Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 08, 1919, Page 3, Image 3
THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JUNE 8, 1919. 1 CENTENARY FETE OFMETHODISTS T& BE ELABORATE Exhibition Grounds, at Phila delphia Cover Nearly 200,000 Square Feet Floor Space. Philadelphia, Juna 7- A world's fair of missionary activities with special features in music, pageantry, exhibits and speakers is what "the Methodist Centenary celebration will present to the public, in Colum bus, O., June 20 to July 13, accord ing to H. B. pickson of Philadel phia, organizing secretary, who with more ihan 10 years' experience in handling large religious assemblies, freely predicts this the biggest gath ering of its type in the history of America or the world. ' - The exhibitions alone occupy eight Urge buildings, with a total floor space of nearly 200,000 square feet Separate buildings will house the exhibits 'of China, India, Africa, the islands of the sea the home mission field and Europe and Latin Ameri ca. Native Christians from ' all these areas will be brought to as sist the corps of 15,000 workers who are prepared to explain the mis sionary activities in all sections of the world o visitors.. Dr. E. H. Pochards of Oberlin is director of the African building and associated with him are Prof. Fred erick Starr of the University of Chicago, and Dr. J. T. C. Black more of Algeria. Episodes from the life of Dr. David Livingstone and of Theodore Roosevelt's trip through Africa will be reproduced. A small section of China has been transport ed to Columbus, walls and all. Chinese farm, Chinese restaurant, Chinese village, Confucian temple and Methodist mission, all will be "reproduced. Dr. John Gowdy of Fuchau, and Y. C. Yong of the Chinese legation at Washington, are directing this work. For the Japanese section Dr. C. S. Davison, formerly of Tokyo, is furnishing upervision! Dr. Harry Farmer has prepared the exhibition of the Philippines. Dr. J. R. Denves of Pittsburgh has charge of the ex-q hibit of Malaysia. Vr. V. G. Cram of ,Nashville directs the Korean sec tion. , ' The ruined cathedral capable of holding 500 persona will be used for lectures on devastated France and Belgium. This exhibit has been arranged by Dr. E. M. Tipple. Dr. L. E. Linzell, formerly of India hat devised the entire scheme of the India exhibits which includes Hin du temples, bazaars and village life of India. Dr. Ralph E. Diffendorfer of New York has assembled the exhibitions of home missions-, which occupy two large buildings. The American Indian section here is in charge of R. T. Blackburn of Oklahoma City and E. E. Higley of Des Moines has specialized on Alaskan Indians and Eskimos. Prof. C. H. Trow bridge of Brevard, N. C. and Rev. E. A. Bishop of Sevierville, Tenn., are building the exhibits ,oi the American mountaineers. The Ori ental phase of American mission work is demonstrated by Dr. H. B. Johnson of Berkelyy Cal., Prof C H. Tobias of Washington, D. C, is in charge of the negro section. New Mexico-ftnd the southwest are being reproduced under direction of Rev. V. M. McCombs of Los Angeles and Rev. J. A. Phillips of Roswell, N. M. To Meet The New t)rder of Things W Submit for Your Pleasure Swag fORMfRLY KNOWN ASCHfXONAlMNSALt' A true EVANS product, destined to add to the 133-year-old reputation of it makers Ordsr Supply From Your Dealer Gladstone Bros., Distributors, 1316 Farnam St., , Omaha Were should I bug 4tV1 I More than fj lUI I y 1 3 0,0 0 0 1 j3&za ftp v J&Jx. f 4 I 11 S Pianos have been Mfc EsflW American homes. IS i! ' f&rjr More than 40'000 stein- re 1 f$jr wavs have heen snld in for- g m " w 13 0,000 Steinway Pianos have been sold for use in American homes. More than 40,000 Stein- ways have been sold in for eign countries. More than 90 per cent of the foremost music scnooistna conservatories are equipped with them. More than 95 per cent of the world's greatest pian ists use them. More monev has been paid for them than for any other piano. More years of service and satisfaction are gotten from them than from any other piano. Oo you wonder that all over the world the aeinway is known as "The Best PJano?" prints, $675 and Up. Upright, $1,050 and Up. Other Instruments Taken in Exchange. ICHMOLLER & MUELLER PIANO COMPANY F.vervth'nf In Music t 1311 Farnam St. I The Value of Teeth in Dollars and Cents There is general recognition among large employers of the ' money value i of teqtfc They find good teeth" increase the workable efficiency oi the men 'and reduce the. time lost through sickness and disease. It's a money proposition that no ambitious man or woman can afford to overlook. See us today about your feeth. Best Silver $ i I Best 22K &r Filling . rv I Gold Crown P Heariest Bridge Work, per Tootli $5 McKenney EDentisU l324Farnajn Street Corner 14th and Farnam iiiiiiiinii ROYAL Society Package Goods, in a disposal of broken assorltments, are marked one-third less regular prices. Assortment includes Gowns, Aprons, Bibs, Etc. Third Floor. , I ABTS THB PACB FORCKOWINC ONAM F you long to make your own lamp shade, expert instruction is at your disposal here when materials are pur chased in the Art Department THIRD FLOOR Dainty New Frocks Typical of Surnmertime for Misses DELIGHTFULLY refreshing are these dainty frocks of crisp, fresh Organdie, in fasci nating models of quaint sim plicity or reminiscent of olden days with the wealth of ruffles, frills, fluting ard lace., NOTHING could possibly be prettier, daintier or more charming for the summer months than one of the cute little 'frocks, obtainable in all pastel shades. There are. white Organdies, too, for Commence ment, Confirmation or Graduation. Prices 12.50 to $b5 SECOND FLOOR Summer "Coronet Hats" In All Their Newness Featured Monday, at $10 AS befits your new Hat, these modes are airy and dainty 'Fitting complements for the frilly frocks of summer, indeed, are these Transparent Hats Simply trimmed in glycerined os trich and Visea pom pom effects combined with narrow grosgrain ribbon; colors, black and navy principally and the shapes are Mickey pokes, Mushrooms and smart Sailors. Always $10 . SECOND FLOOR- Low Shoes Women Want Now For Street and Dress Wear 1 0.00 and 1 2.50 , Singled out from our excellent lines of fine footwear here, are the two following items particularly featured and most sought for immediate wear. Five-Eyelet Oxfords 10.00 In dull leather; Russia calf, vici kid; Goodyear welted soles; Cu ban or low walking heels. Sizes are 2 to 9; withs AAA to D. Made by Wright & Peters. Novelty Spat Pump, 12.00 .', Russia calf Pat Cxdt and dull leather calf. Long service and pleasing style in every pair. Hand-turned soles, long, slender lasts; full covered Louis heels; all sizes. By Garside. Children's 3-Eyelet Oxfords Very New In white, dark brown and black kid wide, roomy toes, stock tips, hand-turned soles, widges heels; sizes run from 2V& to 5 and i to 8. Priced, at pair, from 2.75 to 3.S0. MAIN FLOOR Silk Gloves Announcing the Arrival of Our Summer Shipments ASSORTMENTS received consist of novelties in the desirable slip- , on and 2-clasp styles daintily em broidered and plain effects. . "Kayser" and " Van Raalte" makes t featured in three popular styles. At 2.25 per pair 5ftK silk, Bandallet Wrist, heavily embroid ered backs to contrast in shades of Gray, Mastic, Pearl, Pongee, Brown and White. Kayser double tipped fingers. At 1.25 per pair E l',? Milanese silk,elf or two-toned em broidered backs, irf shades of Gray Pon gee, Mastic, White and Black, double tipped fingers. Hair Goods Sale Several special of ferings for Monday selling from our en larged Hair Dress ing parlors. 20-inch H" t u r I Wavy Switches. $3 values at . 2.50, 22-inch N t u r al WaVy Switches. 5 values at 3.98. . Gray Transformation in the all-roupd style, specially priced. 18 values at 10.98 22-inch Natural Wavy Switches, first quality. $18 values, special at $15. , SECOND FLOOR At 85c per pafrg?.' s e r e s -;-Good Quality Tricot silk, double tipped fingers, single row embroidered backs, in Gray, Pongee, White and Black. . MAIM FLOOR f A Timely Featuring of. Summer Silks Weaves and Colors Decreed Most Fashionable This beautiful and unusual display of s o many, many different weaves and qualities of silksjs worth seeing for curiosity's sake, if nothing else. t 32-inch Cheney Korean Silk; "a beautiful, soft, crepy silk, suitable for underwear, blouses and dresses, an ideal sport silk in pink, sunset, peach, blue and ivory; per yard, 1.50. 36-inch Moire Silk, the very pop ular silk for skirts, suits and coats in black, navy, copen, taupe, rose and gray; priced at,' per yard, $1.50. Tricolette, the most wanted fabric for dresses and skirts, is arriving here daily; our color assortment is wde ; yard, 6.50. 40-inch Crepe de Chine, in a full range of street and even ing shades; all pure silk; very special, per yard, 1.49. Everything That Might Be Fancied in White Silks for Summer Never more popular than they are now for skirts, waists, dresses and suits. Monday we feature the followjng Zl-mzh Imported Habutai, yard, 69c. x Genuine Khaki Kool, yard, 2.25. 36-inch Sport Tussah, yard, 1 .95. 36-inch Wash Satin, yard. 139. 40-inch Crepe de Chine, yard. J .49. ., 32-inch Extra Heavy Suiting Shantung, yard, 2S0. 36-inch Imported Jap Habutai, yard, 95c. 1 40-inch Amuerette Crepe, yard, 2.50. 36-inch Satin Jersey the silk ; De Luxe of the season. To really appreciate this beauti ful silk demands a personal " inspection; shown in ivory, pink, copen, navy, gray and rose ; per yard, 2.95. The arrival of the new 36 inch Jacquard wash satin deserves special mention ; an ideal sport silk for summer . wear; shown irt ivory, rose, sunset, turquoise and maize ; per yard, 2.50. MAIN FLOOR We have just received a line of new 36-inch silk gingham ' checks; an ideal silk for the - new summer fro.cks and skirts, in a beautiful range of new. color combinations, per yard,-at 1.69,- June Sale of Wash Fabrics FROCKS, blouses and separate skirts of a distracting charm can be most readily evolved from these fairylike stuffs. Imagine them with sashes of black velvet on the lemon yellow, for instance orvith soft crush girdles of flowered jibbons. , IMPORTED SWISS ORGANDIE beautiful, sheer, crisp quality warranted; permanent' finish in white and all the wanted plain shades; 46 inches wide; extra value for Mondayselling, at, yard, 1.35. FANCY DRESS VOILE, 45 inches -wide in a wonderful assortment of new printings and color combinations; fine quality, two-ply yarn; special for Monday at, yard, 1.25. WHITE TRICOTINE, 36 inches wide, beautiful, soft wool finished fabric for wash suits, skirts, etc.; regular $1 value at, yard, 79c. PROMENADE SUITING, 36 inches wide, in a splendid range of plain shades; also white; a wash material that looks and wears like linen; desirable for suits; separate skirts, . etc., at, yard, 48c. CHIFFON VOILE, 44 inches wide,' in a big as - sortment of plain shades ; exceptionally soft and clingy ; special, yard, at 45c. FANCY PRINTED DRESS VOILE, 38 and 40 inches wide, in a very unusual collection of pretty patterns and colorings ; very sheer and dainty; splendid values; in two lots; Monday, per yard, 59c and 79c. GENUINE WAMSUTTA GABARDINE AND TRICOTINE in white only ; two most pop ular white wash fabrics for suits, skirts, middies etc., in lengths up to 10 yards, pos itively worth $1 ; special, at, yard, 49c. 40-INCH EMBROIDERED WHITE ORGANDIE in two beautiful designs; deemed the sea son's most favored fabric for dainty dresses and waists. Very special at, yard, 2.75. SPECIAL 500 pieces 40n. Fancy Dress Voile In an almost endless variety of new and ex clusive styles and colorings, including Georgette and block printings, also two-tone work, made of finest two-ply combed yarns, unusually dainty and pretty, special at Yard, 1.50, 1.35 and $1. MAIN FLOOR AND BASEMENT- APRON GINGHAM in assorted blue checks, good quality at less than present whole sale cost; special Monday at, yard, Vfec 36-INCH WHITE MADRAS in a big assortment . . of striped and Jacquard effects, desirable for wash dresses; men's and boys' shirts, x pajamas, etc., usually 50c, yard, at 39c COUNTRY CLUB SUITING, 36 inches wide, in a splendid variety of new printings so pop ular now for sport suits and skirts, porch dresses, etc.; special at 35c. ZEPHYR DRESS GINGHAM, 32inches wide, ' genuine Amoskeag and Renfrew makes in beautiful, plaids, checks and plain shades; priced for Monday selling, yard, at 35c FANCY DRESS VOILE, printed genuine Hart cliff e and Leader brands in a wonderful variety of new-floral and conventional de signs for pretty summer dresses, etc., at 19c 10,000 Yards of .Remnants V"' of Assorted Wash Goods Including poplin, plain and fancy voile, pongee,1 Galate.a, suiting, percale, mercerized Repp . sateens, marquisettes, etc. Values range from 25c to 50c; in two lots, special, yard, 15cand22e . . . The June Sales of Linens Affording Notable Economies 59c Lace Scarfs, 39c For Monday, while this special lot of lace trimmed scarfs lasts, made of a nice finished embroidered cloth, in 17x52-inch size, our 59c value, each 39c. 5i-inch Madeira Cloths, 15.98 All linen, hand embroidered, very elaborate patterns, slightly mussed from display use, each 15.98. Beautiful embroidered " Madeira Scarfs in these sizes : 18x36 inches 3.98 each. 18x54 inches 5.98 each r 18x 45 inches 4.98 each. 18x72 inches. 6.98 each , Madeira Tea-Napkins, 6 for 4.98. Madeira Lingerie Pillows, 12x16 inch size, each 1.75. 29c six-inch Cluny Lace Doilies 19c 49c six-inch Hand embroidered Madeira Doilies, 25c. 75c nine-inch Hand embroidered Madeira Doilies, 39c. Scalloped Cloths, ; 1.75 These are made of a fine quality mercerized Damask, , round designs, scalloped edge, in the 58x58-inch size, special,, each 1.75. - 2.50 Damask, 1.98 For our June Bride sale about 25 pieces of full bleached heavy qvfality Damask (chief value linen.) Patterns copied from very fine cloths, 2 yards wide, extra special. 35c Napkins, 25c A very fine quaiity mercerized Damask, hemmed ends, ready to use, in round designs, special, each 25c. MAIN FLOOR ' 'A SPECIAL SALE r FOR MONDAY, Wall Paper ' Papers for any room in the house, sold with borders to match, roll, Plain 30-inch Oatmeal paper, all colors shown with borders s to match, at roll 11c. v Beautiful Gilt paper in new ef fects with borders to match, v in .two lots, 12 c and 16c. A large display of new patterns, ', very choice for Dining Room, . Living Room or Parlor, dis played with cutout border at -22 Wc. ' , Bedroom ' papers, a large Tri - ety, all new and pretty, with : borders to match; in two lots, lie and 14c. Kitchen Blocks and Granites, big value at roll, 10c. BASEMENT JitHIMIIIllllHlllljjjllflimil, JJiiilHIK.IIIHImbhiHIJIilb MiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiHidillllllk llilllliiiMllllllll hill iiiiinUlliM r