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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1919)
FINANCIAL. Miscellaneous. OIL INVESTMENTS Send u your spare money, any amount, direct to oil fields. will Invest It for you la splendid oil proposition. Grln-sll A Company, Fort "mn, lull. ' BAlrB Two sharss preferred, one naro common stock. Sprsgus Tire Co hjith umana ee. T-S4H. FARM AND RANCH LANDS. Arkansas Lands. Southwest Arkansas, A LAND OPPORTITKITT Mild, healthy climate; no crop fall- Mi-.; incnrs annual rnuiiau; food market. Wood productlva farms for $15 to 140 per acre on food trma. Send at one tor copy of lire Farm Bulletin. DiUAKT LAND COMPANY. i-e ijiifcn Ark. I'UANTATIONS and timber landa In euuineaaiern Aritasss. W. S. FBANK, !0i Neville Blk. Colorado Lands COLORADO LAND. 649 ACRES. 300 arrea eeeded to fall wheat. about 75 acrea ready for spring" crop. Full line of fair Improvements In good condition. The section la fenced and crosa fenced In fields and pasture. Pres ent owner would remain on the place mis year ana oeiiver nair tne crop in the granary. Trie (30 per acre. Will carry. 110,000. Adjoining this section, I have for sale a 1600 ucra ranch with high class valley alfalfa land, beautiful springs and a lot of big timber. Ideal location, being 66 miles southeast of Denver on the main line of the U. P. between Denver and Kansas City. Positively you will aDure elate what I have to offnr In this sec tion of Colorado. C. K. Davies, Kearney, rveor. CHEAP LAND The best-cheapest land In Cheyenna and Kiowa counties, Colorado; 160 to tracts; 113.58 to 125 per acre, raw and Improved. Do not pay thre or four commissions to be brought here, I own most of what I offer. Write or n, - xrnur u r- , mi.-'-o A 1 ..v... ... A. Vltll., 11IVM, V.UIU. FOR SALE CHEAP. One-half section land all miles north of Weldona, Colorado;, not sandy; school nousa on soumeast corner; union Pa rlflo railroad six miles. For further Information, address 8, H. Raub, 406 Lake St., Fort Morgan. Colo. i.'-'ACRE RANCH, In Weld Co., Col., for sale. Well Improved. Will carry 300 head of cattle. Running water. Price, 126.00 per acre. Address, A. R. Thorn ton, I0S N. Cedar St., Colorado Springs, Col. (0,000 ACRES choice raw or Improved Lin coln Co., Colo, lands. Bargains. Easy terms See J. L. Maorer. Arriba. Colo. Florida Lands. FOR SALE AT SACRIFICE. 11,000 acres In Volusia county, Fla., Hast ings potato district. Drainage almost complete, hard roads over entire distrtot. Will sell for price of raw lands. Best bargain In America. Terms if necessary. Address H. F. Droblsch, Peoria, III. Oregon Langs. VOR SALE 40 aofes, 2s miles of Portland, Oregon, 1 miles to electric and steam railway stations, dally mall route, phone, house, barn and necessary buildings, fine orchard In famous WUUamette Valley, Close to atores. school and churches. Address Wes Kby, Routs 4, Aurora. Ore. fOHDAN VALLEY, Oregon, offers you a home In the land of sunshine, where conditions are right for raising alfalfa and cat. i?. Addrea , Jordan Valley Farms, Bnlse Idaho. Minnesota Lands. S40-ACRK Improved farm 60 miles from Minneapolis, one-half under cultivation; balance meadow and pasture land, no waate land; 6 -room house, corn-crib, granary, barn that will hold 30 head of cattle and six horses, hoghouse and chicken house, good well of water. Price 117.(0 per acre, $2,000 cash, balance flv years, 8 per cent. Schwab Bros., 1028 Plymouth Bids.. Minneapolis, Minn. 040-ACRES fine stock farm, $35 per acre, 1-1 cash, balance to suit. One mile from town. Black aoll, all fenced in. Ignacy Zakozewakl Land Co., Stephen, Minn. Nebraska Lands. 2.000 ACRES Sheridan county; 10 mile south of Gordon; 1 miles Niobrara river front age; 1.000 acres best farm land; balancs best of pasture; with timber slong river and In two large draws. Priced much below anything else offered In this county. S. S. R. B. MONTGOMERY. 211 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Omsha. Neb. Bushneil Neb. UEL COUNTY FULL OF OPPORTUNI- TIES. Finest crop prospects In history of country. Land Investments made now will double Inside of year. Thousands of acres of fine, level, silt loam soil, un touched, waiting for tha man with the ' plow. Oo In the land game and In vest before the raise In values. ADAM SON & TEAGARDEN, cnappen, nfiTHHua. ISO acres of Kimball county, Neb., land for sale, or would exchange for central Nebraska farm, north of Platte river and assume or pay some cash difference. Price $35 per acre. MIDWEST REALTY EXCHANGE. 51$ Bee Bldg. Phone Tyler 4281. FOR SALE 640-acre farm seven miles - west of Belgrade, Neb.; two sets of Improvements. Can be sold a two farms of 320 seres each, or as a whole; (00 acres under cultivation. For par ticulars address Horace L. Anderson. All klT Howard Co. Farms land; prices, $46 and up; for all classes of people. Deal through local agent at right prices. F. J. Sallman, St. Paul, Neb. . FOR SALE 155 acrea, adjoining town. All bottom land. No sand. About 60 acrea good pasture, balance rich second-bottom farm land. Fine site for a summer resort with lake and shade. $325.00 per acre. J. N. Feuersteln, Leshara, Neb. EASTERN Nebraska ISO farm, $125. Will carry mortgage for 75 per cent of price asked.' Well Improved ten acres west part of Omaha. If sold soon, will make 5 bargain price. R. L. Stewart, owner, 30 Bee Bldg. CUSTER COUNTY land for sale; 320 a. -good corn and alfalfa land on clear creek bottom. no sand or overflow. Write owner. Box 24, R. 1. Ansley. Neb. GOOD western Nebraska, 80 acres In wheat One-third crop goes to pur chaser. $40 per acre. C. D. Arm strong. Realtor, 326-6 Securities Bldg. FOR Western Nebraska and Eastern Colo rado lands see HELD LAND CO., 664 Brandels Bldg; KIMBALL County, Nab Laramie county, Wyoming, farm land: particular from C. V. NELSON. 616 Omaha Natl Bank Bldf. WRITE n.a for picture and prices of my farm nd ranches In rood old Dawes county. Arah U Hunerford. Crawford. Neb. tO-ACRE FARM, 11 miles Omaha, imp. upland. Price, $150 per acre; Hi miles from town. Paul Peterson, 864 Brandels Theater Blag. FOR NEBRASKA LANDS SEE . A. A. PATZMAN. 301 Karbach Blk. Tyler 884. ALFALFA, grain and stock farms. Send for list today. Willis Cadwell, Broken Bow. Neb. MERRICK COUNTY. Imtroved corn and alfalfa fetm at the right price U. A. LARSON Central city, .-sen. ABOUT 80 acres Improved Nebraska farm land near reservation. Writ Pete Blackburn, Macey, Nebraska. IMPROVE.!' and unimproved wheat farms. Kimball Co.. Nelrasfca R B. Holmes, North Dakota Lands. 640 A. FOR RANGING. . PAT $3 AN A. DOWN. And $3 an acrs this fall. bat. 1K an acre vearly. Call on us and sea it. Pric Is 315 an acre. It's wall grassed. Water in pools. Wm. H .Brown Co., Mott, Hettinger Co.. N. Dakota. Agts. wanted. South Dakota Lands. 5b YOU WANT one of the best stock and grain farma In eastern South Da kota, located near Gary. Consist of $60 acres of nice black loan) soil, 600 acres of which Is good plowfland. bal ance fin grass and pasture land. Thla farm has $25,000.00 worth of good new Improvemente on it Tha house Is large, oak finish, has steam heat and electric lights. Is modern In every way. Fine barns, fin flowing wells of nlco cool water; over seven miles of woven wire fenca and everything in first das or dsr. Price, $100.00 per acre will give good terms. Might consider smaller farm or good Income property as part ' payment Addrea 130 N. Main Avenue, Sioux Falls. 8. P. . FOR SALE BY OWNER One of the fln est stock and grain farms in eastern South Dakota, well improved and lo cated Just outside the city limit of Watertowo. Thl 1 a fine farm for " pur bred stock and dairy purposes. Consist of 836 acre of fine land. Price $150 per acre. Might take in a small farm or good- Income property a part payment Address 130 N. Main .Avenue, Sioux Falls, S. D. Wyoming Lands. WHEATLAND Wyoming farms, $50 per . a.. Including paid up water rlgnt Hemy , lnri 4k C. M. Rj land sr. It Omaha Nat FARM LANDS WANTED. WB will sell your farms timely sales; quick returns. Held Land Co.. (64 Brandels Bid. AUTOMOBILES. FORD SPEEDSTER TWO BRAND NEW DIAMOND REAR TIRES NOT RUN A WEEK. t extra tires. Double tlrs holder, two casing covers. Speedometer, tools, spe cial geara for speed, guaranteed to make 5 miles per hour. Not a better Ford engine In umana, just overnauiea. Go ing away for summer reason for selllnr Will take $410. Phone or wrlto J. C. Bllssard, Harney eaiz, umana. Bargains in Used Cars Must Be Sold at Once l-llll Cadillac Tourlns; Car $1,500 1 ills King S Roadster; gooa as new 1,350 11017 Ford Touring Car 300 1 Oldsmobtle Truck 150 11910 83 Overland Touring Car J00 1 Mitchell Roadster; electric starter and lights 300 1 Bulck 1916; closed body. In fine condition 400 1 Maxwell, 1913; closed body 300 It will pay you to look these ears over, call at "2 in 1" Vulcanizing Co., 1616 Davenport St. Doug. 1241. ANEW CORE IN YOUR RADIATOR. At a saving of 33 per cent from list prlee. MANUFACTURED IN omaha; 24-hnur service. We make any style radl.ttor and femler for automobile, truck or tractor. Special attention given to repair work. Write us for prices on our Honeycomb Ford radlatora and cores. OMAHA RADIATOR MFG. CO.. 1819 Cuming St USED CARS. 1 Ford touring car. 1917 $350 2 Oldsmoblle trucks, 1 tons 300 1 Maxwell sedan. 1917. 300 1 Bulck sedan 350 1 MlUtrell touring, ,4315 250 1 Overland touring. 1917 400 1 Mitchell roadster, 1915 200 1 Hupp-20 roadster, a snap 250 Auto Repair Shop for sale or trade. Lots of Auto Parts ana supplies. 1511 Daveimort St. Phono D. 1241. FORDS FORDS RENT A NEW FORD DRIVE IT YOURSELF 12 CENTS PER MILE. TOD ARE COVERED BY IN8UR ANCE AGAINST LIABILITY RESULT ING FROM ACCIDENT. (0 NEW 1019 MODEL FORD CARS. FORD LIVERY CO., DODO. $622. 1314 HOWARn 19 Studebaker touring, $1,150; 18 Bulck 7 passenger, $1,250; 18 Bulck, 5 passen ger, $1,150; 18 Haynes, convertible sedan $1,200; 17 Haynes 5-passenger, $900: 18 Scrlpps Booth 8, chummy, $700; 17 Chevrolet, $315; 16 Dodge roadster, $600; 15 Bulck 11. $425; 16 Hudson 6-40, $575; 16 Overland, $185, and many others. Money back guarantee. TRAWVER AUTO CO., 1910 Farnam St. DRIVE YOURSELF TOURING 12c PER MILB ROADSTIRt TRUCKS CARS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Melcher Service Co., 1616 LEAVENWORTH. DOUO lit SIX-CYLINDER. 7-PASSENGER OVER LAND, 50-horepower Continental motor, car newly painted, perfect running order, five very good tires; good care haa been taken of this car and it la as good as new. A bargain. CHARLES BATTELLE. 621 So. 32d Ave. Harney 2451. MEEKS AUTO CO. Used ors bought, sold and exchanged. We buy for cash and aell on time. Full line to select from. Middle Stat Garage 2026-1 Farnam St Douglas 4101. MEEKS AUTO CO. PROMPT DELIVERY CN ALL MODELS NEBRASKA WHITE CO. FRED C. ROGERS, Mgr.. Tyler 1767 1407-21 Capital Ave. MAKE YOUR old Ford new. O'Rourke ' Goldatrom Auto Co.. distributors of Am BUt touring and commercial bodies. 8701 South 24th street phone South 399. 108 North 16th, phone 283. New and used Fords. Time payment. THE PACKARD OMAHA CO. offers sub ject to prior sale, one ..3-38 standard Packard touring car and a seven-passenger 1-25 Packard twin-six. These cars are In fine condition and may be purchased at a moat attractive price. WANTED TO BUY FOR CASH Used auto, good shape and cheap. Or trade nice building lot, near car line, good location and some cash. Address Box H-48. Bee. Used cars of exceptional value. GUY L. SMITH, 3563 Farnam St. D. 1170. NEB. BUICK AUTO CO., 19th and Howard Sts. Tyler 1760. USED CARS AND TRUCKS I AT BARGAIN PRICES. STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO.. 3020 Farnam St Omaha. Neb. OAKLAND, Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO 3300 Farnam St. EXPERT Repairing Guaranteed service. SERVICE GARAGE. 16th and Leavenworth. Doug. 7000. "THE USED CAR MART" , SERVICE GARAGE 16th and Leavenworth. Douglaa 7000. THE DIXIE FLYER, W. R. NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANY. ' 2520 Farnam Bt FOR SALE Ford touring car, perfect con dition, electric starter, tool box, tire holder, steering device. Harney 1913. AUTOMOBILE electrical repairs; tervlce station for Rayfleld carburetora and Columbia storage batteries. Edwards. FOR SALE Ford touring car, good con dition. Price $200. Must be sold by Saturday. 403 North 19th St Phone Red 7892. AUTO STORAGE 24-HOUR SERVICE. SERVICE GARAGE. ICth and Leavenworth. Doug. 7000. BARGAINS IN USED CARS. McCaffrey Motor Co., 15th and Jackson. Ford Agent. D. 3600. OVERLAND 6-pass. touring car, Just re- paimeq. jte moqei. ipuax oaa. 6-PASSENGER Auburn touring. Good con dition. Tyler 1419. Wbster 8139. YOU will buy a VAN BRUNT used car. "There' a Reason." 3562-64 Farnam. Harney 353. AUTO BODIES. NEW and used Ford bodies for sale. Get our price. O'Rourke-Goldstrom Auto Co., 3701 South 24th St.. Omaha. A. LEE A COMPANY, Expert automobile washers, simonyer and polishers: all work guaranteed. 2307 N. 18th St. Victor Garage. Ph. Web. 307. FORD MARKET, 2230 Farnam. Used Ford. Time, cash. Uoerty bond, new bodies, $96. SELLING only prlvatly-owned ued eara. Th Umana used car Juaraeu sen Leavenworth St Tyler 2347. $100 Reward for any magneto w can't re pair. Sole mnfra of new selt-spaclng af finity spark plug. BaysdTfer. 310 N 18th COLE 4, five-passenger; good condition. Wslnut 131 days or Bed 9333 evenings. FOR SALE! 1918 Dodge touring car. In- qnlr Clerk. Wllllngton Inn. GOOD USED CARS. GUY U SMITH- WANT ED FOR SPOT CASH, 100 USED CARS; quick action; no delay. Auto Ex change Co. 2059 Farnam St P. 6036. Cars for Hire. FORDS AND LARGE CARS FOR HIRE. DrlT yourself; at Tory reasonable price: bo extra to pay. Nebraska Sort ie Garage, 19th and Farnam. Douglas 7390. . Repairing ana Painting. WILL DO FAINTING and paperhanglng for used car. Devlin Bros., 1021 S. 22d St. Phone Tyler 4539. F. P. BARNUM CO., 2126 Cuming. Doug la 8044. High grade automobile painting. Motorcycles and Bicycles. RARLET - DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Bargains la used machines. Victor B. Rocs, th Motorcycle man. 37th and Leavenworth It. Tires and Sivpplies. NEW TIRES, 1-2 PRICE. Flreetone,. Congress, Lee Pullman. lsk. Write for price. Mention lxe. KAU1AN TIBS JOBBERS. 201 Farnm. OMAHA PRODUCE Wholesale Price Beef. Wholes price of Peer cut effective May $6 are as follows! No. 2 loins, 35He: No. , 30c .No. 3 ribs. 26Hc; No. 3, 23Hc No. 2 rounds, 37Hc; No. I. 26c. No. 2 chucks, lHc; No. 2 chuck, 16o. No. 3 plate. lsise; No. I. 14c. Quotation furnished by the Gllnsky Fruit Co. Fruits Oranges: Valesclss, $6-100, $5.50; 126, $6.00; 160-288-824, $6.50; 176. 200. 216, 260, $7.00, Lemons: Sunklst, 300-260, $5.76; Red Ball, 300-260, $5.25. Grape fruit: California (all alsea) $6.25. Bananas: 1 to 8c. Strawberries: Missouri. $7.60. Pineapples: 42-48, $5.50; 24-30-36, $6.00. Vegetable Potatoea, Northern White. 2.60; Colorado, $3.60; Ohio. 2.50; Texaa New potatoes, 8a Cabbage: Texaa and California cratea, 6 He; small lots, 6e. Onions, California Reds, 7a California head lettuce. $3.50 crate; California bead lettuce, $1.25 dozen; leaf lettuce, 40c dozen; H. G. radish. 26-35c dozen; H. G. onions, 25-35c dozen;egg plant, $3.60 dozen; spinach, market price; hot house cukes. $2.50 dozen; bushel basket Texas cukes. $3 50 basket:market basket cuke (about 3 dozen) - $1.75 basket; green peppers. 40c round; celery Florida washed, $2.50 dozen; asparagus, H. G., 60-75o doxvn; Florida tomatoes (6 basket crates) $7.50 crate;, wax and green beans, peas, market price. Nuts English walnuts, sack lots, 34e less 35c; No. 1 raw peanuts 10c; Jumbo raw peanuts. 12c: roast No. 1. 12c- roast Jumbo, 15c. Plants Cabbage, per box, $2.00; toma toes, per box, $2.00; pansy, 2 dozen basket. $1.60; sweet potatoes (per 100)) $1.00; other plant, market price. Miscellaneous Cracker Jacks. Checkers and Chums, full case with prize. $5.00; half case with prize, $2.55; full case with out prize, $4.75; half case without prize. A.iv;sirainea noney, e-aunce 2 dozen case. 16-ounce. 1 dozen case. 85.40: renack has. kets. 260 to bundle, $3.00 , Turpentine and Rosin. Savannah, Ga., June i. Turpentine Firm; 98981 bbls.: sales. 166 bbls. : re ceipts, 471 bbls.; shipments, 243 bbls.; stock, 5.784 bbls. Rosin Firm: sales. 161 casks: receints. 455 casks: shipments. 441 casks; stock, 56.430 casks. Quote: B. $10.3010.60; D. $11.20; F, $11.36-. G $111.40; H, $11.50; I. $11.65; K, $12.75; M, $12.85; N, $13.40; WG, $13.60; WW, 13.90. New York Metals. electrolytic iDDt Jun. mnti .Tnlv. 17i-- August, 1714 c Iron Nominally unchanged. At T.A-rin Snn( rnnn- 1711 in.. .1.... trolytlc, 82; tin, 234; lead, 22 5s; spel ter, t-O 1VS. Dry Goods. New. York. June 6. Dry Goods Gray cotton goods today continued easy with trading light. Yarn markets were firm with considerable buying reported. Wools were firm. Knit goods trade showed steady Improvement. London Money. London. June 6. Bar Sliver 63d per ounce. Money 2 per cent. Discount Rates Short bills, 3!4 per cent; three-month bills, 1 per cent. AUTOMOBILES Tires and Supplies. Used Tires We have several good used tire on hand at these low prices: 30x3 $4.50 34x4 $ 8.00 30x3H 6.00 35x4 9.00 32x3 Vi 5.50 34x4 9.60 32x4 6.00 36x4i 10.00 33x4 7.00 35x5 11.00 STANDARD TIRE CO., 410 North Sixteenth St. Out-of-town orders must be accom panied by cash. WHY PAY MORE FOR TIRES? DRI CURE METHOD WILL RUN THOUSANDS OF MILES. Plain New Tread. Tubes. 30x3 ..$5.75 $1.90 30x3 6.76 2.05 32x3H 7.60 2.25 32x4 7.76 2.75 33x4 8.60 2.95 34x4 9.60 3.06 25 per cent Discount Cash with Order. GOOD WEAR TIRE CO. 723 S. 27th. Doug. 422. NEW AND USED TIRE BARGAINS. RKE US FIRST AND SAVE MONEY. FARNAM TIRE AND RUBBER CO., H. 6758. 2914 FARNAM ST. NO need for steam soaked carcasses. W retread and rebuild tires by Dry-Cure process. Ideal Tire Service, 2676 Bar ney St GAIN mora mile;' have your tire re- treaded by G. A G. Tire Co. 8416 Leavenworth. Tyler 1261-W. Trucks ODELL HAMILTON CO. WILL MOVE THEIR OFFICES TO 1415 JACKSON ST. TO GAIN SPACE MUST SELL CHEAP AT ONCE ALL OUR 2D-HAND TRUCKS. REPUBLICS INDIANA FORD KELLY JEFFREY COME IN AND LOOK THEM OVER; IT DOES NOT OBLIGATE YOU. Inquire SERVICE MANAGER, 2568 Leavenworth St FORD TRUCK. Good condition; reason able. Webster 2257. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. BABY CHICKS June hatched quality chicks for sale: all standard bred stock. Plymouth' Rocks, Rhode Island Reds. White Wyandottes and Buff Orpingtons, $18 per 100. White xnd Brown Leghorns, $17.00 per 100. Terms, cash with order. Mail this ad with order to get .these special prices for high grade chicks. Shipments parcel post prepaid. Guarantee safe delivery. Write for our Red Feather Feeding Booklet. M. C. Peters Mill Co., South Side Station, Omaha, Neb, FOR SALE High class Flemish Giants - arid New Zealand rabbits, from 4 to 6 months old; also bargain In a few bred does. Joe A. Johnson, Oakland. Iowa. Horses Live StockVehicles. DON'T FORGET the big horse and mule auctions at stock yard (table next Wednesday. Expect s good run of choice farm mares, matched teams of farm chunks and one carload of farm mulfca Bala starts at 10 o'clock. L C Gallup. Auctioneer. MUST dispose of the balance of our double farm and Concord harness and collars at a sacrifice. Call at 2124 Lake st. Harness, Saddle and Trunk. we Make Tbem oureeive. ALFRED CORNISH A CO- 1210 Farnam. EXTRA GOOD MILK COW. Freslr. 2835 marker St. MONEY TO LOAN. LOWEST rates. Private loan booths. Harry Maleshock. 1514 Dodge. D. 6613. Est 1891. DIAMOND AND JEWELRY LOANS. ORGANIZED by th Business Men f Omaha. FURNITURE, piano and note a security, $40. no. H. rood. total, $3.50. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY. 438 Security Bldg. lth A Farram. Ty. 666 LUAR3 or. DIAMONDS. JEW-UII ai-ui. HA LIBERTY BONDS. OC7 V J-72 0 W. C. FLATAU. EST. 18M. " .TH VI 13 avtTTBTinv DT Ti1 TT fi KA I PERSONAL. THE 8ALVATION Army industrial home solicits your old clothing, furniture, magazines. We collect We distribute. Phone Doug. 4185 and our wagon will rail. Call and Inspect, our new home. 1110-111t-lli4 Dodge St I WILL not be responsible for any bill contracted for on or after June 6, by Mrs. Rolla C. Smith. ' ROLLA C. SMITH. Market LIVESTOCK Receipt and disposition of live stock at the Union Stock Yards, Omaha, Neb,, for twenty-four tours ending at 3 o'clock p. m., June 6, 1110: RECEIPTS CARS. Cattle Hogs Sheep C. M. A St Paul 4 17 Union Pacific 7 32 .2 Missouri Paciflo 1 C. 4 N. W.. east 4 11 C. A N. W., west........ 11 64 3 C St Pa., M. A O. . t . . . 10 33 C, F. A Q., east 14 2 C, B. & Q . west 4 28 4 C, R. I. & P., east 2 '10 C, R. I. A P.. west 2 1 Illinois Central -1 Chi. Gt West 3 Totals receipts . .. 68 173 9 HEAD. Cattle Hogs Sheep 2 2,224 861 183 2,650 662 630 3,80 330 404 3.605 1,15 74 60 7 ... , ... 12 1 ... .1. 3 ... ... 81 23 64 1 11 35 26 2 16 Swift & Co Cudahy Packing Co.... Armour A Co Schwartz & Co .1. W. Murphy Lincoln Packing Co.... So. Omaha Packing Co. HlRglns Packing Co... Hoffman Bros John Roth & Sons Wilson F. P. Lewis Wertheimer A Degen . . Sullivan Bros K. G. Christie John Harvey Jensen A I.undgren Pennls & Francis Omaha S. St. Paul 13 Other buyers 243 33 Total 2.110 13,511 1.085 Cattle There was the usual light Fri day's run of cattle. 1,400 head, and active and steady to strong market for anything desirable In the way of beef steers or butcher stork. Owing to a decrease In receipts this week compared with last of about .1,000 head. Tne market snowed considerable improvement, particularly on yearlings and handy weight steers. These are closing fully 5076c higher than a week or ten days ago, while the advance on the medium and heavy cattle has been In the neighborhood of 26 40c; cows and heifers have been In better demand this week and prices are now all of 607Bc higher than a week ago. Trade in feed ers and stock cattle has bsen rather aulet, but In sympathy with the advance In beef steers closing quotation are tuny sue Better tnan last week. BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 10 1062 $13 00 17 1141 $13 35 7 864 13 40 21 1116 1$ 60 10 1069 13 50 40 1196 13 76 25 807 14 00 16 1127 14 35 19 1408 14 60 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 18 609 10 00 19 614 11 00 12 815 11 80 18 700 12 25 26 783 12 35 15 618 12 60 17 627 13 00 8 825 13 15 24 775 13 25 21 680 13 36 30 830 13 60 11 885 14 00 33 934 14 10 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 7 547 9 60 26 1250 14 00 Quotations on Cattle: Prime st?erj, $14.60(6 16.75; good to choice beeves. $13. fO & 14.60; fair to good beeves, $12.50W 13.50; common . to fair beeves, $10.50(8) 12.50; good to choice yearlings, 313.50 ji 14.25; fair to good yearlings. $12.0013.00; common to fair yearlings, $9.601100; good to choice heifers, $10.50 12. DO; prime cows, $10.0012.00; good to choice cows, $9. 6010. 50; fair to good cows. $8.00 9.50; common to fair cows, $5.508.00; good to choice feeders, 3)11.76 12.75 . medium to good feeders. $10.0011.75; good to choice stockers, 111.50 12.75; fair to good stockers, $9.6010.50; common to fair stockers, $8.009.50; stock heifers, $8,508)10.00; stock cows, $7.609.00; stock calves, $8.0012.00; veal calves, $8.00 14.00; bulls, stags etc., f 10.00 11.60. Hogs There was a slight reduction In receipts of hogs today, ISO loads being re ported In estimated at 12.500 head. Trade was a trifle late in opening, it being sometime before salesmen were willing to concede a cut In values. After trading started It was largely a one-price market. $19.70 being the popular figure, generally 15c lower than yesterday. Bulk of to day's sales was $19.65)19.76, with top at $19.90. No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 79. .237 180 $19 60 73. .244 150 $19 65 77. .214 180 19 70 86. .232 ... 19 75 41 299 70 19 80 62.. 304 70 19 85 63. .208. ... 19 90 Sheep There were only seven loads of sheep and lambs In today, estimated at l.KOO head. No wooled or spring lambs were Included in the supplies, shorn lambs selling at $14,2515.35, around 45c higher than yesterday. One string of wethers were reported at $11.26 and yearling ewe at $12.75. EWES. No. Av. Pr. No. A v. Pr. 72 year's 120 $12 75 15 shorn 136 $10 00 Quotations on 'Sheep Lambs, spring, $1 7.00 18.60 ; lambs, handy weight, $14.75 15.35; lambs, heavy weight, $14.00 fl) 14.50; lamb culls. $6.0012.00; yearllnirs, $11.7512.76; wethers. $10.0011.50; ewes, good to choice, $9.7610.60; ewes, fair to good, $8.509.75; ewe culls, $6.008.G0. Chicago Live Stock. Chicago, June 6. Cattle Receipts, 3.000 head; good beef steers and best she stock, strong to 25c higher than yester day's low time; others arid bulls, steady; calves, 25c higher; feeders, steady; esti mated tomorrow, 1,000; beef steers, medium and heavy weight, choice and prime, $15.0016.25: medium and gooJ, $12.0015.00; common, $10.7611.86; light weight, good and choice, fl2.4014.S5: common and medium, 9.75 ig) 1 2.50 ; butcher cattle, heifers, $7.25013.00; cows, $7.00' 12.50; canners and cutters, $5.757.0('; veal calves, light and handy weight, $14.00 16.00; feeder steers. $9.6013.00; stock ers steers. $7.60 12.25. Hogs Receipts, 36,000 head; market unevenly 25c to 40c lower than yester day's average, closing weak; early top, $20.16; practical top, late, $19.90; sti- mated tomorrow, 8,000; duik. sid.vuw 19.85; heavy weight, $19.8019.90; medium weight, $19.6519.90; light weight, $19.40 19.85; light light, $18.0019.50; heavy packing sows, smooth. $19.4019.65; pack ing sows, rough. $19.0019.40; pigs, $17.00 i8.on. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 14.000 head; best dry fed lambs, steady; others slow to lower; spring lambs. 25c lower; owes, trade demoralized, some selling $1 lower; estimated tomorrow, 6,000: lambs. 84 pounds down, $12.25(915.60; 85 pounds up, $12.0015.50; culls and common, $9.00 11.76; aprtngs, $16.5018.75; yearling wethers, $10.2513.00; ewes, medium to choice. $7.509.00; culls and common, $3 00 7.26. St. Louis Live Stock. St. Louis, June 6. Cattle Reielpts, 800 head; market steady; native beef steers. $11.6018.60; yearling steers and heifers. $9.6016.00; cows, $10.6013.60; stockers and feeders, $10.00(6)13.60; fair to prime southern beef steers, $10.0018.00; beef cows and heifers, $7. 60 15.00; canners and cutters, $5.507.25; native calves, $16,009 1C.25. Hogs Receipts. 10,800 head: market steady; light, $19.7520.00; pigs. $16.75J 18.75; mixed and butchers, I19.ti520.2r.; good heavy, $20.20 20.35; bulk of sales, $19.6620.20. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 1,000 -head; lambs. $18.60 18.75; ewes, $13.0014.60; canners and choppers, $6.008.50. Kansa City Live Stock Kansss City, Mo., June 6. (U. S. Bu reau of Markets.) Cattle Receipts, 1.200 head; market higher; steers, $12.7615.00; heifers, $6.76013.75; cows, $6,503)12.65; Blockers, $7.2513.85. Hogs Receipts, 7,000 head; market low er; heavies, $20.O520.30; lights, $19.50Q 20.00; packing, $19,266)19.75; pigs, $18.00 19.00. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 1,000 head; market higher; lambs, $13.00914.50; ewes, $4.00(36.75. St. Joseph Live Stock St. Jbseph. Mo., June 6. Cattle Re ceipts, 3,000 head; market nominal; steers, $ll.5015.7E; cows and heifers, $6.00 14.00; calves, $7,000)14.00. Hogs Receipts, 6,060 head; market lower: top, $20.15; bulk, $19.78020.10. smOUt OOUlAS 3r I Wt WB w,riy M)t Offict BfbL in?rMM$ I OMAHAl , I PRINTING ffggsaTT COMPANY graS I UHWiK mmvm rTtfNAN vm Tj III 1 COMMERCIAL PRINTERS LITHOGRAPHERS STEEL DIE EMBOSSERS iOOSt Uar O'VICCS and Industrial News of. the Day GRAIN MARKET Omaha, June 6. 1919. Corn receipts continued liberal to-lay with 92 cars and oats showed some In crease with 41 cars. Wheat arrivals were 16 cars, rye 1 car and barley 2 cars. There was a good demand on corn at prices ranging from unchanged to 2 cents lower, the bulk about a cent off. Oats sold a half cent off. Rye was nominally weaker and barley 2 cents lower. Wheat waa unchanged to possibly some lower with hard grades bringing about yester day' prices. Cash sales' today were as follows: Corn No. 2 white, 8 carloads, $1.71; No. 3 white. $ carloads, $1.70; No. 4 white, 1 carload, $1.68; No. 6 white, 1 carload, $1.64 No. 3 yellow, 8 carloads, $1.71; No. 3 yellow, 1 carload (shipper's wts.), $1.71; 6 2-3 carloads, $1.70; No. 4 yellow, 1 car load, $1.69; No. 5 yellow, 1 carload, $1.68; No. 6 yellow, 1 carload, $1.66; sample yellow, 1 carload, (smutty), $1.62; 1 car load (smutty), $1.60; No. 2 mixed, 1 car load, $1.69; No. 3 mixed, 4 carloads. $1.69; 1 carload, $1.6$; No. 6 mixed, 1 carload, $1.66; 1 carload, -$1.64; . No. 6 mixed, 1 carload, $1.65; 3 carloads. $1.64; 1 car load (musty), $1.64: sample mixed, 1 car load. $1.61. Oat Standard: 1 car, 66c. No. 3 white: 1 car, 66c (shippers weights); S cars, 65fte. mo. white: s cars, 654c. Barley No. 3: 1 car, $1.18. Wheat No. 2 hard: 3 cars. $2.45. No. 2 spring: 1 car, $2.35 (smutty). No. 1 mixed: 1-3 car. 32.40. No. 2 mixed car, $2.45; 1 car, $2.40i 1 car, $2.40 (hard winter): 1 car. $3.38 (smutty). No. 3 mixed: I car, $2.10 (durum). PRIMARY RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS Receipts Today Year Ago Wheat 338,000 203,000 corn , Oatr 734,000 690,000 620,000 Sh'pments Wheat 419,000 Corn i . . 301.000 26,000 299,000 420,000 Oat 414,000 Today Year Aeo Wheat and Flour 401.000 37.000 Oats 161.000 70,000 Omaha Grain Movement, Week Year Receipts Today. Ago. Wheat 15 Ago. 25 Corn Oats 47 1 2 9 62 42 0 7 Rye Barley Shipments Wheat Corn Oat Rye Barley Holiday. RECEIPTS IN OTHER MARKETS. Wheat Corn. Oats. Chicago Kansas City St. Louis .... Minneapolis . Duluth 9 265 36 .. 23 ..105 ..116 ..128 44 63 62 73 The number of cars of grain of the several grades Inspected "In" hero dur ing the last 24 hours follows: Wheat No. 1 hard, 1; No. 2 hard, ; No. 3 hard, 4; No. 4 hard. 1; No. 6 hard, 1; No. 2 mixed, 1; No. 4 mixed, 1; sample mixed, 1: No. 1 spring, 1 Total 17. Corn No. 2 white, 8; No. 3 white, 6: No 4 white, 3; No. 6 white, 2; No. white, 2; sample white, 1; No. 1 yellow, 1; No. 2 yellow, 22; No. 3 yellow, 23; No. 4 yellow, 6; No. 5 yellow, 1; No. 6 vellow, 6; sample yello.v, 7; No. 2 mixed, 6; No. 3 mixed, 9; No. 4 mixed, 2; No. 5 mixed, 3, sample mixed, 6 Total 110. Oats Standard. 4: No. 3 white. 86; No. 4 white, 6; sample white, 1; No. 3 mixed, 2 Total 48. f Rye No. 8. 1 Total f. Barley No.l feed, 1; sample, 1 Total 2. Chicago Grain and Provisions, Chicago, June 6. Reduction of holdings to comply with the 200,000 bushels maxi mum limit in force after tomorrow did much today to weaken the corn market. Prices closed nervous, IVic to lo net lower, with July at $1.68 to $1.69 and September at $1.69Vs to $1.59. Oats lost '4c to lo. Provisions finished all the way from 36c decline to a likewise ad vance. Although occasional rallies took place In corn, they failed to hold for any con siderable time. It was evident that there were more big longs than shorts. Aside, too, from preparations to meet the maxi mum limit rule, bears had the advantage owing to auspicious weather conditions and to a sharp break In the value of hogs. Moreover, unrest in the labor world ap peared to exert a distinct weakening In fluence and so likewise did reports that food needs abroad were less urgent. In addition, Argentina offerings to this coun try were said to be on the Increase. Oats gave way with corn and as a result of the excellent crop outlook. Sea board buying had but little counter agency. Exaggerated talk of government re selling Dut a weight on the provisions market and Intensified the depressing ef fect from downturns of grain ana nogs Packer bought on the breaks. Chicago futures: Art. Open. High. I Low. Close. Yes'y. Corn July 1.70 1.70 1.S8H 1.69 1.70 Sept 1.60 1.60 1.68 1.69?4 1.61 Dec. 1.42 1.42 1.40 1.41 1.42?i Oats July .67 .67 .67 .87 .S84 Sept. .66't .65 .64 .64 65 Dec. ,65 .6541 .64 .66 .66 Pork July 60.60 60.90 49.50 50.90 50.55 Sept.' 47.00 47.65 46.16 47.60 47.85 Lard July 33.45 34.00 33.10 33.87 33.55 Sept. 32.40 32.75 32.00 32.55 32.47 Ribs July 27.86 28.30 27.62 27.96 28.20 Sept. 27.15 27.40 26.90 27.10 27.42 New York Coffee. New York. June 6. The market for cof fee futures opened at a decline of 4 to 10 points on bids, but the only sales reported were unchanged to a cent higher and prices worked up right after the call on covering on a little trade buying. Sep tember sold at 18.95c and December at 18.40c. or 6 to 9 points net higher, but this advance seemed to attract realizing under which the market eased off, with the close showing a net loss of 7 to 1J points. Reports that offers of r.ew crop Rio and Victorias were beginning to come In may have helped the decline. Closing bids: July. 19.20c; September. lS.79c; October. 18.69c: December. 18.24c: Janu ary. 18.14c; March, 18.00c; May, 17.83c. Spot, quiet; Rio 7s. 19c; Santos 4s, 24 c. -- New York Produce. New York, June 8. Butter Firm; creamery higher than extras, 6465c; creamery extras, 64c; firsts, 5253c. Eggs Firm; fresh-gathered extras, 42 43c; fresh-gathered firsts, northern sec tion, 40041c; do, southern section, 39 40c. Cheese Weak; state whole milk flats current make specials, 3132c; do, average run, 3131c; state whole milk, twins, current make, specials, 32c; do, average, 3131c. Poultry Alive, steady and unchanged; dressed, quiet; fowls, 30 38c; others, un changed. Chicago Produce Chicago, June 6. Butter Higher: creamery, 4662c. Eggs Higher; receipts. 23,896 cases; firsts, 4041c; ordinary firsts. 37ig'38IjC; at mark, cases included, 3940c; stor age packed firsts, 41o; extras, 4242c. Poultry Alive; unchanged. Kansa City Produce. Kansa City, Mo., June 6. Butter and eggs Unchanged. Poultry Hens Down lo, 27e; other poultry unchanged. Sheep and Lamb Receipt, 2,000 head; market steady and active; lambs, $17.004f 18.25; ewes, $8.5010.26. Sioux City Live stock. Sioux City. Ia., June 6 Cattle Re ceipts, 3.000 head; market, steady; beef steers, $10.0016.00; fat cow and heif ers, $7.00(8)12.75; canners, $6.007.00: stockers and feeders, $7.O012.60; feeding cows and heifers, $7.00(9.60. Hogs Receipts, 10,000; market 20 25o lower: light, $19.65019.70; mixed, $19.40019.60; heavy, $19.00(2)19.60; bulk of sales, $19.40019.60. Sheep None. FINANCIAL New York. June 6. The general ad Vance In tit ( co r , m. - ,- .k i ....... tion Tuesday was continued on the Stock exchange and Intermittent periods of week-end profit-taking failed to prevent material rises In a long list of shares. Under Impulse' of favorable report as to .io cunumong ijiutea state steel and the lndenendenf -real. ... i to 2 points, with United State Steel again ovuiMg i lne mgnesi lor tne year. There was a more varied demand for ""'. particularly lor low-priced rails, and mnv nf th. mi-n- i .. ... , . . ---- -- niuupiNnii, auii. stuntlal advances were scored by C. C. C. i-msourgn and west Virginia, American Linseed, American Ice and American Writing Paper preferred. Worth- I n K ton Pumn 1ntnn.i1 1 1 . -.. tlonal Enameling 7. Among the better ..,,, sccunues maraea improvement shown at times by the tobaccos, mo tor, leather, copper, oil and food Issue. General Motors climbed to a new high level to 243, a rise of lO-polnts. and To bacco Products went Into new high ground for the movement at mill -i-- . ly 8 points. Sales amounted to 1,750,000 on, i m. The bond market held firm, with a good inquiry also for government Issues. , u"!.L,a'ea' par va'u. 8regated $10.- 150.000. Old United States bonds wer unchanged on call. Sales. 6,700 14,100 3,600 High. 90 69 107 128 86 84 139 Low. Close. Am. Beet Sugar. Am. Can Am. Car & Fdy. American Hide & Leather, pfd. . . Am. Loco Am. Smelting & Refining Am. Sugar Rfg. . Am. Sumatra To. Am. Tol. & Tel. Am. Zinc, Lead & S 88 83 58 68 106 1064 128 127 64 SC'i 83 .83 136 137 108 108't 107 107 21 21 71 71 101 101 164 175 104 104 54 54 84 86 29 30 36 36 164 184 107 108 67 67 45 45 103 103 80 30 41 41 49 49 66 67 93 03 36 36 83 70 19 19 2,700 6,400 24,100 4,900 6.600 3,400 8,300 109 107 21 I 73 102 177 106 64 86 31 35 164 109 68 47 Anaconda Cop... Atchison At!., Gulf & W. I. S. S : Baldwin Loco... Baltimore & O.. 16,400 6,600 22,700 24,100 2,200 Beth. Steel "B". 28,100 uuite tL Superior Copper 6,000 2,600 Cal. Petroleum... Canadian Pac... 700 Central Leather. 49.100 Chesapeake & O. 1,400 cnicago. Mil. st Paul 7,100 700 6,400 3,600 8.600 Chi. Sc N. W. ... Chi.. R. I. & pc. 108 80 42 61 68 96 36 Chino Copper.... uoio. jeuel . iron corn Products 17,100 Crucible Steel 17,900 Cuba Cane Sugar 5,000 Distillers oecur Corn. 7,700 4,200 79 19 Erie General Electric. General Motors.. 166 234 241 98 98 20,900 2,400 243 99 Gt. North., pfd. Gt. Northern Ore Ctfs 16,600 1,200 15,800 20,700 7,400 12,700 700 13,000 48 102 60 122 29 62 24 39 197 28 53 34 18 83 34 110 99 33 102 42 66 22 93 91 46 47 101 102 68 59 119 1?0 28 2S 60 61 24 24 39 38 111 193 194 27 27 62 53 33 33 18 18 82 82V. 33 33 109 109 98 98 28 33 101 101 47 47 40 42 65 663, 23 23 91 911, 90 90 Illinois Central.. Inspiration Cop.. Int. Mer. Marine, pfd : . . . Internat'l Nickel. Internat'l Paper. . K. C. Southern.. Kennecott Cop... Vville & N'vllle. . Mex. Petroleum.. 24,400 Miami Copper... 2,000 7.800 Mldvale Steel.... Missouri Pac... Nevada Copper. . 30.700 2,200 9,000 6,000 N. Y. Central N. Y., N. H. & Hartford Norfolk & West. Northern Pac... 300 2,000 5,300 18,800 1,800 29,100 6,700 6,300 25,800 Pac. Tel. & Tel. Pan-Am. Petro.. Pennsylvania ... Pittsburgh & W. Va Pittsburgh Coal. . Ray Cons. Cop. . . Reading Rep. Iron & Steel 7,800 Shattuck Arizona Copper 700 15 14 15 Sinclair Oil & Re fining 16,500 28,400 6,300 44,900 67 112 32 120 282 104 136 142 163 111 116 85 91 68- 38 115 66 111 31 115 280 97 135 138 160 110 116 82 91 67 38 112 16 111 31 117 2S0 102 135 140 161 110 116 ii I 91 67 38 113 Southern Pac Southern" Ry.... Studebaker Corp, Texas Co 1,400 Tobacco Product 39.100 Union Pacific 3,900 Un. Cigar Stores. 19,900 U. a Ind. Alcohol 9,600 U. S. Steel 249,f00 U. S. Steel, pfd. 1,300 Utah Copper. . . . 8,300 400 6,000 18,600 23,900 Western Union... Westlnghouse El. Willys-Overland . Royal Dutch . . . News item from Wichita Wichita Falls, Texas. Burkwaggoner Oil Company Lease and Well Sell for $2,000,000.00 $3,333.33 Paid to Stockhold ers for Each $100 Share Held. A few more big dividend payers: Marine Oil Co 1,750 Thrift Oil Co 1,500 Fowler Oil Co 25,000 Our 5-Acre Lease Close to Burkwaggoner On valuable lease also very close to Golden Cycle gusher; we're only 800 feet from the Summitt well; about 1,200 feet from the Vaughan well and about 1,000 feet from the Midfield well. THE BIG DIVIDEND PAYERS AND THE BIG WELLS PRACTICALLY SURROUND US. WE'RE ONLY CAPITALIZED FOR $65,000 SHARES SELLING AT PAR, $10. Low capital plus valuable acreage means large dividends. $40,000 worth of this stock has been sold right here in Wichita Falls, the home of our officers. We have no agents. No commission paid and no promotion stock. Drilling opera tions to begin within 30 days or you money refunded. In case of over-subscription we will refund your money. PUT YOUR MONEY WHERE YOU HAVE A BIG CHANCE OF WINNING BIG AND WHERE YOU ARE ASSURED A SQUARE DEAL. USE THE COUPON TODAY. (gnifoti IMe ii OFFICERS: V. J. Wallin, President. Herbert Brin, Vice President. J. S. Cain, Secretary. N. V. Belden, Trustee FIRST NATIONAL BANK, DEPOSI TORY. MAKE ALL CHECKS PAY ABLE TO N. V. BELPEN, TRUSTEE. Short Term Notes Furnished hjr Peters Trust compny: Bid. Asked. First Liberty 3s 99.46 ... Second Liberty 4s 94.33 ... Third Liberty 4s 96.54 ... Fourth Liberty 4 a 94.94 ... Am. Foreign Sec. 1919 99 100 Am. Tel. & Tel. 6s. 1925 103 104 Am. Telephone 6s. 1924 100 lnnij Am. Tobacco 7s, 1922 103 103 Am. Tobacco 7s. 1923 103 t 104 Anaconda Copper 6s, 1929.... 99 100 Anglo-French 6s, 1920 97 97 Arm. Con. Deb. 6s, 1919 102 103 Arm. Con. Deb, 6s, 1922 103 103 Arm. Con. Deb. 6s. 1923 102 103 Arm. Con. Deb. s. 1924 102 103 Beth. Steel 7s, 1919 100 100 Beth. Steel 7s, 1922 102 102 Beth. Steel 7s, 1923 102 102 Canada 68 1921 98 98 Cudahy 7s, 1923 102 103 Int. R. T. 6s. 1921 89 90 Kan. City Ter. 6s. 1923 100 101 Proctor & O. 7s. 1923 103 104 Proctor & G. 7s. 1922 102 103 Russian Rubles 6s, 1936. ..117 131 Union Pacific 6s, 1928 103 103 Wilson & Co. 6s. 1928 103 104 nradstreet's Review. New York, June t. Bradstreef Satur- tl ft y w ill rSH y Wholesale and retail trade and In dustrial condition are more favorable than at any previous time this year and the chief source of complaint In dis tributive trade now Is that present active demand Is revealing past ultra conserva tion In ordering, in shortages of mer chandise in many lines. Especially is this noted In retail lines, which have spurted under the stimulus of summer months. The only lack of favorable mc! formlty Is that noted in crop reports from the south, where continued rains are put ting cotton further In the grass, and from the' southwest, where harvesting nf a bumper wheat crop 1 Interfered with by the same trouble. On the other hand, much needed rain have helped spring wheat and newly olant ed corn, and farther east, warm wea'her has quickened growth on farms and In gardens. The tenor of wholesale trade reports Is as good as ever tn all lines and better in some hltherU- lagging trades. Weekly bank clearings, $6,997,663,000. New York Bond list. Great Northern 1st 4 $6 111. Cen. ref 4 10 Int. Mer. Marine ...100 U. S. 2s, reg.. 99 U. S. 2s. coup. 99 U. S. ov. 3s, reg $9 U. S. cv. 3s, coupon 29 K. C. Southern ref. 6s U. S. 4s, reg.. 106 16 U. S. 4s, coup. 106 L. A N. un. 4. 84 Amer. Foreign M. K. T. 1st 4 M. P. gen. 4s. Mont. Pow. 6. N. Y. Central deb. 6s N. Pac. 4s N. Pac. 3s O. S. Line ref. 4s Pacific Tel. & Tel. 6s Pa. con. 4s. Pa. gen. 6s. . . . Secur. ts. . 13-is . 66 . 62 . 92 .100 . 82 . 69 . 86 . 91 . 96 . A. T. & T. sv. 6s 103 Ang-French 6s. 97 Ar'r Co. 4 87 Atch. gen. 4s. 82 B. & O. cv. 4s 79 Beth. Bteei ref. 5s 79 Cent. Lether 5s 96 Central Pac 1st 80 C. & O. cv. 6s. 91 C. B. & Q., 95 Joint 4s so Reading gen. 4s 83 St L. & San . Fran. adj. 6s. 69 Sinclair O. & R. 1 sf. 7s 99 S. P. cv. 6s 111 S. P. 5s 94 Tex. Co. cv. 68.101 Tex. & Pac. 1st. 91 Union Pac. 4s.. 86 U. 8. Rubber 5s 89 U. S. Steel 6s.. 100 Wabash 1st .. 96 C. M. & St P., . cv. 4a .... 78 C. R. I. & P. Rv ref. 4s. . . 74 C. & S. ref. 4s 80 Chill C. CV. 7S.119 1 City of Paris 6s 98 D. & R. G. ref. 5s 57 Dom. of Canada la (1931) .... 98 Erie gen. 4s. . . 66 Gen. Elec. 6s. 98 Bldl. New York Money. New York. June 6. Slercantlle Paper 6H5 peJr cent; sterling 60-day bills, $4.69: commercial 60-day bills on banks, $4 58; commercial 60-day bills, $4.58; demand, 14.62; cables, $4.63. Francs Demand, $6.47; cables, $6.45. Guilders Demand, 38 15-16; cables, 39 1-16. Lire Demand, $8.08; cables, $8.06. Bonds Government, firm; railcoad, firm. Loans Time, firm; all dates, 56 percent. ' Money Call, firm; high. 6 per cent; low, 6 per cent; ruling rate, 6 per cent: closing bid, 6 per cent; offered at 6 per cent; last loan. 5 per cent. Liberty Bond Price. New York, June 6. Liberty bonds at 11:30 a. m. were: 3s, 99.62; second 4s. 94.40; first 4s, 96.00; second 4s, 94.70; third 4b, 95.66; fourth 4s. 94.90; Vic tory 3s. 100:14; Victory 4s. 99.98. Times, i Dead fill of this Ad We Offer Great Possibilities 1308 Burnett St., Wichita Falls, Tex. Cotton Stat Oil Co., 1308 Burnett St.. Wichita Fall, Texas. Date I Enclosed find $ in payment for shares of stock in your company, fully paid and non-assessable. Shares, par value, $10. each. - Name Address O. B. Local Stocks and Bonds Quotation furnished by Burns. Drinker A Co.. 441 Omaha National bank build ing: Slocks Bid. Asked. Burgesa-Nash T pet. pfd 99 109 - Cudahy Pkg. Co 11 119 Gooch, M. & E., 7 pet., pfd. B 100 lOl'.i Gooch Food Product, pfd. " boiu 99 109 Harding Cream, pfd. 7 pet. .101 102 Llbby. McNeil & Llbby 33 88s Lincoln T. & T., com. J pet.. 94 $ On. C, B. St. Ry., pfd ' 60 Orchard A Wilhelm, 7 pet, pfd 99 100 Overland Tire & Rubber 8 Omaha Mining Co 109 M. C. Peters Mill. 7 pet., pfd. 99 109 Sprague T. ft R., bonus.... 45 ... Sheridan Coal Co 90 swift & Co., Internat'l 58 69 Swift & Co 138 138 Swift & Co.. rights 7 9 Union Stock Yards, Omaha.. 99 100 Bonds Colo. Lt. Ht. A P. 6a, 1924.. 9 Cont. G. A E. 6s. 1927 9ti City of Omaha 4s. 1928.. 4.66 ... Des Molnea School 6s, 124- 1933 4.60 -incoln Jt. Stk. Land Bk. 6s. 101 101 ' Omaha Athletic 6s. 1920 98 109 Omaha A C. B. St. Ry. 6s, 1928 78 Studebaker Corp. 7s. 1928.. 9 99' Studebaker Corp. 7s, 1934.. lno 100 Southern Ry. 6s, 1923 99 99 Wilson 1st 6s, 1928 99 100 Ex.-dlv. ' Chicago Potatoes. Chicago', June li Potatoes Unsettled; arrivals, SS cars; old northern white, cat lots, U. 8. No. 1, sacked, $1,7642.08, cwt. New, lobbing, Florida Spauldlng Rose No 1, $S.769.25: bbl.; Texss Triumphs sacked, $4.5O5.50; cwt.; Texas Cobblers sacked, $4.60, cwt. Cotton Futures. Vsw York, June . Cotton future! opened easy; July, 29.70c: October, 28.67c; December, 28.25c; January, 28.03c; March, 27.88c. Ok Sell , .OQ , or Pent .iTfc .af.mlM.tflC1' ano MACHINES I" sott Aowrrs ton thx ot-ton -MM!! TIMS Of Ttyrsmw ullho is odr moors. CENTI9AL. I TYPEWRITER EXOMNfrE Swift & Company Union Stock Yardi. Chletf. Dividend No. 134 Dividend of TWO DOLLARS ($2.00) per shar on the capital stock of Swiftft Company, will be Bald on July 1.191 to (toeknoider 01 record. y 81st. 1919. as shown on th book of tha Vompany, f. S. HAYWARD. Saeracar. i merican Tele hone & Telef r ph Ce. ' A dividend of Two Dollars per share will ; be paid on Tuesday, July IS, 1919, to , stockholder of record at the close of busi- . ness on Friday, Jun 20. 1919. " G. D. MILNE, Treasurer. -" Liberty Bonds Don't tell if yon can avoid it Buy for investment if possible. We buy and sell ft New York quo tations. At present price Liberty Bond yield a high a 4.85 per cent with practical certainty of being worth era) per cent over 100 when husines I readjusted. BOND DEPARTMENT First Trus Company o Ouiiht First National Bank Building. hi ompany TEXAS a ttm 3 E