Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 08, 1919, Image 7

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    :jtjne y, rare,
Monday Specials in the June . ,
JUST indicators of the values you may expect of this great section during the
June sales. .
Night Gowns at 95c . .
A score or more of styles in batiste and nainsook, embroidered and lace-trimmed;
e am Sae of
"everybodys store"
pring and Summer Models, Some
heed in Three Groups at
. r
pie ire the values represented in this
hthejrKWlt of a very special purchase of
.rrg :werl50 models from a well-known
1 pice reduction.
H fkem is The
. !; urFrench Coutil
K Grecian Treco
IQElastic Webbing
Flesh Color
and White
lao'vlow.and medium bust. Short, medium and extra lone
Uif h hose, supporters and elastic inserts. All are exquisitely
(,e Several big bargain tables have been given over to
Lf -.the display ana sale of these remarkable corset values
y. .:ana compeienx ana courteous saleswomen win giaaiy
isssisc you m maKing your seiecuon.
No corsets fitted during the sale, but appointments can be made
j.a fit any following morning. .. .
Bunoss-Nasn Co. Fourth Floor
A nnouncing for Monday our Special
Juiie Remnants Sale oi Silks
T T S a one-day feature, because the response is so great, as every 1
JL woman realizes that the values are so extreme.
This year the values and range of selection are far better than
on any previous occasion offering an accumulation of the short
prices of silks from our own stock ; lengths from 1 to 4 yards in a
piece suitable for skirts," blouses, linings and trimmings. Both
plain and fancy, all in the wide width, 36 to 40 inches wide.
There's a wide selection of colors also black.
A few of the weaves:
Burfass-Nash Co. Main Floor.
You'll Appreciate These Values
In Mina Taylor
Apron Dresses
AND when you see them and realize
the true value importance you'll
want several at this price. Mina' Tay
lor apron dresses are noted for their ex
cellent workmanship and smart design.
These we offer Monday are made of
fine quality percale in several pretty new
styles from which to choose. Very spe
cial Monday at $1.25.
Mina Taylor
For Home or Porch Wear
Another remarkable value. Made of
fancy ginghams in stripes and plaids;
also percales, trimmed with pockets and
vest effects, and finished with the new
collar and cuffs. Specially priced forMonday at $1.95.
Burgess-Nash Co. 5cond Floor
Notion Specials
For Monday
Silkine crochet cotton, white and
colors, all sizes. Sale price,
8 for 25c.
Nickel-plated safety pins, as
sorted sizes. Sale price, 3c card
Hickory garters, well - known
brand for children; all sizes;
white only. Sale price, 19c and
25c pair.
Dress shields, guaranteed quality;
2, 3 and 4 sizes. Sale price,
19c pair.
Sanitary apron; soft finish and
good quality; regular sizes.
Sale price, 39c each.
Pr. Parker's supporters for boys
and girls, 6 and 12 years. Sale
price, 39c each.
Sanitary belts, all elastic, good
quality, small, medium and
large; Sale price, 19c each.
Machine cotton; 3 cord in white
only. Sale price, 2 He spool.
Steel pins; nickel plated, good
points; full 300 count. Sale
price, 3 packages for 10c. m
Rickrack in white and colors; 6-
yard bolts. Sale price, lSebolt.
Sanitary napkins, 3 in box. Sale
price, 12 He box. .
West's electric curlers; 5 on card.
' Sale price, 19c card.
Slip-on dress shields; guaranteed
quality; sizes 3, 4 and 5. Sale
price, 39c pair.
Belting; good quality, black and
white,. 2, 2Vi and 3-inch
widths. Sale price, 10c yard.
Burf sss-Nash Co. Main Floor.
Em I
e autiful White Goods
i -
?kite Skirtings At 75c.
Skirtings in all the newest
aiiMLnd fancy weaves as
all as in poplins, oxfords,
r dines, basket cloths
Lierge. Unusual values
m 75c to $1.25 yard.
pSnese Nainsooks, 10
Yards, $335.
s - -.
In 10-yard bolts. An un-
ally fine quality specially
iced at $3.25 for 10 yards.
Dimity Cheek at 50c
36-inch dimity check, in,
small and large sizes; a
beautiful quality unusual
values for 50c yard.
Pink Batiste, 59c.
Of fine sheer quality ; very
suitable for undergarments,
59c yard.
Organdies At 75c.
Plain and fancy organdies,
many in the neat stripes and
checks. Priced at 75c to
$2.25 yard.
Burg Mt-Nub Co. Main Floor.
tlRST Quality
Switches P
This stock was bought before
embargo on hair goods and we
are i yuoi-
tion to give
you the
benefit o f
these really
made of gen
uine human
hair, 24 and
25 inches
long. Three
stems in nat
ural shades.
Very special
Monday a t
BurgMt-Naah Co. Fourth Floor
t irii om
jfernasco Electric
WVacuum Cleaner
The, latest and most up-to-,te
cleaner on the market
rear-driven brusli most ef -
;tive. - Let us demonstrate
s cleaner here at the store or
jyour home.
Burfcu-Naih Co.-Third Floor
Cherbourg Linen Writing Paper
In Pound Boxes Monday
84 sheets, letter size in white, blue, gray,
buff, violet and pink tints. A limited amount 1
at, pound
Cherbourg linen envelopes to match, package of 25 for
"Burnasco Initial Stationery, 50c
White with gold initial, all fine quality, twenty-four
sheets and envelopes to box. Monday only, very special,
50c a box. .
Burgeaa-Naah Co. Main Floor
Men's Athletic Union Suits
Featured For Monday at
THEY'RE made of an extra quality of
fine checked nainsook, with elastic
back, cut full andxwell-tailored throughout.
Athletic style. Specially priced for Mon
day at $1.25.
Meris Lisle Hose,
Men's hose in a splendid quality of
lightweight lisle yarn. Colors m black,
white, grey and Palm Beach. Splendid
values. They are on sale for Monday only
at this price.
Men's Washable Neckwear,
25 c
Men's washable neckwear in a splendid assortment of
beautiful colors and new, novel designs. All colors strictly
fast. Materials are silk and cotton and pure fibre silk.
Men's Linen Handkerchiefs, Special,
Men's pure linen handkerchiefs of an extra good qual
ity; large, full-size handkerchiefs that are extra special at
this price.
Burgwu-Naah Co. Main Floor.
len Needs Underpriced
Fireless Cooker, $1425.
A combination wood and metal case cooker, strongly recommended.
PtiA ' fixontai and nftVPf ATA of seasoned hardwood, the outer walls of
Sieet steel, attractively stained in oak. Thoroughly insulated and lined
Kroughout, including back of cover with pure aluminum. This fire-
roast, bake or
boil. YoiKdo not
have to be an ex-.
perienced cook to
operate it suc
cessfully. A little
practice is all
that is necessary
to obtain the
most gratifying
results. A com
plete book of in
structions and
set of aluminum
utensils fur
nished with eath
Burioa-Nah Co. Dowatoirt Storo. cwhmm.
Boys' Blue Serge Suits
at $6.95 to $9.95
A TRUE blue serge suit, made in the latest,
snappiest styles, such as full belted
waist, seam, slanting pockets, long 3kirt ef
fect, full lined pants, taped seams. An un
usually well-made garment at $6.95 to $9.95.
Two-Pants Suits, $SJ95 to
Wool mixtures, Scotch tweeds, '
cashmeres and worsteds, belts or
waist seams, slash pockets, Norfolk
backs. The pants are full lined
throughout; taped seams; splendid
workmanship. The best we ever
offered at $8.95 and $9.95.
Burgoas-Naah Co Downstair Storo
White Outing
27 c
27-inch !yard, finely woven,
with fine medium weight nap.
Very low priced at 27e yard.
Sheets at $1J9.
Our "Old-Time," a full size,
round thread, snow white
bleached sheet at an exceedingly
low price; 81x99, $1.79.
Pillow Cases, 39c.
Snow white, beautifully fin
ished, full 45x36, at 39c.
Pillow Cases, $19.
Limited quantity initial cases
at $1.89 a pair. Very pretty and
an exceedingly good value. Put
up in handsome boxes at $1.89
pair. . .
Borgau-Naak Co. Downstair Stora.
also plain tailored effects. . Other gowns of batiste or nainsook, $1.45 and $1.95.
Dainty Envelope Chetnise, 75c
Tan nAtfv atvlea fnr elac'tinn iV hafisf a and nainsook.
VII jA VVVjr DVJ VW W wow'-w.- "
lace and embroidery tnmmea.
Other envelope chemise of crepe de chine, batiste and
nainsook, $1.45 and $1.95.
Batiste Bloomers at 75c
Of batiste or nainsook; hemstitched and lace-trimmed;
s6V6r&l pretty styles
Other bloomers of Windsor crepe or witchery silk, 95c
and $1.45.
Corset Covers at 45c '
Good quality muslin corset covers, lace and embroidery
trimmed and ribbon run. Special at 45c
Other corset covers of batiste and nainsook, 75c and 95c .
White Petticoats at $U5
White muslin petticoats with 5-inch embroidery flounce,
in a variety of patterns. .
Other petticoats of muslin at $1.65 and $1.95.
Billie Burke Juniors, $145.
- Batiste and Windsor crepe in flesh and white. Ten
pretty styles to choose from.
BurgMS-Nash Co. Second Floor
U Gifb for the Bride
Beautiful and serviceable gifts
in sterling silver and Sheffield
Sheffield silver flower baskets
and vases, $7.65 to $35.00.
Sheffield silver meat platters,
$12.75, $15.45, $19.25 and
Sheffield silver bread tray,
$3.95. '
Sheffield silver andy and cake
baskets in hammered and bright
finish, $4.50, $5.35, $5.65 and
Pyrex casseroles, Sheffield sil
ver frames, $5.25 and $6.75.
Sterling silver salt and pepper
shakers, $3.50 pair.
Burfas-Naah Co. Main Floor.
Imitation Crochet and filet
Laces Monday at 25c
PRETTY new style's in imitation crochet and filet laces, in
edges and bands to match ; 2 to 4 inches wide, at 25c
Embroidered Net Flounces, 75c.
Embroidered net flounces, 18 and 24 inches wide. Pretty
new designs at 75c yard.
Organdie Dress Flouncings, $3J50
Plain white and colored organdie dress flouncings, white,
rose, maize, orchid and pink ; 40 inches wide, $3.50 yard.
Net Dress Flouncings, $2.75 to, $3J50.
Ruffled net dress flouncings, 40 inches wide ; ruffles and
tucks. Combined for summer dresses, $2,75 to $3.50 yard.
Vol Lace Edges at 10c. ' .
Fine val lace edges, assorted designs. Special at 10c
Burfsss-Nash Co. Main Floor. ; 1
A Radical Clearaway of Our
Entire Stock of Cloth
y .
Suits, Coats and Capes
' $25.00
Representing Reductions in Some
Instances of More Than Halt
IT'S an absolute clearaway we must make room for the new summer
merchandise that is tumbling in every day, and if price has any
thing to do with it, they certainly will go out in a hurry.
The materials are:
In fact, only the choicest material are to be found in the assort
ment. Reliable merchandise with our guarantee of satisfaction with
every garment.
We consider it one of the biggest value-giving opportunities we
have been privileged to offer in a long time and'we cannot urge you too
strongly to take advantage of this splendid offering.
Burtess-Nash Co-Aacond Floor
Unusual Values in Women's White !
Voile or Pique Skirts, Very, Special at I
$1.49 to $4.95
TT7HITE gabardine, voile and pique skirts, trimmed with stitching, buttons, tucks, patch
YV and slit pockets. These are very special values at $1.49 to $4.95.
Pongee Silk Waists $3.95
A neat, attractive model in pongee silk waists. These waists are
very good values and will go on sale Monday at $3.95.
Khaki Dresses or Skirts $2. 69
Khaki outing dresses and skirts; just the thing for your outings
this summer, $2.69.
Serge Skirts $9.95
New light wefeit, navy and black skirts in two smart models. Pin
tucks and button trimmed. Sizes 25 to 30 waist, at $9.95.
BurgMNatB Co.
Downstair Stora
r il