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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1919)
V THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, JUNE 7, 1919. 14 A. Want Ad Rates (Cub With Order.) per word on Insertion 4e per word for 1 consecutive insertions lo per word for each additional Inaertlon Ne ada taken for less than total of fOo or leia tban 10c per day. CHARGE. lie per line (count t worda to line) 1 time (a per line each time. 3 consecutive tlmea (a per line each time, T consecutive tlmea 7o per line each time. 10 conaecutlv tlmea CARDS OP THANKS AND KINKKAL NOTICES. 10c per line each Inaertlon v Minimum charge, 60 centa. Contract Rate on Application. For convenience of advertisers, want ada will ha accepted at the following offlcea: WAIN OFFICE Bee Building Amea Office 4410 North 20th St. Lake Office 251) North 24th St. Vinton Office 2467 South 16th St. Park Office 1616 Leavenworth St. Walnut Office 81 North 40th St. South Side 2311 N St. Council Bluffs 14 Main St. THE BEE will not be responsible for more than one Incorrect Insertion of an ' advertisement ordered for more tban one time. PHONE TYLER 1000. Evening Editions U:0 M. Morning Editions 10:00 P. M. Sunday Editions 10 P. Matgrdjj funeral1)irectors. FRED E. FERO FUNERAL DIRECTOR Lady Attendant 33d and Cumins Sts. Phone Douglas 77. Auto ambulance. . HEAFEY& HEAFEY, , Undertakers and Embalmera. Phone H. ""5. Office. 2fiU Farnain. HULSE & RIEPEN Pioneer Funeral Dlrectora. ' 701 S. 16th St, Thone Doug. Jit. TAGGART & SON UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS Telephone Douglaa 714. 2213 Cuming St. STACK & FALCONER Independent Undertakers. 23d-Far, H. 400. HOFFMAN FUNERAL HOUR Hoffman quality service costs less. 54th and Dodge. Douglas ,3901. JOHN A. GENTLEMAN Undertaker and Embalmer 1411 Farnam St. Harney 191. DUFFT JOHNSTON, Undertakers and Licensed Embalmera. 717 S. 16th St.. Tyler 1676. DEATH & FUNELInOTICES. FREDRICKSEN Olof, at residence of daughter, Mrs. M. A, Nehleen, 3623 Pat rick avenue. June 6, 1919, age 66 years. Funeral Sunday at 2:30 p. m. from Johnson Swanson's chapel, 2204 Cum- ins street. Interment Mount Hope cemetery. CATHRO Mrs. Martha A., died Thursday. June 6, age 67 years, 1 month, 2 days, beloved wlf of George. Funeral services Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from, residence, 3133 Weber street. Burial "West Lawn cemetery. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following licenses were Issued to wed: Nam and Address. Age. ' William Allmon, Missouri Valley, la. ...28 Ines Cunard, Missouri Valley, la IS Alex Wolpa, Omaha 31 Rose Kaplan, Omaha 21 Lawrence A. Anghe, Ashland, Neb 31 Elsie Krutslnger, Ashland, Neb 46 William Borchardt, Council Bluffs, la. .21 Lulu Barrier, Ncola, la .......19 Orvllle E. Malone, Ft. Riley, Kan 21 Bessie Proff, Uretna, Neb 19 Oliver W. Holmes, Hartlngton, Neb 29 Madge K. Jennewein, Tekainah, Neb.... 21 Ben Telpner, Omaha 22 Sylvia Segal, Omaha 19 Dean Coffman, Council Bluffs, la 22 Ethel Johnson, Council Bluffs, la 21 B. H. Arendt, McKees Rocks, Pa 30 Carolina E. Weller, McKees Rocks, Pa.. 30 Joseph s. Mlddleton, Council Bluffs, la. 21 Helen Kler, Council Bluffs, la..'. 19 Herbert C. Mosher, Omaha 21 Dorothy Rohrbough, Omaha .21 BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Harry and Frances Collins, 4216 South Seventeenth street, girl; Henry and Es ther Anderson, 6127 J street, boy; D. O. and Neta Jones, 3907 North Twentieth street, girl; A. E. and Ruth Ruser, Fifty -fourth and L street, boy; Richard and Jon nle Laird. 1021 South Twentieth street, boy; Frank and Daisy Brown, 1116 North Nineteenth street, girl; Richard and Nellie Lee Twenty-eighth and Franklin street, girl; Wlllard and Martha Spence, 6106 North Thirtieth street, boy; Frank and Myrtle Edgerton, 1716 Ontario street, bey; Ebert and Mary Lewis, 2."02 North Twenty-fourth .street, girl; James and Julia Langpaul, 4313 South Thirteenth street; Tlrl; Joseph and Anna Novotny, 6214 South Sixteenth street, boy; Richard ' and. Anna Koch, Keystone park, boy; Ous and Augusta Lind, 4714 South Nine teenth street, boy. Deaths Ruth E. Jeffrey, 25, 2:!49 North Sixty-first atreet: Mary A. McClung,, 60, 6(.49 Ohio street; Jessie Vauihan, 27, hospital; Mary Gruhn. 69, 105 South Eigh teenth street; , Robert B. Ely, 77. 4017 Hamilton street. BUILDING PERMITS. C. G. Carlberg, nine, frame dwellings as follows: 3063 South 33rd, 12.600; 3071 South 33d, $2,600; 8002 South 32d, 12.600; 3006 South J2d, 12.600; 3010 South 32d, $3,000; S014 South 33d, $2,600; 3018 South Bid, $2,600; 3022 South 3 2d, $2,600; 3025 South 32d. $3,600. W. L. Glbb, 702 So. 65th, frame dwelling, $1,609; A. G. Phil Hps, $622 No. 18th five., frame dwelling, $2,800; . H. J. Groove, 912 Mercer Road, brick veneer dwelling, $10,000; T. B. Campbell, 306 So. 60th avenue, frame and stucco dwelling. $4,000; George C. Flack, two frame dwellings, 4308 Franklin, $2,600, and 4025 No. 43rd, $2,000; XV. J. Lawless. 1703 Fontenelle boulevard, frame and stucco dwelling, $6,000; Chas. J. McCann, 4112 No. 22nd, frame dwelling, $2,500: Ernest Sweet, 114 So.- Slat, brick veneer dwelling, $9,000. FLORISTS. LEE L. LARMON FoK70S 1114 Douglas St. Douglas 8244. " JOHN BATH, 18th and Farnam. D. 1000. U ' Henderson, 1610 Farnam. . D. 1248. MONUMENTS & CEMETERIES. THE largest display of monuments In the United States. FRANK SVOBOD.V, 1211 S. 13th. Phone Douglas 1872-5216. SPECIAL NOTICE. TORRET FAMILIES AND DESCEND V ANTS, OF WHATEVER NAME A i great book to be published concerning them. Relatives, if to appear therein, must, unless they have already done so, writ soon, giving names and history to F. C. Twrrey. Lakehurst. N. J. ' POUL PETERSEN Is wanted to corre apond with his sisters at once. Father is dead, and there are some legal papers waiting your signature. Antoinette M. ' Petersen, car Hans Larsen, Cozad, Neb., tTL. F. P. LOST FOUND REWARDS. FOR ARTICLES LOST on atreet oars, tele phone Tyler 800. We are anxious to re. tor lost articles to rightful owner. OMAHA A CO. BLUFFS ST. RY. CO. PACKAGE containing valuable Jewelry. 1 pr. 30xm tire chains, 1 tube, between Millard and 30th and Dodge. Return to Omaha Bee. Liberal Reward. LOST A round pin, ladles head painted on Ivory with gold rim around. Re torn Blackstone Hotel office, and re- celve reward. LOST Folding pocketbook on Dundee car, contained valuables. Keep the money and return pdeket book to Rogers, 14th and Farnam. LADK 8 wriset watch, laat Saturday, May 11, around or In Fontenelle Hotel. Mrs. C. C. Low, Wheatland. Wyo., or notify Manager of Fontenelle. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Furniture and Household Goods YOU SHOULD FURNISH YOUR HOME WITH GOOD FUR , NITURE 'The kind we sell and for less than It usually requires. In June we try to furnish the greatest number of new homes of any store In the middle west and endeavor to accomplish it by mak ing the prices so low on quality furni ture that you find it to your interest to buy of us. We don't appeal to senti- merrt for your business, but to your own - Interest only. We specialise on com plete home, hotel and rooming house furnishings. See us first. , : STATE FURNITURE CO. , Tth and Podge St. Opp. U. P. Bldg. . AUCTION AUCTION ' Another big sale-of high-grade for ' nlture, rugs and piano In my auction house. Southeast corner 18th and Web ster Sts Saturday, June 7, starts at 19 a. m. .;. JAMES L. DOWD. Auctioneer. 1 1f you Have anything to sell call Colfax 1424 or Tyler 966-W. BEAUTIFUL, massive, three-piece, genu- - the mahogany and leather parlor set. Good as new for 1-S original cost. 2431 Oummltig, Pouglaa 4969. , BalF Furniture and fixtures of fifteen bedrooms. Monday, June Stfc, Her Grand Hotel, 16th and Howard. FURNITURE sought, sold and exchanged. Our motre Js: "Prices that satisfy you." ; Zi2 Coming ft PqusIrk . i'OH SALE Gas stove used less than a year. Pbons Walnut iOH. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Furniture and Household Goods AUCTION! AUCTION! Another big sale of furniture, piano, rugs and furnishings of 7 good homes. In my Auction House South East Corner 18th and Webster Streets. Saturday, June 7. Starts at M A. M. This is a big sale of thousands of ar ticles too numerous to mention. Includ ing 1 extra good Upright Grand piano, 1 Vlctrola and records, several large rockers and duofold. 2 good dining room sets in golden and fumed oak dining tables, chairs and buffets and China cabinets, 4 good library tables. 3 extra hifta.-grade, nearly new. Imperial Wilton rugs, 9x12, and 1 Anglo-Persian rug, 9x12, several Axminester rugs, 9x12, and about 14 smaller rugs, also hall runner and stair carpet, 1 brand new Stevens repeating 22 rifle, 1 nearly new Oliver typewriter, mahogany bed, mahogany d-sser nd chifflonier, 1 massive brass beds, springs and mattresses, several Vernls Martin bed springs and mattress es, American Aalnut dresser, 6 good oak dressers, wa'rdrobe, large mirror, a lot of Victor records, one of the very best combination coal and gas ranges I have ever sold, white enameled, and Just like new, cost $140 short time ago, 1 blue shlld's bed room suite, 1 Circassian wal nut dresser, 3 gas ranges, kitchen cabi net, 4 good Ice boxes, dishes, linens In fact nearly everything used in a home. JAMES L. DOWD, Auctioneer. If you have anything to sell, call Red 15S5, Tyler 966-W or Colfax 1424. Pianos and Musical Instruments. A FULL line of Columbia phonogruphs and records In all languages; also a full line of Vttanolas and all musical Instruments at 25 per cent off. We also repair phonographs. Rlalto Music Shop, 1416 Douglas St. Open evenings. WE have taken hi trade two Columbia phonograph cabinets and will sell cheap to cash buyer. Midland Office Supply Co.. 14 "4 Dodge St. A. HOSPE COrayna,nm-u.,c,n Pianos for rent, 14.00 per month. MAHOGANY Vlctrola, with records, prao tlcally new. Owner leaving city. Webster 746. 2127 Evaps St. Bee Supplies. BEE SUPPLIES KRETCHMER MFG. CO.. Co. Bluffs, la. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS AND AlPINO MACHINES. NEW AND REBUILT The most complete line of Typewriters and Adding Machines west of Chicago. Can furnish any make at most any price you desire to pay. We rent and repair all makes and will buy or trade for your old machine. Every machine guaranteed. See us before you buy. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE (Established over 16 vwj-i. I Douglas 4121. 1905 Farnam St. REBUILT, sold, rented, repaired. Carbon paper, ribbons and supplies. Service guaranteed. Try us. Phone Doug. 6031 OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO. 106 North 15th St. TYPEWRITERS all makes, sold, rented and repaired. THE W, N. LONG COMPANY, 205 S. 18th St. Tel. D. 3969. WE buy, sell and exchange typewriters, desks and office furniture. Midland of fice Supply Co.. 1404 Dodge St. Tel. Douglas 2147. RENT an Oliver Typewriter, thite months for 16.00. Oliver Agency, 190 Farnam yu.. City. Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES Ws rent, repair, sell needles and parte MICK EL'S NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 15th and Harney Sts. Doug. 1973. Machinery and Engines ATTENTION! Contractors and wood working manu facturers. Here Is the chance of a life time to secure some hiKh. grade wood working machinery at less than 50c on the $. 1 shaper, 1 moulder, 1 planer, 1 hand lathe, 1 automatic lathe, 1 rip saw, 1 cross cut saw, 1 band saw, 1 dadoing machine, ,1 boring machine, 1 grindstone, 1 tool sharpener, 1 air pump and pressure tank, 1 sand papering machine, 1 steam en gine and boiler about 18 horsepower, pulleys and shafting. Priced right for quick sale or will trade. Write, or still better, come and investigate, R.' B. HOEVET, Fairfield, Neb. TWO PUMPS Gould Triplex belt power with cross-heads size 8x10; pulley 42 lnch diameter for 8-inch belt and Worthlngton Duplex Rteam, size 12x7x10. both suitable for elevator or tank serv ice. Manager. Security Mutual Life Rulldlng, Lincoln, Neb. 36 H. P., 600-volt direct current motor In first class condition. Manager, Secur ity Mutual Life Building, Lincoln, Ne braska 'Clothing and Furs. FOR SALE A complete line of millinery. indleB' coats, suits and furnishings. This stock is not two years old. Ev erything is clean and Jn first-class con dition. Reason for selling, on account of health. Location In county seat town. The only millinery store In the town A first-class njilllner can make good money here. It will pay you to Investigate this stock. For further In formation write Mr. Chas. A. Miller. Butte. Neb. P. S. This stock will Invoice around $4.000; Miscellaneous. 11-KARAT solid gold chain and diamond locket, 150. Cameo and diamond la ( vallere, J40. blue-white diamond ring, $75. Carl Fisher E alto saxaphone and case, $75. C. G. Conn clarinet, flute and piccolo, reasonable. T. Freidman, 1211 Pougias. T"RTTIf fresh apple cider, 60c per L XVI IN XV gallon, In 16-galIon kegs; no charge for kegs, return when empty. Drink reliable old port, $1 per gallon Porto Beverage Co.. 2-444 Burt St. Phone Douglas 3462. ; HIGH prices paid for clothing, suit cases, bags, old gold and sliver. FRIEDMAN, 1211 Pougias. Red 7914. WE buy, sell and make desks, safes, show cases, shelving, etc. Omaha Fixture A Supply Co., 11th and Douglas, u. ziit. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Ma'iresses made over In new ticking at half the price of new ones. 1907 Cuming. Dnuslas 2467 FOR SALE Al threshing rig in fine shape. Inquire of W. F. Howe, David City. Neb. FOR SALE cheap, almost new electric popcorn and peanut machine; money maker. Box H-60. Bee. NEW automatic Wilcox-Glbbs machine $30. 645 South 31st street. NEW black taffeta dress: hand-embroidered: size 34. Webster 6977. POOL TABLES T. F. Hall. Doug. 740S. KINDLING delivered $3.50 load. Web. 469. WANTED TO BUY WE BUT LIBERTY BONDS, STOCKS AND BONDS. CORPORATIONS FINANCED. LOCAL SECURITIES. B.OBT. C. DRUESEDOW A CO. S60 Omaha Natl. Bank Bldg. WANT TO BUY HOMES H. A. WOLF CO. MEMBERS OMAHA REAL ESTATE BOARD. 512 ELECTRIC BLDG. i'YLER 85 LIBERTY BONDS Including partial payment receipts bought for cash; Immediate remittance made for bonds sent by mall. LEWIS A CO., BROKERS. 411 M'CAGUE BLDG. LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS, HIGH SPOT CASH PRICES. HILL INVEST MENT CO., 642 Securities (Rose) Bldg., Omaha. WE pay the highest-price for secopd-hand furniture in good condition. W. M. Franklin, 1411 N. 24th 8t. Webster 4206. RING HARNEY 1890 IF YOU HAVE FUR NITURE. RUGS. OR OFFICE EQUIP MENT FOR SALE. WE PAY MORE LIBERTY BONDS. Hlgest prices for second and third Issues this week only. Other firms du puicate our sds, but they can't pay our prices. Come and see SECURITY INVESTMENT CO.. 639 Securities (Rose) Bldg. WANTED TO BUY Watch the dally bond quotations In this paper and get the market price for your Liberty bonds. Come to us . H. LOU GEE. INC . $31-40 Keellne. Bids WANTED TO BUY. -r LIBERTY BONDS If you have a Liberty bond to sell, see us. We pay spot cash for all Issues. Also buy partial payment receipts. 319 M'CAGUE BLDG. N. W. Cor. 15th and Dodge Sts. Highest Cash Prices Paid for LIBERTY BONDS And Partial Payment Receipts. NATIONAL BOND CO., 610 World-Herald Bldg. Tyler 699. H. DOLGOFF, Furniture nd Hardware Furniture, rugs, linoleum, loe boxes, gas stoves, office furniture, show esses, trunks, suit cases, bedding. lnen, poultry netting and garden tools. Better goods for less money. Credit If you wish. 1839 47 N. 24th. Web. 1607. HIGH prices paid for clothing, suit cases, bags old gold and silver. FRIEDMAN. 1211 Douglas Red T914. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks; used desks bought sold snd traded. J. C. Reed. 1201 Farnam. D. 6146 V A T IT Py highest prices for old J. XXJ1! ciothes. shoes snd trunks. CU Douglas 8028. NOTICE. I want a good parlor or Baby Grand Eiano for a good lot, or as payment on ouse and lot. Phone Doug. 3600. WE buy waste paper and pay good prices. Phone or write Omaha Paper Stock Co.. Douglas ,169. WILL buy second-hand clothimrr shoes and furniture. Tyler 2598. A, Zavett. 706 North 16th St. HIGHEST prices for your old clothes: try us first and be convinced. Doug las 3444, ANNOUNCEMENTS Acordeon Pleating. ACCORDEON, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating, covered buttons, all sizes and styles; hemstrtchlng, picot edging, eye let cut work, button holes, pennants. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO.. 300-308 Brown Bldg. Phone D. 1936. HEMSTITCHING, PLEATING. BUTTONS. G. U. VanArnam Pleating Co., 412-17 Paxton Block. Phone Doug. 1109. Baggage and Express. "The Only Way" Si R. Ticket Office D. 295 Omaha Transfer Co Fisher Transfer Co., 417 So. 14th St. Tyler 42.13. Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 VV. O. W. Bldg. Brass and Iron Foundries. PAXTON-MITCHEI.L CO.. 27th and Martha Sts., Omaha, Neb. Brass, bronze, aluminum and machine gray iron castings. Chiropractors. Ethel Maltby, I). C, 312 Bee Rld. D. 3072. Mr. J. C. Lawrence. Balrd Bldg D. 8461. Dancing Academies. KEEPS HOTEL ROME Learn to dance for $5; class and dance Monday. Thurs day and Saturday. Private lessons. Phone Mr. Keep, I). 25S1. or Har. 2792. KKL-PINE DANCING ACADEMY, 2424 Farnam. Class and prlv. lessons. D. 7850. Detectives. JAMES ALLAN 3Bllork. Nel! dence secured In all cases. Tyler 1136. Tailors. SCHWARTZ, Ladies1 Tailor, 614 Taxton Blk., moved to 205 Crounse Blk. liledrick. P. L. 216 S. 20th. Tailor. D. 2432 Electrical Utilities. E. HODGE Can save you money on eloo. washers, vacuum olpnners, etc. 24th & Fort. Colfax 2164. WASHERS, $;.9.50: vacuum cleaners, $35r Get our prices before you buy. Lalley Wilson Eleo. Co.. 1307 Farnam. Ty. 1491. flTTRl4TlMKI('t'""io washing machines. iuiiinf(rtrc r0n8 s and reading lamps. 2223 Cuming St. DouKlas 2519. Osteonaths. DR. MABEL WESSON, 614 Brandels Bldg. T. 2960. H. 4741. Printers. Tolliver Printing Coi 2K31. 6 St. Commercial Printers. Mary's Ave. Film Developing. MCULLOUGH, photo finishing, oeet ma terial, best workmanship, copying and enlarging a specialty. Mall orders so licited. 6403 South 3Sth St. CAMERA SHOP, 214 Yeue Films developed free. Mail orders solicited. DEVELOPING and printing. One-day service. Photo Craft Phnp, HQS Farnam. FILMS developed free. Mail orders so licited. THE ENSIGN CO.. 1607 Howard. Insurance. INSURE AGAINST TORNADOES Accident and Sickness LAWRENSON, "ffiltli Jewelry. Tii a ivrnMriwe tha bcst price JJlilVlV-71Nl-kwiti, privilege to buy hack at small profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO.. 402 N. 16th St. Red 6081. Lawyers. T. J. M'GUIRE, Lawyer, 508 Om. Nat. Office. Tyler 759. Res. S. 3218. Patents. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. In ternational Patent Co., 682 Brandela. D 6691. , I Painting. PAINTING, painted walls, wall paper cleaning. J. Nau. Walnut 4567 Printing. Wedding Stationery U. 8. Printing Co.. Bee Bldg. Phone D. 1178 Razor Blades Resharpened. , Remodeling Contractors. LESSARD & SON, 2021 Cuming. Ty. 1632. Safes. Q A tfTTQ BARGAINS 1212 Fa Ot.r jO j, j, nerlght Safe Farnam. Co. Stationery. QMAHA Stationery Co. 307-9 So. 17th. Towel Supplies. Frontier Towel Sup. 201 S.' 11th. D. 6291. Omaha Towel Supply. 207 S. 11th. D. 528, Wedding Stationery. . WEDDING announcements and printing. Douglas Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 44. Miscellaneous. THE most up-to-date hat cleaning dept. in the city. Bring your hats In now and avoid the rush. Tyler 3299-J. LAMBROS. BROS., 1521 Farnam 8t, SPECIAL imported Italian cheese. Im ported Italian Galame. Rialto Delica- lassen, i;un ana jjougias. TT'TQT'p Our new Delicatessen Stora. VIOl J- Open Sunday. 203 8. Hth St. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE TO SETTLE ESTATE. The best g-rage In the best town In Western Nebraska. Business, exclusive of sales on trucks, cars and tractors, 1500.00 per day. Everything sold on spot cash basis. Brick building 60x140, large machine show full modern equipped. All the work we can do at 11.00 and 11.26 per hour. Storage space run over every night. Write or come at omje to see R. E. Larson. Kimball. Neb. ' REPAIR shop for sale. . One of the best equipped up-to-date Radiator Repair shops in the state. Further Informa tion write American Auto Repair Works, Box 5SH, Norfolk. Neb RESTAURANT for sale in town of 1,200 population. Only place In town serving meals. Nice business; must sell at once. Address Y 656, Omaha Bee. FOR quick sale, one of the best auto mobile accessories and supplies garr.gcs, and one good battery station. Addres Lock Box IRS. Superior, Neb. FOR SALE Bakery, wholesale and retail; fine opening for right party. Flelsch mann's Yeast Co.. 1609 Chicago GARAGE for sale; good location. Douglas 7520 or Tiler 1150. SITUATIONS WANTED. Male. THE BEE will publish free a situation wanted ad under this classilcatlon for soldiers, sailors and marines who will show their discharge 'papers at cur office In tte lobby of the Be building. Seventeenth and Farnam RETURNED soldier, first class motor mechanic, wants first-class Job. Call Doug. 954. Mr. Nelson. WANTED Small set of books to keep part time by experienced hookkefper. A. M. McMurphy. Harney 2K95 FARMERS, w can furnish yon farm hands: wire, write or phone. Savage's Labor Agency, 210 S. 12th bU D. 7871. ANNOUNCEMENTS. WANTED Young man, high school grad uate with business college training and four years business experience, desires position with reliable concern. Best of references ss to character, training snd experience. Qualified to handle account ting, correspondence and general office work without supervision. No salary less than $100 a month considered. Box 684, Hastings, Neb. . WANTED Place on farm to board, boy of twelve, willing to help with chores. Box H-96 Omaha Bee. EXPERIENCED colored man wants Job cleaning house. Harney 6288. Female GRADUATE NURSE will give plain or Swedish massage or do nursing by the hour. Walnut 1806. Laundry and Day Work. BUNDLES, curtains, blankets laundered; ....ii 1 jiiav W.h.r., 19114 WANTED Day work; call after 6 o'clock. Webster 4963. RELIABLE colored woman wants bundle washing. Web. ,1692 Laundry and Day Work EXPERIENCED lady, Ironing and clean ing. Harney 6168. LAUNDRY and day work wanted by Lew Is Smith. Webster 2624. DAY work wanted with references. Csll Webster 2941. WANTED Day work or bundle washing. Webster 698. CURTAINS laundered. 2614 Dodge. Har ney 1130. DAY work wanted. Web. 2498. HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER. PER MANENT POSITION. APPLY TO MR. NEVILL. B. K. GOODRICH RUBBER CO., 2034 FARNAM. FLOOR MANAGER WANTED GOOD SALARY; PERMANENT POSI TION. APPLY SUPERINTENDENT, BRANDEIS STORE. TYPIST and clerks, 1100; bookkeeper, 1125-1136; credit man and bookkeeper, 1150; office clerk, 1100; Jewelry sales man, salary depends. WATTS REF. CO., 1138 First Nat. Bank DRAFTSMAN, 1125-1150; steno. and book" keeper, 190-1100; credit man, 1150-1175: salesmen, grocery specialty, 1200 and bonus; office boys, 140-160. THE MARTI CO., 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. WANTED Married man experienced g-.-neral merchandise clerk, Russian or German speaking: small town; position permanent. McGrew Merc. Co., Mc Grew, Neb. uTi I'G CLERK WANTED Registered in Nebraska; married;' no fountain; no wall paper; permanent job for a good man. Jerome Drug Co., York, Nebraska. WANTED Names of men, 18 to 36, wish ing to become railway mail clerks, 11,100-11,600 per year. Address Box Y-r.15. Omaha Bee. WANTED A delivery clerk. Hlnchay Laundry Co., 2309 N. St. DRUG clerk, H. O. Patterson, 10th and Hickory St. Professions and Trades. WANTED FREIGHT HANDLERS. S HOURS PER DAY. APPLY UNION DEPOT. OFFICE AMERICAN RAIL WAY EX TRESS. Men and boys to work In factory. GORDON -LAWLESS CO 8TH AND DODGE STS. LUMBER Man to unload cars and scale lumber. Omaha Box Co., East Omaha. WANTED Printer on country weekly in western Nebraska town. Union shop and conditions the best. Position open v as foreman ror man who will remain J3ormanent. Good wages. Address re ' Hy to Box H 97, Omaha Bee. BRICKLAYERS WANTED Long job; 871 4e per hour. Apply Wells Brothers Construction Co., at John Morrell Pack ing Plant, Ottumwa. Ia. WANTED Carpenters with tools for ele vator construction work; 60 to 65 cents. Transportation allowed. Younglove Construction Co., Sioux City, la. TAILORS WANTED Good coat maker and bushelman; steady employment all tho year around. 2412 Q St. Z. Krstirh. WIREMEN and helpers, steady work. The Le BRON ELECTRICAL WORKS, 318 South 12th Street FORM carpenterwanted. Steady work; long Job; goo town, Eugene Schuler, Huron. 8. D. WANTED Machinists and helpers. Le BRON ELECTRICAL WORKS, 318 So. 12th Street. WANTED Meat cutters. Apply Wash ington Market, 1407 Douglas St. WANTED Experienced shirt makers. Al bert .Calm, 1322 Farnam St. WANTED A good second, baker. Elliott's Bakery. Syracuse, Neb. ' WANTED Upholsterer for furniture department- Box 4140S Bee START right. Los Angeles Y. M. C. A. Auto school. Service men. Salesmen and Solicitors SALESMAN! If you can sell Insurance and can come clean you can obtain a liberal con tiact In good territory with an estab lished company offering a full line of standard policies. No stock-selling or organization proposition. Address Lock Box 822, Omaha, Neb. TRAVELING salesman, automobile sup plies, experience in this line not re quired if first class salesman, 1125 to 1150 and expenses; bookkeeper, mer cantile firm, 125; stenographer, ex cellent future prospects, 1100; office manager, accountant, financial Institu tion, 1150-176; office manager, cost ac countant, manufacturing firm, 1260; gen eral office clerk, South Side""176; ship ping clerk, 1100; traveling salesman, staple commodity, f 175 and expenses. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N.. 736 First National Bank Bldg. HAVE OPENING FOR TWO SALESMEN IN SOUTH DAKOTA AND NEBRASKA. TODD PROTECTOGRAPH CO.. 430 WORLD-HERALD BLDG. WANTE Salesman, permanent position, to work Omaha and surrounding terri tory. Must have experience selling toilet soap or similar line and have es tablished following with drug and de partment store trade. Good salary, lib eral commission. Address Omaha- Bee, Y-652. IF YOU can sell Insurance and can come clean you can obtain a liberal contract In good terrliiry with an established company offering a full line of standard policies. No stock-selling or organiza tion proposition. Address Lock Box 122. Omaha, Ne,b. STOCK SALESMEN WANTED Fire company: 20 years In business; good leads; strong lineup: a real Job. 408 First Nat l Bank Bldg., Lincoln, Neb. WANTED Piano salesman; excellent op portunity. Do not apply If you do not want a perman"t '"'Ion. A, Horpe Co., Council Bluffs, lows. HELP WANTED MALE. Salesmen and Solicitors CAN use 12 more high-grade stock sales men on new Issue of big dividend-paying manufacturing concern. Can also use a few good city lot salesmen. Standard Securities Corporation. STANDARD SECURITIES, 204 No. 11th St.. Lincoln, Neb. CLOTHING salesman, thoroughly experi enced, capable and dependable; must have references. To the right party we offer good salary and permanent position; give all details In your first letter. Address Tho Hirschfeld Co., North Platte. Neb. WANTED Merchandise broker or manu facturers' representative to take on line of fine toilet soap. Must have established relation with drug, department and grocery trade. Address Omaha Bee, Y 661. WANTED A salesman to appoint resident agents and help them sell electric farm lighting plants. We extend all sales aid wo possible can to help your work. KORSMEYER CO., Lincoln. Neb. Boys TWO OR THREE LARGE BOYS for mail ing machine work, Omaha Box Co., East Omaha. -BOYS WANTED. Apply at Park station, 27th and Leaven worth. ' Trade Schools. AUTO SCHOOL Electrical work a spe cialty. Free catalog. National uto School. 2814 North 20th 8u. Omaha. Agents and Canvassers. WANTED By a Denver real estate con cern handling dry and Irrigated lands In Colorado, Representatives to repre sent them In Iowa and Nebraska terri tory. Experience unnecessary. Liberal proposition and exclusive territory to right party. Address salesmanager 321 322, Denham, Bldg, Denver, Colo. AGENT wanted to take exclusive control of territory selling a popular fod in beautiful, small handy package. Doctors recommend it. Delicious, wholesome as fresh milk. Big money In it because people eat It 2 or 3 times a day. Great repeater. Writo for particulars. First" Love Food Section, 80 Jackson, Chicago. Miscellaneous. WANTED Good steady young man for tent vaudeville show In Iowa to act as property and canvasman; good salary Phone 1708 Council Bluffs, la. Must be willing to travel. WANTED 100 men or women to Increase their Incomes by the Birdhaven plan. Address O. S. Pettis, Representative, 2512 Blnney St., Omaha. POSITIONS, locations, etc.. for dru.-glsls. dentists, doctors, nurses, veterinarians F V Kniest. 212 Bee Bldg.. Omaha. WANTED First-class colored janitor for office of wholesale grocery house. Ap ply Box H98, Omaha Bee. WANTED Men to work, handling lumber, 40c per hour. Chicago Lumber Co., 14th- and Marcy streets. WANTED Cesspool dug. Telephone Wal nut 1833. f Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Colored waiters and waitresses, salary 150 per month and meals. Apply headwaiter. Blackstone Hotel. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. BOOKKEEPER and assistant manager, 1100; bookkeeper and cashier, insur ance office, 1100; bookkeeper, some stenography, real estate office, 1100; stenographer, up town office, 85 to $100; office clerk. $50. WESTERN REFERENCE BOND ASS'N., 736 First Natl. Bank Bldg. P. B. X. OPR. and typist, must be good; typist, auio concern, $65; experienced Elliott Fisher opr., $85-$100; bookkeeper and steno., $100-1125; steno. and office clerk, $85-190; steno., $6 3-$70-$75-$80-$90. THE MARTI CO., 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. STENOGRAPHER, railroad, 187.50; sten ographer, good place wholesale house, 175-85; Dictaphone operator, $85. Typ ist and biller, $15 wep-k. BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASSN.. 917 W. O W. Bldg. STENOGRAPHERS. $125, $110, $100, $90, $85, $75; bookkeepers, $75, $86; typists, $75, $fj5, $50; stenographer and book keeper, $85; typist and clerk, $50. WATTS REF. CO.. 1L18 Firt Nat. Bank. U. S. GOVERNMENT wants help; women 18 or over, $1. 000-11, 600 year; pleasant work; write immediately for list posi tions open. Franklin Institute. Dept. 659. P. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED Telephone operator and assist ant file clerk: preference given to typist. Call Miss Richards. Douglas 1781. WANTED By manufacturing concern, ex perienced stenographer. State age, ex perienee and salary expected. H-47 Bee. WANT experienced girl to work in confed tionery store at Liberty Candy Co., 120 South 15th. Professions and Trades AN EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY LEARN TELEPHONE OPERATING. PER MANENT POSITIONS THE WORK IS CLEAN, IN TERESTING AND IMPORT ANT. OFFERS MANY OP PORTUNITIES FOR AD VANCEMENT. STEADY EM PLOYMENT IN HEALTHFUL SURROUNDINGS. Good salary to start and frequent In creases at regular Intervals VACATIONS GIVEN EACH YEAR WITH PAY. YOUNG WOMEN, 17 YEARS OF AGE OR OVER, APPLY TO C. F. LAMBERT- NEBRASKA TELEPHONE COMPANY. ROOM 613. NEW TELE PHONE BUILDINO, NINETEENTH AND DOTV.;.A STREETS. WANTED EXPERIENCED POWER SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS. CAN EARN $16 TO $20 PER WEEK ON OUR MECHANICS' ONE-PIECE WORK SUITS. CAN USE A FEW GIRLS WHO WANT TO LEARN. STEADY WORK. GUARANTEE GIVEN. APPLY FORELADY. OMAHA AUTO TOP CO., 709-11 SOUTH 15TH STREET. Women and girls wanted to work in factory; good wages to be ginners. GORDON-LAWLESS CO., 8TH AND DODGE STS. WANTED 10 GIRLS FOR PACKING MACARONI. ALSO A P. B. X. OPERATOR AND TYPIST. SKINNER MFG. CO., 14TH & JACKSON. EXPERIENCED BUTTER WRAPPERS WANTED. APPLY CREAMERY DEPARTMENT. OMAHA COLD STORAGE CO., EIGHTH AND FARNAM. , EXPERIENCED film inspector? wanted. Apply Triangle Picture Co.. 1222 Harney. Saleswomen and Solicitors. WANTED EXPERIENCED CANDY SALESWOMAN BY BURGESS-NASH CO. APPLY SUPERINTEND ENT, BALCONY. Household and Domestic. WANTED White girl for general house work may go home nights, 6-room apartment, two in family, good wages. Telephone Mrs. C. L. Burdick, Walnut 329. City references. WANTED Assistant housekeeper; middle aged preferred : four In family ; no wash ing; good home. Tel. Harney 2172 or call at 3601 Harney street. WANTED A competent house maid; downstairs work only. Apply Mrs. Ward Burgess. 122 N. 23d St. COMPETENT girl general housework: ref. erences. 361K p'arnam S'. Harney 71. WANTED A maid for housework: good borne. 3.511 Fine St. Harney iUt- HELP WANTED FEMALE. Household and Domestic. WANTED Experienced cook and house maid; references required. Mrs. Arthur Mets, 36341 Dewey avenue. t WANTED Girl or woman for general housework to go to Douglas, Wyo. Mrs. Clark. Harney 156. WANTED White maids; good wages, good hours. Apply housekeeper. Black stone Hotel. EXPERIENCED white cook, good wages, references required. Mrs. E. W. Nash. Walnut 99. WANTED A girl for aeneral housework. J 3510 Harney St. 110 a week. Harney 6368. WANTED A good cook. Mrs. W. W. Marsh', 806 Pine, Phone Doug. 467. SCHOOL girl to help in exchange for board and room. Douglas 7719. WANTED A girl for general housework; good wages. Call Walnut 1954. WANTED Good second girl at once. 3723 Jones St. Harney 1435. YOUNG girl or middle aged womau for house work. Harney 2954. ' Hotels and Restaurants. WAITRESSES WANTED BY BURGESS-NA'SH CO. ArPLY SUPERINTENDENT, BALCONY. WANTED A colored chambermaid, short hours and good pay. Apply in person. Warden hotel. 16th and Cuming Sts. TEN chambermaids, either white or co.- ored. Housekeeper. Wellington Inn. WANTED Two colored women dishwash ers. HOTEL CASTLE CAFE. Trade Schools. WANTED Ladles to learn barber trade. Special rates and Inducements. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. Miscellaneous. WANTED 10 young ladies, between ages of 1 8and 25. Only those who can leave city. This is a good paying proposition. Those interested answer at once. 2604 Wirt St., and ask for Miss Cole. Web ster 2776. COLORED GIRLS WANTED OMAHA PAPER STOCK CO., 18TH AND MAR CY STREET, DOUGLAS 159. GIRL wanted at Van Arnam Dress Pleat- lng Co.. 412 Paxton Blk. HELP WANTjJ. ' Male and Female DEMONSTRATOR FOR VACUUM SWEEPER WANTED BY BURGESS NASH CO. APPLY SUPERINTEND ENT, BALCONY. WANTED Man and wife to work on rarm; separate nouse; prefer man with out children; about 40 miles from Oma ha In Iowa. Box Y-55Q, Omaha Bee EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. BOYLES COLLEGE. Students are admitted at any time. Complete courses in accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry. short hand and typewriting, stenotypy, rail road and wireless telegraphy, civil serv ice and all English and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Douglas i.iba ror large illustrated ca logue. Address. BOYLES COLLEGE. Boyles Building. Omaha. Neb. LEARN Mosher shorthand and typewrit ing In our day school or by mail. Spe cial short summer course for Gregg writers. Omaha Business College, 7th rioor uee mag. Douglas 6528. Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. 120 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 6890. ANNIE E. GLASGOW, voles and piano, 603 Karbach Blk. Studio phone Red 8S zo south lfith St WANTED Men, ladies and boys to learn barber trade; big demand, wages while learning; strictly monern. Call or write 1402 Dodge St. Tri-Clty Barber College, Phone D. 2147. HAVE 5,000 barley sacks to repair: will deliver and call for same. Wagner's recn store, kui n. l fit ii St. FOR RENT ROOMS. V- Furnished Rooms. TWO light sleeping rooms for two, three or four gentlemen: bathroom adjolnins; large closet; 14 block from car line; norm pari or town. ( nirax 237. LARGE front room. beautifully turnisnea in nirds-eye maple. Private nome. r.very convenience. Tyler 2003 LIGHT housekeeping and sleeping rooms, for men only. Sunshine Apartments, 608 N. 17th St. BEDROOM for gentleman and light house keeping room. Tyler 4221. PLEASANT, cool room for gentleman In private family Tyler 1951. LARGE front room, close in; young lady preferred. Red 8314. PLEASANT rooms In private family; shower bath. Harney 6749. SOUTHWEST room for young man, Field Club district. Harney 226. NICE airy front room for gentleman. Prlr vate family. Harney 4368. ' Housekeepii.g Rooms. WIDOWER will give free rent of two light house-keeping rooms in South Omaha for taking care of 4-year old child dur ing day. Address C, Bee Qffice, South umana. . 322 S. 26TH Modern furnisned sleeping ana nouseKeeping rooms: reasonable. FOR RENT HOUSES. South. FOUR-ROOM flat, second floor, 113. FIVE-ROOM flat, second floor, 116. THREE-ROOM flat, first floor, 112. Newly decorated and painted; has gas water an dtoilet; ready to move Into 4411 8. 26th St. Tyler IS12-J. 2563 Pierce. 9 rooms, $25.00. Tyler 1536. WALSH-ELMER CO. Formerly Armstrong-Walsh 333 Securities Bldg. Tyler 1636. Miscellaneous 208 South 41st, hot-water heat; 7 rooms, 130. 2039 North 21st, flats. 3 rooms; 7 and 19. JOHN N. FRENZER, Douglas 654. 5-ROOM cottage, not modern; has elec tric lights, 118 per mo. Phone Douglas 3600. W. S. FRANK. 202 Neville Blk. PETERS TRUST CO., Specialists In Apartment management. LIST your propert tor rent or sale with FIRST TRUST COMPANY. Realtors. Tyler 729. CREIGH SONS A CO.. HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY Doug. 200. 600 Bee Bldg. B1RKETT & CO. Care of property and Insurance, 260 Bee Bldg. Douglas 633. 3 AND 5-ROOM flats for rent. Call, Web ster 1640. Furnished. Wanted Modern 6-room furnished house at once; references exchanged. Walnut 3937. 4-ROOM cottage, furnished. No children. 1328 So. 2 71 1 hS t PhonHarney4 1 2J FOR RENT APARTMENTST West. FURNITURE for sale or lease, one-room apt. Douglas 8019. FOR RENT Business Property. Stores. GOOD store rooms. 15th and Douglas. Inquire WORLD REALTY COMPANY. Phone. Donglas-342. Office and Desk Room. DESIRABLE desk room. 305 McCague Bldg. C. J. Canan, ReaJ Estate and Exchanges. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED to rent 6 or 7 room modern house. Good location. Will pay year's rent in advance. WALSH-ELMER CO. Formerly Armstrong-Walsh 333 Securities Bldg. Tyler 15 36 WANTED Small cottage or 3 or 4 unfur nished rooms in good neighborhood, near school. Telephone WebHtir 3275. Furnished Apartments and Houses. COUPLE with two children, furnished or partly furntfhed home or apartment, for summer; location tiest preferred. Call Tyler 2673. WANTED TO RENT Furnished apart ment for summer; reference exchanged. 425 Securities Hldg. I'hone Tyler19ig. MOVING AND STORAGE. GLOBE VAN AND STORAGE CO. For real service lo hauling or storage call Tyler 230 or V. 4338, outo or wagon "" MOVING AND STORAGE. FIDELITY and van CO., 16th AND JACKSON. DOUO. 281. STORAGE. MOV1NO. PACKING. REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE COMPU TE LIST OF ALL VACANT Houses and apartments Fl It EPHOOF "WAREHOUSE Separate locked rooms for housetold goods and pianos; moving, packing and hipping. , OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO, 80S S 16th. Douglas 4163. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned byH. R. Bowen Co. Tyler 3400. WE win furnish-you T any Ue truck by hour, month or ver, HARTUNG'Sr'an.ferCO. 1211 HOWARD ST. TYLER197i6 UNI 0 N T R AN S FER CO. Let us estimate your moving pocking and storage 1 605 Davenport tmug 2908 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. 4619 Douglas St. Solid brick hom of never, rooms. Dundee district; four bed rooms, fine 'end don; beat buy in OmahA for th rtvmey. Owner han left city, and baa pri. r,l property at $4,600 for quick sale. Hurry, If interested. C. B. STUHT CO., I'oug. R7S7. 913-14 City Natl. Bldg. $7,000. NEAR 40TH AND CASS A dandy stucco home coiiNisting of larpe living room vlth fire place, sun room, dining1 room, kitchen arid pantry in first floor, three good bedrooms and slonping porch on second. Oak floors throughout. In excellent condition. The house is exceptionally well built, sit uated on large east front lot convenient to car line and school. GLOVER & SPAIN, Houclas 39H2. 919 920 City National. 2509 SOUTH 38th avenue and Arbor. 7 roorn houso with electric lichts. Kas and water; practically new; l'.90O; J500 cash, balance payments. Further in formation call 2509 S. 3Sth Ave. BEST BIT YS IN DMA MA. West Farnam, 7-r. mod., and gar., $4 500. 5-r. mod.. 45th and Hamilton, $2,750 t'hapel Branilela Then. BlilK.. P. 6514. AVE have cash buyers for West Farnam and Dundee homes. Phone Pougias 6074 and wo will call and Inspect your property. Shuler & Cary. 4-ROOM house, electric liKhts. 3 lots, fruit trees, barn, chicken house, 1 lot In pota toes, parden. Owner transferred; must tell; $2,5110. jyeb. B2 24. NEW, up-to-date. rooms, oak finish, fine location; price. 15,250; terms; location fill N 47th St. Norrls ft Norrle. D 427" NEW 6-room, all modern house; quartered oak floors, elegant location; will take in car. Walnut 459. North. MILLER PARK BUNGALOW MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE 6-ROOM strictly modern bungalow, 5 rooms and bath on first floor, 1 room finished on second; oak finish and oak floors; beamed ceilinga, bookcases, built in buffet, plate rail, panel walls and kitchen cabinet; full cement basement; furnace heat; nice lot on paved street; owner has reduced price to $4,500 for strictly cash within the next few days; ca n give possession at once, as owner leaving' city in next dav or two. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 627 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. P. 17S1. 6-ROOM MOD. HOUSE," WITH HOT WATER HEAT, FOR $3,850. Here Is a good home, having recep tion hall, living room, dining room and kitchen on the first floor; three sleep ing rooms and bath on the second floor; nice large basement; lot 50x132, with driveway to a garage, at 2525 Templeton street. W. H. Gates, 47 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bids. Pougias 1 294. Owner Leaving City Must Sell Immediately. 3315 Spauldlng St., in the center of several new manufacturing industries. A large-sized home, having a good loca tion, a 50-foot lot. Price has been cut to $2,500 for quick sale. This is less than the house would cost. Call Wal nut 4586. Hastings & Heyden, !"14 Harney St. I'hone Tyler 5fK BEMIS PARK DIST'ICT This house MUST BE SOLD. A very well built, seven room, all moder. house situated on a south front lot. House has large living room. vHh fire place, dining room and kitche-. on the first floor. Second floor nor four nice bed rooms and bath. Hard wood floors and finish throughout. Hot water heat. This house is snrelv a bargain at $7,500. D. V. SHOLES CO., REALTORS. 915-17 City Natl. Bk. I.'ldg., Pong. 46. GOOD BUY FOR $3;200 All modern cottage. 5 rooms and bath, near 30th and Meredith, close to schooi and car line. Hlir discount for cash. P. J. TEBBENS CO., 05 Om. Nat. Bk. Doug. 2192 NICE SIX -ROOM HOME. NEAR KENNEDY SCHOOL, All one one floor, nice lot, chicken house and trees. House well arranged and large sun room on the south. Mod ern except heat. If you want a nice little REAL home, see this today. Call Mr. Rice. RASP BROS., 212 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 721. LIST your property with J. J. MULVIHILL, 300 BradelB Theater Bldg. Ph. D. We Have Property for Rent or Sale. AMERICAN SECURITY CO. 203 S. I7th St. Douglas 6015. CUMING Near 29th street, 22 or 44 feet. Must be sold o close an estate. C. A Grlmmet. M Omaha Nat. Bk Bldg. A11NNE LUS ' homes and lots offer the bst opport. 1 ty to Invest your money Phone Tyler JS7. NEW oak bungalow, fine location, east .-front, comer lot; price $4,400, easy terms; $ r. 00 cash. Call dnys. Doug. 1734 YOIWU DOHKKTY. REAL KSTATR INVESTMENT 332 BKANTK1S THEATER. D. 1751. NEW tj-room cottage, strictly modern ; gamp-; lot. 40x12ft; fruit trees; good condition: $2,500. 3924 N. 2fith St. FOR RENT 7 room modern house, block from car line. Webster 1525. South. LISTEN! Y(U ARE SURE TO LIKE THIS Beautiful new stucco home, soon com pleted, between P'arnam and Leaven worth street car lines. Has six, nice, large airy rooms, besides sleeping porch and sun room; oak finish down stairs, with enamel In bedrooms; modern in every way. Double garage; lot 0xl?S feet on corner facing south and east. Street paved. Kino restricted neighbor hood and within walking distance. Will bo sold on easy terms. Let me show you this before it's snapped up, as It sure to be, for it's a sit and building that must please. For other particulars sea J. H. CARSE. Red 7374. 728 Brandpls Bldg. LEAVEN WORTH ST. One of the b'-st locations on upper Leavenworth. A fine buy for a garage site, business- or homos or merely as, an investment. Hns 105 feet on Leaven worth and 15S fcot on 3Sth avenue; southeast corner. Price, $4,500 for m mediate sal WATSON & BRENAN, "Real RoliaM" Rffllty." S44 World-Hera Id lildK. Tyler 4.'".. FIVE room i-ottajre, jiariiy modern, in good rendition. Near St. Joseph hos pital: lot 40x150; bargain; owner leav ing rlty. Ponirtas KT12 NEAR Hanscom park, ?-r. nouse. on iartre corner lot, with paraBe ana snea ror storage. .T W Rohhins liouglas 529 Miscellaneous. J H CAR.SK. Phone Red 7374. 7S2V Brandels Bldg., has buyers for four, rive ana six-room houses on South Side. If you want to buy or sell. n"e him. CLl.SE-IN INVESTMENTS Leavenworth j. Capitol ave.. Cuming it. PAVNK SLTKR COMPANY. Oa 1016 FOR SALE CbtNc-tn resilience of 7 rooirs, all modern, In firwt rlais shape, well rented. Owner needs the money. For price anil terms call MIP-WKST REALTY EXCHANGE 113 Bee Bldg. Thone Tyler 4281. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. Miscellaneous. BRICK HOUSE, 10 ROOMS. have a largo homo very conven ient to bUMinesa center; excellent plHce to rent rooms; within cany walk to city. The house Is modern in nil particulars and may be purchased on reasonable terms. Let us show you through. A I.FRED THOMAS. 604 First National Bank. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW Nearly new, on'upied one year, mod. 1'rlre, 13.000; JS0O cah balance like rent. A. W. TO LAND, TV 67(17 , f. 4 Hrandels BUlc. Ba lit; A INS lit iiomta, investment! prop erties .id acreage near Omaha. Harrl aon A M. rton. 1S Omnha Nat. Bk ftldg. FOR SALE S-toom apartment, beautifully furnished, on car Una and walking dls- tanoe to town Phone, pnuetas 6760. REAL ESTATE-Business Property HOl'SH TO BE MOVED W1M, BE SOJ.P AT AUCTION FOR CASH ON KKIDAY. JUNK STH. 1J O'CLOCK NOON, NO. 202 .S. 24TH ST. (24th anil Douglas). Thla is an 8-room, one-story modern cottage in fair condi tion. Must be moved in 10 daya from date of sale. Don't fail to attend thla sale. House now opn for inspection. taction. t BUSINESS property and investments. A. P. TLKEY ,t SON. i:LKlrst National Hank Bldg. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. FARNAM STREET ' Home and Investment Ten rooms and sleeping porch, all modern, upper floor rents for J&5. Bath and kitch'-n accommodations on each floor. Nt'ar 4-nd and Farnam. Price, J7.000. lot alone worth $3,000. A fine, home n ml Investment for future values. WATSON & BRENAN, "Real RHIable Realty" Tyler 4505.- 514 World-Herald Bldg. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. FOIt SALE OR TKADK 6-year lease un Lake Kearney, 4 blocks from state nor mal school, 6 buildings, IS rowboats, 1 Mullinli motor boat, fine swimming docks, electric lights, best summer re sort In central Neb.; will clear $2,500 In four months. Lake covers 70 acres; 40 feet deep In center. Address Del bcrt R. Smith, Kearney, Neb. ItooAlINti house, 16 rooms; might take some western land for three-fourtha value or a small house In southeast" Nebraska as part pay. O. P. Heck, 1310 La ne StFa 1 Is City, Neb. , TO EXCHANGE 640 acres raw eastern Montana grazing land for small stock running nidsa. Hamilton Realty, Baker, Mo n t a n r. ; REAL ESTATE. UNIMPROVED. Miscellaneous. CORNER, 150x135 tvvo blocks of car; price, $500: terms; little below grade. TRAVER BROS., Pougias 6S(i. 819 First Nat. Bk. Read The Bee Want Ads for the best opportunities in bargains. South. Bid BARGAIN LOTS. $1.00 DOWN, $1.00 A WEES buys fine garden tract, 47x132; only I blocks from West Center car Una ant one block to paved street; high and sightly, black soil; prices i-'Jf and $340. THE BYRON REED CO.. 1H12 Farnam. Douglas J9T. " RiC AITesTATE S UBU R BANT South Side. JAS. J. FITZGERALD, 4331 South 24th St., "Insurance." Buy and sell property. ' Real estate mortgage loans promptly made. A. W. JONES, South Omaha, buys, sella, exchanges all kinds of property. For results, quick action, see ua. , Dundee. FOR homes or vacant property In Dundee see GEORGE & CO., Realtors, Douglas 7foi. an; city Natl. Bank. . Benson. ONLY $20(1 CASH. Strictly modern 4 or 5 room home. City water, sewer, gas, electric lights, etc.; oak finish and floors; beautiful surroundings; easy monthly payments. Phono Mr. Carso at Dougiaa 7412 daya for particulars or cah Harney 3556 eve ninir. $3,250. S-roorn bungalow, one-half block to car In ltenson; fine repair; terms, $500 cash, balance $.10 per month. BENSON & CARMICHAEL. 642 Paxton Block. Tyler 3B40. NEW oak buiiKalow, fine condition, east front, corner lot; price $4,400; easy terms; $500 cash. Call (lavs, Doug. 1734. Council Bluffs. FOR SALE. 10 lots located at the corner of !7th street and 6th avenue, with sewer and water In street. Inquire of owner. Louia Schneider, Wickham Block, Council Bluffs, la. REAL KSTATE-QTHER CITIES BLOCK OF 12 LOTS, Council Bluffs, right between the two cities; good high ground and Improving steadily around It; fine for home or investment at $1.2o0 for the bunch. Real Estate Co., J"5PearlSU Council Bluffs. REAL ESTATE WANTED. HAVE OVEER 100 BUYERS For five and six and s6ven-room houses, ranging in price from $2,000 to $7,HJ0, with from $300 to all cash to pay down Bungalows re particularly in. de mand. I'hone or come and see us and we will Inspect your property promptly. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 55SOm. Natl. Bk Bldg. Tyler 49. WANTED HOUSES FOR SALE. We have buyer for new or nearly nevf bungalows and houses in most any lo cation. List your housea with ua for quick action. PAYNE INVESTMENT, COMPANY.. D. 1781.. P37 Omaha National Bank Bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE. We want a number of good 8. f, T. room homes In desirable locations. If your property is for sale and the price is rignt can us. we nave tne buyers. J. L. HIATT CO., hnn first National phonb c i7W bank bldg ttler bungalows wanted" We have cash buyers for ell located bungalows and residences worth tho money. For quick results list with us. O'NETL'S R. B. & INS. AGENCT. 632-6 Brandels Theater Bldg Tel Tyler 1024 I HAVE a man who will buy your lm. proved property and pay cash for It but the price must be right. GEORGR F JONES. REALTOR, 92B City Nat Bk Bldg Doug 14. LIST your property with us. We have call for homes and investments. MeCAGUE 1NV. CO., Phone D. 4 1 a. 15th and Dod-e. FOR quick results Mist your property wltu S. P BOSTWICK A SON, SOP Bee Bldg Tyler 15l). FOR quick sates list vour property witbi W O SHRIVER, 1047-9 Om Nat Bk. Bldg. 1$3 IF you properly Is for sale or rent, list it with the AKRO-AMICIUCAN REALTY CO.. 2705 Lnke. Webster 640 LIST your property for sale with J. B. Robinson for quick sales. 442 Bee Bldg. Phone Ioug. R097. FINANCIAL. Private Money STIOPEV A COMPANY. Dong. 452$. $100 to $10.0110 MAI) K prompOy F3 We ad Wead Bldg 11th and Farnam. Real Estate Loans Mortgage si CONVERT that Installment loan on your homo into a straight five-vear itiortgaga and avoid those rr.onrhiy pavmenta. E. H. LO VG E E, INC., 538 Keeling Bldg. MONEY to lend on improved ,Real EatTteb Interest payable seml-cnnuallv W. H. THOMAS SON. 228 Keellne Bldg CITY and farm loans; and 6 per cent; no delay J H.Dumont A Co 411 Keellne Bldg No Delay Closing Loans W T. UKAI1AM. 04 Bee Bldg. Doug. 1SS1 LOW rates without delay. C. O. CARI.BERO, Sll Brandejs Theater Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NER FARMS O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. inn Om Nnt Bank Bldg D 1715 Stocks and Bonds. FOR SALE 80 shares of W. U Huff ma . Auto Stuck cheap. Writs J. If, iimt henks. Jlilford. Kb, I t i 4