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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1919)
THE BEE: OMAHA," SATURDAY, J.UNE 7, 1919. 8IG PROGRAM IS ARRANGED FOR BANKERS' MEET Speakers From All Parts of Country to Address Bank ers; Jry to Get Hayward Here. Nebraska bankers will hold their J2nd annual convention in Omaha, June 11 and 12. Their headquarters (Inritisr the sessions will be at the Hotel Fontenelle. Many entertainment features are planned, the principal of which will consist of an automobile drive over the city Wednesday afternoon and initiation of members into Ak-Sar-Hen. at Samson's den, Wednesday tiiht. The wives and families will he entertained the same evening at a theater party at the Rialto, and there will he an informal dance at the Hotel Fontenelle at 9 o'clock. Club Opened to Visitors. On Thursday afternoon there will be a reception to the nembers at the Athletic club and the hospital ity of the club will be tendered those attending the convention. The plunge bath and swimming poolwill be placed at their disposal and in the evening a smoker will be giyen the delegates in attendance with (he bankers of 'Omaha and South Omaha as hosts, and a boxing and wrestling f rogram has been arranged by Gene Melady, which will be followed by an informal dance. The past presidents of the" associa tion will hold their annual dinner on Tuesday evening and a special meeting of the members of the American Hankers' association will be held Thursday morning to elect officers of the American Banking association for this 4a. Among the speakers feho will be heard during the various sessions of the convention will be Governor McKelvie, Richard S. Hawes, of St. Louis, vice-president of the Amer ican Banking association; John J. Arnold, vice-president of the First National Bank, of Chicago, and Dr. Frank G. Smith, of the First Con gregational church of Omaha. Dr. Titus Lowe will deliver the invocation, and Mayor Smith and former Senator Millard will deliver the addresses of welcome, to which John M. Flanagan, of Stewart, will respond. An effort is being made to have Col. William Hayward, who com manded the brave colored troops of New York in the world war, to ad dress the convention. Director General of Railroads to Talk at Chamber of Commerce Walker D. Hines, director general of the federal railway administra tion, will address the Omaha Cham ber of Commerce at the noon meet ing next Tuesday. Mr. Hines and other officials of the railway administration are com ing here at the invitation of the Chamber of Commerce. Omaha is on their itinerary in a tour of the western cities. Election Commissioner Urges All Women to Register With less than 2.000 women reer istered for the special election of June 24, out of an estimated 20,000 women of voting age in Omaha. Election Commissioner Moorhead urges the women to come in and register at his office. Registrations will be received any day until Tnjie IS. P Open a Beddeo Charge Account "It's Different" I Our liberal Credit service Is here for you to enjoy. Select jjjg Merchandise at these sale prices. We grant you ample time to pay for your purchases. p Offering in a Special Sale Saturday i 300 DRESSES a a H a a 1 a a 9 In Three Great Value Groups for a R -' 1 85" !24?" ai GEORGETTES, ' TAFFETAS, g CREPE DE CHINES, JERSEYS, SERGES, ALL COLORS, WON- I DERFTJL STYLES. ; Right now, in the height of i the Dress season, comes this ex- ceptional money-saving offer, jj Not a dress Involved but what g would sell for almost double the j price asked. Men! Do Yourself a Good Turn i See These Wonder Value SUITS Featured at I $24.50 - $29.75 y They are that type of Suits whioh make you appear at your best. Suits that were designed by men who know y how. Models that are becoming to B the young fellows, as well as con- servatiye styles for the older men. 1 Waist Seam Suits I $35.00 - $39.75 . At these prices you'll Encounter Pi super-quality suits, i tailored from the j finest fabrics, smart, lively patterns, and they fit like made to measure H clothe. Waist-seam suits in a vari H ety of models. Two' Wonderful Saturday iiaa:i3Ei!;oiii:iaiiaiisis:ErEi:i ril ! si:ki:i9ih:kbi! Specials hi iii.fc --- A Sale for Women! A Sale for Men! I HOUSE 1 DRESSES a a BUNGALOW APRONS 100 DOZ. BLUE DENIM I Overalls I 9 $3, $3.50, $4.00 3iou vaiues Regular $2.25 Values l SATURDAY I SATURDAY f 1 95c pl.39 1 Ginghams, Percales, Chamhrays just 25 dozens of these gar ments In the house, and before the first three hours of the sale elapse, we doubt If a single gar ment will remain In stock. To be here early is to assure your self of a share of these values. Fast Color, Doulle Stitched Cut Full, Bib Style MEN AGAIN WE ARB IN A POSITION TO OFFER AN OTHER LOT OF THESE RE MARKABLE FIRST QUALITY OVERALLS AT A - PRICE WHICH SHOULD PACK OUR FIRST FLOOR SATURDAY MORNING WHEN THE DOORS OPEN. WARD M. BURGESS NEW PRESIDENT OF NEB. POWER CO. Succeeds General Harries, Head of Cdmparv, for Num ber of Years, Who Still Remains Director. i Ward M. Burgess was yesterday elected president of the Nebraska Power Co. Mr. Burgess was seen after the meeting of the board of directors, and said: ( General Harries, who has been president of the Nebraska Power Co. for a number of years, found his present and future engagements such as to compel him to decline to continue as president of the com pany. He still remains director. Mr. Davidson and the board requested me to accept the position of president, and to assume the re sponsibilities. "'As vice president and director I have been actively interested in its operations and feel a legitimate pride in its accomplishments and in the esteem on the part of the public which this company has earned and enjoys. It is the plan of the com pany to make Omaha an electrical center for supplying not only this city, but tributary territory with electrical service. Therefore, I ac cepted this position and responsibil ity with a purpose of carrying out these ambitious plans. "Jmies E. Davidson, vice presi dent and general manager, has built up a splendid organization and with the expenditure upon the plant of over $2,000,000 in the last two years, has brought the plant to a high state of efficiency. I have worked with Mr. Davidson in close associ ation ever since his arrival here, and our aim will be to render to the public efficient service, and to keep the plant and property con tinually adequate to the growth of the community." Restrain Husband From Abusing Wife Suing for Divorce An injunction to restrain William Gillette from interfering with his wife, Olive Gillette, pending deci sion in her suit for divorce was granted yesterday by District Judge Troup. Mrs. Gillette filed suit for divorce yesterday, a'.'eging her husband struck her with his fists, bruised and cioked her in their apartment, No. 512, The Morris, last Wednesday. She left the apartment that day and is now living with her mother at Fortieth street and Redick avenue. She alleges that her husband has been in the habit of beating, kicking and choking her since their mar riage October 28, 1918, and she said she feared he would come to the home of her mother and do her bod ily harm. She said he earns about ?J00 a month and she asks alimony. Mrs. Gillette, 'before her marriage was Miss Alice Caillier, daughter of Mrs. Ada Caillier. Mr. Gillette 4s a stock salesman. Judge Makes Note of Retail Store That Sells Corset for $2 Judge Arthur E. Baldwin in muni cipal court yesterday expressed sur prise that a woman could buy a cor set in Omaha for $2, meaning a cor set that she could wear with physi :al comfort and mental poise, "I did not know that it was pos sible to buy a corset in Omaha for $2. I'll have to make a note of that store," remarked the court. The incident occurred during an action against Ray J. Mayer for $113.63, the amount of a bill ren dered by a local store for goods bought by Mrs. Mayer, who obtained a divorce last week. A jury of six men brought in a verdict which held the former husband liable for this unpaid bill. In the list of items was one corset, $2. Another item was a pair of hose, $2, and another item was a pair of hose, 59 cents. On the witness stand the divorced husband testified that in his opinion the $2 corset was extravagant. State Funeral Directors To Meet In Omaha June 10-12 The Nebraska Funeral Directors' association wilUassemble in Oma ha, June 10 to 12. in annual conven tion. Officers' headquarters and exhibits will be at the Loyal hotel and meetings in the Swedish audi torium. A. H. Hastings of Arcadia, Neb., is president of the association, and P. J. Merten, jr., of Blue Hill, Neb., is secretary. Prof. W. P. Hohenschuh of Iowa City, la., will be the principal speaker. Held for Minneapolis Police On information received from Minneapolis police, William Bruce, colored, 2516 Patrick avenue, was arrested as a fugitive from justice Thursday evening by detectives. He is wanted on a grand larceny charge, police sav. The Ideal Family Loaf. Patronize Your Neighborhood Grocer JAY BURNS BAKING CO. EMEURALGIA INJ or Headawhe Rub the iorehead and temples wua 'inrcVADnPl 1 One Minute Store Talk "I hT watched this tor grew step by slept lowly, surely winning its battle by the power of it work and gaining its stat ure by the growth of its endeavor in tbe aervice of the people," said a lead ing Omahan to ua recently. Why be satisfied with less than Greater Ne braska Service? JOHN A. SW ANSON, Pres. WM. L. HOLZMAN, Tra. SHOP EARLY STORE CLOSES AT 6:30 P. M. SATURDAY The Extra Points of Perfection V Count in Men's Clothes Today RELIABILITY ! Every man expects reliability in clothes. It's the extra points of perfection that make Greater Nebraska clothes stand out. The extra fine style of the world's finest designers-the extra hand-workmanship of master craftsmen-the extra quality fabrics-the specially designed weaves and the hearty effort of this store's selling staff to give extra good service. - AMERICA'S FINEST Spring and Summer Suits Selections Ten to Fifteen Times', Larger Than Elsewhere 1 The Models From Younger Young Men's to conservative models, all physical types are provided. Extra large, long stout, stout, medium stout, slim, short and regular builds. For those who stand erectly or slightly stoop, for thick-shouldered, thick chested or slim-waisted fight ers just back from overseas and from camp at home. The Styles Men's, Young Men's and Jun iors in single and double breasted, one, two or three button models. Sack suits, waistline suits in single and double breasted coats. Slash, crescent and welt pockets with patch or flap.. Many new and 1-8 lined with sflks and mohair. English sacks, semi roll and Bell Dell sleeves. Harness stitched. Young Men's Swinging Waist Line SUITS $20 to $50 The Fabrics Beautiful worsted twists, tweed mixtures, diagonal cheviots, wool crash, Poro style, checked, striped and plain flannels. Fancy wor steds, finished and unfinished effects; cassimeres, basket weaves, velours, Glenrock dou ble service weaves. Vast and vamed range of colors meet ing all style preferences. Business Men's . Superbly . Styled Spring SUITS $20 to $65 " Younger Young Men's Suits From Specialist Designers- $15 to $45 Smart Top Coats $15 to $45 Quality Raincoats $10 to $35 STYLE HEADQUARTERS FEATURES CELEBRATED FASHION PARK, SOCIETY BRAND HICKEY FREEMAN, ADLER ROCHESTER AND MANY OTHER CLOTHES OF NATIONAL RENOWN. Men's, Young Men's and Boys' Clothing Entire Second Floor. Unrivaled Silk Shirt Display The wonderfully attractive silk shirts and the vast range of patterns set this store apart as silk shirt headquarters. Silk Shirts are growing scarce, too ; buy your season's needs today. IV e direct particular attention to baby broadcloth silks, double jf -L..lll .HL ccit Aillrr rtotn Ponti Ap linn Itth Xllh& in magnificent color combinations or conservative. Prices range. . 5 Jl 2 New Straw Hats Not only the most distinctive straw hat styles, but the styles in most de mand that are almost off the market. A word to the wise Rain or Shine buy your straw hat Saturday. Genuine South American Panamas Fine Featherweight Bangkoks Leghorn Hats, Porto Rican and - the new Fusyama Strays. Smart Sennet and Split Braid Yachts Prices Range $2 to $12 A Fully Stocked Store of Summer Shirts The Manhattan, Bates Street, Yorke and other famous lines of soft cuff negligees and, collar attached styles await you in all proportions and all sizes. Extra val ues, at $1:50 to $1 Cool Union Suit Preparedness Spells Summer Comfort. Old Sol is storing up energy these cool days for extra hot ones, soon. We're prepared for your demands. Anticipate your hot weather needs now because stocks are at tneir best. See here all the leading numbers in well and others. Sheer nainsook and athletics. All conceivable combinations i Vassar,5uperior, Made- rft (hty and silks. Fine knitted J I TQ mbinations and sizes, at r r Selling a Man Oxford Satisfaction is an Art - And here are the oxfords and the men who know how to serve you that full measure of satisfaction that you want in summer footwear. Hurley Oxfords, Arnold Glove Grip, All America and Nebraska Special CA $1 9 Oxfords; all the latest lasts and leathers. Prices range by easy steps from pT-v 4 MEN'S WHITE CANVAS AND PALM BEACH OXFORDS. MEN'S ATHLETIC SHOES AND OXFORDS. Travelers A Suit Case and Bag .stock that demands attention. Travelers A showing of best Wardrobe ' and Standard Trunks. CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN ANt) WOMEN 1 YOUR .BODYGUARDS 30' 6QS2Q