Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 08, 1919, AUTOMOBILE SECTION, Image 25
Bee AT A TTTT A AUTOMOBILE SECTION PART THREE AUTOMOBILE SECTION fART THREE VOL. XLVin NO. 52. 1 C OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 8, 1919. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS Sunday HUNGARIANS PRAY FOR END OF RED RULE OF SOVIETS Male Population of Budapest Flees Country to Escape Revolutionists Food Supply Low. Budapest, May 7. (Correspond ence of The Associated Press.) What may be the last days of the "red" Soviet republic here are : fraught with such terror, hunger, mental misery, uprooting of family i ties, heartbreaking partings, flights, arrest and legal lootings that the majority of Hungarians are praying that such days may never come again. They live like people caught in a burning house with the firemen squirting benzine on the tonly escape ladders One way out may possibly be pro vided by the Czech and Roumanian armies, who, though national ene mies of the Magyars, are now hailed as saviors. The atmosphere is charged with fears and alarms worse than those felt on any battle front. ' A contagious fear like that which prevails when an army is in rout is spreading even to foreigners whose persons are comparatively safe from .arrest owing to wishes of Beta Kun, the communist leader, and other ministers to save them selves from the gallows when the jjrand collapse comes. Males Flee Country. When fathers and sons flee the :ountry to evade arrest or to join the counts-revolutionists, their wives and mo'hers whisper at the parting: "l!et us hope we may meet in happier times." 1 When the correspondent of The Associated Press has had occasion to explain his nationality the listen-e-r, whether red guard, peasant or civilian, has remarked with envy: "What a fortunate man you are to be an American." He would invariably ask whether It would be possible to reach Amer ica and whether foreigners, former enemies, would be permitted to land on her shores. Peasants, who re fuse to furnish food to Budapest or their cities because they are hos tile to communism and want shoes and clothes more than paper money, of which they have plenty, gladly enough sold meals and supplies to the correspondent on the strength of his American nationality1. The city of Budapest which a few weeks ago had a plentiful supply of eggs people almost lived upon them and potatoes is now without eggs, because of the obstinacy ot the peasants. A great many of the stores have been closed for lack of goods to sell, or because they have been requisitioned by the Soviet. Country Stripped of Wealth. The most saddening impression the visitor receives is that of a country in dissolution, being strip ped day by day, mercilessly and in exorably, of its riches, to beneht nobody. The relatively pleasant, orderly and bountiful life that ex isted in Hungary a few months ago, when its neighbor Austria was starv ing, is gone for many years to come. "If anyone wants to be convinced of the futility of remaking tiee world in a single day with, pet i..,:.. h. hnuld now visit Hun gary" was the remark made by an American naval officer.- It is esti mated that half a million of Hun eary's best citizens have been obliged to flee from their homes and wander across me iiuu.. strange lands. , . . There are many stories of their . their lives and ?"c'"i"." l which read like rairwsXht'. tales. It is calcu ,A. j ... 3000.000.000 kronen worth of bonds, gold cpitv jewelry, plate, paintings and woric ot an nave beer . saved from the clutches of the Red guards and smuggled across the frontiers by diockiuc iuh..., on bicvcles. autOS Or peasant within a few weeks, there has crown up- a system by which large percentages of the value of such property, often amounting to 50 per ...r ui..- K.n enven for its safe cent, im"; A transportation to Vienna or Airra Not a few communists took advan t.Z.1 r methods of Betting val- ; country. Many 1 hnwrvtr. stored their stocks under sidewalks or hid them in holes dug in their cellars . pref erence to trusting them to blockade runners. ' ' ' - ; Socket Wrench. t nnihle to make a socket wrench by placing J v f . . , bolt head of one end of a pipe the proper size m .-J tti. fnrcnnsr the tDe to fit It After the wrench -has been made it can be annealed, if desired, to give it lasting qualities. A hole is, of ; course, bored in the opposite end to take a croiiniece and complete the Lord Sholto, of Meteoric Vaudeville Career, "Stony Broke" and in Bankruptcy Once the Favorite of the Golden Gate, Now a Poor Old Man in London Blighty, to His Many Sorrows the Death of His Son on Battlefield of France Added, Lord Sholto Is Searching for a Place to Rest His Weary Head for the Remainder of His Days. By ROBERT WELLES RITCHIE. 1'nlvenwl Serrie Staff Correspondent. London, June 7. Poor old Lord Sholto Douglas, once the most talked-of men in San Franciscco and the seven days' wonder of all Cal ifornia poor old Sholto's gone on the rocks. London, which does not know its own Lord Sholto nearly as well as the city by the Golden Gate once did, read today that Georsje Doug las Sholto, "described in the receiv ing order and commonly known as Lord Sholto Douglas," had entered a petition in bankruptcy before the London bankruptcy court. He didn't have a penny of assets and no chattels upon which anything could be realized. He was "stony broke.'' Petitioner alleged that be fore the death of his father in 1900 he had received an allowance of $1,500 and that he had inherited $50, 000 which he had lost "because of the war." After losing all his money early in 1917, Lord Sholto continued in his petition, he and his wife had subsisted on the bounty of a rela tive, who had made them an allow ance of $50 a week; but now that had been withdrawn. There was positively not a stiver in sight and his debts amounted to nearly $1,500. Known in Frisco. A different Lord Sholto, this middle-aged and humbled man who stood with head bowed before the senior official receiver, from the one San Francisco knew in the early nineties. Then Lord Sholto Doug las cut a flaming swath athwart naughty Frisco which only was equalled subsequently by some of the potlashes indulged by wealthy miners from the Klondike. His pic ture was in every paper, his name on every lip. The youth in his early twenties who hit Market street with a loud noise and a cloud of smoke in 1894 was all the West belieyed a real English lord should be from its in struction by the vaudeville stage and its recollection of the elder Sothern in Lord Dundreary. This gav boy had white hair part ed in the middle and plastered down either side with pomade, pale blue eyes, a very large nose and what was known in the pat-slang of the day as " a rush of teeth to the face." A Sherlock Holmes Lord. He wore checks as large as a new development subdivision out near the Presidio., a monocle, a fore-and-end cap such as. Sherlock Holmes used to sport on the stage when he followed the lighted cigar through the gas chamber. Also a stick a stick weighing in the neighborhood of five pounds and with a carved ivory alligator's head for a handle. He was a mark! And poor young Sholto acted the part. He had money to spend, on wine in . the palace grill. He had money to spend on any likely in vestment. Result, many corks popped under the palms of the old palace, and every con-man in Cali fornia who knew a "sick engineer" of an "Indian chief" with inside in formation on a gold mine groomed his shillabers and trotted them out before Lord Sholto. The boy was a glutton for punishment. No easier mark ever passed under the ferry clock, Sholto bought everything from Brazilian diamonds to shares in the airship "which was building out on Haight street Just when the Sunday papers had Garden insects and diseases gain the greatest headway and give most trouble in neglected gardens. Keep the garden clean and free from weeds and save trouble. Few people realize the value of birds in keeping garden insects un der control. Even the despised Eng lish sparrow sometimes makes a mistake and eats a worm. "Let the mole do the work and get the blame," says the pine mouse as he scurries through a mole-made tunnel to a hill of juicy potatoes, where he eats a self-service meal. And at that, pine mice are not in herently lazy. These pests of the gardener, orchardist and iarmer are crafty. Moles burrow tunnels in their search after grubs, insects and worms and officiate as plain-clothes men in ridding the soil of rascally insects. Pine mice tag after the moles and destroy the vegetables and root crops which the moles free o insects. Many years ago when the com mon potato bug, then known as the Colorado beetle, first because fash ionable in potato patches and gar dens, numerous remedies were of fered. . Pne man advertised. Mas Summer Gardens ... i exhausted all the funny paragraphs on Sholto he made a visit up the Sacramento Valley and in Marys ville, I think it was, the jolly yokels gave the-English adventurer an en tirely new thrill. He'd , heard all about the native sons of the Golden West what visitor to Cali fornia is allowed to live in ignorance of this grand and glorious institu tion? Carelessly over a bar in the National house on the first night after his arrival the scion of Nor man lineage dropped a regretful tear that he was not qualified to join, this noble order having had the bad iuck to be born in England instead of the Golden state. Immediately a choice group of Marysville's cut-ups determined that Lord Sholto should not permanent ly suffer the stigma of not being a native son, so for his exclusive bene fit they organized the Order of the Woolly Bear and extended to the Englishman a pressing invitation to become a member. They urged that few had ever received this honor; in that they were absolutely truthful; he was the first and last initiate. What Made Him Run? They nearly killed Lord Sholto at that initiation. Those brawny young men took the Englishman apart to see what made him run and put him together again rather badly. But Sholto was game, and after the ordeal was over he was propped up in a chair at the head of what the local editor doubtless referred to as a "groaning board" and he was ord ered the grape to pass. - Hardly had the echoes of this escapade- died when Sholto had a love affair. Her name was Loretta Mooney and she was a singer on "small time." Loretta's family tree ran back to the kings of Ireland, perhaps, but it was not listed in Burke's Peerage. Loretta's mother was what the French call a "blanch isseuse"; so were many of Califor nia's grand ladies at one time or another. They were married and the papers played Sholto clear across the front page About that time the stern pater or uncle, or whoever it was back in England that was supplying the sin ews for Sholto's adventuring, de cided to go out of the sinew-supplying business, and the young Bene dict was stranded. Was he down hearted Not Sholto! He had somebody write a vaude ville part for him to play in a skit opposite Mrs. Sholto, and he made his premiere in the same theater that first received David Warfield behind the "foots." Stage Appearance a Riot. It was a riot. All San Francisco fought for seats. The Cherry Sist ers in their prime never had the S. R. O. sign out on the sidewalk so fast. The only stage appurtenance that might have added to the finish of the act was a net. All Sholto had to do was to come out on the stage and appear natural. The audi ence did the rest. After a whirlwind career on the stage Sholto and the pretty Loretta disappeared. San Francisco never heard of them thereafter. I can only add this bit and a sad one to the latest, history of the man who once awoke naughty Fris co. The eldest son of the once gay Sholto and Loretta Mooney who was a native son, even if his daddy couldn't be was killed figtiting in France last year. remedy for potato beetles which would be sent prepaid for the sum of $1. Thousands of credulous gar deners sent their dollars, and when the sure-cure came it consisted of two square blocks of wood, and printed on the side of one block were the following instructions: "Place the potato bug on this block and crush him with the other block. The cure is certain." Watch constantly for the first ap pearance of a disease or insect. In spect the garden at least every other day. Determine what is causing in jury and apply the proper treatment promptly. Use the combination treatments in case a complication of troubles is present. Repeat treat ments as often as necessary, keeping in mind the influence of weather conditions as well as the life his tory of the insect fungus causing the. disease. The common cutworm is a cow ardly rascal and rarelv does his work in daylight when folks can see him. He watches and waits wn til the gardener has olanted his cab bage, tomato or oeooer plans, then sneaks out in the night and destroy .i&e piantt , NEW MEMBERS TO AUTO CLUB ARE COMING IN FAST Omaha Auto Club Stocking Up Fast With Booklets on Fishing and Pleas ure Resorts. "New members are coming in so fast at present that a limit will have to be placed," states President Cheek of the Omaha Auto club. "The club has received a raft of congratulations on the splendid rec ord of accomplishments, and es pecially pleased are the motorists on our long three-year fight for the Douglas county paving bonds. Every motorist in Omaha and the county should constitute themselves a committee of one to bring votes to the polls on June 24, when an elec tion will be held on this progressive movement for real roads for Doug las county." Touring Bureau. "The club touring bureau is rap idly stocking up with all sorts of booklets and maps on fishing and pleasure resort places," remarks Sec retary Smyth. "Members can gain much knowledge of the best fishing places by looking over the mass of dope on hand in the club map racks." Minnesota last year placed the marking of their state highways in the hands of the Rand McNally Map company, and tourists into the land Of 10,000 lakes will find the roads nearly all marked in good shape this year. Wisconsin Markings. Wisconsin has marked all her main trunk highways by number. Every main road in the state is now marked, and the tourist has but to follow a certain number to a Riven destination. The road patrol sys tem has been established in this state and. the main highways are constantly repaired. . Good Roads Stickers. Ten thousand windshield stickers will be printed for sticking on the cars preparatory' for an educational campaign in favor of the Douglas county $3,000,000 road bonds. "Ev ery motorist is a good roads fan," states Secretary Smyth, "and I have yet to hear of a machine owner who is not heartily in favor of the bonds and getting his friends to vote for them. Every car owner should display the sticker and help in the work. Stickers will be ready for distribution in a few days. Call and get one." The recent rams played havoc with our dirt roads," states Secre tary Smyth. "They are just begin ning to round out in nice shape when J. Pluvius opened up and step ped on it. It will now take persist ent dragging at the right time to iron out the ruts. Road overseers should pay particular attention to the next few draggings. Charles W. Martin and Blaine Young, in Mart in's Marmon, were two of the hardy venturers who ventured across Iowa during the rains. Last report said they were going right along. This Is the Day of The Woman Motorist All Over the Country This is the day of the woman mot orist. No longer does she depend on mere man to cover the great west. One of the really interesting women of this class is Mrs. H. Stenzel of San Lorenzo, Cal.. Mrs. Stenzel is a motorist of wide repute, having traveled all through the southwest, covering Arizona, the great deserts of Nevada, the difficult passes of the Sierra and up and down the Pacific coast from Mexico to Canada. Recently Mrs. Stenzel drove to Los Angeles in 17 hours and 16 min utes, via the inland route and Bou quet canyon, from Oakland to the southern metropolis. Leaving Oak land in the morning, Mrs. Stenzel made Lebec in Tojon pass the first night. Leaving Lebec the next morning in a heavy rainstorm, all alone in her Hudson super-six sedan, Mrs. Sten zel bravely assayed the trip via the Mojave desert and Bouquet canyon to Los Angeles. These little exploits are mere tri fles to Mrs. Stenzel, as she has al ready driven her sedan something over 60,000 miles. Local Packard Sellers to Take Part On Lake's Trip Wm. A. Hurst, Frank J. Bury, and J. E. Hoyt of the Packard Omaha company will leave sometime dur ing, this week for Detroit, to take part on June 15 on a four-day trip on the Great Lakes. It is expected that over 45 representative dealer. will make the trip. The object of this cruise is to promote the acquaintance of the various Packard dealers as well as to exchange, ideas regarding busi ness for the coming season. The Packard people have set out to serve the automobile transportation needs of the modern world. It is their plan to thoroughly familiarize all dealers and others interested with .their, gigantic plan, Nine Students of Creighton U. Science and Art Department to Get Degree of B. of S. Awarding of Bachelor of Science Degrees Takes Place Monday Morn ing at 10 O'clock. With the closing exercises of the school term of the art and science department of Creighton university, nine students in their first year of medicine will receive degrees of bachelor of science at 10 o'clock Monday morning in the Creighton auditorium, Twenty-fifth and Cali fornia streets. ' They are: Joseph F. Malloy, H. Kildee, K. C. Chock, Emmett Hoctor, John Mannion Philip Newman, Carl May Elmer Barr and Gene McCabe. All have finished a four years' course leading to a degree of doctor of medicine. They will be grad uated from Creighton Medical col lege in two years. "Affordable" Reaching Out for, Big Business During the past two weeks, the Affordable Motor Truck corporation of Omaha, who manufacture the "Affordable" truck attachment for Ford cars have succeeded in mak ing contracts for distribution with the Western Auto supply company of Denver, who do business through 2,500 dealers throughout the Rocky mountain states. Another large con tract has been made with the Afford able Truck Sales company, of St. Louis, for the distribution of the "Affordable" in territory reached from St. Louis. J. D. Cullis, president of the Af forable Motor Truck corporation, is now making a trip through the mid dle west making further arrange ments for the sale of the Afforda ble" and everywhere is finding deal ers in a most receptive mood for taking on the product made by his company, and a general survey of the territory indicates a big year for the manufacturers of commercial vehicles of all kinds. Psychology of a People Is Judged by Proverbs in New Theory Promulgated By Philippine Lawyer and, Educator Questioned Regarding the Progress of the Program of the' Philippines for Inde pendence, Jorge Bocobo, Member of the Commission, Replied by Quoting Best Proverbs of the Race From Which His Questioner Was Requested to Form His Own Opinion of the Ability of the People to Govern Themselves, After Hav ing An Insight Into the Psychology of the Race. By JUSTIN M'GRATH. Washington, June 7. Judge Bo cobo, member of the Philippine commission and dean of the law uni versity of the Philippines, has pro mulgated a new theory. It is that the psychology of a people is best judged by its proverbs. Meeting Mr. Bocobo and inquir ing casually as to the progress of the program for Phillippine inde pendence, I was rather 1 nonplussed by his reply, which seemed to be en tirely evasive. "Do you hold Lord Bacon to have been a wise man?" he asked. "Alexander declared him to have been the wisest of mankind," I re plied. "Exactly," said Mr. Bocobo; "now you may recall what Bacon said, 'The genius, with and spirit of a na tion are discovered in its proverbs.'" "Well, what of it?" I asked. "This," said Mr. Bocobo. "I have gathered some of the best proverbs of the Filipino race and I present them to you that you may have a true insight into the psychology of the race and decide for yourself whether they are not a people fit for self-government" Filipino Proverbs. These are the proverbs which Mr. Bocobo gave me: Bravery (1) A hero is braver for his wounds; (2) It is too late to withdraw when you are already vounded; (3) This is what you wished, my heart, so be brave. Caution (1) A fish is caught by the mouth; (2) Repentance never comes first; (3 Courage is of two sorts one goes forward, the other retires; (4) Haste creates delay; (S) There is a snake in every jungle. Character (1) Whichever side a tree leans, there it falls; (2) 'Tis easy to be born, 'tis hard to be a man; (3) He who is raised in ease is usually destitute. Choice He who is hard to suit will choose the worst. Compensation, Law of (1) The mushroom always grows with a counterpart; (2) You laugh today. I laugh tomorrow. Counsel (1) He who despises counsel is on the way to mis fortunji (2). BThoever believes ev Cor ?fdy PhiUip Elmer ft arr Join Mannion pw. syfmnMt am sit fmmetfoctof 7.(77fee as erything said has no mind of his icwn. Not Race of Fools. Disdain You may dislike,, but never despise. Faultfinding The faultfinder has the biggest faults. Fools (1) A wise man's joke is for the wise; (3) It is foolish to believed by a fool; (2) Fools earn argue with a fool. Foresight. 1 Strength yields to plan. 2 Working .early is better than working hard. Forget fulness: He who is happy is forgetful. Friendship: Let us fight, then be friends. . Good Deeds: 1 Good deeds are more precious than gold and silver. 2 Kindness is a great capital. Gratitude: Kindness is with kind ness to be paid, not with gold and silver. Lovers of Home. Home, Love of: The pain of a finger is the suffering of the whole body. Honor: 1 Even the poor love honor. 2 Break your head but not your word. Hope: 1 It may be mere mud, but above it is a piece of heaven. 2 I should not grieve over my mis fortune, for what muddy water did not become clear? Hospitality: Though my house is small, my heart is large. Industry: 1 A sleeping shrimp is carried away by the current 2 A lazy dog does not get even bones. 3 Work put off ends in nothing. 4 If you sleep, brother, the croco? dile will eat you up. 5 He who is always preparing to do something never does anything. Merit: The quality of gold is known by rubbing it against stone. Modest: 1 He who is high suf fers a great fall. 2 -The fly that rests on the back of a caribou (wat er buffalo) thinks it is higher than the caribou. 3 Boastfulness drives away wisdom. 4 Do not brag be fore landing the fish. Determined Nation. Perseverance: Determination 1 A thing is near, though far if you want it. 2 If you want eggs, put up with the cackling of the hen. 3 If you are afraid of every dog bark, you will never reach your destina tion. Pride, Sense of; Do. not be too Newmtn GeneH-Cab4 Jor.F.MalJoy KC.CAock. r near your superiors, lest they tramp le upon your dignity. Righteousness: He who deviates from a clear path may lose his way. Rumor: 1 A whisper is louder than a shout. , 2 The earth has ears, rumor has wings. Shrewdness: If you want to fool, pretend to be a fool. Talkativeness: While the pump kin vine creeps along the fruit is left behind. Temptation: 1 A piece of green wood will burn if placed ner the fire long enough. 2 A wanderer will aooner or later slip. 3 A soft snare has a tight hold. Want to Progress. "Thrift: Easy earning means quick spending. Truth: A liar loves to take an oath. . Woman's Honor: Wherever I fall, there I stand. . When I had absorbed the wisdom of the proverbs of these people,' who live in a country which is said to be hotter than Washington, which if it be true, them a pressing need of philosophy, Mr. Bocobo said: "The Filipinos are not a hermit nation. They have taken from the west whatever they thought was good for them and suitable to their conditions. But above these out side influences they want their na tional genius to rise to higher lev els of perfection. It is thus, and only thus, that they can fulfill what ever destiny has set for them, and contribute their own culture to the general progress of mankind. A chance to do so is what they wish when they plead for independence." Biehler Joins Douglas Motors Corporation Albert E. Biehler, who has been associated with automobile and track activities in Omaha for a number of years, has joined forces with the Douglas Motors corporation. Biehler is to have , charge of the retail end of the Douglas Motors bus ness1 and is quite enthusiastic regarding the progress which the company has recently made. The experience which Biehler has had in the truck business suits him admirably for this branch of the ork, TO MAKE H. V THE CLEARING HOUSE OF ALL WORLD TRADE Only Goods of Proven Quality Permitted to Exhibit; All Goods to Be Represented. New York, June 7. One of the biggest enterprises to be embarked upon, having in mind the extension of American commerce in foreign countries, as well as the importation of foreign goqds to America, has just been inaugurated in New York, City. It is the new proposition of the Merchants and Manufacturers exchange of New York to maki Grand Central palace a great clear; ing house for world commerce.' On September 30, the United States government will turn Grand Central palace back to the Mer chants and Manufacturers exchange. For months hhis great 12-story building the largest expositidn building in the world which occu pies an entire city block, has been used as an army base hospital. Its evacuation, now taking place, will permit reconstruction of the entire interior so as to make it ideal as 1 permanent show place for all sorts r t . . . . oi manuiacturea products, ine in dustries will be grouped and per manent exhibits will be made on eight spacious floors, each floor hav ing approximately 60,000 square feet of space. The remainder of the building (the four lower floors) will be utilized for the annual xpoi tions which have made the building famous, such as the Automobile show, Motor Boat show, .Flower show, Electrical exposition, Chem ical exposition, Hotel men's exposi tion, etc. Center of Foreign Buyer. ," ' Permanent exhibits of products of the more important industries will be opened beginning October IS. The Merchants' and Manufacturers exchange has established foreign connections for export business in every important city of the world, and manufacturers, jobbers, retail dealers, and the thousands of for eign buyers undoubtedly soon will regard Grand Central palace as the world's great trade center and will make it their headquarters when visiting New York. Looking for ward to this the management will establish clubrooms, conference rooms,, office facilities, etc., to in crease the foreign buyers' comfort, while in the mertopolis. : Never before has there been such a permanent , exchange conducted along international lines which will give the American manufacturer an opportunity to come into direct con tact with the domestic and foreign buyer. Sme of the industries rep resented will occupy an entire floor, such . as the International - Farm Tractor and Implement exchange, , the International Hardware and Homefurnishings exchange, which will be among the first to be opened, on the sixth and seventh floors re spectively. " t Many Other Enterprises. Other enterprises, under way for other floors, are a permanent ma chinery exposition, a railway equip ment exposition, textile display, printing trades exhibit, etc 'Th farrh tractor exchange and the hard ware exchange will open on Octo ber 15. The plans of the Merchants' and Manufacturers' exchange are de cidedly elaborate, and in a number of ways they will afford a service to the manufacturer, jobber and dealer which has never been possible under the usual systems of mer chandising. - Through its wide representation in other countries the exchange will make its proposition known to every foreign buyer before he sails for America and acquaint him with the value of the service. of the new en terprise, while in the Unittd States and Canada the fact that the building is so well known leaves no doubt that it will be the mecca of thous-. ands of domestic dealers and job bers. In spite of the fact that the build ing is an enormous one, space neces- i: - j r . interested in putting their products before the eyes of buyers in this highly convenient manner will have to step lively to secure space on the various floors. Only goods of prov en quality and concern of A-l re pute will be permitted to exhibit. Grand Central palace, which is a beautiful building in itself and prior to the entry of the United States into the war, housed the largest ex positions held in New York, is cen trally located and most convenient to all railroads, steamship piers, ho-, tels, theaters, and the shopping dis-' trict The march of the world's in dustrial progress during the' recon struction period will be largely via. Grand Central palace - -