Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 29, 1919, Page 3, Image 3

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8 A'
Washington Believes Division
of Navy Made toTurn West
In Favor of World
Washington, June 28. Politician!
"here noted for their sagacity are
convinced that there was more than
naval strategy in the division of the
fleet. They regard it as a political
move with these two objects in
First Solidifying sentiment in the
west in favor of the league of na
tions. Second Starting a boom for
Josephus Daniels tor the democratic
nomination for president.
The first object is the one it is
thought President Wilson had main
ly in mind. The second object Sec
retary Daniels is believed to hold
first in his thoughts.
Daniels Made Suggestion.
The suggestion of separating the
fleet into two equal divisions and
putting one division on the Pacific
is understood to have come from
Secretary Daniels and to have won
the immediate and hearty indorse
ment of the president.
No knowledge is available of the
arguments used by Mr. Daniels to
convince President Wilson of the
advisability of the disposition of the
fleet, but the politicians at the capi
ta have their own ideas on that
subject and they are very definite
and interesting ideas, whatever their
basis in fact.
Senator Johnson 'of California, the
man who carried the state by over
200.000 votes when Hughes lost it, ts
one of the strongest opponents in
the senate of the president's policy
for a league of nations. Senator
Poindexter of Washington is an
other of the fighting opponents of
the league. Up to the time Sen
ator Johnson made his speech in
the senate against the covenant, the
sentiment in California had been
decidedly in favor of the league.
Senator Johnson knew this and free
ly admitted it. But his speech work
ed a great change. Since he made it,
a boom has started in California to
get him the republican nomination
tor president. Also, it is said,
through the influence of Senator
Poindexter, the tide i&Jurning in the
northwest against the league. Sen
ator Poindexter is relying on this
change to boost his presidential
Manifest to Cummings.
These developments on the Pa
cific coast must all have been plain
ly manifest to Homer Cummings,
the chairman of the democratic na
tional committee, who has been
touring the far west According to
the views of the politicians, Cum
mings probably apprised the admin
istration leaders of the unfavorable
turnof sentiment on the Pacific
coast, and it was then.; Secretary
Daniels got his inspiration to divide
the fleet, send one-half of it to the
Pacific and take advantage of the
tremendous reception it is certain to
receive from San Diego to Seattle to
do some propaganda work for the
league of nations. This work will
be all the more effective in that it
will come coincident with the fight
in the senate after the president has
made his appeal for ratification.
In helping the league by accom
panying the fleet to the Pacific
coast, Mr. Daniels, it is figured will
also greatly help his own presiden
tial ambition. The man to whom
the coast will be indebted for put
ting a great fleet on the Pacific un
doubtedly will be the most popular
there. Already there is a strong
sentiment developing in the aouth
in favor of, Mr. Daniels' candidacy.
If be can reinforce this with a de
mand from the western democrats,
his chancea of getting the nomina
tion will be excellent
Every big movement In Washing
ton these days has a political mean
ing all its own. It is not always
discernible on first consideration,
but the political wiseacres may be
trusted soon to bring it into view.
Oil or Canard Liners.
London-f-Oil will be the fuel used
by the new Canard liners now being
conducted. The new liners will
displace 20,000 tons and will carry
passengers ana ireigni,
Visit Your Dentist
More Often
There is safety for your teeth in this
Stop the little decay before it becomes
- serious cure the diseased tissues before
they develop into dread Pyorrhea.
Our modern dental service at moderate
prices affords everyone the opportunity
to have good teetH and a healthy mouth.
Best Silver! Best 22K dC 5"iMdge5
Filling. . Gold Crown) KB.?? .?
TEETH .rrcs
4324 Farnam St. 14th and
Anti-Suffragists Lose Bitterly
Fought Battle to Prevent
1917 Law Going Into
Lincoln, Neb., June 28. (Special
Telegram.) The supreme court to
day handed down a decision on the
injunction secured by Edna N.
Barkley, president of the Nebraska
Woman's Suffrage association, and
others, to prevent the secretary of
state from submitting to a vote of
the people the referendum asked on
the partial suffrage law passed by
the 1917 legislature.
The proposed referendum has
been bitterly fought in the courts
and the antis will have to pay about
$6,000 court costs involved in the
contest The decision is a victory
for the suffragists, the court mak
ing two important decisions.
Ihe supreme court decided that
any citizen has a right to prevent
the submission of a referendum by
injunction until the status of the
petitioners and their qualifications
has been determined.
The court further held that if one
signature on a petition was proven
fraudulent it invalidated the entire
petition. The burden of the oroof
of the validity of the signatures was
placed upon the circulator.
General Crozier Says
Baker Was to Blame
for Unpreparedness
Washington' June 28. Brigadier-
General Crozier, former chief of the
ordnance bureau, appearing today
before the special house investigat
ing committee to explain why Us
department was so unprepared when
war came, declared that after the
national defense act was passed, he
submitted a request to the secretary
of war for a larger personnel and
for authorization to contract for
ordnance, but the request was not
acted upon.
When war was declared, he con
tinued, "the army -had 600 machine
guns a ridiculously small number
500 field artillery pieces, a wholly in
adequate supply of artillery ammu
nition and other supplies in the same
insufficient amounts."
General Crozier said after the
declaration of war every means was
used to obtain needed supplies.
Dirigible R-34 Expected
to Arrive July 5 or 6
Washington. June 28. The Brit
ish dirigible R-34 is expected to ar
rive in the United States on July 5
or 6 on the first round trip flight
across the Atlantic to be undertaken
by a lighter-than-air craft
This announcement was made
here today by the British air at
tache, who requested that American
merchant ships ori"th"e north Atlan
tic radio weather reports to Cape
Race for both the outward and re
turn voyasre of the dirigible. The
R-34 will land at Long Island and
will remain only long enough to re
plenish its fuel and gas supplies.
More Money Is Made
Available to Chase Reds
Washington, June 28. Two more
measures aimed at anarchists, bomb
throwers and other enemies of law
and order were included today by
the senate in the sundry civil appro
priation bill. The appropriations for
detection of crimes was increased by
$600,000 and a special fund of $300.
000 for the Department of Labor to
round up and deport alien anarchists
was created.
Short Trade Trips Planned
By Chamber of Commerce
Plans for short trade trips dur
ing the summer and coming fall are
being matured by the trade commit
tee of the Chamber of Commerce,
H. G. Hoel and D. T. Lee having
charge of the details. The plans con
template two and three-day auto
mobile trips into Nebraska, western
Iowa and northwestern Missouri.
luammmw u mm mm u am
Taraam Douglas 8872
For Women
Scalloped and fancy colored borders
on white lawn, with floral designs em
broidered in the corner. Colors are pink,
light blue and lavender; at, each 25c
Summer Frocks
At a Saving
of 25
A jobber's surplus stock of
Hammocks, bought at a sav
ing of 25 , large assortment
of patterns and colorings.
Priced 1.98 $3, $3.75,
$5.00, $7.50, $10.
Porch Shades
Ideal De Luxe Porch
Shades, just the thing for
these hot days, will keep
your porch 10 degrees cooler.
4 ft. wide, 7 ft. drop, 2.75.
6 ft. wide, 7 ft drop, 4.80.
8 ft. wide, 7 ft drop, 6.30.
10 ft. wide, 7 ft. drop, 8.75
in a large assortment of
patterns and colors; just
the thing for sun porches,
slip covers and summer
draperies; worth 75c to $1
per yard, special, yd. 60c.
"Flapper" Tub Dresses
Styles in the Hard-to-Fit-Age
Cool frocks for warm days of smart Voiles, Organdies,
Georgettes, Crepes, Striped Voiles, in all the mid-summer
shades, can be used for all occasions besides for the club, aft
ernoon wear, party outings. Prices $12.50, $15, $17.50 to $35,
in the 12, 14 and 16-year age.
A Special
Lot of Gingham
Dresses 2.39
Shown in nice bright colors, many
styles, normal and high waistlines.
Some Collars have Pique, others
made of self-material, trimmed with
peprl buttons and nifty pockets,
also have wide belts in pretty de
signs. Ages 6 to 14 years. This
price is very special.
Grass Rugs for Summer
at lz Less Than Regular Prices
These Rugs comprise a manufacturer's stock of discontinued
patterns. These are ideal Summer Rugs for indoor or outdoor use.
Color combinations in Grays, blues, Greens and Browns
Silks and Georgettes
Special Values
MOST attractive lot of new arrivals pre
sent Georgette, Taffeta and Crepe de
Chine, plain and fancy patterns, dots, stripes,
etc., in the latter material.
Charming round necks with
dainty ruffle finish, new
sleeves in short, loose type.
Georgettes display beading and embroi
dery, Taffetas finished with narrow ruffles,
sashes and contrast facings. Special lot
featured for Monday selling
at 33.75
A Special Sale of
A Carefully Planned Selling of Blouses Comnrisincf 1
Small Lots
THIS Sale of Blouses brings some of the most unusual values and the prettiest styles of the
season and a wide selection of models, too, for these Blouses have been selected from
our regular stock. They are all new and clean and most desirable in every way. They come
in sizes 34 to 44 and a few in size 46. They are of
f Grouped and Arranged on Three Tables as Follows:
Light shades in Georgettes, Crepe
de Chines, Tub Silks and Nets,
trimmed in Organdy, round necks,
"V" necks, ruffles, fronts beaded
and lace-trimmed effects, 34 to 44,
and a few in size 46.
4-6x7-6 ft. size, 6.75
6x9 ft. size, 8.95.
8x10 ft. size, 11.75.
9x12 ft. size, 12.95.
1 iiiiiiiiiuiiMiiiiiiii 1 BMB
IPIIIIIlllllllinw lillll
Cool White
Tub Skirts
TUB Skirts so cool and at
tractive, displaying
tucks, embroidery, peariout
tons and fancy stitching.
White Poplins, Gabardines
and Piques.
4.75, 7.50 to
of Much Higher
Crepes, Nets
French Voiles
Crepe de Chines
Batiste, Filet Lace
Satins, Etc.
Beautiful Shades
of Orchid
Flesh, Maize
League Blue , -V
White, Beautn l
Prints Etc.
French Voiles; hand-made,
hand-drawn, some Batiste,
high and low necks ; wonder
ful Blouses for summer wear
White and Blue and Flesh.
Especially Favored in
Wash Goods
Is This Smart
New cotton wa$h fabric in a
beautiful assortment of pret
ty printings, specially de
signed for country clubs,
suitings, porch dresses and
outing suits; warranted fast
colors; special at, yard, 75c.
Whit Organdy and Voile, 40
inches wide; splendid quality
for waists, dresses, etc.; in
long lengths, at, yd., special, 35c.
Windsor Plisse Crepe in a won
derful assortment of neat floral
and other designs on white and
tinted grounds, also plain white;
special at, yard, 39c.
Remnants of Attorted White
Goods, some 5,000 yards,. in
cluding Flaxons, Dimities, nov
elty, White Voile and Batiste,
in long mill lengths; values up
to 39c yard; while they last,
special for, yard, 19e.
SwUs Organdy, 40 inches wide, In
a beautiful, sheer, crisp quality,
in all the wanted plain shades;
special at, yard, 75c.
Fancy Dress Voile in a very un
usual collection of new print
ings and color combinations for
summer dresses, waists, etc.; 40
inches wide; special at, yd., 75c
Embroidered White Organdy; a
genuine imported fabric in a
splendid assortment of new and
exclusive patterns, the season's
most popular white wash fab
ric; very special at, yard, $2.50.
Whit Gabardine and Suiting,
genuine Wamsutta make; in as
sorted weaves for suits, sep
arate skirts, etc.; positively
worth 75c; special at, yard, 50e.
Noteworthy and Important is
The Continuation of the Sale of
Silk Hosiery
For Women
Comprises two of the largest and best lots of a very
fortunate purchase recently consummated of some
25,000 pairs of Hosiery. '
Advancing prices in the Hosiery market magnify
the importance of taking full advantage of this op
portunity. ' Judicious women will show keen fore
sight in attending the sale and planning to buy
Beveral months' supply
at 2.00
TT7 OMEN'S Pure Dye Thread Silk
Hosiery in all colors, some plain,
some are all-silk-to-top, others have lisle
garter tops, full fashioned high spliced
soles, heels and toes. This is a very un
usual lot, all are of excellent quality.
Priced Lines
Blouses of French and cotton
voiles, in printed designs, trimmed in
Organdy; also the smartest wash ma
terial of the season, Filet Lace in
White, Rose, Copen, Maize, Tan and
Flesh, clever styles for sport wear
and a good range of sizes.
Modish Summer Footwear
White Pumps and Oxfords
White Rainbow Cloth Welt Sole Oxfords, covered Louis heels, sizes
2i2 to 8, widths AAA to C, pair, $5.
White Rainbow Cloth, Turn Colonial Pumps, covered Louis heels.
2i2 to 8, widths A to C, pair, $4.
White Rainbow Cloth, Welt Oxfords, low walking heels, Ivory soles.
sizes, 212 to 8, widths AA to D, pair, $5.
White Canvas Lace Oxfords.
hand-turned soles, covered
Louis heels, sizes 2Y2 to 8,
widths C to D, pair, $4.
Have Music on the Fourth
A Victor
THERE are styles of Victrolas in keeping
with the circumstances and surround
ings of every home.
Get yours tomorrow and a selection of
patriotic numbers; there's no better way
to spend the Fourth and no better place to
buy them than in our Victrola Department.
Filet Crochet Laces
Bands and Edges
Cluny Laces! mercerized and cotton,
edges, bands and insertions; splendid
for underwear, curtains, etc., camisoles,
Val. points, beading tops, special yd. 25c
at 95c
WOMEN'S Silk Thread Hosiery,
shades of Brown, Gray, Black,
White, Cordovan, fancy Stripes, fancy
Clox. A big lot. There are semi
fashioned with double heels, toes,
soles and .lisle tops; choice of the
lot, per pair, 95c. ,
at Special Prices
Silk mixed Shirting in a splendid
assortment of patterns and
colors, 36 and 32 inches wide,
special at, yard, 75c.
Linen finished Suiting, in big
variety of plain shades, war
ranted fast colors, for suits,
skirts, etc., 36 inches wide, Mon
day, per yd., 29c.
Fancy Dreas Voile in a wonderful
collection of new printings on
white and colored grounds, for
summer dresses, waists, etc., 27
inches wide, at yd., 19c.
Pongee Shirting, highly mercer
ized yarn in a pretty assort
ment of striped effects, perma
nent lustrous silk- finish, 82
inches wide,, at yd. 39c.
Dresa Chambray of Genuine Im
perial in all the wanted plain
shades, beautiful linen finish,
30 inches wide, special, yd. 48c.
English Prints in a big variety of
new Chintz effects now so de
sirable for sport suits, outing
and vacation frocks, etc., war
ranted fast colors, 38 inches
wide, at yd. 39c
Percales for Dresses, Wrappers and
Shirtmg styles, light and dark
colors, our very best quality, 36
inches wide, at yd. 35c.
Awning Canvas, 31 inches wide, in
all the wanted stripes, in colors
of blue and brown for awnings,
tenting and porch shades, full
standard quality and weight,
special, per yd., 65c.
These insure better foot com
fort in hot weather, long service
and pleasing style in every pair.
Featured at
$4 and $5 are These
White Canvas, One-strap Pumps,
hand-turned soles, -covered
Louis heels, sizes 2l2 to 8,
wmtns u to k, pair, $3.50.
il If 1