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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1919)
THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, JUNE 6, 1919. Evil aarfofi up, and flowara, and boar no teat. And laoda tho rn aarth with iu watfl decay, Leaving It rkhr iar tha growth e( truth. LewalL A kuband U. the wife Ui tbou art maU4 with a clown, Aoe tha frotinm of hi nature wilt have wetfht to drag thee down. Toaaytoa. ' nimMnMW.THiii ..i...,.,i.-...,.-i.... .. .. - . i House Dresses at Less Than You Could Make Them Such a Wonderful Saying On House Dresses Is Due to a Special Purchase by Union Outfitting Co. Hundreds of Pretty Pat terns and Styles to Select From. Sale Begins Saturday. The House Dress Sale at the Union Outfitting Company next Satiirday is certain to be a long remembered event due to the many attractive styles, tho excel lent qualities and the extremely low sale prices made possible Ly a Special Purchase of House Dresses from a well known maker. There are charming models for Home, Porch and Street wear, carefully made from fine, close weave Ginghams, Percales, Cham brays, and other cool, durable, summer materials in pretty plaid, stripe and check designs that wash so well. The Sale Prices are the lowest you will find in Omaha for some time so low, in fact, that you could hardly buy the materials and make Up the dresses for as little as you pay for a becoming dress in this Special Purchase Sale. The Rale opens Saturday morn ing at the Union Outfitting Com pany, which is just outside of the High Bent District. A Btore where NO transaction is considered com plete until you are thoroughly satisfied. jj Open a Beddeo Charge Account It's Different. U sift BEDDEO 1417 Douglas St. i i I I n y n Ladies! House Dresses and Bungalow Aprons, in a most exciting sale Saturday. " o liioa tViafr will prove the greatest surprise of the sea son. I Think of it! Offering House Dresses and Bungalow Aprons at less than what it would cost for the making alone. Ginghams, Chambrays, Percales all colors, all sizes. Sale Starts Satur day 8:30 A. M. Sharp Sea our Friday evening ad for full particular and price. TOXATED ill IftAAT is: """a 1 yen tr not atroai or well WOO OWf II 1 TVtu set w w... 'the foUowinf test: tec how kmc ' . n 1 1 . T m kM 1mm wmm ran fOVHIl WW" www -- ; walk without becominc tirccr. 'VitXl DXC two u ,iu uiuiv.. of NUXATED IRON three time per day Cor two weeks. The- test your strength ipiii and see how mach you hivv gained. Many people have nude this test and have been astoa ished at their increased strength, endnrance and energy. Noxated Iron is guaranteed toi pve saria. faction or money refunceo, A all good druggists. !i !!!!!!!! 2 7i ii an nit Hi Bad Complexions Peeled Off at Home The girl lth Jhe poor complexion -complains, "I have to touch up my cheeks. I am sallow and a sight, and only my makeup saves me." ' .. Now, aa a matter of fact, more women spoil their good looka than improve them with cosmetics. The practice certainly is unnecessary, now that the virtues of ordi nary mercoliied wax as a beautifler have become known. It has been found that the -tax has wonderful absorbent powers. !t causes tha faded or discolored scarf kin to flake off in minute, almost imper reptible particles, so gently, gradually, as jo cause no inconvenience at all. In. this ay the old complexion is actually re noved likewise all fine lines, freckles, simples, blotches, moth patchea and other turface defects. A new complexion ap pears a clear, smooth, youthful. healthy Sued skin such as no paint, powder or (ream can produce. Mercoliied wax, to ! had at any drug store in convenient lize package, is applied like cold cream and allowed to remain on over night. Adv. 3-Grain Cadomene Tablets Absolutely Restore Vigor, Vitality, Strength to Weak Men and Women. Sold by All Druggists. r Adv. fie yfint Ads Produce Results. Mrs. Otis M. Smith Has Shared Her Car With Others and Given Freely Of Her Time and Strength i 1 n y 1 1 It has only been for Mrs. Otis M. Smith to learn that the call was necessary and she has responded with her car at a few rninutes notice in working for the National League for Woman's Service. She has given her time and car liberally in promoting the presentation of "Pan and the Rose Fairy," the masque written by Mrs. Myron L. Learned to be presented by the Players' club for the benefit of the Creche and the Woman's Service league Saturday afternoon and evening, June 14. Mrs. Smith had been well trained in the service of driving for others. Only her most intimate friends know of the kind of work done by Mrs. Smith. In a small note book she has the address of 40 "shut ins," who are treated to a drive in the fresh air very often. Mrs. Smith started this work when she first got her car lO years ago and has never failed her "shut in" friends since. "There is no member of the motor corps who has respond ed more cheerfully than Mrs. Oiis M. Smith," says Mrs. William Archi bald Smith, chairman of the Omaha branch of the Service league. "She was the first to report at the Union station Friday morning, when the Eighty-ninth division arrived and drove all day long. Her last trip that day was made from the Fiehl club with a car full of wounded men. The men were entertained at the club and Mrs. Smith drove them around the city before taking them back to the station. Mrs. Smith has a unique little rememberance from trip soldiers who have been carried in her car. Each one has autographed a card for the motor corps driver. The collection includes 197 names. sw:::-:':!W.:': Advice to the Lovelorn Love Comes Unbidden and, "To Love or Not We Are No More Free Than the Ripple to Rise and Leave the Sea." By BEATRICE FAIRFAX Her Folks Object. Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee: I have read your "Advice to the Love lorn" and I think it is a grand idea, so I am asking you for advice. I met a certain young man about a month ago and I am deeply in love with him and he is with me, or at least I hear he is, and he acts as if he was. But my folks object to him because he dances and because his sister is bad. But he has been lovely to me and I am very fond of him and will not and cannot give him up. So please- help me. Do you think it would be wise to see him when my folks don't know? He is very honorable and would not hurt me in any way. Answer real soon. A VERT "UNHAPPY GIRL. Parents sometimes make mis takes. The most common cause for this is that they do npt realize their children are grown up quite as soon as that is really true. It is difficult for them to release the authority and feeling of responsibility neces sarily exercised over the child, but not properly .directed toward a grown individual. How old are you? If you are still a child, give your parents the benefit of every doubt and rely upon their judgment; if you have reached years of understand ing, it is your duty to think for your self, but still your very great priv ilege to counsel with your parents. If the young man Is worthy of you and you love him, you can both af ford to be patient and try to gain your parents' consent to a friend ship. I advise against hasty con duct In your case and against clandestine meetings designed to de- A Questionnaire. Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee: Tou will certainly help me a great deal by answering the following questions: I am 17 and mother thinks I am too young to have a "date" with a boy, 25 years old. He is certainly a gentleman to all outward appear ances at any rate. Now, I am not in love with him, but I like him, and as mother has permitted my going with 23-year-old boys, do you think 25 is too old a boy for me to go with once in a while? , I have been corresponding with a boy for some time, and now I do not wish to any longer. He is just a casual acquaintance, so should I answer his letter and tell him that 1 do not wish to correspond any longer, or shall I Just let matters -stand and not answer his letter? When a boy is introduced to a girl while she is sitting should she rise and shake hands with him, or remain seated and acknowledge the introduction? At what time should a boy leave a girl's house when he takes her home after the show or dance and stays and talks? Is true love always reciprocated? Oh, no. " Does Carmen face powder Injure a tender skin or make blackheads or pimples? Tes. If a girl's hair is very thin over her ears, could you suggest a way for her to arrange It? False puffs. Thanking you in advance, I re main, A Gttt Mother must have soma other rea son for wishing you to have nothing to do with this man the age could Easiest Way to Remove Ugly Hairy Growths (Beauty Culture) Here is a method for removing hair or fuzz that is unfailing and is quite inexpensive : Mix a thick paste with some powdered delatone and water and spread on hairy surface. After 2 or 3 minutes, rub it off, wash the skin and every trace of hair has vanished. No harm or in convenience results from this treat ment, but be careful to get genuine detatmfe.Adv, " not matter so much. Just let mat ters gradually die If you do not wish to write. An occasional card to a boy friend is quite proper. The form of introduction do as you please. A boy should always rise and girls usually do. If the introduction is quite formal, just bow, but If a good friend introduces another good friend where "the relations may be cordial, rise and act human. He should not linger longer than a minute or two after a show or dance. If he does not leave on time, rise and tell him that you have enjoyed c;.ve your parents. A Young Maid Tou are indeed a wise young lady for your 17 years and I admire your interest in "world affairs." You have such definite views and ideas that I can not see why you shouldn't have your boy friends come to your home. I think you are old enough. Informal Reception. Omaha lodge, Degree of Honor, Nos. 28 and 14, will give a reception Friday evening, June 6, at Crounse hall, Sixteenth and Capitol avenue, in honor of the past and present members of the Degree of 'Honor. All members and their families are invited. That Traditional Little Bird Who Hops Around Hearing All The Gossipy Things And Then Tattling Them Whispered To Me The Other Day That It Had Heard A Lady Tell Another Lady That She Didn't Shop At "Eldridge's" 1318 Farnam Street Because Someone Told Her Someone Else, Had Said They Sold Only High Priced Things My Word! What a Big Fib! Why, I've Bought The Loveliest Presents There For a Mere Song! Sweet Giftie Things For Birthdays And Party Prizes For Only Fifty Cents And What You Can Buy For a Dollar Will Amaze You ' A Fish Delicacy Shrimps are packed along the Gulf coast, principally in Missis sippi, Biloxi being the center for the finest quality. The packing season is twice a yearin the early spring and again in the fall. Shrimps are caught with long seines. When a school is located in water near the shore, the seine is drawn around the school and pulled into the shore un til the fish can be dipped up. When caught, shrimps are of a grayish white color. They are quite deli cate and quickly spoiled, so they are carefully iced in barrels, taken to the cannery and peeled. The body, with the exception of the meat of the tail, is thrown away as useless. When the meat is peeled out of the shell and thoroughly washed, it is boiled in salt water. This causes it to turn red or pink. It is then packed in cans and pro cessed in the usual manner. Shrimps are most pleasing to the taste and delicate of flavor, and for salads, and creamed dishes are preferred by many to lobsters. The meat should be free from dis coloration. The lining of the can may be discolored next to the tin, but if the meat is not discolored, it is acceptable. The shrimps should be carefully peeled, no shell being left on them and the viscera should be entirely removed. The very large shrimps are apt to be tough and dry and on that account the medium size ones are more desir able. The canned shrimp of a rec ognized high quality brand are sure to be satisfactory. Informal Dinner. Mrs. M. T. Cook entertained at dinner Monday evening at her home in honor of Clarence McDonnell of San Francisco, who has just return ed from overseas service. The Doughnut Lassies . They lived in a hut by the side of the road, Of a road "somewhere in France;" . In the fiery hell of shot and shell, v Where the laboring troops advance; With a doughnut lunch for the boys to munch As they staggered past them there, And their cheery smiles made the weary miles An easier thing to bear., m v They lived in a hut by the side of the road, And the house was torn and marred By the bursting shell that shrieked and fell And left the village charred; But the boys that pass would find the lass With the doughnut and the smile, And it gave them "pep" to keep in step As they hiked the last long mile. They lived in a hut by the side of the road, And the "doughboys" know right well How they toiled and worked and never shirked In a place akin to hell! And, oh! at night when the' sky was bright And red with the big gun's flame, Heart-breaking'strife received new life With the steaming coffee came. They lived in a hut by the side of the road, And they were a friend to man, For they baked and served and never swerved When the red barrage began. And the boys they met will not forget The "lassies" "over there," . Who worked and toiled and baked and boiled To help "Finis la Guerre!" ainbley, France, Dec. 4, 1918. C. W. WAGGONER.. arag.c i n. dami vaw' r.N-'ii t' sot , . tM.weT-i -jmm Play For Missions. The Queen Esthers of Hanscom Park church, Twenty-ninth and Woolworth avenue will present their annual entertainment, Friday eve ning, June 6, at 8:15 o'clock, in the church parlors for the benefit of home missions. "An Open Secret," a comedy in iliree acts will be given. Much time has been spent in arranging and re hearsing. In addition to the play there will be several selections given by the old soldiers quartet, and the Misses Mabel Rasmiissen and Mabel Norris will give a negro skit. Aid Society Meets. Mrs. F. L. Miller. 3S08 Hamilton street, will entertain the Ladies' Aid society of Lowe avenue Pres byterian church, Friday, June 6, at 2:30 o'clock. Another Sleepless Night? i It's been a busy and fretful day. Brain fagrged.nerves frayed and body exhausted conscious that tomorrow is fraught with new trials and tribulations, he realizes tho imperative need of a refreshing Sjrasjjpa, esa nigra aresc. Yct.neiu'sitatpsanaareanstogoto f J-iVj I Til bud leat ho roll and toss throuehout the night. Do you experlcnro the horror of niirhtmara and insomnia? Are v"i troubled with wakeful. rfHtlivg ruKkU.' Dyou iret up in thi' morning ft'dinn mnre liril Ihnnwhtfnyou want tr bod, bci'uuM' your rot ii to disturbed -anti broken? Then, try IMKO igp ... -The Great General Tonic Tho hour of bed-time wVll noon lose its terrort and you wiH beprin to Kick your cutah with jluaurable anticipation of intiht freu from duturbencm. "I.YKO" will blvea you wIMt civni. iirnind and nracL-fui ulumber iind brins voudown to tha Itcluie oil iub,liiult, breakfast table in tho mornlnir in irood spirit and In fiihtina trim, tci:n fr the lay' nrtivitio: letted and refreahod In body 60(1 mind, and With M appetite uncrjualea mnco you wero a ooy. LYKO f loM in original pk , "lily. 11K0 picuire auovv, rrnl tonic: n-lUluble S' 1 I 111 lag I tisorandanoxcellentHt.mtilant J A) 5 4 & ft-f ffliff to the tiervtniH system. It re- fV-iWvi! TTrV I '? WT'M I Ui lievc brain fuff and physical fe'S'ftMliWWA 5Lf-I5'8 exhaustion: builds up the iTfo- ri'M 'rUtl ,nJlKf 1 norvv: atrenuthcna the mu.. Qf?ir ?8 xS?3 1 P mfflTXk I Ik-roam! rehal..l.tnte ireneralir U M ffl li If f tho wcnli, irritable and worn AtUjg "isiS C ltV "A. 't out. Ask your druffuiKt for a MtH 2J1JPIL W I bottle todtw und Bct rid of TT.r 'JPs ' &Z5ZZJ3JmMJ5 I Sol Hinufflrin: LYKO MEDICINE CO. Nw York Kih Ciiy, Mo FOR BEST RESULTS TRY BEE WANT ADS Are You Going to Profit by the Turn of the Tide and Follow the Crowd? You Are Losing Money Daily by Not Using a Perfection Cooker nrtal lcoo e ' Woocj ' a. .llb-fe 1 " mm m J wMm The finest Steaks, Roasts, Baked PotaUes, White Navy Beans and Vegetables of all kinds are served from Perfection Cookers daily in less than 30 minutes. Thousands are using them and saving $3 out of $4 in fuel bills. Perfection Cooker is different from the old boiling pot or stew pan. You cook in the dry steam, temperature 276 degrees. This is higher temperature than the average oven will give you. v Mrs. Housewife, if you realized that by use of Perfection Qooker we could save you 484 hours, or 60 days annually, in time spent in the kitchen, you would not hesitate to investigate the merits of this super cooker. ma"lthi"s "coupon" today" I Pressure Cookar Srric Co., 1420-22-24 Capitol Ave., P. O. Box 1124, Omaha, Neb. ' Gentlemen I am interested in Perfection Cooker. Please send ma detailed information. L Name Addr a V Pressure Cooker Service Co. NATIONAL DISTRIBUTORS 1420-22-24 Capitol Ave. Omaha, U. S. A. Telephone Tyler 2862. P. 0. Box 1124.