THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 19U9.- 11, REAL ESTATE WANTED. FOR quick results list your property wi.o S. p. BUST WICK SitS. 0 Bn Bldr Tsrlw i5o. FOIl cjatek hIh list your propsny wit W. Q. 8H RIVER. l"T-t Om. Nat. Bk. Bids; Doua 13 LIST your prosarty (or sal with J. li. Phoas DauaMaa s;. HA.VK bajr'ra for T or S-room house Intst -State Really Co. ISJO Fa tam. ;Tlr 4316 FINANCIAL Private Money. 8HOPEN COMPANY- Dour !. $IIM to t.0 MADE promptly F 1. Wat ffni) BMg . 18lh and Famm. Real Estate, Loans and Mortgage-! CONVERT that Installment loan on your home Into a stralg-ht (tvt-year raortfst and avoid thosa monthly payments. E. H. LOUOEE. INC . J Keallna Bllg. WE are looking (or someone, to Invest la . eat a alia he d and growing business. la vestment wlU (row with business. Boa K-M, Bee. MONET to lend on Improved Real Estate. Interest payable semi-annually. W H. THOMAS A BON. tit Keeline Bids C1TT and (arm loaaa: t4 and ( per cent: no delay. J. EL Dumont Co., 411 Ke-Hne Bids. LOW rates without delay. CO. CARLBERQ. ' Hi Brandeta Theater Bids. OMAHA HOMES BAST NEB FARilS O'KEEFB REAL ESTATE CO. tl1 Om. Nat. Bk. Bids- Pong I71C. FARM AND RANCH LANDS. Arkansas Lands. PLANTATIONS and timber southeastern Arltasas. W. 8. FRANK, Wi Neville Blk. lands la Colorado Lands. 129 ACRKS near Elisabeth, Cole., new slx 1 room bungalow with bathroom, r large barn. St acres alfalfa. 160 in crops! well, primes and timber; fine dairy country; SS miles 8. E. of Denver; crops to buyer. Eaay terms. J. B. Hansen. 214 WtlkLn smn Bldg., Omaha. WHITE me for list and beat price and terras of Eaatern Colorado lands. Have large list ef Cheyenne, Kiowa and Kit Carson counties. Would also Ilka to hear, trim dealer and agents. A. N. MITCHEAI. 108 Gaa It Elee. Bldg., Denvei Colo, v.OOU ACRES choice raw or Improved Lin- terms Sea J." L. Maurer. Arriba. Colo. Minnesota Lands. 1 GERMANY HAS , SIGNED We bar the signature that means money to you U yon get busy Inside of ten days from date. LISTEN. Mobbed and ordered out of the country. Wa have his holding of twelve hundred acre of beautiful land, every acre tillable, and bast of soil. Tha cream of southeastern Minnesota located twenty-five mllea north of the Iowa Una, eeventy-two mllea south of tha Twin Cities In a sura cropping country. There sre I fine seta of buildings on this land that you would bs proud ef. Close to good up-to-date towns, schools and churches. Writs today (or price a ad terms. Address box K 8T, Omaha Bee. S4D-ACRE Improved farm SO miles from Minneapolis, one-half under cultivation: be I a ace meadow and pasture land, no waats land; 6-room house, corn-crib, granary, barn that will hold It heart of cattle and six horxes, hoghouse and chicken house, good wall of water. Prtce 1 117.60 per acre, 12.000 cash, balance five years. per cent. Schwab Bros., 1018 Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis. Minn. Missouri Lands. LARGE PASTURE. I, POO acres all under fence, abundance f water, six mllea from railroad, lo cated la Pent county, Missouri: now pasturing 00 cattle; 1,000.000 mining props en land. Price. 15 per acre terms if desired. F. E. Denlson. Rolla. Mo. Nebraska Lands. CHOICE FARMS AND RANCHES ': ' IN THE CORN AND ALFALFA BELT. !' No. 1 lt acres. Hamilton County, lo cated miles from Marquette, Neb. Good 5-room house, barn (or S horses, hay mow for tons of hay, leanto for f .. .1.1.1,.. h.KM WAnft WMll n4 windmill, 1 cistern: 70 seres under plow, lies level to gently rolling, 25 acres of which Is In alfalfa, perfect atand. The balance of this quarter Is rolling pas ture, all the very best of black loam soil with clay sub-soil. Pisco all fenced and croas-tenced. Soma nice shade and fruit trees. Aa Ideal grain and stock farm. Price, 1110.09 per acre, about one third rash, balance good terms jf No. 1160 acres, Howard county, lo f rated in the Loup River Valley, 4 miles Land lie level, lit acres under plow of which SO acres are In alfalfa; 15 acrea timothy and clover, 1 acres in wild hay, balance fine pasture. Thla place has a good 4-room house, a large new barn and other necessary outbuildinga. Fine grove of shadatrees around buljd - tugs. Placa all fenced and cross-fenced. If yon want to buy a real home-like place, you should see this at oace. Pries Ilia per acre, aaout one-nan casn, oai ancs easy terms. No. 320 acres. Cuter County, only I miles from good town, 1 mils t school. lt acres undsr plow; very fine rarm land, lie level to gently rolling, 30 acres In alfalfa, balance rolling pasture, all good hard land, no sand. This farm has a flna two-story T-room house, well painted and nicely finished inside, fine blM grass lawn, located la nice grove of shade trees. Bars for head of i bones, good hog bouses, chlckea bouse, new garage, good well and new wind mill. All fenced and cross-fenced. Lo cated on a main traveled road. Price SSt par acre .about one-third cash, bal ance good terms. No. 4 30 acre. Custer County, ad joining tract number 3; 19 acres under plow and about 100 acres wild hay, lies level to gently rolling, balance tine roll ing pasture, all good black loam soil, no sand. This tract has a good story and half t-roem house, surrounded by a nlca grove of shade trees. One-half mile to achool; good large barn with hay mow rattle shed, double corn crib and granary with driveway; good well and windmill and many other outbulldinRS. All fenced and cross-fenced: 109 acres more of this tract can b broken and profitably farmed. Price for a short time. $77.59. per acre, about one-third cash, balance easy terms. This la aa Ideal grain an stock farm. No. 160 acres, Merrick County, lo cated four miles from a good town, land lies level, all good black loam soil with t clav sub-soil. About 140 acres under cultivation, balance, good pasture. Im provements consist of a good two-story house, two large barns, work shops, hog house, chicken house aad other outbuild ings. Ose ef the finest feed lota la this county; (arm all (enced. close to church and school. In good neighborhood with fin roads to town. This to priced at 1160 per acre, which la below the price that many other farm In the locality have old at recently. About one-tall cash, balance terms. 1 at. A. LARSON, Central city, aw. FOR SALE 640 aorea gool land, ly al can ( farmed; 3 cultivated: good buildings: god well an mills 1 acres on bottom: all fenced and crossed: good - orchard: miles from Trenton. Neb ' Price. t3S per acre. Terms. one-third cash, balancs per cent Tht Is a (ins farm. Writs or wire. W. W Randall. Real Estate. Trenton. IF YOU wleh to buy. sell or exchange , .astern Nebraska Urm Ueds. call first on Paul Peterson. 4 Brandel theater. ' I offer (arm loana lowest rates, best terms. 1 ACRES adjoining Lexington, Neb.; fair Improvements; all under Irrigation and i In sugar bests this year. A dandy littla I plaea. Price 13.000. Will give t he best of terms. Aaaress unn u, - k I MB ALL Ceanty. Neb.. Laramie county Wyoming, farm land; particular from vmm. KJP.I.SON. git Omaha" Natl Bank Bldg WUITE me for pictures and prices, of my "farm and ranches In good o d Twes cotr Arab. L. Hunaerford. Crawford. Neb. FOR Western Nebraska aad Kaater Colo- rado lands ee L , HKU) LAND CO.. 864 granaw piu-. IMPROVED and unimproved wheat farms, Kimball county. Neb. R. E. Holmes, BushneH. yen. " FOR NEBRASKA LANDS SEE a A. P ATX MAN. ."M Karbaeh Blk. "Wer tM. MERRICX COUNTY, Improved corn and alfalfa (arm at the right price. 1L A LAR8QN. Central City. Neb. a mi v a vna SHEDD INVESTMENT COMPANT Railwsy Exchange. Omaha. P. 4i54. r i , VIXBWIV JORDAN VALLEY. Oregoa. offer you a home B the land of aanshln. where conditions ars right for raising alfalfa and cattle. . Addrsaa. Jordan Valley Farms, poise Wyoming; Lands. fgHEATLAND Wyoming farms, fit per a - ssehwJIng P'd up water right Henry ffl 4 C U. BtfJaadsl. Hi OmaJba Kat. FARM LANDS WANTED. WE will sell your (arm: timely sain, quick returna. Held Land Cs. 4 BrandejBldg i,-,, AUTOMOBILES For Sale. UNITED AUTO PARTS. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. 2031 Farnam Street We have to offer you a ale line of used cars In good mechanical condition, and willing to demonstrate at any time. We have as follows: 1 Dort Sedan $l,300.0t 1 50 Cadillac S 1.360.00 1 Oakland Coupe 1018 (26.00 1917 Maxwell touring 326.00 1311 Chevrolet touring 360.00 1 ltl7 Ford roadster 326.00 1 "E" 4 Buick 1,160.00 11 "H" Buick 1,300.00 1013 Mitchell Six 0.t UNITED AUTO PARTS, USED CAR DEPARTMENT. 203 Faruam. Dougla 4640. DRIVE YOURSELF TOURINO 1 PER ROADSTERS "V. MILE TRUCKS. CABS FOR ALL OCCASIONS. Melcher Service Co., Hit LEAVENWORTH. DOUq. 43tt. PROMPT DELIVERY ON ALL AUTOMOBILES NEBRASKA WHITE CO. FRED C. SOGERS. Mgr.. Tyler 17IT. 1407.21 Capital Avenue. RENT A NEW FORD DRIVE IT YOURSELF IS CENTS PER MILK TOO ARB COVERED BT INSUR ANCE AGAINST LIABILITY RESULT ING FROM ACCIDENT. 60 NEW llt MODEL FORD CARS. FORD DELIVERY CO. DOUQ. 36S2. 1314 HOWARD. SEE THESE ROADSTERS Two 18 D(.dge, like nem. 10 it Dodge, extra good. 11 Cheirolet. "490." Touring cars from 1180 up. (. TRAWVER AUTO CO., 1910 Farnam. i MEEKS AUTO CO. Used car bought, sold and exchanged. We buy (or eaah and cell on time. Foil line to select from. Middle State Qal. 2026-8 Farnam St. Doug. 41tL MEEKS AUTi CO. VAN BRUNT'S for terms on used car. Look for red leal on windshield. AUTO BODIES. NEW and used Ford bodies for sal. Get our price. O Rourke-Qolotron Aute Co.. 3701 South 24th St.. O-osha. A. LEE COMPANT. Expert automobile washers, slmonyer and poilsner; ail worn guaranieea. N lUth St. Victor Garage. Ph. Web. 307. USED CARS AND TRUCKS AT BARGAIN PRICES. STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO. 3020 Farnam St Omaha. Nh. Used cars of exceptional value. GUY L. SMITH, 2563 Farnam St. Doug. 197. WANTED FOR SPOT CASH. 100 USED CARS; quick action; no delay. Auto Ex. change Co. 2069 Farnam St D. 036. FORD MARKET. 3230 Farnam. Used Fords Tims. cash. ZJosrty bonds, new bodies. 195. NEB. BUICK AUTOvCO., 19th snd Howsrd Sts. Tyler 17lt 1100 Reward for any magneto we can't re pair. Sole mnfra of new aelt -spacing f flnlty spark plug. Bayidnrfer. 310 N 18th. "THE USED CAR MART" SERVICE GARAGE 16th and Leavenworth. Dougla 7000 THE DIXIE FLYER. R. NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANT, 2S8 Farnam St AUTOMOBILE electrical repairs; service tatlon for Rayfield carbaretors ant Columbia storage batteries. Edwards. BARGAIN IN USED CARS. McCaffrey Motor Co. 1 15th Jt Jackson. Ford Agents. D. HOP. OAKLAND, Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO. 2300 Fsrnam St. SIX-CYLINDER roadster for aale. First- class condition. Very classy. Red 6031. 403 North Sixteenth St. COOK) UED CARS. OUT U SMITH 1916 FORD touring car for sale. 123s S. Hth. Cars for Hire. FORDS AND LARGE CARS FOR HIRE. Drive yourself; at very reasonable prices; no extras to "pay. Nebraska Service Garage, 19th ' and Farnam. Douglas 7390. TWO automobiles for sale or exchange. C. J. Canan, .leg McCague Bldg Tires and Supplies. WE will ship, subject to examination, our 3.600-mll guaranteed tlrea at the prices: Plain. Non-Skld. 30x3 ,17.80 t 90 JOxSt, 8tS 11 9 33x3- 10.60 12.60 34x4 12 09 14.76 Express prepaid when cash accompanies order. Standard Tire Co., 410 North 16th St. Phone Douglas 1880 NEW TIRES, 1-2 PRICE. Firestone. Ongreaa, Lea Pullman, Fish. Writs for prices. Mention slies. KA1MAN TIRE JOBBERS. 201t Farnam. BARGAINS IN TIRES. New, used and seconds, all sixes. Omaha Radiator & Tire Co. 1819 Cum- Ing St Tyler 917. . NEW AND USED TIRE BARGAINS. SEE US FIRST AND SAVE MONET. FARNAM TIRE AND RUBBER CO., H. R758. 2914 FARNAM ST. NO need for steam soaked carcasses. We rsiieaa ana reouua lire or xry-ivre process. Ideal Tire Service, tilt. Bar ney St. GAIN more mllea: have your Urea re- treaded by 0.4 G Tire Co. 1416 Leavenworth. Tyler 1261-W. Repairing ana Painting. RADIATOR CORES INSTALLED Manufactured In Omaha. 24-hour service for Auto, Truck Tractor. Ex pert radiator - and fender repairing. Body Dtnts removed. New tenders male, OMAHA RADIATOR MFG. CO. , 1819 Cuming St. Tyler 91T. F. P. BARNUM CO.. 3126 Cuming. Dong. las 8044. High trade automobile painting. Motorcycles and Bicycles. HARLEY - DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Bargain In used machine. Vtelor B. Roos, the Motorcycle xaaa, I7tb and Leavenworth its. Tha V. 8. La bar Depailsaeat Say I Build now. Construc tion adds to the per manent wealth of the , country and the indi vidual. Omaha Veal Estate Board Texas Ratifies Suffrage. Austin, Tex June 24, The house of the Texas legislature, by a vot of 96 to 21, adopted the resolution ratiing the woman suffrage amendment to the federal constitu tion. Senator Westbrook says 15 of 30 senators and the president of the senate are pledged to support the resolution." PERSONAL. THE SALVATION Army industrial horns solicits your aid clothing, furniture, magasinea. We collect. W distribute. Phone Doug. 4136 and eur wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-lllr-IU4 Dodge St. WAN! ED Address of H. E. (Jack) Whijps. Write Fred W. Thompaon, I4th and N, Singer block, third floor, Omaha. GRADUATE nursa will give Swedish mu. aag at your home or da nursing by the hour. Walnut 10. Horses -Live Stock Vehicles. HOGS HOGS. Buy on Blrdbaven Profit Sharing Plan. Phone Web. 264. O. SL Pettil. Agent. Harness, Baddies and Trunk. W Mak Them Ourselves. ALFRED CORNISH CO. Ill Farnam. FIRST 1160 takes team, harness and ball bearing wagon. Hurry. 2421 C.umiog. Douglas 49S9. FIVE-YEAR-OLD Jersey cow, tested, $100. Walnut 61. i MONEY TO LOAN. ORGANIZED by the Business Men 1 Omaha. FURNITURE, pianos and notes sa security. t(, ( ma, H. good, total. 13.60. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY. 431 Security Bldg.. 16th Farram, Ty. 666 LOANS ON DIAMONDS, WATCHES, ETC. EAGLE LOAN OFFICE ti TVMifJT.AS ST. ...o iiAo.iia JEWELRY AND 11 LIBERTY BONDS. OtV 1-72 1 W. C FLATAU, EST. 139!. '0 tTH riA SECURITY BLDG.. TY. (It sBB -20-COZY run COTTAGE? fe- Brand New Bungalow Type, 3, 4 and 5 Rooms EACH HOUSE HAS 2 LO! $2,500 UPWARDS Some Can Be Bought fc. $200 DOWN and $25 A MONTH All For Sale On EASY RENT TERMS SALE AT 10 A. M. SEVENTY lots in beautiful Homewood axe sold. Never in our twenty-five years' experience have we offered a more attractive home nity than Homewood. A chance like this comes but once in a lifetime. Look at the picture. Read the descriptions, and remember RUN CLEAR TO HOMEWOOD. ' 20 CEO COTTAC and clothes closets in than you could build NEAR AK-SAR-BEN AND AEROPLANES ' The new 130-acre site of tbe permanent location for Ak-Sar-Ben is just one half mile west of Homewood. A million dollars is going to be spent on im provements to prepare this site for the Ak-Sar-Ben festivities this fall. COME OUT AFTER SUPPER i Dome during the day if you can, but if not, come out after supper. It is light until 9 o'clock and salesmen wiH be there to show you houses and lots until dark. Come, Rain or Shine. , . i 14 fWM Trt f5FT TO MHIUI FWtOin Drive West on Center to 60th or take any West Leavenworth car, transfer at 48th nu" IVJ UU , Street to West Lawn car and ride to end of line, and there is HOMEWOOD. Come EARLY, for these lots and homes are not going to last long. If you can't come during the day, come after supper. Salesmen on the grounds till 9 P. M. LIBERTY BONDS AS CASH j Liberty Bonds Accepted at 100c on the Dollar on Any House or Lot in Homewood FIVE GAMES ARE billed in r.iutjy ASSN. THIS WEEK Twilight Contests Booked to Allow Teams to Catch Up in Their Schedules. Twilight games by the teams of the Muny association will be a fea ture in local amateur baseball cir cles this week and the Tans and fol lowers of the national pastime will have the opportunity to see their favorites clash, as fiv games are on the program for the balance of the week. All of these games were regular scheduled Sunday contests, but due to the weather conditions the teams were forced to postpone them. This evening two games will be played, both starting at 6:30 o'clock The Sample-Hart-American Railway exchange battle in the American league will hold forth at Riverview park, while the Omaha Printing Co. Juniors and the Beselins, of the Gate City league, will clash at Thirty-second and Dewey avenue. Both of these contests should prove fast and exciting. Thursday evening another pair of UY A HOM 'UWULfb On Easy Payments Everybody Can Meet ' ' ?V ' ' tit, sr-f ''V mm IalCTf',1 a sura - n t K. ' i T --" 1 I EVERY STREET HAS SIDEWALKS EVERY STREET HAS CROSSWALKS EVERY STREET GRADED SOME LOTS HAVE SHADE TREES CAR LINES RUN RIGHT TO THE ADDITION STARTS WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25TH AND CONTINUES UNTIL EVERYONE OF all. Built on the wholesale one yourself, alone. Every IF YOU MISS THIS SALE 0U WILL BE SORRY Remember the Date 10 A. M., Wednesday, June 25tH PAYNE & SLATER COMPANY 616 OMAHA NATIONAL BANK BLDG. snappy contests are scheduled be tween the crack teams of the Intier- City league, a class C organization The Highland Park Pharmacys will cross bats with the Harding Creatm- ery Lo. at Thirty-second and Dewey avenue, at 6:30 o'clock, and at tie same hour, at Riverview park, tbe Harley-Davidsons meet the Cuno Mineral Springs. Friday night the McKenny Den tists, who have practically a new team organized and have been play ing great ball the past few weeks, will lock horns with the Herman sky Pharmacys of South Side. These two clubs are members of the Gate City league. When the scheduled double heaaer at Thirty-second and Dewey avenue Sunday afternoon is finished it will mark the last time this season that the fan-will have the opportunity to witness games on the said diamonds this season, as playing will bempossible on ac count of the city putting a sewer through that vicinity and the material has already been put in the outfields and during the past two weeks grounds rules were made. Thirty-second and Dewey avenue is considered the best diamonds in: the city, as it is centrally located and the most important game is scheduled there each Sunday. The lans, as well as the players, will feel this loss keenly. Although the Holmes White Sox and Nebraska Power Co. are sched uled to play in the Greater Omaha league at Thirty-second and Dewey avenue Sunday afternoon, the fans will probably not see these teams n action, on account of each team hav We have already .cottages three, m ES- house WELL built. Wired and fully equipped with electric fixtures. Cement floor basement under entire house. Built in book plan, which saves building costs and enables us to sell house is an exceptional value in short, a BARGAIN! REALTORS ing out-of-town games W Sunday, it was- announced yesterday. Ernie Holmes, backer of tbe White Sox, announced to the writer that his aggregation has a game scheduled at Missouri Valley, la., and that the Power Co. would play at Plattsmouth. Manager Gerhardt and ocials of the Greater Omaha league could not be reached last night, j "My team wanted to play the Power Co. Sunday and had planned strongly on this,gsme, bnt tbe Pow er team had a game scheduled with Plattsmouth and were not in favor of cancelling it," aid Holmes yes terday, "so we booked a game with Missouri Valley." Tex Rickard in Neax Battle at Toledo With "Barber. John" Reisler ! Toledo. O.. June 24. Efforts of i Tex Rickard as a peacemaker be tween John The Barber Keisler and Jack Dempsey ended in a wordy altercation in a hotel lobby this afternoon, in which Rickard shook his familiar cane in the face of Reisler., No blows were struck. Afterward Reisler stated that be was through parleying, anfl had instruct ed his lawyers to go tfito court in the morning and start proceedings, the nature of which he refused to dSsclose. Southern Ai lociation. At New Orleans Nashvllls, rala. At Birmingham, 0; Little Rock, I. At Atlanta, 1; Memphis, 0. A Mobile. 0; Chattanooga, 1. jJ ' ' built, or are building, in Homewood twenty modern, bungalow-type four and five-room sizes. The STREET CARS RUN CLEAR TO HOMEWOOD Homewood already has twenty-minute service to down town. When the new Ak-Sar-Ben site is finished the street car company will have to extend their lines to take care of the crowds. This extension will, no doubt, be from the present end of the Leaven worth line at Elmwood Park south on Sixtieth Street past Ak-Sar-Ben and then east on Center Street RIGHT PAST THE SOUTH SIDE OP HOMEWOOD making a complete "loop" around our subdivision. PHONE DOUGLAS 1016 Real Estate Transfers Cssslus H. Mick and arlfe te Carl A. Poster and wife. 41th st. 140 ft. iu or Miami ats. w. a 4Dxiee.4 ft. : t S.St0 aatnaa BomMrc ana wire to Jacob Petrr, et aL. a. a. oor. Fowler ava. OxUT ft I.16S Eleanor ilsrphv and bus nana to Al vls J. Jaesrls. G aL 140 ft. w. of lid at. . a Willi ft t,H0 Marian IS. Martin and Husband to 'Charles J. Oerstinsyer, 14th at. t!0 ft. a. ef Mlasoart ava. sr. a. 40lso ft. 1 Jchn Ewbanlt aad wife to Charles A. Weedman, Caas el ft w. of 41st st. n. s. 4UU&.I ft 3.7SI Charles A. Weedman to Isabel E O'Keefa, Cass sL 40 ft. m. of 41st at. n. s. 6x126.1 ft 1 John W. Whoom and wife to John Earbank, 37th sL 140 ft. n. pf Ptnkney at. e. a 40x184 ft 200 John A. Brrans Tr 'to Jamea Vlck rv. et aL. ltth St. 4 ft. n. of Webster at. e. s. (ts.10 ft ! 400 Charles F. Kuncl Tr., to Joseph L. Kubat. L st 00 ft. w. of 2th st. n. a 10x00 ft 1 Amanda C. Swanson to John K. Gtbnejr, 26th st. to ft. a. of Chicago st. e. a 3!x6 ft S.S00 Homestesd Co. to Catherine Ro- ncke. Polk at. 51! ft. e. of 16th st s. s. 10x134 ft 440 Albln .Welna and wife to Frank J. welna, 04th and WooiwortH ava. 100x110 ft too Ralph 8. Smith and wife to Ber tha M. Urimmel, Webster at 100 ft w. of 44th St. a s. IVx 120 ft 1.000 Lois Alleman Atkins and husUand to Prank S. Selby, n. w. cor. iZi I and Howard st 75x123 ft 1,100 Psxton.Mltchell Co. to Charles M. Hlghsmlth, s. t. cor. 41st and csss st 40kiio ft t.eoo Daniel Canavan and wife to Lena Sesto, Patrick Ave. let ft w. of ,42d St. s. s. 10x04 ft 1,200 Bars B. Joseph to William V. Nle man. Curtia ave. 122 ft C of 36th st. s. s. 60x273 ft 1,350 William J. Hynes aad wife to the C. B. Nash Co., n. a. cor. 30th and Burt at sl50 ft.... , 10,604 Nora Ryan to John Kuaielka, T st. lit ft a. of 14th at. n. a. 100x117 ft '.. ,tiO Egbert E. JUcbardson aad wlfs to DUTIFUL LARGE LOTS 1 . i- ' FlflE GARDEN SOIL MANY WITH TREES pi Down and $1 Week Bome a Little More , All For Sale On EASY MONTHLY TERMS TWENTY HOMES workmansmp is nrst-ciass. Jvery cases in some houses; kitchen cupboards you a good house for $200 to $300 less Come early if you want one. EASY TERMS Reasonable v Payments Down , and the Balance ' Like Rent. Monthly. Buys Any House or Lot in Homewood Fremont Ball Club Wins Qose Game From the I: Schuyler, Neb., Team Fremont, Neb., June 24. (Spe cial.) The Fremont base ball team v: added another victory to its string Sunday by taking the Schuyler nine into .camp, 7 to 6. Fremont waa ahead three times during the game. L. and W. Baker and Buret did the aj battery work for the visitor and McCartyand Gill and Fritx per-Vr formed for Fremont. . -'v - ;iyt Bee Want Ads Produce Result. Bee Want .Ads Produce Results. Joha E. Pulner. at al.. Jiokosy st. 40 7 ft sr. of Jth at. n. A 44.7x100 ft 1.100 .I0t Donald Melvar to Joseph F. Bteiger et at. a. w. ear. JUn ava aad Jones at. 44x102 t( Hopper Bros. Co. to Jvase r:. Bill ings, et si., CaplteJ ave. 06 ft. w. of 46th st s. a. 41x1(14.0 ft 2,110. t 4U0t 1.30 7J0I I.60S VtO ..AO 4.400 Carl V. Benjamin aad wife to Verne mnjimm. 24tn st. 60 ft a. of Sprague at, w. a. 30x123 ft Eva E. Nelson to Frances U Mar qaardt. n. a. cor JHa aad flak- ney at. Sx100 ft uat Q. Westarberg, (1st ave. 00 ft a of Lartmore ave.. w. a. 40x1 34 Albert W. Johnaoo and wife, to Mlnnls D. Hulse. Davenport st. , 07.4 ft. m. at 31st ave., a. a., 67.4x103 Joha Lubold to lrma 8. Baenius sen, 00th ava. 170 ft. a. ofi Far. nam st., sr. , OOxlSt The Shull Laiad Co. lo Pinion Oor selanakl and wife, ttth ave. 404 ft a. et Woolworth ave., w. a, 40X127 ... Furajr Investment Co. to Fred War. ren Rothery, Cumieic at. t. S ft. e. of 25th st. a a. t.txlJ4 The Byron Reed Co. to Nathan Levins. Webster at !. ft. w. of JvtX at, a. a. li.SOxUO... 30- UPWARDS AND - buying opportu STREET CARS V V 13' i -i( c MM" hi i M.M. It CI '(IT :m: a C t 1 l I , -