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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1919)
id Mu'i rich with little, wars bis Judgment trust Nature is frugal, and hsr wants ara faw. Younf. White wa tread tha path of Lift together. Let speech ba golden betwean thas and ma I Blaha. THtl hEU: OMAHA, SATURDAY;, JIunE 7, lyiU. SOCIETY Field Club Reservations were made on Thurs day night at the Field club by Alvin Johnson for five, and R. H. Manley for four guests. Saturday at dinner Oscar Allen will entertain 12 guests; John Mc Donald, 4, and T. C. Hyson, 12. Reservations have been made also for a Dutch treat party for Mr, and Mrs. J. B. Sragenberg, , John Mc Laballe, W. H. Yohe and R. JL Howes. Seniors Entertained. Household arts and physical traili ng classes of Benson High school inve a joint exhibit in the West ichool building Tuesday evening. The feature of the evening was the Gretchen Polka, given by eight girls, in costume. Miss Provaznik, in structor gave a chalk talk, depicting local characters. Seventy-five arti cles, work of the household arts class, were exhibited. The Seniors were honor guests of the Juniors, Thursday, May 29, at the Strand theater, Saturday, May 31. Miss Ha zel Pamp was hostess for the Senior breakfast, at Iter home, "Pine Lane." Miss Olga Sorensen entertained at her home for the class Monday evening, and Wed nesdaythe Orpheus club will hold its postponed picnic at Elmwood park. The annual class banquet will be omitted this year. Winter Dancing Club Picnic. The picnic of the Winter Dancing club, which was set for Friday, June 6, has been postponed to Wednes day, June 11. The party will start from Harte's hall, Dundee, at S in the afternoon, and go to the picnic grounds west of the city park in Florence. This picnic has become an annual affair and it is estimated that 25 couples will make the trip. S" Soft Water Laundry Adams Laundry Announces That It Is the First Laundry in Omaha to Install the Borromite Water Filtration System. With this equipment we are getting absolutely soft water, which, as every woman knows, will wash clothes cleaner and with less wear than the hard city water we have been using. No chemicals, except common salt used. v Our customers are outspoken in praise and we want you to call us by phone to ask about this wonderful system. Adams Laundry Co. R. E. Sesrur. President. 1813 California Street Douglas 6564 "The Rose Fairy" SaAiatQriij" Come from tfte paxeriti ss a fc&en of appreciation for the honor thus bestowed upon the family and from the classmates as a. token of true friendships. Such thoughts call for lasting gifU those that will travel on hi after years as treasured reminders of the best of all days "sehoeJ Jewelry is the Lore Gift the Heir, loom the Gift substantial for all occasions, and will most beautifully express your thoughts on this thfir Graduation Day. So we suggest that you give Gifts of Jewelry this year. Heart Beats By A. K. Little wonder that Miss Pleasant Holyoke seems to live the part of the "Rose Fairy" in Mrs. Myron Learn ed's masque, "Pan and the Rose Fairy," given in Omaha on June 14. For the dainty "Rose Fairy" is Miss Holyoke and was written for her. Mrs. Learned knew her as a lit tle girl and all the time that she created the beautiful character of the fairy, she had in mind the girl who should portray it. Mrs. Karl Linninger, chairman of the ticket committee for the masque, "Pan and the Rose Fairy," to be given on June 14, will visit all the clubs on Saturday night. This "drive" lor tickets will in clude Happy Hollow, Country, Pret tiest Mile, Carter and Seymour lake clubs. Worn EJiieJ by IsMA H GffOSS HOUSEHOLD ARTS VSP'T CJCJiTTJfAZ HIGH SCHOOL micsl Desserts Not long since, there aws an idea discussed in this column about keep ing a classified list of all the dishes that one can prepare. Such a list should be an aid in menu planning. The part of the meal that gives the most trouble in some families is the dessert. What can 1 have for des sert is heard from more than one woman. To helo solve the problem, here is a list of all the dessers there are. Sounds like a big order, does n't it? but there are really just a few main kinds of feed with vari ations galore. I have not attempted to list any of the variations, these you may fill in for yourself. Souffles. Egg white flavored with fruit and sugar and baked in a slow oven. which 1 has been No Dust Gets In When you buy a waxed-paper wrapped loaf of You are buying a clean product. The wrap ping has kept out the dust anddirt and you remove the paper to find a perfect loaf of bread, clean, pure, and dehghtfully fresh. Grocers Sell It Wrapped and Sealed at ovi Bakery , For Your Protection. The Jay Burns Baking Co. OMAHA Whole egg. white and yolk beaten separately, flavored and given some body with milk and thickening. Fruit Whips, (egg white beaten with fruit pulp and sugar. No cook ing. Bread puddings. Tapioca puddings. Creams (with milk and egg like a custard. ) Fruit juice foundation. Fritters. Steamed puddings. Baking powder and biscuit foun dation. Shortcake. Fruit dumplings. Fruit roll. Fruits. Raw Baked. Stewed and as sauce. Gelatines. lain. Fruit. Coffee. Sponges (gelatines to :iiffly beaten egg white ided to each cup of gelatine when I'.ie mixture begins to stiffen. Creams. Spanish (Milk, eggs, and flavoring stiffened with gelatine. Bavarian (Gelatines to which one half cup or less of whipped cream is added to each cup of jelly as the mixture begins to stiffen.) Blanc Mangles or Cornstarch Pud dings. Milk foundation. Fruit juice foundation. Coffee foundation. Custards. Baked. Soft Floating Island. Charlotte Russe (Whipped cream flavored and slightly stiffened with gelatine.) Junket (milk flavored and stiffen ed or clabbered with junket tablets.) Cake Foundation. Plain cake. Cottage pudding. Wasington pie. Pie. Filled. Open. Tarts. Cream Puffs and Eclairs. Rice puddings. Rice cooked or baked in milk, with flavorings. Rice custards (with milk and eggs.) Icecreams. Ices. Mousses. She has come! During the long Cold winter Never once did she , Appear in public Or even at private Social functions. We had forgotten That she played Such a strong part .In the lives of many. But the springtime Is playtime And the wide world Grows reckless And thoughtless And bold. First we met her In a trolley Her slender form Was tightly clad In bright green And shining white. Her breath was more Far reaching than the Scent of a violet. In the theatre We met her next And we wondered If she had come Into our midst For the season. We felt more certain Of her intention To abide with us When we discovered. Her in every movie But when we faced her Across the little desk In a bank Where women make Their deposit slips And fill in Blank checks We smiled And bowed And acknowledged That she was a permanent Spring visitor She is the Spring Onion. SELAH! Club Picnic. The Honor club of the High School of Commerce held their first annual picnic Friday afternoon at Elmwood park. The feature of the day was a base ball game between the seniors of the club and the juniors. The Honor club is composed of students who have attained high marks in their studies in the past school term. Miss Nagl Entertains. Miss Carrie Nagl entertained Thursday at a miscellaneous shower for Miss Ella Kreger, who will be a bride of this month, at St. Cecilia's school. Thirty guests were present- Slumber Party. The Y. W. H. A. club gave a slum ber party and picnic Saturday and Sunday of last week. The party motored to a point 100 miles beyond Millard, but were obliged to turn back on account of floods. They spent the week-end in Millard. The club will give a dancing party Fri day evening at the club room in the Lyric building. i Mfcj CUSHCEl; r msm Question Box. How much milk should a child take every day? I do not mean an infant, but a litttle girl six years old? . Mrs. A. M. B. There is ' a-slogan going around the country, A quart of milk for every child every day. Milk is the foundation of health for a child. If your little girl will not drink much milk, it may be given to her in the form of puddings, cream soups, etc. It is also urged that every adult use a pint of milk a day in his diet Safe Milk For Infants & Invalids No Cooking A Nutritious Diet for All Ages Quick Lunch ; Home or Office. OTHERS are IMITATIONS 0 EAT .We MACARONI 7W1 MV Til 1IU ti Appear At Your Best Instantly If you receive a tudden caller or an unexpected In vitation you can feel con fident of always appearing at your best In but a few moments it renders to your skin a wonderfully pure. soft complexion tnat is beyond comparison. ry THE BEST IQfBREAD SKINNER BAKING COMPANY ooucLAS-iaez Have you The Buying light of battle In your eye? Are you seeking A gift With Character and personality To give to The bride o' Jurs. Or The graduate o June And yet something , Which will not beguile Too many shekels From your pocketbook. Well, then! Have you thought of "Eldridge's" ( Down at 1318 Farnam The very name suggests Wedding presents And Graduation gifts Expressive of the unusual It is a perfect Treasure-box For those in quest Of beautiful Though Not-too-high-priced Gifts. Bcrgf B3 00 JUNE SALE Berg 's Woman s Shop 1621 Farnam St. A sensational price re duct ion that should clear out every garment Silk and Wool Suits 50 Suits, choicest styles of the season. Silks, Serges, Poplins, Gaberdines and Tricotines, in Tans, Blues, Grays and Rookie. These gar ments sold up to $bU.UU; d nft ft ft at J Summer Dresses Two big values; wonderful styles and qualities in Taffetas, Satins, Plain and Figured Georg ette, Serge and Wool Jersey. Dresses that sold to $35 Now $17.50 LotNo.2 L..ocnn 11UW tptJ.VV Dresses that sold to $45 Beautiful New Georgette Blouses Flesh, White, Sunset, Maize and Printed Georgette, at $5.75 to $16.50 55 OB TO 98 3 9 i aturday pecials BEATON'S ETTER AR GAINS DRUGS AND SUNDRIES 30c Mum 25tf $1.25 Delatone 98 60c Milkweed Cream 49 60c Java Rice Powder... 45 75c Jad Salts 62 30c Cuticura Soap 22 65c Doan's Kidney Pills, 58 25c Honest John Corn Plas ters, at 19 30c Sal Hepatica 25 Palmer's Skin Lotion. .. .50 60c Corega 49 $1.00 Woodbury Skin Lotion, at 39 $1.00 Sanger's Capsules. .79 $1.25 bottle Pyros S1.08 $1.00 Listerine 89 50c Lysol 41 50c Box Linen Stationery, 25t 15c Powder Puffs, 2 for. .15 40c Pkg. Ever-Ready Blades, for 24 8c Williams' Mug Shaving Cakes, per dozen 48 $1.00 Peruna 876 30c Sloan's Liniment . . . .24 30c Nichols' Bed Bug Poison, for 19 $3.75 Horlick's Malted Milk,, f or S2.98 25c Stictite, keeps the hair in place 19 60c Murine 48 25c Tiz, for sore feet 19 aturday pecials 25c Steam's Haarlem Oil Capsules 17fr $1.00 Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab lets 79" 30c Mentholatum . . 19d : 30c Trailing Arbutus Talcum,;' for 17 40c Spiral Incense Burners, at 25d : 25c Peroxide Hydrogen, 4 I oz. for 1Q 15c Lux 12 $2.50 Auto Chamois ..1.50 20c Peats' Unscented Glycer ine Soap, per cake 14 The Million Dollar Secret Formula. Use it the minute teeth become sensitive, or gums tender, for pyorrhea eives slight warning and the first twinge of pain is quickly followed by the horrible ravages of the dread disease. Pyros completely clear up all pyorrhetic conditions, whether in early or advanced stages. It also checks decay and cleans tartar from the teeth. $1.25 Bottrv Saturday for $1.08. Rhea Chemical Co. Foster BId&Denvgc an I $1.00 Nuxated Iron, 89 35c Castoria 24 50c Orazin Tooth Paste, at 34 50c 3 P Capsules. .29 25c Dewitt's Cold Tablets, at 19 CANDY DEPT. 80c Toasted Marshmal lows, per pound. .50 We are agents for Huy ler's, Johnston's, and Al legretto Chocolates. CIGAR SPECIALS 8c Pacif icos Cigars . . 5 Box of 50 S2.50 15c Chancellor, Club or Imperial 10 Box of 50 $5.00 15c Mozart, Perfecto or Magic 10 Box of 50 84.85 15c Roitan, Breva..lO Box of 50 S4.50 EDISON MAZDA LAMPS i 10 to 50-Watt Lamps, each 35 60-Watt Mazda Lamps, each 40 15c Fuse Plugs, 5 to 30- amperes, each .... 8 False Teeth Held Firmly in Place By TBI JE2 M3& 1 : Prevents Sore Coma Promote Month Hydaasi Brings Health and Comfor 60c size, at. 49 Johnson's Quintette Chocolates The gray package containing more than a pound. Containing Bitter Sweets, Swiss Milk Choco late Caramel, Chocolate Butter scotch, Chocolate Honey Nougat, Chocolate Nuts. $1.35 and $2.75 sizes. We Will Prove This Instant Bunion Relief to You If you have the severest bunion, or just a mild case, call and get a box of FAIRYKOOT. Give it a trial and if you don't gel instant pain relief and feel per fectly satisfied, it won't cost you a cent. We know what FA1RYFOOT has done for others and what it can do for you. FAIRYFOOT not only relieves the pain and inflammation, but literally melts away the bunion enlargement. Don't miss this opportunity to get FAIRYFOOT on our "FREE trial" offer. We guarantee that it won't cost you one eent if you are not satisfied. $1.00 Box Saturday for 89c. ONE CIVIL WAR BLESSING WAS THE BOTTLE OF PALMER'S LOTION THE SOLDIER CARRIED IN HIS KNAPSACK FOR HIS SORE FEET AND BODY. ALL ITCHING. BITES AND SlilN IKOUB1.E3 DISAPPEAR. BURNS ARE ROBBED OF lrlfcJK 1 ERROR ON PROMPT APPllCAIION OF THIS. WONDERFUL LOTION. PREVENTS INFECTION AND USED IN CONNECTION WITH l PALMER'S LOTION SOAP IT PREVENTS AND DESTROYS SON DISEASES I A Sure Remedy for Eczema PALMfcR'S LOTION. 50c and $1.00. fbxnftai "It I 3H leVilMT'T.ll I I ifjV I I Beaton drug company i. - -. 15th and Farnam Streets Mail Orders Receive Our Most Careful Attention ; 5. 63