Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 11, 1919, Page 2, Image 2

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Judge J. U. Sammis of Sioux
City to Deliver Address;
Returned Soldiers In-
vited to Attend. .
V The annual flag day of the Order
of Elks will be observed by Omaha
Lodge No. 39 in Hanscom park,
Sunday afternoon. The patriotic
address will be del.Vered by Jud,ge
J. U. Sammis of Sioux City, past
grand exalted ruler of the order and
a member of LeMars, la., lodge No.
428. Judge Sammis was elected
head of the order at the' annual
meeting at Los Angeles, California,
in 1909.
The Grand Army of the Republic,
the Loyal Legion, Spanish War Vet
erans, all returning soldiers, and
war nurses, have been invited to at
tend and participate in the exercises.
All members of Omaha lodge and
all Elks who have been or are now
in United States service will be in
vited to accept seats of honor on
the platform. '
. The instrumental and vocal music
will be furnished by a band and by
the Elks quartette.
Flags will be given to every child
in attendance. If the weather is
favorable, there will be several
thousand in attendance, as has been
the case in previous years.
There will be no parade. Elks
and their invited guests will assem-
bleat the park at a designated hour
in the afternoon to be announced
With several thousands of men
in Omaha recently discharged from
military service, all of whom are
most cordially invited to attend, the
exercises this year promise to be of
unusual interest.
Negro Fined for Sale of
Liquor to State Agents
Wendell Desguens, 2213 North
Twenty-fifth street, negro, pleaded
guilty to selling a pint a whisky to
two state agents Monday for $6.
and was fined $100 and costs in po
lice court yesterday morning. Des
guens, taid a taxi driver had given
it to him to sell.
The Columbia
It Different.
Tra frill sad it anmUtakablr diftartnt
visibly and Mdlbly dlfftnnt from
ay phonograph yon hav vr known.
A demonstration will eonrlne you. 8r
us today.
. Wa cordially invito yon to call and
hwr tht lata record.
Opera House Pharmacy
Schuyler. Nebraska.
Omaha Girl Student Wins
Honors at Uni. of Chicago
Miss Madeleine Cohn, 18
Years Old, Is Awarded
Highest American
Scholastic Honor.
Miss Madeleine Cohn, who holds
the record for scholarship at Cen
tral High school, has again distin
guished herself at the University of
Chicago by being awarded a Phi
Beta Kappa key, the highest Amer
ican scholastic honor, after but two
years of college work. Miss Cohn,
who is only 18 years old, will enter
her senior year at the university
next fall, having been given credit
for a year of college work because
of excess subjects taken in her
senior year at Central High school,
where she carried six subjects with
grades of A for several semesters,
completing her high school course
with an all A record.
The Phi Beta Kappa is awarded
at the University of Chicago to
graduates who have maintained a
high standard of work or to juniors
who have shown unusual ability.
Because of her extra credits Miss
Cohn was rated as a junior this
year, and, by maintaining the re
quired high average, became eligi-
ble to the special honor. Her fath
er, Rabbi Frederick Cohn, also won
the Phi Beta Kappa while at the
university. Miss Cohn was initi
ated into the Beta chapter of Illi
nois Monday afternoon.
Most of Bricklayers
Who Struck for Higher
Wages, Now Employed
Practically every one of the 38
bricklayers, who walked out a week
ago following the refusal of a few
contractors .affiliated,, with the
Omaha Building exchange to grant
them a wage scale of $1 an hour, is
now employed, A. L. Keller, secre
tary and business agent of the local,
declared yesterday morning.
Between 25 and 30 of the brick
layers have left town, he stated.
Neighboring cities,- according to Mr.
Keller, are paying bricklayers the $1
scale, and, taking advantage of this,
the men are leaving town to obtain
work for the higher scale. Even
with the strike in progress, the de
mand for bricklayers is greater than
the supply, he stated.
Two Weeks' Drive for Army
Rejcruits Starts June 15
A two weeks' campaign for recruits-will
be inaugrated by Mai.
R. E. Frith of the local recruiting
station on Tune IS. Immediate over
seas service is promised the men
who have already served and who
re-enlist. They will replace those
men in the army of occupation who
enlisted for the duration of the
Other inducements are offered to
men who enlist now.
Men who have already seen serv
ice are urged by the recruiting of
ficer to enlist again as their former
records will aid them in winning
promotion at .the present time.
Mid-Month Records
The mid-month numbers, several of which are described
in the large ad on this page, together with many other
good ones, are now in our store. We will be pleased to
have you hear them in our sound-proof parlors.
We will be glad to have you open a 'charge account with
us select a number of records take them home and
pay for them on terms which will be arranged to suit you.
Combination No. 1
Includes Columbia Grafonola Mod
el E2 which is a large cabinet ma
chine in mahogany, walnut or oak,
and 20 selections (ten D. P. 10
inch records) of your SQQ50
own choice, all for wO
Combination No. 2
Includes Columbia Grafonola Mod
el G2 in mahogany, walnut or oak,
and 20 selections (10 D. F. 10
inch records) of your ? 1 OQ50
own choice, all for. . . 1 sfiO
1311 Farnam,
Omaha, Neb.
Vacation Models
$32150 and $50.00
This portable Grafonola will enable you to take music wherever
you go this summer.
Nothing makes a vacation as merry as merry music. All the merry
music of all the world is on Columbia Records. Come in. Hear
some. June 10th list of Columbia Records now in.
i jsuuai fuuuiuirjiw m fj"
..niDMm tor
IT. J. L-rrai.,
ea-ta Howard at.
On Howard Between 15th and 16th St.
Iowa Man Disappears After
Coming to Omaha for Work
Police have been asked Jo aid in
the search for G. E. Lackey. 52 years
old. Who moved to Omaha two
weeks ago from Burlington, la. For
the last 16 years he has .been em
ployed by a furniture company in
Burlington and came to Omaha to
take charge of the Orchard & Wil
helm mattress factory. He worked
one day and disappeared. He
roomed at 127 South Seventeenth
street, but according to the pro
prietor of the rooming house, moved
his trunks on the day he disappeared.
Former Reserve Bank Gov
ernor Tells Credit Men This
Necessary to Effect
Greater Economy.
Detroit, Mich., June 10. A na
tional budget system was advocated
by Paul M. Warburg, former vice
governor of the Federal Reserve
board, addressing the opening ses
sion of the National Association of
Credit Men here today, as the only
means of effecting greater economy
in the national administration,
which, he said, was necessary . to
bring about a proper readjustment
of prices and normal taxation.
Mr. Warburg likened the finan
cial administration of the govern
ment to a department store where
chiefs of various sections 'entered
into commitments obligating the
corporation without knowledge of
what expenditures were being un
dertaken in other departments.
"That," continued the speaker,
"substantially is the condition of the
United States. . The financial meth
ods of our government must under
go a thorough reorganization. Our
future as world bankers offers op
portunities which baffle imagination.
These opportunities are so large
that even our phenomenal banking
strength may sooner or later
threaten to become exhausted unless
scientific economy is practiced from
top to bottom.
We should have a permanent
board to co-ordinate the estimated
income and expenditures."
Mr. Warburg declared American
trade acceptances were destined to
play an important part in promot
ing American trade throughout the
world. There are now outstanding
approximately $500,000,000 American
bankers' acceptances drawn in al
most every part of the globe, "but
this is only the oeginning," he said.
American business, he concluded,
must husband its resources and con
centrate its efforts on doing the con
structive things, based on produc
tion and saving, rather than be lured
on by fictitious prosperity born of
easy money and unnecessary infla
tion of credit and prices.
Thirty Thousand
Troops Sail, From
Brest on Nine Ships
Brest, June 10. Thirty thousand
troops left Brest Monday and Tues
day for the United States on board
nine transports. The Agamemnon,
Nieuw Amsterdam and America
sailed last night, while the Nebras
ka, Vermont, Connecticut, New
Hampshire, Kaiserin Auguste Vic
toria and Prince Friedrich Wilhelm
sailed today. The troops are from
the Sixth and Seventh divisions and
the service of supply. z
The transport Imperator arrived
here Monday and is loading.
It will leave Wednesday with 10,000
Since June 1 61,000 troops have
left Brest.
Wife, Suing for Divorce,
Says Husband Ignored Her
The suit for divorce filed by
Bertha Craig against Henry Craig
in district court is based upon
these allegations: He avoided her;
refused to respond to reasonable
requests for attention; failed to pro
vide her with social entertainment
and ignored her. They were mar
ried in Chicago in 1917. She asks
an injunction to keep him from dis
posing of his property and asks the
court to restore her maiden name,
Number of Swiss to Visit
U. S. In August Totals 652
Berne, June 10. The number of
members of the Swiss mission
which is to go to the United States
in August for the study of economic
conditions there, has increased to
652. The mission will be under the
patronage of the Swiss government.
Mid-Month List of
Columbia Saxophone Sextette
fox-trots ttirough Uiong
This is the first saxophone record
that brings out the real saxophone
tonesand the result is a whirlwind
medley fox-trot to dance to. Coupled
with"Waiting," from" Listen Lester,"
another fox-trot that will make you
step lively. A-2730 85c
"Longing -a Love Song
With Lovely Harmonies
A song of love and longing exquisitely
harmonized by the Sterling Trio.
, Coupled with "Lullaby Blues," the first
Columbia number by the American
Quartette. A-2725 85c
Kaufman Brothers Sing Eyes
That Say I Love You
"Eyes That Say I Love You" are the only
kind that appeal to Irving and Jack Kaufman
in this tenor duet, which will appeal mightily,
to you Coupled with "When the Bees
Make Honey Down in Sunny Alabam'," by
the same singers. A-2726 85c
A Few More Mid-Month Hitt
Turkestan .... Billy Murray end American Quartette A-2728
Idol (Just Let Me Worship You) . . . Young and Reardon J 85c
Kin Cotton March ......... Columbia Band A-6 105
High School Cadets March Columbia Band J $1.25
Mary Ann-One-step . Waldorf Astoria Dance Orchestra ) A-2720
Bevo Blues One-step ... Yerkes Jazarimba Orchestra J 85c
Nw Colombia Racordt o Sola tho loth and 20th of Evary Month
Columbia Qrafonolaa
Standard Modal
up to 9300, Patiod
Baaigna up to tilQQ
Alleged "Con" Man Is
Discharged by Judge
C B. Fuller of Indianapolis, ar
rested by police on suspicion of
being a "con" man, was senUnced
yesterday in police court to 30
days in jail on a charge of vagrancy
Later Acting Police Judge Holmes
reversed his decision and discharged
Fuller. .
Fuller was arrested Monday after
he and another man, who escaped,
when officers, were trying to arrest
him, had sought the acquaintance of
Abner Boo, wealthy farmer from
Bassett, Neb., who, according to the
police, had more than $20,000 in his
Seek Mother of 27 Children
Who Is Claimed to' Have Fled
Woodland, Cal., June 10. Lucia
Cernes. ivho claims he is father of'
27 children, 25 of whom are living,
recently appealed to the probation
officer with the statement his wife
had deserted him, and her where
abouts is unknown. Last year
Cernes was arrested for alleged
failure to provide for his family.
Driver of Bee Auto Truck f.
Freed On Speeding Charge
Abe Zalcheck, 2621 Burdette. a
driver of a Bee delivery truck, wai
discharged in police court yesterday
morning for lack of sufficient evi
dence to show that he was speeding,
as was charged by Motorcycle Of
ficer J. J. Hughes.
Zalcheck was arrested Sunday
night by Officer Hughes, who
charged him with speeding at the
rate of 30 miles an hour. Zalcheck
declared that the officer passed up
a speeding taxi to arrest him.
ThompsoiirBelcieiv &Ch
. J Established 78 8 6
J7i.a7hsAio2t Geiifer JorPvomeit
Still More Summer Dresses
The collection is the, most complete of the season
since these new arrivals have filled out the groupings.
The variety in each size and material. is all that could
, be desired and you will be pleasantly surprised at the
An attractive and season
able group of white organ
die dresses is priced from
$22.50 to $39.50.
The white and colored
voiles in an amazing
range of shades, from
$19.50 to $45.
The dress of greatest pop
ularity at present is the
calico for street and
morning wear. The col
ors are clear and bright,
printed in quaint little pat
terns which are Eglish in
suggestion. The prices
range from $19.50 to
The greatest variety is in Georgette dresses. They come in
every conceivable design. There are' plain, figured and beaded
frocks and some trimmed with real lace. They are priced
from $45 to $150.
Individual Display Rooms Are At Your Disposal
' IL rrr "
l V NX. JKSh&t 11 "ATX. PARK
CfATER LAKe Vy v .jLe
w-Cat'l. par N x "
f LASSEN VOLCAfiic vOi faww'
lri.l"- 1
"k amimamj ...
V...M.o iSCiSA owanc ktAVS?
Chicago, St. Louis, Kansas City,
Colorado Springs and Los Angeles
These scenic beauty spots are maintained by
the United States as free recreation centers.
The National Parks belong to you. - Vacation
in them this summer. Visit Rocky Mountain
National Park (Estes) and Denver's Beautiful
Mountain Parks. . .
lo Denver and iteturn
Now in effect. Good returning until
Oct. 31. Stop-overs allowed at Denver
and all Western points on all round
trip tickets.
PARKS the most delightful scenic
mountain motor trips in the world.
Enjoy outdoor sports, camping, hik
ing, fishing, motoring, golf, tennis,
bathing and horseback Riding in a
delightful climate, with vitalizing
air, sunny days and cool nights.
that tell where to go and what to see in Colorado.
Aiuwereu i
m:i: niaraiDra itoioiNKir ihikmmwi
doc i an sr.
Denver, Colo,
Why ?
do particular people t JO
iake fteir KODAK FINISHING to -iMW
Eutaun Kodak C&.
1815 Farnam St.