Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 29, 1919, Page 10, Image 10

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    THE- BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY. ' MAY 23. 1913.
Lilt! til tymphony tou harmony would Unguith into
II it novor know th discord which brings out its
wMtir breath. Wost.
Bo still, sad hsartt snd coss ropining;
Behind ths clouds is tht sun still shining.
Interested Guest at Peace Lunch
eon. An interested guest at the peace
luncheon which will be held Satur
day it the Fontenelle will be Mrs.
John Dempster of Omaha.
The luncheon holds more than one
thrill for Mrs. Dempster, and it is
not only the joy of peace that
makes her one of the guests, but a
strong personal interest coming
from the fact that Susan B. Anthony
and Mrs. Dempster's grandmother
attended school together.
Dr. Shaw being Mrs.. Anthony's
successor for the cause holds many
personal remembrances and items of
interest in the life of her leader.
These are greatly of interest to Mrs.
Dempster and a personal inter'iew
w.ith Dr. Shaw will be a great pleas
ure in store for Mrs. Dempster.
Big Sale And
Demonstration at
Union Outfitting Co.
Beginning Saturday
Gurney and Northland
Refrigerators Being
Demonstrated by
from Factory
Beautiful Refrigerator to Be
Given Away Free Call
at Store for Particu
lars let) Cream Served Free to Visi
ters A Large Dish of Delicia
to Ladies Delicia Ice Cream
Cones to Children Accom
panied hy Parents Al
so Sunshine Cakes.
will be Red Letter
n nr ths TIninn Outfitting Com
pany. It will be the opening- day
of the Big: Gurney and Northland
Refrigerator Demonstration and
Snlo in rharce of a special rep
resentative from factory. A beau
tiful booth is being erected on
fVi main flnnr and nrenarations
are being made on a large scale
to handle an immense number of
people. All day long visitors win
k oorvoH with tha famous Delicia
Ice Cream and Sunshine Cakes
made in the sanitary factory with
a thousand windows Ladies will
be served with a large dish of
Delicia Ice Cream; ice cream
cones to children.
Come in and let the factory rep
resentative demonstrate the Na
tionally advertised Gurney and
Mnrfhlnnrl Rpf ricerators to VOU.
Learn how they save food and re
duce ice bills. Learn about their
perfect sanitary construction,
now they kee"p food wholesome
and pure in tne nouesi weamer.
ttememoer, tne union uuun-
f intv itnmiunv lURf. nntsiHp nf t.flP
va j
High Rent District, considers no
transaction complete until tne
customer is thoroughly satisfied,
and as always, you make your
own terms.
Was So Nervous She Couldn't
yHold Cup of Coffee
Without Spilling It.
"My wife's wonderful improve-
ment is the talk of all our neigh
bora," said G. Anderson, who lives
at 2550 Norton Ave., Kansas City,
: Missouri, in conversation with a
; Tanlac representative a few days
j "When she began taking Tanlac,"
, he continued, "she only weighed
one hundred and ten pounds and
' hardly ever enjoyed a well day, but
now she weighs one hundred and
t forty-seven and is enjoying better
health than she has in ten years.
For years her stomach had been in
; such a bad condition that she
couldn't eat without bloating all up
..with gas and suffering terribly with
pain and palpitation of the heart.
She was badly constipated and had
headaches and pains in the back ev-
ery day. Her appetite was . very
. poor and what she did eat seemed
: to do her no good as she was losing
; w.eight and strength. She also had
; an attack of the 'flu and this left
her in a much worse condition than
"She had tried every kind of
stomach medicine we heard of, but
she kept getting worse until, a lady
friend of hers, who had gotten well
? ay taking Tanlac, persuaded her to
t try it. Before she had finished the
'. first bottle she had a good appetite
nd was able to digest her food bet
:er. Now she can eat just anything
nd says she never feelsa sign of
eas, bloating or pain afterwards.
. .She was so nervous before taking
Tanlac that she couldn't carry a
:up of coffee without spilling it and
would sometimes drop the cup. But
now her nerves are in good shape
and she sleeps every night just like
a child. Her headaches and back
ache have left her and her house
work seems to be easy for her. If
anybody had told me Tanlac could
do so much for my wife I wouldn't
have believed them. It certainly is
the finest medicine made and I am
glad of the opportunity to tell the
public about it."
Tanlac is sold in Omaha by all
Sherman & McConnell Drug Com
pany's stores, Harvard Pharmacy
and West End Pharmacy. Also For
- rest tnd Mf any Drug Company in
Smith Omaha n,nd the leading drug
pisV in each civy and town through
cut the state of Nebraska Adv,
Field Club
Mrs. A. S. Aihto" entertained 'at
luncheon Tuesday at the Field club
in honor of Miss Marie Toy of
Sioux City, la. Spring flowers were
used on the table and covers were
placed for:
Felix DfEpccher.
K. V. Arnold.
A. S. ABhton.
Miss Marie Toy.
Frank Selby.
'rank KtiKler.
Waller Richardson
A. S. Ritchie.
Carl Llninger.
Dinners were given at the Field
club Tuesday evening by Carl Swan
son, who entertained five guests; Al
vin Johnson, five;-and Howard Gib
son, two.
Mr. J. H. Hanson entertained nine
at a business luncheon Wednesday
at the Field club.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl P. Scripps
have made reservations for 12 guests
at the dance at the club Wednesday
Country Club.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Creighton will
entertain twenty-one guests at din
ner Fridav evening at the Country
club and Mr. F. W. Hall will have
four guests.
High School Play.
"Monsieur Beaucaire" will be
played before a packed house Sat
urday night, according to box of
fice sale's. The play is being given
for the Central High school by the
senior class class. Reservation of
tickets began Wednesday noon.
Several box parties are being form
ed, principally by the school offi
cials., About 50 people are included in
the cast. Proceeds will be used to
provide adequate stage settings for
the Central High auditorium.
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Burke have
taken an apartment at the Norman
die. Cocoanut Oil Makes
A Splendid Sharhpoo
If you want to keep your hair in
good condition, be careful what you
wash it with.
Most soaps and prepared sham
poos contain too much alkali. This
dries the scalp, makes the hair brit
tle, a'nd is very harmful. Mulsified
cocoanut oil shampoo (which-is pure
and entirely greaseless), is much
better than anything else you can
use for shampooing, as this can't
possibly injure the hair.
Simply moisten your hair with
water and rub it in. One or two
teaspoonfuls will make an abund
ance of rich, creamy lather, and
cleanses the hair and scalp thor
oughly. The lather rinses out easily
and removes every particle of dust,
dirt, dandruff and excessive oil. The
hair dries quickly and evenly, and
it leaves it fine and silky, bright,
fluffy and easy to manage.
You can get Mulsified cocoanut
oil shampoo at most any drug store.
It is very cheap and a few ounces is
enough to last everyone in the fam
ily for months. Adv.
Americanization Figures . in
for Shaw Luncheon
Mrs. S. R. McKelvie to
Head Delegation From
Mrs. Draper Smith, chairman of
the women's reception committee of
the League to Enforce Peace, has
put her Americanization work into
practise in asking women to serve
on the reception committee. She
has asked many of the prominent
workers in the Red Cross in all na
tionalities and the wives of the con
suls. The reception committee will
greet the guests at the luncheon on
the niessazine floor of the Fon
tenelle Saturday morning at 10
Reception Committee.
Executive Committee Mrs. Ed
gar M. Morsman, Mrs. N. P. Feil,
Mrs. Ward M. Burgess, Mrs. Frank
W. Judson, Mrs. James Richardson,
Mrs. H. C. Sumney, Mrs. Ed P.
Smith, Mrs. E. W. Nash, Mrs. Bruce
McCuIlough, Mrs. Draper Smith,
Mrs. Lysle Abbott, Mrs. C. H. Aull,
Mrs. Howard Baldrige, Mme.
Borgluni, Mrs. F. A. Brogan, Mrs.
Norris Brown, Mrs. Vac Buresh,
Mrs. H. C. Claggett, Mrs. F. H.
Cole, Mrs. Gould Dietz, Mrs. Henry
Doorley, Mrs. J. K. C. Edholm, Mrs.
P. A. Edquist, Miss Gertrude Ernst,
Mrs. A. L. FernM Mrs. A. L.
Fonda, Mrs. Harold Gifford, Mrs.
M. A. Hall, Miss Vera Harvalis, Mrs.
John R. Hughes, Mrs, W. J. Hynes,
Mrs. C. S. Jackson, Mrs. A. W. Jef
feris, Mrs. T. L. Kimball, Mrs. C.
T. Kountze, Mrs. R. Kulakofsky,
Mrs. Z. T. Lindsay, Mrs. Lena Mus
kovsky, Mrs. J. M. Nachtigall, Mrs.
Sophus Neble, Mrs. Harvey New
branch, Mrs. Charles Nifantani, Mrs.
T. J. Nolan, Mrs. Charles Offut,
Mrs. Joseph Polcar, Mrs. Philip
Potter, Mrs. T. P. Reynolds, Mrs.
Wedding Attendants.
A large wedding with several at
tendants is planned for Miss Helen
Eastman and Mr. William Sherman
Ruxton of Chicago.
Miss Eastman will be attended by
her sister, Miss Margaret East
man, as maid of honor; Mrs. Rob
ert Garratt, maid of honor, and the
following bridesmaids: Miss Grace
Ruxton, of Chicago, a sister of the
groom; Miss Henrietta Wurts, Chi
cago, and Miss Regina Connell.
Mr. J. M. Tuttle of Chicago will
serve as grootnman, and the ushers
will be Messrs. Harry Heuer, Chi
cago; John Eastman, Boston; Rob
ert Garratt, Harry Koch and Den
man Kountze.
Miss Eastman has cancelled her
engagements for entertainments this
week, but many affairs are planned
for her for next week. Wednesday
evening, June 4, Mr. Harry Koch
will entertain the bridal party at the
dinner-dance at the Country club.
The following Saturday evening
Miss Marion Towle entertains at
dinner at her home, after which the
guests will attend the dance at the
Country club. Sunday, June 8, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Garratt will give
take the weight
on me iamiiy
With meat so high, and not so
good for us anyway, what a
boon ta have a food, so rich, so
good, so nutritious and so easily
prepared as Heinz Baked Beans!
One of tht EZS Varietien
Heinz Baked Bmh with Perk and Tonato Save
Hinx Baked Pork and Ban (with oat Tomato Sauce) Boiton tyl
Hatnx Baked Bean in Tomato Sauce without Moat (Vegetarian)
Heinx Baked Red Kidaey Bean
To get best results use Heinz Pure Vinegar
and Heinz Olive Oil in making your salads
- :.JVT.'.;v X
Victer Rosewater, Mrs. R. A. Rose
wicki, Miss Rosicky, Mrs. S. Salerno,
Mrs. Edgar A. Scott, Mrs. Gladys
Shamp, Mrs. N. P. Swanson, Mrs.
E. M. Syfert. Mrs. A. C. Troup,
Mrs. A. L. Undeland, Mrs. G. W.
Wattles, Mrs. Otto Wolff.
a picnic supper at Calhoun for the
wedding party, and Monday eve
ning, June 9, Miss Regina Connell
will entertain the bridal party at
dinner at the Blackstone hotel.
At the same time as Miss
Connell's dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Os
good T. Eastman plan to give a
family dinner at the Blackstone
hotel. Both of these dinners will
follow the rehearsal at the First
Congregational church at 5 o'clock.
Mrs. F. A. Nash is planning a
luncheon, and Miss Eleanor Austin
a tea for Miss Eastman for next
Informal Luncheon.
Mrs. R. Bowen entertained at
luncheon, Wednesday at the Athletic
club. Pink Killarney roses and
sweet peas decorated the table and
covers were placed for 22 guests.
Mrs. F. A. Van Buren received
a message Wednesday from Captain
F. A. Van Buren, of the medical
corps, who has been with the 307th
service battalion, stating that he had
arrived in New York and is now at
Camp Upton, where he will get his
Urs. Draper Smii
For Mrs. Ritchie.
Mrs. Arthur S. Rogers entertained
at tea Wednesday afternoon at her
home, 5210 Cass street, in honor of
Mrs. William Ritchie, of Chicago,
who recently came to Omaha
to make her home. Bridal wreath,
pink and white sweet peas and
roses were used vin the decoration
through the rooms and about 75
guests called during the hours, 4 un
til 6 o'clock.
Physician & Surgeon
614 Brandei Bldf.
Tel. Tyler 2960, Harney 4741.
Recipe for Dinner
With Macaroni
Chop one-half cup of Gooch's Best Macaroni and one
cup of diced asparagus into salted, boiling water, boil
until tender, using only enough water to keep from
scorching. Season vith salt, butter and pepper to
taste, and thicken with one teaspoon of flour mixed
with milk and butter.
Gooch's Best
May-time Lunch
Thursday will be a big day at the
Associated Charities May Time
lunch room at Orchard & Wilhelm's
store. Mrs. H. H. Baldrige, chef
de cuisine, and Mrs. George W.
Doana, general secretary of the As
sociated Charities, are preparing to
serve the largest crowd cared for
during the 21 days the lunch room
has been in operation. Members of
the Concord club and their wives,
150 strong, headed by their, presi
dent. C. E. Cory, will have luncheon
on Thursday. With them will be
the famous Bull Frog chorus of 20
On Wednesday 40 members of the
Realtors exchange dined at the
lunch room.
The members of the executive
committee of the music department
of the Omaha Woman's club formed
one party, which included:
Mesdames: W. E. Shaffer, Ray J.
Abbott, C. M. Anderson, Raymond
Young, George B. Henderson, E. E.
Crane, J. F. s Barrington, L. J.
Rawey, Wayne Halbrook, Miss
Edith Miller.
Others having guests were: Mrs.
Thomas S. Green, Council Bluffs;
Mrs. L. H. Davis.
Luncheons on Tuesday included
one given by Mrs. W. J. Hynes,
whose guests included the following
named members of the Visiting
Nurces' asociation:
Mesdames: Harvev Huntington,
J. H. Jaske, Herbert Rogers, R. P.
Welch, Mrs. Myrtle Speelman.
Misses: Florence McCabe, Kate
Moore, Florence Richards, Annie
Andrews, Hazel Drake, Maude
Denne, Grace Lamey, Deborah
Mower, Edith M. Puis, Greta Paul
sen, B. A. Eklund.
W. G. Brandt had with him
Messrs: C. A. Grimmel, W. A. Ellis,
J. W. Metcalf, Harley Moorehead,
Charles N. Nye, J. W. Parish. Dr.
C. W. Pollard, H. G. Shedd, I. R.
Slonecker, Roy N. Towl, R. B. Wal
lace. Ensign C. E. Maas, in charge of
the naval recruiting station, with
Mrs. Maas and a party of 15 sailors
and three yeomen (F) made up an-,
other party.
Others entertaining were Mes
dames F. L. Prucha, W. E. Martin,
J. L. Ferciot, Etta Schneider Turner,
Fremont, and Miss Virginia Ander
son. Birthday Party.
Saturday evening was the birth
day anniversary of Mrs. Edna Gar
rett, 2631 Binney street, and a num
ber of her friends who are mem
bers of the Knights and Ladies of
Security, helped her to celebrate
it in a very happy fashion. Mrs.
Garrett was the recipient of many
beautiful gifts including a gold
wrist watch, china and linen. The
evening was pleasantly spent in
dancing, cards and games; delicious
refreshments were served. Those
present were:
Mr. and Mrs. Riesebefg, Mr. and
Mrs. J. H. Janney, Mr. and Mrs.
John Gerlock, Mr. and Mrs. C. F.
Slingerland, Charles E. Leeder,
Cyril Slingerland, Katherine Neil
son, Mrs. Katherine Leeder, Rose
Carr, Evelyn Haegen, Mary Ger
lock, Ernie Kruger, John Ininan,
Ray and Flora Inmann, Maud Gar
rett and Matilda Lewis.
Entertains at Luncheon.
Miss Ellen Creighton entertained
at luncheon Wednesday at the Coun
try Club in honor of Miss Katherine
Prindeville of Chicago, who is her
house guest. Large baskets of
spring flowers decorated the table
and covers were placed for about
40 guests.
Lieutenant and Mrs. George P.
Carroll are visiting relatives in Oma
ha. " Lieutenant Carroll was a
Creishton dental graduate in 1914
and practiced here until his call to
Fort Sam Houston, where he has
been in the service for the last year.
He will be discharged at Camp
Dodge during the week and will re
turn to Omaha.
War Camp Community
'1 he Chamber of Commerce placed
Harry Murrison of the War Camp
Community Service in charge of all
singing (luring the parade when the
"89" are in town. There will be
singing squads at intervals all along
the line of march. The Camp Fire
Girls will form one squad, the
students from Creighton university
will form another, all the girls from
the Patriotic League club, Y. W. C.
A. chilis, Jewish Welfare clubs and
all other girls wishing to show the
returning men a royal singing wel
come arc invited to join the squad,
lhe organized chorus of the colored
churches will also form another
squad. Each squad will be furnished
with paper caps and song sheets
and may also wear the signia of
their own clubs. Each crowd will
have a song leader to head thrni.
The trains will not all arrive at
the ame time, so the same amount
of pep must be reserved for each
troop as they come, so to this end
everyone is asked to clip out these
songs and take them to the parade
and sing them with the singing
squads. The first two songs were
used on the recent trade trip made
ly the Chamber of Commerce. The
second one was written by a man
who just returned and was sung by
all the men on the boat returning
The last one every one knows.
Will all the above groups watch
tomorrow's papers for the announce
ment when and where their par
ticular squad will meet and under
which song leader.
I Like a Town I.Ike Omaha.
(Tunc "t Want a Cilrl.)
I like a town, .lust like the town
We all call Omaha.
Where perfect health and boundless wealth
From those rich lands you draw.
Mountain peake and ocean beachei may
be fine.
But I'll take green Nebraska plains for
Grand place to strike, that'a why I like
A town like Omaha.
, Omaha,
(Tune "Tammy.")
Omaha. Omaha, city nf the great big west.
Pet your life It Is the best.
Omaha, Omaha, the only plact on earth
to live
Omaha, Omaha, It's the center of the
There you Ret your money's worth,
Omaha, Omaha, come ami buy your goods
from us
"(ien. But It's Good to Be Back."
Copyright, 1919 bv the Music
Co., 145 W. 45th St.. New York.
"(Jee, but it's good to be bnck,
Say, ain't It great to be back,
Hack to home and mother.
Your sister and your brother.
Hack from the binds o'er the 5"ai,
Hack to those dearest to me,
Back to the V. S. A."
Good Morning, Mr, Zip-Zin-Zlp.
Reprinted by Courtesy of Leu Keist, Ins..
New York, Ov'nrs of the Copyright.
Good tnornine, Mr. Zip-Zip-Zip
With your hair rut Just as short as mine,
Good morning. Mr Zip-Zip-Zip
You're surely iookiug flue.
Ashes to ashes and dust to du&l.
If the Camels don't get you, the Fatimas
must ;
(iood morning. Mr. Zip Zip-Zip,
With your hair cut just as short as.
With your hair cut just as short as.
Your hair cut just as short as mine.
' For Visitor.
Mrs. Carl Lminger entertained at
luncheon Wednesday at the Happy
Hollow club for Miss Marie Toy of
Sioux City. Mr. and Mrs. .. V
Arnold gave a dinner Monday eve
ning at the Athletic club for Miss
Toy, when covers were placed for
10 guests. Mrs. Felix Despecher
will give a house-boat party for
Miss Toy Thursday at Carter lake.
For Miss Beckett.
Complimentary to Miss Margery
Beckett, a bride of next week, Mrs.
Earl Beckett was hostess at five
o'clock tea Wednesday afternoon
at her home. About 15 guests were
Zionist Club.
The Young Peoples' Zionist club
will meet Tuesday evening at 8
o'clock in the Baird building.
Mrs. Hugh Conrey of Fort D. A.
Russell. Wyoming, is a guest of
Miss Mary Taylor. Mrs. Conrey
came on for the wedding of Miss
Margery Beckett and Mr. W. T.
Burns. Mr. Conrey who is still in
France was located for awhile at
the Fort Omaha balloon school.
The advertiser who uses The Bee
Want Ad Column increases his
business thereby and the persons
who read them prolit by the oppor
tunities offered.
moot DOUGLAS 3e
III m w m wri ?r!E5 - I f
! II coriwy llpllf II
Commercial Printers -Lithographers steel Die Embossers
loose tear
Miss Josephine Busch, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Emile Busrh, of
Omaha, became the bride of Dr.
John Albers of Humphrey, Neb..
at 6:30 Tuesday morning at St.
Mary Magdalene church. The cere
mony was performed by Rev. R.
Finne before a large gathering of
relatives and friends. The bride
was attended by Miss Mabel Flor
esch and Dr. John Busch was best
man. After an eastern trip Dr. and
Mrs. Albers will be at home, June
8, at Humphrey, Neb.
Card Party.
The women of the Holy Name
parish will give a card party Thurs
day afternoon, at their hall, Forty
fifth and Maple streets
Grandma kept her locks dark, flossy and
youthful with a simple mixture of
Sage Tea and Sulphur.
The old-time mixture of Sage Tea
and Sulphur for . darkening gray,
streaked and faded hair is grand
mother's recipe, and folks are again
using it to keep their hair a good
even color, which is quite sensible,
as we are living in an age when a
youthful appearance is of the great
est advantage.
Nowadays, though, we don't have
the troublesome task of gathering
the sage and the mussy mixing at
home. All drug stores sell the ready-to-use
product, improved by the ad
dition of other ingredients, called
"Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com
pound." It is very popular because
nobody can discover it has been ap
plied. Simply moisten your comb or
a' soft brush with it and draw this
through your hair, taking one small
strand at a time; by morning the
gray hair disappears, but what de
lights the ladies wjth Wyeth's Sage
and Sulphur Compound, is that, be
sides beautifully darkening the hair
after a few applications, it also pro
duces that soft lustre and appear
ance of abundance which is soi at
tractive. Adv.
Nothing Like Plain Bitro-Phosphate to
Put on Firm, Healthy Flesh and
to increase Strength. Vigor
and Nerve Foce.
Judging from the countless preparation
and treatments which are continually bc
infr advertised for the purpose of ma kink'
thin people fleshy, developing arma, netK
and bust, and replacing ugly hollows and
antflrs by the soft curved lines of health
and beauty, there are evidently thousand?
of men and women who keenly feel their
excessive thinness. ....
Thinness and weakness are usually due
to starved nerves. Our bodies need more
phosphate than is contained in modern foods.
Physicians claim there is nothing that will
supply this deficiency so well as the organ
ic phosphate known among druggists hp
bitro-phoaphate, which is inexpensive ant
is sold by Sherman & McConnell in Omaha
and most all good druggists under i
guarantee of satisfaction or money back.
By feeding the nerves directly and by sup- f
plying the body cells with the necessary
phosphoric food elements. bitro-phosphat
cjuickly produces a welcome transformation
in the appearance; the increase in weight
frequently being astonishing.
This increase in weight alsw carries with
it general improvement in the health.
Nervousness, sleeplessness and lack of
energy, which nearly always accompany ex
cessive thinness, soon disappear, dull eye
become bright, and pale cheeks glow with
the bloni of perfect health.
CAUTION: Although bitro-phwphate is
unsurpassed for relieving nervousness,
sleeplessness and general weakness, it
should not, owing to its remarkable flesh
growing properties, be used by anyone who
does not desire to put on flesh. Adv.
500 Crisp New Lingerie
Blouses to Be Sold at a
Mere Fraction of Their
This Is One Event That You
Cannot Afford to Miss
First Come, First
We've a surprise for you next
Saturday and this week's surprise
comes in the form of a remark
able Blouse offer. We have se
cured just 500 smart styled Lin
gerie Blouses, fashioned from
Batistes, Organdies, Madras and
Dimities, daintily trimmed with
laces, embroidery, tucks, inser
tions, frills and strictly tailored
All sizes are to be had. Watch
Friday's papers for full particu
lars and price. Just a hint
these blouses will be offered
while they last at less than what
the girl oh' the machine received
for her labor.
Beddeo Clothing Go.
1417 DouIa St. ,