Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 26, 1919, Page 5, Image 5

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.State Attempts to Connect
Nonpartisan League Head
With Activities of
? Agitators.
Jackson, Minn., June 25. Activi
ties of Joseph Gilbert and Irving
5'reitag, of the national Nonpartisan
it-ague, in Jackson county in 1918,
p.ere touched upon by three wit---Messes
called by the prosecution a:
the trial of A. C.Townley; presi-
New Stor e
Look Over Our
Special Sale
Prices for
and Thursday
Wall Paper
A very pretty Bedroom
pattern, regular 10c pa
per for, Cir
per roll 2C
A popular Kitchen pat
tern, regular 15c value,
for, per 7ir
roll ' C
Specials for Wednesday
and Thursday in Our
Nails, in small amounts,
at keg lot prices.'
Fully warranted Hand
Saw, regular $2.50 val-
Lathing Hatchet, regular
g;75v; $2.00
Spiral Ratchet Screw
v ..$2.00
Drill .....
Heavy Bevel Inside
est.- 9c
Specials for Wednesday
and Thursday in Our
Paint Dept.
Red Barn djl , 7C
Paint, per gal
Absorene Wall Paper
Cleaner, 15c
per can.
White Lead, in 100 lb.
; $12.00
Specials for Wednesday
and Thursday in. Our
Grocery and
Meat Dept.
Sugar, 10
lbs. for
per lb. . . . . . . .
Round Steak,
per lb. ...... .
Sirloin Steak,
per lb ........
Pot Roast,
per lb. .......
Fancy Selected
Eggs, dozen . .
One dozen Eggs
fnit disloyalty. '
dent of the league, and Joseph Gil
bert a former league organizer, who
are charged with conspiracy to cotr-
O. C. Thorsen, judge of probae
court of Lsikefield, and F. E. Mc
Kellar, county auditor, testified that
Gilbert persisted in making an ad
dress at Lakefield, January 23, 1919,
after , county officials had notified
him that Nonpartisan meetings
would not be permitted.
O. A. Collan, a farmer living at
Heron Lake, testified that he be
came a member of the league at the
solicitation of Freitag and later a
certificate of membership and lit
eratoce bearing the stamped signa
ture of President Townley was sen
to him. (
Unpatriotism Charged.
' Prosecuting Attorney H. E. Nich
olas stated in his opening remarks
to the jury the state would attempt
to show that Townley was connect
ed with activities in Jackson county
of Freitag and Gilbert. Gilbert also
is under indictment on a charge of
having made unpatriotic utterances.
McKellar was clerk of the draft
board for Jackson county and said
the draft board had considerable
difficulty in certain sections of the
county and testified his principal ob
jections to nonpartisan league activ
ities early in 1918 "was a disturbing
effect at that time upon the com
munity." Attorney George Hoke,- of the de
fense, questioned McKellar as to
whether opposition ito the nonpar
tisan league was not of a political
Explains Political Situation.
"If you want to know the political
situation which existed in Jackson
county I'll tell you," said McKellar.
"If you were for the nonpartisan
league, you got their vote 100 per
cent, but if you were an out-and-out
American, you didn't."
Judge Thorsen testified he be
lieved Tackson county farmers who
were nonpartisan league members
were good citizens.
Townley did not arrive in Jack
son. His absence was not discussed
at the trial. It was said by his asso
ciates he is still in North Dakota,
where a statewide referendum vote
will be taken Thursday on certain
nonpartisan league measures, which
were enacted into law by the 1919
North Dakota legislature.
Appeals Judgment
Granted Wife of Man
Shot While Prowling
Lincoln, June 25. (Special).
Lafe H. Carter of Lincoln has ap
pealed to the supreme court from a
judgment secured in the Lancaster
county district court in the sum of
$5,000, by the wife of Walter D.
Smoke, who was shot on the eve
ning ,of May 15, 1918, by Carter
while prowling about the lattec's
Carter alleges that he had been
bothered a great deal nights by
some one peeping into his windows,
and on this night in particular his
wife had Called his attention to
some one outside. He had taken his
revolver and gone to the open win
dow and observed a man leaning up
against the side of the house. He
fired a shot to scare him and the
man ran. Carter pursued and fired
three times more.
, It is alleged that the first shot
fired by Carter was the shot that
resulted in the death of the man.
and the wife sued for $25,000 dam
ages, the court giving her $3,000.
City's "Shut-Ins" to Have
Annual Picnic Monday
The 10th annual picnic for the
"shut-ins" of Omaha will be given
next Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock
in Miller park. Mrs. G. W. Alquist
and Miss Josephine Carroll are in
charge of arrangements.
Twenty-six or more automobiles
will be needed to take the invalids
fto and from the park. Those who
will donate the use of their cars are
asked to take the guests to the park
and to call for them at 7.
Any "shut-in" who desires to at
tend the picnic may call Colfax 708
or South 764 and arrangements will
be made to take them.
The donations pledged are: Cof
fee, by Paxton & Gallagher; wien
ies, by Swift. Armour, Morris and
ether oarkinsr romnanies: 100 loaves
Vof bread, by the'U. P. bakery; mac
aroni, by the Skinner Macaroni Co.
tt i-iMsi. aa: ar,r rnrm i rnewatgs j ... wmnijosasa,-1 a; .sum 1 u , 't waaea t.- 1 1 " ; " 'h,;,,1 , -jem
::JT Yfcvii;-,;.
Small enough to grace the drawing
room, yet of such marvelous tone
volume and richness that it satisfies
the most critical, the Knabe
Mignonette Grand is the wise
choice of the discerning musician.
Length only 5ft. 2m.
Priced at $950 in Mahogany.
Liberty Bonds taken at full market val
ue. New Pianos for rent
: - , j
- - -.!
Petition Signed by Citizens
Vouches for Integrity of
Men Seeking New
Bank Charter.
Lincoln, June 25. (Special).
Former Land Commissioner B. L.
Shumway of Scottsbluff, who has
been tarrying in Lincoln for several
days waiting for the State Banking
board to pass sentence upon the
application of himself and several
other Scottsbluff men for a new
state bank in that city, filed with the
secretary of the state board today
a petition signed by the mayor of
Scottsbluff and others, purporting
to be 80 per cent of the men who
do business there, vouching for the
business integrity and good stand
ing of the men who are asking for
the bank charter.
A week ago last Monday was the
day set for the hearing, but on ac
cnunt of the absence of a member
of the board, the hearing was post
poned until next frmay, wnen it
is supposed that all members will
be present and the status of the
case taken up and looked into.
Virginia C. Corley filed suit in
district court for a divorce from
Daniel Coiley and the restoration
of htr maiden name, Kalteier. They
were married April 23, 1918, and she
s-ayj he abandoned her February
o 1919.
Judge Troup, sitting in divorce
court, granted a diviroce to Lyle
Hart from Nellie Hart on the
ground of desertion; to Ida Brooks
from George Brooks for nonsupport;
to Mabel "Thompson from Henry
Thompson on the ground of cruelty
and to Mabel Horn from Charles
Horn on the ground of cruelty.
Lincoln Votes $2,300,000
Bonds for New Buildings
Lincoln, June 25. (Special.)
Although more than 10,000 voters
voted at the regular city election
this spring in Lincfoln, only 1,831
turned out yesterday to vote on the
big bonding proposition covering a
building program for Lincoln to
cost $2,300,000.
Of this number 1,391 cast their
votes for the bonds and 440 against.
Eight hundred and seventy-one men
and 520 women voted for the bonds.
Three hundred and seventy-five
men and 65 women voted against
the proposition..
Municipal Ownership of
Lincoln Railway Urged
Lincoln, June 25. (Specials
Many of Lincoln's business men are
taking up the matter of the pur
chase by the city of the Lincoln
Traction company's car lines. The
success with which the city has han
dled the water and light proposition
since it took control has led many
to believe that it could do equally
well with the street car service.
The city of Lincoln has a munici
pal electric plant in connection with
its water plant and has been selling
a limited number of customers in
competition with the plants of the
traction company and the gas com
pany. Man Fined $100 for Alleged
Attempt to Steal Automobile
W. R. Markey, living at Twenty
sixth and F. streets, was fined $100
and costs in police court yesterday
on a charge of attempted larceny.
Police allege that Markey was ar
rested Saturday as he was attend
ing to steel aft auto at Seventeent!
and Douglas streets. The machine
is the property of W. R. Shirey,
1920 Wirt street.
f -A M
Director Clarkson Testifies
Members of Body Got
Many Contracts.
Washington, June 25. Methods
employed by the Councir-of Na
tional Defense in purchasing sup
plies for the War department dur
ing the first eight months of.the war
were sharply questioned by republi
can members of the house war in
vestigation committee during exam
ination today of Grosvenor Clark
son, director of the council.
Mr. Clarkson testified that many
contracts were made with com
panies represented by men on the
council, but that other members not
connected with the industry, passed
on theni before they were ap
proved. Replying to Congressman Reavis,
republican, Nebraska;- Mr. Clarkson
said that while this probably was a
"direct violation in spirit" of the
law, necessity demanded it.
"It was through this system," he
said, "that the government utilized
the best brains of the .country and
saved the country many millions of
Mr. CJarkson told the committee
that when the war industries board
took over the work, members of the
council "dropped out because their
services were no longed needed."
"But they didn't get out until
members of congress had called at
tention to what was going on, did
they?" asked Mr. Reavis.
"No, many of the men deeply re
sented, the implication of dishonesty
which had been made against them.
I want to add that not a scintilla of
crookedness has ever been proven
against a single one of the members.
Alleged Swindler,
on Way to Fremont to
Face Court Charges
Fremont, Neb., June 25. (Spe
cial.) Sheriff Condit is on his way
to Fremont from Wautan, Wis., with
Henry G. Fisher, alias Henry Kline,
wanted in Fremont on a charge of
swindling John O Connor out of
$3,000 nine years ago. Fisher was
taken in custody by Sheriff Condit
as he completed' a term of five years
for a similar offense at Waukesaha,
Wis. He is wanted at several other
towns of the country, but all claims
were waived for the Fremont claim.
Fisher in ten years is alleged to
have accumulated a fortune of $100,
000 by swindling. When he was ar
rested in St. Louis five years ago it
developed that he was a wealthy
banker of Forest City, Ark. Fisher's
game was to secure a fake deal for a
farm and then go to a money lender
for a loan, offering the farm as se
curity. In this way he got $3,000
from O'Connor, at that time county
clerk. At the time Fisher was ar
rested at St. Louis for the Waukesha
swindle, O'Connor, with eleven other
of his victims from all over the west,
went to Waukesha to see their "cus
tomer." Fisher was identified by all
Fisher will arrive in Fremont to
morrow morning. He probably will
be given a hearing in district court
next week.
American Officer
Charged With Killing
Two Germans in Cafe
Coblenz, June 25. Lt. John
Beggs, 23d infantry, of Kansas Citv,
Mo., is under arrest facing a chargr
of murder in connection with ' a
shooting affair at Seeburg, a village
in the neutral zone opposite th.
American area f occupation. The
German authorities claim that two
civilians, a man and a woman, were
The shooting occurred Saturday
night. Officers who investigate!
the said that Lieutenant Beggs
contends that another Ameri'-at:
was responsible for the shooting
It developed that a number of
Americans had trouble with Ger
man civilians in . a cafe at Seeburg.
When Beggs was arrested near Co
blenz he had in his pocket orders
to sail for home, and should have
started Sunday.
The German government has
been notified of the charge filed
against the lieutenant by the army
authorities. Beggs will be tried be
fore a general court-martial.
Prominent Chicago Rabbi On
Way WesVto Stop In Omaha
Rabbi Rudolph Coffe. prominent
Chicago rabbi, will be in Omaha
Monday on his way to San Fran
cisco. He will address an audience
in Council Bluffs either Monday aft
ernoon or evening on "The League
of Nations," and is expected to
speak here some time during the
day. Arrangements for a dinner in
his honor are being made. Lysle I.
Abbott, president of the Nebraska
branch of the League to Enforce
Peace, has telegraphed him asking
him to speak in Omaha.
Flagman Killed by Train
on Crossing in Fremont
Fremont, Neb., June 25. (Special
Telegram.) Daniel Jacobsen, 68
years old, flagman for the North
western and Union Pacific ,at tj-
Union street crossing, was almost
instantly killed today when he was
run over by a Union Pacific passen
ger train as it was backing down a
side track. Jacobsen's legs were
cut off below the knee and one arm
was severed. Jacobsen has resided
in Fremont for 25 years. He is
survived by a wife and two chil
Curtiss Seaplane to Make
Flight at Manawa Sunday
The Curtiss seaplane at Manawa
park, Lake Manawa, will make i".
first passenger-carrying flight Sun
day, Manager Carl I." Palm an
nounces. The plane will make sev
eral flights Sunday afternoon ann
evening, until dark.
Beginning Sunday, the flights will
be . made daily for the rest of the
My HEART and
Adele Garrison's New Phase of
of a Wife
What Alice Holcombe Demanded
of Madge:
Alice Holcombe consulted her
wrist watch, then pushed her chair
back from the table on which our
luncheon was spread..
"Sorry to be a spoil sport," she
said, but I must tell you that the
first bell will ring in ten minutes."
There was a general scurrying, a
hasty picking up of dishes and pack
ing away of food, for an unwritten
rule compelled us to leave our
teacher's rest room in sach orderly
condition that no trace of our
lunches would be in evidence.
"Will you come with me. Millie,
and watch the Bayview youths and
maidens sitting at the feet of Gamai
liel plural in the persons of Mrs.
Graham and me?"
Miss Holcombe drawled the ques
tion with apparent carelessness, but
with eyes sharpened with worry I
noticed that she was watching our
principal's wife intently, listening
with anxiety with her answer.
Mrs. Stockbridge waited so per
ceptibly before answering that we
all involuntarily turned toward her.
The most unobserving woman
among us could have seen that she
was revolving some scheme of
action in her mind.
"Thank you, but I must get
along home," she said at last. "I've
had a perfectly wonderful time
You must all come to luncheon with
me some day. And I must tell yoti,
Mrs. Graham, how much I enjoyed
that tea. Thank you so much for
giving me those packets. I'm going
to experiment when I get home.
How shall I fix it?"
Miss Holcombe's Fears.
I maravelled at her stupidity, for
she had seen me make the tea but a
few minutes before.
"It's the simplest thing possible,
I said. 'Tut a packet in your tea
pot, and oour about four cupfuls of
boiling water over it. In about one
minute, or at most two, you will
have a delicious cup of tea."
She knit her brows for a second
as if she were endeavoring to fix the
directions in her mind.
"INI remember," she said abruptly.
"Goodby everybody."
She was at the door before we
had time to answer, and vanished
down the stairway as we were
chorusing our adieux after her.
Alice Holcombe's eyes caught and
signalled mine. A minute later we
were at the farther end of the room,
ostensibly engaged in putting
away the cooking utensils.
"She's gone straight down to Mr.
Stockbridge's office," Miss Hol
combe murmured, keeping her face
truned away from observation
of th? other teachers. "She knows
there'll be no one there until after
the first bell rings, and she's bound
to get at the desk of his if she can.
"You've Got to!"
Her face and voice low mur
mured though it was, expressed such
consternation that 1 could not tor
bear an amazed question.
"What harm would it do if she
does?" I asked careful, however, to
make my own voice an answnng
"That's just what I don't know,"
Miss Holcombe returned, evidently
relived as I was at seeing the
other teachers depart for their sev
eral classrooms. "But there is no
doubt in the world that Mr. Stock
bridge has private papers, letters,
perhaps photographs in that desk of
which his wife knows nothing.
Not that I think there is anything
there of which we should be
ashamed" her head lifted proudly
in defense of the man for whom she
cared so sincerely, so hopelessly
"but you can imagine how. Milly
would construe the most innocent
souvenir of his past, I simply
must know what she's doing, and I
Passing the Window of the
The following card was on
Stands today as always and
has never changed its rate
or paid less than 6 since
its organization. Our mem
bers, both borrowing and in
vesting, are our reference.
Ask them.
On entering to investigate the
Secretary, D. H. Christie, was
found busily engaged in signing
6 dividend checks for the
period ending with June 30.
This dividend being declared by
the Board of Directors at their
regular meeting June 23. The
Secretary's report showed a
23 gain in the past year and,
as the above card indicates,
have never changed their rates,
this making the 20th semi
annual dividend. The Associa
tion has a beautiful office in
the Athletic Club Building,
1716 Douglas street, and the
Officers and Board of Directors
are :
W. C. Bullard, President;
Charles R. Sherman, Vice
President; D. D. Miller, Treas
urer; Ed P. Smith, T. E. Wood
and E. A. Blum.
A large number of new homes
are being constructed through
this Association.
have an appointment with those
derelicts I'm coaching between
bells. Do you know that closet off
the library where they keep the text
books that are temporarily not in
Yes," I replied laconically, a bit
dazed by the abruptness of the ques
tion. r
"Then you've seen the transom
over the door which leads from
that closet into the principal's of
fice," Miss Holcombe hurried on.
"The door is locked but the tran
som's open for air. I saw it this
morning. Please go down there at
once go through the library
there'll be nobody there at
this hour get upon a chair you'll
find in there, and watch what goes
on in the office." L
"Oh, my dearl" I exclaimed
aghast I can't "
"You've got to!" she retorted
inexorably. "I ' can't leave here
and it'i absolutely necessary that
Mr. Stockbridge know what she
does or discovers while she's alone
in the office."
(Continueed tomorrow.)
Coal Expert to Speak at
Luncheon Today at C. of C.
George H. Cushmg, managing
director of the American Whole
sale Coal association, with head
quarters at Washington, D. C, will
speak at. a public affairs luncheon
at the Chamber of Commerce
today noon. The topic will be
"Reconstruction Under Handicap."
Mr. Cushing, who for 12 years
prior to his present office, was
editor of a coal trade journal, is
considered one of the best informed
experts on the coal situation in the
United States, both from the stand
point of production and transpor
tation. His talk will deal with vifat
factors of the present coal situation
in the United Mates.
Made glorious summer by this
Might be modernized like this:
Summer is made glorious by the daughter of Fashion; for
what is fairer than fair women in the airy draperies that summer ?
permits. v
Our artists have been busy preparing summer apparel, which
is now being shown.
Formerly we sold leftover spring goods in late June; now, we
prepare for a new season Sum mer Season.
We offer Thursday An 6 1 nnCA c
Extensive Purchase of JJJ I U U & C O
At Prices of Great Interest.
They are new, they are fashionable, they are desirable.
A grouping of values for your choice ,
A a. QO Blouses of sheer
Jt. , 1 sytO cool voiles.
'Striped and plain colors, that are in
vogue. Some are lacy, others tail
ored. A i Q 1 Crepe de Chine,
sJmJFJ that soft, sheer,
dependable fabric, largely in flesh
tint, pongees and various silk varie
ties in this lot.
These are interesting and illustrate how distinct is this preparation of
Summer Styles. Fabrics you have never seen before woven especially for
these Skirts.
An important factor in the Summer Wardrobe is the Skirt.
Three Groups:
Cotton '
Voiles Organdy
Baranet Satin
A special group for Thursday. All-White Voiles, Satins, Gabardines
and Organdy. Neatly tailored, button-trimmed; entire lot at $5.00 each,
Bathing Suits
Buy these now for your own sake.
The popular knotted varieties will be
scarce later on; replacements of our
sold outs are almost impossible. -
Prices range from $5.95 to $14.75.
For Thursday we offer the remainder
of our stock of Mohair Suits at
$2.98 Each
We have a Cptton Knit Suit, in con
trasting trimmings, at $4.95.
Staple colors in Trunks, 95c, $1.95
and $3.95.
Bathing Shoes and Sandals, colors to
match suits, $1.95 and $2.95.
Twenty New Homes
Are Placed On Sale by
Payne and Slater Co.
Twenty new homes located in the
new Homewood park addition, at
Sixtieth and Center streets, were
placed on sale yesterday by the
Payne & Slater Co. The nouses
placed on sale have just been com
pleted, and are ready for occupancy.
Seventy vacant lots in the same ad
dition are also offered for sale.
"Bayer Cross"
. on Genuine
Don't say Aspirin!
Say "Bayer"! Always ,
insist upon the "Bayer
Package" which contains safe
and proper directions. Look"
for "Bayer Cross" on package.
Boxes of 12 tablets Bottles of 24 Bottles of 100 Also Capsules.
Aspirin U the trad mark of Bayer Manufacture of If oaeaceUcacidetter of SaiicylicaeM
Af .'I
made in very
Summer Skirts
Plaids, Navys
Plain Shades
Prices from $7.95 to $29.75.
The. entire addition has been
graded this spring, streets have
been built and sidewalks . la'fl.
Homewood addition is the grou i'l
formerly- known as Ruser's pa.-k,
and contains many fine elm and
jfedar trees.
Struck By Motorcycle. '
Nathan Finegold, 2418 Blond
street, was injured early yesterday
when he was run down by
motorcycle driven by William Bell
at Sixteenth and Webster streeta,
He was taken to Lord Lister hot
For Pain
Rheumatism '
son of York"
Organdy, the fab-
ric par excellence
popularity, featured in this group
both white and tints.
Af A, QI Beaded Georg
"Jl fmJ ettes are fads and
expensive combinations.
Select them from this lot if you choose
or take the crepes, the fine voiles..
Many embroidered, some with lace.
Moire Embd. Georgette
Fantasie Georgette Combination
Dew Kist and Pussy Willow
Leaving the water and coming: back
to land, we want to mention Sweaters.
Not at all a proper name for the clingy,
silky summer coats made from knitted
silk and fibre, in brilliant or soft color
ings. Absolutely fitting to a blouse and
skirt costume. ,
You'll forget about the price when you
see the garments.
A popular accessory to summer dressing,
Bead Chains for the Neck
Wide variety of shades in composition
bead3, strings or pearls that would fool
the pearls, but not you, but they are
wonderfully attractive at $1.00 and -up.
Main Floor Jewelry Section