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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1919)
THE BEE: OMAHA, Dollars for the Industry " K ii - - - " 1 - t - " . ' - '" '- ' - " -T- . - - . ii c i Operative Catee YOUE MONEY Invested in MISSOURI VALLEY CATTLE LOAN COMPANY STOCK is SAFE, PROFITABLE and QUICK LIQUIDATING Safe for the reason that it will be used solely for loans on cattle, recognized by bankers as the last word in desirable securities. Pr ofitable for the reason that our profits consist of the dif ference between the cheaper money in the finan cial centers of the country and the higher rates of interest prevailing in cattle-raising states. Quick Liquidating because cattle loans are six months paper, offering the opportunity of frequent turn over and making one dollar do the work of two. The Cattle Loan Business is a specialized form of banking and ours a Company of banking special ists, well schooled in the ways of finance and with the lessons of the cattle industry thoroughly learned. Thus you are protected. Loaning our cap ital only to stock raisers and bankers on positive and quick liquidating securities at liberal rates of interest and positive profit assures a hand some return on your investment. Du e to its liquid nature and quick matur ity, cattle paper is generally accepted and recognized by bankers as a most desirable outlet for investment funds. Thus a sure source of re-discount. , Banks realize that the eligibility of cattle paper for re-discount at the Federal Reserve banks by member banks of the country enhance? greatly. the value of such loans as collateral and creates a desirable sec ondary reserve for banking institutions. "':- EVERY DOLLAR of your money is used in the same way and helps add to our profits as a stockholder. Your money is not tied up in high price factory sites or in mechanical equipment, not absorbed by unneces sary overhead, but has only one fixed and cardinal purpose, to make a handsome profit for its owner. Demand and Supply The gigantic size of the cattle industry in our country is but little un derstood and its importance generally underestimated. The fact remains, however, that this industry stands well up in the lists of big business and hundreds of millions of dollars are represented in its various channels. Every day adds to the demand made upon it. Each twenty-four hours expands the market of beef products, particularly at the present date and under present conditions, with the cattle breeding stock of Europe de pleted to almost a state of nothingness, the people of the old world, so far devastated and unproductive, look to their young and lusty sister of the new for fattened beef from the American feed lot or the sturdy steer from the grassy range. From our own herds were taken almost countless numbers of cattle into the tremendous maw of the world war, fed to the khaki clad warriors from the States and his brother in arms from England's isles, from , France, Italy and Belgium, while consumption by those at home kept well apace. There could be but one inevitable result, and that result is most apparent in the actually existing shortage of beef cattle. There is but one remedy increased production. The stock man must be encouraged and assisted. He must have held out to him the helping hand of finance to aid him and rebuild his herds. THE MISSOURI VALLEY CATTLE LOAN COMPANY is organized for that purpose. Like other banking institutions whose profits are derived from the wide scope of their operations, we are operating in twenty-eight states, being able, therefore, to accept and make none but the most desirable loans. Our corps of most efficient inspectors is constantly used in determining the worth of our applications for loans. The Missouri Valley Cattle Loan Company Succeeds The McNish Cattle Loan Company which since its organization has grown to be a large and important factor in financing the cattle industry. Increasing demand necessitates increased facilities, so from the old was born the new, and with our $2,000,000.00 authorized capital we assume our place today among the foremost specialized banking houses of the country. We Are Already Doing Business Our success is not problematical, but actually assured. This is a high class banking proposition whose specialty is the safest and most profitable line of commmercial paper CATTLE LOANS. THE ACTUAL BUSINESS WE HAVE ON OUR BOOKS, TOGETHER WITH OUR CONSTANTLY INCREASING CONNECTIONS, JUSTIFIES THE EARLY INCREASE OF OUR STOCK TO $150.00 PER SHARE. In financing our Company we have been able and will continue to be most selective, finding that the absolute worth of our stock appeals to those most capable of judging an investment. Remember Our Books ari IWnrHiiKr Prnlik Fuprv Ihv the Missouri valley cattle loan company ucmemuer uur doors are icecoraing rroms every uay will use the McGrew system 0f cattle loans adopted by its predeces- , We have a going business with an enviable reputation al- sors and acknowledged by the banking fraternity as unquestion- ready established. ably the acme of perfection. OUR PLAN OF OPERATION IS THE SAME AND OUR MANAGEMENT PRACTICALLY UNCHANGED. - Co-operation Is Our Watchword Stockmen Bankers Investors v MAIL THE COUPON TODAY Ask us to send you our booklet setting forth the full details of our purpose and organization. Let us convince you that stock in THE MISSOURI VALLEY CAT TLE LOAN COMPANY is the best and safest investment you ever made. The bb oks are now open for subscriptions to the Capital Stock of this Company. Missou ri Valley Catie ham G Second Floor Kennedy Building, Omaha, Nebr. R. V. McGREW, V-Pres. and Gen. Mgr. F. M. CURRIE, President MISSOURI VALLEY CATTLE LOAN CO. Second Floor Kennedy Building, I Omaha, Nebraska I I would be interested in investing Dollars in your Company. I would be interested in borrowing I Dollars from your Company. I I Name I Address SmjmmnSiii. m n) miihhi n. .imiii"H"i.iiiu 'i""iii'iiiiiii!i':i,!i'i;iji"nuiii'ii)' 'iiiiiwiii!.n'i'!ini"f'nWTT',,iii,,,ii! .liriiiiu'ift Mi? hytllllfllllilllHilrM V 1 -J lUillllilllillillllllllllllllt IBB