The rods Craw angry with your patiancei tia their car. And ut be your, that guilty men escape not: Aa crimaa da irew, justice should rauaa itself Jonson. ; : : " CLUBDOM TUESDAY Y Chapter B. P. of P. E. O. will meet Tuesday, at 2 p. m. with Mrs. lH. Chambers. 112$ .36th ttreet. The Theosophicalastrology class wilt meet Tuesday evening at 8 Q clock in room 206 McCague build A brief lecture on the Libra sijjn will be given. All interested are invited to be present. The Omaha Rockford College as sociation will meet Tuesday after noon, with Mrs. C. A. Woodland. 2310 South Thirty-third street' The Omaha Spanish club will We Will Open Our Grocery Department ; Monday 3Sr v. s f We'Deliver To All Parts of the City LL meet Tyesday evening at 8 o'clock in the pavilion at Miller park. The Y. W. A. K. will hold its reg ular meeting Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock in the Lyric fcuilding. A special entertainment will be given immediately after the business meet ing. ' ' " The American War Mothers club will hold a business meeting, Tues day evening, June 10, in the Lyric building at 8 o'clock. WEDNESDAY ' The Frances Willard W. C. T. II. mill meet Wednesday at 1 o'clock at the home of Mrs. T. R. Ward, 2121 Wirt street. The ' atemoon will De given to sewing ior rrencn orohans. A demonstration of house hold articles and home cooking will also be held. v "r The Omaha W. C. T. U. wilbho!d an -important business meeting Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Y. W. C A. The Dramatic society of the Y. W. A. K. will meet Wednesday eve ning in the club rooiITs at 8 o clock. Woman's Relief Corps, G. A. R. post members, War Mothers and Daughters of Veterans will meet at the monument in Forest Lawn cemetery Wednesday, June 11, t 3 p.. m. to observe "Memory Day." The members of George Crook Relief Corps have charge of the pro gram. THURSDAY Chapter E. of P. E. O. will meet with Mrs. Robert B. Vance, 5018 Capitol avenue, Thursday at 2 p. m. FRIDAY Mrs. William J. From will be hostess at the meeting of the Dorcas club at her cottage at Carter lake Friday, June 13, at 1 o'clock lunch eon, y ' ! Th'e West Side W. C. T. U. will meet Friday afternoon at Jenning's M. E. church. " Dr. Jennie Callfas will be the speaker. SATURDAY. OmaHa chapter of DA. R., to gether with the Children of the American Revolution, will celebrate Flag day Saturday, June 14, at Belle- vue. A short program will be ioi lowed by a picnic lunch. The car will leave South Omaha at 10:30 a. m. for Bellevue. Farewell Party. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. iBlakely and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Blakely gave a farewell party at Krog Park Friday afternoon for Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Downey, jr., who are leaving the first of the week 'for Detroit where they will make their future home. Eighteen guests were present. Miss Limise Clark and Miss Doro thy Belt, who are at Miss Bennett's school, are expected home the first of the week. - Bar HAVE YOU TRIED s ,iur nuitn BKtAu ;; r- 4010 So. 24th St.' 4& - 4 t - Vs l"' h r a : L x This is a question frequently asked and the answer is "every six jnonths regularly, and oftener if a cavity is detected, a filling becomes loose or the gums become 'spongy and teeth ache." Crowns and bridge work become necessary as a di rect result of neglect; pyorrhea is usually the sequel of insanitary mouth conditions, which regular cleansing and timely treatment might have prevented. It is an indefensible practioe to extract teeth which may be saved, or to devitalize a live nerve merely for the purpose of makings crown or bridge, and yet this practice is too often resorted to in offices where ignor ance or greed predominate. '- It would be a God-send o America if a "Save the Teeth" campaign could be carried out as successfully as the "Save the Food" campaign was, and would result in a'better, understanding 'find closer co-operation be . tween the public and the dentists. : j ,In this office you are welcome to an examination of your teeth at any time and should defects be found requiring attention, an estimate will be given you with out obligating you in any way. Moderate charges, cleanliness, guaranteed work, elimination of needless pain, are some of the reasons so many people come here for their dental work. V My offer of free examination, expert opinion and honest advice should prove an incentive for everyone to come in frequently to secure the "ounce of prevention" . that is 4'worth a pound of cure.J'v .The privilejje of consulting my entire staff of dental specialists makes this office the logical place for people to come who have "unusual teeth" or "difficult work" as well as those who are "extremely sensitive to pain." Painless Withers Dental Co. , 423-428 Securities Bid g. 16th and Farnam SU- V f ' :'V - ' OMAHA, NEB. ; :"--' ,;' ' ' -V; , I Office Hours: 8:30 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sunday, 9 to 1. BENSON Mrs. D. C. Stafford will be hostess for the Methodist Sunday school workers at her home next Thursday evening. Fyneral services were held Satur day for Mrs. JanW McClung, who died after a long illness .at the home. Interment was aFbrest Lawn cem etery. Miss Olga Sorensen .entertained 'the seniors at her home last Mon day evening, and the Orpheus cluW wnT'hold its. picnic Wednesday Ht Elmwood park. Other social affairs were the seniors' breakfast at "Pine Lane" and the junior-senior theater party. The Evangelical Walker league held a reception at the church last Friday evening in honor "of the newly confirmed members of the church. There were 11 young folks. Funeral services for Mrs. Ruth Jeffry were held from the Presby terian church Thursday afternoon. Interment was in Mount Hope cem etery. Mrs. Jeffrey was formerly known as Miss Ruth Parker. Mrs.. D. C. Shirts left Sunday for a visit in Kansas City. Mrs. J. Calvert entertained Mon day evening-4or a number of yoiri:; women, who reorganized the Loyal ' Daughters club, which will meet every two weeks in the future. The meeting of the Queen Esthers to have been held last Monday even ing was postponed.' Misses Josephine Kistler and Eve. Phalen left last week to attend nor mal at Peru this summer. Lieut. Arthur Huntzinger is among the recent arrivals from bver-J . t t- ir - - n seas ana weui. coy i oung is ex pected home today, after over a year's stay overseas. Rev. J. Calvert will preach the seniors', baccalaureate sermon (this evening at 8 o'clock at the Meth odist church. A sor was born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rasmussen during the last week- Miss Regina Andersen entertained ct her home Saturday evening in honor of Miss Ruth Gustafson, whose marriage takes place this month. N Mrs. J. I. Cook will be hostess for the Good Times club at 1 o'clock luncheon next Friday. Misses Edna and Gertrude Hosick of Grove City, Pa.'spent last week end as guests of Mrs. Ed Janke while on their ay home from the west. Miss Frances Nieman, who is at present at the Red Cross canteen at Netnhate!, expects to leave the mid dle of June for home. John A. Kuhn of Los Angeles, Cal., is expected next week an,d will accompany his daughter, Miss Mar ion Kuhn, home. Dr. and Mrs. Grant Williams will leave Sunday morning for a motor trip to Chicagb. Dr. Williams will attend the dental clinic and the home-coming of the Northwestern University unit Mr. &iL Mrs. N. L. Guckert have sold their home and are now at 109 South Forty-second street Consult Your Dentist Often Pay mote attention to your teeth and you'll pay less money to your aen tist. How often should a per son visit a dentist? Mrs. J . C Heafey June Bride , viW-; ' -.-Us 0 K .-rvr . h r n r Miss Helen Gillespie and John C. Heafey were married Tuesday morning, at St. Bridget's church. After a short honeymoon the young couple will reside on the South Side. V Loyal Club. . JThe Loyal Club met May 28, at the .homer of Mrs. TVL. Travis. Those present were: y Mesdames. Thomas Crelghton. B. G. Klngr. Pierce Metx. Louis- jNfelson. -R. L. Gilchrist. : Mesdames. Paul Relff. Claude .Shannon. E. A. Lucke. F. M. Benedict. The guests werS:'" Mlsses Misses Mary Alice Nelson. Orpha Travis. Mary Jane Benedict. Perslo Benedict. Walter D. Williams ,is spending several weeks in the east. Lady of "Walden Woo ' OY&s.DYyFon ZekrneS: !'- ' v. I he rose fairy, the blue bird, tli e syrinks of the mountain, joy of the wood, squirrels, rabbits and fairie s atl surrounded Mrs. Myron Learned when she wrote ''Pan and the Ros e Fairy." her new masque, at her country home, "Walden Wood." T he masque is to be presented Satur day afternoon and evening for the b enefit of the Creche and the National League for Woman's Service. ' A visit to Walden Wood onlv in akes one more the certain that there Field Club Suppers Sunday will be given at the -Field club by Lee Huff with 4 guests, .P. H. McDearmon, 2; F. F. Knapo 2; Lester Dishaus, 5; W. H. Yohe," 2; Helen Yates, 2; Hubert Daniels, 4, and R. H. Thompson, 10. Robert Stout and Ware Hall are motoring through the east. They will be gone several months. 1 1 1 Personals Mrs H. Roghkosp jf the South Side is now recuperating after an operation by Dr. Mayo at the Mayo hospital, Rochester, Minn.v Her niece, Miss Dora Dubnoff, accom panied Mrs. Roughkop and both are expected to: return tOOmaha about July 1.' ' ' : ' Mr. Harry Bluhni of New York Gtys ipitifig his aunt, Mrs. J. T. Stewart and Mr Stewart of Cciin cij Bluffs.. . v Miss Louise Riley,-: daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Riley, who is a student'tof St. Mary's Notre Dame Indiana,' will arrive liome, Wednes day. ' Miss Florence Riltfy-left last week for Notre Dame to attend the alunjnae reunion. .She will visit school friends in Chicago and Sioux City befpf e returning home. , : Mr. aid Mrs..:-William Bryden of Sioux City,' arc now ; in Omaha, where they will make"" their home. Mr. and Mrs. Bryflenvare now-at the Alsatian apartments, 115 South Thirty-fifth sticet. ... .' DK aiid Mrs. J. L. Franz are the J Quests, of Mrs. Franz's parents, Mrs. k. r...uean or uunaee. Dr Franz entered the service as a veterinarian in October. He took training in the medical Q. T. C, pt Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia, and frc?m lTierefwas transferred to the remont depot, at. Sevier, S. C. While here Mrs. Franz joined' her husband alia during a leave 61 absence tey toured the' southern .'states. , ! .J :, After a short visit in Omaha Dr. and Mrs.. Franz expect to leave for Tomah, Wis"., where they will-make, their future home, r .; . , - Mrs. Carrie Livingston was called to Lincoln on account of the illness of her daughter, Mrs. Julius Weil. A son Robert Claus'- was born Tuesday to Dr, and Mrs. " Charley Frandsen at Dr. Pollard's hospital Mrs. Frandsen was formerly Miss Mabel Kelley of this city. Mrs. E. M. Hall of 2220 Cuming street will leave Tuesday, June 10, for Cleveland, .0., where sne wi! visit friends for a month. I ater she will visit Mr. Hall's brother in Buf falo, N. Y. . ' Mr. and- Mrs. P. A. Rohrbough have returned to Omaha after .a two weeks' visit in Excelsior Springs. Just before the return, their daugh ter, Mrs. W. B. Bonekemper. and son, Bobby, left for Portland, Ore Mr. and Mrs. Robert Garrett have returned from Kansas City, Mo. Miss Marjorie Smith spent last week-end in Hastings, Neb. - Mrs. William Thomas, and chil dren, Billy and Josephine, leave Sun day for Long Beach, Cal., where they will spend .several weeks. ' Mr. Thomas will join them later, ami "EAT ..;.n'f rKSrv 4 THE BEST BREAD SKINNER BAKING COMPANY DOUGLAS -166 TRAOC MK TOBACCO Snutt Habit CURED by harmleu remedy. Guaranteed Sent on trial. If it curen. roeti yon $1. ir It falli. routs nothing. SUPERB COMPANY, D-71 Baltlmera, Md. rI Throo way to raduoB your uraloht i Particulara mailed free to any addreaa. nail uiem. oo. uept. t)-6V5t. Loon. Mo. Hoip to Wave Hair to Appear Naturally Curly -A You won'ty need -to resort to the parch ing, scorching- curling iron if you will adopt the simple plan I will mention. Isn't that good news? At night merely apply a-little liquid sil merine with a clean tooth brush, drawing this through the hair from root t tip. This wil.1 impart a delightful wavy appear ance and a bright lustre suggestive of "hidden sunshine." It will prove bene ficial to the hair, instead of making it brittle and dead-looking aa the, hot iron does. In the morning, instead of your tresses being mean and contrary, you will find them quite easy to do up in any form, and there will be no unpleasant odor, grease or stickiness about the hair. I would suggest that you ask your druggist for the liquid silmerlne four or five ranees which will require no mixing and you can pour a little into a saucer when required. Emily Coulson in Hygieae. Adv. JCadomene the Many People Have Written of the Seeming "Miracles" Per. formed bj Cadomene Tablets. They Are Only Recommended for Worn-Out, Impoverished, Nervous People, But --a-B--B-a-s-a-a- People have testified that they have been cured of rheumatism, headaches, stomach disorders, pains of neuralgia, etc., through the 'use of this great medicine-tonic, Cado mene Tablets. It only means that the Cadomene has helped to build up the strength of all organs and then nature has a chance to bringthe cure. Therefore, if you are tired, sluggish, and your feet and hands are cold and clammy, and nervous ness overwhelms you by sleepless ness irrilpble temper, and your heart flutters while dizziness and trembling seize you at times, you may ward off serious consequences and become full of vigor, red blood and health for every vital organ of your body. Mr. J. W. Biggs of R. R. No. 3, Fort Worth, Texas, writes: "I am using Cadomene Tablets and 7ind them to be good in every way for an old man of 60." F. W. Bar beau, 1327 Inca street, Denver, Cblo., writes: "I have taken one package of Cadomene and it has )ut me on my feet and I feel Cadomene builds up nerves and body. Sold by All Sruggigts--Ady, . ' . rr sue Happy Hollow The Omaha school forum will en tertain at the Happy Hollow club Sunday evening in honor of Miss Clara Mason. Several hundred guests will be present. Miss Mason has taught in the Omaha schools for 32 years and is leaving soon lor Cal ifornia, her future home. The O. T. club of Central High will entertait their graduating mem bers at a dinner dance, at Happy Hollow, Saturday, June 14. Seymour Lake. ' Dinners were ?iyen Friday .at the Seymour Lake Country club by Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Carey who enter tained 21 guests, and by Mr. R. W. Wilder, who had 4 guests. they will return home by the way of Portland and Seattle. . S Mrs. Maxwell D. Beghtol and two children, Robert and Martha; of Lin coln, are spending two weeks with Mrs. Beghtol's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.N.Wood. Mrs. Beghtol was for merly' Miss Doris Wood. - Miss Corinne Elliott left the first of the week for the east to attend the reunion of her class at Dana Hall, Wellesley, Mass-. rauch ' i X- ELECTRICS . '! ;ir;My in Price -: '"iiy-v; "'. ::i ';v, I IF YOU EXPECT TO HAVE ONE THIS SUMMER, OR THIS FALL, WHY NOT BE WISE AND GET YOUR ORDljR IN BEFORE THIS ADVANCE. A SMALL DEPOSIT .WILL ASSURE YOU OF GET TING JUST WHAT , YOU WANT AND SAVE YOU $200.00. ; YOU; CAN HAVE IT DELIVERED 'AS LATE AS SEPTEMBER IF YOU WISH YOU MUST ACT-UICKLYi : s , THE BAKER R & L MOTOR CAR CO. - PAUL DOANE, MGR. HARNEY 3276. FURNITURE JUNE BRIDES '' . Let Us Plan Your Home With You We've- mad hundred of cheerful homes , for thos starting out anew, hand-ln-hand on life's long journey. You want your home furnishings to be substantial, in good taste, refined, serviceable and at a moderate price a lit- ' tie less than usually, asked for equally food merchandise. Our experienced judgment of great assistance in providing all these essentials, always , within your appropriation. 1 " ' - f We Feature Complete Home Outfitting FIBRE .FURNITURE FOR THE SUN ROOM ; Your Living Room or Sun Room can be made cool, comfortable and invit ing for sweltering days ' with Fibre Furniture, and added to all this, beau tiful as well. A fine display on our floors. We invite you to inspect them. Chaise Lounge, -regular $42.50 values. - at $27.50 Day Beds, regular $37.50 values, at .$27J0 ROCKERS AND CHAIRS ; Regular $9.0O-values, at: $ 6.00 Regular $12.50 valuea, at. . . . . .$ 8.00 Regular $17.00 values, at.....$ 830 Regular $2230 values, at.'. .. .$12.75 D 1 1 f C All Sizes, I W VaW A Great There is nothing adds so much to the beauty of the heme as a tasty floor covering. We can please you in Axraiaster, Brussels, Wilton, and Velvets to Jit your room. -. - -,v $1830 Rugs ...$il30 $24.50 Rugs $38.00 Rugs .$16.25 .$21.75 rjte Hot Weather Season is Upon Us True economy tells you the need of av good refrig rator. Buy today from us. We are' making sweeping eductions. . These boxa hove, stood every test. The best construction and materials. Selling at $5.75, $830, $9.75, !230, $15.00. $18.00. $2230 and un. LIBERTY BONDS TAKEN AT PAR. Freight paid on purchases, exceeding $20 , . . within 100 miles of Omaha. State Furniture Co. 14th and Dodge Sts. She Took Adler-i-ka! "My wife had what the doctors call catarrh of-tho stomach for 15 yearsr, Had todiet carefully and suffered much. She has now taken one bottle Adler-i-ka and feels perfectly wejl " (Signed) . F. Parker, Bock, Texas. Adler-i-ka expels ALL gas and sourness, stopping stomach distress INSTANTLY. Empties BOTH upper and lower bowel, flushing ENTIRE alimentary canal. Removes ALL f ou? matter which poisons system.' Often CURES constipation. Prevents ap- pendicitis. We have sold Adler-i-ka many years. It is a mixture of buck- , thorn, cascara, glycerine and nine other simple drugs. Sherman & Mc Connell Drue Co. Adv. DR. M ABLE WESSON ' Osteopathic Phyician''& Surgeon 14 Brandei Bldf. Tel. Tyler 2960, Harney 4741. & Lang: Ill SOUTH 4QTH. FOR THE COMPLETE SUITES For the Dining Room, $67JJ0 values, at $45.00 For the Bed Room, $65.00 values, at ....... ...... $4730 j Tapestry - Suites, ' $9730 ' values, ' ar ........... .if.. ..$65.00 See our showing of Brass and Metal Beds A .Big Saving for You. A 'CLEARANCE OF MAT TRESSES Felts and Other grades, 5 reduction in price Grades and Weights Sacrifice- RUttS $48.00 Rugs $75.00 Rugs $97.00 Rugs .....$29.25 $4730 .....$61.25 Opposite U. P. Building. Pi