Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 29, 1919, SOCIETY SECTION, Image 17
5 B Trua wit is natura to advantage dmi'd, What eft waa thought, but ne'tr so well uprtii'd, Something whoa truth, eoovlnc'd at sight, wo find, That given ua back tha image ef eur mind. Pope. O fairest of creation) last and best Of all Cod' work it Creature In whom excell'd Whatever can to light of thought be form'd Holy, divine, good, amiable, or tweet. Milton. THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JUNE 29, 1919. One Mother Keeps Secret Scandal About Her Daughter Until After She Marries By BEATRICE FAIRFAX. The other day several women were having lunch together in a restaurant and, as usual, the con versation turned on men and the type of women men admire. The consensus of opinion was in favor of the clinging vine, either genuine or camouflaged. Some of the opinions were as follows: "Mary graduates the first of June, and how I am -going to keep that scandal about her dark is what is puzzling me." We looked at Mary's mother in blank amazement. She was the pic , ture of cheerfulness, and here she was glibly mentioning scandal in connection with her daughter. "Well, what is the scandal?" some one asked, who suspected a joker in the statement. "The scandal about my lovely daughter that I hope to conceal un til she is safely married is she is clever. She actually enjoys good books, good plays, and she has opin i ions about things." "But I thought they liked them clever nowadays," someone said, But Mary's mother, who has sons as well as daughters, shook her head: "They pretend to, but their ideal is still the doll-baby type, clad irt fluffy ruffles and afraid of a mouse. A Premium on Deficiencies. And the highly successful matron continued: "That is why woman is still in the crawling stage of her development, and why so few ac quire any degree of self-expression, even though they are gifted with exceptional talents. Man puts a premium on her deficiencies, and to please .him a woman must cramp her gifts as Chinese women used to cramp their feet." We stood up for the men for a decent interval and said they ad mired brains, efficiency and execu tive gifts, bu eventually everyone wound up by agreeing with Mary's mother that, in spite of all that women have accomplished during the war, to prove their brains and v ability, the favorite 1919 model of femininity is the weaker vessel. "By their wives ye shall know J them," and a second woman warm ing to the weaker vessel theme as if it had been an actual brickbat aimed at her head, began to check off the wives of the world's most eminent men. I wish it were possible to call the roll of this: "Brainless wives of eminent men" series, if only to show how really clever women can be when they are genuinely roused. But the "brainless wives" series had been compiled from ladies too high in station to point morals and adorn tales. Suffice to say that another woman present had the grace to remark: "These brainless wives showed sufficient intelligence to pick win ners, didn't they?" "Did they pick, or were they picked?" Mary's mother smiled "we in variably do the picking, but curi ously enough the men never found it out till along came that tattling Irishman Bernard Shaw and gave away our pretty little scheme." Clever as You Please, Only "The trick as I "nderstand it," said the very happy wife of a suc cessful man, "is to be as clever as you please, only do not let your sin be discovered ." Someone sighed and said: "Everyone realizes that a good edu cation is a matrimonial handicap to a girl even in 1919. But if we send our daughters to a 'Miss Pinker ton's' and believe me these schools flourish today" even as they did in Thackeray's time she may not marry after all, and of what bene fit is her expensively cultivated ig norance then, poor thing?" This point was duly considered by five women, all of whom had marriageable daughters. And while they conceded that education was a handicap to marriage, the tremen dous over-balance of the sexes due to war, made the fashionable illiter acy a bit risky. If a girl does not marry she will require some genuine education with which to get through life, par ticularly if she would take up a profession. And if she has been sent to a "Miss Pinkerton," and carefully and expensively trained in the paths of ignorance, she would have no foundation on which to build. A spinster suggested that the dif ficulty could be obviated by a cam ouflage college education adminis tered by an allged "Miss Pinker- If tttintiQsota Come to the land of piney forests dotted with ten thousand shimmering lakes. Come where the breeze is fraught with health and new vigor for you and the kiddies. Comfortable resort hotels and cottages throughout the nine great scenic playground districts. Real fishing! Boating! Canoe ing Swimming Golf and Tennis. Four thousand miles of smooth motor ways. I t YirJ Reduced Summer Fares I J cj J Write for Aeroplane View Map V , 1 tWi Folder of Minnesota sent free f !!r-P on request. t n 111 TEN THOUSAND LAKES OF f l- MINNESOTA ASSOCIATION j 1 Q fTT Operating under the direction of the I d I n B&i'dMlz- Minnesota Land and Lake Attractions &b I M VAcS-I Board. -i. . Tft Yffilte- 335 Cedar Street I Q. fkSj-- Saint Paul, Minn. gfjj ' 1 L' Minnesota is a land & ' unuual agricul- .5? i 5: tural, commercial SfIWk and industrial op- jf'-M tljSk. s2 J? portunitjr. Life it SiWiM V vonh living in EAjV-W Jf;a -Jfat Establish -Your Minnesota Touring . Headquarters At The Saint Paul Hotel IN Saint Paul 300 Rooms 300 Baths Send your mat and telegrams in our carr. Laundry can be forwarded to us. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN FARM TRACTORS THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY To secure an Exclusive County Agency for the sale of a One-Man, AIS-Duty, Light. Farm Tractor sold under guarantee; simple in construction, nothing to break and nothing to get out of order, easy to control, gives More Draw Bar Pull I'm-Horse Power than any other Tractor on the market having a direct drive and no gears or differential. Several counties in Nebraska and western Iowa are yet open. We can offer a very liberal contract to one man in each county. If you can show your ability to handle this proposition, finance your orders and make sales, we want to meet you Tractor is ready for the market and will command a ready sale to the farmer who wants a General Purpose' Farm Tractor. Our Tractor f ilia the bill for it has been tested under all soil conditions and stationary belt pull and is now a proved success. Call or write for appointment. GRAIN STATES TRACTOR AGENCY 407-8 Karbach Bid.. OMAHA, NEB. 333 West Broadway, COUNCIL BLUFFS, I A. Bride of Past Week ' " m ., - -v . ... , iiiiiiiiiiiiiifciiiiiiM ton's" seminary. Everyone pupils, parents, faculty could be sworn to secrecy, no degrees would be given, and everything could be conducted apparently as things were in girls' schools two thousands years ago say, when Delilah went to a ladies' seminary and took a course in gen tlemen's hair clipping. This met with universal approval, and there were many regrets on the part of the lunchers that they had missed so enlightened an education al scheme. "When my daughter married," said one of the matrons, "I gave her only one piece of advice and hat was to consult Henry, about some thing or other, at least three times a week. Of course Mabel always does exactly as she pleases, but she makes a great point of consulting Henry." "And they have been so happy 1" "Such an ideal marriage t" "And he is so lavish with herl" the others chorused in unison. "Exactly, the consultations es tablished Henry's position as the head of the house, but of course she never asks him about anything important. She says: 'Henry, do you think the grass ought to be cut?' and of course, she makes a strong point of agreeing with him whatever he decided about the grass. And she lets him take little Arthur to the barber and have the poor child's hair clipped, till he looks like a peeled onion, for my son-in-law has strong convictions on this point." Consultation Denotes Sympathy. Consultation denotes sympathy, it was conceded in the talk that fol lowed, and no woman gifted with genuine sympathy will fail to real ize she is turning her husband's life into cinders and ashes if she takes from him his rightful position as head of the house. It was agreed this is why the average man abhers a clever woman about his premises he wants to wear his own trousers and sit at the head of his own table. He does not at all object to an invisible power house that runs everything himself included from some unobtrusive angle of the do mestic plant, but he wants the power house concealed by clinging vines. Men may admire women at long range for their intellects, but they love them for their weaknesses, for in contemplating weakness one feels endowed with strength. A. S. and other inquirers: In order to obtain victory buttons, discharged soldiers In Nebraska and Iowa should 4nake application to local Ked Cross organizations or to the U. S. Army Recruiting Station, Army building, Omaha, for blank forms. There are two form blanks, one for the discharge record, the other being formal request for the victory but ton. These forms when filled out should be mailed to the recruiting station above mentioned. At pres ent they have on hand buttons for wounded men only, but expect the full supply at an early date. Any Red Cross organization not having the necessary blanks should secure them from the Omaha recruiting station. Pass this word along. Adler-i-ka Helps Son! "My son had inflammation of bowels and was greatly bloated (with gas). After giving him Adler-i-ka he is completely CURED. Doctors did him no good." (Signed) M. Gerhard, Ferdinand, Ind. Adler-i-ka expels ALL gas and sourness, stopping stomach distress INSTANTLY. Empties BOTH up per and lower bowel, flushing EN TIRE alimentary canal. Removes ALL foul matter which poisons sys tem. Often CURES constipation. Prevents appendicitis. We have sold Adler-i-ka many years. It is a mix ture of buckhorn, cascara, glycerine and nine other simnle drugs. Sher man & McConnell Drug Co.. Makes Wrinkles Go "As If By Magic' Want to banish every, wrinkle from face, neck, hands easily, quickly, com pletely 7 Try the famous saxolite formula. Nothing else so nearly meets every re quirement. Why? Because it is correct in principle and really, truly assists Na ture. Possessing remarkable astringent and tonic properties, it both tightens the skin thui naturally smoothing out the lines and improves capillary circulation and nerve tone tending to ttrengthen loose tissue and bring about a healthy condition. Yet, powerful as the saxolite lotion is, it won't harm your skin in the least. And it's so easy to get the in expensive ingredients at your druggist's, and so easy to mix them. Just dissolve one ounce powdered saxo lite in one-half pint witch haiel that's all. Bathe your faee in this immedi ately every wrinkle and crease are af fected, even the deepest. You are per fectly astonished, and delighted, with the result. You look like you've lost yean from your age I Ad vf War Camp Sunday, June 29 Open house at the Girls' Community house. Girls of all clubs hosteeses to soldiers, sailors, and marines. Music and social time, 4:30 to 6:30 p. m. Tuesday, July 1 Wamm and Cluga club dinner and games, social evening at Girls Community house, 6 p. m. Lafayette club dance at Fort Omaha, 8:30 to 11 p. m. Wednesday, July 2 Dancing class at army and navy club for be ginners, 8 to 9:30 p. m. Thursday, July 3 Lafayette club business meeting at Girls Commun ity house, 8 p. m. Angelius and Joan of Arc club for soldiers, sailors and marines, 8:30 to 11:30 p. m. Friday, July 4 Woolco club din ner and dancing class at Girls Com munity house, 6 p. m. Saturday, July S W. D. T., Patri ot and Papillion Liberty clubs dance at Girls Community house for sol diers, sailors and marines, 8:30 to 11 p. m. Galsworthy On Dogs He (the dog) is by far the nearest thing to man on the face of the earth, the one link that we have spiritually with the animal creation. Get yourself chained to your study chair as a watch dog is to its kennel for a year or so. You could then write convincingly on our mor bidity for desiring -to do away with your chain by law. Yes, the position of the dog is unique. We have made him intelli gent; and it is sinister ethics to choose him for vivisections or inoc ulations because of the very intelli gence we have implanted. We have taught him faith and love, and I feel are ourselves bound by what we have taught him. I do not wish to enter here into HARP SCHOOL Harps Furnished Pupils 308 Lyric Bide. Phone Doug. 6704 Summer Night's Entertainment The HOBART M. CABLE play er piano has made the Arabian nights seem meager. On a sum imer's evening you may all gather around the player and blend your Voices with the music, or dance to the latest music and most en trancing fox trots. What Is Your Player Worth? It makes no difference. Q. R. S. Player Rolls will make It worth more. , Every time you buy a few new rolls you'll gain new respect and admiration for your player. Our library is complete. Call at any time. Convenient pay ments arranged on the best in struments that money can buy. Grand Pianos, Player pianos, and Victrolas. MICHEL'S Omaha's Music Center. "A 15th and Harney IV Phone Doug. 1973 the general question of vivisection, but I do plead that, whether we be lieve in vivisection or not, we are bound, in common honor, to make a clean and whole-hearted exception of the one creature whom we have trained to really trust and love us. By not doing so we injure the hu man spirit. President Poincare of France, h-.s written a letter thanking the girl members of the General Lafay ette Knitting club of Germantown, Pa., for their work in the war. In the recent address, Miss Helen Taft, dean of Bryn Mawr college, defended the teaching of Latin, Greek and higher mathe matics on the score of their broad ening effect on the minds of the students. It is computed that there are just 1,919 more women than men in city of New York. Movie Actress Takes All Night Walks In Woods; Communes Wth Elves. Louise Fazenda has just finished one of her wild-woman walking trips. Louise insists that in an other incarnation, she was a big gray timber wolf. Every once in a while, when the moon is full, or isn't full anyhow, once in a while, Louise harkens to the call of the wild and goes out for an all night walk through the mountain canyons near Los Angeles. She says the brooks are full of elves who sing to her, and that all the little wild people of the woods the coyotes and the red foxes and the night owls prowl around, too. One night she took two of the lovely girls who appear in the Paramount Sennett comedies with her to hear the night noises of the wilderness. They came back carrying the nevfir. again sign. They said they heard rats and rushed for a vacant ranger's cabin for moral support and spent the night sitting on the departed ranger's kitchen table with their skirts tucked up around them. If some early Americans could come back to life they would be as much startled by the prohibition amendment as by the airplane and wireless telegraphy. In Morris town, N. J., in 1825, a group of re formers bound themselves not to exceed a daily allowance of one pint of applejack. A feature of the building .move ment in many American cities is the proposal to erect apartment hou-es for the exclusive use of busi-. ness women. Mille. Alma Tadema, daughter of the famous painter, is painting the Paris peace conference. Service A HIGHLY developed business, or ganized to use brains, art and model equipment in your service for the promotion and upbuilding of your business. This modern daylight plant and staff of specialists was not created In a day; it represents the growth of OUR busi ness and is the result of rendering efficient, in telligent service to a growing list of customers, and backs our claim that Shafer Service Satisfies. The Shafer Service Staff, an organization of real specialists, will prove a valuable asset to your business. Put this staff to work for you. Let them analyze your selling problems, write your copy, prepare the illustrations, do the printing and plan the distribution of your ad vertising matter, or co-operate with you in any particular. ,' We help our customers to develop bigger busi ness with presentable and profitable publicity. Let us help develop yours, and you also will say that SHAFER SERVICE SATISFIES TT T? Ol-P i fV Omaha 1VJL. T . OlldlCl 06 VJU. Nebraska Carpenter Paper Company WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS OMAHA With Branch Houses in KANSAS CITY DES MOINES DENVER BUTTE SALT LAKE BILLINGS LINCOLN SIOUX CITY For Letter Heads use Western Bond, a paper of charac- S JH ; ter for business stationery sold in Omaha for over twenty- three years. i For Wedding Stationery use Lady Washington Vellum, - I, a. fine line of invitation. and announcement stock expressing JLE the good taste and courtesy of the user. Sold through printers samples. Sent 1. O i on request with name of your stationer. VxClipCIllCr 1 &jj6Jr VO'' to srL' 1' 1 -- i ! ENGRAVINGS Mf I J3M fill i . a -. . SasbM saHwHJSiTr r a5a5w y k iK-rr .j La umau is".-! '-St. Bee Engraving Dept. Tyler 1000. 105 Bee Bldg. Quality and Seryice Engravers. We employ a force of ex perienced and capable en gravers and artists who are accustomed to handling ruts for any form of advertising, w irom a post card to a cata- f! i txr. . .i. . i lugue. w e maKe a sneciaitv b.?. -j. ' t -" f oi preparing engravings lor s traae journals, newspapers, catalogues, magazine ad vertising and color work in two or more colors. On your next engraving order call or write the sy ill ills v-ox. Ws, m n