Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 11, 1919, Page 9, Image 9

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RocK Island Pays $82,581 In
Case Pending for Four
Years In Federal
, Court,
The damage case wherein John
A. Moore, attorney, sued the Union
Pacific for $150,000 on account of
alleged personal injuries and which
has been dragging along in the fed
eral court for four years has been
disposed of by. ' the paymet of
$82,581.61 by the Rock Island Rail
road company..
Early in 1914 Moore was a
passenger on a Union Pacific train
that., was standing .in the Omaha
yards. A Rock Island engine on a
passing track, sideswiped the Union
Pacific train and Moore was among
those who were injured.
July 31, 1914, Moore sued the
Vnion Pacific for $150,000 damages.
He settled with the Union Pacific
and received $50,000. The Union
Pacific then sued the Rock Island
for the recovery, of the sum paid
to Moore. The case was tried to
a special master and judgment for
$68,945.24 returned.
In settlement of the judgment
the Rock Island has paid into court
the total, $82,281.61. divided as fol
lows: Judgment, $68,945.24; interest,
$10,186.58; coats, $1,36979; master's
fees, $2,080. " r-
The Moore judgment is said to
have been the largest ever recovered
in Nebraska in a personal injury
case.' '
Moore is now : a . resident of
Louisiana, where he has lived for a
year or so. Some months ago and
soon after leaving Omaha he became
involved in a controversy that re
sulted in his shooting ano'h;r
lawyer. Jt is understood that he
pleaded self defense and the case
was thrown out of court.
Omaha Women to See Private
Showing of Armenian Films
In the slave market at kep-Abhur
Scene from 'Auction oF Souls"
"Auction of Souls," a photoplay
depicting the barbarities practiced
upon Armenians by the Turks and
starring Aurora Mardiganian, a sur
vivor of Turkish brutality, on whose
story the photoplay is based, will
be shown privately to Omaha wom
en at the Boyd theater Thursday.
The picture will be displayed to
the public at the Boyd theater start
ing June 12.
Miss Mardiganian is the daughter
of a slain banker of Harpout, Ar
menia. She is said to have seen her
entire family slaughtered by the
Turks before her eyes. Because of
her beauty she was spared. Her
adventures while making her escape,
the terrible sufferings of the refu
gees and . the inhumanity of the
Turkish oppressors constitute the
principal portion of the play.
Police Judge tp Hear
Arguments In Contempt
Case On Wednesday
Acting Folice,Judge Holmes has
set today as the date for hear
ing arguments of Attorney J. R.
Lones, setting forth reasons why
Chief of Police Eberstein and Cap
tain rfeitfeld should be cited for
contempt of court. Chief of Police
Eberstein held a long conference
with Judge Holmes previous to the
announcement of the date for the
date for the hearing, which grew out
of the refusal of Chief Eberstein
to honor a court order for the re
lease of a woman from the Deten
tion home.
Slaughter House Smell Too
Much for His Family; Sues
The erection of a slaughter house
by the Omaha Packing company at
Thirty-eighth and.M streets, is the
reason for a suit for $1,700 damages
by Peter Murphy, 3811 M street. He
filed suit against the packing com
pany in district court yesterday.
The smell of the slaughter house,
the lowing of cattle during the night
and other disagreeable things, he
ci havo riestrnverf his neace and
that of his family and reduced theirUMarine" and R. 5. Hawes, vice
rfficiencv. ,:-'. fnresident of the Third National
First Session to Be Held at
Hotel Fontenelle Today;
Past Presidents of
Association Dine.
Members of the Nebraska . Bank
ers' association will be here today
for their twenty-second annual con
vention and it is probable that about
1,000 will be in attendance. The
first session of the convention wi!!
be held at 1:30 p. m. today. Ses
sions will.continue over until Thurs
Headquarters will be at the HoM
Fontenelle and the meetings will be
held in the Convention hall of the
At the opening meeting, the ad
dress of welcome is to be by Mayor
Smith of Omaha, to which John N.
Flanigan, cashier of the Citizens'
bank, Stuart, will respond. The in
vocation will be by Rev. Titus
Lowe, pastor of the First Method
ic church. J. H. Millard, president
of the Omaha National bank,: will
deliver an address,' after -which
Governor McKelvie is expected to
discuss the administrative code law.
During the afternoon, John J.
Arnold, vice president of the First
National bank, Chicago, will talk on
"Foreign Trade and Merchant
Chamberlain's Tablets
not only move the bow
els, but also improve the
appetite and strengthen
the digestion.
The Sporting Peninsula
Tfiree Great Lakes join hands to give the Southern
Peninsula of Michigan its Summer attractions.
Primeval forests, wooded lakes, alluring streams,
-clear, cool invigorating air,, and outdoor interests, U
have made Michigan the "Sporting Peninsula." t
Along the shores and inlets of the surrounding waters Lake
Michigan, Lake Huron, Straits of Mackinac and the "Soo" '
are summer resorts of great charm, each with its special ap
peal motorboa ting, sailing, fishing, for bathing.
In the inland sections streams, rivers and lakes with superiof
facilities for fishing and hunting. ,'
Accommodation fine hotels, inns or summer camps,x experi
enced in giving vacationists just what they want, .and with
prices to suit every purse.
The United States Railroad Administration invites you to travel and offers
Summer Excursion fare. Ask your local ticket agent to help you plan your
trip oT apply to nearest Consolidated Ticket Office, or write
for illustrated booklet Michigan Summit Reaortt"
to nearest Travel Bureau.
.Untted-Seajes Railroad -Administk&ieN'
TraldBoreaa Travel Barera Travel Bureau
14J Liberty 8txe 66 Transportation Building SO Healcy Building
Hew York City
bank, St. Louis will talk on "Inde
pendence of Bankers."
Plan Auto Trip.
- Local bankers have planned an
automobile trip for t vioitnre dur
ing the afternoon and in the evening
they are to "be givert an idea of the
mysteries of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben,
a special initiation to be
staged for their benefit.
Last night at 7 o'clock the fol
lowing past presidents of the.asso
ciation dined together at the Tlotel
Fontenelle: C. E. Adams, Omaha
and Superior; S. H. Burnham, Lin
coln; J. T. Trennery, Pawnee City;
L. V. Howey and T. L. Hall, Lin
coln; C. E. Burnham, Northport;
George N. Seymour, Elgin; G. F.
Seymour, Elgin; Thomas Murray,
Dunbar, and Pan Morris, Kearney.
The dinner was a social function
and no business was discussed. With
the past presidents sat a few Omaha
At 7 o'clock the following named
members of the executive committee
from out in the state dined together,
several of the Omaha bankers sit
ting with them: I; W. Lee, Wayne;
A. L. Thompson. Hebron; W. B.
Lyons, Lincoln; C. R. Gurney, Fre
mont: J. H. Kelly, Gothenburg; O.
E. Engle, Plainview; J. D. Pickett,
Kearney; Carl Nelson, Long Pine;
L. C. Castwalk, Newport; J. C
Boyd, Auburn; W. A. Taylor, Juan,
eta: W. A. Selleck, Lincoln.
Brief City News
Have Root Print It Beacon Press.
Elec Fans $8.50 Burgess-Granden
Resumes Practice John N. Bald
win (Jack) has resumed the prac
tice of law alter two years' ab-'
sence. at 936 First National Bank
Coin Collection Stolen A valuable
collection of antique coins, the prop
erty of'H. Phillips, 2312 Webster
street, was stolen by burglars Mon
day night, according to a report to
Improvement Club Meeting A
meeting of the Southwest Improve
ment club has been called for Wed
nesday, 8 p. m., at 832 South Twenty-fourth
street President George
Cott urges attendance of all resi
dents of the district
Naval Ensign Home Ensign
Henry N. Mergen of the United
States navy is home on a short leave,
visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
P. P. Mergen, 2727 North Sixty-fiftn
stret. Ho was graduated from the
naval academy last Friday In the
class of 1920.
City Council Allows Claim The
city council allowed Mrs. John
Sucha, 5009 Pacific street, $10 to
cover damages caused to her garden
when an adjoining street was graded.
Joseph Ihm, city garden director, in
vestigated the claim and recom
mended payment
Hustling Commltee to Meet The
hustling committee of the Knights
of Ak-Sar-Ben will meet at luncheon
Wednesday noon at the Castle hotels
Secretary J. D. Weaver announces
that photograps of the commitee will
be taken. The afternon will be de
voted to rounding up more mem
bers. Celebrates Birthday Anniversary
Katherlne Lucille, daughter of John
L. Sexton, superintendent of River
view home, and Mrs. Sexton, cele
brated her second birthday anniver
sary yesterday with a party at the
Riverview home. Her guest were
the 15 little tots In the nursery de
partment of the home. They all had
ice cream and cake.
To Make Any Shortage Good
George E. Bertrand has written to
City Commissioner Ure stating that
any shortage which may be disclosed
by a check of the books of the mu
nicipal court will be made good. Mr.
Bertrand is former clerk of this
court. The accounts for Mr.
Bertrand's terms are now being
County Equalization Board
Expects Busy Session
The county board of equalization
organized for business yesterday
with County Commissioner O'Con
nor as president and County Clerk
Dewey as secretary.
"It looks like a lively session,"
said Mr. O'Connor. "Many firms
have been notified to come in and
show cause why their assessments
should not be increased over the
figures which they returned. We
expect to be kept busier than ever
before all through the session."
The board willhold sessions for
three weeks. It is made up of the
five county commissioners, county
clerk and county assessor.
Read The Bee Want Ads for the
best opportunities in bargains.
No Union Station for Omaha
Says Railroad Chief Hines
Lack of Appropriations Given As Cause By Director
General for Inability To Erect Stations While
Roads Are Operated Under Government Owner
ship Explains Crop Transformation Plan.
"Nothing will be done toward the
construction of a union station in
Omaha during federal control and
operation of the railroads," said
Walker D. Hines, director general of
steam lines, as he swung off the
Rock Island special yesterday morn
ing. Continuing, Mr. Hines said:
"It is like this: Everything points
to the return bf the railroad prop
erties to the corporations. No one
can say when this will occur, but it
is not likely that it will be very long
before the government will relin
quish its management and the op
eration that goes along with it.
"Should the administration decide
upon a union depot here, in all
probabilities it could not be com
pleted before the roads are turned
back. Then you see that it might
not be such a structure as the inter
ested lines would want'
No Funds for Improvements.
"Another thing that stands in the
way of the erection of a union depot
at this time is the fact that we are
without funds for improvements of
this character.
"We have to keep equipment in
good condition and continue im
provements along the lines, and this,
together with what we have to pay
out for wages, exhausts the earn
ings and the money that the gov
ernment appropriates for rail lines."
In the Hines party were Brice
Claggett, H. R. Safford and C W.
Jones, his assistants; Hale Holden,
regional director for the central
zone; H. G. Clark, chief engineer,
and T. H. Beason, general manager
of the Rock Island. -
At the Union station the party
was met by N. H. "Loomis, E. E.
Calvin, G. W. Holdrege, Luther
Drake, C. H. Pickens, T. C. Byrne
and J. W. Gamble, the reception
Luncheon at C. of C.
The guests were taken in auto
mobiles for a drive about the city
at noon, lunched at the Chamber
of Commerce, where N. H. Loomis
presided and where covers were laid
for 200 of the leading business and
railroad men of the city.
After the address at the Chamber
of Commerce, Mr. Hines was intro
duced to a large number of the busi
ness men of the city, and then next
went to the Burlington headquar
ters, where he met a delegation of
30 or more members of the Omaha
Grain exchange.
An informal meeting was held, at
which the grain men asked whether
or not sufficient number- of cars
would be furnished to move he Ne
braska, Kansas and South Dakota
wheat crop coming to the. Omaha
The Omaha men told Mr. Hines
that everything indicates the largest
wheat crop that the country tribu
tary to Omaha has ever raised and
that indications are that a large per
centage of the threshing will be
from the stock and the grain will
"start moving as soon as it is
threshed. , '
With this situation likely to main-
tain, the Omaha grain men ex
pressed the opinion that unless a
large number of cars is available o
move the grain east and to the large
milling centers, elevators will soon
fill and serious congestion will re
sult. Grain to be Moved Promptly.
Mr. Hines informed the Omaha
men that the grain moving problem
had been under consideration by the
railroad administration for a con
siderable time. He believed that the
situation would be cleared up and
that there would be a much more
satisfactory method of handling
grain than maintained last fall and
that the car shortage would be less
It was pointed out that indications
are that during, the coming season
there will be many more cars avail
able for grain shipments . than one
year ago. This will be due. Mr.
Hines said, to the fact that last
year thousands of freight cirs we're
in service hauling war munitions
and government supplies. This year
these cars can all be transferred to
the grain hauling business, sent east
tq the mills and the, seaboard and
rushed back into the grain produc
ing areas to be again loaded and
sent on their way.
The grain men were told that to
prevent congestion of grain at ter
minals, the permit system would be
applied at an earlier date than last
year, and that in fact its application
would maintain immediately upon
the opening of the shipping season,
instead of waiting until the elevators
are filled-
Permit System General.
This season ,the permit system
will be applied to country, as well
as to terminal elevators. Country
elevators will be prohibited buying
after their capacity has been reached.
In other words, country elevators
will not be permitted to fill to ca
pacity and then buy to fill cars that
may happen to be standing on
At terminals, cartoad lots of grain
will not be received unless there is
storage for the same in elevators,
nor will there be permits issuedfor
out shipments unless there is ele
vator capacity- at the market to
which the grain is consigned. With
this system inaugurated and main
tained and permits issued only by
the government grain inspection de
partment, it is .believed by Mr.
Hines that grain will be kept mov
ing more freely than heretofore;
that there will be less congestion at
terminal markets and. that the car
shortage will be reduced to a min
imum. ,. 1 y"
Omaha grain men agreed with
Mr Hines in bis solution of the
grain shipping problem and agreed
to do everything possible to put into
operation the plans outlined.
At i o'clock in theafternoon Mr.
Hines and the members of his party
left on their special, over the Rock
Island, going to Denver,' where to
day they will hold a conference with
the business men and shippers of
that city.
; . - -, ' ' -. V
Tuesday, June 10, 1919.
t Doug. 2100.
An invitation
to the Visiting
Nebraska Bankers
and Undertakers ;
We are pleased to extend to
the Bankers and Undertakers
visiting in our city, an invita
tion to visit our store ' and
make use of its many conven
iences. Though their stay in the
city will be brief they will not
regret a few minutes spent in
acquainting themselves with
the size and scope o our es
tablishment. They will be particularly
interested in our splendid line
of men's goods. We feature
the very best lines of men's
furnishings ; well known
makes of hats; shoes; strictly
hand-tailored clothing; travel
ing bagsj sporting goods, etc.
On our fourth' floor we
have for their convenience a
Men's Lounging Room, com
plete with a barber shop, man
icurists and chiropodists.
It is the aim of this estab
lishment to be of the "Great
est service to the , greatest
number" and we extend to
everyone a hearty welcome.
Continuing tor Wednesday
a Radical Clear away ot Our r"
Entire Stock ot Cloth
Suits, Coats and Capes
E VERY day new summer mer
chandise arrives ; and there
'must be room made for its display,
consequently we are clearing away
our entire stock of cloth suits, coats
and capes at the ridiculously low
price of $25.00.
The materials are
Serges Velours Jersey
. , Silk Poplins, Etc., Etc.
In fact only the choicest mate
rials are to be found in the assort
ment. Reliable merchandise with
our guarantee of satisfaction with
every garment
We consider it one of the biggest
value-giving opportunities we have
been privileged to offer in a long time
and we cannot urge you too strongly
to take advantage of this splendid offering.
Burfesi-Nuh Co. Sacond Floor
Be a Good Scout
and Give to the
Boy Scouts
June 9 to 15
JJEW Summer
y Furs
Fashion has decreed smart
looking fur neckpieces for sum
mer wear and our stock is most
You have for choice Hudson
Bay Sable, Russian Sable and
Dark Eastern NMink, Squirrel
and Hudson Seal Stole. Hand
some fox scarfs in silver, cross,
blue and poirret. Every piece
fashioned in the latest styles
for summer wear.s
Burgess-Naih Co. Second Floor
Beautiful Georgette, Crepe and Tatteta
Hats, Received in Time to be Placed
on Sale Wednesday at
v $5
THE dainty new summer frocks must be topped
by a pretty new hat or the charm of the entire
costume is lessened. Nothing is daintier tha a geor
gette or taffeta hat and we are indeed fortunate to.
have received this assortment at a time twhen they
are most popular. '
The colors are pink, maize, white,
lavender and midnite blue, with trim
mings of flowers and ribbons. -On
Wednesday the entire lot will be placed on.
sale at $5.00, which is much lel than regular price.
Burgess-Nub. Co. Second Floor . ""'
A Large Purchase of Women's and
Children s Hosiery, Very Special
AN opportunity to secure women's, children's
and infants' hose at a price less than fac
tory cost. They include black cotton and lisle
hose, seamless feet, for women; fine ribbed, for
children and, white cotton for infants. Choice
25c a pair. ,
Burgess-Nash Co. Main Floor.
Announcing for Wednesday Our
Annual Sale of Handkerchiefs
rpHIS great annual sale will include plain linen;
fancy colored prints; silk crepe in colors;
plain white, with embroidered corners. Also
men's plain white, colored borders and initial
handkerchiefs. Choice 15c each.
Burgess-Nah Co. Main Floor.
15 c
Dainty Hand Made "Coquette" Blouses
Specially Priced at
values are
tpil.VV nLOUSES of
Jl voile, batiste
and organdie.
Many trimmed in
real laces such as
vaU, Irish and filet.
There are blous
es of all white and
flesh, also combi
nations of colors
showing the new
"Van Dyke" frills
and new collar
You wih find all
sizes in the lot 34
to 46, and you will
also find that the
most extreme in every instance.
Burgess-Nuh Co. Second Floor
Our White Goods Section
Offers Unusual Values Wednesday
White Linen Finish Suiting 19c. i
Excellent quality that will retain its pure; whiteness on sale
Wednesday at 19c a yard.
White Gaberdine 50c.
36 inches wide. A beautiful quality with wool finish. Very
popular for suits and skirts, SOc a yard.
White Poplin 39c
36-inch, lustrous finish which is retained after laundering.
Much less than usual at 39c a yard. t
Linweave 25c and 35c.
'Plain as well as striped and checked. A very cool summer
fabric with the appearance of linen, 25c and 35c a yard.
Uniform Cloth 29c.
Nurses' uniform cloth, 39 inches wide. Linen-like finish
Special at 29c a yard.
Burgess-Nash Co. Downstairs Store.
Beginning Wednesday an Extraordinary Sale of White
and Colored Summe r Wash Fabric in the Downstairs Store
THE .wash goods events of the entire season in our Downstairs Store begins Wednesday and will include
thousands of yards of bright colored voiles; tissues, ginghams, flaxons, lawns and other "wanted materials
in the newest designs.
All placed in 7 lots as follows
At 19c
Dainty patterns in
printed batiste suitable for
dresses nd frocks for children
and misses; especially good
colors that wash without fading.
19c yard.
At 69c ,
Tissue ginghams in silk stripes and plain
weaves that will delight your taste. Also
the newest plaids in zephyrs of finest
weaves, cool as an evening breeze. 69c yd.
At 29c
Beautiful patterns in 36-inch
printed voiles in all the colors
of the rainbow. Foulard ' pat
terns, dainty ' buds and little
flowers. Patterns for any
taste, 29c yard.
At 59c
Brand new plaids
At 49c
A wonderful range of 36-inch
and 40-inch designs, ranging
from greys and blues to radiant
pinks and lavenders; foulard
patterns and the new stencilled
effects. 49c yard.
At 39c , 1
36-inch printed voiles as
dainty as you can wish. A most
complete line of the wanted
foulard prints and daintiest
stencelled designs. 39c per
:n a full range of
shades in 32 inch ginghams, light weight,
cool and made to launder. 59c yard.
Burgess-Nash Co. Downstairs Store
At 79c
A beautiful assortment of the stately
foulard patterns in printed voiles,' 38, 40,
42 inches wide. So finely woven they re
semble georgette crepe. 78c yard.