PflllfiF flFPIfiFE! BRINGING up father Se Jifffi and Maggi in Full Drawn for The Bee by McManus VOLUNTEERS IN WINNIPEG HELP CREAK STRIKE No Material Change in Dead lock; Flood or Released Mail Helps Business Conditions. Page of Colors in The Sunday Bee. mterimt nna Nw Srrv BURGHARD TOGO UPON CARPET rVOE-ION ( OHIXEi-YOURE A BY 40LLY! OMETiME HERE! DON'T $SX)T.' MR.tMlTH JUST I DJJ KEEP A LOOK ) I I SO OUT FER PEtT! WE HAVE NO UN I THINK MAIE 1TTIN'; PHONE HE HVo TWO TICKETS TO THE I J OOTFORNR. Li-J v ! A LITTLE f-J WHERE TO0 THIb f A KINDLY LOOK IN HER , ft OPERA -HE CAN T 0 , ' v NiTH WHILE h Y)N'T WORRY- I PS WHILE? EVENING "SO ET K - U FACE-f-y , lFf )bs 'SO HE It) 6ftlN,Nx4 ' B i ,PV;ETT,". iK fM waitin r T-yr- ' OOTOFMYWHT- 35 N. "vTy THE TICKET J? J ,S OREED: kfj& I M WAIT IN f Patrolman Accused of Enter ing Home of Minnie Holman and Threatening Assault to Be Given Hearing. Chief of Police Ehcrstcin last night filed with the city council against Patrolman Foster E. Bur chard, alleging that May 6 he hroke into the home pf Minnie Hol man, 40ft North Fourteenth street, and threatened Miss llolmau with assault. Burchard will be given a hearing before the council next Thursday ifternoon at 2 o'clock. . Police Commissioner Ringer said: 1 have been informed that Bur- chard was not on police dtity when he called at the Holman place, and that when refused admittance, he forced his way in and then re strained Miss Ilolman from using her telephone." Urge Thirteenth Street Be Made Boulevard ' L. J. ..Gillett, president of the Southeast Improvement club, ac companied by 25 members, attended the city council meeting last night to urge the establishment; of a boulevard on Thirteenth street from Missouri avenue to the county line at Harrison street.' The visitors wore' white ribbons which read: "We want South Thir teenth street to be a boulevard." . City Commissioner Towl, who also wore a ribbon, supported the boulevard project. Commissioner Falconer said: "Our boulevard fund will not per mit this improvement. This street should be paved with brick." An prdinance on this matter will be brought before" the city council committee of the whole next Mon day morning. Omaha Awaits Action of ' The U. S. Shipping Board Robert Stanley, commissioner f the Chamber of Commerce, yester day received word from Senator Nor n's ; that the senator had intervened with the United States Shipping , board in an effort to have the quota of -ships Assigned to port of New Orleans turned over as soon as pos sible. New Orleans is the "gateway" to transmissippi foreign trade, to which Omaha contributes a laa-ge part. The Chamber of Commerce 10 days ago asked that movement of ships as signed to the port be accelerated to meet an increase in South American and foreign trade with this section. It had been charged that New York City was claiming most of the avail able ships. ABIE THE AGENT No, He Wasn't Excited. Copyright, 1919, Internation'l News Service Drawn for The Bee by Herschfeld lroaErTuTcA 'v- -: - -- --.L Proposes to Substitute Electric for Gas Lights YAmm! c alAtl 7!int,,o,i (irnnrtoixl rio the city council last night that 800 gas lamps of the street light ing: system be replaced by electric lights. He offered a list of 354 pro posed replacements. .The matter was put over for con sideration in committee of the whole. Mr. Zimman contended that gas lamps have proven expensive and unsatisfactory. The city owns the gas lighting equipment and maintains it. t -. Students of University , of Omaha Hold Elections At the University of Omaha yes terday, the Gateway club elected officers as follows: L President, Dean Roberts; vice president, Catherine Fisher; secre tary and treasurer, Mathina Talbot. These officers were elected by the Dramatic club: President, Dorotjiy Cannan; vice president, Dorothy Edwards; secre tary and treasurer, Dorothy Gray. Policeman and Former Officer -Injured In Automobile Accident J. W. Craudall, 3404 South Thir teenth street, and C. O. Downing, 2427 Valley street, were found un conscious near an overturned auto mobile at Nineteenth ' and Charles streets yesterday morning. There were no witnesses to the accident. Crandall is a member of the po lice force and "Downing is a former policemarl. The injured men were taken to t h e Swedish Mission hospital. Downing who has several bones broken was later taken to his home. Crandall. physicians say, has a frac tured skull. W. Leavenworth Street Men Urge Pavement Be Laid One of the suggestions offered to the city council last night by the West Leavenworth Improvement club, was that West Leavenworth street be closed unless delayed pav ing is laid soon. "Put me in the place of one of you fellows and I'll show you how to do this," said 'J. P. Boyer. "Tell us how to compel the street railway company to change its track. Don't keep it a secret to yourself," replied Commissioner lire. Ths council agreed to consider this matter in committee of the whole next Thursday morning. Admiral Kolchak's Forces Again Advancing on Reds Paris. Mav 27 Dispatches re ceived in Paris today announce that the reversal suffered by the forces of Admiral Kolchak, the anti-bol- shevik commander in Russia, was only temporary and that Kolchak's iarmies again are advancing against the bolsheviki, who are falling back on the Volga line. A dispatch from Paris Monday re ported Kolchak as having met with heavy opposition near Samara and being compelled to fall back along the railroad toward Ufa. The Creole's Secret Of Keeping the Hair Young "COR generations La Creole Hair Dressing has been favorite amonfc the aristocratic Louisiana Creoles whose wonderful hair is a mark of their pure Spanish-French blood; No Gray Hair La Creole will bring . back fcray, ray-streaked, or faded hair to its youth ful color and beauty. It contains no dyes but works with nature grad ually but surely. La Creole roust not be confused with dyes gives no dyed look can't stain M dru$$ists and toilet counters, price $1.00.' If your dealer can't supply you, send his nathe - , and address. We will see that you are supplied. Van Vleet-Mansfield Draft Co., Makers. Memphis, Ttnn. scalp nothing to wash or rub off. Makes hair lus trous, soft, beautiful. Pro motes healthy condition. Guaranteed to bring back hair's color or money refunded. ' Write for fatcinatin booklet, "La Creole,1' Hair Beautiful. Shows best hair dressing for each type of face. IT l i n i uniaentiriea man is Killed Near Millard When Auto Turns Over An unidentified man was killed and several others are believed torf have been severely injured at 11:30 last night when the automobile in which a party of five men was rid ing, ran off a bridge near Millard, Neb. The car plunged IS feet into a creek, burying one man in the mud. He was smothered to death before his rescue could be effected. The accident occurred on a road lead ing out of Millard into Center street. The party was bound for Omaha. The four survivors of the accident hurried to Omaha in a passing auto mobile. County Attorney Shotwell or dered the body of the dead man turned over to John A. Gentleman & Co., undertakers. Gen. Wood Gives Omaha Boys Prizes They Won In Athletic Contes uraana Doys who won hrst, sec ond and third individual honors i the annual competitive drill of th University of Nebraska on th athletic field Saturday, received their prizes from the hands of Gen Leonard Wood at the commence ment exercises in Lincoln Monday. the winning trio was: First place, Reginald A. Fernald Company B, a silver loving cup. Second place, Peter T. Barber, Company C, loving cud, Third place, Ralph L. Kerr, Com pany B, wrist watch All three boys were sergeants and members of the R. O. T. C The winning company was :A, commanded by Cant. I. Biwk Harley of Lincoln. Zimman Proposes to Bring More Business in on Occupation Tax ity commissioner Gunman in troduced at the city council meet mg last night an ordinance which requires that persons engaged in certain bus nesses and occuDations Shan pay an occupation tax inese taxes would go to the civ treasury and would take the place of license fees, now credited to the school district fund. The ordinance refers to peddler pool and billiard halls, auctioneers, theaters, ice, milk and junk wagons, employment agents, nouse movers, corn doctors, agents and others. the committee of the whole will consider the ordinance next Mon day morning. Divorce Courts Cora Whither says her husband. Nelse, threatened her and drove her from their home, 6009.Bondo street, last Sunday. She filed suit for di vorce and $300 attorney's fees and $100 a month temporary alimony. She says her husband earns $50 to ?uaj a weeic as a cattle salesman on the South Side but that he has never given her any money for her own use. They were married in Council Bluffs in 1917. Lulu Green told the district court in a suit for divorce that her hus band has threatened to kill her if Motorcycle Parts Make Y. M. C. A. Man Set of False Teeth she leaves him and that she is unable to live with him longer because of his physical excesses. She asks a divorce and the custody of their child. Benefits Exceed Damages for Grading Dodge Street Appraisers on the Dodtre hill grading project reported to the city council last night that benefits will exceed the damages in every in stance. Property owners filed claims amounted to $250,000. ine report of the aooraisers will go before the committee of the whole next Monday morning. School Boy Hit by Auto. Howard Baker, 13, a school boy was un down yesterday afternoon bv an automobile, the driver of which was M. P. Cosgroye, at Twenty-fourth and Paul streets. Baker was taken to Central station, where it was found that he had suffered minor bruises and abrasions. When in need of a purga tive, do not resort to vio lent cathartics, but take the gentle, natural laxative Bcccbams Pills t SaU of Any Mficin in tk Worii Cruelty is alleged by three wives and a husband who filed suits for divorce in district court. Mable Holm asks for a divorce from An ton Holm; Ellen Rocho from George Rocho; Hilda Swanson from John swanson, and lames Martin trom LMarie Martin. Committee Chairmen Selections Approved By G. 0. P. Senators Washington, May 27. Republican senators, meeting today in open con ference, reattirmed their approval of the selections tor standing commit' tees made by the committee on com' mittees. A motion by Senator Bor ah, of Idaho, a leading spokesman for the progressive group, to sup plant Senator Penrose of Pennsyl vania, as c.nairman ot the tinance committee, was voted down, 34 to 8. No further test of strength was undertaken by the progressives, vyho also had opposed selection of Senator Warren of WVomine. as chairman of the appropriation com mittee. After the conference their suokesmen indicated that the fight would not be carried on the floor of the senate. "Wobbly" Testifies to Helping Destroy Crops Seattle. May 27. Elmer Coute. former member of the Industrial Workers of the World, went on the stand here today . at- the trial of James Bruce, alleged Industrial Workers of the World, charged with criminal anarchy, and testified that he aided radicals destroy Cali fornia crops in 1914. The Industrial Workers of the World, he said, de stroyed solely in a spirit of ven geance. Bruce was arrested as a result of his activity during the general strike here in February. Wife of Yukon Secretary Killed in Auto Accident Dawson, Y. T., Mav 27. Mrs. Monty Maltby, wife of the secretary of the Yukon territory, was killed Sunday night and George Macken zie, governor ot the territory was lightly injured when an automobile in which they were riding "Ridded .over a 4U-toot bank into Hunker Creek, near here. Secretary Maltbv and three nf his hildren, who were also in the car, were uninjured. A son, Charles, suttered a tractured skull. Harry Gruhdman Injured When Struck by Auto Truck Harry Gruhdman, 1503 Locust treet, suffered a fractured collar bone and possibly internal injuries yesterday afternoon when an auto mobile, the driver of which has not been identified, struck his car at Nineteenth and Corby streets. Gruhdman was taken to the home of Dr. Edmundson, 2224 Spencer street, nd later to his home. Ice Breaks Up. Seattle, May 27. Bering sea win ter ice off Nome, Alaska, cleared away suddenly early today, accord- ng to a wireless message received ere. The Nome break-up this year came earlier than in any year since 1913. Last year Nome was icebound ntil Tune 2 Yonkcrs, N. Y.. May 27. Daddy McCollom, who went to the front for the Y. M. C. A., is back with a 90 horsepower set of teeth. He simply smiles at leathern streaks and says with his dental equipment he could chew up Germans as eas ily as he could bite through cheese. McCollom made himself a motor cycle from salvaged parts and start ed for Colblenz from Chaumont 400 miles. From time to time var ious parts of his machine sighed and gave up the ghost and he al-. most constantly added new parts, until, when he reached Coblenz the motorcycle had grown into a full fledged limousine. But, meantime, it had rattled out his teeth. A dent ist said he could fix him up if he only had some aluminum for a plate. So, McCollom pried off some alumi num from his gear case and a 90 horsepower set of teeth was made in Germany for him. Westchester county butchers cannot frighten him with tough steaks. He "treats 'em rough." Costa Rica Revolutionists Attack Government Forces San Jose, Costa Rita, Mav 27. The ,Ie;can general Manuel Chao and the Nacaraguan general Segun do Chamorro, with the entire force of revolutionists, attacked the Costa Rican government forces" on the Jobo ranch, near the frontier, yes terday. There was heavy fighting fo nours, in wnicn tne mvauers were defeated and retreated toward the frontier, leaving behind prisoners dead and wounded, machine guns and nties. The government troops are close ly pursuing the revolutionists whose morale is said to have" been broken. Withdraws Consent to Send Mexicans Through Texas El Paso. Tex.. Mav 27. Governor Hobby has withdrawn his approval of sending Mexican troops through Texas en route from Sonora to Juarez to campaign against Villa according to a telegram signed by him and received by State Senator uudley here tonieht. the telegram says the governor regrets having given his approval and has withdrawn it, in view of in- tormation sent him today by Dudley in a protest against the proposed action, which was approved yester day at the request of the State de partment on petition of the Mexican government. Forty Soldiers Perish in Fire at Ludwigshafen London, May 27. A building used as a fiarracks by the occupation troops at Ludwigshafen has been destroyed-by fifire. Forty soldiers pensned and IUU were inmred ac cording to a Central News dispatch irom Benin, via Looenhacen. Ludwigshafen is ill Bavaria, nn the Rhine, opposite Mannheim. The army of occupation at this point is believed to be French. The Amer ican army of occupation is stationed much farther north, with the cen tral point at Coblenz. The Weath er. 19J6 83 62 72 0 de- toral Comparative Record. , , . . 1919 19,8 1917 Highest Tuesday 78 65 61 Lowest Tuesday S3 66 48 Mean temperature. . .70 60 64 Precipitation o 1 44 0 Temperature and precipitation iiHiimra irora me normal: Normal temperature 66 decrees Excess for the day .' 4 degrees Total excess since March 1, 1919 Normal precipitation 16 inch Deficiency for th. rfov ic i-..u Total precipitation, since March' 7.42 Inches Deficiency sine March 1. 1919 ci ..., Deficiency for corresponding period in 1918 it lit ini... Exccess for corresponding De- 44 inches rlod in RBPORTS FROM STATIONS AT Station and State Temp. Iltirh iih weainpr i n. m. Davenport, cloudy 78 Cheyenne, pt. cloudy.. 76 Denver, pt. cloudy 80 Des Moines, cloudy... 74 Dodlfe City, cloudy 66 Lander, pt. cloudy 86 North Pititte. clear.-. .7 Omaha, cloudy 72 Fuehlo. clear 80 Rapid City. pt. cloudy. 86 Salt Lake, cloudy.... 82 Santa Fe. cloudy.... 64 Sheridan, pt. cloudy.. SS Valentine, clear 80 estr -?0 76 80 78 76 S 82 78 80 86 82 66 PO S3 "I" indicates trace of precipitation. J'. M. fall. .18 n n n n n o .16 0 0 I. W.W. Got Theories From Book by Wilson, Contention of Attorney Seattle, Wash., May 27. That the Industrial Workers of the World draw much of their philosophy from '.he public and written utterances of President Wilson, and look upon his book; "The New Freedom" as a singularly powerful exposition of the 1. W. W. view of existing relations hctweeu capital and labor, was the contention of counsel for James Bruce, on trial for criminal anarchy, in court today. Statements read in court from the president's book, Elbert Coutts, a former I. W. VV., asserted on the witness stand, were in harmony with alleged theories of the rad icals. It also was declared by At torney George Vanderveer for the defense that the book had been of fered ks a prize to subscription so licitors for an I. W. W. publication. Counsel for the state, replying, contended none of the president's writings could be construed as coun tenancing acts of violence as al leged to have been committed by members of the I. W. W. Rinehart Prepares Machine for Flight from U. S. to Europe Dayton, O., May 27 Howard Rinehart, experimental aviator for the Dayton Wright Airplane com pany, is awaiting authority from the president of the company before he puts the final touches on his plane for an attempt to cross the Atlantic alone in a DeHaviland four army battle plane of the type made here and flown in France by American aviators. Rinehart has done some important .long distance flights in this country. - Dr. Hough Elected Head of Northwestern University Chicago, May 27. Dr. Lynn Har old Hough, author, lecturer and pro fessor of historical theology at Gar rett, Biblical institute, Evanston, 111., was elected president of Northwest ern university today. Dr. Hough is a bachelor, 42 years old, and was born at Cadiz, O. He is a militant opponent of pacifism. He was in England when the world war broke out and five weeks later was in America urging American support of the allies, ad vocating preparedness and opposingr pacifism, lie is interested in prison retorm, and is a director ot the -Na tional Voters' league. ur. Hougn win assumes his new duties September I, after occupying the pulpit of the City lemple in London during August. THE COUGH THAT KEEPS WO AWAKE It Saps Your Strength-Get Rid of It By Taking Fattier John's Medicine American Delegates Unable to Help Irish Lansing Tells Walsh Paris, May 27 Secretary of State Lansing has writtfn to Frank P. Walsh and his fellow rr; -esei' -tives of Irish organizations in the United States advising them that it z impossible for the American dele gates to make any further repre sentations to secure passports for Irish Sinn Fein leaders to present the Irish cause before the oeace con ference. Secretary Lansing's note states that Mr. Walsh and his associates made speeches during their visit in Ireland considered so offensive by British officials that it was impossi ble for the American representatives to do anything further. Mr. Walsh replied to Secretary Lansing in a long letter, in which he said: "We beg to advise you that no person was authorized by us to make any effort to bring us into friendly relations with the British representatives." Glenwood Entertains Soldiers of All Wars Glenwood. Ia., May 27. (Special.) Monday Glenwood took its turn in attempting to entertain participants in any and all wars in which they have ever engaged. It had the lamest assemblage of soldiers and civilians in its history. The parade in the afternoon was unusually good, it having been 27 city blocks in length. Five good bands were in the line. Anti-Suffrage Faction Leads in Texas Election Dallas, Tex., May 27. Belated re turns today from Saturday's consti tutional amendment election swept away a slight majority for woman suffrage and produced a majority of 5,640 against the measure.. Figures from 197 out of the 248 organized counties give: I'or suffrage, 89,715: against. 9o.- 355. For prohibition, 96,425: against. 84,930. Winnipeg, May 27. No change in the general strike deadlock was not ed here this morning except further increase of commercial activities. A flood of mail released from the Win nipeg postoflice by volunteer clerks was partly responsible for business imp rovement. Representatives ofjllie city go' eminent began compiling lists ol union city employes on strike. The city will begin to replace the strik ers on Thursday as a result of -the city council's action last night. Borden Holds Conference. Ottawa. May 27. The industria' situation in the west was under con sideration today at a meeting of the cabinet council, at which Sir Roberl Borden presided. He said'he hoped to make a statement in the house respecting the situation jhis after noon. ' Saskatoon Unions Strike. Saskatoon, Sask., May 27. By a vote of more than S to 1, Saskatoon labor unions decided to go on a sympathetic- strike at noon today. Two Youns Robbers Surprised by Police Stand Off Captors Philadclpria, May 27.-r-Cries of "Help! Help!" coming from six husky throats brought scores of people to one of the busiest sections of Camden in the early morning who beheld two 10-year-old boys in the act of holding up, half a dozen stal warts of the law at the point of guns. The lavls Francis Foplf'nski and Joseph Tabiweeski had been surprised by the police while rob bing the store of Bernard Keichling, at No. 1121 Broadwav. Like a movie thriller the young sters showed fight when confronted by the police, whipped their weap ons from their pockets and stood the officers against the wall. When the crowd pressed around the cops took courage and made for the boys, who were subdued after a quick but stubborn fight behind a pile of bun- es which they used for a bar ricade. "Aw, don't be so rough," squeaked Poplinski, as he was pul led from the melee. War Widows' Relief Bill Sent to ' Senate By Secretary Baker Washington, May 27. Under a bill transmited to the senate today by Secretary Baker, widows of of ficers and enlisted men of the army, navy and marine corps, who lost their lives in the war would be per mitted as long as they remained un married to purchase subsistence stores from the government at prices charged officers and men. Mr. Baker said: "This would mean a great deal to the widows in view of the excessive cost of food in the open market." No Gossip League Formed; Plan World Organization Northfield, Mass., May 27. The first Anti-Gossiping League of the World has been organized in thi beautiful village. A national No Gossip day is proposed. The No-Gossip League is unique It ha? no constitution, no by-laws no officers, no dues. Ye the found cr and organizer, F. Ambler Welch editor and publisher of the North field Press, sees a great future foi the organization. You ought to realize that the cough which keeps you awake at night is a serious menace to your health. It is sapping your trength. It is keeping you thin and run-down. You need Father John's Medicine right now to soothe and heal the ir ritation in the breathing passages; to give new strength, to fight off the germs and to help you drive out the impurities. Kemember, father John's Medicine has had more than 60 years of success treating just such conditions. It is safe for all the family to take because it is guaran teed free from alcohol or dangerous drugs. 4 Q 1 Quality teiis the dif- 11 , H f erence in the taste between U H I Coca-Cola and counterfeit H I imitations. m m Coca-Cola quality, recorded m m in the public taste, is what H Q holds it above imitations. , Wi PI - I'lfSt Demand the genuine by full name I fwl I ift'if nickname! encourage aubstitution. I pj i iy the coca'cola c' 3