Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 08, 1919, Image 1

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JlLJ reezy
Raleigh, N. C, June 7. A move
ment to induce Secretary of the
Navy Daniels to quit his post in the
Wilson cabinet and become presi
dent of the University of North
Carolina is under way.
A committee appointed by Gover
nor Bickett has been trying to find
a suitable man for the post since the
death of George Kidder Graham
some months ago. It was reported
sidency if it is formally offered to
President Wilson at a salary of $20,
000 a year, with understanding that
it would be held open until the end
of his present term, but subse
quently it was said that the presi
dent had declined.
For many years Mr. Daniels has
teen keenly interested in the affairs
cf the university and the impressio.i
prevails that he will accept the pre
sidency of it is formally offered to
New York, June 7. The Prince
of , Wales, who publicly announced
that he would make his initial trip
to this continent this summeri will
Jarticipate in the gaities of Newport
in August, and while there, it is
aid, will be a guest of Mrs. Ogden
Goelet, sister-in-law of Brigadier
General Cornelius Vanderbilt.
Geneva, June 7. (By Universal
Service.) "The golden ghost," super-agent
of anarchism, who is
spreading nihilist puropaganda not
only throughout Europe but in
America, is Mme. Balabova, so nick
named because she is always plenti
fully supplied with gold and always
disappears when affairs becomev too
This is one of the revelations at
the trial of anarchists at Zurich,
shoeing elaborate plans for simulta
neous uprisings in Europe and the
United States which might have suc
ceeded but for the quick action of
the Swiss authorities who nipped
them in the bud by arresting 28 arch
Rt.stelli, an Italian, boasted at the
trial that his American "comrades"
have been more successful than he
and his crew in Europe, because
those in America were already "at
work." Another prisoner said:
"Ihe Russian revolution was our
greatest hope, but when the German
socialists refused to join their com
rades, preferring loyalty to the Ger
man emoire. then we decreed the
' r I i
revolutions in ucnnanj aim nua--rria
' . : Newport, R. I., June 7. Mrs.
Anne Ward Douglas, whose divorce
action against her husband, J. Gor
don Douglas of New York, caused
considerable surprise among the
members of the social sets of New
port and New, York, has been given
a decree, by Judge Blodgett. Th
grounds alleged were neglect to pro
vide, extreme cruelty and gross mis
behavior. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas were mar
ried in April, 1917, and until last
summer they lived here and took
prominent part in the summer
colony's social activities. Mrs. Doug
las formerly was Miss Kountze.
Washington, June 7. Claims of
American citizens against Germany
because of submarine warfare and
the action of the German govern
ment against American property in
that country aggregate nearly
$1,000,000,000, congress was in
formed today by Acting Secretary
Polk. The claims growing out of
submarine warfare alone aggregates
$600,000,000, Mr. Polk said.
New York, June 7. A woman
known in police circles as "Dyna
mite Louise" is being sought by fed
eral agents all over the country in
the belief that she knows something
about the bomb explosions which
occurred simultaneously in eight
cities last Monday.
It is known that "Dynamite
Louise" went to Russia before the
United States entered the war, but
since that time all trace of her has
been lost. Radical circles are being
investigated, especially where it is
likely foreign anarchists are to be
found. f
A further tightening of immigra
tion restrictions has taken place.
Stamford, Conn., June '7. Rear
AdimralCary T.Grayson has rented
- a cottage at Shippan Point," near
Stamford, from June IS to October
1. Rear Admiral Grayson, personal
physician to President Wilson, is
now in Paris with the president.
Washington, June 7. Airplanes
have been used to transport ammu
nition from the United States to
General Felipe Angeles and Fran-
ir:u traders in north-
Cisco v m, --.
. em Mexico, according to advices
contained m newspapers oi mexitu
Citv. which reached here today. .
The planes have been carrying
. iy Mtmitinnt - if- ie said, to
sumcicni iiiuuihvi. - --
replenish the supplies of the revo
lutionists. '
. ?n 7 The Den
ver Post announced Saturday night
u,t : ua niirrhased an airolane
111. I it " "
for use in distributing papers to
surburban towns. The airplane will
be placed in service inji few weeks,
the announcement saiu.t
c r..rti.!en : Tune 7. San
Odd 1-I auvia.. J
Francisco and Oakland morning
an increase to
itt WOfitl 3 .Uliuuii. '
ten cents as the price for Sunday
morning editions-
- T A .(..I.. Cnnitav mnrmncp
newsoaoers ; -will . similarly increase
their pnees, u w ut
Order Issued That Becomes
Effective Wednesday Likely
to Affect Between 60,000
and 100,000 Individuals.
Chicago, June 7. A nation-wide
strike of telegraph and telephone
operators who are members of the
Commercial Telegraphers' Union of
America is expected to take effect
next Wednesday at 8 aj m., standard
time. The order was issued at gen
eral headquarters of the union here
on telegraph instructions from S. J.
Konenkamp, international president,
who was in Pittsburgh on his way
to Chicago.
The strike order is declared ef
fective for employes of the Western
Union Telegraph company, the
American Telegraph and Telephone
company, and the i'ostal telegraph
and Cable company.
Affects Over 60,000 Persons.
It was estimated at headquarters
here that the strike would affect be
tween 60,000 and 100,000 individuals,
of whom nearly 25,000 were said to
be members of the union. Outside
of the union ranks, it is said, many
wire workers had pledged them
selves to support a strike.
We are hoping that the telegra
phers' strike won't apply to operat
ors employed by the Postal com
pany. the majority of our men
feel that they won't be called on to
go out," stated John G. Wolf, mana
ger of the local Postal company's
offices. A. Long, district , traffic
superintendent of the Western Un-'
ion, stated that he had neither heard
nor observed anything which wouid
indicate a strike.
The decision to call a nation-wide
strike was reached by President
Konenkamp after spending several
riavs in Washington, where he naa
directed a strike of union employes
in 10 southeastern 'states. That
strike followed a strike of telephone
workers in Atlanta, where telephone
emnieves were said to have 'been
discharged because of union affilia
tions, although the Southern isell
Telephone company denied that
union membership had been the
basis of any discharges.
A strike vote was taken recently
concurrently with the international
electrical workers' union.
Strike Order Issued.
The strike order was as follows:
All Telegraph and Telephone Employes:
A strike is hereby declared to take
effect Wednesday, June 11, 1919. ft
8 a. m., standard time, against thy
Western Union Telegraph company, the
American Telephone and Telegraph
company, the Postal Telegraph and Cablo
company and its associated Institutions,
Including the Mackay and North Amer
ican companies, and against all tele
phone companies where our members
are employed,
International President.
Accompanying the strike order
were lengthv instructions to mem
bers in which members employed
by concerns1 not affected by the
order were instructed to aid in mak
ing the strike effective. This, it was
explained, meant that such employes
of other concerns would reiuse 10
handle telegraph and telephone mes
sages classed as commercial busi
ness. Canadian members of the union,
it was said, would refuse to handle
(Continued on Page Ten, Column Two.)
Officer Fires Three
Times at Speeding
Auto on Boulevard
Motorcycle Officer Phelan last
night fired three times point blank
at an automobile on Florence boule
vard while that thoroughfare was
crowded with automobiles and pe
destrians. He shot a tire from the
machine and brought it to a stop.
The driver of the machine said
his name was J. B. Olson and that
he was a clothing salesman from
Tekamah, Neb. He was charged
with drunkenness, fast and reckless
driving and resisting an .officer. A
companion of Olson, who said his
name was E. X. Jones of Chicago,
was' also arrested. Jones was
charged with illegal possession of
liquor and resisting an oficer.
Phelan said Olson's car was speed
ing north on the boulevard near
Manderson street when he ordered
Olson to stop.
"Olson tried to runme down."
said Phelan. "I shot his left front
tire off and he stopped. Motorcycle
Officer Cain came up and when we
told Olson to drive to the v po
lice station, he and Jones tried to
push us off the running board".'
When searched at Central station,
Jones had a "pint of whisky in his
pocket, police said. O. E. Berg,
president of the Berg Clothing com
pany, furnished bond for the two
prisoners, both , of whom he called
"fighting Irishmen,
The Omaha Sunday Bee
ST "Sin?
Police Outrage In Brown
Case Was Direct Result
of Conspiracy to Protect
Bootlegger, Says Lawyer
Detectives Deliberately Framed Arrest of Woman Taken
in Raid to Save Roy Kelly Police Protected
Whisky Runners, Declares Attorney Lones Ap
parently Ignorant of Facts in Case Police Heads,
in Statement, Attempt to Justify Arrest of Mrs.
Conspiracy to- railroad three defenseless women to the
Detention Home in order to protect a bootlegger and a wom
an accused with receiving stolen property will be charged
against Detectives Herdzina and Armstrong, following their
invasion Thursday night of the residence at 2106 Cass street,
and their subsequent mistreatment and arrest without a
warrant in her home, at ,508 North Twenty-first street, of
Mrs. Thomas Brown, prominent church worker and owner
of the Cass street place.
Thi3 is the announced plan of Attorney J. R. Lones, who
ha been employed by relatives and friends of Miss Esther
Applegate and Miss Wilma Reed of Omaha, and Mrs. Helen
Baldwin, of Shenandoah, la., to appeal the case, which was
decided against the women Friday morning in police court
by Judge Foster on the evidence of Detectives Herdzina and
Armstrong, the officers who outrageously mistreated Mrs.
Declares Arrests Frame-Up.
"I know it to be a fact that these two detectives framed
with Roy Kelly, whom the police know to be a bootlegger,
and Ellen Ray, against whom there is a charge of receiving
stolen property pending in police court, to send the three
girls to the Detention Home in order to protect themselves
from complaints which have been made at the police station,"
declared Mr Lones.
"It was against this man Kelly and the woman he says
is his wife that the complaints were made about the house
at 2106 Cass street and not against the conduct of the girls
arrested. This we'll be able to prove.
"K there is any justice in the laws of the United States,
I shall see that these girls are not detained," concluded Mr.
Women Still Held.
The women' are being held at the
Detention home in spite of the fact
that Dr. Palmer Findley's examina
tion does not show them afflicted
with social diseases. Miss Apple
gate, who was fined $25 on the
charge brought against her by Herd-,
zina and Armstrong, of being an in
mate of a disorderly house, paid her
fine, but was not allowed her lib
erty. Dr. Findley declared it would
take him five days to determine
whether or not the women were dis
eased. Then it will be necessary for
Dr. C. C. Tomlinson, assistant to
Dr. Findley. to hold the prisoners
an additional five days or a week be
fore they will be given a certificate
of health and given their freedom,
it was said.
Boasted of Police Protection.
Miss Elsie Kubat, who was ar
rested with the three girls and dis
charged in court, declared she was
positive that the raid on the house
and the subsequent arrests of Mrs.
OUT OF $30,000,000
Federal Men Arrest Wealthy
Detroiter, Army Officer
and Others.
Detroit, Mich., June 7. An alleg
ed conspiracy to defraud the gov
ernment of $30,000,000 worth of mu
nitions supplies ha$ been uncovered
by Department of Justice agents
here, it became known today. Indict
ments charging conspiracy have been
returned by the United States grand
jury against Capt. Sotarios Nichol
son of Washington, connected with
the Ordnance department; Grant
Hugh Browne, millionaire sports
man; Fred C. Collins, vice consul
to Greece, and a president of a local
reality company, and a United States
army officer now in France, accord
ing to Arthur L. Barkey, chief of
Detroit bureau of investigation of
the Department of Justice.
Another Spartacan Move
Expected in Short Time
Berlin, Friday, June 7. The po
litical mistake of the Bavarian cab
inet in permitting the execution of
Levine Iissen, a leader of the Bavar
ian communists, is likely to result in
anct'ner Spartacan attempt against
the government.
The political effect of the execu
tion asserted itself in Berlin. A gen
eral strike was ordered and the in
dependent socialist organ Die Frei
heit opened up an editorial broad
side. . The Spartacan movement has been
in course of preparation the past
seveial weeks. . ,
Dr. Renner Returns From
Conference With Chief
St. Germain. June 7. Dr. Karl
Renner, the Austrian chancellor and
head of his nation's delegation 'to
the peace congress, arrived here to
day after his visit to Feldkirch,
where he had been in conference
with Austrian government repre
sentatives from Vienna. Dr. Renner
was accompanied by Richard Schui
ler, .and Herr Sternbalk,- technical
counsellors of the delegation.
Br-.wn in her home was a result of
a frame-up between the detectives,
Roy Kelly and Ellen Ray, who was
living in the house as Kelly's wife.
Kelly t is said to have boasted of
receiving police protection in his
bootlegging business.
The Ray woman left the house a
short while before the detectives
entered, it was said. Kelly came in
a few minutes later and sat a bottle
of liquor on the table in the room
where Mrs. Baldwin and Miss
Applegate were seated. The de
tectives found Kelly in the room
with the two women and placed him
under arrest with them.
"I was dressing in my room," de
clared Miss Kubat. "I had been told
I was under arrest and to prepare
to go to the station. I had returned
from my work at the theater, where
I have been employed for the past
year and retired. While I was get
ting into my clothes I heard Herd
zina talking to Kelly in the hall.
My door was open and I could hear
(Continued on Page Ten, Column One.)
$12,000 IN ROBBING
Get Away, Howeyer, With
$26,000 After Locking Em
ployes in the Safe.
Sioux City, Iowa, June, 7. Bank
robbers secured $26,000 in cash and
Liberty bonds in a raid on the Leeds
bank, in Leeds, a suburb of Sioux
City, Saturday. The robbers over
looked $12,000 in Liberty bonds. The
men made their escape in an auto
mobile. '
Three bandits entered the bank at
noon and at the point of revolvers
locked M. R. Bliss, the cashier, and
J. A. Pope, a customer, in the vault.
Bliss was standing in the cashier's
cage and Pope at a desk when the
three bandits entered and covered
them with revolvers.
"Turn around and get back to the
wall, commaded the Tobbers.
The two men obeyed, marching to
the rear of the room with their
faces to the wall.
Then the bandits proceeded with
the robbery, one of them "covering"
the two men at the rear wall and
the others searching the vault. They
hurriedly scraped the money and
bonds into a pile and scooped the
loot into a -satchel with their hands.
Satisfying themselves that the vault
was "cleaned," they matched Bliss
and Pope inside and slammed the
door. They hurried outside to a
waiting automobile and' made their
Discharge of Yeowomen'
Advocated by Daniels
Washington, June 7. Gradual dis
charge -from the Navy department
of 8,000 yeowomen who enlisted for
clerical duties during the war was
recommended by Secretary Daniels
before the house naval committee.
He urged that a year should be al
lowed to enable the yeowomen
eit'vr to find work or to take the
civil service examination and obtain
a permanent appointment. Chair
man Butler declared that in his opin
ion the women should be allowed to
retain their cositions.
. . . . , i
FOR $27,000 TO
Local Scouts Out for Funds
for Completion of Per
manent Camp at
Child's Point.
The big drive of the Omaha Boy
Scouts, which is a part of a national
drive by the organization for ',
000,000 association members will
start tomorrow morning.
There are approximately 1,000
toy scouts of the three classes .n
Omaha, says Scout ExecutiveJHoyt.
Of these, 623 are tenderfoot scouts,
356 second class scouts, and the rest
tirst class and merit badge scouts.
They have been doing things in a
big way and have helped out on the
war campaigns and other good
movements to an amazing degree as
shown by the records. Their wil
.ing hands and swift feet have done
:he work that oider persons cou.d
not have done.
Right now is a big time in Omaha
boy scout circles because the per
manent boy scout camp is being
established on 103 acres of ground
I'resented by Dr. Harold Gifford at
Child's Point.
Erect Permanent Buildings.
There the boys are now building
permanent barracks, administration
buiifiing, mess halls and so on.
There will be a well-equipped ath
letic field and work will be begun
this week on a swimming pool. This
will be fed with clear water from
natural springs. Drinking ; water
water will also be piped from
springs to the buildings.
In addition to the 103 acres there
are 1,700 acres over which the
scouts will be permitted to roam
and scout, engaging in the activities
for which they are trained, such
as pioneering, nature study and
camping in the wild.
President Wilson has issued a
proclamation for the Boy Scouts
week campaign. So 'have Governor
McKelvie for the state and Mayor
Smith for the city of Omaha. Thi
campaign lasts from Monday to
Saturday of this week. The cam
paign is for $27,000 in Omaha.
W. E. Reed is chairman of he
finance committee and has 29 cap
tains under him. Each' captain is ?t
the head of a district and has at
least five assistants working under
. The objects of the Boy Scout
(Continued on Page Twelve, Column On.)
1920 Army Measure Cut
Millions by Republicans
Washington, June 7. As reported
out of the house military committee,
the 1920 army bil'. carries only $810,
000,000 a decrease of $400,000.0i'0
from th estimates made by the Wr
department. The matter will Ae
taken up in the nouse Mondays Uh
ieaders planning a vote ThursdaJ.
No Summer Training Camps.
Washington, June 7. There will
be no training camps for civilians
and reserve officers during the sum
mer, the - War department advised
Charles B. Pike, chairman of the
Military Training Camps associa
tion, giving lack of - funds as the
i ; i
His Week-Boost It
s mi ii 1 1,11 vr i 1 1 uiih-ZMi w
Locomotive Plunges Down
20 -Foot Embankment;
Coach Overturns.
Casper, Wyo., June 7. H. Shean,
the engineer, is reported to have
been badly crushed, probably fatal
ly, and many passengers narrowly
escaped death in a wreck of Chicago
and Northwestern passenger train
No. 603, westbound, which jumped
the track three and a half miles east
of here Saturday.
The locomotive plunged down a
20-foot embankment dragging the
baggage and mail car with it- One
passenger coach turned over and the
others left the rails but remained
Spreading rails caused the wreck.
Held Incompatible
With Public Interest
to Publish Treaty
Washington, June 7, Administra
tion officials believe President Wil
son's reply to the senate resolution
asking for the peace treaty with
Germany will be tha it is no com
patible with the public interest to
furnish the text at this time.
This belief was strengthened by
dispatches today from Paris saying
the American peace delegation ap
parently is firm in it's decision not td
authorize publication of the treaty
until it is signed.
Meet Deniels Half Way
on Size of the U. S. Navy
Washington, June 7. The House
Naval Affairs committee agreed to
meet Secretary Daniels half way on
ihe size of the navy. In framing the
1920 appropriation bill the com
mittee approved the secretary's
recommendation that the enlisted
personnel be fixed at 250,000, until
October 1. . Mrom that date to
January 1, Mr. Daniels wanted 225.
000 men. The committee voted vto
put the maximum for that period
at 200,000 and 175,000 thereafter, as
against 200,000 thereafter the num
ber asked by the department. ;
Detroit Carmen Strike
for Increase in Wages
Detroit, Mich., June 7. Street
cars came to a sudden halt Satur
day night when motormen and con
ductors of the Detroit United Rail
way company struck to enforce their
demands for increased pay.
Says City Will Not Recede
One Inch From Determina
tion to Maintain Law and
, Order; Boosts Labor.
Winnipeg, Man., June 7. Mayor
Charles F. Gray faced a heckling
crowd of strikers and sympathizers
at Victoria park Saturday and de
clared that the city would not recede
one inch from its determination to
employ every legitimate means to
maintain law and order, to feed all
citizens, and to combat the sympa
thetic strike of municipal employes.
Gray told the strikers that he
would be - "a spineless pup'- if he
acted otherwise. He held out" no
offer of compromise to those who
quit city jobs, seeking their old
places. The mayor intimated that
former employes must enter the
city's service as newly hired work
ers. The mayor denounced the sympa
thetic strike of citymployes and
the' efforts of the union leaders to
control the Winnipeg food supply.
He insisted that he was a friend of
labor "as warm a friend of honest
union labor as he was a bitter enemy
of anarchy and bolshevism."
Refuses Proclamation.
"I have been pressed time and
again to issue a proclamation calling
upon the military to act, but I re
fused," said the mayor. "I told
these people that such action was
not necessary."-
The statement was applauded.
"The Labor News says I am a
crazy man. When this thing is over
and you know all the facts, you will
thank God you had an idiot in the
executive's chair."
Asked .what would be done if la
bor men decided to parade in oppo
sition to the proclamation, the
mayor said: .
"We will stop the parade."
R. E. Bray, leader of the minority
returned soldiers factiop which has
been . supporting the strike, an
nounced that a union committee
considering the parade problem "de
cided there would not be any more
parades and that if a parade was
attmnferf the marrhsrs Iwill have to
pass over the dead bodies of your
Revokes Union Charters.
Washington, June 7. Martin F.
Ryan, president of the Brotherhood
of Railroad Carmen, has revoked
the. charter of two local unions of
taht order at Winnipeg, and a third
at Edmonton, Canada, it was an
nounced at American Federation
of Labor headquarters, on the
ground that action of their mem
bers in appropriating .poney for or
ganizing the "one big'iunion," which
has led to strikes now progressing
in: western Canada, is a disregard
of union law. Heads' of other in
ternational unions, are said to be
preparing similar orders, affecting
their crafts. 5
Austrian Resident pf Paris
Sentenced Death as Spy
Paris, June 7. Captain Funk of
the Austrian army hai been tried
and sentenced to deathjas a sov by
a secret court-martial here. "
Partly cloudy and possibly un
settled Sunday and Monday not
muck change in temperature.
Hourly tennerSai'esi
Hour. Deg. Hour. Dec,
S a. m , Mj l p. m....,,... 11
e. la sal t p. m. ........ T3
7 a. m......... S7I S p. m in
a. m MM 4 p. m 7ft
It . m 4 1 5 p, m... ...... M
10 a. m. ........ 7 p. m , 7
11 . m. .. Ml 7 p. m 7
It noen 711
Soldiers Needed to Protect
Lives and Property of Citi-...
zens, Gov. Hobbyof Texas .
Tells "the Officials.
Washington, June : '7. Declaring
that the Mexican, situation ; is
critical that a large iorce of troops '
cn the border is necessary to pro
tect lives and property of citizen?,' '
Governor Hobby of Texas has rj
quested Secretar Baker to call into
the federal service the First and
Second brigades of Texas cavalry 1
and to mobilize them at a convent''
ent point.
The War department immediately
telegraphed the . commanding gen
eral of the Southern department
who has charge of the border guard".
asking his views on the request and
for any information bearing upaa
the situation described by Governor
Hobby'. .
Governor Hobby's Telegram. -
Governor Hobby's telegram to
Secretary Baker follows: ' ".l
"The Mexican altuation anneari to kt
as critical that an emergency may arl
at the meat unexpected moment requlr- '
lng a larger force of tropa on the border :
to proteet Uvea and property of cltlatne
than are at present available. I appreci
ate that for border duty cavalry la the
moat effective arm of the aervlce add X
alio appreciate that the regular army la '
ahort of cavalry. Therefore, I respectfully
reouest that the first and aeeond brigades
cavalry, national guard of Texaa. be called
Into the federal service. I urge that the;
call Include brigade commanders and brl-
gad Headquarter, detachments so U.t?
the cavalry organization may to Into
effect under command of two brigade com.
manaers. f .
"t also auggeat mobilisation be fixed for"
definite date not leas than 10 days from
date of call In order that officer and
men can arrange personal affaira and such
officers and men who have dependants
and for other satisfactory reaaona may be"
discharged and their places filled with
others who will be anxious to go into -active
"This 10-day period will alao provide
time to arrange detatla for transportation
and camp. I suggest Camp Mabry at 1
Austin sa mobilization camp. My anxiety
that Uvea and property of cltlxena be ,
amply protected and my knowledge of
conservatism and efficiency of offlcera
and men of Texas cavalry brigades
prompts this suggestion. . , ,
Department's Wire South.
The department's telegram to the
Southern department's commander,
was as follows:
The governor of Texaa wires the depart
ment that the Mexican altuation appears
to be so critical that an emergency may
arise at the most unexpected moment re
quiring a larger force of troops on the
border to protect Uvea and property of
citizens than are at present available.
Tour views and any Information bearing
upon situation are desired by wire."
Confidential reports reaching the
War department within the last
week regarding the . situation in
northern , Mexico contained no in
formation, it was sajd, that would
lead army officers to hold the opin
ion expressed by Governor Hobby. ;
The border guard at present has
20,000 troops, including cavalry, in
fantry, field artillery, air squadrons
and engineer units, distributed from
Yuma, Ariz., to south of Laredo.
The latter point is headquarters of
the Fourth United States cavalry.
Behind these is an even ' larger
force at the demobilization camp or
enroute.- ".,!
Maj. Gen. De Roosey C. Cabell,
in command of the Mexican border
district, has standing orders to dis
pose the American troops as he
thinks best to protect lives and
property. . ' , ,
Yaquis Kill' Americans. '
Nogales, Ariz., June 7. More ,
than forty Americans and Mexicans
have been killed by Yaquis and ban
dits in the La Colorado district of
Sonora Mexico during the last two
weeks, according to the statement
of nine American mining men from
that neighborhood.
The party of Americans whose
homes are in Arizona, Colorado and
California have sent a statement on
conditions in that district to the
state department at Washington,
with copies to Senators C. S.
Thomas of Colorado, Hiram John
eon of California, and Marcus Smith
and Henry F. Ashurst of Arizona.
. "' '' -v "
Dernburg Declares k
That Allies Cannot ,.
Make Germany Pay
London, June - 7. Germany's in
ability tc meet the financial demands
of the peace terms and the inability
of the allies to make her pay tie
insisted upon by Dr. Bernard Dern
burg, the German minister, of
finance, in an interview telegrafHic4
by the Daily Mail's Berlin corre
spondent. Dr. Dernburg reiterates
his recent declaration that Germany
will not sign the terms as presented.
Berne, Switzerland, June 7.
(Havas.) The German national as
sembly will meet today with mem
bers of the government and mem
bers of the German peace mission
for a joint- conference over the
status of the Versailles peace nego
tiations,' the Berlin Gazette an
nounces. .. .