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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1919)
THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, JUNE 7, 1919. COMM NAME FINANCE fITTEE FOR BOY SCOUT WEEK Captains and Assistants in 29 Districts Will Start Cam paign for Funds Next Monday. Chairman W. E. Reed of the ( nance committee has announced the details of his organization for tiie Boy Scout drive which begins Monday morning at 8 o'clock. The city has been divided into 29 ijistricts of various sizes. In each district a captain has been named to supervise the solicitation of funds. Kach captain will have under him at least five assistants. It is planned to call on every bus iness house in the city and give each :i opportunity to subscribe to the fund. Subscriptions may be made payable in installments, if desired, or paid in cash at time of subscrip tion. Rotary Club Members. The little army of solicitors is made up entirely from members of the Rotary club, which is backing the drive. The names of the captains and workers in the different districts are as follows: District No. 1, Missouri Rlvpr to Tenth Street, Farnam to Cuming Streets Cap tain. O. C. Kdgerly; assistants, H A Abbott, rr. W. K. Foote. H. G. Moor hfart, IT. I. Gannett, P. B. Myers. District No. 2, Tenth to Thirteenth Streets, Farnam to Dodge Streets Cap tain, Georga K. !) Bride; assistants, C. W. Adams. J. M. Glllan, L. V. Nicholas, A. D. Northrup, J. W. Elwood. District No. 3, Tenth to Fourteenth Streets, Dodge to Cuming Streets Cap tain, A. C. Sconce; assistants. James Allan. O. S. Goodrich, F. J. Norton, Dr. C. B. Atzen, A. W. Gordon. District No. 4, Thirteenth to Fourteenth Streets, Dodge to Farnam Streets Cap tain, B. H. Smith; assistants, T. J. O'Brien, V. Ray Gould, A. R. Tardun, H. J. Bailey, Howard Gouldlng. District No. 6, Fourteenth to Fifteenth Streets, Farnam Street to Capitol Avenue Captain, W. R. Adair; assistants, J. F. Hamilton, George O. Pray. J. M. Harding, Edwin Tuls. O. W. Eldrltlge. District No. 6, Fifteenth to Sixteenth Streets, Farnam Street to Capitol Avenue Captain, A. S. Borgluni: assistants, Hanlel Baum, Jr.; R. M. Harris. H. L. lVard, Frank J. Haskell, Samuel Rees. Vpdlke Leads Seventh. District No. 7, Fourteenth to Sixteenth Streets, Cuming Street to Capitol Avenue Captain. R. B. Updike; assistants. John Beliins. P. C. Hen fey, Victor V. Reynolds, H. O. Boll. J. F. Heoox. District No. 8, Sixteenth to Twentieth Streets, Cass to Cuming Streets Cap tain, A. K Bloom; assistants, Q. E. French, Arthur Metz, H. M. Rogers, Frank C. Bestor, lir. E. C. Henry. District No. 9. Sixteenth to Twentieth Streets. Dodge to Cass Streets Captain, T. J. Bruner; assistants, J. H. Beveridtre, I, . M. Rogers. W. A. Rourke, B. P. Bill ings, J. -M. Hngan. District No. 10. Sixteenth to Seventeenth Street. Farnam to Dodge Streets Captain, H A. Wilcox; assistants. W, S. Blackwell, Harry Ryan, G. A. Saclrs, S. A. Houser, C. L. Meyer. District No 11, Seventeenth to Twentieth streets. Farnam to Dodge Streets Captain lates H. Rheam: assistants. A. W. Bloom, Charles F. Schwager. R. W. Hyatt, C. L,. Farnsworth. J. L. Ferclot. District No. 12, Seventeenth to Twen tieth Streets, Howard to Farnam Streets Captain. Dan A. Johnson; assistants. V. W. Boyles, C. R. Jewell, Al. C. Scott, C. It. Brown. District No. 13, Fourteenth to Seven teenth Streets, Howard to Farnam Streets I'nptain, Dr. J. B. Flckes; assistants, G. vv. Johnston, Jack Sharp. D. C. Buell, Simeon Jones, G. A. Seabury. Megenth In Fourteenth. District No 14, Tenth to Fourteenth1 streets. Howard to Farnam Streets Cap nln. W. F. Megeath; assistants, W. H. Knrnett, Pr. W. L. Shearer, I.. C. Buresh, Tom S. Kelly, W. E Shepard. District No 15, River to Tenth1 Street, Howard to Farnam Streets Captain, V. i. Hosford: assistants. W. U Burgess. Walter O. Silver, Albert Cahn, J. Paul Kepler. Paul Skinner. District No 16, River to Tenth street. Pacific to Howard Streets Captain, H. S. Heller- assistants, W. E. Callahan, E. M. slater, W. I,. Carey. E. E. Kiplinger. W. '''District No 17. Tenth to Thirteenth street Pacific to Howard Streets Captain, P H Ward; assistants, W. W. Carmlchael. .V P. Klein of J., O. M. Smith, R. L. Carter, R F. Kloke. District No. 18. Thirteenth to Sixteenth1 street Pacific, to Howard Streets Captain. N J Baker; assistants. Dr. B. W. Christie, K- A Knapp, John Sullivan, H. T. Clarke, H H McDuff District No 19, Sixteenth to Twentieth Streets, Pacific to Howard Streets Cap tain. Lester Heyn: assistants, W. H. Clarke, Harry Koch, C. J. Sutphen, Dr. Frank M. Conlln. t,. C. Kohn. Twentieth On South Side. District No. 20, South Side Captain, A. Stryker; assistants. A. J. CrtMey, Bert I-e Uron, C. E. Terrell, C C. Cope, Jr.. Geo. 11. Lee. District No. 21, Leavenworth West to Limits Captain. Jas. M. Kelley; assist ants. B. B. Corliss. R. A. Leussler, R. S. Trimble ,D. V. Corte, J. H. Llonberger. District No. 22, Farnam to Cuming streets. Twentieth Street West to Limits Captain, Lea Huff; assistants, Henry O. Cox, C. W. T. Loueks, Pr. A. F. Tyler, V. J. Culley. R. H. Manley. District No. 23. Sixteenth to Twenty fourth Streets, Cuming to Belt Line Cap tain. H. P. Mann; assistants, O. C. Cunning ham, L. P. Upham, A. B. Currie, D. B. Marshall. Frank R. Vierllng. District No. !4, Twenty-fourth to Limits, Cuming North Captain, Ernest Buffet; assistants, H. F. Curtis. J. T. Wachob, Dr. I. S. Carter, B. E. Mathson, Chas. E. Wag ner. District No. 56. River to Sixteenth Street, Cuming North to Limits Captain. F. S. Knapp; assistants. J. E. Davidson, W. R. Matthews, M. Wahlgren, H. J. Day, A. F. McAdams. Suburb District. District No. 26, Suburb of Florence Captain, W. L. Masterman; assistants, R. j. Dinning, Frank Prexel. J. M. Dow, W. H. Taylor, B. E. McCague. District No. 27, Suburb of Florence Captain, John TV. Welch; assistants. A. V. Presher. Paul Wernher, J. M. McCarthy, W. H. Wheeler. District No. 28, West of Sixteenth Street. South of Pacific Street to South Omaha Line Captain, John L. McCague, jr.. as sistants. O. T. Eastman, D. E. McCulley, A. N. Eaton, R. A. McFarlane, R. L. Wilder. District No. 29, East of Sixteenth Street, South of Pacific Street to South Omaha Line Captain, P. F. Petersen; assistants, Guy C. McKenzle, E. R. Wilson, A. J. Eggers, J. C. McNish, H. G. Windheim. Eight Men Arrested and Money, Girds and Chips Seized in Raid Eight men were arrested yester day in a gambling raid by the po lice on a room in the Baird building. Seventeenth and Douglas streets. The rush on the room in the base ment of the building took the occu pants completely by surprise. Chief of Detectives Dunn and Detectives Whalen and Haze made up the squad of officers who swooped down on the party. John Smith was charged with keeping a gambling house, and Jack Mayer, Twenty-second and Sprague streets; Abe Falisky, 2509 Decatur street; Tom Kelly, 1606 Laird street; Henry Meyer, Carlton hotel. Frank Jones, 1424 South Eighteenth street, were charged with being in mates of a gambling house. A sum of money aggregating more than $500 was found in the pockets of the prisoners when they were searched at the police station. Two round tables, a cigar box full of chips and several dozen decks of' cards were seized as evidence. All of the prisoners were released on bonds at 2 o'clock Dainty Neckwear Vestees and waistcoats of trico lette, satin, fancy brocades, linens, organdies, and nets. Two groups, $1.00 and $2.50. Burrets-Nash Co. Main Floor. Found Woman's purse; also woman's wrist watch. Owners may secura same by indentifying. Main office. everybody!? store" Friday June 6, 1919- -STORE NEWS FOR SATURDAY- -Phone Douglas 2100 Here's More Splendid News! Beautiful New Georgette Blouses Featured Saturday at tfo or ANEW shipment received in time for Saturday's selection. There's a score or more of the season's cleverest ideas beaded, hand-embroidered and lace trimmed, in a va riety of charming ways. The colorings include bisque, league blue, and flesh, also black and white. We consider them most unusual values for the price, and have planned for a generous response. All sizes, 36 to 4G. Burgess-Nash Co. Second Floor. D ELICIOUS Cream Chocolates at 49c The kind that melt in your mouth rich cream centers, assorted flavors. Special, 49c box. Johnston's chocolate almonds and Jordon almonds. Special, 69c box. Burgess-Nash Co. Main Floor DRUGS and Toilet Goods Pond's cold cream, small jar, 19c Sempre Giovine, cake, 49c. Pond's extract vanishing cream, tube, 19c Palmolive vanishing cream, jar, 39c. Mulsified cocoanut oil, 42c. 1 doz. Bayer's Aspirin tablets, 18c. Phillips' milk magnesia, large bottle, 44c. Sloan's liniment, 3-oz. size, 19c. Small size mentholatum. 19c. Nuxated Iron, 79c. Vinol tonic, 89c. Burgess-Nash Co. Main Floor The New in Summer Millinery Receives Its First Showing Here Saturday Duvetyn Hats Feather Hats AS usual, Burgess-Nash is first to show the new ideas in summer millinery very ultra, decidedly chic, yet most ex treme creations. Clever new tarn effects, nifty turbans and Oriental turbans. We might add most of them are "Gage" hats, and you know what that means. We invite your inspection of these new things. Pretty Trimmed Hats $5.00 Made of taffeta, Georgette crepe, straw and lace combinations in flesh, white, pink, lavender, and all of the most wanted shades. Very attractively trimmed and specially priced, at $5.00. Burf ess-Nash Co. Second Floor. A Radical Final Clear aw ay of Women's I Villi 0 CUIU VJZIL VJ'lllLJ'iUl The Remaining Pairs of the Recent Special Purchase Which Was the Cause of Such Active Selling, Reduced to Close Saturday, at $3. 95 Pair A figure that would barely represent the cost of making to say nothing of the cost of the materials. The fact that the size assortment is broken, is the reason for such radical reduction in price. The schedule below shows the exact size an$ width. 1 Size 12 1-2 3 3 1-2 4 4 1-2 5 5 1-2 6 6 1-2 7 7 1-2 S 8 1-2 9 Width 1 1 j ! AA 2 1 1 2 1 ! 6 1 2 1 I A 22'1212 363 I I B 316575734 1 I I C 23556593425311 Extra Special! Women's and Big Girls' White Duck Lace Boots Reduced to $4.65 TJST the kind for street wear, outing and vacation. All sizes, in one big group. Spe- cially priced lor Saturday, at $4.65 pair. Burgess-Nash Co. Second Floor. Women's Pure Thread Silk Hose (Burnasco" Quality at $1.50 PLAIN white, full fashioned, full regular made, dou ble top. Special at $1.50 a pair. Womens Silk Lisle Hose, 85c Black, white, cordovan, or gray, white silk boot, seamless hose, also colors in full fashioned silk boot hose, 85c pair. Burgess-Nash Co. Main Floor Service Is What You Want in Amateur Finishing And we certainly give it to you here in our Kodak Section. Films left for finishing be fore 11:30, ready next day at 11:00, or if left before 4.00 P. M., ready next day at 3:30. And we guarantee our work to be entirely satisfactory. Burgess-Nash Co. Main Floor The New June Emerson Records 35c 3 for $1.00 The latest hits, in popular and patriotic numbers as well as selected dance and instrumental records. You can play them on any talking machine or phono graph. 7485 "By the Campfire" Tenor and Baritone Duet. "I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles" Tenor Solo. 7487 "On a Little Farm In Norman die" Baritone Solo. "Eyes That Say I Love You" Baritone Solo. 7477 "How Are You 'Going to Wet Your Whistle?" St. Louis Blues Character Song. 7489 "I'm Going to Settle Down Outside of London Town" Prohibition Comedy Solo. "Chong" Baritone Solo. 7492 "How'ya Gonna Keep 'Em Down On the Farm" One Step "What's That" Fox Trot. 7494 "Laughing Blues" Jazz Fox Trot. "Frou Frou." Jazz One Step. 7483 "Beautiful Ohio" Waltz. "Lo Lo Lea" Waltz. Come in and let us play th m for you. Burgess-Nash Co. Fourth Floor A Group of New Dresses Reduced lU for Saturday THERE is but a limited number selected from our splendid stock of dresses, and specially reduced for Saturday only. The regular prices ranged from $16.50 to $50.00, and includes taffetas, moire taffetas, Georgette crepes, silks and satins. There are all sizes, and the range of colorings is very extensive, including plenty of navy blues. The values are very extreme. Burgess-Nash Co. Second Floor. Our Entire Stock of Coats and Capes At Three Prices Saturday $15.00, $29.50 $49.50 REDUCTIONS that are radical to the ex treme, especially so when you stop to consider that our entire stock is in cluded, nothing reserved. The variety of styles is very extensive, and the materials include beauti ful tricotines, clever Bo livias and silvertones. The offering affords a wonderful opportunity to get a good coat, cape or Dolman at an extremely low price. In many in stances the price asked does not cover the cost of the material alone. . Too much stress cannot be brought to bear upon the true importance of this sale. Burgesi-Nash Co. Second Floor Boys' Suits With Two Pairs of Pants, Big Selection, at $9.95 to $30 Boys Wash Suits $1.95 to $7.50 The best and most wanted washable mate rials, styles and patterns. Boys Waists 89c to $2.00 "K and E" quality, assorted patterns and colorings. Boys Caps 50c to $1M Complete assortment of patterns, with full leather sweats, tape lined flexible visor, sizes 6 to 7. Burgess-Nash Co. Fourth Floor If You Have an Idea in ME NS SUITS You Are Certain to Find It Here $25 to $60 We address this particularly to young men. What is your idea, anyway? Is it one of the newest waistline models? It's here. a double breasted suit, that comes as a big feature this season? It's here. And these suits are here in your favored material solid colors blue, green, brown, fancy pink stripes, checks, and mixtures in flannels, basket weaves, cassimeres and serges. The waistline models are one or two-button single breasted straight fronts, while there is the four-button, dou ble breasted with the traced or panel back models. Skele ton lined and hand-taped seams. Then There Are Suits For The More Conservative Dresser Three-button and two-button, soft roll lapels, traced models, in a wide range of materials, colorings and pat terns. The price $25.00 to $60.00 Burgess-Nash Co. Fourth Flooi T We Feature the Automatic and Illinois Refrigerators RECOGNIZED as the acme of perfection in the preser vation of food. Automatic Refrigerators Have mineral wool insulation, are ., of 8-wall construction, all food chambers are white enamel lined the constant cold, dry air circulation keeps your food pure and whole some. There is no better refriger ator built; all are side-icing type. 75-lb. capacity, at $39.50. 100-lb. capacity, at $42.00. Automatic Refrigerators 4-door side-icing type, 120-lb. capacity, $55.00. 120-lb. ice capacity, with built-in water cooler, $59.50. Illinois Refrigerators Outside case made of ash. Top icing type, with white enameled food chamber, ice capacity 45 lbs., at $14.95. Illinois Refrigerators 3-door, side-icing type, with white enameled food chamber, ice capacity 90 lbs., at $29.50. Burgess-Nash Co. Downstairs Store. Men's Shirts Saturday Morning, 9 to 10 , At About Half the Regular Price 1 2 for $1.25 FOR this one hour only, we offer a big lot of men's shirts, which represent the broken assortments' and odd lots from our regular stock. Soft or stiff cuff styles. Printed or corded madras, repp cloth, percales and Jap crepe, also plain white negligee and white pleated bosom shirts. Sizes 14 to 17. Limit of four shirts to a customer. None sent C. O. D. No refunds. No exchanges. Silk Shirts, $6.85 to $12.00 A vast showing of luxurious silk shirts in fine Jersey silks, crepe de chine, broadcloth, Empire silks and heavy satin striped tubs. Beautiful, attractive colorings that will be sure to please you and shirts that are faultlessly made throughout. Washable Neckwear, 50c to $1.00 Men's washable neckwear in fine imported French pique. creDe chine silk and pure tub silk. A splendid assortment to choose from, showing many new and novel ideas in attractive colorings that are abso lutely fast. Men's Athletic Union Suits, $1.00 Men's athletic union suits, made of splendid quality of checked nainsook, made with elastic back and shoulders. They are cut full and roomy throughout and well tailored. All sizes, 34 to 46. Men's Straw Hats, $2.00 to $10.00 THE very best hat suited to your particular style of beauty is here ready for you to put it on and wear out. The showing is very large, including the season's newest blocks. Panamas Bangkok Leghorns Split Braids Fancy Scnnels Milans And other fancy braids, hand-made straws that will give you splendid satisfaction. Burgess-Nash Co. Main Floor.