Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 10, 1919, Image 1

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    ' V:
Unttlod weather Tuaaday and
Wedqotdayi local showers. Soma-'
what warmer in west portion Tues-
Hourly temperature:.
!.! Hour.
1 1 , ii ii ii i "
.. VI
. . .8)1
a. m
a. m. . .M
7 a. m 6S
8 a- m. M
a, m M
10 a. m 9
11 a. m 10
It noon 14
l mt.
S p. m
8 p. m.. ... .
1 p. m......
S p. m
.. Redwood City, Cal., June 9.
Relatives of Mrs. Sarah Sattira
Coburn, aged" wealth Pescadero
widow, who 'was found murdered
last Wednesday, are cut off in her
will with the exception of her im
becile itepson, Wallace L. Coburn,
W, who is given a Small allowance
according to a petition for special
letter of administration, filed by
the public administrator here todav.
r"Strangers in blojod"-are left the
estate, which is upwards of $100,000.
The original estate of her husband,
Loren Coburn, v. as appraised at
Sacramento, Cal.;-. June 9. Tor
pedo boat destroyer No. 337, to be
launched soon at. Mare .island navy
yard, will be xchristene"d Zane in
honor of the late Maj. Randolph T.
Zane, United States marine, corps,
son-in-law "of Governor Stephens.
Major Zane died of wounds recsived
in fighting in France:
A telegram to this effect was re
, ceeived by Mrs. Zane ffom Secre
tary 'Daniels, of the navy. Mrs.
Zane, in response to Secretory Dan
Jels' request that she designate" a
' sponsor for the destroyer, named
jwarjorie, fler o-year-oia aaugnter
-and only child. " .
Paris, June 9. The American
peace officials , here are convinced
that the demand for the ex-kaiser's
trial will be abandoned as long as
he lives a simple life in Holland.
" They point out, that if he were tried
he would become a martyr, which
would inevitably stimulate the Ger
man imperialistic cult. The French
and British delegations demand hi.?
punishment, liowever.
Baltimore, Md., June 9. One of
the entomologists at Johns Hopkins
university has made the discovery
He says they taste very much like
shrimp and advises everybody to
add them to the menu. It is thi
easiest way to gei rid of the pests
hi adds.
Santa Barbara, Calif., June 9.
Rumor has it that President Wilson
will make his home in Santa Bar
, bara at the conclusion of his term
as president of the United States.
This report is based on the re
ported purchase by William G. Mc
Adoo, the president's son-in-law, of
a 30-acre tract of land on which two
homes are to be built, one for him
self and the other for Mr. Wilson.
.". The price paid for the latfd is said
to have been $60,000. ' " ,
The site is on a hillside overlook
ing both city and sea.
NOW HAS $5,000 JOB
- Washington, June 9. "I know a
young man who wasa waiter in a
small town restaurant in pre-war
days for $12 a week and tips,' sad
Col. Arthur Woods, assistant to the
secretary of war. "He had been in
the national guard and managed to
get an appointment at an officers'
training school. They sent him to
. war as a second lieutenant He came
back a captain with a medal and a
' "'Nothing doingl' he laughed
when the boss offered him his old
job back in the restaurant, with the
promise of a head waiter position in
a few months. 'I am a $5,000 year
man now.'
' "So he - is. The other day the
roung captain got his $5,000 job'
with a big concern which has a
large number of men to' handle and
he fits in admirably." ,
oanacrsviuc, v.t., juut . -
Wray, pastor of the Baptist church
here, created a mild sensation at
'" his Sunday morning services, when
he stopped in the midst of his ser
mon, got a shotgun and kiltdd a
jaybird that had been flying around
the auditorium and singing while
the services, were in progress.
Mr. Wray announced just before
. AnirroitMn.sanff a livmn that
l 1 1 v. vvi.K. - O J -
' again. The jay began again. .The
' preacher, stopped the services, went
to. his home, got his gun, returned
to tha-xhurch and fired once. Ser
vices were Jresumcd.
Washington, Tune 9. Charging
;the Bulgarian government has
placed on sale in the American
market loot taken in the occupa
t'qh of Serbia, r. V. M.v Yovan
ovitch, director of the information
bureau of the kingdom of Serb,
Croats and Slovenes, declared in a
formal statement that two agents of
the Bulgarian go erntnent.v who ar
rived in New Yj-k, May 19, brought
wore than IS tons ' of medicinal
which thty proposed to sell
i in the United States. The onium,
h said, was a . three-year s ac
cumulation of pocpy cropin Serbian
Washington. June 9. Early re
turn frdm Europe of American
troops was demanded by democratic
andrepublican - members of the.
" house during the generaidebate on
'the $810,000,000 army appropriation
-..ill. . - r-,
Various mean's wete suggested
. for brincinir -this . about, but the
method which gained the greatest
support provided foe an even great
- er reduction in the army strength
than that made, by the military com
mittee' which reduced to 400.000 thi
V iv) figure asked for bv Secre-
. tary Baker. '
Representative La Guardia, repub
lican. New York; " announced he
wouldoffer an amendment reducing
the number, to. 300,000.
Pessimistic Feeling Growing
in French Official Circlesf
Scheidemann Unwilling
to Be Responsible.
Paris, June 9. The feeling is
growing in French official circles
that the Germans will not sign
the peace treaty. This is based
largely on reports from Berlin in
dicating that Philipp Scheide
mann, German chancellor, is un
willing to accept the responsibility
of authorizing Count von Brock-dorff-Rantzau
to sign and will
probably refer the matter to thi
national assembly, which is be
lieved to be unfavorable.
, The council of four took up this
afternoon the crisis between the
Czechs and Hungarians and will
resume consideration of the ques
tion tomorrow.
Paris. June 9. 'The movement to
admit Germany to the league of na
tions is due mainly to the desire to
avoid the possibility of the forma
tion of another group composed of
rival powers, which would embrace
Germany, Russia and the old Teu
tonic group.
Fear Combination.
Evidences have reached the con
ference leaders of late that influ
ences are at work in Germany and
Russia to establish relations as a
basis for a combination of powers
not in the league. While not re
garded as imminent, it was felt that
the danger of such combination
would be always present while Ger
many was outside the league, an'd
the admission .of Germany, there
fore, was recommended as a means
of subjecting her to the same obliga
tions as the allies under the league
of nations.
This sentiment was chiefly instru
mental in the unanimous decision of
the British, French', American and
Italian members of the league com
mittee concerning the conditions on
which Germany may be admitted.
One of the chief authorities said:
"We can deal with Germany bet
ter when inside than outside the
league. Outside- she would be able
to go her own way; inside she must
conform to the same obligations Is
the allies."
The council spent the day in ex
amining this and other committee
repo:ts. Indications were that the
replj to the Germans would be
ready before the end of the week,
probobly Friday, when five days
will te given for Germany's final
answer with respect to signing.
Five Days to Sign Treaty.
It has been decided by the
allied and associated governments
that the reply to the German
counter proposals will not be deliv
ered before Friday, June 13. The
reply will give the Germans- a period
of five days in which to accept or
reject the treaty.
The council of four1 spent this
morning considering the various re
ports submitted by the commission's
which had been dealing with fea
tures of the answers to the German
Officers Find Still in -Operation;
and Prunes the Mash
7 Morals squad officers, last night
seized an alcohol ,still at 2511 R.
street while it was rumiing full blast
and arrested the operator, Yovan
Urosevie. -
Rnisirts and prunes constituted the
mash for Urosevie's contraband. .
A uong pipe from the generator
led through a barrel, of ice water,
precipitating .the steam and dropping
it into jugs, the officers, said.
The room in which , the still was
located was built on the general
principles of a refrigerator. When
the r?iding officers swung open the
dobr - they were enveloped in a
cloud of alcoholic vapor, they said.
Two three-gallon jugf the prod
uct were taken to South: Side sta
tion, as evidence. Urosevie was
chaiged with illegal possession of
intoxicating liquor.
Clemenceau Warns Hungary
To Cease Attacks On Czechs
Paris, June 9. Premier Clemen
ceau. Dresident of the peace confer
ence, has telegraphed the Hungarian
government that attacks by Hun
garian troops on szecno-oiovaic
forces must cease, a
sispatcn trom
K' ienna today says.- In case of non-
compliance the allied and associated
governments have decided to use
"extreme measures to constrain
Hungary to cease hostilities," the
Vremier's message adds. -
VOL. 43 NO. 306.
u tMMS-eltn nthr Sty 2S, IMS. it
P. 0. mutt Ml of Mink S. IS79.
Women Forced by Police to Sign False
Statements To Wreck Reputation
Mrs; Brown Tell Whole Story of Frame-up
Surprise Promised at Council Hearing Today When One of -Women, doml)iisT
sioner Ringer, and Chief Eberstein Drove Out of Town After Securing Fake
Affidavit, Will Appear and Repudiate Statement She Was Compelled to Sign
'Without 'Reading; Police-Protected Bootlegger, Who Is Changed With Con
v spiring 'With Detectives for Arrest of Girls to Save Self, Still Not Arrested.
Willing to wreck the character
of a good woman in their des
perate determination to justify the
unwarranted early morning inva
sion by Detectives Herdzina and
Armstrong of the privacy of Mrs. .
Thomas Brown's homeS08 North
Twenty-first street, the arrest of
the delicate woman and the subse
quent cruel and humiliating treat
ment of her, officials of the police
department and the Detention
home administered a gruelling
third' degree to the three girb
taken from 2106 Cass street in an
effort to force them to swear to
' false statements detrimental to
Mrs. Brown'sxharacter.
Five persons connected with
Dean Ringer's department, includ
ing Mr. Ringer himself, Chief
Eberstein, Detectives Haze and
Miss Alta Berger, used their most
strenuous endeavors to get the
girls to make derogatory charges
against this prominent church and
club woman, according to the
statements of Mrs. Esther Apple
gate and Mrs. Helen Baldwin, who
reluctantly were released from the
Detention home when outsid;
pressure was brought to bear.
Despite the demoralizing- and
rapid fire cross examination, con
ducted by all five persons at once,
the girls stood up (under, the try
. ing ordeal.
Refused Unjust Demands.
They refused to comply with
the unjust demands. However,
they were compelled to Sign state
ments, the import of which, 'they
declared, they were not permittert
to understand fully.
Mrs. Applegate was releasefl
Saturday. Mrs. Baldwin yas
given her free.dom the following
Miss Alta Berger Sunday nighi
visited Mrs. Applegate and threat
ened to imprison her again in the
Detention home if she did not
sign a paper, which she' repre
sented to be a stenographic report
-of the third degree given the girl
in the Detention home. ,
Rather than be subjected again
to her experience in the institu
tion, Mrs. Applegate signed the
paper out of fear, she declared
When Mrs. Baldwin was given
her liberty she was threatened
with imprisonment again in the
Detention heme if she did not
leave Omaha immediately.
This is taken as an effort on
the part of the Police department
to get rid of the girl before she
had an opportunity to testify be
fore the city council today when
an investigation of the Brown
case will be conducted pursuant
to the complaint filed yesterday
by Attorney Lloyd A. Maguey,
'Mrs. Brown's attorney
Girl Will Tell Story.
Mrs. Baldwin is staying with
her sister in Council Bluffs. It
was her purpose to leave this
section of the country, but when
assired by her attorney, J. R.
Lones, that the police and the
officials of the Detention home
wodld not be allowed to molest
her, she was emphatic in the dec
laration of a purpose tp appear
at the city hall oday and offer
to tell all she knows about the
outrageous conduct "of the police
on the night of ''Mrs. Brown's ar
rest and the imprisonment of the
girls who live in the Cass street
Mrs. Applegate also declared
she would be in the council cham
ber when the case is called. She
said she would be glad to tell
everything she knew in connec
tion with the affair, despite the
intimidating methods of the heads
oi the Police department. f
Mrs. Baldwin's father, H. G.
Qviatt, of Shenandoah, la., arrived
in the city Friday night when he
heard his daughter was in trouble,
and" although ne called at th .'e
tention home repeatedly, he was
not allowed to see his daughter
until Sunday. Mr. Oviatt vis
told he could talk to the girl then
and would be permitted i to take
her away, if he would sign a sta'e
ment agreeing lo take her out c'
the state before the trial of De
tectives Herdzina and Armstrong.
- Mrs. Baldwin "wired her parent
last night to come to Omaha to
day and tell of his experience
with the officials at the detention
home, in the event the members
of the council rared to jquestien
him on the subject. v
' Husband Employs Attorney.
Mrs. Baldwin's husband, R. F
Baldwin, who just has returned
from France, where he served
with the United States army, also
left his home in Shenandoah and
came to Omaha Saturday. Hs
employed attorneys and ex
hausted every possible endeavor
to get to see his wife. He was
not allowed to do so.
- Mr. Baldwin also will be at the
council meeting today, and de
clared he would be glad to rela'.e
his experience with the official-,
at the detention home.
Miss Wilma Reed still is being
held at, the home. She also was
compelled to sign a statement.
Though they demanded it, none
of the girls were allowed to rel
tain a copy of the papers they
Held After Paying Fine.
. Mrs. Applegate was held at the
detention home a day after she
paid her fine. She was released
only after Cimmissioner Zimman
visited the girls in the home and
tnade a public statement express
ing indignation at the injustice
of the arrests of Mrs. Thomas
Brown and the four girls in the
Cass street house, the former be
ing charged with conducting a
disorderly house.
Mrs. Baldwin was released by
Police Chief Eberstein after the
girTs father paid her fine, and
after the chief of police refused
to recognize a qualified appeal
bond and an order of the courts
to release the prisoner. Mrs
Baldwin did not want to stand
co-ivicted of the charge placed
against her by the two detectives,
who were declared to have been
intoxicated when they made the
arrests. She wanted to defend
herself in the district court on an
appral from Police Judge Fos
ter's decision, which was regard
ed as unfair and unjust in the ex
treme. She was denied this right
by the police, who despite the
orders of Municipal Judge
Holmes, compelled Aht girl to
static1 convicted against her will
on an alleged frame-up charge,
pay her fine and promise to leave
tUe city.'
Cited for Contempt.
Upon the demand of J. R
Lones, attorney for Mrs. Helen
Baldwin" and Miss Wilma Reed,
yesterday in police court, Judge
Holmes declared he would cite
Police Chief Eberstein and Police
Captain Heitfeld this morning for
contempt of court. The two po
lice officers will be ordered before
Judge Holmes to show why they
should not receive sentence for
ignoring the court's order to re
lease Mrs. Baldwin, and why they
should have taken it upon them
selves to collect a fine,' which
should have been paid, if paid at
all, to the court and not to the
Miss Elsie Kubat. who was in
bed asleep when the defectives
raided the Cass street house, and
. who was kept in jail all night and
released .the following morning,
declared that both Detectives
Herdzina and Armstrong were
drunk when they came to her
room. She declared that Arm
strong insisted on remaining in
her room while she dressed to go
to the police station.
Could Smell Whisky.
"I could smell the whisky on
Armstrong's breath," she said.
"Then Herdzina and Roy Kelly,
the bootlegger who is charged
with framing the arrest of the
women with the police in order to
protect himself and the woman
with whom he was living as his
wife at the same address, went
into orte of the rooms and held a
consultation. Kelly had a bottle
of whisky in his pocket, and be
fore Herdzina closed the door to
the room in which he and Kelly
were talking, I saw him taking
the bottle from his pocket. I am
sure Kelly gave the detective a
drink of whiky, although I did not
see him actually drinking out of .
the bottle. I saw Herdzina feel
Kelly's pocket while the two men
were standing in the hall. As soon
as the detective's hand touched
the pocket in which the bottle
Files Formal
Brown Case
Reiterating his charges as a pri
vate citizen, that Police Officers
Herdzina and Armstrong not only
overstepped their authority, - vio
lated the law and acted in the most
disorderly manner when they forced
their way into the home of 'Mrs.
Thomas Browu'at 2 o'clock on the
morning of June,. 6, and that Officer
Herdzina was under the influence
of liquor and insisted to be presentl
in the same room, while Mrs..
Brown was dressing; that the police
refused to accept any bond, either
from Mrs. Brown or her' legal rep
resentative;, that Mrs. Brown was
thrown by the jailer against an iron
rail in the city jail and seriously in
jured, Lloyd A. Magney yesterday
filed formal charges with, the city
council, demanding aT investigation
of the outrages committed by the
members of the police department.
These charges sworn to by Mi.
Magney, are as follows:
s"The attention o(the city commis
sion is hereby directed to following
state of facts which, it is believed,
calls for. a thorough examination of
the organization and methods of the
police .department which authorizes
JUNE. W), 1919.
was, he whispered something to
Kelly and both men stepped into
the room. Kelly was in the act
of taking the bottle from his '
pocket when the door was closed.
I could smell the whisky when the
men returned to the hall."
Again Search House.
Miss Kubat declared the detec
tives had been coming to. the
house every night since the raid
Four officers were through" thi
house Sunday night. Attorney
Lones declared if this practice did
not cease at once he would obtain
an injunction against the po'.ico
department making father and
unnecessary visits
Though Judge Foster ordered
the rearrest of Roy Kelly, and
Dean Ringer is on record as nav
ing declared that Kelly already
had been rearrested, after He vas
permitted to escape when he waj
found in the house by the officers.
Kelly, who nas been heard to
boast of getting ' by with the
police in his bootlegging businsf,
still is at large. Kelly, who is re
garded as the most important
witness who could testify at the
council hearing this morning, will
not appear, if the detectives do
not show better faith in their
search for him. Attorney Lones
declared. Kelly is known to be in
the city, and tne attorneys toV
Mrs. Brown and the other wom:n
have good cause to believe, they
say, that he will not be appre
hended as long As Detective
Hardzina and ' Armstrong are
trusted to arrest the man.
"What reason have we to eli'iis
Kelly will be arrested," said At
torney Lones, Herdzina ant!
Armstrong arc depended on to
catch the man. They had him
once and Jet him go. They did
not want him in the first place,
and now they have even stronger
reasons for not bringing him in.
Kelly knows too much. They do
not want him to take the witness
stand. They dam not bring :hi
man before the council."
Blames Kelly and Wife.
Thomas Brown, jr., son of the
woman Detectives Herdzina and
Armstrong insulted, arrested,
threw in jail, refused her oppor
tunity to furnish bond, and who
th? next day was carried from her
eel! on a stretcher and taken to
the hospital, declared that no
complaint Vas made against the
house on Cass street until Kelly
and "Ellen Rae, who was passing
as Kelly's wife, went there to
live. ,
"They begai to fight and. cre
ate a disturbance," said Mr.
Brown, "and as a result -of their
behavior neighbors registered
complaint. It was Kelly's car
which was seen in front of the
house at night."
Chief Eberstein in his pub
lished statement declared it
woa d be shown that automobiles
were seen in front of the Cass
street house all hours of the
night, and tl?at a bootlegger had
bto.n living in the house with a
woman who was not his wife.
This was cited to show that it
was an ill-governed house. And
yet this bootlegger and the wom
an referred to in Mr. Eberstein's
statement are the only ones in
the house living on ,the second
lloor who were, not arrested. 1
Tl.e man was allowed to escape
by the detectives and the woman
left the house a few minutes be
foie the raid was staged. Other
occupants of the house believe
tht woman left upon the receipt
of advance information of the
Charges in
With Council
and upholds its members in conduct
such as is hereinafter related:
"At 2 o'clock on the morning of
June 6, the home of Mrs. Thomas
Brown, a respected member of this
community ind a large taxpayer
herein, was invided by- Officers
Herdzina and Amstrong of the so
called 'police moralslsquad,' and Mrs.
Brown was arrested the keeper of
a common and ill-eoverned house.
The officers had previouslyarrested
an of the occupants of a house locat-
id at 2106 Cass street, and had been
informed that Mrs. Brown was the
"landlady of the property. Mrs.
Brown owns seven brickJIats in this
locality, 2106 Cass street, and 402-4-6-8-10
and 12 North .Twenty-first
street, all of which she rents, save
the building at 508 North Twenty
first street, which is occupied ex
clusively by Mrs. Brown and her
three children. ' .
Lived Half Block Away.
"Although the building in which
Mrs. Brown and her family resrde
is more than half a block diitaxt
from the Cass streef flat, the offi
cers, after learning that Mrs. Brown
owns and rents the property, went
(Continued PctTwo, Column Three.)
r Mii (I mr). ooiiy.; twut,
Dally m MM; whlw NO. tM
Ask Upon What Terms They
May Return to Work; En
tire Police Force Discharged
by City Commission.
Winnipeg, June 9.-Delegations of
press and commercial telegraphers
visited the Canadian Press office
and Commercial telegraph offices
late Monday and formally asked in
formation regai ding terms upon
which they might return to work.
The Winnipeg police force was
discharged by the city commission
late Monday. When the policemen
refused to accept the city ultimatum
to sign a pledge not to participate
in sympathetic strikes. The city
refused to accept a compromise
Breach . Widening. A
The breach in the union forces
seemed widening tonight. It was
announced atthe board " of trade
that spokesrhen fof various union
crafts had made overtures for set
tlement without permission from
the central strike committee.
Desperate efforts to avoid a com
plete showdown on the police situa
tion were maae Dy trienas oi tre
patrolmen. The city stood firm,
however, taking the position thai
the police had not only gona on
record as indorsing the sympathetic
strike, but that the actions of sonic
individual policemen while on duty
had caused doubts as to whether
they were doing everything in their
power to maintain law and order.
Earlier in the 'iay representatives
of tlie policemen's union announced
that the men werewilling to .sign
pledges not to participate in sympa
thetic strikes in the future. f'le
tity was asked, i'owever, to with
draw its ultimatum making such
action compulsory.
The police commission immedi
ately announced that all regular
policeman who are willing to jigti
the new pledge could apply for posi
tions. Applications from a number
of returned soldiers for jobs on the
force have been receivcid, it was an
nounced. Refurned soldier con
stables have been on duty for
several days as a supplemen'ary
force. Mayor G:ay organized the
constable force after complaints had
been received that the regular
policemen wer discriminating in
favor of strikers.
Pacific Coast Organization
Signs Schedule, Meeting
Empleyes' Requests.
Chicago, June 9.A-What he termed
the first break in the united front
presented by the operating com
panies came Monday night when
the Kederal Telegraph company.
which operates a combination of
land lines and wireless alon.g the
Pacific coast, received an operators'
coni-r.ittee and signed a schedule
meeting the employes' demands, S.
J. Konenkamp, international presi
dent cf the Commercial Telegraph
ers' 1'nion of American declared in
a statement issued tdnight.
Mr. Konenkamp, who has called
a nation-wide strike of telegraph
operators for Wednesday, said he
received that information from L. I.
Marshall, first vice president of the
International Union at Los Angeles.
Plans are completed; Mr. Konen
kamp said, for the strike, which
will involve 70,009 telegrapl and
telephone operators. He said he
abandoned hope of a peaceful set
tlemtnt before he left Washington
last week
Discharges of union operators by
the Western Union continued today
Mr. Konenkamp said, 'with 70 .per
sons being discharged at Dallas,
Little Rock. Denver, Portland, Ore.,
and Los Angeles.
"Ihis makes a total of 2,870 now
out i;f the "Western Union service,"
the statement continued.
House Reduces Railroad
Fund IVIany Millions
Washington, June 9. Reduction
of $450,000,000 in the .$1,200,000,000
revolving fund asked for by "the rail
road administration for the re
mainder of the calendar-yea.r, was
made today by the house appropria
tions committee. V
Trial Flight a Success.
St. Johns, June 9. The Vickers-Vimy-
entry in the London Daily
Mail's $50,000 transatlantic flight
competition made a trial flight Mon
day. Te machine, piloted by Capt
Jack Alcock, took the air at 547 p.
m., local time, and descended 40
minutes afterward with a success
ful test. x
simi TWO fiENTS.
titr. I. TIKI VjCiTt tJi
Action Recommended to Re
store U. S. Dollar to Parity
in Foreign Countries.
Washington, June 9. To his'.eu
return to. normal economic cond:
tons and restore the American dol
lar to a -parity in several foreign
countries, the control exercised by
the government over transactions iu
foreign exchange and the exporta
tion of gold coin, bullion and cur
rency was terminated today by
President Wilson, acting on recom
mendations of the federal reserve
Exceptions made by the president
included importation or exportation
of rouble notes or exchange opera
tions with that part of Russia now
under control of the bolshevik gov
ernment and exchange transactions
with territories in respect of which
such transactions are at present per
mitted only through the American
relief administration.
Attention alio was' called by the
board to the fact that termination
cf control did not authorize trans-
actions with enemies except so far
as such transactions may be author
ized by general or special licenses
granted by the war trade board.
Licenses to export coin, bullion or
currency will be required but will
be granted "freely" by" the war trade
board "irrespective of destination or
amount" the board's statement said.
Auto Thief Instead Repeats
the Accusation Against
Two Omaha De
tectives. Lincoln, Neb., June 9. CSpeoal).
Police Chief Marshall Eberstein
ieTt Lincoln tonight after making
an unsuccessful attempt to, prevail
cn William McKennay saving a
term in the penitentiary for automo
bile thefts, to repudiate a statement
recently published in The Bee to
the effect that witnessed a trans
action between two Omaha detec
tives and Frank Kennedy, an al
leged automobile theft, in which the
detectives' accepted a bribe of $li0
fo.r Kennedy's release from custody.
According to officials at the peni
tentiary. Chief Eberstein was mi
able to get McKenna to make a
written statement , The prisoner is
said to have refused to sign any
paper until he has had an oppor
tunity to confer with his attoru
and mother. He repeated, howjver,
the story published in The Bee.
Pays for Release.
Kennedy was wanted by Chief
Eberstein, according Jo McKenna's
previous statement, and McKenna
accompanied the detectives o
North Platte where the man was
located. Kennedy is said to have
been taken in custody by the offi
cers, and when he offered to pay
for his release, Detective Jim Mur
phy is alleged to hav takn $110 a:vl
the man was allowed to go on bN
McKenna declared he renorred
TTfe matter to Chief Eberstein bte.
when the chief showed disposition
to institute another search for Ken
nedy, v
"When I told Chief Eberstein of
the $110 deal between Murphy and
K-ennedy,"' MclCtnna said, "the
chief did not manifest great sur
prise.. He had been particularly
eager to cause Kennedy's ar.-;st,
and talked about i every time I saw
him. - Finally nc wanted me to as
sist further in capturing the man.
1 told him the facts in the case in
the hope that he would abandon his
purpose to causj trouble for Fn
redy. I never heard him men'io.i
the man's name after this."
Detroit-Cleveland Air
Route to Be Established
Detroit, Mich., June 9. Inter-city
air passenger sevice is to be in
augurated between Detroit an 3
Cleveland in the near future, accord
ing to plans of an aviation company,
the organization of' which has just
been announced. Prominent auto
mobile and airplane manufacturers
are interested. Hangar service also
if- to be established Former govern
ment pilots have been engaged, it is
announced. . . '
Esthonians and German
Landwehr Forces Clash
Stockholm, June 9. Esthonian
forces have clashed with German
landwehr troops in the region east of
Riga where Lettish detachments
have also- been in serious fighting
with" the. Germans, according to an
official statement.
- Sentence Bellboy Thief.
Santa Barbara, Cal., June 9. Max
Asch, bell boy at a local hotel, was
sentenced today to six months in
the county jail for the theft of a
$2,500 bracelet from M.r's. E. W
Fayben of- Manchester, Mass., a
guest at the hotel. The bracelet
was recovered after having been
buried on the beach.
Ordered Printed and Placed
in the Public Record; N. Y.
Dozen Financiers to Tes- s
tify in Leak Probe. '
Washington, June ' 9. Estab
lishing a new speed record, the
goveinment printing office with- "
in two hours set up in type the
German peace treaty consisting
of nearly 100,000 words and it
will appear in the congressional
record Monday, as ordered by the v
senate. The task wasx taken as a
matter of everyday occurrence at : ;
the plant, which is the world's
largest printing establishment.
- The treaty covers 64 pages oi.
tne congressional record and cost
the government $5,000 to print.
Only the regular night force
was called upon to assist in put
ting the treaty into print. N
According to Assistant Super-
tenaent William is. McKvoy,
9,600 pounds of .print paper were
used while the type used alone ;
weighed about 1,300 pounds. r
Washington, June 9. Out of a ,
whirlwind of developments, the sen
ate today' got a copy of the peace
treaty and, after a five-hour fight,
ordered it printed in the public rec
ord. At the same time it got under ,
way the investigation of how cop- (
ies have reached private hands in
New York, by summoning to testi- '
fy a half dozen of the country's
leading financiers.- - -?
The copy which went into the
recor was brought to this- country
by a newspaper man and was pre - ,
sented by Senator Borah, republic '
can cf Idaho, just ajter the reading"
of a cablegram from" President WiN
son, saying he could riot, without
breaking faith, send to the senate ,
the text of the treaty. ' , '
the ettect of theday s history I
making developments was to clear"
the air on the much-debated subject
of 'publicity for the treaty text, to
widen the breach between the presi-
utiii uiiu iuv agnail luajui 1 1 j anil 1 -
to forecast a sensational turn for -
the inquiry into the manner by .
which copies of the document have
become available to unauthorized
persrs.y - . I
Financiers to be Called. '
Starting its investigation with ad
unexpected vigor, the foreign rela'
tions committee within a 'naif hour
after it convened, voted to call be
fore it J. P. Morgan,-H. P. Davison
and Thomas F. Lamont, all. of tha .
Iorgan banking house; ,; Jacob
Schiff. of Kuhn, Loeb and company
and Paul Warburg, formerly con
necf.ed with the same concern; and
Frank A. Vanderlip, former presi
dent of the National City Bank. t
then examined Frank L. Polk; act
ing secretary of state, about th '
oilic.a! copies in the State depart
ment vaults. . ; ' '
St&temehts also were made to the!
committee by Senator Lodge, re
publican of Massachusetts and Sen .
atcr fiorah, similar to their declara
tion in the senate that they knew
of copies in New York, but could
not divulge the names of their in '
lorniints. - ,
When the senate met it listened til '
silence to President Wilson's cable
gram, which was taken a-s forecast
ing a refusal to comply with the re
quest for the-treaty text embodied .
in a resolution adopted Friday. Tho
(Continurd on Page Two, Colnmn Six.)!
Charge Machine Politics
Dominate Kansas City v
Washington. June 9. Charges'
that a demderatic ' political '
"machine" in Kansas City, Mo., was
able to prevent enforcement of '
federal laws as well as to brm "
aoout me uiegai election t demo
cratic candidates for congress were" before the house elections '
committee by David Proctor, at
torney for Albert L. Reeves, repub- ;
Kcan contestant for the seat in tha
house held by William -T. Bland, s'
217-Point Advance on :
New York Cotton Market
New York, June 9. Cotton ad
vanced in Monday's trading 217
points above the low level of Satur-
riav. UnxnprtpS rains ?n ihm rrr
belt created apprehension of a short -crop
thereby stimulating the export
and domestic demand. There was 4
recovery of more than $10 a bale
on tht -losses of iast week.
Sea Captain Acquitted '
of Murder on High Seas -
New York, June 9 Capt. Adolpli
C Federsen and his son, Adolph E
were acquitted by a federal jury
cf the charge of causing the v
death of Axel Hanson, a sailor" on
the bark Puako, of which they wcra "
officers. The jury was out as
minutes. , -