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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1919)
THE BEE: TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 1919. BARROWS STILL FIGHTING FOR STATEFISH CAR Assistant Director Fort Holds That Railway Administra tion Is Justified in Re fusal to Haul Car. Lincoln, June 2. Gerret Fort, as listant director of the United States railroad administration is of the rjjjinion that the department is hand ling the transportation "correct in principle." and that the refusal of the department to allow any reduc tion for transportation of the Ne braska fish car is right and proper, according to a letter sent by him to Cong. M. P. Kinkaid, which the lat ter has sent to Lieutenant Governor Barrows, who as acting governor the past two weeks has attempted to get the fish car transported by the roads at a reasonable rate. Mr. Fort says: "Ten cents a mile for fish distributing cars means a similar basis for mine rescue, Red Cross, public health, exhibition, demonstration and various other kinds of special cars operated by the federal government and the states engaged in public welfare activities and this case is clearly not war ranted taking into consideration high operating costs. In view of these various considerations it is hoped that you will coincide that the railroad administration's treatment of the problem is correct in princi ple and is deserving of the support of those who receive the benefit of the reduction afforded by the present basis." Lieutenant Governor Replies. In reply to the letter, Lieutenant Governor Barrows makes it clear that he is not in favor of the stand taken.- He points out that Nebraska has spend thousands of dollars in an effort to have her lakes and streams stocked with fish, and that it is not merely a case of conserva tion of food. He also points out that the fish of the state were a great help in the conservation of food, and that the problem is still an important one. He says he fails to understand why the railroad administration re fuses to haul the car at these rates, when the railroads, under private ownership, did not refuse, and points to the fact that the adminis tration recently sent three troop trains from Omaha to Lincoln over a road where the distance is 92 miles and a four-hour run, when there are two direct lines between the two cities of 55 miles each, witlr hnf s urt-Jinur run He clrses his letter as follows: . "When the fish in the lakes of Nebraska shall have died for want of water, and have been buried in some convenient 'blow-out,' I will go there, and standing over the grave, tell the fish spirits that may hover near, that they have not died in vain, but in the cause of 'economy and genius.'" Table Rock Minister to Take Position in Tekoa Tobte Rock, Neb., June 2. (Spe cial.) Rev. Samuel E. Taft of Ta ble Rock, who has filled the pulpit of the Methodist Episcopal church here nearly three years, recently re ceived a call from the Methodist so ciety at Tekoa, Wash., in the vicin ity of Spokane., and will preach his fmal sermon in Table Rock June 15. The change was made largely in the hope of improving the health of Mrs. Taft Filley Man Resigns. Beatrice, Neb., June 2. (Special.)- Prof. E. H. Husman, who has been superintendent of the Filley schools the past year, has resigned his posi tion. His successor has not yet been chosen. Health When you eat for breakfast you combine a dish of tfr eat enjoyment with solid food value. Grape -Nuts is a builder of brain and brawn a real food: scientifically pre pared to meet the modern demands of efficiency "There's a Reason Here's Four More Children Who'll Tell Mayor Smith About Protected Gambling Clarence Paris, 11 years old, 1631 North Twenty-first street; John Wright, 12 years old, 1628 North Twenty-fourth street; George Forst, 8 years old, 1150 North Twenty-fourth street, and Richard Goodman, 6 years old, 1124 North Twenty-third street, all school chil dren victimized by the gambling de vices maintained at the Patterson HASTINGS WOMAN KILLS BABY WITH BUTCHERJ N I F E Mrs. Minnie Owens Slashes Throat of Two-Month-Old ' Child; Had Only .45 Cents. Hastings, Neb-, June 2. (Special Telegram). Mrs. Minnie Owens Monday morning killed her 2-months-old baby with a butcher knife, cutting its wrist and throat. She told Chief of Police St. John she tried to drown the child Sun day, but gave up .the attempt. She said her husband was dead, but did not explain why. she wished to kill the child. She had only 45 cents when arrested. Mrs. Owens came here from Den ver and is understood to have a daughter living in the Home of the Good Shepherd in that city, besides a son in Douglas, Wyo. A man who said he had heard Mrs. Owens say she was going to kill the child called the police to the home- The child was dead when they arrived. Mrs. Owens made no attempt to escape. . Obligation of the bureau of air craft production were reduced more than $4,000,000 during the week ended April 6, bringing the total of canceled and suspended contracts of the bureau since the signing of the armistice to $500,679,617. in the Morning r "--"' - TD shows during the week of May 12 at Twenty-first and Paul streets. Mayor Smith has announced he would not make an investigation until absolute proof of gambling changes had been placed before him. These boys are willing to tell the mayor of their experience with the crooked games, which for three days were operated under police Superintendent of Omaha Schools Given t i r rr t i ji,juu I ear increase: The salary of J. H. Beveridge, su perintendent of public schools, was raised from $6,000 to $7,500 a year by unanimous vote at the school board meeting last night. The raise is to take effect begin ning August 1, the beginning of Mr. Beveridge's third year as superin tendent. A three-year contract for Mr. Beveride's services two years of which expire August 1, was canceled, and a new contract for the third year will be drawn. In accepting and thanking the board for their action, Mr. Bever idge told of another position offered him in another city recently, the lo cation of which he was "not at lib erty to disclose." He assured the board, h6wever, that he had intend ed to fulfill his three-year contract and expressed great satisfaction and interest in his work in Omaha. Lawyers Attend, Banquet in Honor of Judge Allen Norfolk, Neb., June 2. (Special Telegram.) Half a hundred law yers from all parts of the Ninth dicial district came here to nay hon or to Ex-Senator William V. Allen during a banquet which was given by the Madison county bar in honor oi Judge Aliens 50th anniversary of his admission to the bar. Judge Allen is now district judge in this district and he was highly compli mented on his long service by sev eral speakers during the banquet. Dish protection and finally closed on the order of Chief Eberstein, after he was told The Bee photographer was taking pictures of the illegal prac tice. These are four among 50 other children who were swindled by the professional gamblers while police men stood idly by and witnessed the performance. Denies Report of Attempted Assault at Krug Park Sunday Mrs. Alfred Farnholtz. 2711 Ohio ! . . ..1, - . . i i an cci. wnu was saiu iu nave ueen the victim of an attempted assault at Krug park Sunday night, yester day denied the report and made the following statement: To Whom it May Concern: I wish to dr;ny any statements made regarding an attempt of assault by two strange men at Kru Dark. June 1. ami further -wish to state that any artlcleu or stories regarding the same were very unjust to all parties concerned. Signed) iMRS. A. FARNHOLTZ. Witness ALFRED FARNHOLTZ. According to the police, Mrs. Farnholtz reported Sunday night that a strange man had attempted to dope her in an office near Krug park and that another strange man had attempted to seize her before" she finally jumped from a second-story windbw and escaped. Omaha Man Addresses Noonday Club of Fremont Fremont, Neb.. June 2. (Special Telegraph.) N. C. Leggett of Oma ha, was the speaker before the Noonday club at the weekly lunch eon Monday. Mr. Leggett talked oh "Salesmanship." The sum of $30,000 toward the fund of $75,000 to be raised by the Fremont Commercial club to cover the expense of bringing Midland college to Fremont from Atchison, Kan., and establishing a Lutheran university in connection, was sub scribed by the Ad club members at the luncheon. A committee will complete the canvass among busi ness men Tuesday for the remain der. A Commercial club committee will go to Atchison Tuesday evening to appear before the board of trustees of Midland college when the re moval question comes up for action. Governor Attends Good Roads Meeting at Anselmo Lincoln, Neb., June 2. Governor McKelvie was in Anselmo Monday in attendance at the meeting of the Potash Highway association which is interested in getting some good roads in that part of the country. He will return to Lincoln Tues day, but will go to Broken Bow Wednesday to attend the meeting of the State Association of Commercial clubs. Thursday the governor will de liver the commencement day address of the University of Omaha and Saturday he will go to McCook to address the Equity Co-operative union rally. Contractors Agree to Raise Asked by Cement Finishers The threatened strike of all union cement finishers' local No. 538, de day when contractors agreed to give the men an increase of 12 cents per honr. The men now receive 87 cents per hour. Bert Muth, business agent of the cement finishers' locat No. 538 de clared that the men were even now receiving more than the scale just agreed upon. "There are so few cement workers that contractors are willing to pay almost any price to obtain their help,," he stated. Many of them re ceive as high as $1 an hour, he said. J Cousin of Commissioner Beach Dies at Age of 99 Lincoln, Neb., June 2. Fire Com missioner Ed. Beach will go to Geneva tomorrow to attend the fu neral of Silas Ayres, a cousin of Mr. Beach's mother, who died yester day lacking only six months of reaching the century mark. Mr. Ayers came to Nebraska in 1877 and has resided continuously in the state since that time. Returns to Work. Harry Swigart has returned to his work with the Illinois Central rail road at Memphis, Tenn., after a visit of three weeks with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Sigwart. Mr. Sigwart recently returned from overseas service.' REFUSE TO PAY CITY FEES FOR HEALTHJ.EPORT County Board Holds Claim Until Money Due for Feed ing Prisoners Is Paid by the City. The county board refuses to ap prove claims rendered by Health Commissioner Manning for similar services for which Dr. R. V- Con nell was paid while he was health commissioner and after he brought a court action for payment of this money to himself. When Dr. Manning was appointed health commissioner a year ago it was understood that these fees would be credited to the city's ac count, instead of to the personal ac count of the health commissioner, as had been done. Pay for Reports. Under the court ruling which was given in favor of the former health commissioner, the county was re quired to pay 25 cents for each birth and death report sent by the health commissioner to the State Board of Health. The records show that Health Commissioner Manning sent these bills to the countv board: November, 1918, $46075; January, 1919. $632.75: April 24. 1919, $430.25; total, $1,523.75. : On July 25 of last year the county board allowed a quarterly bill, part of which went to Dr. Connell and $194.25 to the health department fund, but that was the last allowance the county made. The formality of filing these bills was all that the health department has done, until a few days ago when the matter was called to their at tention the city legal department was asked to look into the situa tion and advise whether the city has any recourse. County Wastes Money. When these fees were a matter of personal remuneration to the for mer health commissioner, the county board paid the bills because the health commissioner took the case to court; now that it is a matter of the city getting the money, it seems to be a case of everybody's business and nobody's business insofar as the health department is concerned. The only explanation the county board will make is that bills from the city will not be approved until alleged debts owed by the city to the county are first settled. These debts are said to be for feeding pris oners in the county jail and the city's portion of the expenses of three elections. Manley Main Speaker at State Convention of Commercial Club Bodies How to develop commercial club organizations of the cities and towns of Nebraska into real community builders will be the subject of the main discussion of the Nebraska state association of commercial clubs, in an annual session at Broken Bow tomorrow, and will be led by Robert H. Manley, commissioner, of the Omaha Chamber of Com merce. More than 100 local organizations belong to the state federation of commercial clubs and the Omaha Chamber of Commerce will be rep resented at the convention by Mr. Manley and Lloyd Mattson. The latter will discuss the campaign tor war savings in Nebraska for 1919. The convention will close Wednes day of this week. Titles of booklets Ask for the one you want: National Parks Crater Lake Ore goo Glacier Montana Grand Canyon Arizona Hawaii Hawaiian blantla Hot Springs Arkansas Mesa Verde Colorado - . Mount Rainier Washington Rocky Mountain Colorado Sequoia Gen. Grant California Yellowstone Wyoming Yosemite California National Monuments Petrified Forest Arizona Zion Utah I .atSsMsaaW Names of Donors to Working Girls' Home to Go on Cornerstone Mr. Arthur Mullen, chairman of the woman's committee which is in charge of the $300,000 fund-raising campaign for the Working Girls' Home of Omaha, announces that all donors, no matter how small the donation, will have their names and addresses, with the amounts of their gifts, placed in the cornerstone of the home. At the close of the campaign a pamphlet will be issued, showing a complete list of all subscribers to the fund. The committee states that the "widow's mite" will be as cheer fully accepted and as thankfully re ceived as the larger donations. It has been definitely decided that the present location of-the old home. Eighteenth and Cass streets, will not be the site upon which the new home will be erected. A proposed new location has not been selected. An organization for a house-to-house canvass is being formed. Funeral Services for Harry E. Clark Will Be Wednesday P. M. Harry E. Clark, 28 years old, 4322 South Fifteenth street, South Side, popular and widely known live stock commission man at the stock yards, died Sunday at a hos pital of spinal meningitis. He had been ill several weeks. He is survived by his widow, his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Z. H. Clark, Houston, Tex.; three sisters, Mrs. R. L. - Williamson, Ifutte, Mont.; Mrs. Thomas Rich ardson Columbus, Neb., and Mrs. John Hughes, Omaha, and a brother, Raymond Clark, in the navy. Funeral services will be held at Grace Methodist church at 4 p. m., Wednesday, two pastors. Rev. C. C. Wilson and Rev. R. L. Wheeler, of ficiating. Burial will be in Evergreen cemetery. Bee Hive lodge No. 184, A. F. & A. M., will be in charge of the serv ices at the grave. Mother of Norris Brown of Omaha Dies In Des Moines Mrs. W. W. H. Brown, mother of former Senator Norris Brown of Nebraska, died at her home in Des Moines Sunday. . Senator and Mrs. Brown have been at the bedside for the past week. She is survived by her husband and her son. Funeral services will be held in Des Moines today. This day would have marked the 57th wedding anniver sary of herself and husband. Recommend Approval of Report On Street Grading The city council committee of the whole .today recommended approval of the appraisers' report on the mat ter of grading Dodge street, Seven- J teenth to Twenty-second streets, and intersecting streets. 1 he benefits are more than the damages, accord ing to the report of the appraisers. Commissioners Butler and Zimmaft voted against the report. Supreme Court Invited to Attend Graduation Lincoln, Neb., June 2. The su preme court has received an invita tion to attend the graduating exer cises of the Creighton law school at Omaha next Saturday and swear in the graduates, making them full fledged members of the bar of the state, according to custom. MAKE this a summer of vacation travel. Glorious out-of-door playgrounds beckon you. Heed the call. Get away and know the scenic beauties of your own land. Summer excursion fares. Every American should visit the National Parks. They are the nation's playgrounds. Not only do you see peaks and canyons, glaciers and geysers, big trees and volcanoes, prehistoric ruins and Indians you here see the old wilderness places of this country the Far West and the Old West practically unchanged. In this vast region you can "rough it" can camp out, climb high peaks, go fishing and ride horseback. Around the corner, so to speak, are miles of auto boule vards, modern resort hotels, and comfortable camps. Ask the local ticket agent to help plan your trip, or apply to the nearest Consolidated Ticket Office, or address nearest Travel Bureau, United States Railroad Administration, 646 Transportation Bide:. , Chicago; 143 Liberty Street, New York City; 602 Healey Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. United -States Rmlrqaj) -Admimstratjcw Consolidated Ticket Office, 1416 Dodge Street, Omaha, Neb. WOMEN WHO WISH TO VOTE MUST REGISTERJODAY Will Be Required to Give Cor rect Ages to Participate in $3,000,000 Road Bond Election. This is registration day for the women of Douglas county who want to vote on the $3,000,000 bond prop osition June 24. The bonds will be issued to get money to pave 115 miles of Douglas county roads. This will be the first time in the history of Douglas county that wom en have registered as voters. They have had the privilege of voting for school board members, for which no registration was required. Fifty-five school houses have been provided for registration of the women voters today. The Dundee fire house and Election Commission er Moorhead's office in the court house are also registration places. Inspectors in Charge. An election inspector will be in charge at each registering place, as sisted by two women. Mr. Moorhead has given instruc tions to inspectors that women who want to register must give their cor rect ages. "Over 21" will not be taken as an answer. "We cannot cross-examine them on the question of age, however, he said. "Whatever they tell us will be accepted as the truth." Among the women who will serve on registration boards are: Mrs. Philip Fotter, Dundee school; Mrs. H. Conrad and Mrs. Koyal U. Miller, Dundee fire house; Mrs. J. R. Ringwalt. Saunders school; Mrs. F. H. Cole, Cass school; Mrs. W. H. Hatteroth, Park school; Mrs. Victor Reynolds and Mrs. Charles Marley, Held school; Mrs. (.. C Kosewater, Farnam school; Mrs. Z T. Lindsey and Mrs Jennie Callfas, Columbian school. Irish Club Receives Letter From President of Republic The Irish Self-Determination club of Omaha has received a letter from Eamonn De Valera, president of the Irish repubic, thanking Nebras kans who have expressed a kindly interest in the cause of Irish liberty. A letter was received also from Sean T. 0'Cea!I?g who is working in Paris as a representative ot the Irish republic. Appear Again Today. Henry Miller and Ruth Chatter ton will appear at the Brandeis theater the last two times today, matinee and evening, in the spark ling comedy by the elder Dumas, "A Marriage of Convenience." MONROE rrtr -Km Arrow COLLAR FOR. SPRIATG Ouett,PeahoJyCCaInc.TroyNY. TheirWonders DR. G. W. TODD I wish to announce my New Location Fourth Floor of the Barker Block I will move in June into my new quarters and will be prepared to give Better Service. I have more room and larger equipment. Present Location 403 Brandeis Building:. 73 indices" 6 BELbANS Hot water . Sure Relief RELL-ANS baFOR INDIGESTION TOO FAT? Reduce 10 to SO IN., or more, under $100 (il'ARANTEB by Koreln tem. Obtain Oil of Koreln at any busy drug store; or write for free brochure to Korein Co., NC -!. Station F. Nsw York City. Bmemt slender by best method. No salts, no tlivroid. no stsrTing. no tedious ejercisinir. lielifhtfully easy. rapid reduction ; Improves htalth, symmetry, efficiency: ADD TEAKS TO YOCB I.IKE! Start to-day. Stop Itching Eczema Never mind how often you have tried and failed, you can stop burning, itching eczema quickly by applying a li ttje zemo furnished by any druggist for 35c Extra large bottle, $1.00. Healing begins the moment zemo is applied. In a short time usually every trace of eczema, tetter, pimples, rash, blackheads and similar skin diseases will be removed. For clearing the skin and making it vigorously healthy.alwaysuse zemo, the penetrating, antiseptic liquid. It is not a greasy salve and it does not stain. When others fail it is the one dependable treatment for skin troubles of all kinds. The E. W. Rose Co.. Cleveland, O. theTprihgtime tonic For Nervous, Weak Men and Women Is CADOMENE TABLETS Sold by All Druggists. Adv. Your Best Asset A Skin Cleared By CuticuraSoap All arsMtttr. Soap a, Ointmant 3 tl m. Talenm 26. Saaiala meh trm or "Oatjcara, Cpi. a. aartta." HOW RHEUMATISM BEGINS The excruciating agonies of rheum t tism are usually the result of failure ol the kidneys to expel poisons from the system. If the irritation of these uric acid crystals is allowed to continue, in curable bladder or kidney disease may result Attend to it at once. Don't resort to temporary relief. The sick kidneys must be restored to health by the use of some sterling remedy which will prevent a return of the disease. Get some GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil CannnleM immediately. They have brought back the joys of life to count less thousands of sufferers from rheu. matism, lame back, lumbago, sciatica, gall stones, gravel and other affections of the kidneys, liver, stomach bladder and allied organs. . They will attack the toisons at ence. clear out the kidneys and urinary tract and the soothing lrealing oils and herbs will restore the inflamed tissues and organs to normal health. All others are imitations,' Ask tot GOLD MEDAL and be sure the name GOLD MEDAL is on the box. Tores sizes, at au good druggists. DOLL AND SHARP SHOOTING PAINS MkUgan Lady Suffered Socfa Pnj In Back and Head, Bat Say, Cardui Stopped These Bad Spell. rtlmyra, Mich. Mrs. Chas. T. Pr ler, of this plMe, writes: "In 1911 I got run-down, and I suffered great pain... with both dull and sharp shooting pains... also back and bead; I was weak and could only drag around, and should have been In bed, for I really wasn't able to be up. At times I would have spells that would be so bad I'd have to go to bed, and 'suffered intensely... i I decided to try Cardui, and saw a great improvement in less than a month's time. I used 7 or 8 bottles and was stronger. ..I got so muc'l better that my strength returned anj my work was easy for me. Cardui did me a world of good. It built me up In health and strength. I haven't had one ot those bad spells since. I haven't had to take any more medicine since or have any doctors either and have been able to do my work right along . . .1 recommend it to other 'women highly as the best medicine I know ot for women who sutler from femals trouble." If you suffer from female troubles, follow this advice. Get a bottle ol Cardui today and give it a thorough triaL It should help you, as it has helped thousands of other women In the past 40 years. At all druggists. EB-14 The advertiser who uses The Bee Want Ad Column increases his business thereby and the persons who read them profit by the nmiaaa tunities offered.