pans, Sanitary
Trough Protectors and Sanitary Clean-Out
' PIu-,
Built to last a life time of heavy non-ru stable iron.
An Ideal Waterer for Summer or Winter Cool in
Summer and Non-Freezable in Winter.
Impossible for hogs to blow water out
, of the Trough. -Protect
your hogs from disease by
using a Water that is 100 sani
Our Information Department is at your service Free. Our Supplies
have no equal in Quality and Efficiency. If your dealer does not handle bur
line of Remedies or Supplies, write us and we will ship to you direct
All our Remedies and Supplies are guaranteed to be and do all we say or
your money refunded. Write for particulars.
They Will Do Just as Much
for Your Hogs
Cured Herd Sick With Necrobacillosis in
a Week's Time
Staplehurst, Neb., April 23, 1918.
Widhelm Remedy Co.,
Fremont, Neb.
Dear Sirs :
In regard to our Remedy for Hogs, I just
wish to say a few words. My hogs were
dying at the rate of 20 a day when you
came down here and asked me to try your
Remedy for Necrobacillosis. I started in
with the treatment on Monday, and in
about a week's time my hogs had all quit
dying and had started to put on flesh. They
were sure as hard a looking bunch as I ever
saw before you started to treat them, and
I fully expected to lose every one of them.
Your Remedies have certainly done won
ders for my herd, and I only wish I had
known of them sooner.
Yours respectfully,
Widhelm' Poultry Powders Stopped His
Chickens Dying
Fremont, Neb., Feb. 14, 1918. 1
Widhelm Remedy Co., w x ;
Fremont, Neb.
Dear Sirs:
I wish to thank you for that Poultry
Powder, as it surely stopped our chickens
dying. They are doing fine now. I expect
to use it for my young chicks, too, as I know
it keeps them healthy and makes them
grow fast. Where your Stock Remedies
and Poultry Powders are used one takes no
risk with his stock.
Your truly,
539-541 Broad Street - - - Fremont, Nebraska
He Has Been Using Widhelm' Remedies
Four Years
Fremont, Neb., Feb. 14, 1918.
Widhelm Remedy Co., 1
Fremont, Neb.
Having used your Stock Remedies dur
ing the past four years, I wish to say a few
words as to the results which I obtained
from their use. Your Brood Sow Powders
have always kept my brood sows in fine
condition and started the suckling pigs
thrifty. m Your Regular Hog Powders kept
up this thrifty condition in the growing
shoats and hogs, and with the aid of your
Worm Powder, they have been kept free
from disease and worms. Your "Life Sav
er" Capsules are the best thing I have ever
found for quick results. I must say that I
certainly recommend your good3.
Your for business,