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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1919)
( " 9 C ' THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE t JUNE 8, 1919. V HELP WANTED FEMALE. Profeiaions and Trad. ; Girls Wanted f We can offer steady em ployment to & larflre num ber of girls, making over alls, jackets, motor iuits, shirts and work clothing. Girls who have had ex perience in operating pow er machines are assured of good wages from the stirt. Inexperienced girls will find an opportunity to learn a very good paying line of work, in which it is always possible to have steady a,nd well-paid em ployment. Beginners are paid a good wage while learning. .: The working hours are irom 7:30 to 5:00 o'clock week days and until noon Saturdays. Apply at once. Byrne & , Hammer Com pany. 9th & Howard M ANTED Lady reporter for country newspaper; one who ha had lomt k rerlehce and who can take cars of office work. Chance to- learn to opwat lino type, Address T-661. Omaha Bee. A woman between 25 and 14 years of ag to as9iat In giving hydrotherapy treat ments, baths, and general office wrk. 402 Securities tl1dg. Tyler 2369, EXPERIENCED film inspector- wanted. ; Apply Trlangl Fletur Co.. 1811 Harnsy. "WANTED Flrst-clai hairdresser, alao - girl td Jearn tha trade, 1622 Pgugla. Saleswomen and Solicitor. . WANTED EXPERIENCED SALES PEOPLE FOR VARIOUS I) EPA R T M EN T S THROUGH THE STORE Burgess-Nash Co., Apply superintendent, balcony, by 6:30 Monday morning. Corset Saleswomen Wanted At Burgess-Nash Co. Apply superintendent, balcony, by 1:10 Monday morning. n young ladles tiftween age of II and ' "a. Those only that can leava dlty. Thi ' s a Rood paying proposition. Thos In terested, answer this ad at once. Call it 2604 Wirt St., ask for Mis Col. Wab. f WANTED AT ONCBTen ladles between : ages of II and 26 to travel In eastern ' Nebraska. This Is hlgh-clas work and ilf you want work answer at once. Those "that make good will have chance to -work tn Colo, or 8o. Dak., If preferred. ' !Our salesladies ara making from 160.00 ' to 175.00 per wiek. Call Sunday and ask Miss Cole. 2604 Wirt St. Omaha. Neb., ''Thon Webster 1770. WANTED v EXPERIENCED SALESLADY IN COR , ..WET' DEPT. APPLY SUPERINTEND KNT BRANDEIS STORES. il'anted Salesladies for candy section) -steady positions. Apply Mr. Phelps, Brahdcls Stores. ... - - , -i . WANTED 5 bright, capable ladies to travel, demonstrate and .el! dealers; $11 to ISO per Week; railroad far paid. Writ at once, Goodrich Drug Co.. Dept. m, Omaha, Neb. V A N T B D Reliable well-appearing -Women for a proposition that will bring hit return. Can giv all or part time, a,, local or traveling. Call Sunday, 1 to p. m. 31 Bee Bldg, Household and Domestic. WANTED. chamber maids: also clean "krs. best pay. apply to "housekeeper, fontenellb :hotel. . I WANTED White girl for general house .fwork may go horn night, (room 'apartment, tw In family, food was. Telephone Mrs. O. L. BurdiCk, Walnut ast. city rererences. WANTED Refined elderly woman to a. slat with housework and car of mll i child; good horn and salary for right -party. Location, Wyoming. Addres Boi " 492. Lexington, iNeo. MIDDLE aged woman aa housekeeper ihi take full charge hom of wldowr - Avlth two small daughter. , Reference 'exchanged. Box K-42. i - -WwHTKD Assistant housekeeper; mlddl aged preferred; four In family, no wash ing: good home. Tel. Harney 1172 or " can at 36Q1 riarney street. WANThJD An experienced . eook $13. Telephone Harney 94 between 10 and 12 a. m. and 5 and 7 p. m. Mrs, M. O. Col- pettier. 402 sout'i lmriy-cignm au HOUSEKEEPER wanted by widower with two children, 12 and 15, on small farm , -close to town; modern house. Address VE, Beadle, Wahno, Neb. tt'ANTKD A competent house maid: .downstair work only. Apply Mr. iWard Burgess. 122 N. 23d St. iV ANTED Experienced cook and house ,. t maid; references required. Mrs. Arthur r -M eta. fewer avenue WANTED Competent cook. Mrs. P. H. Davl. 18 S. 20th St. Phone Douglas r is. EXPERIENCED white cook, good wages. reierences requirou. juib., . , Walnut 19 WANTED Cook and housemaid, white. Mrs. B. B. Davta. 1502 So. 32d Ava. Harney "IT. VVANTED A competent, intelligent wom an to do cooking. 20( South $2d Ave. JHarner-- 206. VVANTED Good Cook. Mrs. W. W. Marsh. 100 Plerc atreat, TeL Douglas 4S7. COMPETENT girl general housework; rpf- erence. ramam ou nin; . WANTED A J!,'" for housework; good Koine, sau r-ip - SCHOOU girl to help in exchange for board and room. Douglas 7718. WANTED Good sedend girl at once. 1721 Jones St. Harney 1435. YOUNG girl or middle aged woman for ' WANTED A good cook. Mrs. W. wT , .Alarsh 106 Pine. Phone Poog. All- nouae worn. Hotels and Restaurants. ) ' . . . L.A. 1 1 marv .AaIc Slid dishwasher at once. Good wages. & B, 'Kefzgcr. Spirit Lake. Ia. - TEN chambermaids, either white or co.- ored. Mouseaeeper, ycumgwu WANTED Good cook or woman for gen- erajwork. Apply 411 N. 15th. WANTED Two colored women dlshwaeh- ere. HOTEL CASTLE CAFE. Trade Schools. WANTED Ladle to learn barber trad. Special rate and Inducement. TRf-CITT BARBER COLLEOE. Miscellaneous. wr-iTE photoplays, $I5-$S0( paid anyone f r suitable Idea. Experience unneces-etry- complete outline free. Writ. Pro ducer Jmiui . . HELP WANTED FEMALE. Miscellaneous. WE wish to hear from lady interested in literary work. Send ms a atory, artlol or poem for examination typed e handwritten. If acceptable wa will pay yeu eash. If appointed en our taff IIl pay alry. Submit your MS to Editor, Woman' National Uagaxlna, SARN $21 weekly, spar time, writing for newspapers, magmsines. hxb. unneos de tail fro. Press Syndicate, 174 St, LouU. MO. COLORED "OIRLB WANTED OMAHA ApER STOCK COy 1STH AND MAR CT STREET. DOtJOLAS 18 HELP WANTED. Male and Female fxMftiEtfcen salpeopljc tn 6USE PURNISHINOS DUPT. A LT BtrPT. BRANDK1S STORES. WOtilN or man wanted, aalary $24 fMli time, tto ah hour apart tlm. selling guaranteed hosiery t wearer. Expert eno unneoenary. International Mills. Jforrittown. Fa . EDUCATIONAL. DAT SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL. BOTLES COLLKOa Stadenta are admitted at an tlm. Complete eourae tn accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, oomptometry. short hand and typewriting, stenotypy, rail road and Wireless telegraphy, olvit serv ice and gll English and commercial hrsnohes. Write, call or pBone Douglas for, iaig Illustrated ea logu. Address, ROTLES COLI.EOB. ' 4 Boylea Building. Omaha. Web. WAiiTED Young' lady students to enroll in our special ahort term summer courses now forming tor shorthand, typewriting, dictaphone, comptometer. Burroughs Calculating machines and higher ac counting; day and evening classes. Take advantage of our training In office methods and by fall you will be able to secure 4 good paying position. Call and see us or telephone Douglas 7415. DWORAK SCHOOL OP ACCOUNTING 2d Floor Wead Bldg., llth and Farnam LEARN Mosher shorthand and typewrit ing in our day achool or by mall. Spe cial short summer courss for Gregg Writers. Omaha Business College, 7th floor Bee Bid. Douglas 6528. Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening flchoole. 230 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglaa H0. ANNIETS.GLABOOW, vole and piano, (01 Karbach Blk, Studio, phone Red m 201 Soutb 1.1th St. WANTED Men, ladles and boys to learn barber trade; big demand, wage while learning) strictly monern. Calf or write 1401 Dodge St. Tri-Clty Barber College, i-none u. zut. HAVE 5,000 barley sacks to repair; will deliver and call for same. Wagner'a Feed Store.Pl N.,'l6th' ,,.,.. FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. TWO light sleeping rooms for two, three or tour gentlemen: Datnroom adjoining; large closet: Si block from car line; north part of town, Colfax 237, LARGE front room, beautifully furnished In birds-eye maple. Private noma. Every convenience. Tyier iuoa. LARGE southeast room, near bath; pri- vate (amity; la minutes to postoince. Harney I47, BEMIS Park District Beautiful room for rent for two gentlemen; bath and tele- pnone. Webster. 4066. LlGHT housekeeping and sleeping rooms. for men only, aunsr.m Apartments, sui .v. 17tn Bt. pEDROOM tor gentleman and light house- Keeping room, jiyier s.ji. PLEASANT rooms In private family; shower bath. Harney 6749, NICE airy front room for gentleman. Pri vate family. Harney 4S6. COMFORTABLE rooms for $2. Webster 102. iICELY furnished front room in private ramny, wepster euea. Housekeepii.g Rooms. WfDOWER will give free rent of two light house-keeping rooms in south Omaha for taking care of 4-year old child dur ing day. Address C, Be Office, South Omaha, THREE completely furnished, modern room! laundry privileges; garage. Beautiful neighborhood. Webster 64. HOUSEKEEPING rooms southeast ex- Sosure; private family. 2525 California. 'Ouglaa 6218. 22 8. 26TH Modern furnisned sleeping and housekeeping rooms: reasonable. Board and' Rooms. WlDOW wishes to share her modern five room bungalow with woman employed. Term reasonable. References ex changed. Phone Walnut 1080. ROOM and board tor two gentlemen, priv ate fare Hy., garage Colfax 8666, FOR RENT HOUSES. North. 108 South 4U hot water heat, 7-r., $80. 2089 North II; flat, i rooms, $7 and $. John N. Frenser, Douglas. 664. South. 2812 So tth St., UP. 7 r., part mod. $10.00 3S1I S. 6th St, 4 r., city water 7.60 CKEIGH, SONS & CO., REALTORS. Douglas 200 801 Bee Bldg. 256) Pierce. 1 rooms, $26.00. Tyler 163? Vermerlv Armstrona-Wa lah 111 Securities Bldg. t Tyler 1619 9 IT S. 17tn Bt., rail., 'for colored $10.00 A. P. TUKEY A SON. 620 Flret Nat. Bk B'dg. Phone Doug. 902 6-ROOM flat, newly decorated, second noor, $is. 440 b. ztn. lyier isia j. Miscellaneous 4 rooma. 201$ Clark St $10.60 room, 1110 Farnam St 16.00 rooms, ill 8, lath Bt..... BENSON & MYERS CO., 421 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Phone Doug. 746. mi a nth St is. OA. 1S41 Pierre St., I rooms, $25.00. WALSH-ELMER CO., (Formerly Armstrong-Walsh Co., Ill Bsdurltie Bldg.) Tyler 18J6. METERS TftUSt CO, ptpeclallii la Apartment n,anaei,,eat. LlST your prepertv tor rent or aal wits FIRST TRUST COMPANY. Realtor. Tyler 721. bftHlOH RONS A CO.. KOUStS IN ALL PARTS OP THl CITT. Doug. 200. soo Bee aiag. BlJlKItTT A CO. Car tit property and Insurance, ISO Bee Bldg. Douglas 63$. I AND t-ROOM flats tor rent. Call Web ster 1640. , Furnished. Wanted Modern l-room furnished house at once; referenoe exchanged, walnut S53Y 4-ROOM cottage, furnished. No children, 1828 So. 27th St.i Phone Harney 4121. FOR RENT APARTMENTS. West 10-r. mod.. 2601 Dodge. $30. Doug. 2111. Miscellaneous. HIGH-CLASS - unfurnished apartments, available at once; 6 rooms; no children under 15 year of age: $100 per month. ' Address H-5. Omaha Be. FOR RENT Business Property Stores. TWO 16th street store rooms, 22x66 each, near center of retail district. Fine lo cation for meat market, restaurant, or aay other retaU business. Very desirable location suitable for electric repairs, or shop of any kind near 29th and Farnam streets. WALSH-ELMER CO., . (Formerly Armstrong-Walsh Co., 238 . Securities Bldg.) Tyler 1536. STOREROOM This 1 a good location for a retail store. SIS North 16th Street For rental call CREIGH, SONS & CO., V REALTORS Douglas I0. - 608 Bee Bldg. GOOD store rooma. Hth and Douglaa. inquire WORLD REALTY COMPANY. Phone. Douglaa 6342, team heat Opportunity for gena fur nishings, drags or other business. Ad- aresa, n. b. uiatiener, central my, nen MODERN brick building, living rooms In rear, (ultable for any business, 60th and Military avenue. Phone Red 6S51. Call otter 4 p. m. week aay. Office and Desk Room. DESIRABLE desk room, 105 McCague i Bldg. a J. CMn, Seal jsatate ana g,cqnsj - The advertiser who uses The Bee Want Ad Column . increases his business thereby and the persons who read them profit by the oppor tunities ottered. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED to rent V or J room modern house. ' Ooed iocatie. will pay year' rent la advance. WALSH-ELMER CO. ' formerly Artnatrong-Walak til Securltlee .Bldg, ...Tyler Uii, burnished Apsrtmtmtt tnd HOnats. M.tOO.OO CASH will bur , 10-room house at xweniy-inm aa xwaeiie streets; hot water Mat; oak finish downstair; full cement basement; hot in good condition. Lot else 44x11$; larg none. siiMl CARY, HkBALfntttL f honePougUs to?t.iQ2-- BIOS- COUPLE with two ehlldren, furnished it Jartly furnlshd hom or apartment, or summer! location west preferred. Call Tylet 27t. MOVING AND STORAGE. FIDELITY STORAGE & VAN COMPANY LET US MOVE YOU Moving at tnad atmftl If en- , .. trusted to thi big organla lion. Entire responsibility as . i umrtied ahd satisfaction as- PACKING A SPECIALTY Skilled tnM are necessary In packing furniture properly. Only experts in our employ ment Rate reasonable. STORE YOUR FURNITURE Don't sU It. Storage Is not expensive In Our largth spa cious warehouses. Your fuint ture will have perfect cafe. DOUGLAS 288 Fidelity Storage & Van Company l(th and JaoksOn. . GLOfcE" VAN , AND STORAGE CO. For real servlc In hauling or atorge call Tyler 210 or D. 4311. OUto or wagon sirv,ce. FIDELITY IndHan CO., Hth AND JACKSON. DOIJO. 111. STORAGE. MOVING, PACKING, REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE COMPLETE LIST OF ALL VACANT HOUSES AND APARTMENTS FIREPROOF" WAREHOUSE Separate looked rooms for hnuefcold goods aod piabo: shoving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO, 106 S 16th. Douglas 4162. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. Bowen Co. Tyler 1400. WE will furnish you any (is truck by hour, month or year, HAftTUNG'SKan-ferCO. 1211 HOWARD ST. TYLER 1171. UNION TRANSFER CO. Let us estimate your moving, pecking and storage. 1605 Davenport, rinug. 2Hn. REAL ESTATEIMPROVED. West. WEST FARNAM NEVER OFFERED BEFORE $6,500 Almost new and located near loth and Davenport. Living room, den, dining room and kitchen 1st floor. 2 unusually fins bed rooms and tiled hath 2d floor. Oak woodwork, oak floor upstairs and down, Built for a home and right' In every respect Lot 64x121. Cement driveway and garage. $7,800 Near 35th and Dodge. Tiled vestibule. Large living room, dining room, sun room and kitchen en 1st floor. 4 bed rooms, tiled bath, and sleeping porch on 2d floor. 2 rooms and storage space on 3d floor. Beautifully finished and lastefull decorated. Only about six years old. Heated garage. Lot 50x140. Only one block from Farnam car line. A wonderfully good hottie for the money. WALSH-ELMER CO., (Formerly Armstronr-Waliih Co. I t'lr 153fi. 333 SecurUi. Bldg. SIX-ROOM STUCCO BUNGALOW All on one floor, oak finish, quarter sawed oak floors, large living room, dining room With beamed ceilings, sun room, two bedrooms, bath and kltohen; large floored attlo with space for two finished rooms; full cemented basement; fruit room and good hot air furnace; garage. This house Is on a corner lot. In an addition where the house are all new, and in a sightly location. NORRIS & NORRIS, 1502 Dodge St. Phone Douglas 4270. HAPPY HOLLOW, 70X127, $3,500 South front on Cas street just west of 52d. In the very best part of the olty. Choice homes on all sldea. Really the finest residence section of Omaha. Only 160.00 per front foot A bargain at the price. Our sign Is on th property. Look WALSH-ELMER CO., (Formerly Armstrong-Walsh Co.) Tyler 1688 131 Seeurltle Bldg. NEAR CATHEDRAL ' Splendid location; l-room house with four bedroom and bath on second floor and four rooma on first floor; large porch; all strictly modern; whit enamel woodwork, oak floor. Price, $0,000; reasonable terms. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE COMPANY, REALTORS 1016 Omaha Nafl Bank Bldg. Douglaa 2715. - WEST SIDE BUNGALOW, $4,250 situated on Leavenworth street near 45th; six rooms all on one floor: aun room with French door, built-in book cases, colonnades, etc; finished In oak Can be handled for $1,250 cash. Owner leaving and must sell quick. Bedford-Johnston Co., Realtors, 012 World-Herald Bldg Douglas 1731., FARNAM ST. INVESTMENT . For a short time we offer a most attractive property on Weat: Farnam, having a frontage of 15 feet on Farnam, on a corner west of 36th. Improved with a substantial brick apartment building which cost over 120,000 a few years ago. Price, 140.000. Terms, 110,000 cash, balance in 10 year. THE BYRON REED CO., 1612 Farnam St. Douglas 207. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 2872 CHICAGO ST. Splendid seven-room, strictly modern, oak finish, good deep lot, just west of boulevard, with easy walking distance. Price only J4.S00. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 651 Om. Nafl. Bank Bldg. Tyler 411. SIX rooms modern, located on Fifty-fifth treet near Jackson; Just west ot Lock wood. Fronts east on street being paved at this time. Sightly location and 2 blocks from car. Price 14,760 on terms. Two adjoining lots may be had v at a reasonable price, which would make a good opportunity fr a builder. SHULER & CARY, t REALTORS, Phone DouglaSQ74 204 Keellne Bldg. 2601 SOUTH 38th avenue and Arbor, 7 roora house with electric lights, gas and water; practically new; 12.100; 1500 cash, balance payments. Further In formation call Hot S, III Avr REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West DUNDEE DISTRICT Mew (ix-room house, dak finish, best of plumbing, built-in kitchen, wall cab inet!, full cement basement with laun dry Wbs, floor drain, toilet and a guar ahtMd tuffltof' iocaled U North, 47 th tt Podge Si. PheS Douglas 4271. BEAUTIFUL LOT EVANSTON . ... ... .. ... Gefftf on Dodge ana tina Ave., isa t on Dodge, St ft. en (2nd Ave., Price c t,(Vi II sola own. rnene wn. ney tn. , ., r NEAR MTH AND DEWfci AVX. i ' Vry Well Nipt t, am house full mod ern and In finest of rtpaln Can easily be arranged for two famllle and 1 big Income, nlc Jot where value ar In ereaslng every day. Prldf 15.000. Cash or term. Reap Bros., 211 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 72j. . . ney isz 7-ROOM modern heme, 4 ream and lavatory down; I room, hath and 4 large closet upstairs Fin location, large (had trees, 60x111 ft. lot For sale yi owner, yaii wamm WE have eash buyers for West Farnam and Dundee home. Phone Douglaa 074 and we will call and Inspect your property, enuier s t;ary. 4-ROOM house, electric ! light, I lota, fruit trees, barn, chicken house, 1 lot In po tatoes, garden. Owner transferred. Must ecu. f,iuy"i.. . 4-ROOM house, electric lights, I lots, fruit trees, barn, chicken house, 1 lot In pota toes, garden. Owner transferred; must ... an BAA -tf.L ...1 sen. ir.Bqp,. vyeo. iki. sen; s,aug. ngB. ALL modern I rooms, oak finish, south front. Looated 4338 Marcy atreet. Olve term. For further information, phon Walnut 2005. . . ... NEW, up-to-date, t room, oak finish, fin location; price, 11,151; terms; location 611 N. 47th St. N orris A Norrls. D. 4270 NEW 6-room, all modern house) quartered oak floor, elegant location; will take In car. Walnut 48, ... OOOD reslden6 lot, cathedral district, paved street, 900. J. A. Qulnn, 208 Federal Bldg. North. 7-RM. MODERN HOUSE vF0R $3,500 i Located at 4410 Farnam Street, about p years old; having four rooma On the first floor; 3 sleeping rooms and bnth on the second floor; furnace heat, with a good basement; south front lot 60x128; 1600 cash and balance monthly. Six-room modern house at 1712 No. 23d Street, a good. Well-built house, with a large lot, 100x124, tor 14,200.00; ' 2500.00 cash and the balance $35.00 per month. ' A good six-room modern house, with hot water heat, at 2521 Templeton Street, having three rooms on the first floor; three rooms and bath on the second floor; nice basement; lot 60x132 with a garage. Price, 13,850.00. Can give possessalon soon. 1-foom modern house in KOUNTZK PLACE, having a large living room, with brick fireplace, dining room, with oak finish; three steeping rooms and bath on the second floor; sleeping porch, at tic, good baseiment. House is not very old. Eaat front lot with a garage for (5,000.00. W. H. OATES, Realtor. 647 Omaha National Bank Bldg. D. 1204 Web. 8MK TUKE.Y OFFERS THESE PROPERTIES CHEAP 1452 Lothrop It a 7-room house, hav ing 4 bedrooms, good attic, Just re decorated throughout; oak floors and , finish downstairs; hot air heat; toilet In basement; house very easy to heat; south front; corner lot; paving paid for. Price, 14.500 cash. 3310 N. Hth avenue is a 6-room house, having 2 bedrooms and sewing room, finished like one above, except a little smaller. Price, 23,750 cash. We recommend you to see these with out delay, as you will be pleased with the price, construction and location. A. P. TUKEY & SON, REALTORS. 620 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phone Douglas 602. Sunday call Mr. Huston. Harney 4762. or Mr. Allan Tukey, Harney 2170. $6,500 , BUY ONE OF THE BEST home on the North Side, seven splendid rooms; large living (room with fireplace and bookcases, front dining room with buffet and china cabinets; breakfast room with cabinets, table and seats; nlso broom closet and clothes chute; excellent kitchen; three exceptional bed rooms, bath with bathtub and pedestal lavatory, etc.; basement eight feet In clear under entire house; laundry tubs, floor drain, coal bin, Rudd instantane ous heater. This home Is really too complete to be described; built three years sgo by day labor, with the best of material and finish lumber obtaina ble; located on south front lot, one block to 24th Bt. car service, west of Kountie park. For appointment phone OSBORNE REALTY CO. 65 Om. Nat'l." Bank Bldg. Tyler 496. MILLER PARK BUNGALOW $1,700 DOWN l-room strictly modern bungalow, all on one floor; oak finish and oak floors; built-in bookcases, buffet with mirrored glass; colonade openings; plate rail and panel walls; combination bedroom and sunroom; full cement basement; furnace heat; nice floored attic; south front, large lot, on paved street; dandy gar age; can give possession of this at once. Price, $6,000, PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 627 Omaha Nat. Bank Sid. D. 1781. THE BOY SCOUTS DESERVE tOUR HELP GIVE IT FREELY. BEMIS PARK BUNGALOW. $1,000 DOWN AND $35 A MONTH. 6-rOom strictly modern bungalow all on on floor) oak flnlh and oak floor; full oement basement; furnace heat; large floored attio; large lot on paved atreet, paving paid; dandy garage for 1 car; prioe. $1,760, real1 bargain. THE BOY SCOUTS! DESERVE YOUR HELP GIVE IT FREELY. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 587 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. D-17S1. 'NORTH SIDE BUNGALOW $650 DOWN; $30 MONTH Five-room trlctly modern bungalow, all on on floor; nearly new; full ce ment basement; furnac beat; large floored attic; ast front lot; owner I 'leaving city at once and ha offered to sacrifice this at $3,250. If looking for a genuln (nap, don't fall to this. THE BOT SCOOTS DESERVE TOUR HELP GIVE IT FREELY. , PAYNE INVESTMENT ' COMPANY 637 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 1711 ONE BLOCK TO '24th STREETCAR Eight rooma and reception hall, two . bath rooms; hot water heat; arranged nicely for two families; just the place for a large family; two blocks to Sacred Heart church, school and convent, Hav ing 11 grades. Reasonable terms. See us for. price. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE COMPANY, REALTORS 1016 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Douglas 2716. SOMETHING UNUSUAL. BEAUTIFUL HOME WITH ACREAGE Near Fort Omaha, commanding won derful view from east front. Large six room home, modern In every respect, and 10 lots. A regular young farm right In town Can be bought for $8,500 on about $2,000. cash and ought to go quick at the price. Let ua show thi to you. Bedford-Johnston Co., Realtors, 612 World -Herald Bldg. Doug. 1734 SEVEN room house, Norhtwtat. Walnut lilt, . .. ,...--,';.;, REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. North. MOST COMPLETE BUNGALOW IN OMAHA Coat over $18,000. has eight rooms and bath all on on floor, quarter-sawed oak woodwork, three fireplace, breakfast room, hot water heat, complete In every detail; attlo finished Into two additional rooms; loo foot South front lot with double garage, splendid tree and shrubs. Too many features to describe. Owner ? loving to Chicago and will sacrifice tor 10,000. Here i your chance to bay a real home right, OSBORNE REALTY CO. 181 Qmaha Nafl Bank Bldg. . Tyler 491. 5-R. BUNGALOW 4135 NO. 18TH ST. v $3,900 Thi bungalow Is ttrictly modern, hav. Ing oak finish In living room and dln- Ing room, oak floor throughout and built-in features; resrly new and in good condition. Term $600.00 caah, balance $16.00 a month. Do not disturb the ten. ants. Will be shown by appointment Call Mr. Shotwell. Doug. 1013, 101 So. 17th St. AMERICAN SECURITY - CO. NEAR 24th & EMMETT $1,000 DOWN $35 A MONTH. . l-room strictly modern full 1-story house, 3 large rooms on 1st floor and 1 bedrooms and bath on second; full cement Jiasement; hot water heat; south front lor on paved street, paving paid; nice garage for 2 cars; owner will give fossession 41, hours notice; priced at 4.200. , ' THE BOY SCOUTS DESERVE YOUR HELP GIVE IT FREELY. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 137 Omaha Natl. Bank. Bid. D. 1781. 6 ROOMS, MODERN, DOUBLE GARAGE $4,250 Nearly new, strictly modern, $-room bungalow, on Hamilton 8t , near 45th St. Large lOxlDO-foot lot. Oak through out; paving paid; double garage. Prop erty in fine repair; t close to car aad school. Reasonable terms. J. L. HIATT CO.. QrtA FIRST NATIONAL PHONE CO 3JJ uatjv pint! Tvr.trn Wtl TYLEH 5-RM. MODERN HOME IN MINNE LUSA This property Is located on a large cor ner lot, hbxizu, at icstss Human Avenue, corner of 30th. Five rooms, nicely ar ranged on the first floor, with oak finish and large room on the second floor, fiartly finished; good basement, with aundry tubs, floor drain and a good hot-water heating plant Owing to death lrt the family the owner will sell for $5,200. W. H. OATES. 047 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. D. 1594. JUST BUILDING NORTH SIDE Now under construction, a dandy five rod m oak finished bungalow, colonial style. It Is on an east front corner lot; nice neighborhood; close to car line and school. A snap at $4,400, and right party ran handle for $500 cash. Bedford-Johnston Co., Realtors, 612 World-Horsld Bldg. Douglas 17?4. KOUNTZE PLACE HOME , Reception hall, den. parlor, dining room and kitchen, with oak finish, beamed ceilings and oak floors. In the first story; 4 bedrooms and bath fin ished in white enamel on second floor; corner lot 84xS0 ft., and garage. Price $6,500. Terms to suit. Possession on one month's notice. DUMONT & CO. Realtors 416-1S Keellne Bldg. Phone Doug. 690. BEMIS PARK BUNGALOW On beautiful Lafayette Ave., very fin? cross-roof bungalow; 7 rooms, all oak; built-in fireplace, buffet, beamed ceil ings, bookcases, tiled bath. In fact every thing one could ask for. Lot 60x150, south front; nice yard, trees, etc. Owner lives In Minneapolis and will accept $5,750 If sold at onc. Call Mr. Rice. RASP BROS., 212 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 721. 2014 EMMET STREET $4,500 Dandy large house, strictly modern. 4 rooms with fireplace first floor; 5 bed rooms and bath; second floor; good fur nace; full lot; garage; paving all paid; good location. About 91.200 cash, bal ance payments. r. J. TEBBENS CO., 605 Omaha National Bank. Phone 2182. COTTAGE WITH 2 LOTS IMMEDIATE ' POSSESSION. t 4817 Lafayette Ave., 6-room nfbdern cottage, with 2 lots, 2 chicken bouse, fruit trees and garden space. Price 12,760. Easy terms. ' DUMONT & CO. Realtors 416-11 Keellne Bldg. Phone Doug. 610. A BEAUTIFUL HOME Ten room on 32nd Ave., north of Dodgo. Large east front sleeping porch, two bath rooms, combined hot water and air heat, hardwood floors through out, strictly modern. Garage for two car with room for chauffeur In base ment Price $11,660, term to ult pur chaser. H. A. WOLF COMPANY Electric Bldg. Tyler ft Sunday call Hotel Bcnford. Mr. Auerbach. FONTENELLE BLVD BUNGALOW , Brand new, oak finish, five roomc and bath, east front; can be handled for about $350 cash, and balance month ly like rent Bedford-Johnston Co., Realtors, 612 World-Herald Bldg. Douglas 1714. DANDY SIX-ROOM HOME, $3,900 8823 No 17th St., is a splendid home on a paved street w)h lots of fine trees and shrubbery, chicken house and dandy garden. Exceptionally large lot 40x150 feet Don't fail to see this today. Terms if desired. PAYNE & SLATER CO., 616 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1016 KOUNTZE PLACE BARGAIN 7 RMS., $3,450 For quick aals we offer 2021 Maple St An Ideal home on a vary pretty street Very well built and completely modern Terms: $500 cash, balance monthly. THE BYRON REED CO. Doug. 297. 1612 Farnam St FLORENCE BLVD. HOME Beautiful 6-room frame and atucco, fire place, bookcases, buffet, tiled bath, oak finish and oak floors throughout, white enamel In bedrooms; garage: close to Miller Park. Owner asking $7,500, but wants offer. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 552 Central Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tyler 496. OWNER SAYS "SELL" 1816 Davenport St., 7-room new stucco house, located In beat residential part of city. Can give Immediate possession. This house has all modern conveniences that go with a high clans home. Full particulars on application. ' H. A. WOLF COMPANY Electrlo Bldg. Tyler 15 Sunday call Hotel Sanford. Mr. Auerbach. I-ROOMS modern, oak finish, 4 yr old, 65x160 lot, paved street, shade trees, 14.250, worth 15.000. Colfax 1812. J. Eaglen. Also 6-room cottage pn Fow ler Ave. Near car line. 13.650. FOR COLORED. 6-room all modern cottage, large lot. furnace heat. Price 11.250. Small pay. meat down. Ill per month. Wsbster itoi. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. North.' NEW STUCCO BUNGALOW In Mlnnl "Lusa. Close te car. I fine light room on ne floor. Welt arranged, well built, finely finished In oak and enamel. Fireplace1 In living room. Attlo and basement A classy place outside and In and well werth th price, $1,710. For appointment to see this, call, Walbut CCAIftMOKtV ldOT? BARGAINS two of th finest east front lot In this tin additions water, sewer, gas and paved street, tor $1,600. Build 2 house and make big money. P. J. STEBBENS CO., 606 Omaha National Bank. Phone 2182. FOTv LARGE CATHOLIC FAMILY Near Twenty-first and Locust, 10-room all modern house, oak floor, fine fix tures, near ohurcb, school and car line; paving paid for; $5,260. Must be sold. P. J. TEBBENS CO., 106 Omaha National Bank. Phone Hit. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Comfortable 1-foom cottage on fine corner lot, south front, east exposure, nice fruit and shade trees, pretty lawn, 2 blocks from Miller Park, convenient to car, school and stores. 12,000. ALFRED THOMAS 604 FIRST NATIONAL BANK, BIGBARGAIN $100 CASH v Eight-room, 1-story house, all In very good repair Inside, large lot close to car; only $2,110; monthly payments. $22.60. See this at once. Call Red 02. Located 4911 N. 27th St. JUST WEST OF 14TH AND EVANS , NEAR KOUNTZE PARK High grade 7 room and bath; house only 7 year old. Juat decorated, large lot, paved street, large shade trees. In a very high class neighborhood. Price $4,600: just the cost for the lumber to day. If you Want a real bargain see this house. RASP BROS. 312 Keellne Bids. Tyler "21 LTst i our-property with . 3. MULVIHILL, 300 Brandels Theater Bldg. Ph. P. II. FOR COLORED. $ room eottase, large lot, electric lights good horn.-, $2,000 $160 cash, bal ance easy. Websier 1102. FOR COLOREDl 7-room modern home, close In, with heat, paved street, V, block to car line, $3,200 on easy terms, wcostcr iavz. We Have Property for Rent or Bale. AMERICAN fcEOUKlTY C(j. 202 8. 17th St. Douglas 1011. CUMINO Near 29th street. 2ir(ir 44 feet. Must be sold to close an estate. C. A' Orlmmel. 84 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. MINNE LUSA homos and lots offer the best opportunity to Invest your money. Pho ne Tyler 187. er 187 NEW oak bungalow, fine location, east front, corner lot; price 64.400, easy terms; $500 cash. Call days. Doug. 1734 NEW 6-room cdtage, trictly modern; garage; lot, 40x120; fruit trees; good condition; $2,600. 3924 N. J6th St. South. SOME DANDY SNAPS $1,600 Six-room cottage, with large lot near 29th and Arbor 9ta., $700 down. $2,000 Five-room cottage within easy walking distance, at 2630 Davenport St.; valuable lot that will be worth more than the price of the whole; $300 down will handle. $2,200 Dandy five-room cottage on cor ner lot, a few blocks south of Hans . com park, near the Blvd., $500 down and $20 a month. $2,150 Six-room cottage, modern except heat; large lot, east front, near 20th and Arbor Sts. ; paved street and paving paid; $500 down. $2,750 Buys a good eight-room house, mod ern except heat. Just east, on Hans ' com park, school and car; down stairs would rent for $20 a month. Here Is a place for home with an Income. $4,000 Six-room semi-bungalow, finished in oak, strictly modern, paving paid, near 28th and Hickory, Just east. of Hanscom park, $800 down. $1,250 Splendid six-room semi-bungalow, strictly modern, east front, paving pd., 28th and Mason. $1,100 down. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 55S Om. Nat'l. Bank Bldg. Tyler 496 PARK AVENUE, NEAR MASON, - $8,500 One of the best built, best arranged homes in Omaha for anywhere near the money. Central hall, music room or li brary, parlor, living room, dining room, butler's pantry, and kitchen, 1st floor; 5 bed rooms Including maid's room on 2nd floor. Quarter sawed oak wood work. Best of plumbing and heat ing. A real home, comfortable and con venient in every detail. Lot 66x168 with frontage on 2 streets. Paving paid in full. WALSH-ELMER CO., (Formerly Armstrong-Walsh Co.) Tyler 1636. No. 333 Securities Bldg. LISTEN! YOU ARE SURE TO LIKE THIS Beautiful new stucco home, soon com pleted, between Farnam and Leaven worth street car lines. Has tlx, nice, large airy rooms, besides sleeping porch and sun room; oak finish down stairs, with enamel In bedrooms; 'modern In every way. Double garage: lot 10x128 feet on corner facing south and east. Street paved. ' Fine restricted neighbor hood and within walking distance. Wtlt be sold on easy terms. Let me show you this before It's snapped up, as it aur to be, for It's a site and building that must please. For other particular sea J. H. CARSE. Red 7374. 728 j Brandels Bldg. CLOSE-IN NEW HOME. Just being built. A two-story stucco home with three large rooms and sun noom down stairs; three bedrooms, sleeping porch and bath up. Full ce ment basement fireplace, built-in fea tures. This is a very fine location, facing east. Double garage. Almost within walking distance of downtown. At this stage of construction purchaser may select finish, decorations, fixtures, etc. Price Is 19,600.00, and can make easy terms to good party, Bedford-Johnston Co., Realtors, 612 World-Herald Bldg. Doug. 1734. FOR THE SOUTH SIDE MAN 6-room modern bungalow, east front, 1, 600 cash, balance monthly. 8 rooms, strictly modern, practically new, square house, with sleeping porch, $2, 000 cash, balance 5 a month. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE COMPANY, Realtors, 1016 Omaha National Bank Building. Douglas 2715. HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT. 5-room strictly modern bungalow all on one floor; oak finish and oak floors; full cement basement; furnace heat: nlc floored attic; brand new garage and drive; large east front lot on paved street paving paid; priced at $6,260. THE BOY SCOUTS DESERVE YOUR HELP GIVE IT FREELY. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 537 Omaha Natl. Bank Bldg. D. 1781. $4,500 SOUTHWEST 3002 VINTON ST. Seven-room modern, two-story frame dwelling; hot air heat; four bedrooms; hard pine finish; newly decorated; hours In fine condition; overlooks Hanscom park boulevard; a good buy for some one. Reasonable terms. C. B. STUHT CO., City National Bank Bldg. Douglas 8787. FIELD CLUB DISTRICT 5-R. BUNGALOW, $4,800 Largo 6-room modern bungalow, all rooma on one floor, with a full size attic, targe enough for 2 more rooms. Oak throughout, full basement, fur nace heat, east front, one block to car and 2 blocks to eschool. Best buy on our net. adoui one-rsir crn. lift. About one-rsir crh. J. L. HIATT CO. 1900 FIRST NATIONAL BANK Ty- 63 BUILDINO lr REAL ESTATE IMf'fRO.VBD. outh. FIELD CLUB $6,000 SIX ROOMS-GARAGE A real nlc modern hom with 1tk finish and handsome decorations down stairs and maple floor and birch wood work above. Sleeping poreh arranged with screen tor cummer and glass for winter us, A moat attractive plao far the price. On block from the car line. C. D. ARMSTRONG REALTOR. 311 Securities Bldg. MANgCOM PARK BOULEVARD HOME $5,500 SIX rooms, fronting south and at; on on of the best lota in this destrabl locality of homes. House has hot water heat. This Is a bargain. $2,100 caah re Quired. SHULER & CARY, REALTORS, Phon Dougla 6074 104 Keellne Bldg. FIELD CLUB DIST. A nice 7-room house, finished In oak, large living room with built-in book rases, dining room, kitchen, pantry 4id rear entry on first floor; three nice bedrooms and bath on second floor; full basement with laundry tubs, floor drain, coal bin and a good hot air turnaue: large lot, 60x111 feet, and on paved street. This house I built on the bunga low style and Is very nicely arranged. Immediate possession. 1 NORRIS & NORRIS, 1601 Dodge St. Phone Douglas 4170. FIELD CLUB BUNGALOW $4,250-$1,000 CASH ,. This I a beautiful five-room bunga low near the Field club, on an east front corner lot: finished In selected oak, new ly decorated and painted. About the only really desirable bungalow we know of for sale in thi high-class district. Call ua for appointment to show. BEDFORD-JOHNSTON CO., Realtor, 611 World-Herald Bldg. Ddugla 1714. Mr. Railroad Man, Dandy 7-Room Home. 2721 S. 10th St., has living room, din ing room and kitchen on the first floor; oak floors and oak finish. Four dandy bedrooms on second floor! hot water heat. Lot, 66x66 feet; paving paid. Very convenient to depot. Price, 14,750. About-$800 will handle. Hastings & Heyden, 1614 Harney St. Phone Tyler 60. WALKING DISTANCE 906-M 8. 20th St., two dandy 6-rdom cot tages, strictly modern, newly decorated, excellent condition, close In. $2,110 each. A. P. TUKEY SON, Realtors 620 First Natl. Bank Bldg. Ph. Doug. 502. Sunday call Mr. W. O. Larson, Tyler 1815-J. BRAND NEW READY FOR OCCUPANCY. . 2020 South' 34th Street, corner lot. Six . room house just completed, all conven iences. Price $5,250, $500 cash, balance $16 a month. Immediate possession, C. G. CARLBERG, REALTOR. 310-112 Brandels Theater Bldg. LEAVENWORTH ST. CORNER, $6,500 Lot 24x100. Frame store building with flat above. Rent $50.00. A good Invest ment where values are increasing rap idly. WALSH-ELMER CO., (Formerly Armstrdng-Walah Co.) Tyler 1536 333 Securities Bldg. EXTRA BUNGALOW BARGAIN 5 rooms on one floor. Good attic, full basement. Completely modern. House In excellent condition. Fine location In Clairmont close to car and achool. An unusually fine buy at the price, $3,150. If you are looking for a snap don't de lay but call for appointment to see this. Call Walnut 1680. ; 31ST & MARCY Seven-room modern on a south front lot; has nice sun room; bath with tiled floor and full cement basement. Will trade for 6 or 10 acres or will sell for $1,000 cash, balance terms. WATSON & BRENAN "REAL RELIABLE REALTY" Tyler 4506 644 World-Herald Bldg. 5W0M BUNGALOW" Nearly new, occupied on year, mod. Price, $3,600; $800 cash, balance like rent. A. W. TOLAND, D. 8707 694 Brandels Bldg. GENUINE bargain if sold immediately. Near Harney on 26th Ave., seven rooms and sun room, log fireplace, tiled bath, oak floors, hot water heat. First class. $6,200 Terms Phone owner Sunday, Douglas 5129. SEVEN-room modern house; east front, hot-water heat, gas and electrlo lights, cistern, double Borage, shade trees. Bargain price. Phone Tyler 161 IS. 9 ROOM modern house in Hanscom Park addition, block to school and car line. By Owner, Phone Harney 6627. Miscellaneous. REAL HOME BARGAINS 2705 N. 45th Street This Is a dandy place, nearly new and In fine condition. Has I rooms and bath on first floor ' and two unfnlshed rooms on second floor. This is a stucco house built bungslow style. On carllne and close to school. See it If you want a home that is worth the money. 1641 Victor Avenue. This is a fine 6-room nearly ne.v bungalow. Strlstly mod ern. Oak floors and finish. 1500.00 as the first payment and balance monthly. Can give possession this month. 3410 Burt Street. This Is a 6-room mod ern except heat; house In good neigh, borhood. Near Bemls Park, canines and two blocks from the new High School of Commerce. It Is yours for $250 rash and balance like rent. It's a bargain. CREIGH, SONS & CO., REALTORS Douglas 200 508 Bee Bldg. SOME SNAPS ON EASY TERMS 4502 $2, 4530 $3, 45U2 $3. 4534 $3, 4020 $2, 3219 $3, 820 $3, 4110 Hamilton St.. 6-room mod. cottage, 700; $300 cash, , 627.60 mo. ( , 5-room mod. bung., , $26.50 mo. , 5-room mod. bung., , $26.50 mo. , 6-room mod. bung., , $26.60 mo. , 5-room mod. bung., , $21.50 mo. 7-room mod. house, , 30 mo. r 8-room mod. house, . 131.00 mo. room mod. , cottage, No. 36th Ave., $500 cash, 150 No. 36th Ave., 150; $500 cash, No. 36th Ave., 150; $600 cash, No. 34th Ave., 950; $700 cash Pacific St., 500; $500 cash, So. ISth Ave., 850; $760 cash Izard St., 6 000; $400 cash, $4 i36.un mo. Bedford-Johnston Co., Realtors?, 612 World-Herald Bldg. Douglas 1714. ONE-HALF ACRE, 4-ROOM COTTAGE, $2,650 Beautiful half-acre Improved with a 4-room cottage In fine repair. 89 bear ing fruit trees, nice lawn and shrub bery. One half block to boulevard, one block to school. High and sightly lo cation. Owner is leaving city and can give possession at once. Reasonable terms. J. L. HIATT CO. QAA FIRST NATIONAL BANK Ty- JO JW BUILDING ler YOU CAN'T RENT WHY WORRY? Buy a beautiful two-family terrace which we have for sale In a choice neighborhood, surrounded by the de tached dwelling houses. Tou can get possession of one side after your um mer vacation Is over and possibly sooner. High-class permanent tenant In other side. Ask us for full description, prlco and terms. . DUMONT & CO. 416-13 Keellne Bldg. Douglas 69". NEAR llsnscum park, l-r, nous, on large corner lot with garage and shed for storage. J. W, Robblns. Douglaa III. REAL ESTATE-IMPROVED. Mlsctllansoui. NEW BUNGALOW JUST FINISHED aunt finished new bungalow thai has two bed rooms, large living roam, kitch en, bath rsom and a small dining loom, with table and seat, all built in. This bungalow It very attractive and I fin ished In oak throughout, located on a sightly let near Grand Avenue ear and two blocks te school and park. Terms ran b arranged. If Interested, call owner at Doug, ten or wai, ins. THREE BLOCKS FROlil SACRED HEART CHURCH Immediate possession, nearly new I room cottage, In fin repair, fine lawn, flowers and garden. Owner out of town And want lo sell Immediately for $3,660. Act quick; this house will not last long at thi price. $660 cash will handle. RASP BROS. 113 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 711. .t H OARHK Phon Red 7374, 711 Brandela Bids., has buyers for teur. five and ata-room houses on South. Side. ' If you want to Buy or eii, see nim. CLoSE-IN INVESTMENTS. Leavenworth St., Capitol ave., Cuming t PAYNE A SLATER COMPANY. Dg. 1011. BARGAINS In home, Investment prop - srtles acreage near Omaha. Hsrrl. son A Morton, 111 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. MODERN seven-room house Call owner, 10 to 11 a. m . 1 to 4 p. h., So. 1781.' REAL ESTATE-Buslncss Property BUSINESS property and investments. A. P. TUKEY A SON. 420 First National Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT A SAFE INVESTMENT AND EXCELLENT FUTURE Owner la compelled to leave town and Is making an attractive price on th following: .w Southeast eornsr of loth and Webster Sts., with three ten-room brick" flats, and also a ten-room frame house. -The flat can easily be converted 'into an apartment house with a little money the ground where the house stands may be utilized for many purposes, .' Present rental $1,800 per year. Price $12,100) half cash, balance I year at 6 per cent. J. B. ROBINSON, Realtor 442 Bee Bldg. Doug. 1017,- CORNER SPRAGUE & 16TH. 1 : We ar directed to sell for th ewner the following property at Spragoe ahd Sherman avenue, southwest corner, 100 feet on Sherman avenue, 71 feet On Sprague, with one presed brick and on frame, one story each, store buildings; 146 feet on east side of Shermsn avenue beginning at belt line and running south. Triangular shape, 71 feet extreme depth with one store building. This property is by far the most valuable tn the en tire district and for Income tnveatment Or belt line trackage 1 a real buy. For price, terms, etc., ee WATSON & BRENAN "Real Reliable Realty." - -644 World-Herald Bldg. Tyler 4606. HARNEY STREET 1 i BARGAIN 1401 ft. on Harney St.. close In. In come from brick Improvements pays .taxes, upkeep snd A small return on the Investment, Property in good repair and alwaya rented. Only 1660 per front foot ,-' Vacant property in the neighborhood re- . cently sold for more money. See u- , promptly If you want this bargain, i DUMONT & CO. Realtors 416-11 Keellne Bldg. ; Doug. 190. INVESTMENTS INCOME BUYERS WITH ADVANCING ' VALUE $10,000 18x121 feet of choicely located ground near 26th and Dewey, having double atreet frontage. One frontage Improved with large doublo frame, now occupied as rooming house and renting tor 11,140 per annum. Plenty , of room for additional improvements. This is a WALSH-ELMER CO., (Formerly Armstrong-Walsh Co.) ' Tyler 1636. 331 Seeurltle Bldg. INVESTMENTS FOR SMALL AND LARGE INVESTORS W hav a number of very desirable brick flats and apartments centrally located. If you are lookipg for an In vestment It will be toy your Interest to H. A. WOLF COMPANY Electric Bldg. Tylr 15 DOWN-TOWN INVESTMENT, - -19TH & DAVENPORT. Eastern .owner desires to sell south west corner 19th and Davenport Lot 80x132, with Improvements comprising five 11 -room apartment renting for 13,900 per annum. Price $36,000. . THE BYRON REED CO., Dour. 297. 1612 Farnam St; ' INVESTMENT WITH PROSPECT OF LARGE INCREASE IN VALUE 10 Bilck St. Louis flats location on 21st and Howard, right in the heart ( the cltv. Rents for $4,200 per amnum. Price and terms on application. H. A. WOLF COMPANY Electric Bldg. Tyler It 12TH AND FARNAM, $300 FOOT. Ti feet facing Farnam by 132 deep; Im proved, with three-story modern build ing; best heating plant; steel ceiling; . Improvements. Can't be duplicated for $11,400. I ask for all. $18. 000. J. N. SNITZER, 421 Paxton Blk.. P. SKI. I OWN 80 acres of land located in the very heart of a proven oil field ' I will sell a part of this to a few local people on 20 per cent cash, balance when we get oil Address Box K2, Omaha Bee. CLOSE In ' Improved business property, . corner lot, 68x124, $6,600 cash and tnort r.gae., will handle. Ried 8779. REAL ESTATETRACKAGE. Trackage - warehouse .. Brick building with 26,000 square' feet of floor spare, large electric elevator, shipping platform and trackage In the , rear; pavetl street In front Price $30, 000; liberal tnrms. DUMONT & CO., , Brit.TOBa r i JL.Keellnf Bldg. Phone Pouf. 9" REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. FOR SALE OR TRADE 5-year lease ;n Lake Kearney, 4 blocks from state nor. mal school, I buildings, 16 rowboats, 1 Mullin's motor boat, fine swimming docks, electric lights, best summer re sort In central Neb.; will clear $2,500 In four months. Lake covers 70 acres; 40 feet deep In center. Address Del- oeri i. BmiMi. Kearney. Neb. WILL exchange a choice alfalfa farm of AGO acres located one and one-half mile from a good town on V. P. R. R. in On. , tral Nebraska for a good modern hom In West Farnam or Dun. dee district. Address , E. C. HORNEY, 1313 First Nafl. Bank Blilg. ROOMING house, 16 rooms; might ta'k some western land for three. fourths value or a small housle In southe-jat Nebraska as part pay. O. r. Heck, 1.-.10 Lane St.. Falls Cltv. Neh. TO EXCHANGE 64il sores raw eastern Montana grazing land for small stock running mdse. Hamilton Realty. Baker. Montana. ilARDWARE, emblements, bldg. want good fiitm. This u good going huslness. want 240 or 320. Mid-West Renltv Ev. changs 3jBeeBlda Omah a TI2. 1 . REAL ESTATE. UNIMPROVED West. DOUBLE"CORNE On West Farnam. 95x128; price. $4.100 excellent site for an apartment house! fcee . , S. P. BOSTWICK & SON. lOt Be Blda. r.u. east.'" .J