Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 27, 1919, Page 8, Image 8

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    THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, JUNE 27, 1919.
Draw for The Bee by Tad
Base Ball Standings
Copyright. ISIS. Intarnatlon'l New Service
western league. ,
' Won Loit Pet
Oklahoma City
Omaha ,. IS
St Joseph ..' ... 2
Joplin IS
Ph Moines 21
SIouk City 31
A Pass, Single and Sacrifice
Net Two Counters for
Omahfl Club in the
Final Frame. (
Joplin, June 26. A walk and sin
gles and a sacrifice fly netted
Omaha two runs and the game in
the ninth inning today after Joplin
had tied the score in the seventh.
Tuls 2S 21
Wichita 30 31
Yesterday's Results.
Omaha, 6; Joplin, S.
Wichita, .- fit Joseph. 3.
Oklahoma City, S; Des Moines, 9.
Bioux City, 44; Tulsa, 3 It. a
Games Teday,
Omaha at Joplin.
St Joseph at Wichita.
Pes Moines at Oklahoma City.
Slour City at Tulsa. .
4ilftlMn, th 3
JurkMin. lb
Klrby. If
Shlnklr. rf. ..
Hair, t
Macon, sa, ...
"trbeau. Sb. .
If asm, cf. ...
Twnend, p
Hpellman, x . .
Kopp, p
Totals .
Ijtmb, ss
Tltompaon. 3b.
Hornier, cf. ..
Xutt, If
IluNwItt, 3b ..
Mrlver, rf
llrteheck, lb ..
Collin, .
Mattel, p.
Smith, x
.83 S 9 37 13 1
Pittsburgh ,
Won Lost Pet.
. 24 IS .654
.33 '21 .611
, 30 36 .646
, 30 31 .636
, 36 . 2 .473
, 26 30 .466
, IS 33 .353
, 17 33 .347
Yesterday's Results.
St. Louis. 47; Chicago. 6 3.
Philadelphia-Boston, rain.
Cincinnati, 7; Pittsburgh. 0.
Games Today.
New York at Boston.
Philadelphia at Brooklyn.
Cincinnati at Pittsburgh.
St. Louis at Chicago.
American" leagie.
1 12
1 8
.34 3 9 27 8 O
Ratted for Townaend In ninth.
(Batted for Mapel In ninth.
Omaha ............ .3 0 O 0 1 0 fl O 2 S
Joplin . 9 0 0 1 O110 03
Two-base hits: Klrby. Hale, Nutt. Lamb,
Boehler. Three-base hlta: Hhlnkle. (ae
rlflre hits! Jackson, Mapel. .Kaerlflce fly I
' Gialnson. Double plays: Barlieau to GIs
lason to Juckxon; Mason to Glsluson to
Jaekaon. Thompson (I'naiwlsted). Ift
on basest Omaha, II; Joplin, 8. Mtnlen
base: tilslason. Hit: Off Townaend, 8
m eight Innings; off Kopp, 1 one one in
ning Hit by pitched built Glnnwon,
Struck outt By Townnend, St by Mapel,
: S. Base on balls: Off Townxend, 1 off
' Mapel, 3. Time: 1:50: Vmpire: Shannon.
Tulsa Divides Double-Header
With Sioux City, Win 2d Game
Tulsa. Okl June " 26. Tulsa
and Sioux City divided a double
Header here today, Sioux City tak
ing the first 4 to 2, and Tulsa
winning the sscond, 10 to 4.. Slat
tery'l wildness, with errors by his
mates and Rasmussen's effective
pitching gave Sioux City the first
game. Hard hitting by the Oilers
won the second. Score:
-, ' First game:
- AB.H. O.B.I ab. n. u. ...
WtlfH. ss 4 0 3 llMoran, 2b 3
J Si r v. 1b 4 1 13 0 Delate, ss 3
Wits. If 4
Th'son, cf 3
Ol'aml, 3b 4
Pavls, rf 4
T'ney, 2b 4
Manton, e 3
P.Sl ry.p 3
ll.Jonea. 3b 3
1 1 Walker, If 3
OlRob'on, cf 2
OIRro'w, lb 4
0 Elffert, rf 3
(ll'C.regory 0
OiSihmldt. c 4
IRas'sen, p 3
1 3
0 2
2 0
0 2
0 0
1 14
0 3
0 0
1 3
3 1
' Totals S3 6 27 3 Totals 28 . 7 27 2
' 'Ran for Elffert In sixth.
Tulsa 2 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
Sioux City 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 04
Two-base hits: Plltx, Thomason, Tler
ney, Jones (8), Brokaw. Sacrifice fly:
Jones. Stolen base: Walker. Base '
bulls Off Slattery, 7; off Rasmussen, 2.
Struck out: By Blattery. 3; by Rasmus
Ben 3. Hit by pitched ball: By Slattery
Uifate. Elffert). Double plays: Wuffll
to Tlerney to Blattery: Wuffll to Tler
ney; Cleveland' to Tlerney to Slatteiy.
1.eTt :-. bases: Tulaa,- 8; Btoux City, .
. Umplreaf -Jacob and Becker. v
- Second game:
AB. H. O. E.
Wuffll. ss 17 0
J.S'ry, lb 6 1 7 3
Dllta, If 3 3 1
Th'son, rf 4 3 3
Ol'and, 3b 4 3 1
Havl. rf 5 0 1
T'neyiSb 5 3 6
Manloh. c 3. 1 3
Sparks, p 4 1 9
AB. H. O. E.
Moran, 2b 4 2 3
Defate, ss
Jones. 3b
0! Walker, If
OlRob'on, cf
0 Bro'w, lb
Totals 37 13 37 2
Klffert. rf
Schmidt, c
East, p
F'cher, p
Barnes, p
Won Lost Pet.
New Yolk 32 16 .7
Cleveland 33 20 .623
Chicago S3 21 .611
Detroit 26 26 .600
St. Louis ...25 26 .430
Boston ...22 28 .440
Washington 20 33 .377
Philadelphia 14 35 '.286
Yesterday's Results.
Washington, 3; Boston, 1.
Detroit, 1; Cleveland, 0.
St. Louis, 3; Chicago, 3.
Game Today.
Chlcacro at St Louis.
Cleveland at Detroit
Washington at Philadelphia.
Boston at New York.
Won Lost Pet.
St. Paul ......'.;...,. 31 19 .620
Louisville 82 21 .604
Indianapolis 30 22 .677
Columbus j. 27 22 .651
Kansas City 26 24 .620
Minneapolis 23 . 25 .479
Milwaukee 20 32 .383
Toledo ..." 12 26 .316
Yesterday's Results.
Columbus, 3-8; Louisville, 2-1.
Kansas City, 6; St. Paul, 9.
Indianapolis, 8; Toledo, 4. .
Minneapolis, 3; Milwaukee, 2.
Batting Rally Just Before
Rain Stops the Contest,
dives Cincinnati
Six Runs.
Totala 34 3 34 3
Gregory batted for Barnes In ninth.
Tulsa 9 9 S 4 3 9 9 9 10
Sioux City X 3 0 9 9 9 9 9 0 4
Two-base bits:' Slattery, Thomason,
Cleveland (2). Three-base hit: Manlon.
Homo run: Tlerney. Sacrifice hit: De
fate. Stolen base: Brokaw. Innings
Ditched: By East, 2; by Fletcher, 3-8; by
llarnea. 5 1-3. Base on balls: Off Sparks,
1; off Fletcher, 1: off East, 1; off Barnes.
4. Struck out: By Sparks, 8; by East, 1;
hy Barnes, 1. Hit by pitched ball: By
Spvrks (Jones). Double playa: ClevelarJ
to Tlerney to Slattery; Sparks to WuffU
to Slattery. Umpires: Jacobs and Becker.
Two Home Runs Help Wichita
to Even Series With St. Joe
Wichita, Kan., June 26. Wichita
evened up the series with St. Joseph
by winning today, 8 to 2. Home
runs by Mueller and Yaryan gave
the Witches a commanding lead in
the first three innings, and Bowman
held the Saints safe after that.
AB. H. O. E
Pitts. If 4
H'r've, 2b 4
Kel'er. ss 4
B' 3
Boao't, rf 4
B'ker, 8b 4
Brail, lb 4
Branl'n, e 3
North, p 1
WcL in, p 2
AB. H. O. E.
Wllholt, cf 6 3 3 9
4 11
M'ller. lb
McB'de, If
Mei'an, rf
W'urn. 2b
Yaryan. c
9'Berger. sa
oi Marr. 3b
Bo'roan, p
Totala 33 T 34 -0 Totals 37 15 27
St. Joseph ...3 9 9 9 9 9 0 9 9 2
Wichita S 1 3 9 9 9 9 2 x 8
Two-baSfr hit: Butcher, Wllholt, Mc
Laughlin. Three-base hit: Brubaker.
Home run: Mueller, Yaryan. Double play:
Kelleher. Hargrave and Beall; Bowman,
Washburn and Mueller. Left on base:
Wichita, (; St Joseph, 6. Bases on balls:
Oft Bowman, 2; oft North, 3. Hit by
pitched ball: Meloan. Struck out: By
Bowman, 8; by North, 3; by McLaughlin,
1. Hits: Off North, 7 In 3 Innings. Time,
1 hours. Umpires: Eckman and Hulburt.
Oklahoma City Blanks the
; Des Moines Crew. 3 to 0
Oklahoma City, Okl.. June 26.
Applegate held Des Moines to two
hits, both singles by Boyd, and
Oklahoma City won the second
game of the series today, 3 to 0.
Score: .
AB. H. a E.
Want 3b 4 9 1 C
Coffey, 2b 4 9 1 4 3 3
Has k, lb 3 9 8
Walker, e 3 0 6
Kwalt, rf 3 9 3
H'ford. sa 3 9 2 19 1
Boyd, p 3 9 9
Mueeer 19 9
Pillette. p 9 9 9
AB. H. O. E.
Griggs, rf 4 2 3 9
Bensen, 2b 4 1 9 9
Falk. If 4 19 0
Griffin, cf 4 1 4 9
Sp'zer. lb 3 1 ,0
l.l n re, ss soil
Hank. 3b 3 9 9 9
Griffith, e 3 14 9
lAp'gate, p 3 1 9 9
SI Totals 31 t 2T
Totala 39 1 34 01 -, ,
Batted for Boyd In eight.
De Moines .........9 9 9 9 9 9 99
Oklahoma City. .....9 1 1 9 9 9 9 9 1
Twe-bas. hits: Orlffln. Griffith. Falk,
Stolen bases: Falk. Struck out: By Apple
gate. 4; by Boyd. 8. Bases on balls:
Off Boyd. I. Hits: Oft Boyd. T In seven In
nings: off Pillette, 1 In on Inning. Hit
by pitched ball: By Applegat Haa
brook). Left en bases: Oklahoma City,
5: Pea Moines, 4. Wild pitch: Boyd.
Time: 1:39. Umpire: Holmes.
Harding Ice Cream Fail to
i Show and Forfeit Game
The Highland Park Phaimacy
won a twilight, game from the
Harding Ice Creams by default, 9
to 0, yesterday evening. :
The umpire forfeited die game to
Cincinnati, June 26. In a game
that was stopped by rain at the end
of the first half of the sixth inning,
Cincinnati beat Pittsburgh today, 7
to 0. A batting rally off Adams in
the fourth gave the Reds six runs.
Pittsburgh 0 9 9 0 9 99' 3 - 3
Cincinnati 1 9 9 6 9 x 7 8 0
Batteries Adama and Schmidt; Ruether
and Wlngo.
Cubs and Cardinals Split
Chicago, June 26. Chicago broke even
with St. Louis today In two long-drawn-out,
listless games, the locals winning the
first game, 6 to 4. and losing the second,
3 to 7. It required almost five hours for
both games. Erratic fielding, couplfd
with opportune hitting, gave Chicago th
first game. Bunched hlta gave St. Louis
the second game. Scores:
First game:
R. H E
St. Louts 9919993 0 i i
Chicago r 19901110 15 9 3
Batteries: Tuero, Ames, Meadows and
Snyder, demons; Hendrlx, Douglas ana
Second game:
o it n.
St. Louis 11 M I 1 I I A 7 i.iv i
Chicago 0 1 1 9 1 9,0 0 93 3
Batteries: Meadows, Ames and Snyder;
Martin, Bailey and Daly.
Peters and Pesek
at Broken Bow,
Finish Match July 4
Broken Bow, Neb.. June 26.
(Special). John Pesek and Charley
Peters are scheduled for a fmish
match here July 4, at 9:30 p. m.,
two falls out of three. Committee to
judge the match and if in their
opinion there is any fake about it
the wrestlers don't get a dime. That
is their own proposition. Match to
be held in the Hugo Brothers show
tent. Seats $3, $2, $1. Reservations
should be sent to W. S. Schneringer.
Each man has posted $100 appear
ance money. Purse is for 60 per
cent of the gate which they divide
60-40, winner-loser. , Seating
capacity, by a scheme of enlarging
tent, is about 3,000. Evening train
arrives at 6:30. Flyer east at 6:30
next morning. Come see it. Referee
not yet selected,
In addition: Hugo Brothers show;
Jack Wellborn and Princess Flor
etta in free acts; four bands one
the famous Camp Funston band; big
program, foot races, etc.; two ball
games; tattle royal between or
rather among seven negroes from
Grand Island. Address on "Ameri
canism" bv H. H. Wilann T.5nr1n
Everything but the wrestle free to
soldiers. Lawns of the city open
for basket dinners. Airship flights
all day $15 a throw many booked
ahead. Exhibition of fireworks by
the same men that put on the State
Fair show last fall. This is a real
celebration. About $5,000 will be
spent. Broken Bow is host to the
county. The first 19 business men
seen by the committee gave $50.00
each for expenses.
Church and Commercial
Leagues Play Today
Following are where the teams of
pf the Church and Commercial
league play Saturday afternoon:
Riyerview park Western Union
vs Orchard-Wi!helnv3:30 p. m.
Thirty-second and Dewey avenue
Iten Biscuit Co. vs. Be mis Parks,
3:30 p. Tn.
wLS.xu,s,.park Gr M. E. vs. First
M.;E. Wops, 3:30 p. tn.
Miller park Hanscom Parks vs.
Pearl M. E 3:30 p. m.
(sir AMwe y--- f n.
P. "N. VOH K,t 'J 5ft(l-CH ME -)
V eu Krrrt-ey j&hv. . ,
Both Lewis and Stecher
Training At Their Homes
Strangler Doing His Preparatory Work on His Califor
nia Fruit Farm and Peerless Joe Conditioning Him
self on His Dodge, Neb., Farm ; Each Has Number
of Big Men in Wrestling Retinue.
the Highlands after waiting till 7
p. m. '
The Highland Park Pharmacy
would like an out-of-town game for
the Fourth of July. Address J.
Marcan, 1421 Madison St, Omatu,
Neb, South Sid - - ,
Each of the two big men who
meet in Omaha on July 4, Ed
"Strangler" Lewis and Peerless Joe
Stecher, is doing all his prepara
tory work at his own home. Stecher
is training diligently with his broth
er, Anton, Joe Smeal and a mysteri
ous stranger in the Dodge locality,
and reports himself in excellent
shape already.
His opponent, Lewis, is doing his
work on his California fruit farm,
and Billy Sandow, his hustling
manager, reports that he is also in
fine shape and ready to meet Stech
er today. Billy is confident that his
man will clamp his deadly headlock
on. Stecher and end Joe's wrestling,
not only for that night, but for the
entire season. While Sandow seems
to be placing all his confidence and
reliance on the Strangler's head
lock, the Stecher adherants are just
as confident that Joe will mash
Lewis' ribs so hard with the scissors
that he will not be able to work on
the mat again for many a day.
The ordinary work of training for
an important match soon palls on
the ordinary wrestler, but Stecher
has arranged his training so that he
has quite a variety of stunts, doing
away with the tedious matter in his
work. He plays base ball with the
Dodge team, of which he is also the"
manager; plays handball, runs with.,
his pet dog, an animal trained to
play leap frog with Joe on the road.
He runs a little distance and stoops
over and the dog leaps over him,
running oh ahead, and Joe then
leaps over the dog. Both the pup
and the wrestler enjoy the road
trips in this way, and Stecher re
turns with a good bath of perspira
tion and in good spirits.
The Californian is combining his
work: with pleasure also, as he is
climbing fruit trees in the morn
ings, adding a profit to his training,
and putting in several hours with a
number of husky wrestling mates in
his high-class gymnasium, built for
him by his wife as a wedding pres
ent. He wires that he will surely
win, apparently as confident as his
Joe Stecher is going to make a
determined stand to secure a referee
for this match who is a Nebraskan
and capable of acting in the capa
city of third man in the ring on the
afternoon of July 4. -
Stecher always has felt that in his
last match here with Lewis in 1916
the decision should have been ren
dered in his favor, as he claims he
did the most work and was the
strongest at the end of the contest.
However, many differ with Joe in
his 'opinion, and there are an equal
number of fans who feel Lewis
should have received the decision
instead" of the referee calling it a
draw. Stecher clatms in all his
matches he has never discriminated
against any man of reputation and
ability as referee for his contests,
but he believes there are as good
men in Nebraska as any place else,
and one should be selected to ref
eree this contest who will give both
boys a fair .square deal.
There is no question but what
Billy Sandow, Lewis' manager, will
have an opinion of his own to ren
der with regard to the referee, and
he, without doubt, will want to
bring in an outsider. However, he
had his whole say on the match of
1916, and Stecher made no objec
tion to Ed Smith, who is consid
ered one of the best men t in .he
game, and while many criticized his
decision on their last match, he ha
always contended that neither one
of them had any the best of the
match, and as there were no fa'ls.
no decision but a draw could have
been rendered.
This match must be decided on
falls, ,so that it will not be hard for
a man to decide the winner. Stech
er has always claimed that he has
no superior on the mat today, and
while he has had a few setbacks, he
cites the fact that Gotch, in his
palmiest days, lost a match t'j
Freddie Beall and other great ath
letes have been set back on differ
ent occasions.
Stecher asserts he will defeat
Lewis decisively, and once for all
decide who is the logical man to
meet Caddock for the championship
of the world here in Omaha in the
Dope Upset -With Dempsey
Favorite in July 4th Fight
For First Time in History of Championship, Heavy
weight Ring Battles the Title Holder Will Enter
Arena n Short End of the Bettings
(Universal Service Staff Correspondent.)
Toledo, June 26. Approximately
$1,000,000 was rushed into town to
day from all parts of the country
with this instruction: "Bet it at even
money that Jack Dempsey whips
Jess Willard on July 4."
The bulk of the fortune came from
plungers in the big cities who hoped
to find odds against . Dempsey in
their own towns. Failing to locate
better than even money, they sent
it here with the expectation of find
ing Willardites who would lay at
least 6 to 5 on their man.
But pxactically all of that $1,000,
000 remains unplaced.' There is no
financial backing for Willard and
right now there is the belief that
before fight time Dempsey will rule
a 5 to 4 and perhaps a 5 to 3 favor
its over the champion. If that comes
about it means a situation without
parallel in pugilistic history.
Willard in Poor Shape.
Never in the annals of American
ringdom has a champion failed to
go to the "post" a favorite. Paddy
Ryan was a 2 to 1 shot over John
L Sullivan and the great Bostonian's
backers laid 4 to 1 that he would
whip Corbett. (The californian was
favorite over Fitzsimmons and Bob,
in turn, was a 13- to 5 ruler over
Jeffries. When Jeff went against
Johnson he was favorite, while John
son was 3 to 1 when he battled Wil
lard. The absence o Willard money
can be explained in only one way.
His most enthusiastic friends have
lost confidence because he doesn't
seem to be in fighting shape, and
they figure an aged and improperly
trained Willard cannot endure be
fore the sledgehammer attacks of
the cyclonic youthful and superbly
trained Dempsey.
. . No Referee Named.
The rtfereeing matter is still in
status quo with the prospect of
more wrangling lobming large
despite the announcement by Tex
Rickard that the names of the men
who will serve as referee and
judges will be made public tomor-
Lrow. Adams tmpie, who is here
with W. A: Gavin, representing the
National Boxing cimmission, gave
out a statement last night which
read in part:
"Major Biddle will wire the names
of the officials to Mr. Rickard to
morrow." '
Fighters' Not Satisfied.
Kearns and Willard aren't at all
keen about having a pair of judges
assist the referee. Both are ex
ponents of the old plan of only a
referee. Rickard favors the three of
ficials rule. Why? Well it's a
mystery to me. But insiders claim
that Rickard feels that the only way
that Ollie Pecord can be jammed
into the refereeing job is to have
two judges assist him.
The point is this: Pecord is the
official referee of the Toledo Box-
Ling commission. Its rules provide
that he must referee all fights in
Toledo. And this Dempsey-Wil-lard
affair is to be fought under
Toledo commission rules. Pecord is
a good man, but both fighters know
otner reterees mat mey are Keener
Loomis- Defeats -Minden at
Upland Victory Celebration
Upland, Neb.,- June 25. (Special.)
Loomis won from Minden, 7 to 6,
at Upland's victory celebration yes
terday. Except in the fifth, when
Minden bunched five hits for as
many scores, their hits were scat
tered, while Loomis', though fewer,
were both timely and long. The
game was witnessed by a huge
crowd. Score:
Minden 10005000 06 12 6
Loomis 3 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 x 7 8 3
Batteries: Minden', Qaston, Batlstte and
Robb; Loomis, Maaske and Masters.
Southern Association.
At New Orleans, 2; Chattanooga, 4.
At Mobile, 3; Nashville, 4.
At Atlanta-Little Rock; rain.
At Birmingham-Memphis; rain.
about than Pecord. Rickard wants
Pecord to referee in keeping with
the Toledo rules. Feeling that per
haps the fighters might object to
him as the sole judge he espoused
the three-man plan. That would sim
plify things. Pecord could refree
and the judges, being men of sea
soned ability could safeguard the
fighters' interests by outvoting
Pecord in a decision if he blundered.
State Circuit Races
Closed With Flying
Exhibition at Beatrice
Beatrice, Neb., June 26. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Miss Beulah Brew
ster, Beatrice, accompanied Lieut.
Wade Stevens, pilot for Dr. Frank
Brewster of Beaver City, Neb., when
the officer gave an exhibition of air
plane stunts above the driving park
this afternoon at the close of the
state circuit races.
8:17 Trot.
Timothy Hal, owned by Frank Starr,
Red Cloud, Neb., (W. L. Hill, driver),
1- 1-1; Lexel, owned by M. H. Sebree and
driven by owner, Independence, Kan.,
2- 2-2; Vesta Lene, owned by E. D. Gould
& Son, Kearney, Neb., (Rhodes, driver),
3- 3-3; Dusty Girl, owned by Gould & Son,
(Denis, driver), 4-4-4. Time: 2:19!4,
2:22ii 5:19.
2:12 Face,
Windy Hal, owned and driven by W.
Dennis, Salt Lake City, 1-1-1; Whitefoot,
owned by F. E. Beaumont, Lincoln, Neb.,
(W. L. Hill, driver), 2-4-2; Magnet M. V.,
A. L. Lawler, Abilene, Kan., (Agent,
driver), 3-2-4; Roma, D. Gould & Son,
owners, (Rhodes, driver), 4-3-3. Time:
3:18)4. 2:18. 2:17.
Half Mile Running.
Joe Morris, Verley up, first; Crucible,
Reese up, second; Easter Tide, Dugan up,
third. Time: 61.
Five-Eighths Mile Running.
Adilene, Reese up, first; Hester, Dugan
up, second; Star O'Ryan, Snell up, third.
Time: 1:04.
Gives Washington Three of
Five Games With the
American League
Boston, June 26. Washington
took the final and rubber game of
the five-game seriess with Boston
today, 3 to 1. Harper, who pitched
Monday, came back and yielded
but six hits, whereas Pennock was
hit freely. Score:
Washington ...1 001 0001 0 s' IS 2
Boston 10000000 01 0
Batteries: Harper and Agnew, Plclntch;
Pennock and Schang.
Tigers Beat Indians in 12th.
Detroit, Mich., June 20. Hellmann's
three-base hit to center field In the 12th
inning with one out, followed by Flag
steadd's single, gave Detroit a 1 -to 0
victory over Cleveland today. Boland
and Jasper made a pitchers' battle of De
troit's first extra Inning game of the year.
Cleveland ..00000000000 00 6 2
Detroit 0 0000000000 11 1
Jasper and O'Neill; Boland and Aln
smlth. Browns Win Long Battle.
St. Louis, June 26. St. Louis won a II
lnnlng battle from Chicago today,- 8 to 2.
In the 13th Tobln singled, took second
when Slsler singled, advanced to third on
Jacobson's sacrifice and scored the win
ning run on a sacrifice fly by Smith.
Chi. ...000010001000 02 S 0
St. L. 0001010000 00 jl 3 15 0
Batteries: Kerr and Schalk; Sothoron
and Billings, Severeid.
Barry and Strnnk Traded.
New York, June 26. Jack Barry
and Amos Strunk of the Boston
Americans were today traded to
the Philadelphia Athletics in ex
change for Bobby Roth and
Maurice Shannon. Owner Harry
Franzee of the Boston team, in an
nouncing the deal, stated that
there was no cash involved in the
transaction, the trade being made
on even terms.
American Association.
Minneapolis, June 26. Score:
R. H. E.
Milwaukee 2 7 O
Minneapolis 3 7 1
Batteries: Faeth, Howard, and Huhn;
Hovllk, Schauer and Owens.
Louisville, June 26. First game:
R. H. E.
Columbus 3 5 0
Louisville 2 6 6
Batteries: Park, Wilkinson and Wag
ner; Stewart and Meyer.
Second game: v
R. H. E.
Columbus 8 13 0
Louisville 1 4 2
Batteries: Wilkinson and Wagner; 'Ben
nett Corry and Kocher.
Ildlanapolis, June 26. Score:
R. H. E
Toledo 4 7 1
Indianapolis 8 14 i
Batteries: Adams and Kelley; Steele
and Gossett.
St. Paul, June 26. Score:
Kansas City t 11 1
St. Paul 0 1 2
Batteries: Evans and Lalonge; MerrUt
and Hargrave.
Fast Colored Club Tackles
Local Semi-Pro Stars at
Rourke Park Sat
urday and Sunday.
The Armours will present a good
attraction at Rourke park next Sat
urday and Sunday when they play
the Chicago Union Giants. The Gi
ants are well known here, having
played many seasons with the old
Brandeis club. Mr. Gilkerson, theii
manager, has been with the clut
for a good many years, although
John Donaldson is not wifh them
having quit the pitching game. They
nevertheless have a second Donald
son in their pitcher Burch. His most
notable game this season was shut
ting out Sutherlands at Chicane
without a hit. He also held 'hf
strong Gary, Ind., team to one hit
They are made' up of ex-league
Manager Gilkerson expects to
pitch Burch Saturday and propably
one game Sunday. The receiving
end of the battery is made up cf
King Coleman, Donaldson's old
catcher, and he is playing with all
his old style. Ever.ody remem
bers Bingham, the funny man of
the old Leland Giants team. He .s
with this aggregation and has more
stuff than ever. He is a good coun
terpart of Arlie Latham of the old
The club will arrive Saturday
morning. Manager Williams of the
Armours will oppose Burch with his
best boxman. He declares the Ar
mours are ready and will give a
good account of themselves. Pop
ular prices will prevail.
Bee Junior League
Meeting for Tonight
Is Postponed a Week
Meeting of the Omaha 9ee Junior
Base Ball association, scheduled for
tonight, has been postponed until
next week. Teams are requested to
watch the sport page Saturday to
see where their teams will play. Tha
teams playing on municipal .dia
monds are to get their permits at
the office of the sport editor.
Today's Calenday of Sports.
Raring Summer meeting of Kentucky
Jockey club, at Latonla, Ky. Hammer
meeting of Queens County Jockey club, at
Aqneduct, I.. I.
Shooting Minnesota State trapshootlng
tournament opens at MinneapollsX Sew
Hampshire State trapshootlng tournament
opens at Exeter.
. Motorboat Start of Hndson river race
from New York City to Albany and return.
T iitina"' " 111
WLZL-Zlf". J
Sailor Joe Stecher
TM IFBlUlffil!
A Finish Contest Best Two Falls Out
of Three Winner Takes All
A Titanic Struggle for Supremacy Be
tween Two World's Leading Athletes
A show full of pep and ginger. Plenty of
- music Contest will be held indoors, elimin
ating unfavorable .weather conditions and the
hot sun from burning you up. )
Reserve your seats now, for the capacity of the
Auditorium is limited. Address all money
orders or cashiers .checks to Manager, Omaha
Auditorium, or phone Charles Franke, Doug
- las 1338.
Spend the Fourth in Omaha, the Gate City of
the West. Plenty of Hotel accommodations.
Seats Selling Now. Prices: $2.20, $3.30, $5.50
and Just a Few Ringsides, $10.00. War Tax In
cluded in These Prices. Doors Open 1:15 P.M. Sharp
Seraeant Ed Lewis