Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 27, 1919, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE BEE! OMAHA, FRIDAY. JUNE 27, 1919.
ayj Secret Treaties With
Germany Caused War, Pkis
me nuswan ureeu iot
Paris, Tone 76. The statement ef
, Dsmad Ferid (sherif) Pasha, deiv
' ;red to the Council of Ten, Tues
day, June 17. respecting the Turkish
position ana also the reply of the
allied and associated governments,
rfafed June 25, were made public
Thursday. The Turnish note, i
part, follows:
"The responsibility for the wrsr
in the east assumed, without ti e
knowledge of the sovereign of tA
the people in the Black sea, by a
German ship commanded by a Ger
man admiral rests entirely with
the signatories of the secret trea
ties, which were unknown alike to
the Ottoman people and to the Eu
ropean chancellories.-
"These agreements were conclud
ed between the government of the
kaiser and the heads of the revolu
tionary committee, who, at the be
ginning of 1914, had placed them
selves in power by means of a coup
d'etat. I call to witness the official
dispatches exchanged between the
representatives of France and Great
Britain and their respective govern
ments, during the three months
which preceded the outbreak of
hostilities between Turkey and the
empire of the ctars.
"When war had once been de
clared the eternal covetousness of
Russia as regards Constantinople
was skilfully represented to the peo
ple as an imminent danger and
anxiety for the preservation of
national existance.
Thereupon rendered the struggle
a desperate one. Turkey deplores
the murder of her Christian colo
nials as much as she does that of
i "The new government, notwith
standing its vigilant care, has been
as yet unable to mitigate the dis
astrous effects Of the cataclysm."
American Chaplain First
in Grenade-Throwing Test
Pershing Stadium, France, June
.6. Three Americans qualified far
the finals in the interallied games mi
both the 110-meter high hurdles and
the 200-meter dash.
, Among the hurdlers qualifying
Was Fred W. Kelly. Los Angeles.
C, W. Paddock of Pasadena, Ca!.,
qualified among the sprinters.
American athletes took the firSi
three places in the grenade-throwing
contest. Chaplain F. C. Thomp
son, Los Angeles, won, with a
throw of 74.9 meters, His brother.
S. C. Thompson, was second, with
73.1 meters.
Brisbane Secures Interest
is: in the Newark Ledger
Newark. N, J., June 26. Lucius
T. Russell, publisher of the Newark
Ledger, announced that Arthur
Brisbane, editor of the New York
Evening Journal and Washington
Tittles, had purchased an interest in
the morning and evening editions
of his newspaper. The conditions of
the. sale have not been definitely
determined, he said, but would be
incorporated in a written agreement
td be signed next week.
Cheap, When You
Consider the Cop
fort Derived!
We Charge Only
$1.25 for Clean
Ins end Pressing
Men's Two-Piece
Palm Beach Suits
Overs. CUaitafa, Hattats, Furriers,
Tailors, Rut Cleasars, Shi
Malt Offlcs na Plant,
2811-13-17 Farnam St.
Branch Office!
Ortther, Tha Tallar, 1518 Farnam St
Pompelan Room of Branailt Stores.
Wsst End Mala Floor BurieM-Nath
Briousfy Abiirishing imd
Friendship Agreement Is
Basis of Battle in Court
Business Friends, of Years Quarrel and Suit Is Started
by R. E. Miller to Recover Share of Salary Paid
His Partner, H. Hughes.
"Davit" and Jonathanv' two
Omaha business men, have quarreled
after many years and they are fight
ing each other in District Judge
Sears' court.
They are R. E. Miller, assistant
sales manager of the Westers Rock
Island Plow Co. in Omaha, and J.
H. Hughes sales manager of the
same concern. Mr. Miller is suing
Mr. Hughes for $5,000.
Their quarrel is a most unusual
They were formerly in the sales
manager's department of the John
Deere Plow Co. in the east and oc
cupied adjoining desks. They were
fast friends. They worked together
and they wenl out together. They
were never happy when out of each
other's company.
In 1909 Mr. Hughes received an
offer to become sales manager of
the Western Rock Island Plow Co.
at Omaha, at a salary of $4,000 a
He didn't want to leave his bosom
friend. He decided he wouldn;t go
Correspondent Detained
in Egypt for Great
Activities in Politics
Washington, June 26. Tempor
ary detention in Egypt of William
T. Ellis, correspondent of the New-
York Herald, resulted from con
spicuous activity by himself and his
son in connection with the nation
alist movement in that country, the
senate was informed by the State
department. The communication
was in response to a resolution of
inquiry recently adopted by the sen
Both. Mr. ElHs and his son have
since left for Constantinople, the
department's letter said.
After their arrival in Egypt, ac
cording to the department, Mr. El
lis and his son made themselves
"most conspicuous" wherever na
tionalist disobedience occurred and
Mr. Ellis sooke at a nationalist
meeting, receiving a great ovation."
"Lone Star" Dietz Again
Indicted by Grand Jury
Sookane. Wash.. June 26. Wil
liam H. (Lone Star) Dietz, former
foot ball coach, was reindicted by
the federal grand jury here Thurs
day on two counts charging taise
registration for the draft and falsi
fying his questionnaire.
The new lhdictment cnarges Dieu
with falsifying his questionnaire in
stating that he was born on the Pine
Ridge Indian reservation in South
Dakota, that he was a full-blooded
Sioux Indian and that he was the
head of a motion picture production
company of this city.
The new indictment was returned
less than six hours after a jury in
district court had been discharged
upon its failure to reach a verdict
as to Dietz's guilt under a previous
Evidence introduced by the gov
ernment and the defense at Dietz's
trial was to the effect that he was
born at Rice Lake, Wis., of a white
father. The government and de
fense disagreed as to the identity
of his mother.
Issues Restraining Order
Against C. L U. Committee
Judge Troup, Wednesday night,
issued a restraining order against
the members of the grievance com
mittee of the Central Labor union,
restraining them from interfering
with the colored orchestra formerly'
employed at Krug park. It is al
leged that by threatening to place
Krug park on the "unfair list the
committee forced the management
to suspend the colored orchestra,
alleged to be non-union, and employ
other musicians. Members of the
grievance committee are J. J. Ker
rigan, John Gibb, J. P. Hansen and
Tony Donahue.
Omaha Girl Weds.
Buffalo, N. Y.( June 26. (Special
Telegram). Thomas Girard, of New
Bedford, Mass., and Miss Cleo Mur
ray, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Murray, of Omaha, were
married here late Wednesday by Jus
tice of Peace Harold V. Bradley.
Miss Murray and Mr. Girard are
both performers in a carnival show
exhibiting in this city. The couple
intend to make their home in Cin-
Summer Life'Satfer
without him. But when the offer of
the assistant sales managership
came to Mr. Miller, the two friends
joyfully came to Omaha.
But this wasn't enough for Mr.
Hughes. He knew his friend
wasn't getting as much at he. So
he said to him:
"Bob, I want yott to make as
much money as I do. We'll agree
always to divide up so that each
shall make the same. I am now get
ting $1,000 a year more than you,
I want to pay you half of that so
we'll both be receiving $3,500."
The greement was entered into
crally, Mr. Miller says. And until
May, 1913, the plan was actually
carried out between the two friends.
Mr. Hughes paying each month to
Mr. Miller half of the difference in
their salaries.
In May, 1913, Mr. Miller was re
ceiving $4,000 salary and Mr. Hughes
$5,500, and t that time the pay
ments by Mr. Hughes stopped.
And Mr. Miller is seeking to col
lect the amount he would have re
ceived up to the present time under
the alleged oral contract.
Spartacans Control
Hamburg Following
Bloody Riots There
Hamburg, June 26. (By the As
sociated Press). H a m b u r g
threatens to become a second
Munich, with even greater blood
shed. The city is completely in
the power of the communists and
Spartacans, who are utilizing food
riots as an excuse for their attempts
to gain control. In the rioting
Wednesday, they stormed the city
hall and overcame the government
troops, capturing quantities of am
munition, rifles and machines. They
then swept over the entire city,
plundering, killing and destroying.
Many of Hamburg's fine buildings
were badly damaged.
Rioters held the railway station
for a time but it was recaptured by
the civic guards, lhe police were
utterly .helpless and government
troops are under way to restore
Jails have been stormed and
criminals released. The Spartacans
are conferring, with the idea of es
tablishing a soviet system.
Mexican Official Taken
to Task by U. S. Colonel
Nogales, June 26. Astolfo Car
denas, municipal president of No
gales. Sonora, Mexico, was called
upon by Col. Earl Carnahan, com
manding United States forces here,
to explain the alleged actions of
some Mexican gendarmes who,
American cattlemen have declared,
are involved in the thefts of Ameri
can cattle by Mexicans. Cardenas
promised to aid the American
authorities in running down the
Harry Saxon, a former sheriff,
now vice president of the South
western Cattlemen's association de
clared 400 head of cattle had been
stolen near here within the ' last
three months. Col. Carnahan has
increased the strength of the cavalry
detachments on border patrols near
4,500 City Employes
on Strike in Chicago
Chicago, June 26. Approximately
4,500 city employes are on strike,
about 1,000 employes on three large
public improvements, two bridges
and the boulevard link, having
joined the striking street repair
men, sweepers and garbage and ash
handlers, who went out Tuesday.
The more serious phase of the
day's development was the attitude
of policemen, who declared for a
strike vote Sunday, and the firemen
whose association demanded a $500
increase. The policemen insist on
$2,000 a year.
Would Put Import Duty
on Lemons and Oranges
Washington, June 26. (By Uni
versal Service). An import duty
of one cent a pound on lemons,
oranges, limes, grapefruit, shad
docks and pomeloes, is proposed in
a bill introduced in the house by
Representative Ketner, of Califor
nia. The bill will be "considered by
the ways and means committee in
connection with the general tariffs
hearing now under way.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Guests of
Poincare With Other
Peace Conference
Paris, June 26. (By the Asso
ciated Press). President Poincaire
Thursday night gave dinner to
President Wilson and all the dele
gates to the peace conference. Mrs.
Wilson accompanied the president.
Responding to an address made
by M. Poincare, President Wilson
said in part:
"I thank you most sincerely for
the words that you have uttered. I
cannot pretend the prospect of go
ing home is not very delightful. to
me, but I can say with the greatest
sincerity that the prospect of leav
ing France is very painful to me.
I have received a peculiarly gener
ous welcome here.
"I feel that my stay here, sir, has
enlightened both my heart and my
mind. It has enabled me personally
to see the evidence of the suffering
and the sacrifices of France. It has
enabled me to come into personal
touch with the leaders of the French
people and through the medium of
intercourse with them to under
stand better.
Slow But Sure.
"Sometimes the work of the con
ference has seemed to go slowly in
deed. Sometimes it has seemed as
if there were unnecessary obstacles
to agreement but as the weeks have
lengthened I have seemed to see
the profit that came out of that.
"These six months have been six
months which have woven new
fibers of connections between the
hearts of our people. And some
thing more than friendship and inti
mate sympathy has come out of this
intercourse. When we part, we are
not going to part with a finished
work, but with a work one portion
of which is finished and the other
portion of which is only begun.
"We have finished the formula
tion of the peace, but we have be
gun a plan of co-operation which I
believe will broaden and strengthen
as the years go by, so that this grip
of the hand that we have taken now
will not need to be relaxed.
"The wrong that was done in the
waging of this war was a great
wrnncr hut it walrpncd trip tvnrlrl to
a great moral necessity of seeing
that it was necessary that men
should band themselves together in
order that such a wrong should
never be perpetrated again.
"Merely to beat a nation that was
wrong once is not enough. There
must follow the warning to all oth
er nations that would do like things
that they in turn will be vanquished
and shamed if they attempt a dis
honorable purpose.
"So, sir, in saying good-bye to
France, I am only saying a sort cf
physical good-bye, not a spiritual
goodbye. I shall retain in my heart
always the warm feel:gs which the
generous treatment of this great
good-bye. I shall retain in my heart
And I wish in my turn, sir, to pro
pose, as you have proposed, the
continued and increasing friendship
of the two nations, the safetv and
rrosperity of France the closer and
closer commuication of tree peo
ples and the strengthening of every
influence which instructs the mind
and the purpose of humanity."
Naval Appropriation Bill
Finally Passes Senate
Washington, June 26. The naval
appropriation bill passed the senate
virtually as reported by the senate
committee, and now goes to con
ference. It carries approximately
$644,000,000. an increase of more
than $44,000,000 over the house
The largest increase made by the
senate over the house measure is
the committee amendment to make
the appropriation for naval avia
tion, $35,000,000 instead of $15,000,
000. Next in size is a $12,000,000
increase for pay, which covers the
senate's provision authorizing an
enlisted strength of 191,000 men
from September 30 to the end of the
fiscal year as opposed to the house
plan to reduce the force to 180,000
after January 1, 1920.
Three Yanks Killed in
Fight With Anti-Reds
Washington, June 26. One officer
and three enlisted men were killed,
two men were wounded and one of
ficer and four enlisted men were cap
tured in recent fighting with anti
Kolchak forces in Siberia, the. War
department was advised today oy
Major General Graves, commanding
the Siberian expeditionary forces.
All of the men were of the thirty
first infantry. Those killed were
Lieutenant Albert Francis Ward,
Corporal Jesse M. Reed and Pri
vates D. P. Craig and Charles L.
Flake. Wounded, degree undeter
mined, were Corporal D. E. Jetisoh
and Private G. Crail.
Lightning Causes Five Fires
Missoula, Mont., June 26. An
electrical storm, unaccompanied by
rain, passing over western Mon
tana, was responsible for five forest
fires reported In the vicinity of Mis
soula within four hours. Each of
the fires was caused by' lightning,
according to reports reaching head
quarters of forest service district
No. 1. -
Mayor Rolph Intervenes.
San Francisco June 26. The city
of San Francisco again moved to
end the strike of the telephone
operators and the linemen in Cali
fornia and Nevada ' when Mayor
James Rolph held two conferences
with the leaders of both sides. The
board of. supervisors telegraphed to
the postmaster general and Califor
nia's representatives in congress to
use their efforts to bring the strike
to a speedy termination.
Boom Poindexter.
Seattle, Wash., June 26. Three
hundred prominent republicans of
Washington issued a call here ad
dressed to friends of United States
senator Miles Poindexter of Wash
ington calling for state-wide
organization of Poindexter presi
dential clubs on July 9,i
Brewers Confident
Right to Make Beer
Will Be Affirmed
Conttniwd From Pace One.)
the brewing interests, declared the
appellate court decision was a clear
victory for his clients and that the
right to manufacture and sell 275
per cent beer after July 1, was as
sured. The brewers were ready to
Drove, he said, that beer of that po
tency was "non-intoxicating" and it
was now up to the courts to decide
whether wartime prohibition forbade
the sale of all beer or merely mtox
cating beer.
Cornelius J. Smyth, assistant
United States district attorney, one
of the drafters of the government's
brief in the pending litigation, ma:n
tained the appellate court decision
gave the brewers less of an advan
tage than they possessed under the
original injunction. He charade
ized as "optimistic" the statement!
by counsel for the brewers that thf
latter could continue manufacturing
2.7S per cent beer. The decision,
he pointed out, would not exempt
the brewers or retailers from prose
cution under the federal wartims
prohibition act, which provides a
year's imprisonment or $1,000 fine,
or both, in event of conviction.
Judge Hough, one of the appel
late judges, in a partly dissenting
opinion, said:
"The wrong here complained of
was and is that of the internal reve
nue department of the treasury
Under the laws in force long be
fore 1918, every brewer individua'ly
brewed on suftrance ot the com
missioner. As July 1, 1919, ap
proached, that official threatened to
refuse the licenses and stamps with
out which brewing is absolutely il
licit and subjects the brewer to con
fiscatory proceedings and penalties
of extreme severity. The plain in
tent was to enforce a strained con
struction of the act of November
21, 1918, by preventing brewers
from complying with pre-existing
and unrepealed laws.
Cannot Ask Indictments.
"So far as I can now see. the in
junction against the acting col
lector stops that plan and I regard
the relief obtained below against
the United States attorney as in af
fect preventing that official from
asking at the hands of a grand jury
indictments for offenses created
only by the act of November 21,
itself. Such possible indictments
.would not involve preliminary
seizure of plant and tools and they
should be left to their course at
common law except under circum
stances of extreme necessity not
here shown. This dissent then, is
limited to the reason assigned for
a result to which I agree."
Judge Rogers, who joined with
Judge Hough in a partial dissent,
discussed the question of "non
(intoxicating beer. He said that for
more than 20 years the department
of internal revenue had treated
beer containing one-half per cent or
more of alcohol as a malt liquor
and that during that time the brew
ers of the country had asquiesced
in that definition, Congress had not
yet defined what per cent of alcohol
made beer "intoxicating," he said,
but it was reasonable to expect it
would do so.
"But in the absence of some
definite legislation," said Judge
Rogers, "the meaning of the term
'intoxicating liquors' must be a
question of fact and not of law. The
court cannot undertake to say, as
a matter of law, that liquor which
contained 2.75 per cent of alcohol
by weight is not intoxicating."
Large Apple Orchard Crop
Endangered by Explosion
Yakima, Wash., June 26. Crops
on 700 acres of Yakima valley land,
most Of it belonging to the Union
Orchards company, and planted to
apples, were endangered today when
the concrete standpipe by the Wen
as dam was blown up with dyra
mite. The perpetrator is not known.
Find Tornado Victim's
Body Burned in Debris
Fergus Falls, June 26. The body
of Alonzo Brandenburg, president of
the First State bank, was found un
der a pile of debris, which marks the
site of the Grand hotel. It is be
lieved all bodies have now been re
covered. Hicks Heads Greet era.
Portland. Ore., June 26. Leonard
Hicks of Chicago, was elected presi
dent of the Greeters of America at
a concluding business session of the
annual convention here today.
llartmann Panama
Wardrobe Trunk
at $72.50
is the biggeit value in
wardrobe trunk that you
can buy.
Haa lift top, padded in
side, locking device for
drawers, shoe box easy to
get at, laundry bag and hat
Freling & Steinle
1803 Farnam St.
-iu- m
(Contlnoed From Fags One.)
gestion of Eljhu Root for a ratifica
tion resolution making stipulated
reservations to further protect
American policies. What these
reservations shall be however, is a
question on which there still is a'
wide difference of opinion.-
Will H. Hays, chairman of the
republican national committee spent
most of the day at the capitol and
saw many republican senators op
posing the covenant He would not
discuss the conference however, ex
cept to say that he had talked over
many things. Regarding the league
of nations he merely reiterated that
the question was not a partisan
one and that the public should not
get the impression that the republi
can party was opposed to the
league. -
Deny Subject Discussed.
It was not denied however that
the treaty fight was one of the sub
jects discussed at the chairman's
conference and the general impres
sion was given that he favored some
composition of differences to pre
vent any possibility of disorganiga-tio-.t
in republican ranks.
In addition to league opponents,
Mr. Hays saw Senator Mc Nary of
Oregon, republican who has favored
the present covenant. He also
talked to Senator Kellogg, of Min
nesota and other republicans, who
have made no definite announce
ments on their position. Senator
Lodge of Massachusetts, the repub
lican leader also conferred with
some of the doubtful ones.
The chief objection to the plan for
reservation, it was said, was a fear
that the league council might later
assume authority to decide what
force such amending articles would
have in international law. There
seemed to be a general feeling that
should the plan be adopted, several
reservations besides those suggested
by Mr. Root would be included.
Expect Effort Next Week.
It is understood the discussions
touched only incidently on the reso
lution of Senator Fall, republican
of New Mexko, for a declaration of
oeace and that of Senator Knox,
republican of Pennsylvania, express
ing unwillingness to accept the
league covenant as an inseparable
part of the peace treaty. The effort
of league opponents to secure pass
age of these measures is expected
to be resumed next week.
Only once during the day did is
sues of the league question appear
on the surface of senate proceed
ings. Senator Phelan, democrat of
California, making an address in re
olv to assertions that the league
would handicap Irish independence.
Three Prussian Presidents
Express Grief at Acceptance
Copenhagen, June 26. Three
presidents of eastern provinces of
Prussia have issued a oroclamatijn
to the inhabitants of their districts,
expressing the deepest grief at the
unconditional acceptances of the al
lied peace terms, but adding that
the people "must not under the cir
cumstances prevent the government
from fulfilling its word to tli
Regard for our compatriots who
would have to bear the conse
quences of such action," the procla
mation says, "makes it our hard
dutv to refrain from fiehting for
our right of self determination an
honor, and bow to the decision
which has been taken."
War Department Orders.
tVashlngton, June IS. (Special Tle-
rram. ) MaJ. Perclval Guardian Laache,
medical corpi. how on leave of absence,
Is relieved from itatlon at Camp Bowie
Texas, and will proceed to Des Moines
Second Lt. Floyd Eades, infantry, now
at Camp Dodffe, is transferred to Fo-t
Riley, Kan., for further observation and
treatment. Second Lt. John Loes, veter
inary corps, 1 transferred from Camp
Dodga to Biltmore, N. C, for further ob
servation and treatment. Capt. Thomas
N. Havlin, ordnance department, la ie
lleved from duty at Sandy Hook proving
ground, N. J., and will proceed to Des
Moines. First Lt. Ralph A. Pembrook,
engineers, will on or before the expira
tion of his present leave of absence report
at Camp Dodge for dischargs.
88-Note Guaranteed
We still hats a fw of these) wonderful values left
new player pianos that hare been used In our player roll
rooms for the purpose of demonstrating music rolls.
All of them are In perfect condition as good as the day
they left the factoryand are thoroughly guaranteed.
Mostly mahogany cases. We have put this price on them
to move them quickly. The terms are as low as we
ever offered. Each and every one of them Is a value
that positively cannot be duplicated. The prices and
terms are all In your favor. Come In tomorrow, SURE.
$2.50 a Week
tWe close every day at
5 P. M., excepting on
Saturdays, at 6 P. M.
Associated Retailers: Attend the Mats Meeting,
Chamber of Commerce, Tonight.
Doug. 1623
Burleson Remains
Obdurate in Stand
Against Operators
Washington, June 26. Postmaster
General Burleson today told a com
mittee of the American Federation
of Labor that he would not direct
the telegraph companies to re-employ
persons who went on strike as
he considered they had left their
work in violation of the rules laid
down by the government's wire con
trol board and the war labor board.
Mr. Burleson told the committee
that whether the strikers would be
re-employed rested entirely with the
managers of the companies.
Postal Department Clears
$17,000,000 for Fiscal, Year
Washington, June 26. -The Post
office department cleared $17,000,
000 for the fiscal year 1918. Post
master General Burleson - turned
over to Secretary Glass a check for
$15,000,000, retaining $2,000,000 for
a working balance.
The7te.sJiion Qenier Ar'Hxx
Gabardines, Wash Satins, Voiles
Neat, well-fitting skirts tucked,
embroidered and button-trimmed,
which will be sure to please the
most critical tastes.
from $3.95 to $16.50
Bathing Suits
For both women and
children. These new
suits come in the gay
est of colors and col
or combinations. The
suits and the acces
sories, tights, caps and
shoes, are priced very
One lot of mohair
one-piece bathing
suits, priced originally
from $4.50 to $5, for
Friday, $2.98.
A $550 Value
Tour Silent
Piano or
Taken in
Trade at a
Guaranteed Price
of Wheat Raised '
to $2.30 a Bushel
New York, June 25. An increase
in the government's guaranteed
price of wheat from $2.28 to $2.30
a bushel at the terminal markets of
Galveston and New Orleans, effec
tive July 1, was announced oy
Julius Barnes, L'nited States wheal
director, under the authority grani
ed him in an executive order issued
by President Wilson.
Senate Makes Addition
to Fund for Ship Building
Washington, June 26. In report
ing the sundry civil appropriation
bill today, the senate appropriat'oni
committee increased the shipping
board's ship building program from
$276,000,000 to $491,000,000. The
house appropriation of $300,000 fot
salaries of commission member!
and expenses was stricken from the
mh Bkwti
Netting Corsets
A corset which means
comfort to the wearer
these hot days.
Priced $2 a Pair
Bathing Satins
A rich, lustrous satin
that will stand hard
wear. Salt water will
not affect the wearing
quality. It comes in
navy and black.
The sale of fine wash
goods continues. Values
are excellent and you
would be wise to take ad
vantage of them.
Bench, Scarf
and 12 Rolls
1811 Farnam St, Omaha, Kefo.
Gentlemen i
Please send me picture and detailed In
formation regarding the Flayers adver
tised. (fame
Farnam St.