2 B THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JUNE 8,: 1919.' Ignorance U the curse ( God, knowledge the wine herewith wl fly to hutw. Shakespeare. Know then thyself, presume net Gee te sua. The proper atudy of mankind is Man. Pop. Weddings f . Mrs. Wm. T. Burns and Members of Her Wedding Party y - y, .... iff -A JLhic of tlie pretty home weddings . of the month was that of Miss Eliz abeth Johnson, of Lincoln, and Erick. G. Skognian, which ' took place Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mels ). Skogman, 812 North Thirty-fifth street. Rev. P. J. 'Nelson, of the First Raptist church performed the cere- mony. The bride wore white crepe dc chene and carried a shower bouquet of roses. Her . bridesmaid, Miss Amelia Skogniant wore pink, geor gette and carried pink roses. ., Theodore Skogman was, the best man. Miss Freemon ; Johnson, of Wausa, a sister of the hride, played the wedding march and Mrs. Porson of Benson ' sang1, ,"At Dawning, i Love You.". A four course dinner was-served after the ceremony. " . After a wedding trip through the ; west, Mr. and Mrs Skogman will i be at home in . Omaha at 3511 Suit street. :- .Curnmings Carr. The marriage of Miss Helen Carr, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Carr, and Frank Curnmings, son of Mr. r.d Mrs. A. Curnmings of Maxwell, la., will take place at the Carr home Saturday evening. June 14. The affair . will be simple, with Miss Marguerite Feigel as brides maid, the only attendant, and Mr. Fred Wright as best man. The bride's little sister; .Blanche, will play M e rt d e 1 s o h nS Wedding ; .uarcn. This Space Reserved for Drahos-Luttig. Chiropractic Announcement DR. J. A. MARKWELL Chiropractor. Formerly with Dr. Lee Edwards, will open an office in Suite 610-613 Paxton Block, Omaha. Neb. Phone Douglas 8808. Watch Ads for Opening Date. Dr. Markwell extends an invitation to his many friends . in Omaha and vicinity to call and inspect his new office. In continuous practice as a chiropractor for more than ten years. ..tic Y.-cddmg of Miss Margery Beckett, daughter of Judge and Mrs. J. M. Woodrough, and William T. Burns of New York City, .took place Wednesday evening at "Bieulieu," the summer home of the Woodroughs. Miss Mary Taylor was the bride's attendant, and Miss Beatrice and Miss Marjorie Manley stretched the ribbons. Miss Dorothy Rohrbough Became Bride of Herbert Mosher Thursday. The wedding of Miss Dorothv Rohrbough. daughter of Mr. and Mr. Curnmings and his bride will Herbert Mqshcr took place Thurs- !oaye for a short wedding trip, after which1 they will Omaha. , be at home in Shenandoah Weddings. June-is the bridal month of at least three popular members of so cial v circles at Shenaadoah, la. wnose engagements and dates of ap proaching marriages have been an uounced. Miss Auce Buntz. 'who affiliatp with Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority ar ine university ot Nebraska, will necotne the, bride of Harold Welch June 12. Miss Buntz is the daugh- . ier oi airs. J. Buntz. Her fiance was a student at Iowa State Agri cultural college at Ames, where he was a member of Alpha Gamma Kho. Mr. Welch is the son of Mr and Mrs. Frank Welch. Aliss Ruth Widnev was married at high noon Wednesday to Dr. Her bert F. Coy of Hamburg. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. uinney. Richmond, Va.. historic bid city of the south, will be the scene' of the wedding of Miss Edna Dufee, an other bhenandoah girl, to Charles T lurzon, formerly of Omaha and Mienandoah. He is now supcrin tendent of motor , vehicle govern tnent' service. Miss Dunfee will be 1 house guest of Mrs. C. G. Taylor in Richmond. The; wedding is planned for June 18. The bride-to-1e is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Dunfee. Ralph Jennings, son of the late Judge G. a. Jennings and Mrs. Ten ninars. was married Wednesday in Chicago to Miss Lillian Travers of Chicago. Mrs. Jennings, since the death of her husband, has lived in Chicago and at Merne, NeB., with ner-daughter. Airs. J. E. Delehante . . ' ' - ' .' Surprise Party. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Heider were guests at a surprise party Tuesday at their home, 2S03 South Thirteenth street. The party was in the form ot a paper shower m honor of thei; first wedding anniversary. Ladies AWordWilhYou About Your Skin IHY not make Cutt fl leura Soap your lllovayidty toilet Cuttcun Ointment and Cuticura Tl- cum, now and then Deeded,ind hart m most cases a dear baas completion. deaa scalp Crca from daodruft and itching, good hair, soft whits bands and a wholesome skm free from blemish, without resort ing" to tiresome, expensive "beauty" fads? Cuticura costs little and does much. Sample each free by mail of "Cation. Das. C Boston." Sold ererrwhere, price 25 centi each. iistkswTalcmi Powder , Do not fail to test the fascinating fra grance of this exquisitely scented face, babr. dustma and akin m, fnm humi der, delicate, delightful, distingue, it imparts to the person a charm incom- paraoM sad peculiar to itself. - m it day evening at the home of the bride. The house was beautifully decorat ed with palms, ferns and peonies. The fireplace was banked with ferns and pink peonies and from this a canopy of asparagus fern extended to the center of the room. Here the marriage lines were read bv Rev. Clyde Cisscl in tiie presence of about 40 friends. The. bride was given away by her father.' She wore a gown of pink and white tulle. The skirt was made in flounces and was finished with an over-dress of pink maline. Tli square cut bodice was made of silver cloth and embroidered net and fin ished with a narrow girdle of lh velvet ribbon. Miss Jean Jameson, as ring bean was the only attendant. " A supper followed the ceremony for the wedding guests. The din ing room was decorated with yellow Iris. The table centerpiece was a cone-shaped basket of deep yellow Iris. - - , V; Mr. and . Mrs. Mosher will be at home after July 1 at 3616 Mason street..'1'' When Miss Alice Brady Became Bride of Dr. Crane's Son a Bri-'-p Was Crossed. Picnic at Camp Brewster. Women and girls employed at Armour & Co.'s will be entertained Wednesday afternoon and evening. June 11, at a picnic at Camp Brew ster. Between 100 and ISO are ex- pected to be present ' ' 4 Atc9 3fay When Miss Alice Brady recently became the , bride of Dr. Frank Crete's actor son, two prominent fami.ies were united and linked two very opposite walks of life the the atrical world and the pulpit. Dr. Crane, for many years, has believed in uplifting the theatrical profession instead of scorning it and his writ ings have done much toward this end. An Attractive Collection of New Summer Hats Specially Priced for Monday Practically every kind of smart straw and trim ming mode that could be desired is represented. White Milans, Leghorns, Georgettes and Trans parent hats. Values to $10, specially priced for Monday, at $5.00 An assortment' of White Milans styles to please all. Seasonable and fashionable. No matter how many hats a woman has, she will surely want an other when she sees these so inexpensively priced at $3.95 Ac: i Filled torn nayden't. Nebraska .Girl Honored by American Marine Corps For Canteen Work. Miss F.lizabcth Davidsondaugh ter of Mrs. W. II. Davidson of Springfield, Nebr., is one of the eight canteen workers of the American lied Cross in London who have been singularly honored by the American marine corps in recognition of their a oi k f .-r the Red Cross canteen for 1 marines in London. ' They have been made life associate -.'lcmbcis of the marine corps and presented with orooches of gold a".d silver, the i' vign being an exact rc rrodtirtion j th? official marine corps device worn on the cap of each member of the organization. Maj. Charles P. Gilchrist, com nandipg officer pf the marines in London, made the presentations at the naval headquarters. He also 3ave to each canteen worker a let ter including the following message: "You have nightly spent hours at this arduous work and your invari able cheerfulness and comradeship have done much to reconcile us to our lot of serving behind the fighting front The British hospitality has been untiring, but it has been our privelege to receive at your hands that genuine American touch which kept fresh our realization of the Mrs. McAdoo Requests That Victory Loan Organization Be Kept Intact. A request from Eleanor Wilson McAdoo was received' last week by Mrs. Frank W. Judson, asking her to hold the Victory Liberty loan or panziation intact, for future aims. The request was transmitted to Car ter Glass, secretary of the treasury. and approved. Complying with the request Mrs. Judson entertained the members of the organization at tea Friday after noon at her home and all agreed to comply with the request. Those present were the following committee: Mesdames W. J. Hynes, F. W. Judson, W. A. C. Johnson, A. L. Reed. L. M. Lord, Ella B. Maher, Walter D. Williams, R. Kulakofsky, Joseph Duffy, A. E. Miller, J. C. Reeder, Charles Rosewater, Alex McKee, Grant Parsons, A. M. Smith, Charles Chapman, W. B.. Wright. W. H. Garratt, W. E. Ad kins, Misses Lillian Paul, Ella J. Brown, Emily Keller, Margaret Mc-Shane. Why ? do particular people tafcemeirJttUiiAH. r JLNiSriiNG to riutaun Kodak Co, luariert Eashnan Kodak Co. I8I5FarnamSi. Branch 308 SoiSt. a "THE BOY SCOUTS DESERVE YOUR HELP-GIVE IT FREELY." DR. ALLWINE DENTAL SPECIALIST Will limit practice to bast methods of Extraction, and Piste, Crown snd Bridge Work. Diieased Teeth Poor Health. 412 Securities Bldf . Phone Doug. 6863. . , gWIIIWIIIIIHIHllllllllllnlllllllMllliilllll I BEN - HUR SCHOOL OF DANCING 1 as . Twenty-eighth and Farnam Streets. " I Private lessons by appointment Classic dancing; Laaies, Monday, - b 8 P. M.; Children, Saturday, 11 A. M. Adult class and dance, Tues- day and Saturday, 7:45 P. M. Willis six-piece orchestra. Phone Harney 6985. 1'Sl'SlS:lSMS1tllf NinSMiris fnsi:Si'S:!iil :'SMBnsiiSiiSNSHaiii!aitlnsilirisiisnp:B!ialt:iSi;S';SHSi;SMSHiis. t.:lr'l)a'.X charm and sacredness of the best type of our country's womanhood, which you so splendidly typify." A Knabe Grand for the GIRL GRADUATE As she Jeaves the high school or finishing school or college. A Grand Piaho is more than a graduation gift It will be an inspiration for her to keep up her. studies, an incentive to become proficient. The marvelous tone volume and richness of the Knabe Mignon Grand satisfies the most critical and is the wise choice of the discriminating musicans. Sold by HAYDEN BROS. Get Back Your Grip On Health Physician Give Practical Advice On What to Do to Help Build Up Your Strength, Power and Endurance Explains How Organic Iron Nuxated Iron Helps Put Renewed Vim and Energy Into the Veins of the Weak, Nervous and Run-down mi. t xnousanas oi men ana women are You can tell which poPu impairing their constitutions lavine- rjSf "VB "" Gr'P "! Heith , iron in the Pmm Plenty of Iron in their Blood fy Mt"".T ( MMT., aW.W AVA M vJJWW' I J1 mmk ws zdhm Jpi'M itself an evidence of treniendoiua themselves open to illness and literally 1.:H : i . . luaing uieir grip on neaiin simpiy d& cause iiieir otuoa is ininninf; out and possibly starving through lack" oi iron. To possess the power, energy and endurance that win the blood should be rich in strength - giving iron. For this purpose physicians below ex plain why they pre scribe organic iron Nuxated Iron which by enriching the blood and creat ing thousands of new red blood cells often quick ly transform the flabby flesh, toneless tissues and pallid cheeks of weak, anaemic men and women into a glow of health. It increases the strength of delicate, nervous, rundown folks in two weeks' time in many instances. In explaining why he re gards iron as absolutely esaential to the greatest de velopment of physical snd mental power, and discuss ing the probability of build ins; ud a stronser race of people by increasing the supply of iron in their blood. Dr. George H. Baker, formerly Physician and Surgeon. Monmouth Me. morial Hospital Of Mew Jersey, says: "Iron Is absolutely necessary to change food into living tissue, muscle and brain. Refined foods and modern methods of cook ing have robbed us of much of the iron which Nature intended we -should leceive and for supplying this deficiency and in creasing the red blood corpuscles I know of nothing more effective than organic iron Nuxated iron, from a careful examina tion of the formula and my own test of Nuxsted Iron, I feel convinced that it is a preparation which any physician can take himself or prescribe for his Datlcnt. the utmost confidence of obtaining highly beneficial and satisfactory results. The fact that Nuxated Iron is today being used by over mree minion propie annually as a tonic, strength and blood-builder, is in itself an evidence of tremendous public confidence and I am con vinced, that if others would take Nuxated Iron when they feel weak and run-down it would help make a nation of stronger, healthier men and women." Commenting on the use of Nuxated Iron as a tonic, strength and blood-builder. Dr. James Francis Sullivan, formerly physician of Bellevue Hospital (Outdoor Dept.), New York, and the Westchester County Hos pital, said: "Thousands are held back in life for want of sufficient iron in the blood. A weak body means a weakened will power, and like the race horse beaten by a nose, many a capable man or woman falls just short of winning because they don't back up their mentality with the physical strength and energy which come from hav ing plenty of iron in the blood. That ir ritable twitch, that fit of despondency, that diziy, fearful feeling these are the sort of signals' nature gives to tired, listless folks when the blood is clsmouring for strength giving iron -more iron to restore the health by enriching t he blood and creating -thousands of new red blood cells. "In my opinion the grestest curse to the health and strength of Am erican people of today- ia the alarm ing - dsflci e n c y of iron in their blood. It is through iron in ttie red coloring mat ter of the blood that life-sustaining oxygen enters ' the body. Without Iron there is no strength,-' vitality and . endur ance to combat ob stacles or with stand severe strains. Lack of sufficient iron in the blood kn ruined msny s man's nerves and utterly robbed hint of that virile force and stamina, which are so neces sary to success snd power in every walk of life. "Therefore I strongly sdvise those who feel the need of a strength snd blood builder to ' get a physician's prescription for - organic iron -. Nuxated Iron or if you 1 don't want to go ; to Ibis trouble men pur-; . . . chase only Huxated Iron in its original packages and see that this psrticular name (Nuxated ' Iron) appears on the package." If you are not strong or well you owe it . to yourself to make the following test: See" bow long you can work or how far you can walk without becoming tired. Next- take two five-grain tablets of ordinary Nuxated Iron three timea per day after meals for two weeks. Then test your strength again snd see how much you have gsined. Num- , bers of nervous, run-down people who were ailing all the while have most astonishing, ly increased their strength and endurance '. simply by taking iron in the proper form. And this after they had, in some cases, been doctoring for months without obtain ing any benefit. MANCFACTCBEaS' NOTE: Kuiitwl Iron reroni mil4 sbors Is not a secret remedr but an which Is well known to druggist enrywbera. Unlike the older tnortanic Iron prodvrts. It is esallf ssslailisu ed. does not Injure the teeth, mike them blsck, nor umM the stomach. The msnufarturera guarantee successful and entirely Mtiiftctorr ntniHs to enry pnrchsser or the? will rotund your bioost. It la dispensed In this clur nr Fire Shm-msn A McConaoU Drug Stores and all other dnursists. Ad. For Red Blood, Strength and Endurance 1 ' I s i r a 1 Si