PROTECTION WHILE FEED 1 PUT INTO THE HOG The Story of the Illus tration "Hog Insurance" is the con necting link which guarantees the delivery of the hog to the market r provides compen-latien. The Bank in the Picture Represent the "Sureness" of profit to the farmer who buys insurance his returns made safe by Hog Insurance. t nip Si (rk Jk ni I J II. V W p" jui u,m (mh fl mii - 8 A A MESSAGE OF VITAL IMPORTANCE To Everyone Interested in the Raising of Hogs rn HE eyes of the whole world are now turned toward the hog. Throughout the entire world every thinking person is in terested in the increased production of the meats and fats from this precious animal. Now comes a big Nebraska company which proposes to revolutionize and magnify the entire industry. AND never in the history of the world has the time been more opportune for the materialization of such a project. For never was hog raising so profitable as now and never were so many thousands of people inter ested and actually participating in this industry. And never were the in dividual risks to the farmer greater, for heretofore a little ill luck with him must mean one of the most disma 1 failures of a lifetime. BUT at this darkest hour comes a ray of light- for a link has been formed to go between the hog and the markets link which will take the risk out of hog raising-that will spread out the effects of an occasional loss so that it will not be felt at all. . This Connecting Link Is Hog Insurance IS it not logical? You insure your life, your house, your furniture, your auto mobile, your live stock and in fact every thing that you own that is valuable. And no one would deny that this insurance relieves many of the responsibilities of life and universally the insurance companies prosper. AND now if you raise hogs you can in sure them. And attesting that thou sands of farmers are eager to insure their hogs are the many letters we have re ceived from them, asking when we will be ready to do business. The American Live Stock Insurance Company IS now a going corporation ready to start by the middle of June-incorporated under the laws of the state of Ne braska with a capitalization of $1,125,000. It is directed and officered by some of the most suc cessful and capable business men in the state men who have already won names for themselves in mercantile pursuits. ALREADY there are prospects for a won derful business it is estimated that the company will soon be able to work to the capacity of its capitalization. Large profits seem assured, both to the company and to the farmer who invests in its insur ance. - - - - o Chas. F. Schwager Pres. and Gen. Mgr. Ia one of Omaha's best known successful business men. He wu President of the Alamito Dairy company for a great number of years before taking up the active work of devel oping the American Live Stock Insurance Co Today Presents the Opportunity Which May Be Gone Tomorrow OUR company has no promotion stocks-every dollar invested in this company is for the purpose of insuring the hogs of those farmers who desire such insurance. Our stock is all common, each share carrying full voting privileges. ALTHOUGH this stock has been nearly all subscribed we still have a limited amount which we wish to sell to farmers throughout the state of Nebraska. Surely no other in dustry of today offers a more promising outlook for profits we ask you to come in with us now before the last share has been sold. This Company Will Be in Operation by the Middle of June Invest With Us Today Robt. B. Zachary Secretary Born in Iowa, son of a bank er, and himself engaged in the banking business for 27 years. For many years a suc cessful raiser of hogs and cattle, and also well known in the middle west as an expert in insurance, farm and cattle loans. Other Officers and Directors W. A. BATHS ACK President Security State Bank. BOBT. B. ZACHARY, Secretary Insurance and Live Stock Loans. TALE 0. HOLLAND, Attorney Mahoney, Kennedy, Holland & Horan. FRED L TUBBS, Vice President Vice President and Manager Alamo Farm light Co. J. DeFOREST RICHARDS, Director Formerly Vice President of the Omaha National Bank. CLYDE J. BAKER Live Stock Commission Merchant INFORMATION COUPON AMERICAN LIVE STOCK INSURANCE CO. 704-10 World-Herald Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Please send me full particulars regarding the American Live Stock Insurance Company. If satisfied that the investment is good I might invest $ This coupon obligates me in no way to invest Name. vt i . ( .y. .v.: B Town. State. Other Officers and Directors PROF. A. L. HAECKER Former Head Dairy Dept University f Nebraska. F. E. PRATT Fremont Neb. President Golden Rod Creamery C. and Nebraska's Largest Swine Producer. HON. GEO. B. DYBALL. Director Capitalist and State Legislator. ANDREW HARTT, Agency Supervisor Formerly Manager Western liviBiuu integrity mutual casualty -.u. RUSSELL W. GENTZLER, Manager Underwriting Dept. Formerly State Manager for American Old Line Insurance Company in North Dakota. A A V A V c 7 I 2 ? 7" y 7