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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1919)
Want Ad Rates (Cash With Order.) Jo pr word on Insertion 4a per word for t consecutive Insertion la per word for each additional Insertion . No ads taken for leu than a total of SOo or leaa than Iflo ir day. CHARGE. lie per line (count C words to line) 1 time 9a per line each time, 1 conaecutlve tlmea 8C1 per line each time, 7 conaecutlve tlmea To per line each time. JO conaecutlve tlmea CARDS OF THANKS AND r LNKRAL NOT ICtS. Ho per line each Inaertlon V Minimum charge, 60 cents. Contract Ratee on Application. ' For convenience of advertisers, want ads will be accepted at the following offlcee: MAIN OKFlCli: Bee Building Ames Office 4410 North 20th .St. Ie Office 2618 North 24th St Vinton Office 346? South 16th St. Park Office.'. 2816 Leavenworth St. Walnut Office lit North 40th St. Mouth Hide 2318 N St. Council Bluffs 14 Main St. THE BEE will not be responsible for more than one incorrect Insertion of an advertisement ordered for more than one time. . v PHONE TYLEB 1000. Kvenlng Editions 12:00 M. Morning Editions 10:00 P. M. SunrtayKriltlons 10 P. M. Saturday. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. FRED E. FERO , FUNERAL DIRECTOR Lady Attendant !Sd and Cuming Sts. Phone Douglas 877. Auto ambulance. HEAFEY & HEAFEY, J Undertakers and Kmbalmers. Phone H. Xfio. office, 261t Farnam. HULSE & RIEPEN Pioneer Funeral Director!. 701 8. 16th St. Phone Doug. 1228. TAGGART & SON UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS Telephone Douglas 714. 2213 Cumin g St. STACK & FALCONER Independent Undertakers. 23d-Far. H. 400. HOFFMAN FUNERAL HOMP. Hoffman quality service costs leas. !4trt and Dodge. Douglas 3001. . JOHN A. OENTLEMAN , Undertaker and Embalmer 1411 Farnam St. Harney 393. DUFFY ft JOHNSTON, Undertakers and Licensed Embalmers. 717 S. 16th St., Tyler 1676. DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES, CONN ELL Jarves, died June 4, age 93 years, at thefamily residence, 3706 South Twenty-third street. Deceased Is survived by alx children, Jetjry Y.sOf Lead, S. T). ; Will, of Douglas. Wydv; . James, Phil, Edward and Miss Maggie of Omaha. Funeral services Friday at. 1:30 - a. m., from residence to St. Bridgets church, at I a. m. St. Marys cemetery. DAILBY. Anna, died June 6, age 70 years. Funeral services from the residence, 1813 Davenport, Saturday at 8:30 a. m - to St. Fhtlomenas church at 8 a. m. In terment Holy Sepulchre cemetery. De ceased Is survived by two' sisteri, Mrs. Margaret Carey and Mrs. Mary Miller: and one nephew, W. E. Dalley, all of Omaha. CONNELL James, died June 4, age 93 years., at the family residence, 3706 South Twenty-third street. Deceased is survived by six children, . Jerry Y., of Lead 8. D., Will, of Doug las, Wyo., James, Phil, Edward and Mine Maggie of Omaha Funeral ar rsngements later. .VllIRPHY, Daniel E. June 1, 1919, at Nor folk, Va, - Remains will arrive In Omaha Friday morning Funeral from family residence. 2611 California St.. Saturday, 8:45 a. m., to St. John's church at 9 o'clock. Jnter- ment Holy Sepulcher. MAIER. Steven Age 84. Survived by his widow. Funeral from residence, 151Z North 18th St., at 8:30 a. m.. to Holy Family church at 9 a. m. Interment Elkhorn, Neb. ' HEARER Mrs. Horace F., age 62, June 4, 1919. ' . Funeral Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family residence. No. 5 Sher- man apartments. Interment, Forest .Lawn. v MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following couples were given licenses to wed: Name and address: Age. Kdward.L. Fitch, WoodLake, Neb 21 Gladys Lyons, Wood Lake, Neb 19 Thomas S. Dixon, Tonopah, Nev 27 Bessie M. Roberts, St. Edwards, Neb... 23 John Cleary, Omaha over 21 Valeria Redvelsky, Omaha over 18 John Mensles, Omaha 24 Edith Norene Bussey, Omaha 17 Austeen O. Johnson. Omaha ... .Millie H. Merchant, Omaha .... Guy Betchel, Dunlap, la. . Olenora A. Hanson, Dunlap. Ia... Edward L. Hammes. Dunlap, la. Alma Betchel, Dunlap, Ia i Harry G. Theeda, Fremont, Neb. Fern- M. Bronsbn, Fremont, Neb. Albert J. Sawatzkl, Omaha Anna M. Wachtler, Omaha Joe Mlljush, Omaha Evict Knezvlch, Omaha Alfred C. Boyd. Co. Bluffs, Ia. .. Kona Bender. Cw Bluffs. Ia Flladelfo Demauro, Omaha 28 Rosa Cuva, Omaha 22 Jackson N. Wilkinson, Des Moines, la... 27 Shirley McKlnnie, Colo. Springs, Colo... 27 Henry Kelnts, Le Mars, la 26 Anna Wllhelml, Le Mars, I a. 26 - Harold Hinde, LeMars, Ia 21 Katherlne Wllhelml Le Mars, Ia 19 James E. "Rlghtmlre, Kansas City, Kas. 35 Hasel Anderson. Kansas City. Kas. . . 26 BIRTHS AND DEATHS- Rlrths Richard and Laura Turner, 8206 South, Twenty-third street, bejy; Sam and Carry Bartlett, Twenty-second and Wash ington strets, boy;' Theodore and Louise Aufdenebergo, 1905 Spring street, girl; Fred and Bertha Stratman, 2818 Ames avenue, boy; Joseph and Martha Llnhov sky. 4S27 South Thirty-third street, girl; Fred and Mable Bird, 813 South Seventh street; boy; Joe and Polly .Pokorskl, 4332 South Twenty-eighth street, boy; Herman and Josephine Creal. 3528 North Thirty first avenue, girl; Tony and Louise Cala bra, 1110 South Sixth street, boy; William and Kthel Ellis, 2872 Mapia atreet. girl; John and Anna Grabowsky, Sarpy county, boy; Jahe arid Ida Rosenblatt, 2025 Sher man avenue, boy; Thomas and Emma Mason, 4017 South! Twenty-ninth street, boy;, Fred C. snd Cecelia Rasmussen, 6510 Bedford avenue, boy. Deaths Le Roy Singleton. 26, 3211 Sew ard street; Samuel H. Lee, 56, hospital; jSmma Egeland, 64, House of Hope; Elden R. Moon. 61, 4001 North Twenty-fifth treet. ; . FLORISTS. LEE L. LARMON 1814 Douglas St. Douglas 8344. JOHN BATH, 18th and Farnam. D. 3000. L.' Henderson, 1619 Farnam. D. 1248. MONUMENTS ft CEMETERIES. THE ' largest display of monuments In tha United States. FRANK 8VOBOD V, ' t215 8. 13th. Phone Douglas 1872-6218. LOST FOUND REWARDS. FOR ARTICLES LOST on street cars, tele phone Tyler 800. We are anxious to re. store lost article to rightful owners. OMAH Sb CO. BLUFFS ST. RY. CO. LOST A round1 pin, ladies head painted on ivpVy with gold rim around, on Far ham St., or on car. Return Blackstone Hotel office, and receive reward. LOST Folding pocketbook on Dundee oar, contained valuables. Keep the money and return' pocket book to Rogers, 34tb and Farnam LADY'S wriset watch; last Saturday. May 31, around or in Fontenelle Hotel. Mrs. C. C. Low. Wheatland. Wyo., or notify Manager of Fontenelle. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Furniture and Household Goods , i AUCTION! AUCTION! i Extra good rugs, good furniture, linens and furnishings of good homes .. -At Maggard Van and Storage Co. i Warehouse, 171$ Webster St.. ' Fridav, June . Starts at 10 A. M. Consisting of 1 extra good French Wilton Velvet rugs, 1 Bundhar Wilton rugs, and 6 good Axmntster rugs, all . 8x12. and I good Aminster rugs, 8-3x10-41 and 1 Axmlr.ster rug 11-3x13 and 1 Ax mtxaier rug 12x15, porcelain gas range, 5 extra good mahogany dressers and - cMffonters, 3 good oak dressers, 1 Cir- ' easaian walnut dresser.- 36 nearly new leather bottom chairs. 1 golden oak din lujr set, 1 massive brass bed, best springs and mattr-FS. 8 good Vernis Martin beds, best springs and mattresses, sever - al sine Vernis Martin beds, springs and mattresses, 3 library tables, several rood rocking chairs, linoleum, big lot of China and cut glass, and hundreds of articles too numerous to mention. . JAMES L. DOWD, AUCTIONEER, i Phone Red 3285. Colfax 1424 or Tyler 966W YOU SHOULD FURNISH YOUR HOME WITH GOOD FUR- . -NITURE , The kind we sell and for less than It usually requires. In June we try to furnish the greatest number of new homes of any store In the middle west an endeavor to accomplish it by mak ing the prices so low on quality furni ture that you find it to your Jjiterest to buy of us.. We don't appeal to senti ment for your business, but to your awn interest only. We specialise on com plete home, hotel and rooming house furnishings. S us firt. STATE FURNITURE CO. . lit and Dodge St, Opp. U. P. Bldg. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Furniture and Household Goods AUCTION AUCTION Another big sale of high-grade fur niture, rugs and piano In my auction houae, southeast corner 18th and Web ater Sta Saturday, June 7, starts at 10 a. m. JAMES L. DOWD, Auctioneer. Tf you have anything to sell call Colfax 1424 or Tyler -W. SALE Furniture and fixtures of fifteen bedrooms. Monday, June ftls. Iler Grand Motel, 16th and Howard. FURNITURE! bought, sold and exchanged. Our motto la: "Prices that satisfy you." 2421 Cuming St. Douglas 4950, FOR SALE Singer sewing machine; guar anteed to be In first-class order. 2623 Seward street. FOR SALE Gas stove used less than a year. Phone Walnut J016. Pianos and Musical Instruments. A FULL line of Columbia phonographs and recorda In all languages; alio a full line of Vltanolas and all musical Instruments at 25 per cent off. We also repair phonographs. Rtalto Music Shop, 1416 Douglss St. Open evenings. WK have taken lrt trade two Columbia phonograph cabtneta and will sell cheap to cash buyer. Midland Office Supply Co.. 14"4 Dodge St. A. H0SPEC0M"m In uslc. Planoa for rent, $4.00 per month. MAHOGANY Victrola, with records, prac tically new. Owner leaving city. Webster 748. 2127 Evans St. Bee Supplies. BEE SUPPLIES KRETCHMER MFG. CP.. Co. Bluffs. la. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES. NEW AND REBUILT The most complete line of Typewriters and Adding Machines west of Chicago. Can furnish any make at most any price you desire to pay. We rent and repair all makes and will buy or trade for your old machine. Every machine guaranteed. See us before you buy. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE (Established over 15 veu-s.) Douglas 4121. 1905 Farnam St. REBUILT, sold, rented, repaired. Carbon paper, ribbons and supplies. Service guaranteed. Try us. Phone Doug. 4031 OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO. 106 North 15th St. TYPEWRITERS all makes, sold, rented and repaired. THE W. N. LONG COMPANY. 206 8. 18th St. rel. D. 3969. WB buy, sell and exchange typewriters, desks and office furniture. Midland of fice Supply Co., 1404 Dodge 8t Tel Douglas 2147. RENT an Oliver Typewriter, thite months for 36.00. Oliver Agency, 1905 Farnam St. City. Sewings-Machines. SEWING MACHINES We rent, repair, sell needles and parts MICKEL'8 NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 15th and Harney Sts. Doug. 1973. Machinery and Engines. ATTENTION ! ' Contractors and wood working ' manu facturers. Here Is the chance of a life time to secure some high, grade wood working machinery at less than 60c on live $. shaper. 1 moulder. 1 planer, 1 hand lathe, 1 automatic lathe, 1 rip saw, 1 cross cut saw, 1 band saw. 1 dadoing machine, 1 boring machine, 1 grindstone, 1 tool sharpener, 1 air pump and pressure tank. 1 sand papering machine, 1 steam en gine and boiler about 18 horsepower, pulleys and shafting. Priced right for quick sale or will trade. . Write, or still better, come and Investigate. R. B. HOE VET, Fairfield. Neb. TWO PUMPS Gould Triplex belt power with cross-heads size 8x10;' pulley 42 Inch diameter for 8-Inch belt and Worthington Duplex steam, size 12x7x10, both suitable for elevator or tank serv ice. Manager, Security Mutual Life Building, Lincoln, Neb. ' 35 H. P., 600-volt direct current molor In first class condition. Manager, Secur ity Mutual Life Building, Lincoln, Ne braska. Clothing and Furs. FOR SALE A complete line of millinery, ladles' coats, suits and furnishings. This stock is not two years' old. Ev erything is clean and In first-class con dition. Reason for selling, on account of health. Location In county seat town. The only millinery store In the town. A first-class milliner can make good money here. It will pay you to investigate this stock. For further In formation write Mr. Chas. A. Miller, Butte, Neb. P. S. This stock will Invoice around 31.000. Miscellaneous. T"TTTT' fresh apple cider, 60c per U AV 1 ii XV gallon, In 16-gallon kegs: no charge for kegs, return when empty. Drink reliable old port. $1 per gallon. Porto Beverage Co., 2444 Burt St. Phone Douglas 3462. WE buy, sell and make desks, safes, show cases, shelving, etc Omaha Fixture & Supply Co.. 1 1 tn ana Douglas, u. nz. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Mattresses made over In new ticking at haif the price of new ones. 1907 Cuming. Oouglas 2467 FOR SALE Al threshing shape. Inquire of W. F. City. Neb. rig In fine Howe, Dsvld FOR SALE cheap, almost new electric popcorn and peanut machine; money maker. Box H-50. Bee. NEW automatic Wllcox-Olbbs machine $30. 645 South 31st street. NEW black taffeta dress; hand-embroidered; sl2e 34. Webster 5977. POOL TABLES T. F. Hall. Doug. 7406 KINDLING delivered $3.511 load Web 459 WANTED TO BUY WE BUY LIBERTY BONDS, STOCKS AND BONDS. , CORPORATIONS .FINANCED, LOCAL SECURITIES. ROBT. C. DRUESEDOW & CO. 860 Omaha Natl. Bank Bldg. WANT TO, BUY HOMES ' H. A. WOLF CO. MEMBERS OMAHA REAL ESTATE BOARD. 512 ELECTRIC BLDG. TYLER 85 LIBERTY BONDS Including partial payment receipts bought for cash; immediate remittance made for bonds sent by snail. LEWIS & CO.. BROKERS. 411 M'CAGUE BLDG. LIBERTY BONDS will bring the highest market price with us: also PARTIAL PAYMENT RECEIPTS. NATIONAL BOND COMPANY. 610 World-Herald Bldg. Tyler 699 16th and Farnam. LIBERTY BONDS. Hlgest prices for second snd third Issues this week only. Other firms du pulcate our ads, but they can't pay our prices. Come and see SECURITY INVESTMENT CO.. 639 Securities (Rose) Bldg, LIBERTY BONDS If you have a Liberty bond to sell, see us. We, pay spot cash for all Issues. Also buy partial payment receipts. 319 M'CAGUE BLDG. N. W. Cor. 15th and Dodge Sts. H DOLGOFF, Furniture nd Hardware Furniture, rugs, linoleum. Ice boxes, gas stoves, office furniture, show esses, trunks suit cases, bedding, linen, poultry netting and garden tools. Better goods for less money. Credit It you wish 1834 47 N. 24th. Web. 1607. " WANTED TO BUY Watch the dally bond quotations In this paper and get the market price for your Liberty bonds. Corns to am. E. H. LOUGEE. INC. (38-40 Keellne Bldg. HIGH prices paid for clothtnj, suit cases, .bags old gold and silver. 1211 Douglas Red T914. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks; used desks oougbt sold and traded. J. C. Reed. 1201 Farnam. D 6146 LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS. HIGH SPOT CASH PRICES. HILL INVEST MENT CO., 542 Securities (Rose) Bldg., Omaha, WANTED TO BUY WE pay the highest price for second-hand lurniture in good condition. W, M. Franklin, 1413 N. 34th St. Webster 43. BIND HARNEY 1890 IF YOU HAVE FUR. NITURE. RUGS, OR OFFICfi EQUIP MENT FOR SALE. WE PAY MORE. V A T .FI highest prl A n.AJl-1 clothes, shoea and ces for old trunk. Call Douglas 8028. NOTICE. I want a good Darlor or Baby Grand piano for a good lot, or as payment on nouse and lot. mono Doug. 3uu. WE buy waste paper and psjt good prices. Phone or write Omaha a Yap per Stock Co.. Douglss 159. WILL buy second-hand clothing, shoes and furniture. Tyler 2(98. A, Zarett, 705 North Mtti St. "IT1 TJ f Tr 17' Can save you money on iiUiJVJXJ tire, washers, vacuum cleaners, etc. 24th & Fort. Colfax 2164. HIGHEST prices for your old clothes; try us first and be convinced. Doug las 3444, ANNOUNCEMENTS Acordeon Pleating. ACCORD EON, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating, covered buttons, all sixes and styles: hemstitching, picot edging, eye let cut work, button holes, pennants. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO., 300-308 Brown Bldg. Phone P. 1930. HEMSTITCHING, PLEATING. BUTTONS. G. U. VanArnam Pleating Co., 412-17 Paxton Block. Phone Doug. S109. Baggage and Express. "The Only Way" DT Ticket 295 Omaha Transfer Co Fisher Transfer Co., 417 So. 14th St. Tyler 4233. Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W. O. W. Bldg. Brass and Iron Foundries. PAXTON-M ITCH ELL CO.. 27th and Martha Sts., Omaha, Neb. Brass, bronze, aluminum and machine gray Iron castings. Chiropractors. Ethel Maltby. D. 0.. 312 Bee Bldg. D. 3072. Dr. J. C. Lawrence. Balrd Bldg. D. 8461. Dancing Academies. KEEP'S HOtEL ROME Learn to dance for 35; class and dance Monday, rnurs day and Saturday. Private lessons. Phone Mr. Keep. D. 258 1. or Har. 2792. KEL-PINE DANCING ACADEMY. 2424 Farnam. Class and prlv. lessons. D. 7850. Detectives. JAMES ALLAN 312 Neville Block. Evi dence secured In all cases. Tyler 1136. Tailors. Dledrlck, P. L.. 216 S. 20th. Tailor. D. 2432 Read Bee Want Ads for Results readers profit hy reading them. Electrical Utilities. WASHERS, 169.60; vacuum cleaners, $35: Get our prices before you buy. Lalley- W 11 son Elec. Co.. 1307 Farnam. Ty. 1491 rjTTT? TTl M Electric washing machines. U KJ AVA.Aeectrc irons and reading lamps. 2223 Cuming St. Douglas 2519. Osteopaths. DR. MABEL WESSON, 614 Brandeis Bldg. T. 2960. H. 4741. Film Developing. M'CULLOUGH, photo finishing, oest ma terial, best workmanship, espying and enlarging a specialty. Mail orders so licited. 5403 South' 3Sth St. CAMERA SHOP, 214 lcCague Films developed free. Mall orders solicited. DEVELOPING and printing. One-day service. Photo Craft Shop. 1408 Farnam FILMS developed free. Mall orders so licited. THE ENSIGN CO.. 1607 Howard Insurance. INSURE AGAINST TORNADOES Accident and Sickness LAWRENSON, "ii0 Jewelry. JJlniUUll JLk Wt privilege to buy back at small profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO.. 402 N. 1 6 1 h St. P. ed Ji 081. Lawyers. T. J. M'GUIRE, Lawyer, 5"8 Om. Nat. Office. Tyler 7T.9. Res. S. 3218 SITUATIONS WANTED. Patents. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. In ternational Patent Co., 582 Brandels. n 6691. Painting. PAINTING, painted c'.eanlng. J. Nau. walls, Wall Walnut 4567. paper Printing. Wedding Stationery S. Printing Co., Bee Bldg. Phone D. 1178 Razor Blades Resharpened. Remodeling Contractors. LEHSARD & SON. 2021 Cuming. Ty. 1632. Safes. G A "PTPQ BARGAINS 1213 Farnam. OAr !jD j j. DeriKh Safe Co. Stationery. OMAHA Stationery Co. 307-9 So. 17th. Towel Supplies. Frontier Towel Sup. 201 S. 11th. D. 6291, Omaha Towel Supply, 207 S. 11th. D. 528. Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announcements and printing, Douglas Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 644, Miscellaneous, A NEW REAL ESTATE FIRM. Morearty & Conboy, located at 640 Bee building, have for sale the largest list of houses, town lots and farm lands of any real estate company In Omaha. Mr. Morearty is an attorney and has. lived In Omaha for the Dast thirty-eight years is author of the "History of Omaha From 1S79 to 1917." Mr. Con boy was formerly connected with the firm of Burgess-Nash Co. Telephones Douglas 3841 and Harney 2156. SPECIAL ImDOrted Italian icheese, lim ported Italian Galame. Rnalto Dellca- tassen. 15th and Douclas. T7TCITT1 Our new Delicatessen , Store, VI Oil open Sunday 203 S. 13th St. BUSINESS CHANCES. DRUG Store, Rexall Store Must be sold bv June 15. If you don't want to make $2,000 or more net every 12 months on 38,000. don't answer this. No bluu sky. County seat, 2,500, Iowa. Two. other stores, rent 360; three floors; sales, $18,000: corner building; guarantee every statement or your expenses re funded. Other business or you could hnv it. Vo fotintnin. No cut rates. No booze. Lump or invoice for quicks cash sale. Get busy ana oring . me money, for you'll buy it when you see It. This ad will appear but three timer. Address Y-549. Omaha Bee. FOR SALE TO SETTLE ESTATE. The best garage in the best town In Western Nebraska. "Business, exclusive of sales on trucks, cars and tractors, $500.00 per day. Everything sold on spot cash basis. Brick building 60x140, large machine show full modern equipped. All the work we can do at $1.00 and $1.25 per hour. Storage space run over every night. Write or come at once to see R. E. Larson. Kimball. Neb. WANTED Partner with $1,000 to Invest In the manufacturing of an automobile cleaner; one that keeps a car looking new for six months and preserves the paint. Write Box H-51, Omaha Bee. FOR SALE Blacksmith shop, lot and tools, also residence; shop is fully equipped with power tools, and Is do ing a good " business. Address, Box 36, Gjltner. Neb. REPAIR shop for sale. One of the best equipped up-to-date Radiator Repair shops in thete. Further informa tion write American Auto Repair Works, Box 5S8, Norfolk. Neb. DRUG slock and fixtures for sale, at Tabor, Ia. College and good schools, electric light, city water; all cement walks. C. M. Otis. - GARAGE for sale: good location. Douglas 7520 or Tyler 1150. , ,1 i sTtuations wanted, j Male. THE BEE will publish free s situation wanted ad under this classllcatlon for soldiers, sailors snd marines who will show their discbarge papers st our office In the lobby of the Bee building. Seventeenth and Farnam. HONORABLY discharged soldier would like to locate with responsible firm to learn business: aged 23 and can furnish best of local references; any thing hon orable considered. Phone Rep 5022 landscaping; gradinjg: cement er small contracts. ' Call Beny SODDING work: othe on 407-.T EXPERIENCED colored msn want cleaning house. ' Harney (288, lab SITUATIONS WANTED. Male FARMERS, we , can furnish you fsrm hands; wire, write or phone. Savage's Labor Agency, 210 S. iya bt. P. 7879. Female EXPERIENCED pastry cook (colored) wishes position. In first-class hotel or restaurant, or would consider private family. Douglas 6753. Laundry and Day Work. BUNDLES, curtains, call and deliver. blankets laundared; Webster 4285. WANTED Day work; call after 5 o'clock. Webster 4953. RELIABLE colored woman wants bundle washing. Web. 1698. Laundry and Day Work EXPERIENCED lady. Ironing and clean ing. Harney 6168. LAUNDRY and day work wanted by Lew la Smith U' SK24 ' ' DAY WORK, by experienced Call Tyler 3399-W. laundress. DAY work wanted with references. Webster 2941. Call WANTED Day work or bundle washing Webster 698. CURTAINS laundered, ney 1130. 2614 Dodge. Har DAY work wanted. Web. 2498. HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. FLOOR MANAGER WANTED GOOD SALARY; PERMANENT POST. TIONJ. APPLY! SUPERINTENDENT, BRANDEIS STORE. AUTO accessory salesmen, $125 and ex penses. x Grocery specialty salesmen, 3200 and bonus. v General ledger and credit man. 1125, 3130. Credit man, 3150; stenographer and bookkeeper, $76, $90. Office boys, $40, $60. THE MARTI CO.. 1136 W. O. W. Bldg. TY1IST and clerk. $100: bookkeeper, $125-1135; credit man and bookkeeper, si5U; orrice clerk, $100; Jewelry sales man. salary depends. WATTS REF. CO., 1138 First Nat. Bank. WANTED Married man experienced general merchandise clerk, Russian or German speaking: small town; position permanent. McGrew Merc. Co., Mc- Grew, Neb. DRUG CLERK WANTED Registered in Nebraska; married; no fountain; no wall paper; permanent Job for a good man. Jerome Drug Co., York, Nebraska. WANTED Names of men, 18 to 35. wish ing to become railway mall clerks, $1,100-31,600 per year. Address Box Y-D1S, Omaha Bee. WANTED Bookkeeper with general ex perience and reference. Apply Millard Hotel office. WANTED A Laundry Co. delivery 2319 N. clerk. St. Hinchsy BOOKKEEPER and cashier, $1 ern Reference & Bond Assn. 15. West- DKl'li clerk. Hickory St. H. O. Patterson, 10th and Professions and Trades. WANTED A FEW YOUNG MEN ALSO SOME MEN OVER 60 YEARS OF AGE. ' GORDON-RAIN ALTER CO. CANDY FACTORY, RTH AND DOUGLAS. WANTED EXPERIENCED ELEVATOR OPERA TOR: GOOD SALARY. INQUIRE OF SUPERINTENDENT BBNSON-THOR.V:: CO. WANTED FREIGHT HANDLERS. 8 HOURS PER DAY. APPLY UNION DEPOT. OFFICE AMERICAN RAIL WAY EXPRESS. Men and boys to work In factory. GORDON-LAWLESS CO 8TH AND DODGE STS. WANTED Printer on country weekly in western Nebraska town. Union shop and conditions the best. Position open as foreman for man who will remain permanent. Good wages. Address re ply to Box H 97, Omaha Bee. BRICKLAYERS WANTED Long Job: 87c per hour. Apply Wells Brothers Construction Co., at John Morrell Pack lng Plant, Ottumwa. Ia. TAILORS WANTED Good coat maker and bushelman; steady employment aft the year around. 2412 Q St. Z. Krstlch. FORM carpenter wanted. Steady work; long Job; good town. Eugene Schuler, Huron, S. D. WANTED Ruler in bindery. $25 per wk. T. R. Woodburn Phg. Co., Terre Haute, Ind. WANTED Experienced shirt makers, bert Cahn, 1322 Farnam St. Al- WANTED A good second baker. Elliott's Bakery, Syracuse, Neb. WANTED Upholsterer for furniture de partment. Box 41405 Bee AT ONCE-rGranite letterer. Cherokee Monument 'Works. Cherokee, la. START right. Los Angeles Y. Auto school. Service men. H. C. A. Salesmen and Solicitors SALESMAN WHO CAN CLOSE LEADS wanted to take care of rgany farmer Inquiries in eastern Ne braska who believe the pure bred hog business, standardized and on a large co-operative scale, offers them Just the op portunity they have been seek ing. Their endorsements are enthusiastic and they back their oppinlons. This la an of fering that has originality and pep. which la needed to make a good sellirrg proposition today. Skinner-Pure-Bred Hog Ranch, World Herald Bldg., Omaha. - HAVE OPENING FOR TWO SALESMEN IN SOUTH DAKOTA AND NEBRASKA. TODD PROTECTOGRAPH CO.. . 430 WORLD-HERALD BLDG. WANTE Salesman, permanent position. to work Omaha and surrounding terri tory. Must have experience selllr.s toilet soap or similar line and have es tablished following with drug and de partment store trade. Good salary, lib eral commission. Address. Omaha Bee. Y-652. , IF YOU can sell Insurance and can come , clean you can obtain a liberal contract in good territory with an established company offering a full line of standard policies. No stock-selling or organiza tion proposition. Address Lock Box 822. Omaha, Neb. CAN use 12 more high-grade stock sales men on ww issue of big dividend-paying manufacturing concern. Can also use a few good city lot salesmen. Standard Securities Corporation. " STANDARD SECURITIES. 204 No. 11th St., Lincoln, Neb. CLOTHING salesman, thoroughly experi enced, capable and dependable; must have references. To the right party we offer good salary and permanent position; give all details In your first letter. Address vThe Hirschfeld Co., North Platte, Neb. . TRAVELING SALESMAN , Staple line. $175 and expenses. Western Reference & Bond Assn HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED Merchandise broker or manu facturers' representative to take on line of fine toilet soap. Must have established relation with drug, department and grocery trade. Address Omaha Bee, S 561. WANTED A salesman to appoint resident agents and help them sell electric farm lighting plants. We extend all sales aid we possible can to help your work. KORSMEYBR CO.. Lincoln. Neb. WANTED Pano salesman; excellent op portunity. Do riot apply If -you do not want a permanent position. A. Hospe Co., Council Bluffs. Iowa. WANTED. EXPERIENCED meat salesman to call on city trade. Addrebs Manager. Box H-99, Omiha Bee. Boys BOYS WANTED. Apply at Park station, 27th and Leaven worth. Trade Schools. AUTO SCHOOL Electrical work a spe cialty. Free catalog. National. Auto School. 2814 North 20th St.. Omaha. Agents and Canvassers. WANTED By a Denver real estate con cern handling dry and irrigated lands In Colorado. Representatives to repre sent them in Iowa and Nebraska terri tory. Experience unnecessary. Liberal proposition and exclusive territory to right party. Address- salesmanager 321 322, Denham, Bldg.. Denver, Colo. WANTED Installment collector to make Nebraska towns near Omaha. Experience not necessary. Age 23 to 45. Straight salary with bonus and transportation Paid. Permanent position to right party. See Mr; Becker, 312 Balrd Bldg., 17th and Douglas. " Miscellaneous. WANTED Good steady young man for tent vaudeville show In Iowa to act as property and canvaffman; good salary. Phone 1708 Council Bluffs, la. Must be willing te travel. WANTED 100 men or women to Increase tlielr Incomes by the Blrdhaven plan. Address O. S. Pettis. Representative, 2E12 Binney St., Omaha. POSITIONS, locations, etc.. for druggists, dentists, doctors, nurses, veterinarians F. V Knlest. 212 Bee Bldg., Omaha. WANTED First-class colored Janitor for office of wholesale grocery house. Ap pIVTlox H-98. Omaha Bee. WANTED Men to work, handling lumber, 40c per hour. Chicago Lumber Co., 14th and Marcy streets. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Colored waiters and waitresses, salary $50 per month and meals. Apply headwaiter. Blackstone Hotel. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. TYPIST, splendid firm. $76-$80. Billing clerk and statement clerk, $4 Exp. Elliott Fisher opr., $85-$100. Stenographer, purchasing department, $80-$85. . Steno. with accounting exp., $S0-$85. THE MARTI CO., 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. STENOGRAPHER and P. B. X opr., $80. $85; stenographer, financial con cern. $75 to $S0; stenograpehr, good I lace for beginner, $80, $65; stenographer to work half days, $:)0; P. B. X. operat or, $55: demonstrator. $18 to $20 week. BUSINESS MEN'S REF. CO., 917 W. O. W. STENOGRAPHERS, $125. $110. $100, $90, JNfi, $iE; bookkeepers. $(5, $8o; typists, $75, $t'.5, $50; stenographer and book keeper. $85; typist and clerk, $60. WATTS REF. CO., 1138 1st Natl. Bank. WANT experiencfd girl to work In confec tionery store at Liberty Candy Co., 120 South 15th. BOOKKEEPER and cashier, real estate, 100. Western Reference & Bond Assn. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Professions and Trades AN EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY LEARN TELEPHONE OPERATING. PER MANENT POSITIONS THE WORK IS CLEAN, IN TERESTING AND IMPORT ANT. OFFERS MANY OP PORTUNITIES FOR AD' VANCEMENT. STEADY EM PLOYMENT IN HEALTHFUL SURROUNDINGS. Good salary to start and frequent In crease! at repular !nervals. VACATIONS GIVEN EACH YEAR WITH PAY. YOUNG WOMEN. 17 YEARS OF AGE OR OVER, APPLY TO C. P. LAM BERT- NEBRASKA TELEPHONE COMPANY. ROOM 613. NEW TELE PHONE BUILDING. NINETEENTH AND nor ' ''THRETS WANTED WOMEN FOR THE ALTERATION DE TA RTMENT ; MUST BE EXPERT ENCED; CONGENIAL SURROUND INGS AND GOOD SALARY TO THE BIGHT PARTY. APPLY BENSON-THORN E COMPANY. WANTED EXPERIENCED POWER SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS. CAN EARN $16 TO. $20 PER WEEK ON OUR MECHANICS' ONE-PIECE WORK SUITS. CAN USE A FEW GIRLS WHO WANT TO LEARN. STEADY WORK. GUARANTEE GIVEN. APPLY FORELADY. OMAHA AUTO TOP CO., 709-11 SOUTH 1STH STREET. Women and girls wanted to work In factory; good wages to be ginners. GORDON-LAWLESS CO., 8TH AND DODGE STS. WANTED 10 GIRLS FOR PACKING MACARONI. ALSO A P. B. X. OPERATOR AND TYPIST. SKINNER MFG. CO., 14TH & JACKSON. EXPERIENCED BUTTER WRAPPERS WANTED. APPLY CREAMERY DEPARTMENT. OMAHA COLD STORAGE CO., EIGHTH AND FARNAM. Saleswomen and Solicitors. WANTED EXPERIENCED CANDY SALESWOMAN BY BURGESS-NASH CO. APPLY SUPERINTEND ENT, BALCONY. Household and Domestic. WANTED White girl for genyal house work; may go home nights; 6-room apartment; two in family; good wages. Tel Walnut 329. City references. WANTED A competent house maid; downstairs work only. Apply Mrs. Ward Burgess, 122 N. 23d St. WANTED Girl or woman for general housework to go to Douglas, Wyo. Mrs. Clark. Harney 166. WANTED White maids; good wages, good hours. Apply housekeeper. Black -stone Hotel. WANTED A girl for general housework 3610 Harney St. $10 a week. Harney 63(iS. WANTED Assistant housekeeper; middle Tged preferred; four In family i no wash ing; good home. Tel. Haruey 2172 or call at 3501 Harney street. WANTED A competeiint cook: excellent - vages. Apply to Mrs. D. Storz, 370S Farnam, between the hours of 5 snd H p. m. COMPETENT girl general housework; ref erences. 3618 Farnam SU Harney 718. j HELP WANTED FEMALE. Household and Domestic. WANTED A maid for housework: good home. 3518 Pine St. Harney 6626. WANTED A good cook. Mrs. W. Marslr. 806 Pine. Phone Doug. 467. W. SCHOOL girl to help in exchange for board and room. Douglas 7719. EXPERIENCED baby nurse; references requireu. furs, nutirr. reamcjf uo. WANTED A girl for general housework; good wages. Call Walnut 1964. YOUNG girl or middle aged woman for house work. Harney 2954. Hotels and Restaurants. WAITRESSES WANTED BY BURGESS-NASH CO. ABJPLT SUPERINTENDENT, BALCONY. WANTED A colored chambermaid, short hours and good pay. Apply in person. Warden hotel. 16tli aud Cuming Sts. WANTED Two colored women dlshwash era. HOTEL CASTLE CAFE. Miscellaneous. GIRL wanted at Van Arnam Dress Pleat- Ing Co., 412 Paxton Blk. HELP WANT 3. Male -and Female DEMONSTRATOR FOR VACUUM SWEEPER WANTED BY BURGESS NASH CO. APPLY SUPERINTEND ENT, BALCONY. WANTED Man and wife to work on farm;--separate house: (prefer man with out children; about 40 miles from Oma ha in Iowa. Box Y-550, Omaha Bee. EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL. BOYLE8 COLLEGE. Students are admitted at any time. Complete courses In sccountancy. ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry. short hand and typewriting, atenotypy, rail road and wireless telegraphy, civil serv ice snd all English and commercial branches. Write, call or pbone Douglas 1565 for large Illustrated ca logue. Address. BOYLES COLLEGE. Boyles Building. Omaha. Neb. LEARN Mosher shorthand and typewrit ing In our day school or by malL Spe cial short summer course for Gregg writers. Omaha Business College, 7th floor Bee Bldg. Douglas 6528. Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 6890. ANNIE E. GLASGOW, voice and piano. 603 Karbach Blk. Studio phone Red 185 209 South 16th St WANTED Men, ladies and boys to learn barber trade; big demand, wages while learning; strictly monern. Call or write 1402 Dodge St. Tri-City Barber College, Phone D. 2147. HAVE 6,000 barley sacks to repair; will deliver and call for same. Wagner's Feed Store. 801 N. 16th St. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. TWO light sleeping rooms for two, three or four gentlemen; bathroom adjoining; large closet; 14 block from car line; north part of town, f'olfax 237. LIGHT housekeeping and sleeping rooms, for men only. Sunshine Apartments, 608 N. 17th St. LARGE front room, close In; young lady preferred. Red S314. PLEASANT rooms In private family; shower bath. Harney 6749. NICELY furnished rooms, close in; breakfast if desired. 809 S. 21st St. FURNISHED room to lady employed. 2355 South 34th. Harney 3946 ONE large southwest room, private fam- lly, near, hath. 1119 South 31st St. NICELY furnished room for two, with breakfast and dinner. Call Walnut 352-. SOUTHWEST room for young man, Field flub district. Harney 226. Housekeepn.g Rooms. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; soutlieast ex posure; private family 252 California. Douglas 6218 Board and Rooms Excellent Meals. Can accommodate a few extra people at my table Will be appreciated by those who like home cooking. Rates rearonable. 424 Park Ave. Harney 3730. BKMIS PARK DISTRICT Beautiful rojm for rent for two pentlemen; bath md tnlephone. Webster 40fifi. FOR RENT HOUSES. West 8 ROOMS and sleeping porch: duplex brick, built for home only; finest oak finish; every .convenience; $75 to re sponslble party. D. South. FOUR-ROOM flat, second floor, $13. FIVE-ROOM flat, second floor, $16. THREE-ROOM flat,' first floor, $12. Newly decorated and painted: has gas, water an dtoilet; ready to move Into 4411 S. 21th St. Tyler 1812-J. 2563 Pierce. 9 rooms, $25.00. Tyler 153S. WALSH-ELMER CO. Formerly Armstrong-Walsh 333 Securities Hldg. Tyler 1530. Miscellaneous 20S South 41st, hot-water heat; 7 rooms, $30. 20.19 North 21st. flats. 3 rooms: 7 and $9. JOHN N. FRENZER, Douglas 654. 6-ROOM cottage, not modern; has elec tric lights, $18 per mo. Phone Douglas 3600. W. S. FRANK, 202 Neville Blk. PETERS TRUST CO., Specialists In Apartment n.anaaei..ent. LIST your property tor rent or sale with FIRST TRUST COMPANY. Realtors. Tyler 729. CREIGH SONS A CO HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. Doug. 2(i. 600 Bee Bldg. B1RKETT & CO. Care of property snd Insurance. Bee Bldg. Douglas 633. ISO 3 AND SwboM fSTts for rent. Call web- ster 1640. Furnished. Wanted Modern 6-room furnished house at once; references exchanged. Walnut , S937. FOR RENT APARTMENTS. West. FURNITURE for sale or lease, one-room apt. Douglas ni9, FOR RENT Business Property Stores. GOOD store looms. 15th and Douglas Inquire WORLD REALTY COMPANY. Phone, Douglas 6342. Office and Desk Room. DESIRABLE desk room, 305 McCague Bldg. C. J. Canan, Real Estate and Exchanges. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED to rent 6 or house. Good location, rent in advance. 7 room modern Will pay year's WALSH -ELMER CO. Formerly Armstrong-Walsh S33 Securities Bldg. Tyler 1536 WANTED Small cottage or 3 or 4 unfur nished rooms In good neighborhood, near school. Telephone Webster 3275. Furnished Apartments and Houses. COUPLE with two children, furnished or partly furninhed home or apartment, for summer: location west preferred. Call Tyler 2673. WANTED TO RENT Furnished apart ment for summer; reference exchanged. 4 25 Secu r It 1 osnjd g. Phone T y 1 e r19 6 S . MOViNGNWORAGE. FIDELITY STORAGE AND VAN CO., 16th AND JACKSON. DOUO. 288. STORAGE. MOVING, PACKING. REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE COMPLETE LI.ST OF ALL VACANT HOUSES AND APART.MENT8 GLOBE VAN AND STORAGE CO. For real servlqp In hauling or storage call Tyler 230 or D. 4338. outo or wagon service. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos: moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. 806 S 16th. Douglas 4163. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. Bowen Co. Tyler J400. MOVING AND STORAGE. WE will nn-nls von nnv size truck by uuur, nnnrn or vear. H A PTTTXTrVQ Storage sfor CO. U and Transf HOWARD ST. TYLER 1976 ION TRANSFER CO. Let us estimate your moving pocking snd storage li:os Davenport. Doug. 2908. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West HAPPLY HOLLOW. BRICK, WITH TILE ROOF, $18,000. This is one of the most beautiful corners in this high-grade district. Large living room, dining room, suit room, kiti lie n on first floor, three bud rooms, sleeping porch and hath on sec ond. Hullt-ln hookcases; finished In oak and birch; hot water healing plant, lavatory, laundry tubs, plastered base ment: brick garage with tile roof for' two cars: south and cast exposure; lot. 90x135 f,i.(; owner leaving city and anxious to make quick (leal. GLOVER & SPAIN, 919-920 City National. Doug. 3962 WE have cash buyers for West Farnam and Tuiidee homes. Phone Douglas 50T4 and we will call and Inspect your property. Shuler & Cary. 4-Hoo.M house, electric lights, 3 lots, fruit trcos. harn, chicken house; 1 lot in pota let'f, Harden. Owner transferred; must f e 1 1 : $ 2 . 5 HO. Web. 6 22 4. NEW. up-to-date. 6 rooms, oak finish, fine location: price. $5,250: terms; location 611.N 47th St. Norris ft Norrls D 427Q N A R 33D A N D CASS, SNAP FOR $4,000. Six rooms and bath, strictly modern, th-e lot. nenr new Yates school and 1l;trnpv car linp. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 5i". : Om. Nat.Baiik HJdg. Tyler 496. .NEW 6-room, all modern house: quartered onk floors, elepant location; will take In car. Walnut 459. North. 3 GOOD BUYS NORTH 7 rooms, modern, hot water heat, south front lot, in a dandy location, near 24th street car line, has reception hall, living room, dining room, den. kitchen on first floor; 3 bed rooms and hath on second; flonble floors and full ce ment basement; thlH must be rarefullv inspected to be appreciated; $3,t00; can arrange easy terms. 5 rooms and 3 lots, near 43d and Brown, only 3 blocks from car and school; lots of fruit; a dandy place to rniii ft chickens and it is priced right at J2.250; good terms. 7 rooms, modern except heat, pavpd street, at 2Sth and Patrick Ave.; J-,000, and can arrange easv terms WATSON & BRENAN, 'Real Reliable Really. Tyler 4505. 644 World Herald Bldg. 28TH AVE. & BROWN, $500 DOWN, BALANCE MONTHLY. 5-ROOM strictly modern bungalow, all on one floor; full cement basement ; fur nace heat; nice floored attic; east front lot; price. $32i"n, a snan. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, S37 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bltld D. 1781. Nice Six-Room Home, Near Kennedy School, AH on one floor, nice lot, chicken house and trees. House well arranged and large sun room on the south. Mod ern except heat. If you want a nice little REAL home, see this today. Call Mr, Rice RASP BROS., 212 Keellne Bldir. Tyler 751. BEMIS PARK. On beautiful Lafayette ave., a very fine cross roof bungalow, 7-r. oak. Fire place, fine buffet, beamed ceilings, book cases, tiled bath, etc. 50x150 ft. fio. front lot. Owner liven in Minneapolis and accent $5,750 if sold at once. RASP BROS., 212 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 721. LFST your property with J. J. MULVIHILL, 200 Brandels Theater Bldg. Ph. D. 98. We Have Property for Rent or Sale. AMERICAN SECURITY CO. 203 S 17th St. Douglas 6013. CUMING Near 29th street, 2 or 44 feet? Must be sold to close an eBtate C. Grimmel. 849 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. MINNE LUSA homes and lots offer the best opportunity to Invest your money Phone Tyler 1S7. NEW oak bungalow, fine location, east front, corner lot; price $4,400, easy terjJiK; $500 cash. Call days. Doug. 1734 YOUNG & DOHEHTY. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT 332 BRANDEIS THEATER. D. 1761. NEW 6-room cottage, strictly modern: garage; lot, 40x120; fruit trees; ood condition; $2,600. 3954 N. 2fith St. South. LISTEN! YOU ARE SURE TO LIKE THIS Beautiful new stucco home, soon com pleted, between Farnain and Leaven worth street car lines. Has six, nice,' large airy rooms, besides sleeping poivh and sun room; oak finish down stairs, with enamel in bedrooms; modern in every way. Double garage; lot 60xl'?8 feet on corner facing south and east. Street paved. Fine restricted neighbor hood and within walking distance. Will be sold on easy terms. Let me show you this before il's snapped up, as it sure to he, for It's a site and building that must please. For other particulars see J. H. CARSE, Red 7374. 7L'S 'j Brandels Bldg. HANSCOM PARK. Southwest of the park on 35th Av., one block from Windsor school, we have an exceptionally well built house, and a decided barpatn. House has reception hall with French doors opening into large living room, fine btpr dining room, den all finished in oak with oak floors, and nice large kitchen on the first floor. Upstairs are twq big bedrooms with nice closets, bath and sleeping porch; garage; lot, 49x130. D. V. SHOLES CO., REALTORS. 9n-HCitvNat'l Hank Hldg. Doug. 46 " BARGAIN FOR $1250, NEAR 28TH & MASON. Six-room semi -bungalow, all large rooms, full basement, nice east front lot, only one block to Leavenworth car service. $1. 100 down. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 551 Om. Nat. Hank Rldg. Tyler 496. FIVE room cottage, partly modern, in good condilion. Near St. Joseph hos pital; lot 40x150; bargain; owner leav ing city. Douglas 8512 ALMOST new 0-room bungalow, located near South Side, between two car lines; strictly modern and up-to-date. Call Walnut 2234. NEAR Hanscom park, 7-r. house, on large corner lot, with garage and shed for storage. J V. Bobbins Douglas 529 Miscellaneous. THE BEST VALUE IN OMAHA. South and east front, 100x12. Kight rooms and bath, maid's room, additional. Oak finish and floors. Vapor steam heat. l!arag for two cars. The loca tion culd not be better and the price, $10,750 cannot b equalled. v WALSH-ELMER CO.. (FORMER? ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO) Tyler 1530 ,",33 Securities Bldg. I BRICK HOUSE, 10 ROOMS. We have a large homo very conven ient to business center: excellent place to rent rooms; within eaay walk to city The house ts modern in all particulars and may be purchased on reasonable terms. Let us show vou through. AI.KHKD THOMAS, S04 First National Bank. HOUSE TO BE Jim KP WILL BE MOLD AT AtVTION FOR CASH N FRIDAY-. .UN E kill. 12 O'CLOCK NOON, NO 202 S. 2IT1I ST. 24tl.' and Douglas). This ia an -room, one-story modern cottage In fair condi tion. Must be moved In 10 days trom date of sale. Don't fail to attend this sale. House now open for inspection. FOR SALE Close-Tn rrsidt-nce of 7 rooms, sll modern. In first class shape, well rented. Owner needs th money. For price and terms 'all MID-WKST RICA LTV EX' 'HA NJ PI r3 Hee Hldg. Phono Tyler 42SI. "ClTt.SE-IN INVESTMENTS Leavenworth at.. Capitol ave.. Cuming t. JpAVNE A SLATER COMPANY, Df. 1011 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. Miscellaneous. 5-R00M BUNGALOW Nearly new, Price, $3,600 Decupled one yoar, jsiiii cash, balance nod like rent. A. V. TOLAXD, P. 6707 594 Brandels BMg J H. CAUSE. Phone Red 7374. 7S!1 Brandels Bldg. has huvi rs for four, rive juid six-room housr-s ou South Side. If you want to Ouyor sell, aethim. BARGAINS In norn.s, investments prop erties .id acreage near Omaha. Harri son & Morton. 916Pm"ah Nat. Bk. Bldg. FOR SALE 8-room apartment, beautifully furnished, on car Una snd walking dis tance to town. Phone. Douglas 6760. Lisi'ouT property with Shrlver for "Ulck returns. 1047 O. N. 1 Hldg. REXL ESTATE-Business Property "l H l L ; S K" TO B E ToVEI WILL BE SOLD AT AUCTION KOR CASH ON KRIDAY, JUNK .6TH. 12 O'CLOCK NOON, NO. 202 S. 24TH ST. c'llh and Douglas). This Is an 8-room, one story modern cottage In fair condi tion. Must bo moved In 10 days from dale of sale. Don't fall to attend this sale. House now open for inspection. BUSINESS property and Investments. A. P. TUKEY SON. 420 First National Bank Bldg. Foil SALE Brick flafand store building, $17,0(10. Tyler 1481. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. INVESTMENT NEAR"26TH & DODGE, x $15,500. Corner lot near ami Dodge streets, Improved wllh double brick flat In fine repair and a well built, strictly modern 7 -room house. Income at present Is $11120 per year which can be Increased as aoon as present leases expire. Paving sll paid. A good buy In a district where values are rapidly Increasing. Call us for an appointment. J. L. HIATT CO., QMfi FIRST NATIONAL PHONE CO 7UU BANK BLDG. TYLER Double Brick Home and Investment, 3122-24 Cass Street. Each side has reception hall, larga llv lntr room, dining room and kitchen on the firxt floor, all finished In oak ex cept kitchen. Three good sized bed rooms and bath on second floor; full cemented basement with laundry 'facili ties; hot water heater; this building la exceedingly well built and must be in spected to appreciate its value; both f!als are In splepdid condition. Situated on a south front lot, 5xl20 feet; paving all paid; beautiful trees all around. Splendid neighborhood, close to Harney car. You could live In one side and rent the other. For further particulars and appointment call Tyler 60. Hastings & Heyden, 1S14 HARNEY STREET. CENTRAL business property located on corner lot 119 by 124; 16,600 cash and mortgage will handle. Call Red 8779 REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. FOR SALE OR TRADE 5-year lease on Lake Kearney, 4 blocks from state nor mal school, 6 buildings, 16 rowboats, 1 Mullln's motor boat, fine swimming docks, electric lights, best summer re sort in central Neb.; will clear $2,500 In four months. Lake covers 70 acres; 40 feet deep In center. Addass Del bert R. Smith, Kearney. Neb. ROO.MINO house, 15 rooms; might take some western land for three-fourth value or a small house in southeast N"braska as part pay. O. P. Heck, 1310 Lane St.. Falls City, Neb. REAL ESTATE. UNIMPROVED. Miscellaneous. CORNER, 150x136, two blocks of car; price, $600: terms; little below grade. TRAVER BROS., Douglas 48SB6. 819 First Nat. Bk. Read The Bee Want Ads for the best opportunities in bargains. South. BIG BARGAIN LOTS. $1.00 DOWN, $1.00 A WEES buys fine garden tract, 47x132; only 1 blocks from West Center car line snd one block to paved street; high and sightly, black soil; prices $1U6 and $340. THE BYRON REED CO.. 1B12 Farnam. Douglas $97. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. South Side. JAS. J. FITZGERALD, 4931 South 24th St., "Insurance." Buy and sell property. Real estate mortgage loans promptly made. A. W. JONES, South Omaha, buys, sells, exchanges all kinds of property. For results, quick action, see us. Benson. ONLY $200 CASH. Strictly modern 4 or 6 room homea. City water, sewer, gas, electric lights, etc.; oak finish and floors; beautiful surroundings; easy monthly payments. Phone Mr. Carse at Douglas 7412 days for particulars or call Harney 3656 evo nings, 6-room bungalow, one-half block to car In Benson; fine repair; terms, 1959 cash, balance $30 per month. BENSON & CARMICHAEI. 642 Paxton Block. Tyler 3S40. NKW oak bungalow, fine condition, east front, corner lot; price $4,400; easy terms; $500 cash. Call days, Doug. 1734. Dundee. "We specialize in Dundee homes, C. B. STUHT CO., 913-U City Natl. Doug. 87ST. FOR homes or vacant property in Dundee see GEORGE & CO., Realtors. Douelas 750. 902 City Nat'l Bank. Council Bluffs. FOR SALE. ' 10 lots located at the corner of J7th street and Cth avenue, with sewer snd water in street. Inquire of owner. Louis Schneider, Wickham Block, Council Tiluffs. Ia. n. REAL ESTATE-OTHER CITIES BLOCK OF 12 LOTS. Council Bluffs, right between the, two cities; good high ground and Improving steadily around It; fine for home or investment at 11,200 for the bunch. McGee Real Estate Co., 105 Pearl St.. Council Bluffs. REAL ESTATE WANTED. - HAVE OVEER 100 BUYERS For five and six and even-room houses, ranging In price from 12,000 to $7,500, with from $300 to all cash to pay down Bungalows are particularly In de mand. Phone or come and ee us and we will inspect your property promptly. OSBORNE REALTY CO. R53 Om. Nat!. Bk Bldg. Tyler 496. BUNGALOWS WANTED We have cash buyers tor sell located bungalows and residences rforth the money. For quleb results list with us. . O'NEIL'S R. E. & INS. AGENCT. C32-6 Brandels Theater Bldg . Tel Tyler 1024 I HAVE a man who will buy your im proved property and pay cash for 1U but the price must be right. OEOROE F JONES. REALTOR. 92 City Nat Bk Bldg Doug 14. WATSON & BRENAN, "Real Reliable Really" Tyler 4505 644 World -Herald Bldg. LIST your property with us. We have calls for homes and Investments. Mi'l'AOUE INV. CO.. Thon D. 415. 15th and Dodge. FOR quick resulfa list your property wltal S. P. WTSTWICK ft SON. 300 Bee Bldg Tyler 160. FOR quick sales list vour property wlt W. G SH RIVER. 1047-9 Om. Nat. Bk. Hldg. Poug. 1S1 IF you property is for sale or rent. Hat it with the AFRO-AMERICAN REALTY CO.. 2705 Lake. Websier 5 40 LIST your property for sale with J. Bl Robinson for quick sales. 442 Ilee Bldg. Thone Doug s097. Financial. Private Money SITOPEN COMPANY. J)oug43!l. tlOO to $10,000 MADE promptly. f i. Wead Wead Bldg. 18th and Farnam. Real stateLoan8 i.rnl Mortgages. CONViHT that Installment loan ou your home Into a straight five-year mortgage and avoid those ir.onthly payments. E. II. LOUOEE, INC.. 63S JCeeHnc Bldg. MONEY to lend on Improved Real Estate! Interest payable semi-annually W. H THOMAS A SON. 228 Keellne Bldg CITY and farm loam; b and I per cent; no delay J II Dumont COu. 411 Keellne Bldg. No Delay Closing Loaiui " W T. GRAHAM. 604 Bee Bldg. Koug. I,