Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 08, 1919, AUTOMOBILE SECTION, Image 31

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Service Pals Say Earl Will
Visit Home and Then Dump
; Plestina, Zbyszko and
Stecher. Et AL
Xew York, June 7. Stories of the
iniended retirement of Earl Cad
dock, recognized wrestling champion
at catch-as-catch-can style, circulated
last winter by questionable promot
ers, were branded as false in ther
every detail by pals of the mat cham
pion who returned from France last
week. Not only has Ca.ddock no in
tention of quitting the sport, but on
the contrary he says he will be ready
shortly to dispose of Zbyszho, Lewis,
Stecher, Plestina and any others
who have spent the last two years
claiming a crown belonging to a
man stationed along the French
Contenders Not Popular.
From the conversation of these
soldiers the wrestlers who remained
.- at home are none too popular witli
Caddock. It is said that the leader
cf the grapplers will be a hard man
to deal with when it comes to mak
ing matches. Ca4dock, his friends
say, is not under "contract to any
manager and does not intend to tie
up with any one, at least until he
finds out the situation here. He has
been out of touch with the wrestlers
and only recently heard that Jack
, Curley was bifling Zbyszko as the
, champion until Stecher, Lewis and
Olin threw the Pole into the discard
in successive bouts.
Caddock expects to go to his home
immediately after he i? discharged
from the army and will spend a few
weeks getting acquainted with his
family and "just resting," as his
friends asserted. He may not in-
dulge in any big matches -until next
fall, but by that time he will be
ready to talk terms with Curley or
even Plestina. As to Plestina, the
sponsors for Caddock were certain
that the champion had no idea of
barring any one, much less an op
ponent who exhibited any promise
of an interesting session.
Didn't Wrestle in France
The wrestling champion had few
hances to display his ability in
' '"".lance. About the only matches in
"winch he was a performer were
riose among the soldiers. Most of
'.he allied soldiers who took the mat
, snort were better posted in Graeco
:?onian grappling than in the brand
of sport which Caddock has learned.
' Jack Curley may be a 'wrestling
rust,'" the soldiers say, "but Cad
dock is the champion, and w
would like to see any other self
stled leader make a yell about it.
Ve intend to see that Caddock re
ceives his just dues and that he is
recognized or else there will be an
other setback in the wrestling
sport," was the parting threat.
Golf Notes
Happy Hollow Club.
A large field 6i players took part
w in an 18-hole handicap medal play
contesUat Happy Hollow. A prize
, given b A. J. Cole to the player
" making the lowest net score was
won by Paul C Scott with 85-7-78.
Following are a few of the lowest
' "scores returned:
Gross. Hdcp. Nt-t.
Winner Paul C. Scott S5 7 7S
Jnn. Tsirltart.r S5 1 79
- Yals Holland 2
E. R. Psrfect 96
Vx S. 8. Montgomery 97
B. H. Melle 8
Fred Scholar 92
; A. H. Bewaher 90
: A. P. Overgaard S
M. I. rtlphln a
JXilj. A. Smith.... 3
1. . t. W. Parish 90
A - " H. W. Morrow 9!
' ... - II
ymm. W H Dale , 93
T A. C. Munger 100
H. C. Woodland.
Rut T lsrutt v 94
-- Following tfe the results of the
,w first round m matcn play tor tne j
' H. Beaton cup:
H. C. Woodland (8) beat C.
"Sadler (6) 2 up
H. W. Morrow (8) beat
Montgomery (ll)-3 and 2.
" Yale Houana neat
Smith (13) 1 up.
. Paul u Scott (SJ Deat l. w. aus-
tin-(5) 5 and 4.
1 " A. H. Bewsher (8) beat J. W. Par
ish (7) 2 and 1.
- JarHes Burness (9) beat Harold
Montgomery (6) 2 and 1.
W. E. Shafer won from H. K.
, ' Shafer by default:
On Saturday, June 14, there will
be a qualifying round played, 16 to
qualify, for a gcjf suit presented by
D. C. Eldridge, the runner-up in
"same contest to receive a golf bag
presented by Lee A. Smith.
Omaha Field Club.
-A large number of golfers took
"part in the match against bogey
competition, F. L. Marks finishing 5
up on bogey. '
ine tOUOWing arc me sLuics.
Douglas Bowls ....... 1 00
w O. Nicholson 11
K -L. Fodg 1
Ak.Krus ..v.. J
S. H. Wilson .........
Paul Wemher
H. O. Kohn 101
F. O. Roberta,, 9 J
F. X Marks ,
R. D. Hart 1 .
ft Down
6 Down
8 Down
S Down
2 Down
3 Down
T Down
2 Up
S Up
3 Down
4 Down
I Down
t Down
1 Down
5 Down
2 Up
3 Down
9 Down
4 Down
i Even
' J.
. O
'" .J.
. W
w H.
... 0
E. Gllllapie
H LaDouceur M
Allen J
E. Thoreson ......
M. Richards 1M
R. Stuht
Parmer 10
B. Fmdenburs
H. Yohe -A1
K Milllken
R. Wood IJl
XV. Tillson -...107
W. Shields
n rnnminUl 98
' H.
t ' r ' Ifnhn 109
, F. R. Jonea ..........'
J .Welch
.1. Phliftnan JJ
. B. F.. Brando.... "
. M. .1. Ooakley 1JJ
C. E. Hutchinson 113
H. Clark JJ
C. T. Thomaa
R. "T. Collins '
A. T. Smith 1"
K. F. Vaugfcn .
J. R. O'Neil
' v V T.Aur 107
IS Down
3 Down
8 Down
4 Down
3 Up
2 Down
3 Up
I Down
4 Up
( Down
1 Down
5 Down
2 Down
2 Down
1 Down
K I-owe "
P. H. Skahlll 1JS
r H. W Dunn J
0 . Menold
:T V Tail, .100 1
t Down
'The following qualified and the
pairings are: -
r. U M.rk, pljr Mlltikju.
. 31. H. LaDouceur playi A H. Clark.
F- O. Robert plays R g Ha"
O. Counsman play B. f aughn.
Twelve Omaha Field Club golfers
are entered in the Transmississippi
golf tournament at St. Louis tQrqor-
Owner Gets $16,160 When
His Entry Wins Thirty
seventh Annual Ken
tucky Race.
Latonia, Ky., June 7. The colors
of C. M. Garrison of New York'
flashed under the wire first here to
day in the thirty-seventh Latonia
Derby when his entry, B." Frank, well
handled by Jockey C. Kummer, out-
-ran and out-gamed what is consid
ered by horsemen to be the aris
tocracy of western 3-year-old thor
oughbreds. The son of Sir-John Johnson, out
of Frankness really had little trou
ble m disposing of his field when
calltd upon and two lengths of day
light showed between him and
Omond. who finished second. The
contest for the second place was
more spirited, for Regalo who had
been well during the entire mile and
a half, fought it out nobly but tired
at the very end, and was beaten a
half length. Vulcanite was fourth
and saved his entrance money for
his owner. B. Frank was one of
the two eastern horses to start,
Ete-nal from the stable of J. M. Mc
Clelland, ridden by an eastern jock
ey, Schuttinger, being the other,
while six western entries faced the
barrier- Eternal for a time looked
to be a winner. He assumed the
lead at the rise of the barrier and
it ws not until after the mile-pole
had been reached that B. Frank and
Regalo ridden by Murphy, managed
to poke their noses in front of him.
From there on Eternal dropped
back. Thurber on Omond wore
down. Regalo and set sail for B.
Frank, but Kummer let out a wrap
on his mount and Omond could not
reduce the distance. Regal came
again and Thurber had to ride just
as hard to stall off Murphy's mount.
In capturing the event B. irank
won $16,160 for his owner, Omond's
share was $2,000; Regalo's $800,
while Vulcanite obtained $330, for
finishing fourth.
B. Frank's chances were not well
thought of by the betting public
and the pari-mutuels machines
showed that he paid slightly more
than 10 to 1.
Clemont finished fifth, Eternal
sixth, Pastoureau seventh, and ' St.
Bernard last.
The $2 pari-mutuels paid: B.
Frank, $22.40 to win; $10-10 to place,
and $7.50 to show. Omond paid
$13.50 to place and $6.70 to show.
Regalo paid $5.80 to show.
B. Frank was three lengths in
Bee Junior
First place in Divisions 1 and 3
of the Omaha Bee Junior Base Ball
association will be decided on the
flaying fields this morning, when
contests will be staged by the lead
ers of each division.
In Division 1. the feature game
will be that between the West
Dodge Dairy and the Brandeis
Jumors at Fontenelle park, while
the star attraction in Division 3 will
hold forth at Twenty-third and Vin
ton streets, when the Meyers Bear
Cats clash with the Riverview Cubs.
All four of these teams have 1,000
per cent.
Although the West Dodge Dairys
lost Wednesday evening to the Fort
Omaha Merchants by a 7 to 6 score,
the game was protested by the losers
because Lyle Matthews was under
contract to the Beselins. Manager
Joe Moore of the Merchants agreed
to replay the game, which will be
staged some evening this week.
Both the Bearcats and the Cubs
have won their games, the former
defeating the Walnut Hill Mer
chants last Sunday, while the Cubs
scored their first victory in the di
vision Wednesday evening, when
they defeated the DeerN Park
Great Rivalry Exists.
In Division 1, the Kaiman Insur
ance company will make their in
itial appearance by playing the
Charles Street Merchants at Thirty
first and Ames avenue. The insur
ance bovs have taken the franchise
of the "Bemis Parks, as the latter
team has forfeited their franchise
by 'ailing to appear for regular
scheduled games. By tatiing uic
Bemis Parks' franchise they have
one tame lost to their credit and
have two postponed games to play
one with the R. A. M.t of May 18
ANf ""J-- V 1W'UW" 'A KJT-V' M M via.oArt.0 I
Copyright, ImernsUon'
front of the second horse at the fin
ish, while the latter was a half
length in front of Regalo. The race
was worth $16,160 to the winner,;
who is owned by C. M. Garnsoij,
of New York.
The winner carried 119 pounds
Omond 122 and Regalo 117.
Four World's Records ,
Are Lowered in the'
Meadowbrook Games
Philadelphia, June 7. Four
world's records were broken today
at the Meadowbrook games on
Franklin field when the four Uni
versity of Pennsylvania sprinters
lowered the relay figures in the 400
meters, 440-yard, 800-mctcr and 880
yard events.
The records for tWe 800 meters
arid the 880 yards were the first to
go when VV. C. Raymond, F. S. Da
vis, herman Landers and E. W.
Smith, running for Pennsylvania,
'cn the 880-yard race. Two tsrings
vere put up, one at 800 meters and
the other at 880 yards and two sets
of timers were used. The time of
the Pennsylvania quartet was
1:261-5 seconds for the 800 meters.
The former time was 1:36. made by
a Swedish team at the 1908 Olympic
Tne new time for the 880-yard was
1:27 4-5 seconds.
Commercial League. '
W. I,. Pet.
Iten Biscuit Co 4 1 K00
Western Union 4 1 S0(l
OrohRrd-WUhelm 3 2 750
Bemla Bag 0 . 6 000
As the result of the Iten Biscuit
company defeating the Western
Union last Thursday night in the
twilight game, by the score of 10
to 4, and winning yesterday after
noon over the Bemis Bag company,
by a 11 to 3 score, while the West
ern Union crew took the Orchard
Wilhelm aggregation into camp, by
the score of 8 to 6, both the bis
cuit and telegraph outfits are tied
for first honors in the Commercial
Bob Greko, star twirler and man
ager for the Iten Biscuits is still
keeping up his record of driving oul
home runs. In practically all of
the games thus far this season
Greko has made a round trip cir
cuit, especially when the home run
drive was most needed. Up to
Thursday night the Western Union
crew were leading the league,' but
the biscuit men proved too strong
for them.
In the other twilight game staged
Thursday evening the Orchard-Wil-helm
team won from the Bemis Bag
nine by the score of 8 to 2.
Badgers Defeat Notre Dame
Madison, Wis.. June 7. Wiscon
sin today won a Western Conference
base ball game from Notre Dame,
four to two.
and the other with the Brandeis
Junic-rs of last Sunday.
'day and those of Wednesday eve
ning will be staged this week prob
ably Wednesday night, although' it
will be announced definitely in the
sport page of Monday's paper.
Fast and snappy contests are an
ticipated for this morning when the
20 teams clash, The youngsters
thus far this season have demon
strated that they have the makings
of great ball players and have played
some interesting games. Large
crowds have turned out to see them
perform and if weather conditions
are favorable this morning, it is ex
pected that the largest crowds of the
reason will be on hand to cheer the
youngsters on to victory.
New Team Open Today.
Considerable rivalry exists be
tween all of the teams and they are
fighting hard to cop the race in their
respective divisions. In case ol un
favorable weather conditions, the
managers are urged to get in touch
with President Blozies at Walnut
2625 and they are also requested to
report he outcome of their games
as soon as possible.
Tl:e following are the postponed
games thus far in each division: Di
vision 1, May 18 Kaiman Insur
ance company against R. A. M.s;
June 1 Kaiman Insurance company
against Brandeis Juniors; R. A. M.s
against Charles Street Merchants;
West Dodge Dairy against Fort
Omaha Merchants; Suburbs against
Locust Street Merchants. Division
2. May 25 Slogrs Juniors against
Farnam Candy Co.; June 1 Slogrs
Juniors against Liberty Bells; Far
nam Candy Co. against Omaha Bee.
Division 3, June 1 Vinton Cubs
ogainst Krug Park Slugeers.
n.wu Drawn for
Sandlot Base Ball
Following playars will represent Hhe
Dorcaa Street Stars this morning, whon
they will play against the Farnam Canity
company: Holtz, Jackson, Cox, Voelte, Jim
Walsh, Sabata, .McElllgott and John
The Dorcas Street Stars trimmed th
Leavenworth Merchants last Sunday by a
t to 8 score, due to the heavy hitting
and brilliant fielding of the mars.
Eddie Lawler, manager of the Murrhy-Dld-Its,
Is bitting the ball to all cornrs
of the lot this season. His batting pi-r
cent thus tar is .500 and he Is runnirg
the bases as fast as he did 10 years ago.
With Harry Williams behind the bat
and "Butch" Hay on the firing line the
Murphy-Did-Its claim to have the best
battery In the Greater Omaha league.
Frank Synck. who Is holding down the
third station for the Murphys. is play
lug a great game this season and is
also hitting the pill hard.
Today the Murphy-Dld-Its will Journey
to PlattSmouth, where they, will clash
with the home crew. A fast and ex
citing contest is looked for and the black
tmlth bunch expect to bring home thn
Maxwell will do the twirling for the
McCaffrey Motor crew this afternoon,
while "Kinky" Spellman will ba seen be
hind the bat.
Thursday night the McCaffrey Motor
crew will stage a twilight game with the
Omaha Printing company, and Bill Plnault
will do the hurling for the motor crew.
Ralph ypellman will catch his farewell
r:imo for the McCi.ffrey .Motor Ssam, as
he asked for his release so that he can
nlay with the World-Herald team in the
Booster league.
On corner tio for the McCaffrey Motor
c-ew. "Whity" Mirasky. who recently re
turned from France, Is playing a grtat
Chlehirad and Zink last week irrrt
i-p with the Omaha Printing Company
Brickjon has been released from the
Omah:i Printing Co. Juniors.
Fo' lwing Is the lineup for the Omaha
Printliit Juniors this afternoon with the
Townsends: Golderb, catch: Luehbe. first;
Smith, secorrt; Moore, short: Hanrihan,
third; Brandt. left; Wachtler. center;
Zink. right; Chleborad, West and Garvey,
The Nebraska Power Co., aggregation
will journey to Greenwood, Neb., today.
They have strengthened their lineup and
expect to give the Greenwood lads a hard
The Union Outfitting Co., leaders of the
City league, will clash with the Omaha
Printing Co. this afternoon and Manager
Pascal is confident his warriors will hold
first place from now on.
Easton, Union Outfitting fielder, is a
powerful man with the willow. When he
steps to the plate the fielders always
back up.
Walter Nuiter. second-sacker for the
Union Outfitting Co.. is the best amateur
second baseman In Omaha, according to
Manager Pascal. He has made out one
error this season, has a batting average
of .454 and has not struck out thus far
this season.
After being out of-the game for several
weeks with a broken finger. Custards was
back in the lineup for the Union Outfit
ting crow Decoration day, and handled
five hard chances without an error and
also connected with the ball twice for
clean hits.
Guinette, behind the bat for the Outfit
ters, is showing great form this year. He
Is considered, one of the best amateur
backsioppers in the city.
Managers of amateur teams please get
busy and send In notes regarding your
players or other Interesting news about
your team. The fans ar anxICus to know
what the players are doing and your
backer Is keeping tab on you to see
whether you are giving him a square deal.
Backers of amateur teams pleasa note
that if there are not any notes in this
column It is no fault of the sports de
partment, but the fault of the managers,
s they fall to send them in. The sports
department is always glad to publish the
notes if they are received. Notes for
these columns must be received by Thurs
day noon of each week for the Sunday
T.his is the line-up of the World-Herald
team for this season: Spellman, c; Mc
Dermott, p; Dixon, lb; Volker, 2b; Sogo
Iow, ss: Bernstein. 2b, Calvart, If; Yates,
cf; Maloney, rf. This team is out to cop
the pennant in the Booster League and
should have little trouble. They have
been going great of late and have a team
that can beat any of its strength in the
Ed. McDermott, the demon little twirler
of the World-Herald, is out to set a strike,
out record this season, having an average
of 13 whiffs per game. He whiffed 14 of
the Rlggs, a class B team. In a practice
game before the season started.
George Bernstein, the best little all
round player In class C, Is covering third
base in great style for the World-Herald
this season. He is hitting -over TOO so
far. This youth has been Offered many
berths In "class B and even in classA.
but wants to stick it out this season on
a championship team.
The World-Herald Is looking for fen ont-of-town
game for June IS. Write M. Kas
per. Box 459, T. M. C. A., Omaha.
In the game between the Michel Vie
trolas and the Wlllard Storage Battery at
Riverview park, the Wlllards will have
Jerry Fratt to do the twirling and Bob
Peterson behind the bat. Fratt has b.ten
pitching great ball , this season and de
feated the Bowen Furniture team, leaden
of the City league, by a to 3 (core, on
Decoration day.
Bee Association.
Today's Games.
Thirty-first and Ames Avenue Charles
Street Merchants vs. Kaiman Insurant
company, 10 a. m.
Fontenelle Park-Brandels Juniors vs.
West Dodge Dairy, 10 a. m.
Twenty-ninth and Burt streets Locust
Street Merchants vs. R. A. Ms, 19 a. m.
Mil'r Park Fort Omaha Merchants vi.
SuboiVus, 10 a. rm,
Elrawood Park, East Slogrs Juniors ts.
Leavenworth Merchants Juniors. 10 a. m.
Elmwood Park. West Farnam Candy
company vs. Dorcas Street Stars, 10 a. m.
Creighton Field Liberty Bells vs. Oma
ha Bee, 10 a. m.
Twenty-third and Vinton streets Mey
ers Bear Cats vs. Riverview Cabs, 10 a. m.
Seventeenth and Deer Park boulevard
Walnut Hill Merchants vi Vinton Cubs, 10
a. m. 4
Thirty-ninth and Burt streets Krug
Park Sluggers vs. Deer Park Ramblers, 10
a. m. ,
BEE : ' JUNE 8, 1919.
The Bee by Tad
Where the Muny
Teams Play Today
City League.
-Fontenelle Park Bowen Furniture com
pany vs. McCaffrey oMtor company, 3:30
p. 'm. - .
Thirty-first and Ames Avenue Union
Outfitting company vs. Omaha Prints, 8:30
p. m.
American League.
Thirty-second and Dewey' Avenue
American Railway Express vs. J. B. Roots,
3:30 p. m. ; Sample-Harts vs. Universal
Motor company, 3:30 p. m.
Miller Park Rlggs Optical company vs.
Benson Merchants, 3:30 p. m.
Booster League.
Elmwood Park (East) Ramblers vs.
Benson Merchants, 3:30 p. m.
Carter Lake Leavenworth Merchants vs.
World-Herald, 3:30 p. m.
Riverview Park Dally News vs. Maney
Milling company, 1:30 p. m.
Inter-City League.
Fontenelle Park Harley Davidsons vs.
o.Thn Day Rubber company,- 1:30 p. m.
Miller Park tfeaoeos vs. Harding
Cream company. 1:30 p. m.
Luxus Park Curo Mineral Springs vs.
Highland Park Pharmacy, 3:30 p. m.
Gate City League.
Thirty-first and Ames Avenue Town-
sends vs. Omaha Prints Juniors, 1:30 p. m.
Elmwood Park, East Beselins vs. Mc
Kenney Dentists. 1:30 p. m.
Luxus Park originals . vs. vinton mer
chants, 1:30 p. m.
Navy League Men Scored.
Washington, June 7. Officials
and members of the Navy League
whi.h attacked Secretary Daniels
before the United States entered
the war, were denounced before the
house naval committee by Mr. Dan
iels, who said they were as much
enemies of the country as any an
archists." laftTrnilfctV
. ...
' Ot to.
Sergt. Ed Lewis
Charley Peters vs. "Big Bill" Dristy
(Sheriff of Sarpy (Jounty) . ' (Nebraska Amateur Champion)
Pomilar PriCM' E?86? a.ts: A few choice 8cata at now on sale at
r upuiar l-rices. Merchants Hotel, Auditorium, Merrifs Drug Store and Ernie Holmes' billiard parlor.
Your Money Back If the Match Fails to Go to a Finish
Double-headers on Tap at
Muny Baseball Fields Today
y . - .
Should "Bad Weather . Interfere Today, Muny Teams
Will Play Number oT Twilight Games to Catch Up
-' pn Their Schedules. ' . '
Regardless of the fact that the
amateur baseballists during the past
week have had little or no practice
on account of Old "Pul Jupiter"
interfering, managers of the thirty
teams of the various leagues affiliat
ed with the Municipal Amateur Base
Ball association announced last
night that their teams are in ship
shape tor today's contests.
Doubleheaders are on the program
at all. of the municipal fields and
the fans, if weattfer conditions are
favorable, will have the opportunity
to see their favorites perform and
fight it out for the 1919 city cham
pionship honors of their respective
leagues. v '
It was announced by Secretary J.
J. Isaacson that should rain of wet
grounds cause the postponement of
today's. contests twilight games will
be staged, as it will be impossible
to schedule doubleheaders- between
the teams on account of the shortage
of diamonds.
Like Twilight. .
Many of theteams are in favor
of the twilight idea and are .anxious
to start playing off their postponed
games this week, although none
have scheduled as yet.
A number of feature contests are
booked for today practically all of
them having a great deal to do with
first honors in the league race. The
many thousands of followers of the
national pastime will no doubt see
some fast and nappy, contests as
considerable rivalry, exists between
the various clubs.
In ttie City league, the Union
Outfitting -company, leaders of the
organization, will lock horns with
the Omaha Printing company ag
gregation, tail-enders, on the battli
field at Thirty-first and Ames ave
nue. Both teams are confident ot
a victory and as the printers have
strengthened their lineup a battle to
the finish is looked for. At Fon
tenelle park the Bowen Furniture
company and the McCaffery Motor
crew will clash for the first time
this season. Bill Pinault, former
twirler for the Bowen's, will 4?e on
the firing line against his former
team mates.
First honors in the American
league will be settled when the
Riggs Opticals and the Paxton
Vierlings mix at Miller park, 3:30
o'clock. Both teams are 'tied with
an .800 oer cent, having won four
and lost one. At that rate last night
neither manager would say who he
would send to the firing line, but it
is expected the Beers will heave
them over the rubber for the iron
Sample Harts vs. Motors. (
For the second time this season
the Sample-Harts and the Univeisal
Motor crew will battle at Thirty!
second and Dewey avenue, the game
starting at 3:30 o'clock. The Uni
versal are out for revenge over the
defeat handed them in the earlier
part of the season and Manager
(Two Falls Out of Three)
Jim Londos
Greek Champion of the World
mm mm mm mm. mm
Under Promotion of
Bily Shields announced that he will
either pitch John Reed or "Doc"
Sohn, with Johnny Shields behind
the bat. Johnny Cogan will make
his farewell appearance for at least
two months, at the initial sack for
theMotor crew, as he leaves on a
western business trip Monday.
Scheaf, the .crack twirler who has
been pitching great ball this season,
will be in the box for the Sample
Hart. Both managers are confident
that their warriors will be in the
lead when the tangle is over.
The first game atr Thirty-first
and Dewey avenue will be put on
by the American Railway Express
and the J. B. Roots for the stellar
postiton in the American league.
Several good games are on the pro
gram in the Booster league. At
Elmwelbd park, east diamonds, the
Ramblers and the Benson Mer
chants will fight it out, while down
at Carter Lake the Leavenworth
Merchants clash with the World
Herald team. , V
. O. League Open. ,
Amateur fans who have banked
on seeing the Greater Omaha
leaguers perform today will be dis
appointed as none of the teams will
be seen in action on the local sand
lots. All of the teams, with the ex
teption of Marty O'Toole Brandeis
nine will play out-of-town. Marty
kept his date open vuntil Friday
night, intending to play, in the
league, but none of the class A
teams wanted to cancel their out-of-town
tangles, so 'Marty arranged a
game with the Longeways" of Coun
cil Bluffs and his warriors will jourr
ney across the "Big Muddy"- and
entertain the Council Bluffs fans.
Following is where the other
Greater Omaha league teams will
play 'this afternoon.
Holmes White Sox at Shenan
doah, la.; Nebraska Power company
at Greenwood, Neb., and Murphy-Did-Its
at Plattsmouth, Neb. Potach
or Mongerson will do the pitching
for the Power lads, with Yost be
hind the bat.
The game between the Townsend
Gun company and the Omaha Print
ing company juniors, scheduled at
Thirty-first and Ames avenue, at 1:30
o'clock, should be one of the best
Class C games in the city today.
The gunners are leading the Gate
City league by a single game, and
should they lose the race for first
honors will be a tie. At a late
hour last night both teams expressed
great confidence in winning and
neither manager was sure who
would be his choice in the box-
The Beselin-McKenny Dentist
game and the Vinton Merchants and
the Originals also should prove ex
citing as the teams are all evenly
matched and are fighting hard to
cop the flag.
Both the Harding Cream company
and the Highland Parks, who are
tied tor hrst place in the Xnter-uty
league, are in for a drubbing, ac-
eant Ed
er Lewis
7 C
Boxed" Light-Heavyweights
in France; Says Carpentier
Is Not a Heavyweight
, Title Possibility. ;
New York, June 7. Back in civ
ilianclothes again after 1$ months
of service overseas, Mike HD'Dowd,
middleweight boxing champion of
the world, says he hopes to be
ready to defend his laurels by July
4. He will , leave immediately for
his home in St. Paul, where his
mother is ill O'Dowd does not
want to waste any time recouping
his depleted fortune, but he does ex
pect to spend a couple of weeks
getting acquainted with his mother
before he accepts any defi which
may be sent his way.
While O'Dowd has heard nothing
direct from Tex Rickard or Ad
Thatcher, the Toledo matchmaker,
it is expected that the soldier-champion
will be asked to meet some
worthy opponent at Toledo a day
or two before Jack Dempsey and
T... r:n,-j tu.:. j:rr.
'"'U atmc llltll U11ICICIII.CS.
O'Dowd is perfectly willing to sign
tn. .ru ., ,j "
up for such an encounter and is not
a bit particular as to the1 opponent.
For that matter O'Dowd says that
he would rather it would be Mike
Gibbons or Soldier Bartfield than
any other.
O Dowd had several scraps on the
other side but never was extended
even when he entered the light
heavyweight , class in the King's
tourney. He was on the trail of
Georges Carpentier most of the
time, but the French idol never
could be convinced that it was
worth while putting on his ring
togs". O'Dowd is confident that had
Carpentier stepped into the ring the
Frenchman would have been elim
inated there and then.
"Carpentier is far from being a
heavyweight possibility," . sayt
O'Dowd. "I saw the French fight
er several times but never in ring
costume, so cannot say as to his
condition. He seemed too slim to
be pitted against Dempsey or Wil
lard or the other big men of the
rjng. Carpentier was not certain if
he ever would box again profession
ally. He says that he has been so
interested' in war work that he has
had no time for any other thoughts.
"I did not like the complexion of
Carpentier. He was very pale and
his eyes glowed. He looks more
like an opera singer than a boxer.
I would like nothing better than
to have ten rounds with Carpentier."
cording to their opponents. The
Hardings meet the Beddeos, while
the Parks clash with the Curo Min
eral Springs, formerly the Ander
son Drugs. V
Teams are urged to report the
outcome of their battles to the
writer at Walnut 262S by 7 o'clock.
so that the scores can be published
in Monday morning's sport page of
The Omaha Bee,
' '
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