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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 28, 1919)
THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY. MAY 28, 1919. 15 FARM AND RANCH LANDS. Minnesota Lands. VA.NDLESS MEN; Let ua help you to m iiuine. tarmi to meet all require. ""nn ak lor our new Hit No . THORPE BROS., C-208 Andrua P'dg , Mlnneapulla. Minn. Nebraska Lands. KIMBALL COUNTY LANDS. Owner will aell some of tha verv be1 Quartere iinij half sections In Kimball county, ?,eb., In the corn nnd wheat country, to responsible, farmer. 1 will sen direct ami malae very Rood terms to men wno will tatm and Improve It. Priced right to men who will come here. Don't want to deal with speculators. A.(1'lr" p- O- Bolt 1 S7. K Imball. Neb. 2.000 ACRES Sheridan county; 10 mil- south of Gordon; 3 miles Niobrara river front age; 1 Olio seres beat farm land; balance best of pasture; with timber along river and In two large drawa. Priced much below anything else offered In this county. S. S. ft R. E MONTGOMERY. !13 Cliy Nat. B. Bldg. Omaha. Neb. Biishneii Neb. lot ID western Nebraska" SO aMesTTn wheat. One-third crop goes to ;nir chaaer. 140 per acre. C. D. Arm strong. Realtor. 3:5-6 Securities Bldg. TOR Weetern Nebraska and Eastern Colo rado land see UK LP LAND CO.. fi 1 4 Ben n dplj B1 dfr . X'RIT ii. ti for pictures and prices of my farms und ranches In good old Dawes coui.'y. Arab L. Humerfnrd. Crawford. eb MKRKICK COUNTY. Improved corn and alfalfa (aims at the right price. M A. LARSON Central City. Neb. FOR NEBRASKA LANDS SEE A. A. PATZUAN. 801 Karh.-ich Bill Tyler 6114. AJPROVki' and unimproved wheat furma. Klmhell Co.. Nebraska R E Holmea North Dakota Lands. $2 AN A('RB DOWN. $2 AN ACRE THIS FALL Pay balanre out of half the crop raised yearly. 12 yearn tlmA If you like if you bargin now for 400 arres. Has in. room house and fine welt and all right up to good small town. Come and ee It. William H. Brown Co., Mott, Hettinger Co., N. Iiakota. A MAN"l"AN BORROW ON WHAT HE PITS INTO A FARM. He can't on what be p;'ys out for rent. You can buy Bomo of our farms on Rental Payment Plan after the first ainall payment for $20 to $35 an acre. Write ua for facts and map. Wm. H. Brown Co., Flasher, N. I. South Dakota Lands. iOUTH Dakota backs lis farmers with state credit and can settle 1,000 farmers on splendid dividend-paying farms near marketa and sch'ools to produce the food needed by a hungry world. For State Bulletins, write South Dakota Im migration department, Capital Q-60, Pierre. S. P. Oregon Lands. JORDAN VALLEY. Oregon, offers you a home In the land of sunshine, where conditions are right for raising alfalfa and catil?. Addrea . Jordan Valley Firms, Boise fdaho. FARM LANDS WANTED WE. will sell your farm; timely aalea: quick return. Held Land Co.. $64 Brandets Bids. AUTOMOBILES. For Sale. A NEW CORE IN YOUR RADIATOR. At a saving of 33 per cent from list price. MANUFACTURED IN OMAHA; 24-hour service. We make any style radiator end fender for automobile, truck or tractor. Special attention given to repair work. Write us for prices on our Honeycomb Ford radiators and eoree. OMAHA RADIATOR MFG. CO.. 181K Cuming St. USED CARS. 1 Ford touring car. 1917 $360.00 t Oldsmoblle trucks, Hi ton... 300.00 1 Maxwell eedan. 1017 300.00 1 Bulck aedan 350.00 1 Mitchell touring. 118 250.00 1 Overland touring. 191T 400.00 1 Mitchell roadster. 1915 200.00 1 Hupp-50 roadster, a enaj 260.00 Auto Repair Shop, for aale or trade. Lots of Auto Parts and Supplies. 1611 Davenport St. Phone D. 1241. FORDS FORDS DRIVE YOURSELF TOURING 19n PER. ROADSTER? MILD ' TRUCKS CARS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Melcher Service Co., 161$ LEAVENWORTH. DOUG. 489 RENT A NEW FORD" DRIVE IT YOURSELF 12 CENTS PER MILE. YOO ARE COVERED BY INSUR ANCE AGAINST LIABILITY RESULT ING FROM ACCIDENT. $0 NEW 1919 MODEL FORD CARS FORD LIVERY CO.. DOUO. SS23. 1314 HOWARD 1917 OLDSMOBILE. First class condition, a real bargain. NEB. BUICK AUTO CO., 19th and Howard Sts.. Tyler 1760. MEEKS AUTO CO. Used oars bought, sold and exchanged. We buy for cash and sell on time. Full line to s-lect from. Middle State Garage 1026-S Fwnam St. Douglas 4101 MEEKS AUTO CO. MAKE YOUR old Ford new, O'Rourke Goldstrom Auto Co.. distributors of Amea Bllt touring and commercial bodlea, 8701 South 24th street, phone 8outh . 10S North 16th. phone 733. New and used Fords. Time payment WHEN you think of used cars, think of TRAWVER AUTO CO., 1910 Farnam. Used cara of exceptional value. GUY L. SMITH, tSSt Farnam St D. 170. SELLING only privately-owned used cara. The Omaha Used Car Market. $517 Leavenworth St. Tyler I84T. WHEN you think of used cars, think of TRAWVER AUTO CO., 1H0 Farnam. NEARLY new, 6-passenger sedan; will take small ear In exchange as part . .f-1 1. .... . Onnlh OI1C USED CARS AND TRUCKS AT BARGAIN PRICKS. STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO.. J020 Farnam St. Omaha. Neb. $100 Reward for any magneto ws can't re pair. Sole mnfrs. of new self-spacing af flnlty spark plug. Baysdorfer. 810 N 18th. OAKLAND, Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO.. $300 Farnam St. EXPERT Repairing Guaranteed service. SERVICE GARAGE. ISth and Leavenworth. Doug. 7000. FORD MARKET. 2230 Farnam. Used Fords. .Time. cash. Liberty bonda. new bodlea, $96. THE DIXIE FLYER, W. R. NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANY. 2520 Farnam St. AUTOMOBILE electrical repairs; service , station for Bayfield carburetors and Columbia storage batteries. Edwards. BARGAINS IN USED CARS. McCaffrey Motor Co., lltk and Jackson. iFord Agents. D. $50(1. "THE USED CAR MART" SERVICE GARAGE l$th and Leavenworth. Douglas 7000. GOOD USED CARS. GUY L. SMITH. Cars for Hire. FORDS AND LARGE CARS FOR HIRE. Drive yourself; at very reaaonabla prices: no extras to pay. Nebraska Serv ice Garage, lth and Farnam. Douglas TII9. Trucks PROMPT DELIVERY CN ALL MODELS NEBRASKA WHITE CO. FRED C. ROGERS. Mgr.. Tyler 1767 1407-21 Capital Ave. Tires and Supplies. TIRE BARGAINS. CORD TYPE RIBBED TREAD. Guaranteed 3,500 Miles. New Tubes New Tubes 0x$ , .7S 2.lli) 32x4 , 14.75 2.95 lOxSH. 10. 5D 2.15 34x4 . 1S.7S 3.15 12x8. 12.75.. . .2.35 36x4, 19.75 3.70 $1x4 . 13.76 2.851 37x5 . S2.50 4.45 SPECIAL DRI CURE TIRES PLAIN TREAD. $0l$ 5.76'30x3l4 6.75 GOOD WEAR TIRE CO.. 72$ -outh 27th.. Doug. 422. NEW TIRES, 1-2 PRICE. Firestone, Congress, Lee Pullman. Flak. Writ for prices. Mention aixea KAtMAN TIRE JOBBERS. 2016 Farnam. NEW AND USED TIRE BARGAINS. SEE US FIRST AND SAVE MONEY. FARNAM TIRE AND RUBBER CO., L S7U. ' - Ml FARNAM .ST. AUTOMOBILES Tires and Supplies. Used Tires We have several good used tires on hand at these low prices: 30l3 $4.50 34x4 $ $.00 30x3 H SS4. $.00 32x31, 5 5 34x4 J.JO 3L 3Jx4 10.00 33x4 7 00 35x6 H.00 STANDARD TIRE CO., 4in North Sixteenth St. Out-of-town orders must bo accom panied ny rnn NO nerd for steam soaked carcasses. We retread and rebuild tires by Dry-Cure process. Ideal Tlrs Servlcs, 2ii6 Har ney St. WILL HALL tru.-k attachment, three cas ings and lo tubes; good as new; very heap; will seel tires separate. 1708 Sahlpr Sl GAIN more miles, have your Urea re treaded by O. & G. Tire Co. 2416 Leavenworth. Tyler !21-W. Repairing ana Painting. F. P. BARNUM CO., 2126 Cuming. Doug laa S'M4 Hmh grade automobile painting. Motorcycles and Bicycles. KARLEY - DAVlDSt.N MOTORCYCLES nargains in useu macuines. ictur m. Roos, the. Motorcycle msn. 27th and Leavenworth ate. HARLEY-DAV1HSON motorcycle with side car, for sale. Call evenings, Colfax SI 42. PERSONAL. THE SALVATION Army Industrial Home solicits s.our old clothing, furniture, magazines. We collect We distribute. Phone Doug. 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and inspect our new home. 11 111-1112-1114 Dodge St. POULTRY AND PET STOCK Rhode Island Reds Have s few surplus birds for All gnoii stock and ex cellent lavers. M. C. Peters Mill Co . '.'nth and B Sts.. So. Side Tvler 2fii. WHEAT screenings $2.00 per hundred. A W. Wagner. 801 N. 16th St.. Doug. 1143. OT'irrc ...... i n.M BUFF Orpington eggs, $1 setting. Red ft 4 i &. Horses Live Stock Vehicles. DON'T FORGET the big horse and mule auctions at atock yards stables next Wednesday. Expect a good run of choice farm mares, matched teams of farm chunks and one carload of farm mulfs start! at 10 o'clock I. C. GaKup. Auctioneer. MUST dispose of the balance of our double farm and Concord harness and collars at a sacrifice. Call at 2124 Lake St. Harness, Saddles and Trunks. We Make Them Ourselves. ALFRED CORNISH & CO.. 1210 Farnam FOR SALE 2 Missouri bred, well broke, saddle horses; one suitable for lady to ride. Tel. 8. S06 MONEY TO LOAN. ORGANIZED by the Business Men f Omaha FURNITURE, pianos and notes as security, $0. 6 mo.. H. goods, total. $3.50. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY. 432 Security Bldg.. 16th & Farnam. Ty. $66 LOANS ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY AND LIBERTY BONDS. O 0 x 2 1 W. C. FLATAU. EST. 1892. 10 6TH FLR. SECURITY BLDG.. TY. $60 LOWEST rates. Private loan booths. Harry Maleshock. 1614 Dodge. D. (619. Est 1S91. DIAMOND AND JEWELRY LOANS. New York Bond List. U. 8. 2s. r. ... 994Gen. Elec. 6s .. 994 U. S. 2s. c 99G. N. 1st 4a 87 U. S. 3s. r. ... 89 111. Cen. ref. 4s 81V, U. S. 5s, c 89 L If. M. 6s 10354 U. S. Lib. 314s. 99.60K. C S. ref. 6s. 87H U. S. 4s, r. ...106 L. & N. un. 4s.. 86 U. S. 4s, c 106tiM. K. T. 1st 4s. 67H A. Y. Sec. 5S.99 13-16M. P. gen 4s .. 63?, A T. & T. ct. 5s 92 Vlont. Pow. 6s.. 92V4 Ang.-Fr. 6s ... 7,V. Y. C. deb. 6s 99i Ar. & Co. 454s 87ViNo. Pac. 4s . . . 83'4 Atch. gen. 4s .. 8274'No. Pac. 3s . . . 69 B. O. cv. 4s 794 S. L. ref 4s. 86 Beth. St. ref. 6s 89P. T. & T. 6s . . 92 i Cen. Leath. 6s.. 964 'enn. con. 4tys 96 Cen. Pac. 1st .. 80?enn. gen. 4Hs 88. c. & O. cv. 6s .. 914Readlng gen. 4s 83V4 C. B. & Q. .11. 4s 95743. L. & S. F. C. M. & St. P. adj 6s 70 cv. 4Hs 79 3o. Pac. cv. 6s. 61 14 0 .. R. I. & P. ry. So. Ry. 6s 9514 ref. 4s 7414T. A P. 1st ... 89 C. & S. ref. 414 79l4Un. Pac. 4s . . . 86 D. & R. G. r. 6s 6614U. S. Rub. 6s .. 8914 D. of C. 5s. 1931 91V. S. Steel 6s... 100 Erin gen. 4s . . . 66 14 Wabash 1st 96 Bid. New York Produce. New York, May 27. Butter Unsettled; creamery higher than extras, 6657c; creamery extras, 551456c; firsts, 6354 65o. Eggs Firm; receipts, 43.816: fresh gathered extras, 494954c: fresh-gathered firsts, northern section, 4546c; fresh gathered firsts, southern section, 4454 9 4i!iic Cheese Steady, unchanged. Poultry Unchanged. Wheat Spot, firm; No. 2 eed, $2.60; elevator export. Corn Spot, firm: No. 2 yellow. $1.94; No. 2 white. $1.96 cost and freight New York. Oats Spot, firm: standard, 808O54c. Lard Firmer; middle west, $33.90 34.00. Chicago Potatoes. Chicago, May 27. Potatoes Weak: ar rivals, 74 cars; old. United Statea grade. No. 1 sacked, $2.002.20; western Russets, $2.002.10; new, Florida Spauldlng Rose, No. 1, $9.009.60 bbl.; No. 2, $7.007.60. Louisiana Burbanks. 90 pound sacks. No. 1, $6.00 6.50; No. 2, $5.00. Chicago Produce. Chicago, May 27. Butter Firm; cream ery, 6055c. Eggs Lower; receipts, 45,018 cases; firsts, 415442c; ordinary firsts, 4041c; at mark casea Included, 41 54 42c: ator-age-packed firsts. 434354c; extras, 43c. New York Cotton. New York, May 27. Cotton closed at 830.80, and the general list closed very steady at a net decline of 65 to 102 points. BANK STATEMENT. Charter No. 2775 Report of the condition of the MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK at Omaha, in the state of Nebraska, at the close of business on May 12. 1919. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts Overdrafts, unsecured U. S. Bonds (other than Liberty Bonds, but including U. S. Certificates of Indebtedness): To secure circulation $ To secure U. S. deposits U. S. Bonds & Certificates of Indebtedness owned and un- pledged Liberty Loan Bonds: Liberty Loan Bonds, 34. 4 and 454 Per cent, unpledged Bonds, securities, etc. (other than U. S ): Bonds (other than U. S. bonds) pledged to secure postal savings deposits Securities other than U. S. Bonds (not Including stocks) owned unpledged Stock of Federal Reserve bank (50 per cent of subscription) Value of banking house, owned and unincumbered Real estate owned other than banking house Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve bank Items with Federal Reserve bank in process of collection.. Cash In vault and net amounts due from National banks.. Net amounts due from banks, bankers and trust companies Exchanges for clearing house Checks on other banks in this city Checks on outside banks and other cash items Redemption fund with IT. 9. Treasurer War Savings Certificates and Thrift Stamps owned Total LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid in Surplus fund Undivided profits Less expenses, interest and taxes paid Interest and discount unearned Amount reserved for taxes accrued Circulating notes outstanding Due to National banks Due to banks, bankers and trust companies... Certified checks outstanding Cashler'a checks outstanding Individual deposits Certificate of Deposit due In less than thirty days. Dividends unpaid Time Certificates of Deposit Postal Savings Deposits , IVar loan deposit account Deposits of U. S. disbursing officers Total $18, 193,199.32 Of the total loans and discounts shown above, -the amount on which interest and discount was charged at rates in excess of those permitted by law (Sec. B197, Rev. Stat.) exclusive of notes upon which total charge not to exceed 0 cents waa made, waa $ none. The number of such loans was none. State of Nebraska, County of Douglas, as.: I. B. H. Meile. Caahler of (he above named bank, do solemnly awear that thu above statement la true to the beat of my knowledge and belief. --,--. . - .... . B. H. MEILE, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before mo tbli 20th day of May 1919 , GRACE GRANT," Notary Publlo, r-et 1 LUTHER DRAKE. Correct Attest: c w. HAMILTON, (SEAL) Market -and Industrial News of the Day 1 m 1 1 1 i LIVE STOCK Omaha Live Stock. Omaha. May 27, 191$. Receipts were: Cattle Hogs Sheep Official Monday .... 6.258 10,827 7,660 Fstlmate? Tuesday .. 7.400- 1,600 7,800 Two days thla week.. 13. 666 30,827 16,860 Same daya last week 14.920 19,633 13.462 Same daya 2 w'a ago 10,500 21,846 17,713 Same days 3 w'a ago 12,704 16,876 17,922 Same days year ago 7,728 17,200 19,653 Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union Stock Yards, Omaha. Neb., for 24 houra ending at 2 o'clock p. m , yes terday: RECEIPTS CARS. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. C, M. St. P Wabash H's. 1 Missouri Pacific ..12 Union Pacific .... 6 C. Ac N. W , east . . 8 C. & N W , west. .65 C, St. P.. M. & O. 61 2 6 11 98 3D 6 3? 9 45 C B. a: Q., eaat.,15 C, B. A Q., west. .60 r., R. I. & P., east 8 (.. R. I. P.. weat IS Illinois Central . . 4 Chi. lit. West 3 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Morris ft Co 751 2.971 1,208 wlft & Co 1,366 4.12R 2.391 Cudahv Packing Co 1,598 4.998 2.647 Armour & Co. 1,797 3,019 709 Schwartz ft Co S68 .T. W. Murphy 2,168 Lincoln Packing Co 78 So. Om. Packing Co 3 Hlggin? Packing Co 31 John Roth ft Sons.. .10 Mayerowlch & Vail. 43 Olassberg 3 P. O'Dea 30 Wilson 1 or. F. P. Lewis 76 J. B. Root ft Co 23 J. H. Bulla 8 Rosenslock Broa 282 F. O Kellogg 34 Werthelmer ft Degen 141 A. Rotchild 20 Mo -Kan. C. & C. Co 1 E. O. Christie 37 Baker 34 Banner Bros 1 ..... John Harvey 658 Jensen & Lundgren 31 Dennis & Francis... 63 Wldwest 6 Omaha 1 Other Buyers 6S0 206 Total 7.788 17,642 7,161 Cattle Receipts of cattle showed im provement today both tn quantity and duality. There were 294 fresh loads, about 7,400 head; the offerings included a large lercentage of very desirable beef. In most tespectu the market waa a renetitlon of Mondays trade In that buyers picked up some of the more desirable yearlings and handy weight steers on early round at very nearly steady prices while their bids on practically everything else were fully 1 quarter lower than yesterday and in some cases more. Cows and helfera suf fered about the same rate, some of the dood helfery bunches selling early at steady figure, but the market being around a quarter lower on the general run of liutcher stuff. Supplies of stock cattle and feeding steers were limited and the mar ket quotably unchanged. BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. 13 1020 $12 60 11 1000 13 00 39 1118 13 40 44 1040 13 76 10 1126 14 25 16 1171 15 75 No. Av. Pr. 13 986 $12 75 8 1027 13 01 6 1058 13 50 4 1116 14 00 9 1481 14 76 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 32 623 11 60 40 859 12 00 6 792 12 60 26 722 12 76 21 721 13 00 60 805 13 76 13 1068 14 00 HEIFERS. 17 $11 10 60 17 765 11 10 CALVES. 6 286 7 60 60 362 9 00 4 390 10 00 4 460 11 00 2 295 11 60 4 170 12 60 1 130 13 60 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 67 6S8 10 85 62 994 11 75 Quotations on Cattle Prime steers, $16.5016.50; good to choice beeves, $14.00 15.25: fair to good beeves, $13.00(314. 00: common to fair beeves, $11.00 13.00; good to choice yearlings, $14.0015.75; fair to good yearlings, $12.0013.75: common to fair yearlings. $9.6012.00; good to choice heifers, $12.0013.76; prime cows, $11.75 S1.75; good to cnoice cows, iu.uu gpu.Ys: fair to good cows, $9.0010.25; common to fair cows, $5.509.00; good to choice feeders, $12.60 13.50; medium to good feeders, $10. 6012. 60; good to choice stockers, $12.0013.00; fair to good stockers, $10.00 11.00 ; common to fair stockers, $8.009.50; atock belters, $8.60 10.00; stock cows, $8.009.60; stock calves, $8.0012.OO; veal calves, $8.00 14.00; bulls, stags, etc., $10.0012.60. Hogs There was a liberal run of hogs here today, 277 loads estimated at 19.600 head. The decline that has been in force ever since last Wednesday continued in strong proportion today. Today's market being generally 2535c lower than yes terday. Bulk of hogs sold at $19.70019.90 with top at $20.00. HOGS. No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. A v. Sh. Pr. 24. .312 140 $19 60 60. .232 210 $19 60 64. .268 40 19 70 68. .242 140 19 75 76. .244 80 19 80 64. .274 40 19 85 69. .221 ... 19 90 69. .301 ... 20 00 Sheep there were 33 loads of sheep and lambs here today, estimated at 7,800 head. Trade began fairly early in the morning with spring lambs selling from $16.6018.10-18.25. Shorn lambs sold from $13.4013.9O with a top- of $1)4.00. Ewes sales were reported at $9.5010.85. The general market was quotably steady to 10c lower than yesterday. LAMBS. 189clip'd..78 14 00 10 culls..78 10 00 164aprlng.54 18 10 Quotation on Sheep Spring lambs, $17.0018.65; handy-weight lambs. $13.60 014.35; lambs, heavy weight, $12.50 13.60; lambs, culls. $8.008.00: yearlings, $11.0013.00: wethers, $9.50011. 00; ewes, good to choice. $9.7610.26; ewes, fair to good, $8.6009.75; ewes, culls, $6.0008.00. St. Joseph Live Stock. St. Joseph. Mo., May 27. Hogs Re ceipts. 7,500; lower; top, $20.35; bulk, $19.90020.20. Cattle Receipts. 1,500; lower; steers, $12.00017.25; cows and heifers, $5.00 16.00; calves, $7.00014.50. Sheep Receipts, 3,200; higher; lambs, $14.00014.75; ewes, $9.60011.00. Sioux City Live Stock. Sioux City, May 27. Cattle Receipts, 3.060 head; market weak; beef steers, $10.50016.00; fat cows and heifers, $7.00 012.75; canners. $5.0007.00; stockers and Reserve District No. 10 $ .' 29,672.40 14,076.44 50,000.00 680,000.00 585,000.00 1,215,000.00 (88.800.00 37,000.00 441,903.67 478.903.67 45,000.00 100.000.00 9,076.68 809,977.94 112.821.11 3.378.873.60 2.114.759.46 377.074.99 25.573.44 89.890.04 2.500.00 1.200.65 6,912,671.23 $18,193,199.32 $ 1,000.000.00 500,000.00 .$ 205,60.7.53 8.S27.10 196.840.43 79,743.15 40.000.00 50,000.00 1. 480.270.87 2,548.652.00 653.429 97 237.275.19 10,399.856.67 42,712.80 374.00 469.016.01 29,555.14 $00,808.25 75.164.94 16.3:6.616.74 n. SAM ROGERS. Director!. Short Term Notes Furnished by Peters Trust company: Bid. Asked. First Liberty JHs 99.50 Second Liberty 4s 94.94 Third Liberty 4Vs 95.98 Fourth Liberty 4V.S 86.44 Am. Foreign Sec, 1919. 99 Am. Tel. & Tel. tie. 1925.104 Am. Tel. 6s, 1924 100 Am. Tobacco 7s, 1922.. 10354 Am. Tobacco 7s. 1923.. 104 Anaconda Copper 6s. 1929 99 Anglo-French 5s. 1920.. 97 Arm. Con. Deb.-6s, 1919.102 Arm. Con. Deb. 6s, 1922.102 Arm. Con. Deb. 6s, 1923.102 Arm. Con. Deb. 6s. 1924.102 Beth. Steel 7s, 1919 100 Beth. Steel 7s, 1922 1024 Beth. Steel 7s, 1923 1024 Cannda 5s. 1921 99 3-16 Cudahy 7s, 1923 102 Int. R. T. 5s. 1921 89 Kan. City Ter. 6s, 1923.100 Proctor ft G. 7s, 1923. .103 Proctor ft G. 7s. 1922. .10254 Russian Rubles 6',4s. 1936 120 Union Pacific 6s. 1921. .103 Wilson & Co. 6s. 1928.. 99H 99 104i 100 3-16 103 104 14, 99 Ti 97 103 103 103 103 1004 102 102, 99 15-16 103 91 101 1034 102 126 103 99 feeders, $7.60 12.60; feeding cows and heifers, $7.00lfr 1 0.00. Hogs Receipts, 11,000 head; market 2Ec lower. Light, $10.50019.70; mixed, $19.70S19.85; heavy, $19. 60019. 80 bulk of sales. $19.70019.80. No sheep. Chicago Live Stock. Chicago. May 27. (U. S. Bureau of Mar kets.) Cattle Receipts, 14.000 head; beef steers and butcher stock, 16 to 25c lower; calves. 26 to 60c higher; stockers and feeders, slow to 15 cents lower; estimated tomorrow, 9.000. Beef steers: Medium and heavy weight, choice und prime, $15.75 17.85; medium and good. $13.0016 00; common, $11.50012.25. Ltgnt weight: Good and choice, $13,5016.00; common and medium, $10.25013.75. Butcher cat tle: heifers. $S. 25014.60: cows, $S.00 14.26. earners and cutlers, $6.40(f8.oo. Veal calves: Light and handv weight, $15.2617.0O. Feeder steers, $10.00I4.26. Stocker steers. $8.00013.26. Hogs Receipts. 35,000 head; market generally 15 to 2Cc lower; closed strong; late top, $20.30; estimated tomorrow, 30,000; bulk, $19.90020.16; heavyweight, $20.00020.15; medium weight, $19.96 20.25; light weight, $19.60020.25; light light, $18.75019 95; heavy packing sows, smooth, $19.25019.60; packing sows rough, $18.75019.25; pigs, $18.00018.76. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 14,000 head; market strong to 26c higher; estimated tomorrow, 10,000. Lambs: 84 pounds down. $13.75016.60; 85 pounds up. $13.26 016.50; culls and common, $9.60013.25; springs, $17.50019.60. Yearling wethera, $11.40013.60. Kaniaa City Lire Stock. Kansas City, May 27. (V. 8. Bureau of Markets. ) battle Receipts, 12,000 and 1,000 calves; beef and butcher stock. 25 to 50 cents lower; cannera and calves, steady; feeders, mostly 25 cents lower; betf steers, medium and heavyweight, choice and price, $15.90017.36; medium and good. $14.4015.85; common, $11.85 14.35; light weight, good and choice, $13.40015.75; common and medium, $9.75 013.60; butcher cattle, heifers, $6.90 14.00; cows. $6.8013.26; canners and cut ters. $5.75ig'6.76: veal calves, light and handy weight, $12.00014.60; feeder steers, $9.90014.85; stocker steers. $7.4013.85. Hogs Receipts. 27,000; market, lower; heavies, $20.00020.45; lights, $19.25019.76; parking, $19.0019.26: pigs. $14.00019.75. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 6,000; mar ket, higher; lambs, $13.00014.50; ewes, $7.0010.76. St. Louis Lire Stock. St. Louis, May 27. Hogs Receipts, 20,000; 16 to 25 cents lower; lights, $19.70 20.15; pigs, $15.60019.00; mixed and butchers, $19.76020.30; good, heavy, $20.20 20.30: bulk, $19.75020.25. Cattle Receipts 8.100: lower: native beef steers, $11.50018.60; yearling steers. neirers, 19.601a1i6.uu; cows. I10.5013.50: stockers and feeders, $10.00013.50; fair to prime southern beef steers, $10.00018.00; beef cows and heifers, $7.50016.00; can ners and cutters, $5.507.25; native calves. K.fCKgll&.MI. Sheep Receipts. 4,600: steady: lambs. $18.50018.76: ewes, $13.0014.50; canners and choppers, $6.0008.50. Turpentine and Ijosln,. Savannah. Ga.. May 27. Turnentine firm. 84 bbls. ; sales 13ff bbls. ; receipts 394 bbls.: shipments 86 bWsA stock. 6.752 bbls. Rosin steady sales 396 bbls.: reeelDts 1,228 bbls.; shipments 300 bbls.; stock 5,647 bbls. Quote: B, 10.36040: D. 10.46: E. 10.50: F. 10.55; G, 10.6510.60; H. 10.70: I. 10.9010.95; K, 12.00; M, 12.25; N, 12.60; WG, 12.76; WW, 13.10. New York Money. New York, May 27. Mercantile Paper Unchanged; sterling, unchanged. francs oemana, $6.69; cables, $6.57 Guilders Demand, 3954; cables, 39. Lire Demand, $8.50; cables, $8.46. Time Loans Strong, unchanged. Call Money Firm: high, 5: low. 4: ruling rate, 6; closing bid, 4; offered at 5; last loan. 4. Dry Goods. New York. May 27. Print cloth mar kets went to the government price basis of war times, a rise of 82 per cent from the low point of this year. Some print cloth yarn constructions were sold at $1 a pound, or 14 cents above the war levels on the same goods. Yarns continued strong and rising. Burlaps were strong and higher. Raw silk advanced. Trade continued active. New York Metals. New York. May 27. Copper Easier; Iron Nominally unchanged. Lead Steady; spot, 612 54 06.26; July, $5.156.30; spelter, easy; spot, $6.4006.36; July, 6.206.40. At London: Spot copper, 79 6s tin, 236 15s; lead, 23; spelter, 36 15s. London Money. London, May 27. Bar silver, 6254d per ounce. Liberty Bonds Don't tell if you can avoid it. Buy for investment if possible. We buy and sell at New York quo tation. At present price Liberty Bond yield a high a 4.85 per cent with practical certainty of being worth sev eral per cent over 100 when business is readjusted. BOND DEPARTMENT First Trusi Company o Omaha First National Bank Building. T HE value of the Security is not the only essential reauired in a desirahlfi fw s. . ,, mortgage. The title must be good in the bor rower and the papers so phrased and exe cuted as to provide protection for the investor. During the life of the mortgage care should be taken to see that the taxes are paid and the insurance kept in force. For the past twenty-five years we have been supplying estates, insurance companies, savings banks and private investors with well secured first mortgages bearing six per cent interest. During that time not a single investor has lost a dollar through any loan negotiated by us and the interest was always received upon the day it was due. Let us serve you. E. H. LOUGEE, Inc. 538--40 Keeline Bldg. Omaha, Nebraska. FINANCIAL New York, May 27. Dealings on the stock exchange today were again active and broad, falling only by a small mar gin to equal yesterday's 2,000,000-share day, which eatabllehed a record for over two years. Frequent periods of uncertainty marked the session, due mslnly to the approaching triple holiday, but final quotations dis closed many substantial gains. Develop ments of the day bore little direct rela tion to market conditions, apart from the further expansion of brokers' loans, which doubtless accounted for the firmer money tendencies. Motors and associated specialties, also steels snd equipments, were once more the chief elements of speculative interest, but rails were more active and metals made oc casional response to reports of arrival of foreign demand. Tobacco a'hd food shares asserted some of their recent prominence In the later dealings, but shippings, excepting Marine common and United Fruit, moved within narrow Umlta. Oils moved in a two to four polfts radius, but ended at Irregular gains and losses. Such specialties as IT. S. Rubber, Amer ican Woolen, Food Products. Industrial Al cohol and chemical and fertilizer issues furnished much of the strength of the final Jhour with Southern Pacific. Changes among steels were mostly nom inal. U. S. Steel retrieved only a frac tion of Its 1 -point reaction, but Southern Paclflo held at a substantial advance. Sales" amounted to 1, 826, 000 shares. Victpry bonds made their first appear ance on the exchange, selling at 99.88 to 99.96. The Liberty group held firm, while internationals eased off. Total sales (par value) aggregated $18,730,000. Old U. . bonds were unchanged on call. Sales. Am, Beet Sug 2,700 tmer. Can 30,400 Am. Car & Fdy... 4,700 Am. H. & L. pfd.. 1.200 Am. Loco 10,900 Am. 8. & R 12,300 Am. Sug. Ref 2,400 Am. Sum. Tob . . 7,900 Am. T. A T 3,800 Am. Z., L. & S, .. 1.300 Auac. Cop 14,000 Atchison 17,300 A.. G.&W. I. S. S. 1,200 Bsld. Loco 15,400 Bait. & Ohio 6,100 :ieth. Steel "B". .16,500 B & S. Copper ..12,200 Cal. Pet 1,100 Can. Pac 1,700 Cen. Leather 8,200 Ches. & Ohio C, M. & St. P. ., 6,200 C. & N. W 1,100 C. R. I. & P. ... 6,100 Chino Copper .... 3,200 Colo. F. & Iron .. 1,400 Corn Product ...39,100 Crucible Steel ...12,600 Cuba Cane Sugar. 7,600 List. Sec. Corp. ..35,700 Erie 3,800 Gen. Elec 1,800 Gen. Motors 14,200 Ot. Nor. pfd 11,900 Ott. Nor. Ore Ctfs.. 4,500 ill. Cen 600 Irsp. Copper 14.800 Int. M. M. pfd. ..14,300 Int. Nickel .17,900 Int. Paper . . 8,200 K. C. Southern Kenn. Copper 11,300 Louis. & Nash. .. 200 High. Low. Bid. 82i Sl4 82 60H 68H 60 104t 103 5, losaj 1235 121 5 1215;, 855s 83 84 5 825 8054 81 131 130 54 1 31 1, 111 1085, 109S 109 54 174k 71 07 16 V 107', 17 7014 102 54 164 695, 103 54 102 165 164 102 6554 10054 100 644 54 7954 7954 24 25 32 3244 80 74 25 3254 16 8 54 1 6 7 5i 167, 8654 81 9354 67 46 104 30 40 47 65 804 35 81 1954 167 202 47 106 46 104 3054 40 30 394 47 54 62 80 36 48 654 82 36 81 7644 19 18 167 167 207 201 100 9954 47 47 99 47 104 103 104 694 68 59 125 12454 124 29 65 24 37 28 28 54 54 24 364 122 24 36 i 122 12: Mexican Pet 44,400 Miami Copper ... 1,700 Mldvale Steel ....26.100 Mo. Pacific 16,000 Mont. Power 7,500 Nev. Copper 8,000 New York Cen N. Y., N. H. & H. 3,300 Nor. & West 1,400 Nor. Pacific 5,600 Pac. Mall Pac. Tel. & Tel Pan-Am. Pet Pennsylvania 7,000 1S654 1824 1824 62 33 79V4 18 '3354 51 3254 77 17 61 i 32 79 174 82 32 3254 112 99 110 11154 99 99 38 26 54 94 47 38 61 23 8 9 4 87 14 65 48 '62 2354 90 89 14 67 47 66" 224 69 87 14 Pitts. & W. Va :"tts. Coal 6,800 Ray Con. Copper. . 4.800 Reading 32,000 R':p Iron A Steel.. 3,600 What, Ariz. Cop. .. 1,100 Sinclair Oil & R... 24, 600 Southern Pac. ..135,400 Southern Ry 6,000 Stude. Corp 67,000 Texas Co 36,000 Tob. Prod 30.700 113 111 1124 32 31 102 98 5 31 99 279 97 137 283 278 7 94 Union Pac 16,200 138 136 Ln. Cigar Stores.. 8,400 U. S. Ind. AI 18,900 L. S. Steel 143,400 IT. S. Steel, pfd. . . 800 Utah Copper 7,300 Western Union .. 1,300 West Elec 15,900 Willys-Overland .61,600 Royal Dlk 26.600 13554 132 133i 167 162 163 1084 1064 107 lib" 115 115 81 92 80 914 674 38 80 69 674 38 39 117 114 116 Total sale for the day, 1,825,000 shares Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruits. New York, May 27. Evaporated Apples Firm; state, 2022c; western, choice, 1820c. Prunes Quiet; California, 14 30c; Oregons, 1430c. Apricots Firm; choice, 30c; extra, 32c; fancy, 36c. Peaches Firm; standard, 23c; choice. 24c; fancy, 26c. Raisins Strong; loose Muscatels, 12 12c; choice to fancy seeded, 1216c; seedless, 14 22c. Liberty Bonds. New York, May 27. Liberty bond prices at 11:30 a. m. today were: 3s, 99.50; first 4s, unquoted; second 4s, 94.86; first 4 54s, unquoted; second 4s, 95.26; third 4s, 96.82; fdurth 4 s, 95.38; fifth 4s, 99.90. SKI INNER PACKING PANY OULTRY BUTTER EGOS fAOI 1116-1118 - Doudlas TtStl -Douglas 1 521 LIBERTY BONDS And Other Investments BOUGHT AND SOLD New. York Market Price Paid on All Issue. MACK'S BOND HOUSE 1421 First National Bank Bldg. Tyler 3644. 102 Main St. Cwncil Bluff, la. GRAIN MARKET Omaha l.raln Market. Omaha. May 27. Corn receipts were larger than other grains with 46 cars. Oata arrivals were cars, wheat 15 cars, rye 3 cars and barley 3 cars. Corn prices wore 1 to 2 cents higher, the top of $1.72 being ob tained for No. 1 yellow and the bulk of the No. 2 yellow. Oals sold were 1 ' to 1 cents up. The No. 3 white 1 54 cents advance. Rye and barley were nom higher. Not enough wheat waa sold lo make a basis for quotations. PRIMARY RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. Receipts Today. Wheat 444.000 Corn 390.000 Oals 613,000 Shipments Year ago. 216,000 625,000 629,000 Wheat 669.000 120.000 493,000 404.000 torn Oals 167,000 697.000 EXPORT CLEARANCES Today. Year aco. lWheat and flour 182.000 iM.OOO UIHII lUl.l'UO blt.UOU Itecelpta In Other Markets Chicago : 12 177 132 Wstnxaa City 16 32 24 St. Louis 36 23 27 Onmhs Grain Inspection. The number of cars of grain of the sev eral grades Inspected "In" here during the past 24 houra follows: Wheat No. 2 hard. 4 cars; No. S hard. 1 car; No. 4 hard, 1 car: No. 1 mined, 3 cars; No. 2 mixed, 6 cars: No. 3 mixed, 1 car; sample mixed, 1 car; No. 3 drum, 1 car; Total 18 Corn No. 2 white, 1 car, $1.70. No. 3 white: 1 oar. $1.69. No. 4 white: 1 car, $1.68. No. 6 white: 1 car, $1.65. No. 1 yellow: 1 car, $1.72. No. 2 yel low: 4 cars, $1.72; 1 car. $1.71. No. 3 yellow: 4 cars. $1.71. No. 4 yellow: 1 car, $1.70; 2 cars, $1.69. No. 2 mixed: 1 car, $1.70 (near white); 1 car, $1.70. No. 3 mixed: 1 car. $1.69; 2 cars, $1.68. No. 4 mixed: $ ears. $1.67. Oats No. 2 White. 1 car, 69c; No. 3 White, 4 cars, 68c; No. 4 5Vhlte, 1 car, 67v,e. Wheat No. 4 hard. 1 car. $2.30 (smut ty); V, car, $2.23; No. 3 durum, 1 car, $2.13: No. 2 durum, 54 car, $2.10; (mixed) (smutty). Chicago Grain and Provisions. Chicago, May 27. Fresh advance took place in the corn market today and the rise carried May to the highest price yet this season. Scarcity of supplies was th chief reason apparent. Attention con tinued to focus largely on the big decrease in the visible supply total. Opening prices, which ranged from the same as yesterday' finish to 154 c higher, were followed by a slight reaction, and then by an all around upturn which in some cases surpassed the initial top figures. uats were bulllshly affected by reports THE REASON WHY - The People Are Buying Omaha Oil and Refining Company Shares FIRST -The one big reason is because all the officers and directors are ISebraska citizens. SECOND The second big reason, they know when they buy shares in the Omaha Oil & Refining Company, they are not gambling, as the Omaha Oil & Re fining Company is now a producer and on a dividend-paying basis. THIRD The third big reason is, they know that they get the same invest ment for one-fourth the cost in the Omaha Oil & Refining Company because they have four different sources to earn big fat dividends from first, from the producing wells; second, from the 5,600 acres in Wyoming; third, from the big Texas lease located in the gusher territory of Texas; fourth, they will also share m the large refinery we are now planning to build and operate this makes an in vestment equal to "four" for the price of one. The Omaha Oil & Refining Com pany control over 6,000 acres of properties, located in three of the great oil states Kansas, Texas and Wyoming. TEXAS OILFIELDS TuTexas oil fields are brin2in2 forth wells in increasing quantities every day. The stock in the wells in these fields is getting more valuable and is wvT1.? nrm per cent of net profits than the wildest dreamer ever hoped for. Wichita Palls, Texas, district now producing over 75,000 barrels of oil per day. $5,500,000 PAID IN DIVIDENDS 'Doesn't it look foolish that you should go through life day after day in the same old rut and let the other fellow reap the profits that are offered to one and all. You may say, "I'm not able to put in enough to count," yet had you invested so small an amount as $100.00 in any of the 71 companies operating in the Wichi ta j? alls District that have paid over five and one-half million dollars in dividends since last August, you would be getting dividends that would probably equal huvritSn rLSTlnCme ?U-he farm' The Pint is this- becaus cant buy it all, don t let the opportunity pass to get as much as you can. 1 YOU HAVE A You are not a man You owe it to yourself. What then can vou do? fers the quick way to i i 1 Ti? v ji yjii. ii so, mat s more tning is the place to go and get it. The several crops. Does he quit farming? LATER HE WILL BE REWARDED. THE SHREWD INVESTORS ARE BUYING OUR STOCK WHY? ir, nBUSe n e uaranteethat they will get a square deal that they will share J in rf GlIS- n4u ?roducinS' the wells now drilling and all property we IStpf Jw?1!8 that We may hereafter purchase or acquire. We furtheTgu zvh:z?zzctsed wm participate in the earnins thfRe- YOUR OPPORTUNITY We are offering a small block of 8 per cent accumulative Darticioatinir fn paid and non-assessable preferred stock for a short time at ; th pai value $10 on ThlS " ne f the best fitments that ybu have ever been offered Should this company earn 25 to 40, the holders of the preLrrefstock wiH receive their proportion of the extra profits, after first recivln-1" Yn k, .i J l f "Cl f rJ3c.eivin lare returns. If you would like to invest in a com to Sconce SUCCeed in 3 big Way' fU1 Ut either the coupls andSSi The Omaha Oil A Refining Company, 228 City National Bank Bldf., Omaha, Nabrafka. Pleas, lend me further information about Omaha Oil and Refining Company'! 8 per cent, f erred stock. Name Street City THE OMAHA Phone Douglas 9069. that green bugs were attacking the crop in soma sections of Missouri. After open ing unchanged to Sc higher, the market sag-Red a little and then hardened again. Inactivity rharacterfssed provisions. Prices averaged lower as a rasult ot weak ness In the hog trade. cnicago. May 27. :orn No. 3 yellow, $1,815,; No. 4 yellow, $1.80; No. 5 yellow, nominal. Oals No. $ whibe, 69 "0c: standard, 7 1 (IT 7 1 '4 c. Ry No. 2, nominal. Barley $1.10 1.25. Timothy $9 00 12.00. Clover Nominal. Pork Nominal, Lard $33.37 Ribs $2S.2528.75. Low. I Close. I Yes'y. Com I May 1 81 .luly I.6514I Sept. I 1.68 54 Oats I I Mav .69 .lulv I .67 Sept. I 1645. Pork I Mav 154 .00 .luly 148.90 Laid I Mav '32.80 .luly 131.12 I Rlba I I Mav i29 32 1 July :27.22 1.82 1.66T4! 1.695s .70Vil 1 81 1.82 i.t;n, 16 167 V 168 1 80 1.65 1.58 .684 .67 .64 53 90 48 92 32 66 .11.26 29.00 27.22 .691 .70 .u, .65 54 54.70 49.66 I i64i it I64.00 '164.70 148.50 '49.60 I I 132.80 .13.37 31.10 131 76 129.32 129 36 127.22 127.22 JJ 37 131.77 I '9 85 '27.75 Minneapolis (-rain. Minneapolis. May 27. Flour Un changed. Harley Il.fl0jri.l3. Rye No. 2, $1.40'4 1.4fl. Bran $37 00. Corn $1.68 1 69. o. t u c r. fn i;tl, I Flaxseed $4. 22JM. 24 Kaneu City Grain. Kansas City, Mo.. May 27. Corn Mav, $1.77 54 $t 1.774k: July, $1.68 '4 j 1.6S ; September, $1.6854. St. Louis tiraln. St. Louis. May 27. Corn July. $1.70; September, $1.60. Oats July, 6S'4c; September. 654c. Omaha Hay Market. Receipts of both prairie hay and alfalfa good, but on account of the poor demand the market la weak and lower on both prairie hay and alfalfa. Straw Is also lower on account of the demand being quiet. I Hay Upland prairie No. 1. $.14.0u36 00; upland prairie No. 2, $24.00 28.00 ; upland prairie No. 3, $1 2.00 14.00. Midland prairie $33.noj(3G.OO; No. 2 midland, $23.00(8 27.00. Lowland liralrle No. 1, $22.MOii(i26.00; low land prairie No. 2, $16.00 18.00: lowland prairie No. 3. $10.0014.00. Timothy No. 1. $32.00iS34.00; standard. $28.0031.00; No. 2 standard, $27.0028.OO. Alfalfa No. 1, $28.00 932.00; standard, $24.0026.OO; No. 2, $18,008)22.00; No. 2. $14.0016.00. Straw Oat, $12.0014.00; wheat, $10.00 12.00. Cotton Fntnre. New York, May 27. Cotton future op ened Irregular; July, 32.34c; October. Sl.S3c; December, 81.12c; Panuary, 80.98c; March 30.80c. . DESIRE TO SUCCEED FINANCIALLY unless vmi rlr You owe it to You can't live luiiir enoucn An invoofTvi4 financial indepen reason that you should invest The Omaha Oil A Refining Company, . 228 City National Bank Bldg., Omaha, Ncbraaka. I hereby snhfirrih- n the pre- -l . " ur ine nW . COI"p,n'r Name Street City . OIL & REFINING COMPANY 228-29 City Nat. Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Local Stocks and Bonds Furnished by Burn. Brlnker A Co., 44$ N-tlnnal Rank hulldlna: Stocks. Bid. Asked. Alamito Creamery pfd 100 Amer. State Bank Stock 1$6 Burgess-Naah 7 per cent pfd . 100 1015a Cudahy Packing Co. common. 1194 " Hooch Food Pro., with bonus. 994 100 Harding Cr. 7 per cent pfd. .1015 1025 Journal Stockman Co.. So. O.105 125 Llbby. McNeil Libby 3154 S Lincoln Tel. T. com. 7 p. c. 94 $6 Om. & C. B St. Ry. pfd 625 Sioux City 8t. Yds. pfd 90 Swift & Co. International 605, 0H Swift Co 146 146 54 Swift Co. Rlchts 6 54 7 Union Stock Yds., Omaha 99 5i ln0 5i Union Power & L. 7 p. c. pfd. 99 100 Honda City and Co. of Uenv. 44s. 1948. ..4 66 pr. City of Omaha various 4 70 p. c. Cudahy Pack. 6s tl946) 984 Lincoln Jt. St. Land Ilk. 6s. (192.1-19:18) 1004 101 4 Lincoln Ua Klec. 5s (1941 ). 77 81 Morris & Co. 44 (19:18) 85 86"i Swift (' 6s (1944) 964 97 54 Southern California "a 100 102 Seaboard Line (1919) 94 97 Wilson 1st 6s ( 1941 ) 99 100 Wolf-Hlller 6s (1927) 98 '4 - , 5 New York Coffee. New York, May 27. The market for coffee futures showed renewed firmness today on reports of an increasing cost and freight demand and firmness in Bra-ll. These features seemed to encourage a re newal of support, and there win alao covering on the advance. Tho market opened 32 to 42 prints higher and sold 40 to 67 polnta above last night's cloalng figures, with May and July rontracU malting new highs. July sold at 19.65c and pecember at 18.75c, but closed aev. eral points off from the best under real Mrtf. Last prices Hhowed net gains of 26 to 4.i points. May. 19.20c; July, 19.85c; September. 18.99c; October. 18.82c: De. oember, 18.49c; January 18 38c; March, l.2Sr. There was a sale of MaMy, 1920, at 18.00c. Svot, firm; Rio 7s, 20c; Santos 4s. 244c. Airplane Industry Gaining Strong Foothold In Mexico Washington. May 27. Progress of airplape manufacture in Mexico is attracting the attention of officials here. The national factory on the outskirts of Mexico City has reached a production of one complete ma chine a week. The motor, known as the Aztatl. is rated at 80 horse-power and is de scribed as light, cheap and service able. Steps have already been tak en toward the construction of aerial bombs and the Mexican government is said to plan the building of armored bombing planes this year. your family to succeed. rn maifn a tnrinnn of in a gooa suDsiantiai uil Company of demce. Probablv again. Where you lose a man on the farm will in a lifetime lose NO, He KNOWS THAT SOONER OR : ,ur - P" v' 10.00 per ihare. fully 3l