Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 11, 1919, Image 1

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The Omaha Daily Bee
rief ;
Partly cloudy Wednesday and
Thursday, with featured thunder
showers; not much Chang in tem
perature. ' N
5 a. in.
uouny irinppraiurra:
1 p. in. . .
a. m. . ,
7 a. ni. . .
S a., in, . ,
9 a. in. . .
10 a. ni.. .
11 a. in.. j
13 noon..
t . m. . .
4 p. m...
5 p. m.. .
p. m.. .
San Juan, June 3. (Correspond
ence of the Associated Press).
Hair tonic has leaped in favor as a
.drink in Ponce. In one week more
than 4,350 bottles of a kind manu
factured by a local firm under a
formula registered with the insular
fiovernment was sold in that city.
The tonic, said ta contain more than
60 p-r cent alcohol, is repo'rted to
nave been sealing at 15 cents a
drink, despite the fact that it con
tains drugs which, although re
ported to be ofybenefit to the hair
when externally applied, are said to
be somewhat harmful to the system
when imbibed.
. As the formula was registered
wiih the insular government by the
manufacturers, no legal action has
been tajten against them but the
manufacture has been stopped and
the police have been endeavoring to
round up all the, supplies of the hair
tnic that can be found. It is re
ported that about 75.000 bottles
have been shipped to Ponce during
the past few weeks, during which
the greater part has been recovered.
New York, June JO. The steam
ship Mount Vernon, which arrived
at Hobokert from Brest today,
brought among her passengers a
"mystery soldier" found wandering
on the streets of Paris and suffer
ing from loss of memory, whose
only knowledge of his identity was
that his name was "Roland Philips."
Sent home by General Pershing
in order that his identity might be
definitely established, he was found
today to be Roland Philips of
Evansville, Ind.
"Washington, June 10 Charging
the Bulgarian government has
placed on sale in the American
market loot taken in the occupa
t:on of Serbia, Dr. V. M. Yovan
ovitch, director of the information
bureau of the kingdom of Sorb?,
Croats and Slovenes, declared i-i a
formal statement that two agents of
the Bulgarian gernment, who ar
rived in New Yj-k, May 19, brought
more than 15 tens of medicinal
opium which they proposed to sell
ia the United States. The oniuni,
he said, was a three-year's . ac
cumulation of ponpy crop in Serbian
SUED FOR $2,035,000.
Pittsburgh, June 10. The people
son, an attorney, filed a suit in
equity in court here against the
Amalgamated Association of Street
and Electric Railway employes '
which the Union is asked to piy
damages of $2,035,000, which sum. if
is claimed, was lqftt by the people as
a result of the recent street car
New York, June 10. "Hobo col
' lege" has opened its doors on the
Bowery, under the direction of
James Eads Howe, of St. Louis, the
so-called "Millionaire Hobo." All
graduate hoboes who, desire post
graduate courses in such subjects as
"snrinlosrv." "industrial law," and
Students will start the day with a
two-horn job hunt. If they fail in
their quest they can return with
first-hand information for a course
in sociology. At 2:30 p. m. the
studies will 'close with "jungle
lunch," menu not provided. Mr.
How says the "college" is modeled
on similar successful institutions in
Chicago and Cincinnati. He invites
discharged soldiers to join the
Denver, June 10. Resolutions
urging full civilian pay to railroad
men m the army serving in France
were adopted at the second day's
session of Brotherhood of Railroad
Firemen and Enginemen's trienniai
convention here.
Speakers in supporting the resolu
tion jointed out that skilled men
were required to operate the rail
roads" for the army as well as in
civilian life and declared the govern
ment should i not expect a $300 a
month man to fill a $300 a mon-lt
job for $30 a month. The resolu
tions were passed unanimously.
'Vancouver. B. C June iu. vv. J.
Findlay, former British Columbia
prohibition commissioner, was sen
tenced to two years in the penitenti
ary. Findlay recently was convicted
of stealing 75 cases of liquor from
the government
New-York, June 10. Announce
ment that the United Retail Stores
corporation -had been organized to
finance retail trade in the foreign
field has been made here. The
authorized capital stock consists of
100,000 shares of8 per cent cumula
tive preferred, and 160,000 sharesof
common stock without par value, all
having equal voting power.
, While only , tobacco companies
with large interests are bohind the
movement, it is understood that the
plan is to organize a world-round
chain of retail stores (or merchan
dise of all kinds. " v
Sacramento, CaU June 10. Poi
son gas like that used in the Euro
pean war may oe usee oy ine siaic
commission of horticulture in its
war on grasshoppers in California,
' George H Hecke; commissioner,
announced. Military authorities
have been communicated with on
the question of obtaining gas and
masks for a test. If these can be
nhtainfrl an exDeriment will be un
dertakwi in some territory ' where
here will be no danger to poultry,
live stock or to human beings, itis
Senate Fight Over League of
Nations Brought to More Di
rect Issue by Resolution
Promising Opposition.
Washington, June Iff. The senate
fight over the league of nations was
brought to a more direct issue with
the introduction of a resolution !jy
Senator Knox, republican" of Penn
sylvania, proposing that the senate
give formal notice to the peace con
ference of opposition to be expected
should the peace treaty be submitted
for ratification in its present form.
Senator Knox, a. member of the
foreign relations committee and a
former secretary of state, drafted
the resolution after conferences with
other league opponents and pre
sented it with the apparent support
of those who have led in criticism
of the league covenant. '' He . ex
pected to crystallize opposition, as
did Senator Lodge, with the circula-
tion of the round robin in the clos
ing hours of the last senate.
Far Reaching Proposal.
While declaring for immediate
conclusion of a treaty dealing with
direct issue of the war only, the
resolution contains a far-reaching
proposal which would laynt down as
a policy of. the American govern
ment that whenever the freedom and
peace of Europe is threatened, the
United Stages will consider it obliga
tory again to co-operate in the over
ruling of that menace. ,-.
Decision as to acceptance or mem
bership in the'J league' - of mf ior,
should be left without .prejudice to
each nation, the resolution declares,
for future separate consideration. It
also asserts the lack of authority by
the treaty-making power of the
government to make a treaty which
in effect amends the American con'
Expect Another Bitter Debate.
At Mr. Knox's request the resolu
tion was referred without debate to
the foreign relations committee. He
will attempt to get committee ac
tion tomorrow or Thursday and
hopes to bring it up in the senate
for consideration by the end of the
week. The resolution is sure to
open a new chapter in the league of
nations fight and to develop a de
bate which may be even more bitter
than that over publication of the
treaty text.
There were many conferences
among senators over provisions ol
the treaty, published in full in to
day's Congressional Record, and hc
foreign relations committee made
plans to resume tomorrow its in
vestigation of how treaty copies
reached private hands in Mew York.
Of the six financiers the committee
had summoned, three-J. P. Morgan,
Henry P. Davison and Frank A.
Vanderlip sent word they would be
ready to appear tomorrow.
The committee is expected to
Continued on Face Three, Column Six.
Indian Creek Floods
Streets; Omaha Cars
Tied Up Several Hours
A torrential rain over the Indian
creek watershed outside the city of
Council Bluffs, between 7 and 8
o'clock last evening sent the creek
out of its banks and deluged the
vicinity of the Northwestern pas
senger station with a sea of mud.
The mud and water was o deep
that street cars on the Omaha line
were held up for several hours. The
flood extended from Ninth to Thir
teenth streets, inflicting the usual
amount of damage.
The rainfall "in the city was not
nearly as v great as that which oc
curred eariy ycsicruay muming,
wheif nearly four inches fell in the
city. The flood of mud and water
that pouri in from the country
last evening was nearly 10 feet deep.
It will cost a good many hundred
dollars to clean the mud off the
Broadway paving, adjacent streets
and-railroad yards in addition to
damages done in flooded basements.
The flood wrought havoc to many
flourishing gardens.-
Bela Kun Agrees to Quit
Fighting Czecho-Slovaks
London, June 10. Bela Kun, the
Hungarian communist foreign min
ister, in reply to a message from
Premier Cl'emenceau. according to
a wireless dispatch from Budapest,
agrees? -to stop hostilities with the
Czecho-Slovaks, although he claims
the Czechs are to blame for the
fighting because they disregarded
the frontier fixed by the allies. -a
The Hungarian leader suggests
that a commission be appointed to
settle the-differences between the
Czechs and the Hungarians.
Bela ' Kun also expresses satis
faction that the allies have invited
Hungary to the peace conference,
VOL. 48 NO. 307.
m WMdilm Mm My 2, 1906. it
P. O. adw act at March J, 1179?
Republicans Elect Robert
Devoe of Lincoln Chairman
of Nebraska Committee
Prominent Attorney Named to Fill Vacancy Cailsed by
Resignation of J2. D. Beach Resolutions Adopted
Favoring Woman Suffrage ' Amendment and
Liberal Treatment of Discharged Soldiers, Sailors
and Marines. , V
Lincoln, June 10. (Special.) Robert W. Devoe of Lin
coln, the eloquent attorney who made the big speech of the
last republican state convention as its chairman, today was
elected chairman of the republican statecommittee, to fill
the vacancy caused by the resignation of E. D. Beach who
had filled that office through two campaigns. Mr. Devoe will
be allowed to select his own secretary and executive commit
tee, according to the established rules of the committee in the
past few years.
The meeting was called to order
at the Lindell hotel with Myron L.
Learned of Omaha, vice-chairman,
in the chair. The roll call found 24
of the 33 members of the commit
tee present personally or by proxy.
When it came to the order of
election of chairman, James C. Z'.ti
ott of West Point nominated Mr.
Learned, who declined. George W.
Williams of Albion then placed in
nomination R. W. Devoe and there
being no other nominations, he was
made the unanimous choice of the
. Question About Secretary.
In the selection of a secretary, a
discussion arose as to whether
there was a vacancy, Secretary Han
sen having beeen appointed by Mr.
Beach. The final agreement was
that with the outgoing of Mr. Beach
-ii : u.. 1. 1 .
all officers appointed by him also
ceased to hold their positions. This
would not only include the secretary
but the members of the executive
committee as well, and a motion
that the chairman select these offi
cials was agreed on.
Mr. Hansen, who has been acting
as secretary and nominal head of
the office whenever Vice-Chairman
Learned was not in the city, said
that as far as he was concerned the
selection of secretary would. not be
made at all hard for the. chairman.
Appeal Made by Missouri Rep
resentative; Hopes Presi-
dent Will Act.
Washington, June 10. Appeal was
made by Representative Dyer of
Missouri in acablegram to Presi
dent Wilson to issue a proclamation
declaring wartime prohibition void,
in view of the apparent determina
tion of congress to let the law stand.
The Missouri representative, in his
message, stated that public hearings
had gone far enough to satisfy him
that repeal measures had no chance
with the house judiciary committee.
Hope was expressed that the presi
dent would take action on his own
authority at once.
American War Heroine
to Attempt Air Flight
Across the Atlantic
New York, June 10. Twenty-ycar-old
Edna Nicoll, wearer of the
Croix de Guerre, conferred for
braveiy in the French ambulance
service, arrived here Monday on
La Savoie and announced her in
tention of attempting the transat
lantic flight in an airplane as soon
as she can get the necessary train
ing. "I shall make the attempt over
the route from Newfoundland to
Ireland," she said.
Miss Nicoll is a daughter of Dr.
Alexander Nicoll of this city. At
the beginning of the war she was
attending a French school. She was
only 16 then, but managed to gain
admission to the ambulance service.
She was wounded at Verdun in 1917
and aqain in 1918. She also served
in the Mons campaign and won a
r'nfnrif inn f Via trrr
Man Held for Murder Sent
West by Charities Society
Youngstown, O., June 10. Louis
Godfried, held in Los Angeles in
connection with the shooting of
Caesar Samuels, Jewish philathro
pist, was sent west by local Jewish
charities on account of lung trouble.
On Sundav a teleeram was received
Xhere from him asking that he be
grven funds to rejoin his wite and
children here, as he was much bet
ter, but local charitable agents rec
ommended that his family be sent
west. Godfried was a junk dealer,
Railroad Administration
Bilf for 750 Millions Passes
Washington, June 10. With only
a few dissenting votes, the house
passed and sent to the senate the
bill authorizing $750,000,000 for use
cf the railroad administration n. op
erating government controlled lines.
Toe vote was 305 to 4, the op
posing votes being by Anthony,
Kansas; Ramseyer, Iowa; Wood
yard West Virginia, republicans;
'and Ihomas,- Kentucky, democrat.
: ' i i - i
He had done his best while secre
tary and after he had laid down the
office he would work -just as hatd
for the republican party as before.
Members Present.
Those present were: E. O. Lewis,
Falls City; Alex Laverty, Ashland;
C. A. Saunders, H. S. Byrne, M. L.
Learned, y P. J. Martin, Omaha; N.
T. Zellers, Hooper; M. A. Anderson,
Tekamah by Harry Byrne, proxy;
George W. Williams, Albion; E. D.
Beach, Lincoln; C. H. Barnard, Ta
ble Rock; William Cook, Hebron;
R. A. Matteson, Fairmont, by G. VV
Williams, proxy; C. A. Sandal),
York; H. G. Thomas, Harvard, by
Learned, proxy; If. G. Johnston,
Upland, by Learned, proxy; F. A.
Anderson, Holdrege; O. G. Smith,
Kearney; A. R. Humphrey, Broken
Bow, by W. L. Gaston, proxy; S. J.
Weekes. O'Neill, by N. P. Hansen,
proxy;. W. C. May. Gothenburg, A.
Galusha, McCook, and E. T. Wes
terfelt, Scottsbluff, all by H. G.
Byrne; J. C. Elliott. West Point, and
Charles McLeod, Stanton.
The chairman appointed the fol
lowing committee on resolutions r
Harry G. Byrne, Chas. McLeod, O.
G. Smith, C. H. Barnard and C. E
Resolutions Adopted.
After a half-hour recess the com
mittee presented the following reso-
(Contlnued on Pace Three, Column Two.)
Says Regeneration Is Possible
Only on Principles of
Law and Order.
Omsk, June 10. The congress of
the constitutional democratic party
has adjourned after adopting a res
olution denouncing bolshevism and
declaring that the regeneration of
Russia is possible only through co
operation between Russia and the
At the closing session the chair
man of the congress said:
"Our struggle is not only for the
regeneration of Russia. In strug
gling against bolshevism, we defend
civilization and democratic princi
ples. There cannot be any return
to the old. Russia of the future will
be built on principles of law, order
and democracy. The aim of our
gallant army is to reach Moscow and
it is the duty of all the parties and
classes of the Russian people to sup
port the government and the army
in their great task."
The union of zemstovs of the gov
ernment of Ufa has sent the follow
ing telegram to Admiral Kolchak,
the head of the all-Russian govern
ment: "United for the first time after
the liberation of our region from the
bolshevik teri-or by the Siberian
army, we congratulate you as the
head of the government which is
carrying on the great work of Rus
sia's regeneration upon the prin
ciples of right, order and equality.
We believe that through, the united
efforts of all Russian patriots and
democrats bolshevism will be de
stroyed. We believe the Russian
people are with you."
"Resist to the Death"
All Japanese Efforts
at Collecting Taxes
San Francisco, June 10. Orders
to "resist to the death" all efforts of
the Japanese to collect taxes and to
ignore Japanese Courts and police
orders have been promulgated
throughout Korea by the Korean
provisional government, according
to information received here by hs
Korean National association.
"Taxes are a duty which the peo
ple owe to the government," the
orders said. "With military force
the'Japanese have overrun our coun
try, treating us worse than slaves.
They have' forfeited "all rights of
government. Therefore the people
should pav no taxes. '
"Let each village and town form
its own provisional government. Do
not be slaves." .
A proclamation accompanying the
orders announces "that the people
of this land,, with a history of 4,000
year, have now in this'agi of the
world's progress asserted the inde
pendence, and the liberty of their
nation .
Missiles Thrown by Strike
Sympathizers and Officers
Retaliate by Use of Batons
on Demonstrants' Heads.
Winnipeg, June 10. Serious
clashes resulted from demonstrations
by strike sympathizers against re
turned soldier-constables Tuesday
evening. i
A large crowd gathered between
the city hall and Portage avenue,
with the main disturbance) occurir.g
at the corner of Portage avenue
and Mains where strikers and sym-(
pathizers disarnied and assaulted in
Winnipeg, June 10. Sergt.
Frederick George Coppins, V. C.,
a special mounted constable, is in
a critical condition in a hospital
as a result of injuries receivedjit
the hands of two strikers, al
leged to be Austrians, during the
demonstrations by strike sympa
thizers against returneQ soldier
Sergeant Coppins was pulled
from his horse and maltreated.
Two of his ribs were broken, and
he suffered internal injuries. Ser
geant Coppins was awarded the
Victoria Cross in the war.
An appeal has been issued by
officers of the returned 78th bat
talion for all men of thaf battal
ion to report at their headquar
ters in uniform at 8 ... o'clock
Thursday morning.
dividual special police. A squad of
special police and" mounted police
then paraded the affected area.
Police Use Batons Freely.
Missiles were thrown by the
crowd, the police retaliating by a
free use of their batons on the
heads of demonstrants.
At 6:30 p. m., the special police
had -the situation well in hand and
calm was restored. A number of
returned soldiers-constables and
demonstrants were severely bat
tered, and one special policeman was
seriously injured.
Mayor Charles F. Gray announced
he would not call out the troops to
quell the rioting. He said the spe
cial constables would be able to
handle the situation.
Boo and Jeer Soldiers.
The trouble started( when a few
demonstrants booed and jeered at
the returned soldiers' special mount
ed constables, replacing the police
men who yesterday were dismissed
by the police aommission. A large
crowd quickly gathered. Suddenly
it surged into the street and attacked
the l)alf-dozen special constables,
who plied their batorfs vigorously.
A large squad of special policemen
arrived and were made the targets
for stones, bottles, sticks and other
missiles. The disturbances contin
ued for nearly two hours and ended
after about 20 constables and an
equal number of demonstra'nts were
painfully but not seriously bruised
and cut.
The appearance- of an additional
detail of 200 constables had a calm
ing effect on the crowd and the
rioting died down as suddenly as it
began. , , .
Modified Proposals Presented.
Modified proposals have been pre
sented to the mental-rades employ
es from the railway brotherhood
mediation board, H. E. Barker,
chairman of the board, announced.
These ari the former proposals
changed to meet the objections
raised by. employers.
Winnipeg's 'street railway system
is expected to operate Thursday for
the first time in more than three
weeks. '
Many strikers returned to work
Tuesday in civic, industrial and
commercial circles. It is roughly es
timated by city officials 'that 40 per
cent of those who joined the sympa
thetic strike movement May 15 are
working.. All commercial and bro
ker telegraphers were back at.their
keys this-afternoon. The press op
erators ar"e negotiating with em
ployers. Predict Butter and Egg
Prices Will Drop Soon
Chicago, June 10. Price redve
tions in butter and eggs v;e-e pre
dicted by experts here, who declared
huge- excess storage stocks, lark of
heavy export, and a-big production
season would combine to bring the
decline. '
Figures posted at the Chicago
butter and egg board show there
were on June 1, in- 55 warehouses,
composing the associa'ted warehouse,
at: excess 9,950,000 pounds rf but
rte stored, compared to last year's
holdings of 7,004,000, and an excess
J 01310,000 cases of eggs.
By Mall (I ytar). Dally, M.M: Sunday. 12.50;
Dally and Syn.. M.M: euttlaa N,B. otiM antra.
: , ,
Refuse to Suspend Officers.
Pending Trial of Mrs. Brown
Case; Girls Ready to Testify
Despite Mr. Ringer's Statement' That He Welcomed
Hearing and Mayor Smith's Assumed Desire' To
Get-All Facts, Presence of Witnesses Police
Officials Thought They Had "Fixed With False
Affidavits" and Driven From Omaha Caused
Prompt Postponement.
Fearing to meet the issue when they learned their efforts
to railroad importantwitnesses out of the city had proven un
successful, Mayor Smith and Commissioner Ringer lost no
time in obtaining a continuance in the case of Mrs. Thomas
Brown, which was slated for hearing before the city council
yesterday morning.
Despite the fact the mayor read a long drawn-out state
ment, which was designed to give the impression his attitude
was fair and impartial, the city's chief xecutive-was unable
to hide his sympathy. ' '
Pleads for Time.
Although Mr. Ringer Effected to
desire an early investigation of At
torney Lloyd A. Magney's charges
against the police officers at the
counc! meeting yesterday, at the
first opportunity this morning he
was on his feet pleading for time.
Assisted by the mayor, the police
comnrssioner carried his point. The
hearing was set for 2 o'clock next
Tuesday. Mr. Ringer asked for a
continuance of two weeks.
Mayor Smith refused to entertain
a mct'on offered by Commissioner
Zimmsn and urged by Commissioner
Butler calling for the suspension of
the police officers who outraged the
City Has All Appearance of
Deserted Village; Most of
Citizens Have Sought
Refuge in El Paso.
El Paso, Tex., June 10. Juarez,
cut off from communication with
the rest of Mexico, had all the ap
pearance of a deserted village Tues
day. A large portion of the civilian
population had already sought ref
uge in El Paso, and the 2,500 troops
were either confined to barracks or
on duty in the trenches and other
defenses of the city.
From the roofs of tall office
buildings in El Paso men could be
seen at work where the Mexico
Northwestern, crosses the . Mexico
Central railroad, three or four miles
out of the city, but whether these
were federals or rebels could not be
ascertained. Observers with field
glasses could plainly see the soldiers
in the trenches and around the
blockhouses apparently engaged in
battle practice in anticipation of at
tack. So far as definitely known the
nearest rebels are at Guadalupe. 30
miles east of Juarez, where Generals
Felipe Angles. Ramon Vega and
Martin Lopez have a large force of
cavalry. The country occupied by
rebels is well watered with plenty of
grazing for the horses, and it is be
lieved the rebels are resting in prepr
aration for an attack on Juarez,
which even federal officials in Juarez
admit is inevitable. It is also ad
mitted that the rebels outnumber
the available federals and that the
latter are cut off from retreat in any
direction save across the Rio
Grande into the United States.
Great Britain Won't
Allow Disruption of
Union of South Africa
London, June 10. Great Britain
cannot take any action which would
mean the disruption of the Union of
South Africa. This, ih effect was
the answer given to the deputation
of the nationalist party o South
Africa by Premier Lloyd George in
Paris on June- S.
The premier received the" deputa
tion, which included Gen. J. B. M.
Hertzog and Judge F. W. Reiiz,
the former president of the Orange
Free State. It was explained that
the chief object of the nationalist
party was to obtain restitution of
the national status of the Soih
African republics existing before
the Boer war.
Lloyd George in hfs reply said
that the South African union was
based on a fundamental agreement
between the British and Dutch ele
ments and could not be dissolved
by one elemerft without the -consent
of the other. Great Britain there
fore' was unable to take any action
which meant the disruption of the
union. "
Senate Passes Repeal ,
of Wire Control Bill
Washington June 10. The sen
ate jale Tuesday without a record
vote, passed the Kellogg bill for re
peal of the law authorizing govern
mental control and operation of tele
graph, telephone and cable wires.
The nuasure, which now goes to the
house, would continue existing tele
phones rates 90 days. '
privacy of Mrs. Brown's home and
insul'ed and humiliated the woman.
Officers Still at Work.
Mr. Zimman's charge that police
men were intimidating witnesses
were ignored by Mayor Smith, who
also refused to allow Commissioner
Butler to comment on the case.
Detectives Herdzina and Arm
strong still are working in the de
partment and so far as known have
been commended by Commissioner
Ringer for the course they followed
in raiding Mrs. Brown's residence
and the house at 2106 Cass street
without a warrant. The police com
missioner admits his opinioh is based
(Contbiued oil Page Three, Column One.)
Unanimous Decision Reached
Last Night at End of Pro
Ipnged - Meeting; 1 ,200
Men Are Involved.
Six hundred and fifty members of
the local Teamsters and Truck
Drivers' union voted last night to
strike this morning. The union is
composed of 1,200 men, all of whom
will strike.
The unanimous vote to strike was
made at the close of a three-and-a-half
hour meeting in the union hall,
Sixteenth, and California streets.
"We tried in every way to settle
differences with "our employers
without striking," said M. W.'Roon
ey, business sTgFnt of the union, "but
they were not ready to even fp
proach our demands. They told us
they were willing to meet their em
ployes and strive to settle, but were
not willing to meet with us."
"The meeting was called hastily,"
said Rooney. "For that reason we
were able to get only about 50 per
cent of the members of the union
at the meeting. We reached them
by telephone early in the evening.
"This union demands a wage in
crease and protests against discrim
ination used against this organiza
tion by our employers."
Mayor Smith and State Labcr
Commissioner Kennedy have been
exerting every effort to settle the
dispute between the union and the
employers without a strike.
Allied Reply to Hun
L Counter Peace Proposal
Expected on Saturday
Paris, June 10. Apparently there
is little hope that the allied reply to
the German counter proposals will
be ready before the end of the pres
ent week.
When completed it will consist of
a short reply in general terms, cov
ering all the German proposals!
Then will follow answers prepared
by various commissions showing the
reasons why the allies canot grant
specifi. requests.'
30,000 Shriners March
in Indianapolis Parade
Indianapolis, June 10. Thirty
thousand Shriners marched as escort
for the members of the imperial
council of the Ancient Arabic order.
Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, as they
proceeded to Murat temple here to
receive the official welcome of the
state, city and local shrine council
The addresses of welcome . were
delivered by Governor J. P. Good
rich, Mayor Charles W. Jewett of
Indianapolis, both Shriners an(J of
ficials of the local council.
Tuesday night approximately 50.
000 Shriners nad been registered.
They represent 145 temples from
every state in the union and in Can
ada. Of the Canadian temples Alaz
har of Calgary, Alberta, and Rame
ses of Toronto are represented.
Former U. S. Senator Dies.
New York, June 10. John Coit
Spooler, 76, former United States
senator from Wisconsin, died at his
home here early Wednesday morn
ing after an illness of several weeks.
He suffered a relapse Monday, aftr
having partially recovered from a
nervous breakdown
7 p. m.
8 p. m 14
60,000 GO
National President Says Men
Will Win; Local President .
Resigns From Union
Prior to Strike.
Eleven operators of the after- -midnight
shift at the Western Un
ion went on a strike last night. They
stood at the corner of Fourteenth .
and Farnam streets until early this .
morning. They said that the West
ern Union was then operating with
only two men, both of them night
The Western Union officials de
nied the men had struck. -
"We are working with our" regu
lar after-midnight force," Manager .
Keen said.
The Postal was reported to have
lost two operators at midnight -This
report was denied by the Pos- '
tal company. The Postal employs
three regular night operators.
"The men who are off duty 't
midnight may have struck, at mid--,
night, but that will not be knowr for .
certain until the time comes for
them to report for duty tonight,"sex
plained Night Manager Keen of thett
Western Union. "I only know of "
six men in that before-midnight
force that intend to strike while
there are about 50 on the shift.
x"Present indications are that only
about fifteen- operators .will strike "
out of our entire fore of more than '
200 men."
Tim Ferris, president of the lo al
branch of the Commercial Teleg- -raphers'
union" of America, said last
night that he tendered his resigna
tion to the union several days ago,
and that Steve Johnson had been
appointed to succeed htm at a meet
ing held last night. J
"I just can't afford to quit," ex
plained Ferris. "I spent a long
time in a hospital recently and I am
a-married man with a family. . H,'
my wife and my, family. I intend to
my wif and my family. I intend to ,
continue at work for the Western -Union
as long as possible."
Konenkamp Says 60,000 '
Operators Will Go on -Strike
Chicago, June 10. The Commer
cial Telegraphers' Union of Ameri- -ca
is ready to strike at 8 a. m. Wed-
uesday throughout the country, S.
J. Konenkamp, international presi
dent, said Tuesday night. It was -estimated
60,000 or more telegraph
and telephone workers would be
affected and he expressed himself
satisfied with the outlook.
President Konenkamp declared to
night that the telegraphers' strike '
would be won ifNitwere necessary
to call out brokers' and leased wire :
operators, including press associa
tion operators. Some press associ
atidns have contracts with their op
erators expiring July 1. - ?
F. A. Davis, district head of the
western brokers' division ' of the
unionsent a notice to the broker
advising them to have the Amer
ican Telephone and Telegraph com
pany sign up with the union unless
they wanted their wires paralyzed. '
Plans are being made by the union
for picketing the principal offices of
the telegraph and telephone com
panies. Suitcase Deliveries.
He said that as a result of the
strike and lockouts" in the south-eastern
quarter of the country the
Western Union has resorted to the '
"suitcase route", for delivery of mes
sages subject to indefinite delay,
according to his reports from 1
Action by the senate or theJowef
house would have no effect on the
Continued on Pane Three, Column fvnr. "
Suffragists Jubilant
Over Sessions Called
to Ratify Amendment
f '
New York, June 10. Ratification
of the suffrage amendment by the
legislature of Illinois, Wisconsin"
and Michigan with Governor Smith's
call for an extra session in this state
to act on the amendment, caused.
jubilation at the headquarters of the
National Anie'rican Woman Suffrage -association
News of Governor Smith's action ' '
followed close on the receipt ef tele
grams by Mrs. Carrie Chapman
Catt, president of the association,
from the executives of Kansas,
Iowa, New Hampshire and Minne- .
sota promising similar action. ?
-Governor Allen of Kansas tele
graphed that he had issued a call
for a special session June 16, and ' '
thai he believed a unanimously fa
vorable vote would be recorded.
Governor Warding of Iowa wired
that he had no doubt the amend
ment would be adopted at the ses
sion of the legislature which wjJJ
meet in January 1920,
. r - . .