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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1919)
THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY.- JUNE - g. 1919. ueurii reus My Corns Off! Any Corn or Callus Corati Off Peacefully, Painlessly. Nrr Fail. It' almost a picnic to get rid of a eorn or rtlliw th "Gets-It" way. You spend 2 or S seconds putting on 2 or S drops of "Gsts-It," about as simpl as Us "Gets-It." pcl off corn this way. putting on your hat. "Gets. It" does away forever! with "contraptions," "wrappy" plasters', greasy ointments that rub off, bleed-letting knives, and scissors that nip into the "quirk." "Gets-It" eases pais.' Your "jumpy" corn" shrinks, dies, loosens from the toe. You peel the corn pafnlessly from your toe In one complete piece, That's where the picnic comes in you -peel it oft as you would a banana peel. Nothing else but "Gets-It" can do it. Get peaceful, eommon-sense "Gets-it." "Get-It,' j the guaranteed, money-back corn-remover, the only sure way, costs but a trifle at any drug store. M'f'd by E.. -Lawrence A Co.. Chicago, 111.. Sold fn Omaha and recommended as the world's best, corn remedy by Sherman & McConsll Drug Co.'s Stores. Adv. AN OPPORTUNITY rf AWAITS YOU .... i - To .Purchase Your New t tLace' lurtams i ' -t: v. . S Draperies at and. the Bowen Value-Giving Store, Satur day, June 7th. f Some 5,000 pairs of Lace Cur tains are offered at the Bowen store, Saturday, .June . 7th, at ridiculouslyi low prices; many in fact are worth two or three time3 the price at which they, are marked to be sold. H The second f loqr. of the Great er Bowen store having been, en tirely remodeled and enlarged is now devoteS exclusivly to the display and merchandising of Lace Curtains, Draperies, Rugs and Carpets, and the wonderful value-giving prices made on this large quantity of Lace Curtains for Saturday is to better acquaint the economical shoppers of Oma ha with the Bowen store and the advantages to be derived in shop-' ping there. H Another step forward in the. progress of the Bowen store is that it now offers Draperies, both imported and domestic by the yard, and all ofte needs do is to select the patterns they prefer, when it will be cut, made up and draped at your windows. Should a customer at any time want ad vice as to what color draperies would be most suitable for their home, the Bowen store will send out an expert who will assist you in every way and that without cost SUPREME COURT TO DECIDE WHO IS NOWSHERIFF Army Service of One Man and Death of Another Mix Po litical Situation in i Boone County. (By Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, Neb., June S. The county attorney of Boone county has appealed to the supreme court from an opinion of. the district court jn the case covering the right of Frank F. Willott to hold over as sheriff of that county. When Sheriff Otto Anderson went into the United States service, the couJty board of Boone, which hap pened to be democratic, appointed his deputy, Mr. Willott, a repub lican, as sheriff. Willott had been turned down, after organizing a company for the sixth regiment and had been given his commission, to make room for another man. His ap pointment when Anderson entered the service was a popular one. Though still in the service, Ander son was a candidate for re-election, but four days before the election, died in'service. However, Anderson received a majority over his demo cratic opponent, Fred Warring, and the board reappointed Willott to serve out. the term of Anderson. - The contention of the county at torney is that Willott could only hold until January 1. 1919, while the Willott contention is that he was appointed to fill out the unexpired term of Anderson and that he had a right to" serve until the County (elected .a successor. i The district court cheld that Vil :lot had a right to hold until anotTVer man was elected and it is to test this ruling of the court that the ap peal is made to the supreme court. , The new board, which is demo cratic, appointed Warring to the place, but Willott is still holding down the job. DR. MABLE WESSON Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon 614 Brandela Bfdf ., Tel. Tyler 2960, Harney 4741 GIRLS No One Will Know You Use Face Powder If yon use derwillo the very latest thins in powders. It's impossible to detect it and it gives the skin that rosy, peach like appearance and baby softness every body raves about. You put it on in the tnomini and it stays there all day. No touching up to keep your nose from shin in. Perspiration does not" affect it and it will not rub off on clothing.-- It in- ' stantly beautifies the complexion, puts color in your cheeks, and is a wonderful, tonic for the skin: prevents blackheads, coarse pores, hides freckles, tan, sua spots and other blemishes on the face, neck, hands and arms. Rough, chapped skin quickly disappears and leaves you with a complexion of youth, which will attract attention anywhere. Apply der- , willo before going to theater or parties, and just note the favorable comments of your friends. It feels so good on your face that you will never be without it, and you will forever discard the old. forma of face powder. It contains no rice pow der, which clogs the pore or injurious chemicals, such aa bismuth or pearl white, so often found in many high grade pow ders. Its principal ingredient is used by the leading skin specialists in the treat ment of many skin disease?, as it is a genuine tonic to the skin, is absolutely harmless and will not stimulate or produce a growth of hair. Here is a fair offer; Get a package frdm your druggist today, use it for a week or two, and if you are not satisfied ask him for your money back and he will gladly give it to you. If it were not something out of the ordinary, do you suppose we could afford to make you such an offer? If you really want a beautiful complexion, here is your chance to have oue without any expense if it fails. Ask for derwillo and accept noth ing else, then you will not be disapointed. NOTE Wbiw ssked ahwit derwillo one of our lesdtns dnucltts mid. "H is trulj a wonderful liesutifler, swsy ahead uf anything we hays eer sold, and (hose who uae It are wild over it. It Is Siring such exoellent satisfaction that we gladly rrfnud the money to every dissatisfied customer." Derwillo It sold under aa Iron-clad money Rack cuarantee in this city Ty all drusitlsts. Including the Kherman A McConnell, Beaton and the Merrill Stores. Adr. After each meal YOU art oro ATOMIC cfow your' stomach s'sXmcJ and get fall food value and real atom cb comfort. Instaarry relieves heart rn, Moated, fealiaft, STOPS acidity, foci repeating and stomach misery. AIDS digestion; keeps the rtomaeh sweet and pure. CATOMC is the best remedy and only eoati 1 sent or two a day to use it You will be de Ighted with results Satisfaction guars teec w money back. PW rail and r Green's Pharmacy, Cor. 16tk tmA Howard Nebraska Elks Elect Patrick and Butler as Two of Officers York, Neb., June 5. (Special Tele gram). The second day of the Elks' convention opened with more than 300 registered. The following officers were elected: President, Frank Green, Lincoln; First vice president, Robert W. Patrick, Omaha; second vice presi dent, W. H., Butler, Alliance; third vice, president, Clyde Norton, Kear ney; Secretary,' C. O. Swan, Kear ney; Treasurer, C. B. Nicodemus, Fremont; trustees: Dan B. Butler, Omaha; C. A. McCloud, York, and Carl Kramer, Columbus, L. Rains, I Fairbury, is a candidate for Grand ! exalted ruler -when the Grand ! Lodge meets in Atlantic City, July The ball game between Falls city and Omaha Elks resulted in a score of 2 to 3, in favor of Falls City. Alliance was selected as the place for the next meeting of Elks. Spain Acquitted of Manslaughter for tolling or Mcuure Stapleton, Neb., June 5. (Special Telegram.) Hamilton B. Spain, on trial -in- district court here on a charge of .manslaughter, was ad judged not guilty Dy tne jury which was out for 60 hours Thurs day. Spain was indicted for the killing of William McClure on October 14, 1918. Spain was . defended by At torneys Bress -of Stapleton and Judge Hamer of Kearney. The prosecution was in the hands of County Attorney Hill of Stapleton. Report of State Treasurer Shows Increase in Balance Lincoln, June S. The balance in the state treasury at the close of business May 31, according to State Treasurer Cropsy, was $2,008,51q.81, as against $1,866,049.94 the month previous. The overdraft was cut from $325,772.08 to $269,959.78. Receipts for May were $968,812.25 and disbursements $770,532.08. .Trust funds invested are now $10, 473,744.81 Nebraska Wool Sells at About Prices of Last Year Beatrice, Neb., June 5. (Special.) Twenty-five thousand pounds of wool was sold here Wednesday at the co-operative sale to the Lincoln Hide and Fur company and to Swin gle & Co., Lincoln, for approximate ly $10,000. Prices were about the same as last year, 30 cents to 53 cents per pound. The clips were shipped from a number of counties in this section. Richardson County People to Erect New Court House Lincoln, June 5. The Richardson county court house, Falls City, burned recently and the people of that county want a new building. They have "put up the matter of whether they can go ahead and vote the bonds and start erection of the new building before the levy comes in to the attorney general's, office. Judge Barnes, assistant attorney general, believes that they can do so. Automobile of Omaha . Man Stolen in Lincoln Lincoln. June 5. There were 23 automobiles stolen in Lincoln dur ing May, according to the police re ports, and 17 of these recovered. Among the stolen cars was one belonging to R. L. McCoy, Omaha, hich was never located. Cuts Throat With Razor. Norfolk, Neb.. June 5. (Special Telegram.) D. W. Wolf, 50 years old. unmarried, committed suicide in his room bv cutting his throat with a razor. He was a discharged patient of the State Hospital for the Stone and Williams Ask Supreme Court for Another Trial Lincoln, Neb., June 5. (Special.) The supreme sjoitrt will consider the applications CI Samuel Stone and Harry Williams for a new trial in an appeal from the Doughs county court. The cases were sub mitted this morning. Williams and Stone, with Burl Kirk, Frank Martin and Thomas McKay, were sentenced to the peni tentiary for life for the murder of Frank Rooney, an Omaha police officer. Forty-Four Graduated From Falls City High School Falls City, Neb.. June 5. (Spe cial.) Commencement exercises of the Falls City high school were held Wednesday night in the city park, preceded by a May festival. Rev Titus Lowe of Omaha delivered fie commencement address to the graduates, of whom there were 41. as follows: Wallace Abbey, Elsie Ball, Janice Bow ers, Rosins Brecht, John Cameron. Alva Cox. Ruth Ernst, Tom Freshe. Kay fiantt, r:imer Gerhardt, Shirley Whltaker. Besplo Halbert. Shirley Griffin. Ralph Hammnml, Krilth Heaston. Nellie Heaston, Dewey Hoy, Conrad Knapp, Ollle Klumb. Heltn Lovelace, Clara May, Mary Merrltt. nioe Misson, Helene Morris. Ted Mosiman, Vera McKlnnoy, Charles McManua, Opul Nichols. Charles Nutter. Maud, VlBna RlfKer, I.aurena Riesi hick, Louise Roth,. Catherine Srolt. Florence Reiser, Roy Scott, Leon Shaw, George Sheehan. Edith Shephard, Mary Stockman. Wilbur Story, Jennie Peurle Stumbo, John Whet atlne, Halcyon Whltford. The advertiser who uses The Bee Want Ad Column increases his business thereby and the persons who read them profit by the oppor tunities offered. . South Side WELCOME HOME FOR SOUTH SIDE SOLDIER BOYS Services at Wheeler Presby terian Church, Where Major Mahl Will Deliver Prin cipal Address. Sgt.-Mai. Charles F. Mahl will he the principal speaker at the Wel come Home services at the Wheeler Memorial church next Sunday morn ing. He will represent, in a gen eral way, the 86 other members of the church who entered military service. A special invitation has been issued to all soldiers and sail ors to attend the morning services. A section of seats will be reserved for them. Rt-v. Mr. Wheeler will welcome the boys for his congregation with a short talk and Sergeant-Major Mahl will respond. High School Students at School Auditorium Sunday Flowers, palms and class colors will decorate the South High school auditorium, where the graduating class will listen to the sermon next Sunday morning. Rev. C. C. Wilson will preach on "The Foundation." Rev. William J. Borer will deliver, the invocation. The benediction will be by Rev. Marcus Grether and Rev. R.' tL. Wheeler will read scriptural lesson. A vocal,' duet .by Mrs. Verna Moore and Miss . Perrnelia Engle, with Mrs. J. D. Ringer as accom panist, is on the program. South Side Brevities WNTED A delivery clerk. Hlnchejr Laundry Co.,- S30J. N street. Salesgirls and salennen wanted to clerk Saturdays. See Wilg .Brother. 'Adv. Stanley Rontha, a South Side realdent connected with the Omaha I'rinttng com pany, haa gone- on a trip to the Pacific coat. WANTED SIX SALESLADIES AT ONCE APPLY IN PERSON. KOUTSKT PAVL1K CO. Adv. LAWN mower sharpening and repairing a specialty. Pr.'one South 18. Keeldence phone. South 1314. We buy furniture, clothing and rags. Wo are paying 2 cenla a pound for rags. Call South J01L Adv. Friends surprised Mr. and Mrs. Axel Strom at their home, 4417 South Eigh teenth' street, Tuesday evening, presenting them with a chest Of silver, the occasion being their silver wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Erie Brown, Carpenters' crossing and Bellevue car line, will enter tain the Circle of King Daughters of the Wheeler Memorial Presbyterian church at a lawn party Friday afternoon and eve ning. Guests will bring refreshments. For Sale One 10-room house built for two families; all modern except heat. Lo cated on paved street and alley. Cement walk, good shape, house well built and easy to heat. Price, J3.600. Phone, South 83. G. E. Harding .Coal company. ON SALE FRIDAT AND SATURDAY. Lawns, pretty flowered designs, every pat tern good, on sale at, yd 10c Voiles, the newest summer shades , at, per yd 16 The materials of these lawns and voiles sre fine and just what you will want for summer wear. White outing flannel, nice and fleecy, worth 30c yard, on sale at, yd..-.17Hn BASEMENT STORE, WHO BROTHERS. The advertiser who uses The iiee Want ' Ad Column increases his business thereby and the persons who read them profit by the oppor tutiities offered. BLOUSES In This June Sale aV $3.85 Splendid Quality Georgette Crepe, Previously Priced Up to $5.95. HIS SALE is of particular interest just "j? now when so many are planning their go-away-wardrobes,. for almost indispensable is the Georgette Blouse for Summer so easily adapted to every use and oeeasicn. t Daintily made from splendid quality Georgette Crepe carefully proportioned as to bust, sleeve and waist line attractively beaded or embroidar ed with becoming round, V, or collarless neck, in all the pretty shades AH sizes. Sheer Lingerie Blouses Radically Reduced Previously Uf) o $2.50 at 85c I j NUSUALLY splendid values in these sheer voiles; becoming collars and neck line well made, in a widely varied assortment of styles; trimmed in pretty laces and inserts. V vi i rrW il i I S H n 1 1 IU U H IV A I 1 S I Previously Uf) o $3.95 at $1.85 The value giving in this group of blouses are hard to equal well made of such soft, sheer voile attractive designs of lace and In sertion trimmings large collars and pretty cuffs. Previously Up Vo $5.95 aV$2.65 In this group there is a very wide variety for selection a nice choice of dainty lace and embroidery trimmings becoming collars and neck lines unusually fine quality voile and workmanship. ni.orsE shop- -SECOPTD FLOOR. Benson & nornc Tolte Sore of Specialty SAop ELDEEDGE-REYNOLDS COMPANY. Shredded Wheat Biscuit ititk Strawberries Wholesome -Nourishing -Satisfying Better than ordinary Short Cake "lots of food for a fert pennies' Two "Double-Headers" Are Played In Omaha Matrimonial League Two "doublehtaders" in the ma trimonial league were played Monday in the court house, with ' County Judge Crawford as umpire. Both "teams" came from Iowa. Anna Wilhelmi was married to Henry Reints, and Anna's sister, Katherine Wilhelmi, was married to Harold Hinde. All live at LeMars, la. Guy Bechtel and Glenora Han son of Dunlap, la., were married, and then Edward Hammes and Alma Bechtc 1 of Dunlap, la., were wedded. Alma is a sister of Guy. Business is booming at the mar riape license bureau. Sixteen couples secured licenses Wednesday. Only six of these were from Omaha. The others came from Wood Lake, Neb.; Tonopah, Nev.; St. Edwards, Neb.; Dunlap, la.; Fre mont, Xel).; Counpil Bluffs, la.; Des Moines, la.; Colorado Springs, Col.; LeMars, la., and Kansas City, Kan. Bee Want Ads pay big profits to the people who read them. Douglas County Post Of American Legion To Be Organized Soon In accordance with the provisions adopted in the constitution of the national organization, the Douglas County Post of the American Le gion will be periccted at a meeting to be held in the Auditorium the last week of June, it has been announced. It is proposed that the organiza tion shall be non-partisan. Sale TRIMMED MILLINERY Of Unexcelled Style and Quality. Previusly Priced Up to $12.50 $5.00 rNE CANNOT emphasize too strongly the style, quality and value of these hats it merits special attention from women and misses interested in the question of a new hat also, we want to bring out their excellence, both in mate rials and workmanship. Particular care and thought has gone into the gathering together of this group of bats including, as It does, the newest transparent effects, large, graceful hats, quaint, alluring, or trim, piquaint little hats In light and dark effects perfect complements to any costume. Developed In Leghorns with colored facings, newest straws, straw combined with Georgette and Taffeta; Milans and White Milans; horsehair and maline; trimmed in ostrich, wings, ribbons, bows, rosettes and fancies. MILLINERY SHOP- -SECOD FLOOR. gens on & rtorne "The Store of Specialty Shops" ELDKEDGE-REYNOLDS COMPANY. June Sale of White Pumjps, White Oxfords, VVig Season's Footwear Of Fine, Serviceable 0 uality Nile Cloth and Sea Island Canvas $H.95 and $6.95 C PLENDID values are assembled at these two prices values that can ' ' not be duplicated in this standard of footwear high-grade work manship, slender of line, full of style distinction, attractive to the eye. Nothing else can, or will, do for the sumraertide nothing else in foot wear brings out the dainty gossame re-like effect of sheer gowns or is half so smart with striking sport clothing, or so easy to keep immaculate. $6.95 $4.95 ' Oxfords and pumps of white nile cloth; turned soles and full Louis covered heels also oxfords wltja white ivory leather soles and medium or lj-lnch heels; smart and trim on the foot; all sizes Oxford ties and plain pumps, of Wbite Sea " Island Canvas, wifh medium covered heels, also full Louis covered heels; hand turned soles well made cool and comfortable, graceful and stylish; all sizes. SHOE SHOF- -MAIJf FLOOR. Bens on a "6rtornt he Slow of Individual cShop ELDREDGE-REYNOLDS COMPANY. ...apajta. Neav J Insane i . 1