15 Omaha's Parks' Welcome the 89th. Memorial Day THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, MAY SO, 1919. fflUM WAR VETERANS TO ATTEND KRUG PARK PROGRAM A Special Commemoration Program Has Been Ar ranged at Popular Resort. Veterans of the civil, Spanish and i lie world war art Invited to Krug park Memorial day their uniform to be their passport at the gate. Prep arations have been made for a com plete commemoration program on this day. Judge Lee Estelle will be the speaker of the afternoon and F. C Lee will be the Reader. In addition 10 the regular musical program an old soldier quartet will be on hand men whose combined civil war serv ice was more than 14 years and whose combined ages today is 298 years. It is composed of D. M. Ilaverly, 75 years old; E. W. John son, 74; W. H. Russell, 75, and George F. Bancroft, 74. They will sing a number of patriotic airs. All will be in-uniform. " "Swanee River," the newest at traction at the park will be opened to the public on Memorial Day. It is an old mill sort of attraction with boati for all to ride and the whole going through various tunnels and underground passages. Another feature just installed at the park is the new baby play ground a part of the park for the children exclusively. There is in- eluded in it's equipment a big sand pile, a merry-go-round that the chil dren can operate themselves, slides, seesaws and other, play ground at tractions. An attendant will be in charge of it. We Have Moved Thousands Why Not You. We have moved thou sands of families and we aie more than satisfied that they were pleased in every instance with the quick and efficient way in which we moved them. omaha van & stora'geco. Phone Douglas 4163. 806 South 16th Street. Plans for Celebration of Memorial Day Completed Graves of War Veterans to Be Decorated in the Morn ingBig Parade, Headed by Police, to Start at 1 :30 P. M. From Twenty-fourth and Farnam Streets. A Memorial Day such as Omaha has never seen before -will be cele brated today. The return of the men of the 89th division from France will in no way interfere with the regular program of pa rades, Memorial meeting and decor ating of the graves of the civil war veterans. Grand Marshal F. W. Simpson has completed plans for the parade which will form at Twenty-fourth and Farnam streets and move at 1:30 o'clock in the afternoon, east on Farnam street to Fifteenth street and thence south to the Auditorium where the memorial exercises' will be held. The Grand. Army veterans and women of the Relief Corps will join the parade at Nineteenth and Far nam streets, under command of Capt. Joseph Mallison, assistant marshal. Police to Head Parade. The parade will be headed by a platoon of police and Grand Mar shal Simpson. Then will come a band, soldiers from Fort Omaha and Fort Crook, the Elks, real estate men, students of Creighton university, Knights of Columbus, High school cadets, returned sol diers, Spanish-American war veter ans and Sons of Veterans. The Grand Army men will enter the parade at this point and be fol lowed by Rev. L. D. Young of Lin coln, speaker of the day, and W. S. Asquith, chairman, in an automo bile, and city and county officials in automobiles. The Auditorium meeting will be gin at 2:30 o'clock. Rev. L. D. Young of Lincoln, a Spanish-American war veteran, will deliver the principal address. V. S. Asquith will preside. There will be music by a band and singing by the Grand Army quartet. Yesterday flags were being placed on the graves of dead soldiers in all the cemeteries. F.arly today the women of the Relief Corps and some of the men will visit all the cemeteries and decorate the graves with flowers. Decoration Plans Perfected. The women of the Grand Army of the Republic have completed plans for decorating the graves of the unknown dead. Garfield circle, No. 11 will go to Forest Lawn cemetery at 10 o'clock in the morn ing for this ceremony. "Assem bly" will be blown by the buglers and Rev. Ward L. Austin will pro nounce the invocation. The Misses Philpott will sing a duet. Lee Pix1 ley will deliver the address. Mrs. Camelia Elliott will give a reading and Miss Daisy Higgins and Mrs. Holtman will sing solos. The decorating of the graves will be by sailqrs. Boy Scouts and mem bers of the Omaha drum corps. John Berger is marshal of the day. Ceremony In Hanscom Park. In the afternoon at 5 o'clock a special ceremony for the boys who died at sea will be. held in Hanscom park. A. F. Churchill will deliver the ad-" dress. The singing will be led by Charles W. Campbell of the Y. M. C A. A boat laden with floners will be launched on the lake by sailors, escorted by eight little girls. The ritualistic service will be in charge of the women of the Grand Army of the Republic. Phil Kearney, Post No. 2, is ar ranging the Memorial day services for the South Side, assisted by Women's Relief corps, No. 143, Sons of Veterans, Spanish-American war veterans and World War veterans. Visits to the four cemeteries of the South Side have been arranged by members of these bodies for the pur pose of decorating the graves. Head quarters are at the home of Jj W. Cress, 4427 South Twenty-third street. More Than 200 Men at Fort Crook Discharged In the Last Two Days More than 200 men have been dis charged from Fort Crook in the last two days. One hundred Omaha boys were discharged from that post yesterday morning. The other hun dred or more were discharged Wed nesday. But few men now remain at the fort. Officers at the post stated yes terday that all men stationed at Fort Crook would be discharged bv June 16. ' The men are taken to Fort Omaha, where they are officially discharged and where their pay is given them. American Legion Plans Memorial Services for Dead War Heroes The executive committee of the American Legion held a sesion yes terday to discuss the matter of hold ing a memorial service in honor of I the soldiers of the great war buried in Forest Lawn cemetery. The pro gram will be given at the spot des ignated for a monument which is in the center of a large plot donated by the cemetery association to the veterans of the war who have been or may be buried in the cemetery. The association has provided Mags for decorating the graves, the flags bearing suitable insignia. j Omaha's Amusement .Resorts Prepare for Big Opening Crowds Omaha's three amusement parks are planning to celebrate Memorial day and welcome back the boys of the 89th all at one time. Patriotic programs will be given in each of the three parks, with music, speech es and patriotic exercises, and ef forts will be made by the manage ment at each place to make the boys feel at home. Opening day having been set ear lier this year by all three of Oma ha's outdoor amusement places, the parks are better prepared to handle crowds this year on this holiday than at any season for a number of years. Attractions have been put in running order and everything at all three parks is ready to furnish amusement 'to big crowds. Junk Dealer Pays 10 Cents For An Expensive Rug A junk dealer came to the home of A. M. Milhome, 1616 North Thirty fourth street, Wednesday afternoon. The dealer saw an expensive rug in the yard. He took it. In payment he gave Milhome's young son, who was the only one of the family home at the time, 10 cents in payment. "Tell your mother it isn't worth more," the dealer said. Milhome has informed the police of his loss. Enlarged Facilities At Lakeview Park to Increase Pleasures Lakeview park will bend its every effort to welcome the boys who have come back and are to celebrate Memorial day with those who like fun, all at once, on Friday. Preparations have, been made to ac commodate a larger crowd than has ever been in Lakeview before. Spe cial Memorial day exercises wilf be observed here as at many other places in the city. In the way of pure fun. Lakeview is ready for all comers. The dance floor has proven to be a most pop ular attraction this season, the ad ditional space on the floor making it capable of accommodating many more couples. Al Wright's orches tra tempts the unwilling into the steps of a waltz or a one-step. Preparations at the beach to make the boating and water attractions more popular include the new sand shore constructed this spring, and a new fleet of steel rowboats. $1 for Striking1 Policeman Mrs. H. L. McCoy, 2322 South Thirty-first street, was fined $1 and costs in police court for reckless driving. She bumped into Motor cycle Policeman Trapp at Twenty fourth and Cuming streets, Tuesday, throwing him to the street and bruising his knee. "ASK ANYONE; EVERBODY GOES" L A E U I E a PARK "THE JOY SPOT OF OMAHA" Welcomes Home the Boys ?' 89th Decoration Day Matinee at 3 P. M. DANCING Al Wright's Harmony Jazz Band Tonight at 7:45 DEAR READER: . Al Wright' Lakeview-Henshaw Harmony Jazz Band and the largest dance floor in three states you can measure it have completely captivated the dancers of Omaha. If you are a Missourian come out and see. THE MANAGEMENT. Thrtt Ssssion o. Roller Skating Afternoon end Evening Jack Rabbit Coaster Wonderland Ferris Wheel Carry-Us-All Auto Races Penny Arcade I -- Wfms mam I J Vyjjf HQME:Qf:: CNiCS ' ' ' " '' ' '' ,. '' ' M You Ought to Try BOATING On Beautiful Carter Lake Free Garage Ladies' Rest Rooms An Alluring Array of Other Attractions To ihe Boys of ike QSib WELCOME HOME To the Men Who Chased the Huns to the Rhine. We Are. Mighty Proud ot You. You Have Done a Wonderful Work SPECIAL MEMORIAL DAY PROGRAM Address by JUDGE LEE S. ESTELLE , OLD SOLDIERS' QUARTETTE D. M. HAVERLY, E. W. JOHNSON, W. H. RUSSELL, GEO. F. BANCROFT WITHCOMBINED AGE OF 298 YEARS F. C. LEE READER PAN CONG In Big Ball Room Largest and Best Floor in Middle West. GIANT COASTER AEROPLANE RIDE CARROUSEL BABYIAND OPENING TODAY OUR NEW $50,000 WATER RIDE. "SWANEE RIVER" TONIGHT AND EVERY NIGHT THIS WEEK n n "ins of All High Wire I1!!1 Bit Bicycle Riders With r'REE FIREWORKS To the Veterans of the Civil War, Spanish-American War and World's War Your Uniform Admits You Today FRE Park Opens 10 A. M. on Decoration Day. Come Early and Stay Late. A SAFE PLACE FOR MOTHER AND THE KIDDIES m 1 IS Q& AME MANAWA 1 fi m3y KLr ' Most Beautitil Amusemenl Park II h ihrnil v - - I y?e Most Beautiful Amusemenl Park In The Middle West COME to MANAWA PARK to aid happy thousands to fittingly commemorate and celebrate MEMORIAL DAY this year of 1919. We, and every other organization in Nebraska and Iowa are certain ly glad to extend the hand of welcome to the boys of the 89th, who are returning to us. 1 Fine Band Concert Wholesome and Thrilling Attractions Nature's Own Resort Come In The Water Is Fine The Boating Is Ideal The Best Dance Floor Near Omaha . Popular Priced Dining Room Shade Treesf Blue Grass and Swings and Tables lor the Kiddies ADMISSION TO PARK IS FREE