Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 26, 1919, Page 7, Image 7
THE BEE : OMAHA, THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 1919. i South Side URGE UNITY OF SFTTI FMFNT 11 Nil PUBLIC SCHOOL Mrs. Leff-Caldwell Says Seg regation of Negroes and White Children of Vita! Importance. The unity of public school and so cial settlement, with corresponding segregation of negroes, is the plan urged by Mrs. Leff-Caldwell, man ager of the Omaha Social Settle ment, at Twenty-ninth and Q streets. Such action, Mrs. Caldwell, who attended the forty-sixtlj annual Na tional Conference of Social Work at Aiianuc city. . j., as district repre sentative from Omaha, says she will recommend at the next district meeting. "It is not in any sense that we don't want the negro in our schools," she said, "but tha one thing the col ored child needs and doesn't get in our public schools Is the sociability to be found in a social settlement." Rev. Thomas Kelly to Celebrate First Mass at St. Agnes Church Thomas Kelly, jr., son of Mrs. Mary A. Kelly, 4616 South Twen tieth street, will celebrate his first solemn high mass at St. Agnes church, Twenty-third and Q streets, where he first entered school 28 years ago, at 10:30 o'clock Sunday morning. Rev, Kelly was ordained today at St. Louis as a member of the "So ciety of Jesus" by Archbishop S. J. Brennan, D. D., at St. Francis Xav ier church of that city. Father O'Reilly, S. J., of Creighton uni versity, will preach the sermon Sun day at St. Agnes church. The young priest spent 14 years In study in -various parts of the world, including the monastery at Rome. He is a graduate of the St. Francis parochial school and grad uated from Creighton university, winning the gold medal for high honors in his class. , Demobilize Service Flag at Christian Church Sunday 1 Seventeen returned soldiers will te present at a service flag demo bilization conducted at the Christian church, Twenty-third and I streets, Sunday morning, by Rev. Ellis, pas tor. The flag has 28 stars. N. M. Graham, asslstat regional director of school gardens in Iowa and Nebraska, will deliver the ad dress of welcome. Miss Maude Brooker of the Christian Endeavor society will speak for the young people. The memory of Private Brown ing, killed in action, will be revered. Miss Ethel Brooker, represented by a star on the flag, is still with the colors as a nurse at San Antonio, Texas. South Side Brevities Furnish.d Room. Southwest corner 8 2d and T. Juat opening. For Sale Modern l-room cottage. In quiry 16U B or phone owner, Harney JUO. The Pucker National bank at 14th and O pbya th. hlgheat price for Liberty bond. Adv. Ella M. Shane of South Omaha yesterday received, word of th death at Akron, Colo., of Mr. Henry W. Shano, wife of H. W. Shane, formerly a pioneer of thl city. The funeral of John, 4-months-old on of Mr. and Mr. Adolph Majounch, was held Wedneeday mornlns at I o'clock at Bt. France church. Burial waa in St. Mary' cemetery. Dr.' Jennie Collfa will be principal peaker at a apectal Cnrlstlan Endeavor program to be atven Sunday evening at the Chrlatlan church, Twenty-third and I treeta, at I o'clock. Fir deatroyed the hed of John Man dalvllle, I70 O street, Tueaday afternoon. Boy playing with match In the rear Is alleged to have itarted th blase. Mathias Erzberger's Prestige Wanes as Huns Agree to Sign Berlin, June 25 (By the Associated Press). Long accounts written for the Berlin papers by correspondents at Weimar, telling of events preced ing the decision of the German gov ernment to sign the treaty of peace, show that there was a threat by generals and officers of the volun teer troops to quit if the treaty was signed without reservations. Gus tav Noske, minister of defense, prof fered his resignation, out later suc ceeded in appeasing the officers. He then withdrew his resignation under pressure from his party and .... . reeling among miuwry leaaers is still running high, notwithstanding the fact that they are admonishing the troops to continue in the serv- ice. Major General Baron von Luet twitz, in a special call, reiterates his opposition to the peace terms, while .Major von Gilsa, Herr Noske's ad jutant, has announced that Prus sian War Minister Reinhart "will endeavor to defend the menaced honor of the army and its leaders by the adoption of special meas ures." He will confer with Herr Noske today. (VirrrcnnnHrnt. at Weimar are unanimous in the belief that the prestige of Mathias ' Erzberger has hri-n HimiirH hecause of his mvs- terinna hut vmnhatic assurances that the entente would be willing to yield on tne nonor issue, wmcu tauea to materialize, tterr trioergers po tit inn is a siihirr-t nf much snrrnla tion and it is believed that as soon as the peace crisis is passed, be taces a rattier trying period. Fire Started by Campers Threatens Mountain Town Denver, Cot, June 25 Volunteer fire fighters, assisted by members ut the Denver fire department, fought all last night to save the city of Golden, about IS miles from here. from a forest fire started on Look out mountain 'by campers. Early today the fire was reported undr The Woman , in Black BY EDMUND CLERIHEW BENTLEY Copyright. 1913. by th Century Company CHAPTER V. A Rather Startling Question Trent finished his breakfast with a thoughful brow. He filled a pipe sluwly, and seated himself on the rail of the veranda. "Cupples," he said quietfy, "is there anything about this business that you know and would rather not tell nie?" Mr. Cupples gave a slight start, ana turned an astonishing, gaze on the questioner. W hat Ho you mean?" he said. "I mean about the Mandersons. Look here! shall I tell you a thing that strikes me about this affair at the very beginning? Here's a man suddenly and violently killed; and nobody's heart seems to be broken about it, to say the least. The manager of the hotel spoke to me about him as cooly as if he'd never set eyes on him, though I under stood they've been neighbors every summer for some years. Then you talk about the thing in the coldest of blood. And Mrs. Manderson well, you won't mind my saying that I have heard of women being more cut up about their husbands being murdered than she seems to be. Is there something in this, Cupples, or is it my fancy? Was there some thing queer about Manderson? I traveled on the same boat with him once, but never spoke to him. I only know his public character, which was repulsive enough. You see, this may have a bearing on the case; that's the only reason why I ask." Mr. Cupples took time for thought. He fingered his spare beard and looked out over the sea. At last he turned to Trent. "I see no reason," he said, "why I shouldn't tell you as between ourselves, my dear fellow. I need not sav that this must not be referred to, however distantly. The truth is that nobody really liked Manderson; and I think those who were nearest to him liked him least." "Why?" the other interjected. "Most people found a difficulty in explaining why. In trying to ac count to myself for my own sensa tions, I could only put it that one felt in the man a complete absence of the sympathetic faculty. There was nothing outwardly repellent about him. He was not ill-mannered, or vicious, or dull indeed, he could be remarkably interesting. But I received the impression that there could be no human creature whom he would not sacrifice in the pursuit of his schemes, in his task of imposing himself and his will upon the world. Perhaps that was fanciful, but I think not altogether so. However, the point is that Mabel, I am sorry to say, was very unhappy. I am nearly twice your age, my dear boy, though you al ways so kindly try to make me feel as if we were contemporaries I am getting to be an old man, and a great many people have been good enough to confide their matrimon ial troubles to me; but I never knew another case like my niece's and her husband's. I have known her since she was a baby, Trent, and I know you understand, I think, that I do not employ that word lightly I know that she is as amiable and honorable a woman, to say nothing of her other good gifts, as any man could wish. But Man derson, for some time past, had made her miserable." "What did he do?" asked Trent, as Mr. Cupples paused. "When I put that question to Mabel, her words were that he seemed to nurse a perpetual griev ance. He maintained a distance be tween them, and he would say noth ing. I don't Ttnow how it began or what was behind it; and all she would tell me on that point was that he had no cause in the world for his attitude. I think she knew what was in his mind, whatever it was; but She is full of pride. This seems to have gone on for months. At last, a week ago, she wrote to me. I am the only near relative she has. Her mother died when she was a child; and after John Peter died, I was something, like a father to her until she married that was five years ago. She asked me to come and help her, and I came at once. That is why I am here now." Mr. Cupples paused and drank tea. Trent smoked and stared out at the hot June landscape. "I would not go to White Gables," Mr. Cupples resumed. "You know my views, I think, upon the eco nomic constitution of society, and the proper relationship of the capi talist to the employe, and you know, no doubt, what use that person made of his vast economic power upon several very notorious occasions. I refer especially to the trouble in the Pennsylvania coal fields, three years ago. I regarded him, apart from all ptrsonal dislike, in the light of a criminal and a disgrace to society. I came to this hotel, and I saw mj niece here. She told me what I have more briefly told you. She said that the worry and the humil iation of it, and the strain of trying to keep up appearances before the world, were telling upon her, and she asked for my advice, I said 1 thought she should face him and demand an explanation of his way of treating her. But she would not do that. She had always taken the line of affecting not to notice the change inhis demeanor, and noth ing, I knew, would persuade her to admit to him that she was injured, once pride had led her into that course. Life is quite full, my dear Trenti" said Mr. Cupples with a sigh, "of .these obstinate silences and cultivated misunderstandings." "Did she love him?" Trent in quired abruptly. Mr. Cupples did not reply at once. "Had she any love left for him?" Trent amended. Mr. Cupples played with his teaspoon. "I am bound to say," he answered slowly, "that I think not. But you must not misunderstand the woman. Trent. No power on earth would have persuaded her to admit that to any one even to her self, perhaps so long as she con sidered herself bound to him. And I gather that, apart from this mys terious sulking of late, he had al ways been considerate and gener ous." "You were saying that she re fused to have it out with him." "She did," replied Mr. Cupples. "And I knew by experience that it was quite useless to attempt to move a Domecq where the sense of dignity was involved. So I thought it over carefully, and next day I Brief City News Have Root Print It Beacon Press. Elec. Funs $8.50 Burgess-Granden Carey Cleaning Co., closed nights, Sundays and holidays. l'lerce-Arrow Ambulance Service Stack & Falconer. Harney 64. Resumes Practice John N. Bald win (Jack) has resumed the prac tlce of law after two years' ab sence, at 936 First National Bank building,-Adv. Confiscated Iilquors Brought Here Several thousand bottles of confiscated liquor, taken from boot leggers arrested on their way to Omaha, arrived here yesterday by express, consigned to United States Marshal Flynn. B'Nal B'Rtth Meeting Election of officers of the Omaha lodge of B'nai B'rlth will be held Thursday night in the club rooms in the Lyric building. An amendment to the by laws will be voted upon. The meet ing is called for 8 o'clock. May Extend Pavlnjr City Com missioner Falconer will submit to the city council a proposal that the paving which extends from Muni cipal beach to the side of Carter lake, shall be continued to Locust street. A rock base roadway is con templated in the plans. Suit Against City The Callahan Realty company filed suit in dis trict court asking: $25,000 from the city of Omaha for damages which It is alleged will be done to a building on Eighteenth street, between Doug las and Dodge streets, when the Dodge street hill is graded. Preparing Amended Ordinance John W. Long, city inspector of weights and measures, is preparing an amended ordinance which pro vides for the sale by weight of many commodities now sold by measure. An existing ordinance provides for weight scales of most staple articles. Colored Girl Disappears The disappearance Of Oneda Randall, colored, 15-year-old daughter of Mrs. Rulu Perkins, 1420 South Nineteenth, who was last seen at Manawa park Sunday afternoon, caused her mother to appeal to the Welfare board for assistance in finding her.. Iiife Guards Quit At Beach Ar thur Paynter, Carroll Mullen and Fllorence Critchfield, lifeguards at Municipal beach, quit their posts yesterday in protest of the appoint ment of William Westlunt to suc ceed Bart Kane as head guard. The vacancies were quickly filled by Commissioner Falconer. Granted Restraining Order Bertha Sacks was granted a restrain ing order by Judge Day in district court to keep her husband, George watched my opportunity and met Manderson as he passed by this ho tel. I asked him to favor me with a few minutes' conversation, and he stepped inside the gate down there. We had held no communication of any kind since my niece's marriage, but he remembered me, of course. I put the matter to him at once and quite definitely. I told him what Mabel had confided to me. I said that I would neither approve nor condemn her action in bringing me into the business, but that she was suffering, and I considered it my right to ask how he could justify himself in placing her in such a position." . "And how did he take that?" said Trent, smiling secretly at the land scape. The picture of this mildest of men calling the formidable Man derson to account pleased him. "Not very well," Mr. Cupples re plied sadly. "In fact, far from well. I can tell you almost exactly what he said it wasn't much. (Continued Tomorrow.) Backs, ' from disposing of their home. She says they bought the house in 1915 and that only re cently she found the deed was In her husband's name alone. Sues for $25,000 Clayton C. Cope, by his mother, Mrs. Laura Cope, filed suit in district' court against Leo Baroch, a plumber, and the city of Omaha for $25,000 for alleged In juries received when he drove his car into a pile of dirt in Sixteenth street, between Martha and Dorcas streets, last Saturday evening. Appointed Catholic Dean Rev. F. Pietx has been appointed Catholio dean of West Point and Rev. J. J. Crowley dean of Albion. The new list of eonsultors to the archbifhop is as follows: Mon signor Rueslng of West Point, Mon signor Colaneri of Omaha, Very Rev. J. Aherne, Rev, J. Vranek, Rev. J. F. McCarthy and Rev. J. Hetwer, Omaha. Was Former Trainmaster James E. Johnson. Burlington engineer, killed at Waverly Tuesday, when struck by a mail train, was former trainmaster of the Omaha division, having worked up to that position from brakeman. Some years ago he tendered his resignation as trainmaster and asked to be put back on an engine. Blanks Arrive Today Blank ap plications for the license required of persons, firms, corporations and associations dealing in wheat, will arrive at the zone manager's office of the United States Grain corpora tion this morning, according to rep resentatives of that office, who are recipients of a telegram from Washington announcing the ships ping of blanks. Woman Says Rooster Disturbs Her Slumber In Early Morning Mrs. Frank McNett, 3844 Hamil ton street, complained to the wel fare board in the city hall yesterday that a rooster at 3846 Hamilton St., commences crowing at 3 a. m. and disturbs the slumber of everybody in the neighborhood. . The mat'er was considered out of the jurisdic tion of the board and she was ad vised to file a complaint(against the fowl in police court. Irish Club of Omaha Wants De Valera to Speak Here The Irish Self-Determination club of Omaha telegraphed to President David De Valera, president of the Irish republic, yesterday, asking him to speak in Omaha if he makes a tour this far west. President De Valera is now in New York. Be Up to Date! DRINK fORMfRW KNOWN ASCHKONAflANSAltf A high-grade , soft drink with a smack and zeat all its own. TRY IT AT HOME YOUR DEALER. GLADSTONE BROS., Distributors. 1316 Farnam St., Omaha. PUT it flush up to Prince Albert to produce for your personal satisfaction, right off the windmill, more smoke happiness than you ever before collected I P. A.'s built to fit your smokeappetite like kids fit your hands! It has the jimdandiest flavor and coolness and fragrance you ever ran against! Just what a whale of joy Prince Albert really is you want to find out the double-quickest thing you do next! 'And, put it down right here as to how you could smoke P. A. for hours without tongue bite or parching Our exclusive patented process takes care of that because it cuts out bite and parch! Realize what it would mean to get set with a joy'us jimmy pipe, and to fill 'er up e very once and a while 1 And, pufftobeat the cards! Without a comeback Why, Prince Albert is so all-fired-good you feel like you'd iust Have, to eat that fragrant smoke! J. Reynold Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem. N C UMESS-ilASH CM ' EVERYBODY STORE" Wed., June 25, 1919 STORE NEWS FOR THURSDAY Phone Douglas 2100 Thursday We Place On Sale Our Entire Stock of "Mina Taylor" Dresses, Breakfast Sets and Aprons SUMMERTIME, with its demand for pretty dresses, brings an added joy to the woman whose frocks are comfortable as well as attractive. That's why Mina Taylor dresses and aprons are such a joy to wear. Trim, smart, beautifully made; perfect of fit and there's a style to suit every- one. Thursday you have choice of our en tire stock of Mina Taylor Dresses At $2.95, $4.95, $6.95 Aprons At $1.45 and $1.95 Breakfast Sets $2.95 They are of splendid quality materials, such as gingham, chambray, percale, etc. Made in a large variety of styles. You are certain to want several at these very special prices. Na.h Co. Second Floor. Announcing An Extraordinary Sale of Boys' Wash Suits $1.55 AN immense lot of boys' wash suits were received just in time to offer for Thursday's selling. There is a score or more of styles, including: Oliver Twist Military) Middy Sailor Norfolk Etc. The materials are poplin, chambray, percale, gingham and novelties. Colors are white, blue, tan, brown, stripes and checks with contrasting collars. Ages 2Vi to 7 years. Choice at $1.55. Co. Main Floor. Swimming Season Is In Full Swing AND we are well prepared with a complete as sortment of bathing suits and caps for men, women and children. There is a variety of styles at a wide price range. Women fs Union Suits 75 CI INE quality white cotton, low neck and sleeveless, cuff and lace knee; regular and extra sizes; Thursday, 75c each. Women's Hose, 50c Black, white and colored cotton and lisle hose, full seamless foot, 50c a pair. Women's Hose, 35c A fine quality white cot ton, full seamless hose, Bur nasco quality, at 35c a pair. Burfess-Nath Co. Main Floor. Children's Dainty Dresses for Hot Summer Days $3.95 ONLY a mother fully knows and appreciates a combination of five materials, good workmanship and becoming styles in the frocks for their girls. This attractive assortment of dresses for ages 8 to 14 includes pretty models of plain chambray, trimmed with white organdy collar and cuffs and pearl buttons, also plaid ginghams trimmed with plain chambray, white organdy and pique. They are exceedingly good val ues at $3.95. t Burfou-Naah Co. Second Floor. We Feature in this Demonstration and Sale - Mirro Aluminum Comex Kettles, 6 Quart Size $1.69 P HIS "Mirro" convex kettle has eight unique service features: (1) Handle rest ears hold beil in three positions and ore- . vent it from coming in contact with the aide of th kettle. (2) Tightly rolled, sanitary bead, frflo from dirt-catching craTice. (3) Intet cover prevents boiling over. (4) Bead of cover upturned, thus protected against steam a,nd liquid. (5) Rivetless, no-burn, ebonized knob. , (6) Convex sides prevent contents from pouring off when liquid is being drained. (7) Famous "Mirro" finish. (8) "Mirro" trade mark stamped into the bottom of every piece.- x Expert factory demonstrator is in attendance and will be pleased to show you the advantage of -"Mirro" aluminum. Bursnt-Nath Co. Downstairs Store antrol . .