THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18, 1919. 7 Baby Blinded from Eczema "The child' bead and face ware almost solid for. The ere perfectly blind. Doctor aid the tni case he had e'er era. Om enaanW of D. D. D. did woo derfat work. A complete cure fol lowed. " Tito. J. Dorauney. Jenisoa, Ala. foe writ, too, to the D. D. D. Companr et Chicago tor a sample and get Immediate relict Or, coma in and wa will tell yoa what D. D. D. ha accoinpliihed in your own neighborhood. Yoor money hack naleai the Ant bottle relieve yoa. 15c, aoc and ti.oo. HD.E2).IID. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co. BaaananaaaaaaaBaaiaanaBBajaennnnnnaBBaaaanaai The Ideal Family Loaf. Patronize Your Neighborhood Grocer JAY BURNS BAKING CO, To arouse a sluggish liver, to relieve a distressed stomach, to fortify your self against disease. use Lajreet Sale of An Medicine in the World Sold everywhere, la Boxes, lQo.. 35c PROMPT RELIEF for the acid-distressed stomach try two or three Rl'HOIDS after meals, dissolved on the tongue keep your stomach sweet try Ki-moids the new aid to digestion. MADE BY SCOTT & BOWNE MAKERS OF SCOTTS EMULSION Hairs Will Vanish After This Treatment (Toilet Helps) You can keep your skin free from hair or fuzz by the occasional use of plain detatone and in using it you need have no fear of marring or injuring the skin. A thick paste is made by mixing some of this pow dered delatone with water. Then spread on the hairs and after 2 or 3 minutes rub off, wash the skin and all taces of hair have vanished. Be careful, however, to get real dela tone. Adv. Why Actresses Never Grow Old Nothing: concerning the profession seems more puzzling to the dear old public than the perpetual youth of our feminine mem bers. How often we hear remarks like, "Why, I saw her as Juliet forty years ago and she doesn't look a year older now!" Of course allowance is made for makeup, but when they see us off the stage at close range, they need another explanation. How strange women generally haven't learned the secret of keeping the face young I How simple a matter to get an ounce of mercolized wax at the drug store, apply it like cold cream, and in the morn ing wash it off I We know how this grad ' ually, imperceptibly, absorbs the old cuticle, keeping the complexion new and fresh, free from fine lines, sallowness or over redness. We know, too, that this mercol ized wax Is the reason actresses don't wear freckles, moth patches, liver spots, pimples and the like. Why don't our sis ters on the other side of the footlights learn the reason, and profit by it? The atrical World. Adv. REPEAL OF WAR PROHIBITION FAILSTO PASS House Judiciary Committee Rejects Motion Providing for Beer and Light Wines After July 1. Washington, June 17. By a vote of 10 to 3 the house judiciary com mittee refused today to adopt a mo tion of Representative Igoe, demo crat, Missouri, repealing wartime prohibition insofar as it affects light wines and beer. Joining Mr. Igoe in supporting the motion were Rep resentative Gard, democrat, Ohio, and Classon, republican. Wisconsin. The committee, which is consid ering a bill by Chairman Volstead for enforcement of national prohibi tion, approved the section defining intoxicating liquors as that conta'n ing one half of one per cent of alco hol after amending it so as to name specifically as intoxicants alcohol, brandy, whisky, rum, gain, beer, lie, porter and wine. Bond Issue to Be Discussed. . Discussion of the bond issue pend ing at general election in Douglas county. June 25, will take place at a special meeting of residents of the west side at the social settlement hall, Twenty-ninth and Q streets, Thursday evening at 8:30 o'clock. GIRLS The newest complexion fad is derwillo. It instantly beautifies the complexion, whitens the skin and astonishes all who try it. Never be without it. Derwillo gives you a rosy, peach-like skin which everybody will rave about. It's absolutely harmless. Get it today. Druggists refund the money if it fails. Seelarge announce ment soon to appear in this paper. In the meantime get it today. Adv. The Doctor and the Plumber FROM the etandpoint of dol lars and health, doctor, realize the great need for mod em, sanitary bathroom equip ment. Germ lurk in old-fashioned, unsanitary fixture. Should a physician' home be more clean and unitary than your home? Come tee our dis play of Thoma Maddock'a Sanitary Plumbing Fixtures, and you'll answer trap question quickly and without elf-argument. Come today examine these beautiful fixture, and let ua chow you how you can , afford to have them installed now, whether you stay in the old home or build a new one. United States Supply Co. Ninth and Farnam Sti. OMAHA, NEB. or Costolt Your Plamber Mtdbury Vs-i.iiii-'23 G-2201 V i nsf r iiiiiiiiifJrUeiliiiiii UNITED STATES RAILROAD ADMINISTRATION Director General of Railroads. Illinois Central Railroad CHANGE OF SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE SUNDAY, JUNE 22ND Illinois Central Train No. 12 (Chicago Limited) will leave Omaha 5:01 P. M. instead of 4:15 P. M. Arrival Chicago 8:30 A. M. as at present TICKETS AND RESERVATIONS Consolidated Ticket Office 1416 Dodge Street. Telephone Douglas 1684, or Union Paenger Station. 01 FISTULA CURED Rectal Diseases Cured without a severe surgical operation. No Chloroform or Ether used. Cure guaranteed. PAY WHEN CURED. Write for illus trated book on Rectal Diseases, with names and testimonials of more than 1,000 prominent people who have been permanently cured. DR. . R. TARRY, 240 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Two Fleets of Airplanes Will Carry Mail to Omaha Chamber of Commerce Commissioner Just Returned From Conference, Tells of Plans for Postal Flights From Cleveland to This City Soon. Omaha is to be on the next leg of the coast to coast air mail serv ice. The foregoing is the informa tion given out by Commissioner Manley of the Omaha Chamber ot Commerce. Commissioner Manley is back from Chicago, where he went for a conference with Superintendent Sproule of the air mail service. There he was advised that plans for extending the coast to coast route are progressing rapidly and every thing points to the coming of tfe nai! air ships inside of a couple of months. The Omaha landing field and the hangars for he mail ships were dis cussed. As a result, it is expected that within a short time work will be started on the Omaha landinc held so everything may be in rea;!t ness as soon as official orders lor the extension of the service are re ceived. In Chicago Commissioner Manley gathered the information that two fleets of mail airships will be em ployed in the Omaha service. One will operate between Omaha and Chicago and the other between Cleveland, O.. and Omaha. The Cleveland-Omaha service will be without stop, and will bring eastern mail handled by train into Cleveland. Eastbound the airships will carry mail for Cleveland and be yond. To Cleveland this mail will go by airship, where it will be deliv ered to the Twentieth Century Lim ited train o" the New York Central. It is planned by this service to save 24 hours on Omaha-New York mail. The Omaha-Chicago air mail serv ice is expected' to be on a six-hour schedule. The best time now be tween Omaha and Chicago is 13 hours. No stops are to be made en route. So far as Commissioner Manley could learn, plans for air mail serv ice west from Omaha have not been worked out. While in Chicago, Commissioner Manley was at Grant Park, the air mail landing station, when one of the planes arrived from Cleveland. The trip was made in six hours. In landing, an accident occurred. The driver of the mail plane in coming onto the field was compelled to dodge an auto truck and in doing so, lost his forward speed. His plane dropped to the ground and turned turtle, breaking the orooeller. but not injuring the driver, or his assistant. South Side EAGLES CLOSE CONVENTION BY ELECTING HEADS Pass Resolutions Endorsing Lower Age Limits and Con tinuance of Fund for Soldiers' Relatives. Resolutions endorsing move ments to lower age qualifications from 21 years to 18 years, and a continuance of the patriotic fund assessment, by which relatives of deceased members who met death in their country's service are paid $1,000, were passed at the closing session of the Nebraska Eagles in annual convention yesterday. The age resolution, it was stated, wls made possible through prohibi tion, it having been the policy under a wet regime to discouraue admittance of minors. Both resolu tions were passed as recommended and sent to the Grand Aerie foi action there also. "There are still a number of eagles in the service," H. Roth holz, local aerie secretary, who was elected grand Worthy secretary of the state fraternity, said. "This resolution was passed in the form of a recommendation to the Grand Aerie to take care of those who may die while now in the service." Officers elected are: G. F. Free man of Beatrice, past grand worthy president; M. V. Avery, Norfolk, grand worthy president; W. M. Bar clay, Plattsmouth, vice-president; E. E. Abbott of Beatrice, chaplain; H. Rothholz, Omaha, secretary; C. H. Christiansen, Fremont, treas urer;; William Stanbro, Syracuse, inside guard; Louis Mosehler, Omaha, outside guard. G. F. Besehorner, Lincoln; P. J. McCaffrey, Columbus, and Alex H. Breuel, Nebraska City, were elected trustees. The officers were installed at 1:30 o'clock, P. J. Barrett of South Omaha, past worthy president, pre sided. The election was held in he morning. More than 100 delegates reported to the convention secre tary. Falls City was chosen as the next convention town, the 1920 session to be called between June 10 and 15. Municipal Guards on South Side Organize Three companies of municipal guards were organized this week at Spring Lake, Clearview and Morton parks under guidance of Majors Campen and Fernald. The South Omaha contingents are a part of the Third battalion, a north side organi zation. ' A campaign to recruit 1,000 mem bers was started Monday. The guards will drill twice weekly along lines of the boy scout movement. Boys over 12 years are asked to join. Miss Howard at Capital Washington, June 16. (Special Telegram.) Miss Bess Howard, daughter of the late Morris How ard of the South Side, Omaha, is in Washington for the summer months. Ladies Have a Clear Sweet Healthy Skin By Using Cutlcura Promote skin purity, skin com fort and skin health by making Cuticura boap, oint ment and Talcum lyour every-day toilet 'preparations. Tust touch any Dimples, blackheads, redness or roughness with Cuticura Oint ment Wash off in five minutes with Cu ticura Soap and hot water, best applied with the hands which it softens wonderfully, nd continue bathing a few moments. Rinse with tepid water. Dry gently and dust on a Few grains of Cuticura Talcum Powder, a fascinating f a grance. Contrast this simple, wholesome treatment with tiresome massaging and manipulating. '' tub fret by bttU. Address poet-ea: d: "OMlr. Otpt. ua. ansa." 8olderrwh a. SoepJSe. OistoHat X and Me. Tsleum 2Se. Improvement Club to Meet Next Tuesday The West Side Boosters' club, one of the three improvement clubs of the city, meets next Tuesday eve ning, .according to announcement of William Curran, president. An ef fort will be made to arouse interest In several improvements that the city has under advisement for that section of the city. Brief City News South Side Brevities Shop1 and save at Flynn's; dandy little rompers and cover-alls from 50c to $1.50. Adv. The Packers National bank at 24th and O pays the highest price for Liberty bonds. Adv. Shop and) save at Flynn's; these new summer dresses at Flynn's haven't got a sign of the high-price level about them. Adv. FOR SALE CHEAP A number of floor Hhow cases, one nail counter, one lot hardware fixtures. KOUTSKY-PAVL1K CO., 4828 8. 24th St. Hotel Men of State In Omaha to Proceed to Portland Convention Hotel men from the larger cities in the mid-west were in Omaha yes terday on their way to attend the 12th annual convention of the Na tional Greeters' association, to be held at Portland, Ore., June 24-28. The association was founded by Omaha hotel men. A special car took them last night to Minneapolis where they will be joined by other hotel men. J. B. Miller of the Wellington Inn, president of the Nebraska-Iowa charter, C. A. Ryan of the Henslihw hotel and Paul Stanton of the Con ant hotel are members of the Oma ha delegation. Attorneys Bring Action to Collect $3,300 in Fees T. A. Hollister and Byron G. Burbank, Omaha attorneys, are try ing to collect $3,300 attorneys' fees in a hearing begun yesterday in Dis trict Judge Leslie's court. The defendants are George B. Darr, C. Bergquist, H. B. Berg quist, Charles R. Eve, Florence Eve, W. B. Hughes, Joseph Polcar, Paul Havens, M. B. Snyder, Fred Crane and J. B. Brain. They invested in the McCarthy Hidden Treasure Mining corpora tion and the two attorneys brought action in defending their rights as stockholders. The fees charged, however, were objected to by the defendants in the present suit. Have Root Print It Beacon Prese. Kloc Fans $8.50 Burgess-Granden Dr. Newell Jones, 640 City Na tional Banjc building;. Office phone, Tyler 338. Residence, Walnut 5046. O'Brien Back From Ranch T. J. O'Brien of the Henahaw hotel has returned from a three weeks' stay on his ranch at Sutherland, Neb. Federal Judge Returns Federal Judge J. v. Woodrough haa re turned from North Platte, where the district court has been in session. Resumes Practice John N. Bald win (Jack) has resumed the prac tice of law after two -years' ab sence, at 936 First National Bank buildng. Adv. Luncheon for Captain Noone Omaha members of the Delta Chi fraternity will give a luncheon Wednesday noon at the University club in honor of Capt. Joe Noone, who recently returned from overseas. Federal Jury to Convene The de layed spring session of the federal jury will convene Wednesday at 2 p. m. to try criminal cases which have been pending since last winter. About 20 cases are on the docket. Twins Arrive at Hawley Home B. H. Hawley of the Union Pacific gen eral freight offices is happy over the arrival of a pair of twins, a boy and a girl, at his home. They are of standard weight and equipped with full capacity lungs. Supply of Traffic Rules Police Commissioner Ringer states that he has a supply of printed traffic rules and regulations, recently adopted by the city council in the form of an ordinance. Copies may be had by those who are interested. Sees Family of Dead Soldier The wife and children of Stephen R. Shaw, formerly of Oshkosh, Neb., killed in action in France, are be ing sought by the government war risk insurance bureau. The Wife's name is Mrs. Myrtle Shaw and the children's, Gladys, Catherine, Opal, Lorena and Floyd Stephen Shaw. New Mill at Blair Capitalists of Calhoun and Blair have commenced the erection of the Washca Alfalfa mill in Nebraska City. The name is a contraction of Washington county, the home of the promoters and owners. The mill will put out a full line of alfalfa products and will be in operation by September 1. , New Manufacturing Plant-The B. & M. Remedy company that took the bottling department buildings of the Metz Brewing company has fin ished moving the machinery of its Cedar Rapids plant to Omaha and about July 1 will start manufactur ing a ful line of live stock health remedies. The company will start the Omaha plant with 60 men and women employed. Ill II la. MESS 111 "Lon" Van Ausdell Is Freed On Charge of Nonsupport "Lon" Van Ausdell was dis charged this morning in police court after Judge Fitzgerald had heard the evidence of Mrs. Van Ausdell against him on her complaint against him of nonsupport. She said he had given her only $115 since March 1. Mrs. Van Ausdell was found not guilty of shooting Mrs. Viva by a jury in district court May 30. All The Family Ought to take Father John's Medicine as a Tonic and Body Builder- You gain flesh and strength taking this whole some food medicine. Remember Father John's Medicine does not contain alcohol or dangerous drugs. Over 60 Yean In Use Begin today taking Father John's Medicine after meals and at bedtime and see how prr.mptly you gain weight and new strength. m J i Mil Ir 'Administration nffi ( it Mil ill m. Con.olideted Ticket Office, I fo WHERE romance and Indian lore, woodland Scenes, sky blue lakes and crystal stream form a charming combination for a delightful summer outing. Bright sunshiny day, cool nights, and pine-scented atmosphere . Broad sandy beaches where the children may wade. Deep water where grown-up can fight it out with bass or musky. Camps, hotel and cottage, where you can take it easyj and other hotels where you can enter into the gayety of fashionable resort life. And lots of place off the beaten path where you can go with an India? guide and fish, camp, tramp in the woods and learn the secrets of woodcraft. Summer Excursion Fares Ask the local ticket agent to help plan your trip, or apply to the nearest Consol idated Ticket Office, or address nearest Travel Bureau, United States Railroad Administration, 646 Transportation Bldg.. Chicago; 143 Liberty Street. New York City; 602 Healey Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. Voted States Railr&yd Hash tewi I EVERYBODY STORE" Tuesday, June 17, 1919. STORE NEWS FOR WEDNESDAY. Phone Doug. 2100 Don't Forget to Vote for the GOOD ROADS BONDS, Tuesday, June 24th Tuesday Morning From 9, to 10 a. m. Children's White Dresses Ages from 7 to 14 $1.00 THERE is a wonderfully beautiful assortment of these dresses to choose from. Made in the summer's most popular styles and the trimmings are the daintiest imaginable. Laces, em broideries, clusters of tucks and hemstitching are just a few of them. Dainty colored satin ribbons are used for belts. The values are very exceptional for this one hour at $1.00. Limit of 2 to a customer. No mail or phone orders accepted. Buress-Nash Co. Second Floor, The Season's Latest Skirts ot Wash Materials, Wool or Silks, $4.95 to $35 SO complete is our showing of skirts, so representative are the styles, tex tures and quality so satisfying that choice is a matter of course. It is simply a question of what kind of a skirt you w ant. We have skirts for every occasion. Wash Skirts, $4.95 to $13.95 The never shrink skirts have clever style pock ets, belts, tucks and buttons. The materials are pique, gabardine and tricotine. Waist band 24 to 38. Prices range from $4.95 to $13.95. Silk Skirts $17.50 to $35.00 Made of popular materials such as Fan Ta Si, Baronette, georgette, crepe de chine, Kumsi Kumsa, Pussy Willow, Moon-glo, tricolette, etc. Also in combination of materials. They are in white or in beautiful colors, including pink, copen, navy, taupe, green, peach, etc., Prices range from $17.50 to $35.00. Burgess-Nash Co. Second Floor. ATTRACTIVE A GLASSWARE for the summer drinks, spe cially priced for Tuesday. Glasses, 6 for 75c Colonial ice tea glasses, very special, at 6 for 75c. Glasses, 6 for $125 Handled ice tea glasses with dainty grape cuttings. Tuesday at 6 for $1.25. Lemonade Sets, 69c Colonial glass lemonade sets, consists of jug and 6 glasses, the set at 69c. Ice Tea Sets, $1.69 Grape cut ice tea sets consist ing of ice tea jug with grape cut ting and 6 handled ice tea glasses with grape cutting. The set $1.69 Burgess-Nash Co. Downstair Store. SALE OF NOTIONS for TUESDAY that will afford great sav ings. Just a few special items are listed here. Buttons for coats, dresses and suits, a great variety to select from. Priced less than cost at 10c a card. Wave braid for trimming, var ious widths 5c a bolt Sharp pins, 200 count pack ages, 3 package for 10c. Stella and defender nainsook dress shields, double covered, 19 and 23c a pair. West Electric hair curlers, at card 19c. Dress belting, good quality, black and white, 2, 2 or 3 inch widths, yard 10c. Rick rack braid, fine quality, various sizes, 6 yard pieces, 15c. Dress fasteners, 5c card. Children's hose supporters, black and white, assorted sizes pair 15c Coates and Silkoline crochei cotton, various colors and size; ball 10c. Fancy edging assorted style and colors, bolt 15c. English wire hair pins, pack age 5c. Slip on dress shields, pair 39c. Sanitary napkins, 6 in carton sale price 25c. Sanitary belts, 19e. Skirt gauges, 19e. Pearl buttons in various sizes and styles, card Sc. Shoe laces, highly mercerized 7Ke. Black hook and eye tape, at yard 10c. English mulberry toilet pins, card 5c. Burgess-Nash Co. Main Floor Come in and Let Us Demonstrate The "Burnasco" ELECTRIC VACUUM CLEANER LET us show you its simplicity of operation, how smoothly and easily it runs. Let us prove to you that a "Burnasco" Electric Vacuum Cleaner is a necessity in every home. Following is ten reasons why the "Burnasco" is the best. 1 1-6 H. P. horizontal motor, air cooled with lelf feeding oil well. 2 Greater power, 20 per cent more suction. 3 Adjuited at factory for most efficient work. No further ad justments necessary. A Gear-driven brusk, most effee tire ever produced. 5 Large hose connection, direct to center of fen. 6 Highly polished aluminum eas ing, rust proof and more durable than eteel. 7 Swiveled rear wheel, making operation easy. 8 One piece cait aluminum fan, unbreakable. 9 Oblong carbon brushes which cannot be put in wrong. 10 Piatol grip handle containing control switch. A written guarantee goes with ev ery cleaner. Come in tomorrow and let us demonstrate it to ydu. Burgess-Nash Co. Third Floor. 36 In. Gabardine and Tricotine 39c THE season's most popular fabrics for x suits and skirts. A beautiful wool fin ish. In lengths from 1 to 6 yards each. Much less than regular. For quick clear ance at 39c a yard. Burgess-Nash Co. Main Floor Hear Gluck Sing The Little Old Log Cabin in the Lane" Another of those delightful old plantation melodies that Gluck sings into your heart 1 Other good records are: A Tumbled Down Shack la I'm Forever Blnwht RuhklM Just Blue. Hindustan. When You Look in the Heart of a Rose. Athlon Sweet Siamese. Chong. When the Shadows Come and Co. i-ove to leu the story. Come in and let us play all the New Victor Records for June Burgesa-Naah Co. Fourth Floor. i