Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 15, 1919, Page 9, Image 9

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    rnv nulUA STTVTl A V..v THTE .' JTTWR! 1 K
After 'Months of Unsuccessful
Search Nova Scotian K. of
' C. at Last Finds Body of
' New Yorker.
. New York, June 14. (Special)
Armistice day was one of jubliation
for millions of New Yorkers, but on
that day the family of Thomas J.
Enright of New York were informed
ty telegraph that Enright, who was
a member of the crew of a U. S.
submarine chaser stationed at Syd
ney, N.'"S., had been reported raiss-
v'wg after a riskful ride in the waters
of the north Atlantic.- Enright was
a member of Marquette Council of
the Knights of Columbus.' His cap
was the only object picked out of
the water by those who tried to
.rescue him.'' a -. v
Enright's mother was anxious to
V... -iX LIi- . - .... . 1
. boy's bodv jf. at alt possible; so that
it might fc buried; at home, 'in his
native - soil. 4 Joseph Js- Sheehan,
grand knight of Marquette Council,
sent word from New. York to W. R.
Hearn; grand knight of the K. of C.
council at Sydnejv Nova Scotia, to
this effect. A meeting of the Syd
ney Council was held, and the mem
bers volunteered to, keep' a watch,
night and day, patrolling, the shore
and the sea in three-hour shrfts, to
find the body, if Jt could be found.
. .' ' RnAv To Found. -'-x1
ThrftugH ,the' early winter jntd the
deep winter, of the north Canada
coast,; when the : water ' i icy cold
-and it is dangerous for men to be on
it in open boats, the Sydney Knights
combed the sea and, searched every
; inch of the! rocky coast , line. Day
after Jday and week after week tlie
search went-on, one set of members
relieving another, so that the entire,
council t6ok '"part, in the search.
Spring came and still no sign had
been found of the lost sailor. April
went into way, ana May ran on, an
i unusually, stormy May, when, just
as the. Sydney knights were giving
up' all nope of being able to console,
in some way, the mother heart of
the woman they had never seen, the
body was. found, strangely preserved
' by the utter cold of the water in
wmcn l -natj rcmaincu iui maujr
weeks, and easily recognizable.
Instantly, word was sent to New
York. W. R. Hearn of Sydney and
another member ,of the K. of C;
council there, Daniel McCarthy, an-
nounced the fact to the people
anxiously awaiting the news in New
York. They had known the young
.AilAit . i a. tka rfnK main.
tained for '.American and Canadian
service men in Sydney.';.!
i".rvin Miair inrrot in the rase.
i of the New York mother even
iy .1. ... .J A Af
iurmcr, incr hciiku m ui
vthe best undertaker in Sydney and
Mr. Hearn and . McCarthy accom
panied the,-body tdi New .York. Mrs.
McCarthy also making the. trip and
bringing with her fij wr eaths from
; the omext.SydnfoMri. En
right, the mother of the deed-sailor,
as an 'expression of gratitude from
the Canadian seaport for her sacri
fice for. the common cause. ;
, Young fcnngnt . was eunea wiui
full honors at Calvary cemetery,', a
squad ol 22 sailors (attending the
funeral, hr Canadian knights re
fused to- accept any-retuna zor tne
expense they had undergone. Wil
liam J. Mulligan, chairman of -the
' Knight of Columbus c6mmittee on
war activities, commenting, oni the
case, declared Jt to be an instance
of what the knights had always
aimed to achieve in their work
sacrifice for service men "wherever
sacrifice would bring help to them
.and consolation to their families.
X. of C. Plans to Ereot f3
' t Two Buildings at Panama
Arlington, Masi.i June 14. James
M. Mead, state treasurer of the
Yr ' a . .X ' Xkl..M.Vw. t... tf. a
-: Panama to superintend the eon?
struetion, for the" nitional Knights
of Columbus f two buirdinga. r at
aitfiav nr1 nt trie Canal zone, which
are to be used el welfare centers for
United States loldiers and 'sailors.
These buildings are-to be erected
Atlantic aide, and the other at Bel
boa, on the Pacific. They are to be
61 concrete end will cost m tne vi
cinity of $40,000 each. . They ere to
k. .A annnlritxT'anrt aulnno.fl ma to
m v -rr-"""" v . r 1
th Mrrntinnil. arrmmrtt
lllbV. ...W "-
and educational needs of the 25,000
men of the service who ere practical
ly isolated in; tne canal sone. ana,
it is expected, will prove en agency
of great moral betterment' r,
I. P.I!. 1IVM tiul &
a... llt...J
r-rcm a ro isne: un micreu
Rockf ord, irt, 'Jwe WTo . fall
i,wu ieet in an eirpien n wnw
WH. WHtJ . -
. mack and C D. Cennoni They were
on their- tnt lap or a bibbs, irom
. r.. C1lina . Vf inn to. Raelrfnrxt
in ,a machine Aey had purchased at
(mm tka arrar4ifMnt. a Twb
miles out the airplane-coiiapseo ana
accident wet received here,; where
Carmack resides. Both were re
cently discharged from the aviation
' sectiion of the army. They expect to
attempt me nigm again itoh
their plane is repairea. - ,
Oniioiity Ptotm Tatal
. CarluiTille, 111, June 14. Curios
ity spelled death for James SlabL
He and other companiona were
nlavinc near an old abandoned coal
mine, shaft here. ' Slabi espied -
. ra-M, KntW-at hk bottom of the
shaft JHewanted it Securing e
rope he tied it about his waist and
with the aid; of 'the boys wa low
- m'a ha ahaff." A fwr minutes
afterward he began to cry forielp.
When hit companions pulled the
rope up ne naa unloosened n ing
cnes continued. .Then one of . the
boy volunteered to go to Slabi's
A' Th vAta ni tixf aKnttt
' his body and.he entered the open-
ing. f Shortly afterward he, too, be
gan to call 'for aid. "On being
brought to the surface the rescuer
fumes with difficulty. When Slabi's
Wedding Stationery
Announcements, Invitations, At Home, ,
. Visiting Cards, Monogram Stationery,
-. Style Specimens end Estimates Upon .
''"'Request. 'bj'?, : ',': '
i','7 BarfaM-Naah Cn Mttm Fator .
t l - A YrVTTTT
everybody store-
New Store Hours
Beginning MondayJune 10, end con- ..
" Unuing till September let, our store will .
t't close daily at B p..m. except Saturdaye . T', ,
ae nsual at 6 p. m. - t " '!
Sundays June IS, 1919-
-Phono Douglas 2100
Brilliant Solitaire Diamond Rings
$25.00 to $200.00
E might suggest them as splendid
' firaduation irifts. Beautifully mounted
in Tiffany style, . plain English; gold - or
hand-engraved white gold mountings.
Specially priced at $25.00 to $200 each.
Burteu-Naah Co. Mala Floor'
Wash Dress Goods Patterns
of 6 Yards, Monday, Special, at
:c ... $2.95
T HE ' offering includes such favored weaves as
printed voiles, ginghams, poplins, etc ; shown
in a large assortment of pretty styles and plain colors.
6 yards in a pattern, special at $2.95.
Printed Voiles at 79c , . '
V Very special- one large table of printed voiles, in
both light and dark color grounds, and very unusual
styles and Colorings. 40 inches wide, at 79c a yard.
Imported Ginghams at 75c a Yard :
. "Our entire stock of fine imported ginghams in a
large assortment of pretty plaids for dresses. 32 inches
wide.;; On sale Monday, at 75c a yard,
Embroidered Voiles at $1J00 : f
4' That will make very pretty summer dresses; in
shades of rose, copen, tan and navy, embroidered in
white. 40 inches wide, at $1.00 a yari. f '
U BurM-Nah Co. Main Floor.:'.''
"Brides Love Community Silver
It's the Yogue in Plated Ware9'
"r . X7E are , splendidly ready
V y with complete stocks of
PnmtYinTtifw Tlftti'in fhroa hoon-
tiful patterns "Adam," "Pa-
triciaii" and "Sheraton."
! Engraved to your order with
distinctive lettering for each
pattern. Absolutely free of
charge. " "Community. Plfttt"
can be purdliased in sets, sinflt.
pieces, and in chests
. Guaranteed for fjO ".years of
; satistactdry - wear, ' Set of ; 6
BorM.-N..h co.-M.ia Flo- teaspoqns, $3.70., t ; ,
Announcing a Special Display of
Suitable for Any Occasion--At the Country Club, for Evening,
Afternoon, Street, Vacation or Outing Wear
A DISPLAY- that will prove fascinating and tempting to the.
extreme Dainty creations possessing that mark of individu
ality sought by every woman who gives a thought to her dress and
which is recognized in Burgess-Nash ready-to-wear. Particular
attention is directed to -
' .'"'"'. :'.,'' , ' , . i '
Tailored Linen Dresses
$15.00 to $35.00 :
"f - Made in suit effects, trimmed with buttons and hand-embroidered
in beautiful colors, also white. :-; -frVS
Beautiful Summery Dresses
$10.00 to $39.50 :
The materials are voiles, polka dots and organdies, in checks,
plaids and flowered effects. ; Trimmed in all manner of clever ways .
frills, laces, embroideries, sashes, hemstitching, collars and cuffs, or
gandie or pique.
Cool, Refreshing Gingham Dresses . '
$17.50 to $35.00
Pretty selection ,of .plaids and checks, also plain colors, in cleverly
trimmed models of linen also organdie collars and cuffs. Others com
bined with voiles. Included are a few clever patterns ri English prints.
BurcoM-Naah Co. a floor.
Kay ser Silk Gloves 85c Pair
m WO-CLASP pure silk gloves, the famous Kayser
X' , make,with double finger tips. Strictly first quali
ty; white and colors; exceptional values, B5c pair.
White Chamoisette Gloves at 69c ,1;
. Two-clasp, , extra fine qualityVchamojsette;glbves.
These are extra good fitting glove's and can be laun
dered like a handkerchief. Fully less than regular
priceat 69c pair: - , . ..lrsMej
-.; . ? . J ' Bur(cu-Nh Co. Main Floor'ip ;:-'i "S
12.00 For Your Old Semn Machine
to Be Applied as Part Payment on Anj
Style of "THE f REE"
' Sewing Machine 1
DON'T worry any longer with hat
old, hard-running machine,;
but come and make your selection
of "The Free"4nd we will allow Jroa
$12.00 for your old machine and
you can pay the balance on our club
plan of
$1.00 Weekly
Floor sample machines at reduced
nrices. . . . .
; f- Singe 60 at $42.50. ; f Singer 9W at $39.50.
- New Home at $39.50. , Our Special at $22.50.
.. . Automatic (chain stitch) at $42.50.
Your choice of any box top sewing machine, while
they last at $5.00. .
We do hemstitching and picot edging.
' . . r ' Burtooo-Naili Co-Fourtk Floor.
Two Remarkable V in Fancy New
Silks Featured Special tor Monday
NE large bargain square of plain and fancy) $ilks in great demand for dresses, skirts,
) waists and shirts. Included are such weaves as:
36-inch silk poplini in the favored )
shade and black. ,
36-inch foulard silk in neat new
, 36-inch crepe faille in a big as
sortment of plain shades. .
36-inch white Habutai silk, wash
able. Very special.
, 32-inch : all-silk pongfee, heavy
quality, in tan. '
36-inch , black satin messaline ;
very special valUe.
. 32-inch, striped silk shirtings, ra
riety of colorings.
36-inch plaid and striped taffeta
I silk; big selection. K
. ., . ..
Another Big Group of Fancy Silks x
TNCLUDING silks that are most suitable for dresses, skirts, waists, linings, etc. An
X excepiionaiiy wiue rango ux ooictuuu.
36-inch fancy satin stripe taffeta "I
silks, 'v. j ,
36-inch fancy satin plaid taffeta
. 40-iich crepe de chine in over 40
shades. , . .:-;---- ' --'-
36-Inch cliiffon tkffeta in new,
pretty plain shades.
36-inch silk foulards, neat figures.
40-inch satin charmeuset in pretty
plain shades. " r
36-inch black chiffon taffeta
36-inch black satin) air unusual
value.?'; ?- 'M':''Sr'Vi
36-inch plain foulards in navy
and blackJ ' ,J:
Burfooi-Naafc Co Mala Floor
If You-re Going rAway You'll
Need a Hartmann Wardrobe
; $39.00?
tSARK green, fibfe-cov-" . - V,
J . ered black,? 1 fibre
bound, green cretonne lin
ing, , shoe bag nd ; the
Hartmann patented fea
ture padded top, $39.00.
Hartmann" Ward-;;
robe, $48jM ' ?
With a very handsome
regular depth garment;
black fibre cqvered, brown
fibre bound, -fancy blue
cloth lining; removable
shoe box and laundry bag,
$48.00. .. ;
Suit Cases at $10 J5 J
Vulcanized fibre, extra heavy lock and catches with
strap all around, heavy leather corners; sewed-on han
dle; a very durable case; $10.75. , - T ; Xt.
Leather Bags Reduced 1-3 ' If-
A limited quantity of 18-inch leather' bags, double
A -.1 t A. at M . -A ' . ..." :' H . .. ' . '.. --i.
ana single rranaies, at i-o cu. s i f -i ,
it vc'
Week-End Cases at $7 JO
Black enameled week-end cases withjeather cor
ners, nicely lined, at $7.50. BurC -Nii' c. Fourth Floor.
AMATEUR Finishing
f Section Moved
to rear of Toilet Goods Sec
tion, opposite Post Office,
Main Aisle. ; ; T T
Work left for finishing
before 12:30, ready , next
day at. 11 :30. Left before
4:00, ready at 3:30 next
day. '
Burfeu-Nash Co. Main Floor '
Carpet -Samples in Lengths of to IV2 Yards
Offered Monday at Less Than Today 'r Mill Cost at
IT'S one of the largest assortments; of .ca'rp'et
, samples we have been able; to offer for a long
time; incbaded are velvets, Axmmsters and Wel
tons, in lengths otM to 1 yards. Splendid as
sortment of patterns and colorings. Very desir
able for throw rugs. Very special at $1.50 to
$4.50 each. vj
Axmmster Runs at $2SS5
An extra purchase of two sizes only,
6x9 and 6-9x9-10, suitable for halls
and bedrooms; an elegant assortment
of patterns. " , . ;V'
One day only, extra special, $23.75 each.
Genuine Cork Linoleum, 98c
Enamel finish. Large range tile and
inlaid pattern effects. One of the best
values of this season. 6 feet ,wide. Spe
cial, $8c square yard. ? ; ; '
Grass Rugs Greatly Reduced
Cleanap of odds and ends. Plain and
figured patterns suitable' for the porch,
dining room and bedroom. . .-.
8x10 - plain, ; at 9x12 ' plain; at
$6.75. ', -v v $8.75. r -T '
-8x10 figured; at 9x12 figured. -at-$12.75.
V ' $14.75. -
Neponset Rug Border at. 69c
;: Waxed finish, light and dark oak, ex
act copies of real oak floors. Absolutely
sanitary and waterproof ; !lmake the old
floor look like "new. 36 inches wide.'Ex
tra special, 69c square yard, v "
Axminster Rugs Monday, at $5J0
In'extra quality, neat conventional and
Oriental colorings.1' Large range pat
terns. ' Extra special for one day only,
size 36x63, $5.50 each.
Buffooo-Naah Co. Third Floor
A Good Refrigerator in Your Home, Means a
at Old Man Hish Cost of Livine
Wfi'RE featuring the Illinois and Automatic refrigerators, the kind that are real ice savers, strictly sani
tary, very economically priced for Monday. ' . 4 .'-
Illinois Refrigerator
$USS a'; ;;.;
Ash case, top icer, 45-lb. capacity,
white enameled food , chamber, re
tinned wire shelf. v ;
Illinois Refrigerator
Top icer, ash case, galvanized iron
food chamber with wire shelf, ice ca
pacity 85 lbs. $11.95. "
Illinois Refrigerator
.. ' i : -i $2395 '
'. Ash ', top icer, white enameled
food -chamber, with retinned wire
shelves. Ice capacity 100 lbs.
Illinois Refrigerator '
I',, ;";x;: $290:M:':- ;:.
v Ash case, golden oak'finish, white
enameled food chamber. Ice . ca
pacity, 90,lbs. -; -- -v.) ;:'T
Illinois Refirgerator
Ash case, golden oak finish, three
door side icintr type, white enameled
food chamber. Ice capacity 60 lbs.
Automatic Refrigerator
. . Eight-wall construction ; mineral '
wool insulated, food chamber ;is
white enameled lined, solid bronze;
hardware, nickel plated,4," front, side
icing type, ice capacity; 75 lbs.-
BwsoM-Natfe Coj OowMtalra Star
Automatic Refrigerator
' $42M . ; ;,r;:':.,.v
Eight-wall , construction ; mineral
wool insulated food chamber s; is
white enameled lined, has adjustable
shelf, front side icing type. Ice ca
pacity 100 lbs. , , . ' .
Automatic Refrigerator
: $5SJ0O- ;':
a .Four-door, front icing type, eight
wall construction; mineral wool insulated,-
food chamber is white en
ameled lined. Ice capacity 120 lbs.
Automatic Refrigerator '
$5M; ...; , , '.V
" Pour-door front Icing, type"; with
huilt-iii water cooler. Ice eapacity
120 lbs. i v. ; . -
1 11
ioay wae nnaiiy recpvirta ne was
aeao, -. - ' - -