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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1919)
THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY. JUNE 7 1919. Manners with fortunes, humor turn with dim, Tencti with books, and principles with time. Pop. Nstur svsr yields reward To him who seeks, and loves her best. -Proctor. 12 I 1 L CITY MARKET 2567 Leavenworth i4-lb. sack Gooch's Best Flour, at $1.65 10 lbs. Granulated" Sugar 98c 16-oz. cans Cranation Milk.. 15c 16-oz. cans Caroline Milk... 12c Hebe Milk, 2 cans for 25c Corn, Teas or Tomatoes, 2 cans for 25c I.:iri' runs Kraut . .10c S I Pkg. of Kamo Corn Flakes. 10c Large jars of Preserves, jar. 5c Fresh New Potatoes, lb...7Jgc We carry a full line of Fresh Vegetables every day. War Camp Community Choice j Steer SIRLOIN ROUND () STEAKS Per Lb. Washington Market 1407 Douglas Street. I 333 CAMPBELL'S CAPITAL CAKES are just the kind of cakes to please ch'serinrinating house wives, and to save the time, worry and energy expended in cake-baking. Made of the purest of materials real butter, the freshest of eggs and pure sugar, as well as the finest of flavoring materials these cakes are pleasing to the most par ticular. Deliciously flavored and temptingly iced. 15 Cents Sold By Grocers "MveBetter "There'll a BASKET STORE Near You." Flour Is a Good Buy Now BASKET STORES recommend that Flour made from old wheat be boujrht now. It makes the finest kind of Dread' better than from flonr made of new wheat, soon coming In, the market. BASKET STORES guar antee their Flour. Your protection comes from us. We know the goodness of our Flour. "BASKO" AND "CASH HABIT" FLOURS are always sold to you under our name and trademark, so you cannot go wrong. "BASKO" Best Patent Flour, highest quality. 48-lb. cotton sacks S3. 25 "CASH HABIT" Patent Flour, fine quality, 48-lb. cotton sacks 83.15 Your Choice of Tall Iowa Milk, per can 13 "ivARO" OR "CASH HABIT" SYRUP Quaker Corn Flakes, per pkff. .10 Light Dark Morton's Shaker Salt, per can. . 9 Pi -lb. cans 15 154 :j-lb. cans 26 23 5-lb. cans 51 45 10-lb. cars 93 82 BASKO Macaroni and Spaghetti 8 Postum Cereal, per pkg 23 Instant Postum, small 27 Instant Postum, large 45 Sped h h B:sket Stores' Meat Departments STRICTLY FRESH COUNTRY EGGS. EVERY EGG GUARAN TEED. PER DOZEN 44 FRESH FROZEN OCEAN FISH. VERY FINE, FRIDAYS AND SATURDAYS. PER LB 10 Dixie Squares Bacon, average weight 2i to 4 lbs., per lb. 38 BASKET STORES' home-made sau- - rage, fresh every day, WIENIES, per lb 2S Minced Ham, delicious, per lb... 25 Cream Cheese, very fine, per lb. 39 Mazola, better than lard, pint.. 35 Nutola Margarine, finest made, per lb. 35 BASKO BUTTER, the very finest made, per lb 63 Charley Thomas, a little Iowa orphan, came to Omaha to enlist in the navy and was first adopted by Charles Levings of the Army and Navy club. This is the second boy whom Mr. Levings has adopted to permit him to join the navy. Charley was brought up by a woman in Iowa after his own par ents left him, and when unable to produce the written consent of bis parents to enter the service, Mr. Levings agreed to become the guardian of the boy. The Lafayette club will be hos tess at the Army and Navy club Thursday evening. Dr. and Mrs. Despecher, Miss Florence Dunlap and Mrs. Quimby will be chaperons. The General Pershing club enter tained at the Community House Wednesday evening with a little party. There will be a meeting of the United information committee which is made up of representatives of all of the war work organizations, at the University club Friday noon. Charles Blankenburg gave to the Army and Navy club a fine 25-foot flag pole. Mr. Adams, superintend ent of the Union depot, has 'an nounced that 10 shower baths at the station will be put in order for use of soldiers passing through and here for a short time, who do not have the time to take advantage of the clubs up town, lhe Girls club of the Woolworth store will have a supper and party at the-Girls' Com munity house Friday evening. Sunday. June 8. members of all the Girls' clubs are asked to act as hostesses at the Girls' Community house, 1716 Dodge street, for sol diers, sailors and marines, from 4:30 to 6:30 p. m. Swagger little capes and cape wraps quite on the order of those worn by their elders are to be ac cepted rather generally for little girls, it is predicted. And Now for the June Bride's Wedding This summer frock of blue shantung, embroidered with rose, blue and .green, will serve as the going-away dress. ' Read in Good Housekeep ing for May the interesting and authoritative article on the up-to-date w e d d i n g trousseau. The frock below would be most effective for the brides maids. It is fashioned of blue and silver brocade over blue taffeta. The tunic is lined with black, adorned with blue and silver tasseW. Saturday Specials, Kellogg's Cornflakes, per package 11c Royal Baking Powder, 50c size for 42c Dr. Price's Vanilla Ex tract, 40c size for . . . 33c Walter Baker's Choco late, per pound. . . .39c Walter Baker's Cocoa, i2-lb. tin 22c Fresh Tomatoes, per basket 35c Choice Home Grown Head Lettuce, each. .5c Fancy New Potatoes, 3 pounds for 25c 10 bars P. & G. Naphtha' Soap, for 63c Sommer Bros. 28th and Farnam Sta. Harney 188 j y f . vl A Photo by Underwood & Underwood. 1 vl J A wedding gown of shimmering maline with delicate edging of silver, little' bows of silver and a tench of white satin. Her veil is white and youthful. Informal Diriner Mrs. A. Malcolm entertained at 1 MilLH- Ba HAVE YOU TRIED KKlT, TOP NOTCH BREAD 4810 So. 24th St. Advo Coffee Famous Brew The little God of love is here We'll greet him with the cup of cheer We heard him chortling as he flew "At last, I'm nearing Famous Brew." Call up your grocer right away "Send Advo Coffee no delay!" Even Cupid wanted, as he flew Good Advo Coffee Famous Brew. x AboTC prices rood for week beginning June 7th, In all Omaha and Coancil Bluffs BASKET STORES. ICE CREAM Special for Sunday, Egg Nog. A perfect dessert to serve Sunday, June 8. Order today from your nearest dealer. The Fairmont Creamery Co. mm dinner Thursday at her home, Tlr'r-ty-sixth and Ames avenue, in honor of her son. John, who has returned recently from overseas. Covers were laid for 13, and the table was decorated with Killarney roses. The evening was-given to music and tales of oversea experiences. xmxm ibi wj:fci:7-ii rcEiaa... IfflJiWSff Liberty Chapter Eastern Star Has Public Installation of Officers Friday Night. 10ns-l-12 Harney St Doiielnn K06. gl Come Once and You Will Always Come E i , SPECIAL MEATS FOR SATURDAY Extra Fancy Steer Pot Roast, per lb ZlVzC Leg of Young Mutton, lb.25 Steer Beef Boil, lb 15 Young Veal Roast, lb... 25 Young Veal Breast, lb.1652 Fancy Steer Round Steak, pelb 32C Fancy Steer Sirloin Steak, per lb 35 Young Mutton Shoulder, per lb lew Young Mutton Stew, per lb 13s Sugar Cured Bacon Backs, per lb. 35 P. & G. Naptha Soap, 10 bars for 65 Crystal White Soap, 10 bars for 60 Cream Oil Soap, 3 bars. 25 Bulk Macaroni or Spaghetti, per pkg 10 Large Navy Beans, 3 lbs.25 Fancy Lima Beans, lb..U Fancy Rice, per lb 11 3-lb. can disco, can. SI. 00 6-lb. can Crisco, can.S2.00 Gal. can Mazola Oil.. $2.40 gal can Mazola Oil. 81.25 Hershey's Cocoa, -lb. can for 20 48-lb. sack Sunkist Flour, per Grape Nuts, pkg 12 Shredded Wheat, pkg.l2H Large cans Snlder's Baked Beans, per can ....12J6 Large cans Snlder's Soups for 12 16 oz. bottle Snlder's Catsup for 27 3-lb. can White Beauty Short ening 75 Carnation Milk or Pet Milk, can, 156; dozen, SI. 75 Carolone Milk, can . . .12 Per dozen S1.45 Best Cane Sugar, 10 lbs.95 sack S3.25 ill - w "wur ra '"'ii I 7lMAeIaYdntl """ ' ""'"ft Advo Gold Medal Coffee, 1-lb. can 43 Iten's Fluted Cocoanut Bars, per lb 28t Iten's Graham Biscuits, per lb 19t Iten's Fairy Sodas, per lb 19fr Fancy Cut Peonies, per dozen JjSl.OO We Carry a Nice Line of Bedding Plants. McComb's Made Assorted 60c Chocolates, Saturday only, per lb 49t Neopolitan Ice Cream, quart bricks, for 49 Best pkg. Creamery Butter, per lb 60s Best bulk Creamery Butter, per lb 59 Strictly Fresh Country Eggs, per dozen 40 Wisconsin Cream and Brick Cheese, per lb 3S 5-lb. pails Swift's Jersey Oleo, per pail S1.70 Georgia Watermelons, lb..5d Gem, Nut, Margarine and Lincoln Oleo, per lb. .32 2 lbs. Fancy Peanut Butter, for 38t Extra Fancy New Potatoes, per lb 7t Large Pineapples, each, 15 2 for 25t Large Leaf Lettuce, 2 for 5t Fresh Fruits and Vegetables of All Kinds. The public installation of officers and constitution of Liberty Chapter, of the Order of Eastern Star, will take place Friday evening, June 6, at the Masonic temple. Liberty chapter was installed on Pershing's birthday, September 13, 1919. This chapter has the dis tinction of having the largest chap ter list in the history of the Eastern Star. With 491 members, and a class of 25 for initiation, it is unique in lodge precedent. The list is so large that a special charter has been compiled for it. Ten states and 38 chapters are Personals Mrs. J. W. Lamb of Boone, la., is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. H. Ken nedy, of 2912 Seward street. Mrs. Lamb will be the guest of her nephew in Kearney, Neb., before re turning to her home. . Mrs. Harry L. Street of Chicago, accompanied by her two daughters have arrived to be the guests of Mrs. Street's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Wakefiejd. A daughter was born Friday to Mr. and Mrs. Roy T. Byrne at Stewart's hospital. Lt. Drexel Sibbersen. son of Mr. and Mrs. I. Sibbernsen, who was one of the very first Omahans to go overseas with the Fifth field ar tillery, is expected home Saturday, Mr. and Mrs G. V. Mcgeath ar rived home Friday morning from Seattle atid Megeath, Vyo., wheie they have been for several weeks. Miss Marion Towle. who ac companied Mr. and Mrs. Megeath, returned the first of the week. Special study of music and drama as expressions of religion will be given by the national V. V. C. A. for the development of religious worker, Mist Miriam Sabbage, of education. Wedding Announcement. The marriage of Miss Mary Anne Cline, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Cline, to Walter Flor kee, will take place Wednesday, June 18, at Third Presbyterian church. Cards were issued Thursday by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Allen for the wedding of their daughter, Miss Ma ble. which will be celebrated Wed nesday evening, June 18, at 8:30 o'clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allen. Miss Jacey Aflen, a cousin of the bride, will be the maid of honor, Mrs. Earl Burkett, matron of honor, and Miss Helen Smailes, a sister of the groom, bridesmaid. Mr. Smailes will be attended by Mr. E. D. Smailes as groomsman, and the ushers will be Capt. How ard Treat of Washington, D. C, and Mr. Earl Burkett. The couple will reside with the bride's parents. For Miss Eastman. Mrs. F. A. Nash gave a luncheon at her home Friday complimentary to Miss Helen Eastman. A basket of spring flowers decorated the ta ble and covers were placed for: Mpsciames Robert Oarratt. Misses Grace Allison. Marlon Towle. Marlon Kuha. Mesdame O, T. Eastman. Misses Helen Eastman. Grace Ruxton. Henrietta Wurts. Regina Connell. Miss Helen Ingersen entertafned ' a very few at tea most informally Friday afternoon, at her home in honor of Miss Helen Eastman. Closing Party. The Joan d'Arc club will give the last of their series of dancing par ties Friday evening at Metronolitan hall. Fashion Notes For midsummer, white dres.ft with clever touches of color intro duced are a new fashion feature for little girls. Piping and narrow ruffles of color are applied, match ing the girdles or sashes of ribbon. Little frocks of flesh colored georgette are trimmed only with hemstitching except for sashes of color, rosettes or ribbon streamers, usually in two colors, in the sweet pea combination. Darling little poke bonnets ol delicate straw and georgette are trimmed with ribbon only, or with delicate wreaths of flowers and rib bons. Dainty frocks of net and others of organdie are the suggestion many shops are making for gradua tion use. Georgette is also advised rather than those of lace or sillt though, of course, lace is in good taste as a trimming. 4 Demurely printed organdies art being made up into charming littlt dresses, the lines of which conform, to the fabric motive, and this de velops models of exquisite qualities. Plain colored organdies are also used, many trimmed with lace. represented in the membership, of which 23 chapters are in Nebraska. The present grand officers assist ed by the past officers will have charge of the ceremonies. The present grand officers in clude: Mesdames: Stella Yont, grand matron; Alfred Powell, grand patron; J. E. Bednar, associate grand patron; Miss Rose Owen, grand secretary; Miss Maude Smith, grand conductress and Mrs. W. H. Davidson, grand esther. Grandmaster of A. F. and A. M., Mr. J. J. Tooley, will be the guest of the evening. He will address the meeting, and Mrs. C. Vincent, worthy matron; and the Reverend Carl M. Worden, worthy patron, will be special guests. The officers of Liberty chapter will entertain the grand officers at dinner Friday evening, preceding the installation exercises. Read The Bee Want Ads for the best opportunities in bargains. mraCTTMajpii mam CAPITOL AVENUE MARKET 14th and Capitol Ave. Douglas 7526. Palm Olive Soap, today only, per bar Gooch's Best Flour, 48-lb. cotton sack S3.10 Blue Bell Flour, 48-lb. cotton sack S3.05 Velvet Shortening, per lb 273i Paxton & Gallagher Coffee, 2-lb. can 75 Tall Cans Fancy Salmon 19 Large Cans Red Salmon 24 Golden Age Macaroni and Spaghetti 714t Honey Cookies, per lb...23 Matches, per box 52 No. 3 cans Extra Fancy Red Beets, per can 15 No. 3 Large Cans Solid Pack Tomatoes, 2 cans for...35 No. 2 Cans Tomatoes, 2 cans for 25 Extra Fancy Peas, 2 cans 25? Fancy Corn, 2 cans 25 Tall Hebe Milk, can 11 We can save you from 15 lo 25 on your Grocerios, Fruits and Vegetables of All Kinds. Free Delivery to All Parts of the City. Mail Orders Promptly Filled. Say You Saw It in The Bee. J