THE- BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, JUNE 6, 1919. 12 ROURKES BLANK ST. JOSEPH GREW ; WIN EASY, 6 TO 0 i Omaha Hitters Get Ten Hits to Josie Players' Nine; Neither Schinkel Nor North Effective. St. Joseph, Mo., June 5i The Kourkcs shut out the locals, 6 to 0, in first of the series here today. Schinkel for Omaha and North for St. Joseph were both wild and in effective. Snappy fielding by the Rourkes and poor base runnjng by the Saints kept the locals scoreless. OMAHA AUK nil FO A K 4 imrnenu Sh 4 0 1 0 0, .turlinin. lb 3 0 0 111 0 HemmtnKway, ss 2 ' llaxen, ef 8 1 0 8 0 Hlrby, rf 1 3 0 (.UlaMin, 2b .1 1 t 5 A Hale, e 1 0 5 Ponlca. If . . - 8 0 1 1 0 Sehiiikle, p 4 0 1 0 I Total" j ST. JOSKPH Ttrnhaker, HI, kelloher m 3 0 ltnlnn, rf 8 0 llrenaxon, e 3 0 nutrher, c 4 0 Itonmvltz, If 4 II Meall, lb .....4 0 Conaolley, 2b 4 0 North, p 3 0 87 10 27 13 A K KH PO .3001 .3 0 0 8 1 0 1 S 0 0 8 5 1 11 2 2 l e . Total Omaha 0 1 Ml. Joseph ... 0 Trmre banc hit : 31 0 S 27 6 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 1o1hii. Two base 1 4 hit: IH-.niiwItc, Hemmliiirwajr. Sacrifice hit: Urenagan. Double play: Heinmlwiway to (ilalason to Jackson. Left on bases: Nt. Joseph 8. O inn ha 10. Rase on ball: North Sehlnkle 2. Hit by pitched ball: By Helilnkle, Dolan. Struck out: By North by .Sehlnkle 8. Umpires; Becker anil II climes. Timet 1:05. Oklahoma City Shoves Tulsa Down a Peg in Standing Oklahoma City, Okl., June 5. Oklahoma City put over two runs in the first on a walk, a pair of hits -and a nout and defeatedTiusa, 2 to 1, in the second game of the series Score : v x . o. TUI.SA A B. H. (looMn, 2b 4 Wuffli, h 3 Davis, rf 3'w. lb 4 CTnd, 3b 4 Hewitt, cf 3 Manipn, c 3 Mnrtln, If 4 Barry, p J Haines 1 0 1 2 0 : 1 n t 2 0 0 0 4 1 0 1 1 0 0 OKLAHOMA CITT. E.I AB. H. O. E. Ollriftirs. rf 3 OlBenxen, 2b 4 II Griffin, rf 0 Adams, lb 0 Xutt. If Hnuk. 3b 'Griffith, c l.iennis, tX Totals 2 6 27 1 Totals 31 6 24 Batted for Salisbury in ninth. Tulsa 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 01 JklBhoma City 2 000000 02 Two-base hits: "Wuffli. Sacrifice hits Dennis, Davis. Double play: Goodwin to Wuffli to Brokaw. Struck out: 13y Phi als. 4; by Salisbury. 4. liases on balls: Dlf Dennis. 4; off Salisbury 2. Hit -ey Pitched ball: By Salisbury (Lindimorel. Left on bases: Oklahoma City, li; Tulsn, . Time: 1:45. Umpires!. Ualy and Jchaffly. loplin First Baseman Wins Game "With Two Homers Wichita, Kan., June S. Brie leck's two home runs in the last :wo' innings broke up a tight game n Jopltn's favor, 4 to 1. Score: BRINGING UP FATHER Sm Jiggs nd Maggie in Full Page of Color in The Sunday Bee. Drawn for The Bee by McManus -il a, tnio . . - i. , ui'jrigiib international New arvie. Ilfl 1 H II HI "I I l25ii:Y,'M,-ATE II I COME back Ijr i what A j UULJ "1 ou inct- jULJl-l III II I- you were oiNi 1 - - 444 iTaswssr d w i ssJ lftM- UowStJ BOSTON OPENS AT HOME WITH WIN OVER DETROIT Reel Sox Humble Tigers De spite Cobb's Triple and Bush's Double; Mclnnis Bats in Two Runs. Boston, June 5. Boston opened its home stay against the west by defeating Detroit, 2 to 1, here today. Bush's double and Cobb's triple scored for the visitors in the first. With the bases full in the third, Mc lnnis' single scored two runs for Boston. Score: DETROIT. AB. H. O. E Bush, ss 4 1 Young, 2b 8 Cobb, cf Vearh, If H'l'an. lb F'sfd, rf Jones. 3b A's'lth, o I.eon'd. p Shorten xKliison 2 Ol 2 0 8 1 1 1 4 0 0 0 2 2 0 BOSTON. AB. H. O. Hooper, rf 3 sr.'ean. Zb Strunk, ef Gainer, If Mens, lb OlSchang, c olVitt.Sb 0 Scott, as OIRuth, p OlMays. p 0 ztill'oley Totals 33 9 24 II Totals 27 7 27 1 Batted for Ainsmlth In ninth. xBatted for Leonard In ninth. , xKan for Ruth in third. Detroit 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 Boston .0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 Two base hits: Bush. Hooper (I). Three base hit: Cobb. Sacrifice hits: Younsr. Mi-. Innls (2). Hooper. Double play: vw stead to Hellman. Left on bases: Detroit, 10; Boston, ft. First base on error: Boston, 1. Bases on bBlls: Off Leonard 2; oft Ruth, 1; off Mays. 3. Hits: Off Ruth, 3 in 3 inninps; off Mays, 6 In 6 innings. Struck out: By Leonard, 2; by Ruth, 1. Winning pitcher: Ruth. White Sox Win Pitching Duel. New York, June 5. E. Collins' home run with the bases full In the eishth In- ninff ended a pitchers' battle betweon Cicotte and Shore here today, Chicago tfe ffjating New York In the first game of ihe series by a score of 5 to 1. Score: NEW YORK. CHICAGO. AB. H. O. JOPMN. AB. H. O. E Lamb, ss 3 J'hler, rf 4 Jh'ath. cf 4 Vtlllns, o 4 'loran. If f Hu'ltt. 8b 4 tl'beck. lb 4 l'h'son, 3b 3 Marks, p 4 1 1 0 0 3 1 2 0 0 2 4 2 13 2 1 1 1 WICHITA AB. H Meloan. rf 3 1 M'ller, lb 4 MrB'de, If 3 VVllb't, cf 3 Ne'asha, o 2 W'burn, 2b 4 Berger. ss 3 Marr. 3b 3 Norman, p 3 Vbold, rf W'vcr. 3b K.C'ns, 2b .T'kson. if Felsch. cf T.C'ns, lb R'berg, ss Schalk, o Cicotte, p Totals 30 8 27 0 Vlcl:. rf Peck h, ss Baker, 3b Lewis, If Ptpp, lb Pratt, 2b Bodle. ef Han'ah, c Halas Ruel, c Shore, p xO'Doul M'idge, p AB. H. 4 Totala J44102 l --l ! 7 27 1 Meloan out In seventh, Mueller Inter fere with throw. Joplln 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 24 Wichita 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 01 Two base hit: Collins. Home runs: Brlebeck (2). Stolen base: McBride. Sac riftc.a htts: Norman, Lamb, Boehler, Mc Bride. Sacrifice fly: Thompson. Double nlays: Washburn to Berger; Thompson, Hulswltt and Lamb. Left on bases: Wichita, 8; Joplln, 6. Bases on halls: Totals 32 8 27 Batted for Hannah In eighth. x Batted for Shore In eighth. Chicago 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 05 New York 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 Two-base hits: Weaver, J. Collins, Rts berg. Home run: E. Collins. Stolen bases: Felsch (2). Sacrifice hits: Pccklnpaugh, Schalk, Cicotte. Double plays: Pipp to Perklnpaugh to Plpp; Bodle to Pratt; Pccklnpaugh to Pratt to Plpp. Left or bases: New York, 6; Chicago, 3. Base-on-balls: Off Shore. 1; off Mogridee, 1. Hits: Off Shore, 8 in eight Innings; Off Mogridge, none in one inning. Hit by pitched ball: Bv Shore (Felscn. Struck out:By Shore. 1; by C'cotte, 3. Losing pitcher: Shore. Senators Outhit Browns, Washington, June 6. Four scattered hits, three of the catch variety, was the best St. Loula- could do against Johnson's pitching today, while the locals bunched safeties off Weiliman and won the open ing game of the series, 6 to 1. Score: ST. LOUIS. I WASHINGTON. AB. H. O. Austin, 3b 4 0 2 Ged'n. 2b Bron'e, 2b Tobin, if Slsler, lb Jac'on, cf Dem't. rf lierber, ss Billings, c Mmltf Mayer, c W'i'an, p Wright, p xSloan L'fleld, p ll.Iudge. db ll Foster. 3b o'K'rrity. if 01 Rice, rf OlMur'hy, cf 0 Shanks, 3b 0 Agnew, c OjMcBde. ss OiJohnson, p 0 0 0 0 AB. O. E. 7 0 1 2 2 3 Totals 32 4 24 2 Totals 28 6 27 Batted for Billings In seventh. BaUed for Wright In seventh. St. Louis 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 01 Washington .20040000 x C To base hits: Murphy, McBride. Judge. Stolen bases: Sisler (2). Sacrifice hit: McBride. Left on bases: St. Louis, 6, Washington 6. First base on errors: St. Louis 1: Washington 1. Bases on balls: Off Weilman 4; off Johnson 2; off Wright 1; off Leifleld 1. Hits: Off Weilman 5, In 6 1-3 Innings: off Wright. 1, In 2 2-3 lr. nings. Struck out: By Johnson 7. Losing pitcher; Weilman. Macks Defeat Indians. Philadelphia. June 5. Bunching five hits in the first two Innings, with errors by Cleveland, Philadelphia scored enough runs to win today, 10 to 6. Witt mode five hits, Including a triple In five times at bat. Score: CLEVELAND. AB. It. O.E. Graney. if Chan'n, ss Smith, rf Gar'ii, 3b Wbs'ss, 2b Wood, cf W.J'n, lb Nun'er, c Bagby, p Enz'nn. p C.Thoas Uhle. p PHILADELPHIA. AB. H. O. E. 0! Witt. If 2'Grover, 2b URoth, rf o! Walker, cf o Burns, lb 0;Dugan, ss 0(F.Th'as.3b Perkins, c K.J son, p Perry, p Seibold, p Totals 35 11 27 2 Off Marks, B. Hit by pitched ball: Newasha. Struck out: By Norman, 2: by Marks, 2. Umpire: Shannon. Time: 1:30. lies Moines (lame Postponed. J Des Moines. June 6. Sioux City at Das Mones postponed; wet grounds. Totals 38 12 24 6 Batted for Enzmann in seventh. Cleveland 2 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 ! Philadelphia 2 6 0 0 0 3 0 0 '10 Two base hit: Chapman. Three base hits: Graney, Chapman, Roth, Witt Stolen bases: Wood (2). Sacrifice hits Grover (2), Seibold. Sacrifice flies: Chap man, tiarciner. l,ert on bases: Cleveland, 11; Philadelphia, 6. First base on errors: Cleveland, 2; J'miadelphia, 4. Bases on balls: Off Seibold, 2; off Bagby, 1; off Enzmann, 1. Hits: Off R. Johnson, 7 in 3 Innings; off Perry, 3 in 1 2-3 In nines; off Seibold, 2 in 4 1-3 Innings; off Bagby, 5 In 2 Innings; off unzmann, 5 In 4 Innings; oft Uhle, 1 In 2 innings. Hit by pitched ball: By R. Johnson Enz mann); by Seibold (Chapman). Struck out: By R. Johnson, 1; by Perry, 2; by seibold, z; by Bagby, 1; by Enzmann, 1. Wild pitch: Enzmann. Winning pitcher: Seibold. Losing pitcher: Bagby. Result at -Camp Beveridge. Central 5 South 4 Batteries: Central, McGrath and Lo gan; South, Hill, Banner and Vore. Konecky's home run featured the game. Turner hit for two bases and McGrath for three bases, getting the winning run. Southern Association. At Memphis 6; Birmingham 3. At U.ittle Rock 6; Atlanta 6. At Nafflvllle 2; Mobile l.x At Chattanooga 3; New Orleans 2. The CM of Colorado ond Utah RQck Spend your vacation this summer in the heart of the Rockies. The climatic, scenic and recreational advantages of this outing region annually attract multitudes or sum mer visitors. Smooth motor roads lead to high mountain passes; and trails lead to woodjand glades ' where the ground was never trenched by spade, and flowers spring up unsown." Lakes and rushing streams full of game fish. Here are two National Parks, six National Monuments and more than twenty million acres of National Forestsr Summer Excursion Fares Ask for the booklets you want. They describe Colorado and Utah Rockies, the two National Parks Rocky Mountain and Mesa Verde also the six National Monuments. . Ask the local ticket agent to help plan your trip ivapply to nearest Consoli dated Ticket Office or address nearest Travel Bureau, United States Railroad - Administration, 646 Transportation Building, Chicaeo; 143 Liberty Street, New York City; 602 Healey Buildine, Atlanta, Georgia. -UNITl-SrATES RAILRQfD -ADMINISTMnON' Consolidated Ticket Office . 1416 Dodge St. Omaha, Neb. mum works UNDER WRAPS TO AV81DJC. 0,'S Increases Number of Rounds to Six, Does Five Miles on the Road and Has Plenty of Gym Work. Toledo, Vtine 5 With his heavy weight championship contest with Jack Dempsey less than a month away, Jess Willard today settled down seriously to the task of condi tioning himself, The champion increased his box ing to six rounds, covered five miles on the road, tugged at the weights, shadow boxed and wrestled. It was the best work out he has had since he landed in camp last Monday. A capacity crowd, including about 200 women, jammed the arena to watch him go through his pace. Big Jess boxed nicely except for a display of bad wind, which he is attempting to correct by road work. He boxed tinder wraps however, as a result of knocking out Walter Monahan yesterday and did not let any of his punches fly with full force. Ray O. Archer, business repre sentative of the champion, left for New York tonight in an attempt to lecate at least two formidable spar ring partners, big enough and phys ically capable of swapping punch for punch with the champion. Those in camp at present are con sidered all right for exercise pur poses, but they cannot hit Willard hard enough to sting him and he cannot cut loose at tftem without fear of hurting them. Sullivan, a former high school foot ball star, who has had two or three professional bouts, whaled away at the champion from the start of their round today. Willard promptly lowered his gloves and permitted him to whang away at his jaw and body at will. The title holder, at first, stood still and when he thought Sullivan had landed enough punches, he started head slipping and had Sullivan missing wunout even using nis arms or gloves in defense. Willard did his road work in the vicinity ot the Willys-Overland au luniuuiie company plant, tne scene ot rioting two days ago, and Pro motor Rickard cautioned him to keep away from the trouble as he feared some of the idle workers might hurl a brick. Stroup Leads Field in Farewell Shoot Tendered B. W. Barnes At the farewell shoot tendered B. W. Barnes at the Omaha Gun club, yesterday afternoon, Stroup led the way with a score of 97 out of 100. The retiring member, Barnes, was the next high shooter with 95. The Bee sporting editor brought up the rear with a straight miss. Scores: Hit Shot Hit Shot State Championship will be Decided in Williams-Lee Scrap Main Bout at Fort Omaha Tonight Takes Aspect of Real Championship Mill Williams Representing Wil lard and Lee Acting Part of Dempsey Gives Bout Air of Title Mill. ' " Omaha sport lovers will have a chance to see a championship scrap of their own at Fort Omaha to night, when Harry Williams, likened unto Heavyweight Champion Jess Willard, meets Soldier Johnny Lee, dubbed the Omaha Jack Dempsey, in the main event of 10 rounds. The men are probably the two best heavyweights in the state of Ne braska and the title honors of the state will be accorded the winner. The Dempsey replica didn't work any yesterday, feeling that he was already in shape and primed for the fray, but Williams carried out a program of loosening up, boxing a few light rounds with Billy Uvick and two oth!r sparring partners at the Omaha Gun club's shooting grounds, for the benefit of the club men taking part in the farewell shoot tendered B. W. Barnes. The wrestlers, billed for a finish match, Vernon Breedlove, feather weight champion of the world, and Jack Tolliver, report that they are in fine shape and ready for the bell. They will wrestle a two fall match, unless it takes more than an hour for the first fall, in such case, the one fall will decide the match. Three four-round preliminaries will be staged, with soldiers or ex-soldiers pitted against civilians. The show will lbe staged in the open arena designed by the Fort Omaha architects, who drew blue prints of the arena and placed them with the tickets in all the down town hotels and the South Omaha Stock Exchange grill. The tickets are priced at $3.00 for ringside seats, $2.00 for the balance of the reserved section and $1 general admission. All the hotels and the exchange report a rapid sale of the ringside seats. It is reported that if Lee wins the bout with Williams, he will be given a chance to work with Jack Dempsey at Toledo during the heavyweight challenger's training for the bout with Jess Willard. The Williams followers declare that he will never get to Toledo and it is rumored that they have a pool to back their favorite. In all, there will be 22 rounds of boxing and a finish wrestling match on the card and should prove well worth the price of admission. WINNER OF NEXT WEDNESDAY MILL Stroup 97 Barnea 95 Noypg 85 Rogan 48 Adams 44 At lOODenny 4! lOOJepp 35 ICOBellreys ....19 SOModesett ....13 SO At 5 60 IS 25 Graves, Getsome. Base Ball Standings, WESTERN LEAGUE. Won. Pes Moines 19 OMAHA 18 Oklahoma City 16 Sioux City 15 Tulsa 15 Joplin 14 wicMta 12 St. Joseph 9 Yesterday's Results. Sioux Clty-Des Moines; rain. Omaha, 6; St. Joseph, 0. Oklahoma City, 2; Tulsa, 1. Joplln. 4; Wichita, 1. Games Today. Sioux City at Des Moines. Tulsa at Oklahoma City. Omaha at St. Joseph. Joplln at Wichita. Lost. 10 12 13 14 16 15 19 19 Pet. .655 .600 .552 .617 .4S4 .183 .3S7 .321 NATIONAL IJEAGrE. Won. Lost. Pet. 24 10 .706 20 16 556 20 16 .556 18 17 .514 i 15 16 .484 17 20 .459 12 21 .304 Yesterday's Results. New York-Pittsburgh; wet ground. St. Louis, 1; Cincinnati, 0. Games Today. New Tork at Pittsburgh. Boston at Chicago. -Brooklyn at Cincinnati. Philadelphia at St. Louis. AMERICAN LEAGTE. Won. Lost. Pet. Chicago 25 11 .694 Cleveland 21 13 .618 New York 19 12 .613 Detroit 17 17 .600 St. Louis 16 17 .485 Boston . ....14 16 .467 Washington 11 21 .344 Philadelphia 6 24 .200 Yesterday's Results. Boston, !; Detroit.. 1. Chicago, 5: New York, 1. Washington, 6; St. Louis, 1. Games . Today. St. Louis at Washington. Chicago at New York. Cleveland at Philadelphia. Detroit at Boston. AMERICAN St, Taul Louisville .. Columbus .. Indianapolis Minneapolis Kansas' City Milwaukee Toledo ASSOCIATION. Won. Lost. 22 IS 17 19 16 1 14 10 10 12 13 16 17 18 22 18 Pet. .688 .671 .667 .643 .485 .471 .389 .333 Yesterday's Results. Louisville-Minneapolis; rain. Toledo. 2-3; Kansas City, 6-9 Indianapolis, 6: Milwaukee, 1 at Paul. 14: Columbus, -!. - Shelton Farmer's Manager Promises to Meet the Victor of Lewis-Londos Match' if John Wins. The winner of the wrestling match which will be staged between Sergt. Ed. Lewis and Jim Londos at the Auditorium next Wednesday night will meet the winner of the Pesek-Zbyszko match which is to be held at Gordon, June 14, according to Jack Lewis, who is promoting the Omaha go. Telegrams agreeing to this proposition were received by Lewis yesterday, from Billy Sandow, Lewis manager; Tack Curley, Zbys- zko's manager, and Jim Londos. Mart Slattery, Pesek's manager, was in Omaha, yesterday, and gave his personal word that if Pesek triumphs over Zbyszko at Gordon, he will wrestle the winner of the Lewis-Londos match. This match between the winners of these two championship contests will meet in Omaha, on July 4. The match will be an open-air contest and will be staged t Rourke park. Immediately upon receipt ot the telegrams agreeing to this contest of the winners, Lewis made arrange ments with W. A. Rourke, president of the Omaha base ball club, to use Rourke Park for the bout on July 4. The Lewis-Londos match is at tracting much interest, not only in Omaha, but throughout Nebraska and Iowa. The new headlock hold which Lewis has developed is largely responsible for this interest. When Lewis wrestled his famous five-hour draw with Stecher in this city he did not possess that head lock. Yet he prevented a defeat at the hands of the celebrated Stecher. Since perfecting that headlock he defeated the Dodge wonder. In the east, where Lewis has done most of his wrestling, fans declare the headlock more deadly than the Stecher scissors, and that as a re sult of it, Lewis is the greatest wrestler in the game. Jim Londos, the Greek champion with whom Lewis wrestles next Wednesday, is a topliner himself, and if Lewis downs him with the headlock, Omaha fans will know the Strangler really possesses as deadly a hold as the easterners declare. I PASS IN NINTH GIVES CARDINALS TO MEET PESEK A 1 TOO VICTORY Elfer Takes Mound in Final Frame, With Three Men on Base, and Forces a Run With Walk. American Association. St. Taul, Minn., June 5. Final score: , P.. II. K. Columbus 1 7 3 St Paul 14 17 1 Batteries: Wilkinson, Park and Hart ley; Merritt and Hargrave. Minneapolis, June 6. Loulsvllle-MInne-apoiis game called end second Inning; rain. Milwaukee, Juns 5. Score: R. IT. E Indianapolis 5 6 0 Milwaukee 1 6 1 Batteries: Crum and Leary; Faeth Howard and Stumpf. Kansas City. June 5. Score, first gams: R. If. B. Toledo 2 7 1 Kansas City 6 14 0 Batteries: Sanders and Murphy; Hall and LaLonge. Ksnsas City, Mo., June 5. Second game, score: R. H. E. Toledo 3 10 1 Kansas City 9 15 1 Eatterles: Brady and Murphy; Graham, Shackelford and LaLonge. Today's Calendar of Sports. Rnrlng: Spring meeting of Westchester Racing Association, at Belmont Park, New York. , Horse 8 hows Ooenlnr of annual show of Toledo (N. Y.) Hone Show Ansorln- tinn. Shooting: Rhode Island State trap s boo ting tournament opens at Providence, St. Louis, June 5. With the bases filled' in the ninth, Mitchell and Bresster were taken out for Eller who walked Pinch Hitter Schultz, forcing in Clemons, which gave St. Louis a 1 to 0 victory today over Cincinnati in the deciding game of the series. Score: ST. LOL'IS. CINCINNATI. AB. H. O. E Rath. 2b 3 0 6 0 Daub't, lb i 0 11 Groh, 3b 4 1 0 Roush, rf 4 2 3 iveale. It 4 1 u Kopf. ss 3 1 1 Smitr', rr 4 1 n W ingo, c 3 0 6 M'ch'll, p 4 0 1 Bress'r, p 0 0 0 Eller, p 0 0 0 Shotton, If 0 Smith, rt 4 0 xSchults o 0 Stock, 2b 4 0 H'nsby, 3b 4 OIH'th'te. cr 4 3 0'Lavan, ss 4 QJzMcHenry 0 OlClemons, c 3 0 Doak, p 3 AB. H. O. Totals 31 6'26 Ol Totals 34 11 27 1 Two out when winning run scored, x Bat ted for J. Smith in ninth. zRan for Lavan in ninth. Cincinnati ...0 0 0 0 0 0 00 00 St. Louis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 Two baso hit: Lavan. Stolen base; Groh. Sacrifice hits: Daubert, Miller: Doak. Double plays: Doak, Lavan and Miller; Ilornshy, Lavan and Miller. Left bse: Clncinnti 9, St. Louis 11. First bse on errors: Cincinnati 1. Bases nn balls: Off Mitchell 1: off Miller 1; off Doak 4. Hits: Off Mitchell. 11 in 8.-3 innings; off Fressier, none in two-thirds inning. Struck out: By Mitchell 1; by Doak 5. wild pitch: DoaK. loosing pitch er: Mitchell. President of Portugal Withdraws Resignation Lisbon, June 5. President Cato y Castor presented his resignation to congress tnursday. congress amid acclamations, voted to ask the pres ident to reconsider his action. The president ultimately agreed to retain his ofhee. AMUSEMENTS. klSII-J:)! Two Shows in One. Bert Lytell in 'The Lion's Den' A Pulsing Drama of High Idealism BUD SNYDER & COM PANY TWO LILIES WILLIAMS & TAYLOR JULIA EDWARDS BillyvWest Comedy. Pathe Weekly. vJyVCL"1 home or picnics lj Every Night Rain or Shine Acres of shelter in big ball room and pavilion when rain threaten!. Scores of thrilling rides and outdoor amusement. A Park Filled With Thrills One Look Worth a 1,000 Words ROURKES RETURN TOMORROW; PLAY LEAGUE LEADERS Omaha Diamond Gladiators Come Back to Home Lot for a Four-Game Series With Des Moines. ' The Rourkes, Omaha's great ag gregation of diamond gliders, will return to the local lot tomorrow af ternoon, opening a four-game series with Des Moines, the present lead ers in the Western league pennant race. The local club returns in the same position in the standings that it held when the team started the last trip away from home, second place. t The series with Des foines will probably decide the leadership for a time. Should the locals sweep the series, they will go to the front, but if they don't, the Iowa crew-will remain on the top of the heap. Prexy Pa Rourke declares that Man ager Jackson has promised him a leading team after the Des Moines series. When the boys get home it is to be hoped that Omaha fans will get out to the park and show them how a team that has made such a bril liant fight under adverse conditions is appreciated by the home folks Driving all the way. from sixth posi tion in the standing to the second rung of the league ladder is quite a feat and the local "bugs" should get behind the team and support them enthusiastically. This drive with only a half conditioned club makes it all the more wonderful. Why Not Season Passes? It would be a great idea for the Rotary club and the Chamber of Commerce to get behind the local club in the same manner that the American Association clubs' cities are backing them. In all the double a cities, trie leading clubs and as sociations buy season tickets, trans ferable, so that anyone may use them. It is a fine plan and assures the club of enough financial back ing to offset any loss. But to get back to the point, let the ordinary fans get out and root and howl and show the boys their great battle is appreciated and help keep them to the fighting pitch, so they may continue the winning streak. They will see real base ball when they do go out. Owner Pa called up yesterday and announeed that Monday's game had been advanced and would be played Sunday, making a double bill for the Sabbath. Four games are sched-j uled for the series, one tomorrow. two on Sunday and one on Monday. PHOTOPLAYS. VS Tow jfc lHaefflsnay; in IkD&fesUffle Oaf cfihrrttl hih of iti jron-J A hill hfhlhM jmp efih Uoemnls who frmlbed hr chine ! for pald fort-frms tror a- DcvffMi jm - lifcffla. m a Also Omaha's Welcome to Her Fighting Eighty-Ninth. Scenes of our boys, their friends and relatives during the big jubi lee welcome in Omaha on Deco ration Day. - n- "Puppy Love" LOTHROP Lothrop Today and Saturday J. WARREN KERRIGAN In "THE BEST MAN" SAYS FRIENDS COMMENT ON THE BIG CHANGE J. M. Osment Was ..So Run Down He Often Had to Lay Off From Work Tanlac Builds Him Up. "Hardly a day passes hut what some of my associates in the office speak pbout how much better I am looking, and I want others, who may be troubled as I was, to know that Tanlac is what has made the rliffer9nce,".was the statrment made by J. M. Osment, a well known clerk for Swift & Company, livine at 3215 East 11th street. Kansas City. Mis souri, while in the Owl Drug Store, a few days ago. "Before taking Tanlac," he con tinued, "I had suffered from stom ach trouble and indigestion for two years and had gotten into a very badly run-down condition. Then, when the 'flu' epidemic came on last Fall I was taken down with this trouble and could get nothing to re lieve me of the effects of it. I suf fered from headache and pains through my body almost continual ly and had absolutely no strength or energy. I had no desire for food of any kind and what little I did eat always caused gas, bloating and mis ery. My sleep was unsound and I always felt as tired in the morning as on going to bed at night. My work was just a drag to me and I often had to lay off. "Finally I got me some Tanlac, seeing it recommended so highly, and I couldn't have hoped for bet ter results. In three days' time after ' I began taking it my appetite was better and I was able to eat without suffering afterwards. I have used four bottles now and am eating just anything I want and sleep like a log eight or nine hours every night. I have gained eight pounds in weight and am just brimful of new life and energy. My complexion has cleared up and my strength has increased! until I can work all day without f eel iner tired. I cheerfully recommend Tanlac to anyone suffering from stomach trouble and a run-dowr. condition, for I am convinced that there's nothing so good." Tanlac is sold in Omaha by al! Sherman & McConnell Drug Com pany's stores, Harvard Pharmacy and West End Pharmacy. Also For rest and Meany Drug Company it South Omaha and the leading drug gist in each city and town through out the state of Nebraska. Adv. PHOTOPLAYS. Monroe Salisbury tin a mighty picture of the frozen north "THE BLINDING TRAIL" Screen Magszine Two-Reel Comedy Albin Huster's Concert Orchestra Admission Adults, 20c; Children, 10c T J . LAST TIMES 1 Oaay I P.M. Continuous 11 P.M. SHOWS START 1-3-5-7 and P. M. TOMORROW mr!hcap?nl,e in "WHEN A GIRL LOVES." p A! 227. "A Woman There Was" Also Omaha's Welcome to Her Fighting Eighty-Ninth. Scenes of our boys, their friends and relatives during the big jubi lee welcome in Omaha on Deco ration Day. mm vASiiBURii -in- "Something to Do" ALL THIS WEEK 5 Shows Daily 1:15, 3:15, 5:15, 7:15, 9:15 Only Two Short Days Remain for Omaha's Showing of Ev'ngt ... rssr TTTOin 25c jJJ 25c 356 IABlMaMiSS MBBSWtffaBfcBABiS4j Reserve Your Seats Now for 7:15 Performances