THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY, MAY 31, 1919. 10 So Jiff Mffi in Full Pag of Colors ia The Sunday Boo. Drawn for The Bee by McManus Copyright 1919 Intematlonsl News Service. ARMOURS TO TRY TRAPPING-RATS AT ROURKE PARK Play Famous Tennesse Ro dents This Afternoon and Tomorrow; Colored Team Has Star Aggregation. BRINGING UP FATHER DOUBLE-HEADER GOES TO LOCALS IfJ EASY FASHION Taxe Ffrst Game, 3 to 1, and Lead All the Way in Batfest in the Sec ond, 8 to 7. x The Rourkes won both games of a double-header at Rourke park yes terday, before 4,500 wildly cheering fans. Charlie Kopp pitched an air tight game in the first session, op - posed by Lou North, who also threw a fine game, but the local hurlerwas just a little more effective, than the visitor. The 3 to 1 score might have been a 3 to get some final if the umpire had played a little more even. . The clubs traveled seven innings .without a score, then the Rourkes got busy with their war clubs and shagged a counter. Eddie Hazen , led off with a two-base hit and was sacrificed to third by Kirby. Gis laeon banged out a-single and Hazen trotted home with the first score of tire game. In the eighth frame Barbeau led e-fj with a free pa$s and was caught at -second on Jackson's slam to the pitcher. Bill stole second and scored v on Hemmingway's screaming single. Hazen made it to first safely on the pitcher's error. Kirby flied out to center field and Jackson scored after the catch. Gislason walked but Hale flied out to left. The visitors hooked their only counter in the ninth. Dolan fanned and Connolly was out, Gislason to Jackson. Butcher singled and went home on Beall's double.. Bonowitz batted for North and popped to Gis . lason. Both teams were on tJie um pire for several bad decisions at the pfate and on the basts almost every inning. The second game was almost the reverse of the first one. The open ing was a close session and went long time without a score. Scor rng began early in the second game. The Joseie crew failed in their first inning effort, but the locals slammed out two hits and with a walk and the aid of an error by the third base- ' ' man, netted three runs. St. Joseph counted for two in their half of the . second and not to be outdone, the Omaha boys made another three. , Left Fielder Donica led off with a three-base hit and Merz walked. Barbeau was safe on Reams' error and Donica scored. Jackson walked. Hemmingway was safe on the short stop's overthrow to first base' and Merz and Barbeau trotted home. Hazen and Kirby went out in order and the side was retired, with three more tallies to their credit. One more in the third and one in . the seventh made the total of eight runs, which was needed to take the game. The Josies scored 2 in the fourth, one in each of the fifth and Mxth frames and managed to . .i :.. .1. . jtjucczc across anuiucr uuc in mc ninth. The locals were never head- cd in either game. i.The umpiring was the poorest seen on the local lot for some time and the "players and the crowd was -on Holmes all the time1, in each "me. Pitcher Schinket made a de liberate balk at one time and the entire St. Joseph team was on his Wels claiming a verdict Score, first game: ' OMAHA. AB R H TO A K 0 0 4 1 1 14 1 0 115 0 1 0 0 110 0 2 3 2 0 0 S 1 0 (12 0 0 0 15 0 6 !1 II 1 H PO A R 10 11 0 ft 1 0 0 4 0 0 0 O 0 0 S 2 0 10 10 0 1 3 0 0 ft 3 0 1 1 4 1 o o o e "ft 84 IS 2 ftu-henu, tit - 3 lirkson, lb S . 'leinmlngway, sa 5 tlaxen, rf I Klriiy, rf : 'itslnaoii, 2b . . . - Ilnte. c .. 4 .. 4 ... S 8 S S fonlco. If vKipp. p 3 .f.,otto 28 1 ST. JOSEPH, ; ; AB i'-nbuker, 3b 4 : Kllelter. sa 3 'oliin. rf 4 Connolly, If 4 lluteher, ef 4 Ret II, 1 . . Hank, .'b . Hntnnngan, North, p . . UonowlU . ... i ...3 ...ft ... S ... 1 ...32 Totals . St. Joseph 0 0000000 11 0 0000012 x 3 tlmaun - Ratted for North In ninth. Stolen bases: Gislason, Jackson. Butcher, North. Sarriflee hits: Kirby. Tiro has hits: Haxrn. Beall. Struck out: By Kopp. ' " 3; by North, 2. Bases on balls: Off Kopp, off North, ft. l-eft on base: Omaha. 3; ' St. Joseph. 4. Time: 1:40. Impire: Holmes. Score second game: OMAHA. AB R Itarbeou, Sb 4 2 Javkson, lb 3 0 Hemmingway, as . . 4 1 Haaen, rf 4 1 Kirby, rf 4 1 . . (iislaton, 2b 2 1 Hale, e 2 0 Donica. If 2 1 Men, p 1 1 Fuhr, p 1 0 srhlnkel, p 0 ' Totals 27 8 H PO A K 10 0 0 0 12 0 1 1 3 .1 0 14 10 3 O 10 1 3 H 1 O ft 0 1 10 10 0 0 2 8 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 ft 27 11 S H PO A T. 0 0 2 1 2 4 12 0 10 0 S 3 1 0 2 110 2 10 0 0 114 0 14 0 1 OOll 10 3 0 12 24 IS ft ST. JOSEPH. AB R llrubaker, 3b 4 Relleher, sa 4 Dolan. rf 4 'Connolly, If ft Butcher, rf 6 Brail, lb 3 Hauk. 2b 3 ftommitx, 0 4 eg, P 1 Kearns, p 2 Total! 34 Sit. Joseph 0 2021 100 17 Omaha 3 3 1 0 0 0 1 0 Stolen bases: Haien, Gislason, Barbeau. i Sacrifice hits: Jackson. Hale, Srhlnkel. ' Two base, hits: Barbeau, Heninihagway, Kelleher, Bonowltx, Butcher. Connolly. Three base hits: Donica, Kelleher. Double phkyat Haien to Hemmingway; Gislason Here Is One Thing That Is Absolutely Impossible Rheumatism Ha Neer Been Cured By Liniments or Lotions, nd Nerer Will Be. V You never knew of Rheumatism that most painful source of suf fering being cured by liniments, lotions or other external applica tions. And you will never see any thing but temporary relief afford ed by such makeshifts. But why be satisfied with tem porary relief from the pangs of pain which are sure to return with increased severity, wnen. there is permanent relief within your reach? Science has proven that Rheuma tism is a disordered condition of the blood. How then, can satisfactory results be expected from any treat ment that does not reach the blood, to Hemmingway to Jackson; Hauk to Dealt. Hit: Off Sego, 3 In t inning; off Kenm. 5 in 7 inning; off Men, 7 in 4 2-3 inning; off Fnhr, S In 1 2-3 In ning; off Srhlnkel, 3; off Sego, 3 in 1 inning; off Kenrn. S. Struck out: By Men, 2: by Fuhr, 1; by Srhlnkel. ; by Kenrni, S. nane on ball: Off Men. 1; off Fiihr, Is off Srhlnkel. t: off Sego, ; off Kearns. 4. Hit by pitched hall: (illaon (Kearns). l-eft on buses: Oma ha, 6: St. Joseph, 7. Time: 2:28. Impire: Holmes. League Leaders Won Two From Sioux City Yesterday Sioux City, la., May 30. Poor base running cost Sioux City two games today and Dcs Moines won both ends of a double header by scores of S to 4, and 4 to 0, respec tively. The second contest was called in the seventh to allow the Sioux City team to catch a train. Scores: First game: DES MOINES. I SIOUX CITY. AB. H. O. E.I AR H. O. E. (Vore. If 4 Hssk, lb 4 Cass, ef B Wrl't, Sb 6 Breen, c 4 Cof'y, 2b S Hnr'd, ss 4 T. W'r, rf 4 Delb'n, p 2 Mus'r, p 1 0 Moran rf 2 0D'ate, ' ss 4 OIK. W'r, lb 6 0 0 0 0 2 11 0 i ' OlRob'n, ef 1 OjTh'son, If 4 0 .Tones, Sb 4 OlAnrt's, 2b 4 OiSch'dt, c 4 OlRas'n, p 3 OlEast. p 0 I 'Gregory 1 Total 35 9 27 0 Total! 32 10 27 1 Batted for Rasmussen In cigffth. Des Moines 04001 000 0 5 Sioux City 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 04 Two base hits: Hasbrook, E. Walker. Sacrifice hits: Delate, Moran. Gllmore. Stolen bates: Robinson, Moran (2), Rreen, Oasa. " Double play: J. Walker to Breen to Wright. Left on banes: Des Moines, 2; Sioux City. 12. Base, on halls: . Off Delbern, 7: off Musser, 1; off Rasmussen, 2; off East. 1. Struck out:, By Delbern, 3: by Musser, 3: by Rasmussen, 4. Hit by pitched ball: By Delbern (Moran). Time: 2:00. Umpire: Jacobs. Second game: DES MOINES. AB. H. O. K. SIOUX CITT. AB. H. O. K 0 2 0 0 0 2 o 6 o Two-base hits: East. Cass. Three-base hit: Gilmnre. Sacrifice hits: Schmidt, Breen, J. Walker. Stolen base: Hasbrook. Double play: Gilmore to Coffey. Left on bases: Des Moines, 7: Sioux City, 2. Bases on balls: Off Musser, 1. Struck out: By JiuBscr, o; oy r-asr, s, rassca Dalll J. walker. Hit by pitched ball: By East (Breen. Time: 1:20. Umpire: Jacobs. Wichita Takes Both Ends of Double-He'ader With Miners Joplin. Mo.. May 30. Wichita took both ends of a double-header here today. The first game was won in the 13th inning after the score had been tied in the eighth inning on an error, with two men, out. The second game was called in the fifth to permit both teams to catch a train. Score: First game: WICHITA. I JOPLIN. AB. H. O. E C'ow'h, cf 6 Be g r, ss 5 Z 3 OT son. 3b 3 Wilh't, cf 6 4 6 1 2 0 3 O Huls't 2b 6 OIHoran. If ft me H e, ir 9 N'sha. rf 4 3 0 0'B'berk. lb 5 1 14 0 7 0 2 1 fi n n 0 Muel'r. lb 5 0 10 O.Lamb, ss 6 Marr, 3b 4 1 3 0 Mrlver. rf Yar'a'n, 2 11 1 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0'Collins, Carey. 2b 6 Lynch, p 1 N'rm'n, p 3 Malone 1 xLyons 0 Wld'er, p 0 0! Marks, p 4 01 0! 0! Totals . 45 12 39 Totals. .41 6 39 2 Batted for Norman In 13th. xRan for Malone In 13th. Wichita '. 0 00000010000 78 Joplin 000106000000 0 5 Two-base hits: Wllholt, Marr, Cheno weth. Three-baso hits: Yaryan. Sacri fice hits: Wllholt, Marr, McBrlde, Lambs, Marks, Thompson. Sacrifice fly: Mclver Hits: Off Lynch, 4 In 2 2-3: off Norman, 2 In 9 1-3 Innings. Struck out: By Lynch, 1; by Norman, 4; by Walrthauer, 1; by Marks, 4. Baso on halls: Off Lynch 2 off Norman, 4; off Marks, 6. Left on bases: Wichita, 6; Joplin, 11. Time: 2:35 Umpire: Shannon. Second game: WICHITA. I JOPLIN. AB. H. O. E.i AB. H. O. E. Berg'r, ss 2 Whit, ef 3 McB'a, If 2 N'sha, rf 3 M'ler, lb 3 Marr, 3b 2 Yary'n, c 2 Carey, 2b 2 Lyons, p 2 O'Cweth, cf 3 Gore, If 4 2 1 O Mnran, rf 3 0 0 Has'k, lb 4 0 8 OlD'fate, ss 3 0 1 Cass, cf 4 1 2 o!E. W'r, lb 3 0 8 Breen, rf 2 0 0 OlRob'n, cf 3 1 2 J. W'r, c 3 1 S OlTh'son, If 3 0 1 Cof'y, 2b 4 1 4 OUones, 3b 2 1 1 H'ord. ss 4 0 1 OAnd's. 2b 1 0 4 Wr't. 3b 3 0 1 OSeh'dt,. c 1 0 4 Mus'r, p 3 1 0 OiKast. p 2 2 0 Totals 31 6 21 o! Totals 21 4 21 (Called In seventh to catch train.) Des Moines 0 0 0 1 0 0 S- Sloux City 0 0 0 0 0 0 0- 1 1 0. 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 5 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 10 0 0 0 0 4 16 2 0 Tson, 3h 2 OSDiah'd, 2b 1 OIHoran, If 3 OjB'beck, lb 3 1 1 Lamb, ss 2 0' Mclver, rf 2 1 Collins, c 2 0 C'tcher, p 1 Burwell 1 Totals.. 21 8 15 gi Total! Batted for Crutcher In fifth. Game called to allow team to catch train. Wichita 1 1 0 0 3 6 Joplin 0 0 0 0 1 1 Two base hits: Yaryan (2). Three base hit: Berger. Sacrifice hits: McBrlde. Thompson. Struck out: By Lyons, 2. Bases on balls: Off Lyons, 2; off Crutcher, 1. Left on bases: Wichita. 3;, Joplin, 7. Time: 60 minutes. Umpire: Shannon. Tulsa Splits Double-Header With Oklahoma City Team Tulsa. Ok!.', May 30. Tulsa and Oklahoma City broke even in to day's doubJeheader. Tulsa was the seat of the trouble, and rid the system of the cause of the disease? S. S. S. is one blood remedy that has for more than fifty years been giving relief to even the most aggravated and stubborn cases of Rheumatism. It cleanses and puri fies the blood by routing out all traces of disease. The experience of others who have taken S. S. S. will convince you that it will promptly reach your case. You can obtain S. S. Is. at any drug store. A valuable book en Rheumatism and its treatment, together with expert medical advice about your own individual case, will be sent absolutely free. Write today to Medical Department, Swift Specific Co., 250 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga. Adv. SENATORS LOSE DOUBLE-HEADER TON. YANKEES Two Memorial Day Defeats Make Ten Straight Losses for the Washing tan Club. T Washington, May 30. New York made it three straight from Wash ington by winning the afternoon Me morial day game, 6 to 2, after tak ing the morning contest, 4 to 2, in ten innings. Poor pitching, coupled with faulty support, caused the local team to lose this afternoon's game, the tenth consecutive defeat. -'Score: NEW YORK. ) WASHINGTON. AB. H. o. a AB. H. O. E.I Vlck. rf 6 F'w'er, ss 5 Baker, 3b 4 Lewis. If 6 Plpp. lb E Pratt, 2b 3 Bodie, cf 3 Ruel. c 2 Qulnn, p 3 1 1 2 6 2 1 4 1 2 11 0 2 0 2 1 3 2 0 OlJudge. lb 4 0 6 HMurp'y. cf 4 3 01 Foster, Sb 4 OjM'sky, If 4 fl'RIce, rf 4 0'Shanks, 4 o'Leon'd, 5b 4 (VPIc'oh, c 4 0'Ayers, p 2 Oh'rrlty 1 xDavis 0 Crnft, p . 0 Th'p'on, p 0 Totals . 35 14 27 1! Totals 35 11 27 3 Batted for Avers in eighth. xRan for Gharrlty In eighth. New York . 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 4 6 Washington 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 Two base hit: Oharrlf Three base hit: Pipp. Sacrifice hit: Bodie. Double plays: Shanks and Judge: Murphy and Shanks; Qulnn, Fewster and Plpp. Left on bases: New York. S; Washington. 6. First base on error: New York. 1. Bases on balls: Off Ayers, 3; off Craft. 2. Hits: Off Ayers, 11 in R Innings: off Craft. 1 in 1-3 Inning; off Thompson, 2 In 2 2-3 in nings. Struck out: By Qulnn, 3; by Ayers. 1. Passed ball: Rucl. Losing pitcher: Ayers. NEW YORK. I WASHINGTON. AB. H. (). AB. H. O. E. Vick, rf 4 1 5 0 M' 5 0 3 0 F'ter. ss 4 Baker, 3b 5 Lewis If 2 Plpp. lb 4 Pratt, 2b 3 Bodie. cf 4 Han'h, c 3 T'hlen, p 2 Lamar 1 Sh'key, p 1 0 1 4 0 1 3 0 10 0' Foster. 3tt 5 z l o 0 Judge, lb 4 OjRlce rf 3 0!Gh'ty. If 3 OlMurhy, cf 0 0 Shanks, ss 3 niJanv'n, 2b 2 0 Leon'd, 2b 1 O'Agnew, c 3 OjRo't's'n, p 3 J'h'son, p 1 Totals.. 32 8 30 0 Totals S3 7 30 3 Batted for Thormahleu in eighth. New York 000001 01 0 2 4 Washington 010100000 01 Three base hits Bodie. Left on bases New York 5; Washington 7. Bases on balls off Robertson 3: Shawkey 2; Johnson I. Hits: Off Thornahlen. 7 In 7: off Rob ertson. 6 In 8; off Johnson, 2 In 2. Struck out: By Robertson, 2; by Thormahlen, 2; by Johnson, 1. Tigers Take Two. Detroit, May 30. Detroit won both games from St. Louis today, 2 to 0. this morning, and 6 to 2 this afternoon. In (he afternoon game, Cobb's hitting and Dauss' pitching won for Detroit. Score: ST. LOUIS. 1 DETROIT. AB. H. O. E. AB. . O. E. Aus'n, 3b 3 0 0 l'Bush, ss 3 I 1 0 R'kle, 2b 3 1 1 1! Young, 2b 3 0 0 0 Tobln, If 3 1 4 OCobb, cf 4 3 3 0 Sisler, lb 4 12 0Veach, If. 3 2 3 0 .Tac'n, cf 4 11 0 Heil'n, lb 3 1 12 0 Sloan rf 2 0 1 OWa'd, rf 4 1 4 0 O'ber.' ss t 0 2 Ollones, 3b 4 0 0 0 Sevc'd. c 3 1 2 OlAlns'b, c 4 1 2 0 Sh'ker, p 1 0 1 OlDauss, p 3 0 2 0 Koob, plOOOl Wrl'ht, p 0 0 0 0 Totals 31 9 27 0 Smith 1 0 0 0 Totals 27 4 24 2! Batted for Koob in eighth, ' St. Louis I i 0 0 0 0 0 0 05 Detroit 2 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 6 Two-base hits: Cobb (2), Flagstaff. Bronkle Cobb, Alnsmith. Sacrifice . hits: Young, Sloan, Bronkle. Veach. Sacrifice flies: Tobin, Dauss. Double plays: Dauss to Hellmann, Geber to Bronkle to Sisler. Left on bases: St. Louis, 3; Detroit, 8. First base on errors: Detroit, 2. Bases on balls: Off Koob, 1; off Wright, 1. Hits: Off Shocker, 5 in two innings; off Koob, 3 in five innings; off Wright, 1 in one inning. Hit by pitched ball: By Dauss (Gerber). Struck out: By Koob, ,2; by Dauss, 2. Losing pitcher: Shocker. ST. LOUIS. I DETROIT. AB. H. O. V.. AB. H. O. E. Sisler, lb 4 1 19 01 Bush, ss 4 0 0 0 J'c'b'n, cf 4 o voung. ZD ( i Sloan, rf 2 Gerber, ss 3 Blll'gs. c 2 W'm'n, p 2 B'kle. 2b 1 Sev'eld, c 1 Smith 1 Koob, p ( 01 Cobb, cf 4 1'Voo'ch, If 3 O H'm'n, lb 3 OlFl'st'd, rf 3 OUones, 3b 1 O Al'mlth, c 2 0 Ehmke, p 3 ! 0 1 1 4 1 11 1 1 1 0 0 8 0 0 Total!.. 29 1 24 1 Totals.. .27 4 27 0 Batted for Weilman in eighth. St. Louis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n 0 Detroit 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 Two base hits: Gedeon (2). Flagstoad. Three base hits: Veach, Heilman. Left forced to use two pitchers in the outfield. Score, first game: OKLAHOMA CITY. AB. H. O. E TULSA . H. O. E. 2 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 '0 10 0 0 2 0 2 6 0 0 6 1 18 0 0 10 0 0 0 27 1 0 0 35 Griggs, rf 4 1 2 0'Wuffll, ss 3 B'ns'n, 2b 5 2 Falk, cf 5 2 3 1 9 0'G'wln, 2b 2 OlC'land, 3b 4 OlDavIs, rf 3 0'H'wltt, If 4 0 Brok'w, cf 4 Ad'ms. lb 6 1 Nutt. If 2 0 L'm'e, ss 4 1 S'p'i'r. 3b 3 1 Grirth, c 4 1 Dennis, p 4 2 n I'Wano, lb 6 ( 0O'B'en, 0 4 0 0 Haines, p 3 I'Manlon 1 Totals. 36 11 27 II Totals.. .33 Batted for Haines in ninth. Tulsa 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Two base hit: Dennis. Three base hit: Adams. Sacrifice hit: Goodwin. Stolen bases: Wuffll. O'Brien. Bases on balls: Off Dennis, 3: off Haines, 4. Hit by pitched ball: Wano. Struck out: By Dennis. S; by Haines, 6. Left on bases: Oklahoma City, 9: Tulsa, 8. Time: 2:00. Umpires: Daly and Schaffiy. Score second game: OKLAHOMA CITY. I TULSA AB. H. O. E. AB. H. O. E. Gr'gs, rf 4 B'son, 2b 4 Falk. cf 4 Ada's, lb 4 Nutt. rf 3 L'ore, ss 4 S'ser, 3b 4 Gr'tth. c 3 Gr'fln. p . 3 0 4 1 0 Wffle, ss 4 0 2. 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 2 1 10 0 5 0 1 1 6 0 ' 1 G'wln. 2b 4 0 1 2 14 0 0 1 3 1 0 0 1 1 1 OlCle'd, 3b 3 0Davls, rf 1 0H't, If, rf 4 LB'w. 3 HWano, lb 2 0: Bay nr. if 1 J-lIan n. c 3 Sparks, P Totals 33 6 24 4 I Totals 28 5 27 Oklahoma City 00100010 0 2 Tulsa 0 0 0 3 0 1 0 0 x 4 Two base hits: Davis, Hewitt, Brokaw, Griffin, Adams. 2. Sacrlfcle hits: Cleve land, Davis. 2. Bases on balls: Off Sparks, 1; off GrtfTln. 2. Struck out: By Sparks. 4; by Griffin, 1. Left on bases! Tulsa, 4; Oklahoma City. 6. Double play: Griffith to Llndemore to Adams. Time: 1:39. Umpires; Palv and Scbaftly on bases: St. Louis. 6; Detroit, 4. Bases on balls: Off Weilman, 3; off Ehmke, 2. HUs: Off Weilman. 5 In 7 Innings; off Koob, none In 1 Inning. Struck out: By Wetjman, 3; by Ehmke, 6; by Koob, 1. Athletics Split. ''Philadelphia, May 30. After Dumont passed two batsmen in the 10th Inning, .lames was e'nt to the rescue of Boston in the afternoon game with Philadelphia. Roth hunted to James, who tried to hurry the ball to third, and In falling to do this, he filled .the bases and then struck George Burns on the elbow with the ball, and the Athletics won, 4 to 3, without a man out in the 10th. Boston won the morning game, 10 to 6. Score: PHILADELPHIA BOSTON. AB. H. O. E.I AB. H. U. K. Pearce, ss 4 Wms. cf 4 Meus'l, If 4 Lud"s. lb 4 C'vath, rf 1 Baird, 3b 4 lSmith. If 5 OlHers'g. 2b 2 OlRI'gs. 2b 3 OlPowell. rf 4 0' Thorpe, cf 4 OHolke, lb 4 0'B'k'b'e. 3b 3 3 2 2 1 1 0 1 5 2 2 2 12 1 0 Wted, 2b 3 1 Cady, 0!.M'vllle. ss 4 OKJowdy, c 3 o'McQ'n, p 1 li Keating, p 2 01. St i 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sicking 1 Adams, c 1 P'k'rd, p 2 Pr'gast, p 0 xCalUhan 1 Smith, p 0 Totals . 31 7 24 2! Totals... U5 15 27 2 None out when winning run scored. xBatted for" Perry in eighth. Boston 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 3 Philadelphia 000001002 14 Two base hits: RuthflMcNally, Shannon, Roth, Dugan. Three base hits: Thomas, Witt. Home run: Ruth. Sacrifice hits: McNally, Hooper, Ruth. Double plays: Shean, Mclnnls and McNally; Shean and Mclnnts; McNally, Shean and Mclnnls; Pennock and Mclnnls. Left on bases: Boston. 9; Philadelphia, 8. Bases oh balls: Off Perry, 2; off Pennock, 1; off Dumont, 2. Hits: Off Perry, 7 In S in nlnsrs: off Kinney, 2 in 2 Innings; off Pennock. 12 in 8 1-3 Innings; off Dumont. 1 in 2-3 inning; off James, 1 (non out in 10th). Hit by pitched ball: By James (Burns). Struck out: By Pennock. 2; by Dumont, 1. Wild pitch: Pennock. Winning pitcher: Kinney. Losing pitcher: Dumont. BOSTON. AB. H. O. E.1 PHILADELPHIA. AB. H. O. E H'per, rf 4 2 Shean. 2b 4 1 Strunk, cf 4 0 Ruth, p 6 3 Mcln's, lb 6 0 Scha'g, c 3 1 Vltt. 3b 1 1 OjWitt. If 5 0 Shan'n, 2h 3 OlRoth, rf 4 OlBurns, lb 3 OlWalker, cf 4 l( Dugan, ss 4 olTho'RS, Db 3 Scott, ss 4 2 Ollh'y, If 4 1 2 OI.McA'y, c 4 2 ' nlOeary, p 2 1 ol.Naylor, p 0 Grover 1 Seibold, p 0 McN'y, 3b 1 1 Totals 35 12 27 1 Totals 33 11 27 2 Batted for Naylor in 7th. Boston 1 0 0 0 3 3 1 2 010 Philadelphia 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 16 Two brse hits: Witt, Walker, Vltt, Mc Nally. Ruth, McAvoy. Home run: Walker. Double plays: Scott, Shean to Mclnnls. Left on bases: Boston. 4; Philadelphia, 4. Bases on balls: off Geary, 2; Ruth, 3; Naylor, 1. Hits: off Geary. 7 In 5 1-3 innings; off Naylor, 3 In 1 2-3. Struck out: by Geary, 2; Ruth, 2; Naylor, 1; Seibold, 1. White Sox Trim Indians Twice. Chicago, May 30. Chicago, by defeating Cleveland, 3 to 2, in the afternoon game, before the largest crowd of the season, gave the visitors their second defeat of the day, having won the morning game, 4;to 1. Score: CLEVELAND. CHICAGO. AB. H. O. E. AB. H. O. E. Iraney.lf 4 0 3 Oil.iebold, rf 3 1 2 1 Cha'n. ss 4 3 3 1 Wea'er. 3b 4 1 10 Spe'er, f 4 1 2 0 10. Col's, 2b 3 1 4 1 Wood, rf 3 0 0 0 lack'n.lf 2 13 0 Jard'r, 3b 4 1 0 0 Pelsch. cf 3 1 4 0 Wa'ss. 2b 3 0 4 0 Gandil, lb 4 1 7 0 loh'n. lb 3 2 12 1 Rlsberg, ss 3 2 2 0 O'Neill, c 3 0 1 0 Schalk. c 3 .0 4 0 Ja'leson 0 0 0 0 Wlll'ms, p 2 0 0 0 Chle. p 0 0 0 0 Cov'kl. p 2 1 0 0 Nun'er, c 1 0 1 0 Totals 31 8x26 2 Totals 27 8 27 2 Ran for O'Nell In eighth. n Two out when winning run scored. Cleveland 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 1 2 Chicago 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 2 Two-base hit: Chapman. Sacrifice hits: Williams, E. Collins. Wood, Jack son. Sacrifice fly: Rlsberg. Double plays: Wambagunss to Johnston (3), E. Collins to Rlsbyrg to Gandil. Left on bases: Chicago, 6; Cleveland, 3. First base on errors: Chicago. 2; Cleveland. 1. Base on balls: Off Cloveleskle. 2; off Uhle, 1. Hits: Off Coveleskle, 6 in sevn Innings; off Uhle, 3 in one and two-thirds innings. Struck out: By Williams. 4; by Uhle, 1. Losing pitcher: Coveleskle. CLEVELAND. , CHICAGO. AB. H. O. E.I AB. H. O. E. Gr'ey. If 2 1 2 OLIebold rf 3 0 0 0 C'man, ss 4 1 2 0J. Ci, rf 1 0 3 0 Sp'ker, cf 4 2 6 O'W'ver, ,3b 4 2 2 0 Smith, rf 4 0 2 01 E. C's, 2b 3 0 0 0 G'ner, 3b 4 0 0 OlJ'kson, If 3 1 1 0 W'g's, 2b 3 0 2 0FTsch, cf 4 3 3 0 J'ston. lb 3 0 10 liGandll. lb 4 113 0 O'Neill, c 3 0 1 OiRlsb'rg, ss 4 2 0 0 Bagby, p 2 0 0 0 Schalk, c 3 1 4 0 J'm's'n, pi 0 0 0! I Faber, p 3 0 1 0 ioiais..3u Z4 1 Totals...32 10 27 0 Cleveland 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 Chicago o 9 2 0 0 0 0 13 Two base hits: Chapman, Speaker. Weaver,- Rlsberg, Felsch. Three base hit: Weaver, Graney, Schalk. Double plavs: Felsch to Weaver; Wambsganss, Chap man to Johnston. Left on bases: Cleve land, 4; Chicago, 7. Bases on balls: Off Faber, 2; off Bagby, 2. Hits: Off Bagbv. 9 In 4 Innings (none out in fifth); off Jamleson, 1 In 4 Innings. Struck out: By Bagby, 1; by Faber, 3. . American Association. Indianapolis, Ind.. May 30. First game. R. H. E. Louisville 5 jo 1 Indianapolis i 5 3 Batteries DavIh ' and Meyers; Steele and Gossett. Second game: ' R. H. E. ..373 ..251 Kocher; Louisville Indianapolis Batteries Long. Davis Crum, Voyle and Leary and Columbus. O., May 30. Morning game. ' R. H. E. Toledo ,5 10 2 Columbus g 9 1 (10 innings.) Batterlesy-Ferguson Parke1 and Hartley. and Murphy; second game: R. H. E. Toledo 4 8 6 Columbus 9 I ( Battery Sanders and Murphy; George and Wagner. Milwaukee, Wis., May 30. First game: R. H. E. Kansas City 4 3 Milwaukee 6 9 4 Batteries Slattery, Graham and Brock; Williams and Huhn. Second game: R. H. E. Kansas City 12 11 2 Milwaukee 5 7 2 Batteries Hall and LaLange; Jasper, Hanson, Maeth and Huhn. St. Paul, May 30. Morning game: K. H. B. Minneapolis 4 8 3 St. Paul 6 9 0 Batteries Robertson and Owens; Mon roe, Hall and Hargrave. Minneapolis, May 30. Afternoon game: R. H. E. St. Paul 21 14 1 Minneapolis 5;2 9 Battery Griner, Merritt and -Hargrave; Hovllk. Whitehouse, Roberson, Palmero and Owens. v Sam Who was the first kaiseV? Bull How do 1 know? Ask me some thing easy. Sam Something easy? , Bull Yes; ask me who's th la-si Lon don Opinion. 1 BRAVES CAPTURE DOUBLE-HEADER FROM QUAKERS Get Six Runs in Each Game to Philadelphia's Three and Nothing, Rs spectively. Boston, May 30. Boston took both games from Philadelphia to day, winning in the forenoon, 6 t 3, and in the afternoon, 6 to 0. Ru dolph allowed Philadelphia only five scattered hits in the afternoon. Score: PHILADELPHIA. I BOSTON. AB. H. O. E. AB. H. O. E. Pearce, ss 4 C Cruise, cf 4 2 I O'Ra'gs. 2b 4 0 2 OlPowell, rf 4 2 2 Will's, cf 4 Meusel, If 4 Lud's, lb 4 Cra'th, rf 3 Balrd, 3b 3 Wh'd. 2b 3 Adams, c 3 Jacobs, p 3 Thorpe, If 1 1 1 Smith, If 1 1 1 Holke, lb 4 2 11 B'ck'e. 3b 3 1 1 Mar'le. ss 3 1 1 Rowdy, c 4 1 6 Rud'ph, p 3 1 0 Totals SI 6 24 Philadelphia Boston 1 Totals 31 12 27 1 ...00000000 0 0 ...02200020 6 Two base hit: Adams. Three base hit: Powell. Stolen base: Powell. Sacrifice hits? Iaranville, Cruise. Sacrifice fly: Smith. Left on bases: Philadelphia. 4; Boston, 9. Bases on balls: Off Jacobs, 6. Struck out: By Rudolph, 4. Wild pitch? Jacobs. Morning game: BOSTON. I PHILADELPHIA. AB. H. O. E.I AB. H. O. E. H'per. rf 4 2 0 W'itt, If 4 3 O'Sha'n, 2b 4 2 Shean, 2b 5 0 Str'n, cf 5 3 Ruth, If 4 2 Mi's, lb 6 0 Schang c 4 1 M'N'y. 3b 3 1 Scott, ss 4 2 Pen'k. p 3 0 Dum't, p 0 0 James, p 0 0 1 0 -4 1 2 18 1 0 1 3 3 2 0 4 0 1 0 0 0 0 OlRoth, rf 5 0Burns, lb 4 0 W'al'r, cf 4 OiDugan. ss 4 O Tho's. 3b 3 OjPer'ns, c 4 0! Perry, p , 2 ojKlnney, p 0 0 xGrover 1 ""otals 37 27 01 Totals 35 14 30 1 Batted for Cady in eighth. xBatted for Prendergast in eighth. Philadelphia 00000000 3 3 Boston 0 0 2 0 2 1 1 0 6 Two-base hits: Whltted. McQuillan, Smith, Holke. Three base hits: Meusel. Maranville. Double plays: Keating to Maranville to Holke (2); Maranville to Holke. Left on bases: Philadelphia, 5; Boston, 11. Bases on balls: Off Prender gast. 2; off Smith, 1: off Keating, 3. Hits: Off Packard, 1 1 in 5 innings; off Prender gast, 2 In 2 innings; off Smith, 2 In 1 Inning: off McQuillan. 1 in 3 innings; off Keating. 6 in 6 Innings. Struck out: By Packard, 1; by Prendergast, 1. Giants Take Two. New York. May 30. New Tork won two games from Brooklyn today by 6 to 2 In the morning and by 4 to 1 in the afternoon. The Superbas have now suf fered five consecutive defeats. Tn the afternoon game the Giants made 13 hits against Smith's pitching. Score: BROOKLYN. NEW YORK. AB. H. O. E. ' AB. If. o K Olson, ss 3 Magee, 2b 2 Grlf'h, .rf 1 .lohn'n, rf 2 a.Wh't, If 3 Hick'n, If 1 Mcy's, cf 4 Koney, lb 3 Mal'e, 3b 4 Miller, c 3 Cheney, p 2 Sch'dt 1 Cadore, p 0 0 1 0 1 Burns, If 4 Young, rf 3 Chase, lb 3 Doyle. 2b ' 4 Kauff, cf 4 Zlm'n. 3b 4 Flet'er, ss 2 McC'ty, c 3 Perrltt, p 1 Schupp, p 1 1 2 2 2 0 11 1 . 1 0 0 2 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 2. 0 0 11 0 1 ' 2 1 0 4 0 2. 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 29 4 24 3 Totals 29 7 27 0 Batted for Cheney in seventh. Brooklyn 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 02 New York .2 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 6 Two base hit: Young. Home run: Zimmerman. Double play: Malone to Konetchy. Left on bases: New York, 3; Brooklyn, 6. Bases on balls: Off Perrltt, 2; off Schupp, 1. Hits: Off Perrltt, 2 in 2 Innings (none out In third); off Schupp, 2 In 7 Innings; off Cheney, 6 In Innings; off Cadore, 2 In 2 Innings. Hit by pitched ball: By Perrltt, 1; by Cheney, 1. Struck out: By Perrltt, 1; by Schupp, 3; by Cheney, 2. Morning game: - BROOKLYN. NEW YORK. AB. H. O. E.i AB. H. O. E. Olson, ss 2 0 1 Magee, 2b 2 0 1 Grlf'th, rf 1 0 0 J'ston. rf 2 1 1 Z. W't. If. 3 0 1 H'man, If 1 0 0 Mey'rs cf 4 2 2 K'thy, lb 3 0 11 Mal'e, 3b 4 1 2 Miller, c 3 0 4 Ch'ney. p 2 0 1 Schm'dt 10 0 Cadore, p 0 0 0 O Burns, If 4 1 2 0' Young, rf 8 2 2 2 Chase, lb 3 0 11 0i Doyle, 2b 4 1 1 0: Kauff, cf 4 0 3 0'Z'm'n, 3b 4 1 2 0 Fl'h'er, ss 2 0 2 0 McC'ty, c 3 2 4 1 Perrltt, p 1 0 0 O'Si'hupp, p 1 0 0 0 0 A Totals.. 29 4 24 3 Totals . .29 7 27 0 Brooklyn 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 New York 00 1 1 0020 4 Two base hits: Magee, Young. Doyle. Three base hit: Doyle. Home run: Konetohy. Stolen bases; Konetchy (21. Double plays: Magee and Konetchy; Smith, Olson and Konetchy. Left on bases: New York, 6; Brooklyn, 7. First base on error: New York, 1. Bases on balls: Off Barnes. 2. Struck out: By Barnes, 2; by Smith, 3. Cardinals Lick Cubs Twice. St. Louis, Mo., May 30. St. Louis hit Alexander and Diiglas hard and twice defeated Chicago today. The scores were 6 to 4 and 4 to 1. Chicago outhit St. Louis in the first game, but the locals made all but one of their hits factors In the scoring. In the second game Good win held the Cubs to five hits. Score: CHICAGO. ST. LOUIS. AB. H. O. B. AB. H. O. E Flack, rf 6 Pick. 2b 3 Hol'r, ss 3 Pas't, cf 4 M'kle, lb 4 Mann, If 4 Kil'f, 3b 3 Kll'fer c 3 M'Cabe 0 Daly, c 1 Alex-r, p 1 x Barber 1 Martin, p0 sLear 1 Carter, p 0 1 2 OShot'n. If 4 0 2 0 1 4 OiSmlth, rf 8 0 3 0 0 0 O'Stock. 3b 3 1 1 0 2 0 OIH'sby, ss i 2 2 2 2 11 O P'ette, lb 4 2 13 0 2 1 OlH'cole, cf 3 1 1 0 1 OlMll'r, 2b 3 1 3 0 3 OjSnyder. c i 1 2 0 0 01 May, p 0 0 0 0 2 llAmes, p 0 0 0 0 0 0i('lem's 110 0 0 OKxFlsh'n 0 0 0 0 0 0 H'man, p 0 0 0 0 0 OI.M'dows, p 2 0 1 0 Totals 33 13 24 1 Totals 29 I 27 2 Ran for Killefer In sixth. . xBatted for Alexander in sixth. 1 zBatted for Martin tn eighth Batted for Ames In second.' xxRan for demons In second. . Chicago 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 04 St. IkiuIs 0 2 2 0 1 0 0 0 5 Two-base hits: Taskert, Merkle, dem ons, Paulette. Jhree-base hits: Mann. Stol en bases: Pick, Mann, Smith. Sacrifice hits. Alexander. Pick, Heatheole, Horstman. Double plays: Shotton, Miller, Paulette and Snyder; Hollocher, Pick and Merkle: Smith, Snyder and Stork: Hornsby, Paul ette. Left '.n bases: Chicago, 9: St. Louis. 7. First base on errors: Chicago 1. Bases on balls: off Alexander, 4; Carter. 1: Ames, 1; Hortsman, 2; Madows, 1. Hits: off Alexander, 8 In 5; off Martin. 1 In 2: off May, 1 in 1-3; off Ames, 4 In 1 2-3; oif Hortsman, 4 in 2: (None out in sixth). Hit by pitcher: by May. Pick. Struck out: by Alexander, 3; Martin, I. Wild pitch: Meadows. winning pitcher: Meadows Losing pitcher: Alexander. CHICAGO. I ST. LOUIS. Flack, rf 4 0 J 0! AB. H. O. E. Pick, 2b 4 0 0 0'Shot'n. If 4 2 2 0 Hol'er, ss 4 1 3 1 Smith, rf 4 2 0 Pask't, cf 4 1 0 O Stock, 3b 4 0 2 M'kle, lb 3 0 11 O li'sbv. ss 4 0 1 Menn. If 3 1 3 rp iet-ee, lb 4 2 13 Kild'f, 3b 3 1 1 0!H'cole, cf 3 0 4 Kll'fer, o 3 1 4 2 Miller. 2b 3 1 1 D'glas, p 2 0 0 nlrtem's. c 8 0 4 Lear 1 0 0 0'Q'd'wln, p 3 2 0 0 1 1 1 ' Carter, pOOOO; I Totals.. .32 27 2 Totals.. 31 5 21 4 Batted for Douglas in eighth. Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 01 St. Louis 0 1 001200 x 4 Two base hits: Smith. Stolen base: Merkle. Sacrifice hit: Heatheole. Dou ble plays: Stock and Paulette; Stock. Mil ler and Paulette. Left on bases: Chicago, 4; St. Louis, 5. First base on errors: Chi cago. 2. Bases on balls: Off Goodwin, 1. Kits: Off Douglas, 9 In 7 Innings. Struck out: By Douglas, 2; by Goodwin, 1. Los ing pitcher: Douglas. Pirates Twice. Pittsburgh. May 30. Pittsburgh de feated Cincinnati in the afternoon game, after taking the morning contest by a score of 3 to 2, and the afternoon game by t to 2. Score: CINCINNATI. I PITTSBURGH. AB. H. O. E.J - AB. H. O. E. Rath, 2b 4 2 2 0 Blgbee, cf 2 2 2 0 Neale, if 4 2 1 OiTerry, ss 5 2 1 0 Groh, 8b 1 1 0'Stengel, rf 4 1 3 0 Roush, cf 4 1 3 OlB'ckel, 3b 4 1 1 0 Kopf. t 1 1 otSo'w'th, If 2 1 1 1 Dab't. lb 4 1 8 O'Cuts'w, 2b 3 1 8 0 Cueto, rf 4 1 2 0 Moll'tz. lb 2 0 13 0 Ra'den, e 1 0 OlSween'y, c 2 0 3 0 Eller, p 1 1 0 0'Cooper. p 3 0 1 0 M'chell, p 2 0 0 l Totals.. 31 10 24 Clncinntai Pittsburgh 1 Totals 26 8 27 1 ...0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 02 ...0 1 200000 3 Stengel. Stolen base: Three base hit Mollwltz. Sacrifice hit: Cutshaw. Sacri fice files: Kopf, Groh, Mollwltz. Double plays: Stengel and Mollwltz; Terry, Cut thaw and Mollwltz. Left on bases: Cin cinnati,. 6; Pittsburgh. 7. First base on balls: Oft Eller, 3; off Mitchell, 3. Hits: Off Eller, 6 in 2 Innings (none out in third); off Mitchell, 2 in 6 innings; off Cooper. 10 in 9 innings. Hit by pitched ball: B, Copper (Kopf). Balk: Mitchell. Struck out: By Mitchell, 3: by Cooper, 3. Winning pitcher: Cooper. Losing pitcher: Eller. CINCINNATI. I PITTSBURGH. AB. H. O. B. AB. H. O. E. Rath, 2b 4 0 2 Neale, If 3 0 1 Groh. 3b 4 I 1 Roush, cf 3 1 3 Kopf, ss 4 0 2 Dau't, lb 4 1 12 Cueto, rf 2 1 0 OIBIgbee, cf 3 OiTerry, ss 4 01 Stengel, rf 3 OiBoec'l. 3b 2 HS'th'th. If 3 OlCuts'w, 2b 4 fli Moll's, lb 3, c 4 01 Miller, p 4 01 0 Wlngo, c 3 Bress'r, p 1 Ring, p 1 Ruet'r, p 1 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 30 5 24 2 Totals 30 9 27 3 Cincinnati 21 000000 fi-Vl Pittsburgh 0 1 2 0 1 2 3 0 9 Two base hits: Cueto, Roush, Blgbee. Three base hits: Groh, Terry, Boeckel. Cutshaw (2). Double play: Kopf and Daubert, Left on bases: Cincinnati, 3: Pittsburgh, 6. First base on balls: Off Bressler, 1; off Ring, 5; off Ruether. 1: off Miller, 1. Hits: Off Bressler, 4 In 2 1-3 innings; off Ring, 3 in 4 innings; off Ruether. 2 in 1 2-3 innings; off Miller, 5 in 9 innings. College Games. Iowa City, la.. May 80. ((Special Tele gram) Two double plays and snappy in field work by the Iowa defense feaurrd the defeat of Indiana this afternoon by a score of seven to three. Hamilton struck out nine jrien. Score by innings: Iowa 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 x 7 9 1 Indiana 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 3 7 4 Batteries Hamilton and Olson; Kunkel, Rauschenbach and Harold Chamberlain. At New Haven: Fordham, 4; Yale, 2 (13 innings). At Wllliamstown; Williams, 6; Am herst, 3. At Bethlehem, Pa.: Pennsylvania, 6; Lehigh, 7. Southern Association. First game: At Little Rock. Little Rock, 3; New Orleans. 2. At Little Rock, 2; New Orleans, 1. At Chattanooga. Chattanooga. 1 Birm ingham. 0. At Memphis. Memphis, 5; Mobile, 6. At Nashville. Nashville. 1; Atlanta, 2. Second games: At Chattanooga. Chattanooga, 1; Birmingham, 2. At Memphis. Memphis, 8; Mobile, 1. At Nashville. Nashville. 1; Atlanta, 0. I Appreciation for the Dead r sat I Our sincere appreciation of your accomplishments for Humanity, Posterity and High Ideals. Welcome Home i i ! HOTEL , 1 Base Ball Standings. WESTKBN I.EAOIE. Won. Lost. Pet. .17 9' .1,54 .16 11 .i.93 .14 13 .511 .13 13 .500 .13 13 .500 .12 14 .4(12 .11 IB .407 . 16 .360 a ; Dc Moines 0 I'M AHA 0 Tulsa I Sioux City i Oklahoma City Joplin Wichita Yesterday' Results. Omaha. 3 8; St. Joseph, 1-7. Tulsa, 0-4; Oklahoma City. 6-2 Des .Moines, 4-5; Sioux City, 0-4 Wichita. 8-5; Joplin, 1-1. fiames Today. Omaha at Dcs Moines. Tulsa at Wichita. Siuux City at St. Joseph. Joplin at Oklahoma City. NATIONAL I.EAt.l K. Won. Lost. Pit New York 21 7 .750 Cincinnati 18 12 .600 Brooklyn 16 12 .671 Pittsburgh 14 16 .467 Chicago 13 16 .444 Philadelphia 11 14 .440 Boston 9 16 .360 St. Louis 10 19 .345 Yesterday's Results. Boston, 6-6; Philadelphia, 0-3. New York, 6-4; Brooklyn, 2-1. St. Louis, 6-4; Chicago, 4-1. Pittsburgh, 3-9; Cincinnati, 2-3. Game Today. Philadelphia at Boston. Cincinnati at Pittsburgh. Brooklyn at New York. Chicago at St. Louis. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Won. Losl. Pet. Chicago 23 7 .767 Cleveland 18 10 .643 New York 14 ' 10 .53 St. Louis 14 13 .519 Detroit 13 15 .464 Boston 10 15 ,400 Washington 8 18 .308 Philadelphia 6 19 .208 Yesterday's Results. New York. 6-4; Washington, 2-1. Philadelphia, 4-fi; Boston, 3-10. Chicago, 3-4; Cleveland, 2-1, Detroit, 6-2; St. Louis. 2-0. Games Today. Cleveland at Chicago. New York at Washington. St. Louis at Detroit. Boston at Philadelphia. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. Won. Lost. St. Paul 19 9 Pet. .679 .616 .600 .548 .467 .467 .375 .333 Columbus 16 Louisville 15 Indianapolis 17 Minneapolis 14 Kansas City 14 Milwaukee 12 Toledo 8 10 10 14 16 16 20 16 Yesterday's Results. Louisville, 3-5; Indianapolis, 2-1. Kansas City, 4-12: Milwaukee, 6 Toledo, 5-4; Columbus. 6-9. Minneapolis, 4-5; St. Paul. 6-21. Caddock Says Will Wrestle Anyone if Can Get in Shape Des Moines, la.. May 30 "Give me a little time to get into shape and I'll meet any one in the world who thinks he has a claim to the heavyweight wrestling champion ship," Earl Caddock, who recently returned from overseas, declared here today en route to his home in Walnut, Ia. "However, I meant what I said in New York a few weeks ago," said Caddock, "and if I find I cannot get back into shape I shall retire from the wrestling game and devote my time to farming." Amateur Games Today. COMMERCIAL LEAGUE. Miller Park Western Union vs. Biscuit Co., 3:30 p. m. Rlverview Park Bemls Bag vi Iten Or- chard Wilhelm, 3:30 p. m. CHURCH LEAGUE. Fontenelle Park Pearl Memorials vs Grace M. K. 3.: 30 p. m. Thirty-second and. Dewey Avenue Han scorn Tarks vs. M. E. Wops. 3:30 p. m. Welcome for the Living Hi;i,;ii; i.iiii.Lhi'.i.'.-'ii'.i FONTENELLE H. EDGAR GREGORY, Res dent Manager The Armours open their series jl two games with the Tennessee Rats today at Rourke park. Today's game will he called at 4 p. 111., tn give everybody a chance to attend. Manager Williams of the Armours is still undecided who he will send to the mound, as he is very anxious to win the first name. His choice lies between Andy Graves and Sku pa, the hip south paw, who hails from the South Side. Sullivan's arm has gone had and he will not pitch in the series. Dyke will pitch the Sunday game. Manager Urown of the colcired, fioys expects to pitch Dennie, one of the best colored pitchers in the country. He holds the strike-out record, next to Donaldson. The Armours will present a nov elty iii their new outfielder. Twin, an Indian from Carlisle. Popular prices will prevail and it is hoped a good crowd will attend. The old state leaguer. Smith, will probably do the receiving for the Armours. Following is the line-up of both teams: ARMOl'RS. Smith .... Dyko Graves .... Skuna Ryan Williams . M. Collins TENNKSSEK RATS. Marshall . c . . . . .p. . . . .p .p . . . .lb.. -2b... . s s . . . . l.ennio Moppln Johnson . . Hicks Ooodali . . Tittle Corcoran .3h. . . J. Collins If. Harsis Sullivan c Sti Stir Al. Graves rf Anderson Twin rf Casern extra Tosses Holmes Defeat Plattsmouth in Close Eleven-Inning Game The Ernie Holmes defeated Plattsmouth in eleven innings by the score of 3 to 2. Langer started the game and allowed but one hit in eight innings and two runs, the runs resulting from a wild pitch after two men were out in the fourth. Moore relieved Langer after the lat ter had injured .his leg sliding to second and held the Plattsmouth hitters safe the rest of the game. The Holmes scored in the sixtli on O'Keefe's single, steal of second, and home on Langer's double. In the seventh the Holmes tied the game on Holbrook's single, steal of second and scored on Martin's single- , In the eleventh O'Keefe singled, stole second and scored on Jimmy Moore's double. Golf Notes Happy Hollow Club. About 140 players took part in an 18-hole handicap medal play quali fying round, the 10 low net scorers taking part in a swatfest, starting from No. 10 tee, the high man drop ping out oji eacli hole, all ties being putted off, with the following result. Starting at 10 the players dropped out in the following order: A. E. Houghton, Harold Moer. E. R. Per fect, J. A. Epeneter, F. B. Weppner, Harold Montgomery, B. H. Meile and A. P. Murtagh, leaving Fred A. (Euscaden and James H. Conrad to play the last hole which they tied, and on putting off Cuscaden won the trophy presented by A. H. Bewsher to the winner, while J. H. Conrad gets the runner-up prize presented by E. E- Kimberly. Owing to the' rule that all cards must be in by 5 p. m. Wally Shepard and F. W. Por ter, both playing from scratch, did not get through in time, both re turning scores of 81, while 82 net qualified. , Today, there will be a handicap match against Bogey, 16- to qualify for the Jack Beaten trophy, and also a special prize presented by R. E. Montgomery. The course is in the, best shape it has been for several years.