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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1919)
Dependable Merchandise at Low Cash Prices That Will Greatly Increase the Purchasing Power of Your Dollars Neckwear-Veiling-Handkerchiefs The Straw Hat Season Is Here We're ready for it with a splendid collection of Men's and Young Men's Straw Hats. Assortment of styles Is large. All Bizes. Our prices are right Genuine Panamas $5.50 up Toyo Panamas ...... i .. $2.50 up Sennetts, Sailors $2.50 up Split Braid Sailors $3.00 up Leghorns and Japs $1.50 up Men's Caps 454 to $2.50 special for Saturday Pleated Orirandy Collnr nnd Cuffsin all shades. Reg-ular value. $1.75. Special cash price Saturday SI. 25 Organdy Veata with roll and square collar, trimmed with val lace regular value, J2.0H Special cash price ...SI. 50 Fine Quality Plqoe Venter trimmed with pearl buttons regular value, $1.50 Special rash price Saturday. .. .81.00 Fancy Meah Veiling in chenille, dots and scroll designs, worth up to 85c Special cash price Paturday. yard....50d Circular and Drape Veils in many dainty designs regular value, $1.00 Special cash price Saturday ." 50tf Women's All I.lnen Handkerchiefs, with colored embroidered sorners worth up to 35c Special price Saturday 19 Women's Fine I.awn Handkerchiefs, in white and colored borders worth up to 20e Special cash price Saturday. ,10d Liberty Bonds Taken at Market Value in Exchange for Merchandise HAYDEN'S I; .v THE CASE ST01E . "-V Opportunities to Save Saturday on Drugs and Toilet Goods I.e Trefle or Asuren Face Pow der, our special sale price 81.35 5Uc ( Locust llloNsom Perfume, our special price, per oz.. 29 ROe Kl Undo Liquid Hnlr He mover, our special price, 39 Site Wnlnutta. Hnlr Dye 39 1.23 Plnniid's Mine Toilet Water, our very special price, at 86 30c. Dr. Craves' Tooth Powder or Paste, our very special price 19 .3c Woodbury Facial Cream either cold cream or the new disappearing cream price 19 Xie Petermnn's New Discovery (kills Bedbugs) our price at 25 35c Amolln Deodorant Powder, our very special price, at 1 30 niycothniollne, price 19 25c Mufti Dry Cleaner, at 19 lOe Rlt Dye Soap (all colors) our very special price 7Vi 10c JerKen Violet Glycerine Soap, our special price, a caKes lvc 10ci Williams' Shaving- Sonp, our price 7. snd 3 cakes for 19 25c Moth Balls, 1-lb. pkgs., 16 S1.00 Gem Safety Razors, at 75 $1.50 Hughes Ideal Hnlr Brushes, ' our very special price, for 98 35c and 40e Hand Brushes, 19 Large Sponges for auto nnd household use, special at 75 Prescriptions filled at the very lowest prices. We guarantee quality and accuracy. We are always lowest. CopyHskt 1919 Hart Schaffner ft Man: 1 OOKING at the clothes ques tion from any angle you'll finally have to admit that good clothesare most economical in the long run wear longer, fit better, look better. 7 The greater satisfac tion you get out of really looking well dressed is worth much more than the difference in price. Let us fit you in a Hart Schaffner & Marx . All-Wool Guaranteed Suit Perfect satisfaction is the guar antee that goes with every suit. A complete showing of the newest fab rics and styles. Prices $35 Up Men's and Young Men's Separate Trousers All sizes up to 50 waist. An im mense assortment $3.95 to $12.00 Sale of Sample Jewelry, $1.50 to $3.75 Values, 95c We have purchased a large sample line of high-grade novelty jewelry from an Eastern manufacturer and importer. -This firm is the largest and carries the finest line of any Eastern house. It consists of a large assortment of Novelty Necklaces and Beads, in, all newest colors and designs. These are the very hest styles of Beads and Necklaces that are so popular now. A small quan tity of fine Oriental Earrings and Pearl Earrings, a very good assortment of the scarce French Jet Brooches and Bar Fins , some beautiful Oriental Bar Pins and Brooches, fine French Pendants and Chains, Japanese Novelty Necklaces, Jet Back Combs Rhinestone Casque Combs, Stone Set Bar Pins and Brooches, and many other articles too numerous to mention. These articles are all high-grade, and, being samples, there Is only one piece of a Jcmd, so early shopping Is advised. This is one of the most wonderful lots ever offered at this price. $1.50 to S3. 75 values Cash price Summer Vacation Special Nemo Corsets Guaranteed to wear longer than any other Corset because of the Triple Strip Reinforcement pre vents bones and steels from cutting through the material. Special Cash Price, Saturday, at $3.00 Second Floor. j ml. TANDAH Summer Underwear and Furnishings Underpriced 11.50 and 91.05 Union Suits, 91.19 Men's fine thread cotton rib a,nd lisle finish Union Suits in short sleeve, ankle and three-quarter length. Such well known makes as Spring-tex & Augusta should be snapped up quickly at this low cash price. All sizes 34 to 50. Saturday, very special. ,. .gl. 19 91.00 and 91.25 -Athletic Union Suits, 78c Manufacturers' sale of over 200 dozen Hen's Athletic Union Suits, made of rood quality nainsook. In small check or barred effect All have web back and closed crotch. Sizes, 34 to ,46. Price 794 ' 91.00 Balbrlgsan Shirts and Drawers, 75c Men's Balbrlggan Shirts and Drawers in very fine close weave. Come in ecru and white. Broken sizes in each color, but all sizes included In the lot Shirts, 36 to ,46. Drawers, 32 to 44. Price.... 754 93.75 Khaki Shirts $1.5 About 25 dozen Khaki Shirts. Come In good dark shade. Double stitched throughout. Two pock ets that button down with flaps. Sizes, 14 to 16 . . .gl.95 Bathing- Suits, $1.00 and" $1.50 Men's One-Piece Bathing Suits in navy and white, or navy and red combination. Com pare these garments with others at much higher price. We have a limited number to offer at this price, so come early. SaturdayUt 81.00 and 81.50 Special Saleof Oxfords Saturday Women's Black and Gray Tici Kid, Hand Turned, French Covered Heeled lace Oxfords in all sizes in widths from AA to E. A splendid $10.00 value. Hayden's Cash Price, Saturday, S8.50 White Kid Lace Oxfords, with leather French heels, $8.50 val ues Hayden's Cash Price for Saturday's selling, priced $7.00 Women's Nile Cloth Lace Oxfords with leather French heels All sizes and widths AA to E. $6.50! values. Hayden's price, $5.00 Women's Brown and Black Tici Kid Lace Oxfords, with leather French heels, soft, flexible soles, a good $7.50 value, at $6.00 Women's Tici Kid Lace Oxfords, with leather French heels splendid $5.00 values Hayden's Cash Price Saturday, $3.5 Women's White Canvas Ox fords and Strap Slippers in all sizes up to 8. Specially priced for Saturday, $1.50 Misses' and Child's Army Calf Tlay Oxfords with elk skin soles All sizes, 9 to 2 Hayden's Cash Price, $1.5C Another Real Sale of Boys' Wasji Suits and Blouses About 50 Dozen Wash Suits Made to sell up to $2.50, in a variety of styles and strong washable materials, in cluding percales, madras, gingham and chambray; sizes, 2Yz to 8 years. Cash Price, Saturday. 89 Our Entire Line of $1.35 Boys' Blouses In dark and light patterns j the famous K. & S. make. As long as they last, Saturday. . . . 89 No C. 0. D. 'a or Refunds. ' Boys' Department Third Floor. White Milans Banded Sailors Dress Hats and Ready-to-Wear Styles Values to $7.50 $5.00 Hundreds of smart new styles just came in from the east. Some strictly tailored, others elaborately trimmed for dress wear; also banded sailors in fine quality white milan. The trimmings are new and up-to-the-minute. All Children's Hats Go! 1 OAiiiiJiitf 1 Hats Marked up to $5.0025 1 KM doz. at a grand clean-up price of t1 Here's Some Rousing Grocery Specials for Saturday Cash -Buying and Cash Prices is the Greatest Money-Saver on Earth it n. beat Sugar 1 Bat Laundry Soap 48-lb aacka beat Flour Pura Can granulated , me , 38c H!h Grade 93.IB 14-lh. aacka Blanded Rye Flour.. l.Jft lbs. best Whit tnrt Yellow Corn meal Me The beat Bulk Oatmeal, lb... Be The (Met. Hand-Plcked Beans, lb...lOe lba. Youni Chick reed XOe Fancy Japan Rica, per lb He The beat Domestic Macaroni Spaghetti I Bgg Noodles, pkf . ?tt lf-oa.. cana Pet ar-Carnation Milk.. lile lt-oa, cana Wilson or Slkhorn Milk. 14c t lb. cana Avolln Freeh Mackerel. .19e Tall Cana Pink Salmon Oe Tall cana Fancy Red Salmon ZSe Oil Sardines, can V. ...... .SVie Lara Jara Pure Fruit Praaerrea. .3(e Grape Nut, pkg. , li4 Teaat Foam. pkg... ...4c Large bottle Asaorted Pickle lie No. I Can Fancy 8wet Bugar Corn. Early June Pea or Fancy Rip Tomato 12c Lea & Perrln Sauce, ere all bottle.. 32c Pint Bottles Ginger Ala or Hire Root Beer- ltVtt The Finest and Most Complete Line ot Dried Fruit in the City, and the Lowest Market Price!. OMAHA'S GKEATKST COFFEE AND TEA MARKET. Our Famoua Golden 8anto Coffee, pound 34e diamond H Blend, per lb 36c H B C Special Blend, per lb....37e M A J Blend. The Hlgheat Quality. pound 40c The Feet Tea Sifting, lb 20c Choice Baaket Fired or Sun Dried Japan Tea, lb 49o Fancy Spider Leg, Oolong, Ceylon or Gunpowder Tea, lb 69c Breakfast, Cocoa 20c OMAHA'S GREATEST VEGETABLE AND FRUIT MARKET. IS lba. beat No. 1 Cooking Potatoes. 40c No. 1 New Potatoe. per lb 1e Freeh Spinach, per peck 16c 6 Bunches Fresh Radishes. ........5c 4 Heads Fresh Leaf iettuce Sc Fresh Cabbage, per lb 6e Fresh .Asparagus, bunch 4c Large Cucumbers, each.Ic, 10c, 17c Wax or Green Beana. lb... ,20c 3 Bunchea Fresh Turnip ....Be 5 Bunches Fresh Rhubarb Be Fancy Sweet Potatoes, lb 7c Large. Juicy Lemons, dozen ZOc Fancy Navel Oranges, doi.tOc, 50c, SOe Large Cuban Pineapple. each.ZOc, 23c No.' 1 Shelled Pop Corn, lb. . . . . .lt'4 Fresh Roasted Peanut, lb 15c Fancy Rolled Rib Boast, lb.. 34V2c Saturday Specials in Our Sanitary Market Butter, Eggs, Cheese, Pickles and Oleo. Best bulk Creamery Butter, per lb 58 Fresh Country Eggs per dozen 42 Full Cream American and Brick Cheese, lb 35 Fresh bulk Peanut Butter, per lb 20t 2-lb. cartons Swift's Premium and Snowflake Oleo, S0 Gem, Nut Margarine, lb., 32 4 Bulk Sweet Relish and Sweet Mixed Pickles, qt 40t Three cans of Heinz's No. 2 Beans or Spaghetti... 556 '" 1 V" Choice Spring Iambs Forequarters, lb .... 18 6 Hindquarters, lb....28 Fancy Veal Roast. lb...25 Steer Pot Roast, lb.T... 25t Alt kinds of Choice Steaks, Chops, Roasts, Smoked and Salt Meats at Lowest Cask Prices. Specials Saturday in Children's Section, Second Floor ' Girls' Silk Dresses, made up in the lovely summer styles, all colors, sizes 10 to 16, ele gant values, special price Saturday at $15.00 Girls' Fine Gingham Dresses, all sizes, elegant values, .spe cial Saturday price, at $3.98 10 Dozen Girls' Middles, all sizes, worth more, Saturday, very special price, at 1 .25 Girls' Gingham School Dresses, all sizes, Saturday, at $1.50 Girls' Middy Skirts to match, Saturday, very special, $1.98 Little Tots' Capes, sizes 3 to 6, Saturday special, at $10.00 Bonnets and Wash Hats of All Kinds In Baby Section Second Floor. Remarkable Sale Dainty Georgette and Taffeta Dresses Saturday $15.00 Just Received Hundreds of Stylish Summer Dresses Made up in all georgettes, taffetas and combinations; beaded, braided, embroid ered and self -trimmed; large variety of styles to select from. Shades: Navy, French blue. gray, rose, tan, flesh and white. Our Special Cash Price, Saturday Max Held Tailored Blouses 100 High-Class Tailored Blouses Made of washable satins, Habatai silks, pongees and crepes; plain, colors and stripes.' Special Cash Price, Saturday See Them Saturday. $5.95 $15.00 Splendid Showing of Extra Size Dresses, Suits, Coats, Waists, Etc., for Large Women. Clearing Sale of Fine Wraps, Capes, Coats and Dolmans Saturday 85 Very Fine Wraps Made up in many exclusive as well as unusual styles. Materials: bolivas, duve tynes, fine tricotines, moire and satins; sold at $65.00, $75.00 and $85.00. Saturday $50.00 110 Capes, Dolmans, Wraps and Sport Coats Hade up in the sea son's many styles. Materials: serges, twills, velours, velvets and taffetas; sold at $35.00, $39.00 and $45.00. Saturday..' $25.00 Better Values in Summer Underwear Ladles' Emb. Silk Tests, plain and embroidered top. Worth $2.98, price $2.50 Ladies' Silk Bloomers, worth up to f 3.50, $2.75 Ladies' Lisle Union Salts, loose and tight knee, tape and beaded tops, at 98d Ladies Lisle Tests, plain and fancy top, worth 50c, Hayden's cash price, 25d Children's Waist Union Suits. Are priced at 75fr Children's Black Sateen Bloomers. These, are worth , 98c and are priced at 75 Ladies' Mull and Crepe bloomers, 98c to $1.50 Surprisingly Low Cash Values in Our June Sale of Hosiery Women's Pure Thread Silk Hose All good colors, in broken sizes. Values up to 2.75. Our very special cash price, $1.98 Women's Boot Silk Hose In black, white, cordovan and medium gray. These are very specially priced for Saturday at. $1.00 Women's Full Fashioned Silk Lisle Hose in black, white and colors. These are specially priced for Saturday's selling, $1.00 Extra sizes in black and white. Wayne Knit make $1.25 Boys' and Girls' Light and Medinm Weight Silk Lisle Hose 50 Infants' Fancy Half Hose, large assortment of colors. Priced specially for Saturday's Sales selling at 25 and 39 White Mountain Refrigerators 100-lb. capacity White Mountain Befrigerator, 125-lb. capacity nhlte Jlonntain Kemgerator, 100-lb. capacity, solid stone, white lined, cash Moulded Garden Hon, 7-ply, 6i.ln f.a ft. lone, with counlintrs. it IT-50 Lawn Mower, 16-in. blade, $6.00 Uwd Mower, 16-in., ball bear ing, cash price 8S.SO Wooden Hone Reel, price $1.25 Canvas Uraiw Catcher, full size. cash price 75C -l Uarden Hand Wheel Plow. cash price 84.35 A-l Garden Spading Fork,. .. 81 Hand Cultivator, cash price 98c Roller Skates, plain bearing; cash price 81.00 Roller Skates, ball bearing-, cash price .--I52-?.? -lb. Electric Iron, compieve wun 6 ft. cord, cash price 83.Z5 I.-5 value iiayocn ruwiu, urday only, cash price 55 Hand Sprayers, cash price.. Z5C Hand Vacnnm Washer 75c 8-ft. Inbraced stepladder, cash price, at Large slse O' Cedar Oil Mop, cash price, at price, price, price. .$25.00 .$30.00 -$55.50 11.65 11.25