THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNtSDA i MAY 28, 19l9. 14 fs! I. - ' ' Want Ad Rates (Cash With Order.) ta per word on Insertion 4o per word for I consecutive Insertions letper word for each additional Insertion No ads taken for loss than a total of 20a or less than 10c per day. CHARGE. i:e per Una (count 6 words to line) 1 time to per iine each time, 3 conaecutlva tlmea Do per line each time, T ceneecuUve tlmea To Der line each time. 80 conaecutlva tlmea CARDS OF THANHS AND MNERAL NOTICES. too per line each Insertion Minimum charge, BO cents. Contrnct Kntes tin Application. For convenience of advertlsera, want ads out h accented at the followlnr offices; MAIN OFFICE. cs . uiiains- ,..4410 North 20th St. . .2518 North 24th St. . ..247 South 16th St. .2616 Leavenworth St. ....81 North 40th at. 2318 N St. , 14 Main St. Ames Offlre... Lake Office... Vinton Office.. Park Office... Walnut Office, south Side.... Council Hluffs i-hi' uv.K will not be reanonslble for more than one Incorrect Inaertlon of an nlvertlsement ordered for more than one PHONE -TYLER 1000. Evening Editions 12:80 M. Morning Editions 10:00 P. M. Sum) m V Kditjnns 10 P. M. Saturday. DEATH T&TuInERAL NOTICE 'Oltlt Nellie Frances, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs James Corr. at residence, Ral ston, Neb.. Sunday, May 25, 1919. Age 11 VCMI9. Funeral from residence Wednesday. y.ny 1919. at 10 a. m. Interment West I.hwii cemetery. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. FREDE. FERO FUNERAL DFRECTOR l.adv Attendant ZiA and Cuming Sts. Phone Douglaa 677. Auto ambulance. .-. HEAFEY & HEAFEY, Pndertakers and Embalmers. Phone H. t5 Office. 26JJ Farnam. HULSE & RIEPEN Pioneer Funeral Directors. Till S lfith St. Phone Doug. 1226. TAGGART & SON TiNDBRTAKERS AND EMBALMERS Telephone Pouglaa71 11- 2-12 Cuming St. STACK & FALCONER IndependejitJertaker3dJarJH;40 HOFFMAN FUNERAt, HOME Hofrman quality service costs less. 4th and Dodge. Douglaa 3901. iriHM A. (1KNTLEMAN Undertaker and Embalmer MM Farnam St. Harney tit. FLORISTS. LEE L. LARMON FoF 1R14 Douclaa St. Douglas 8244. JT.vv mmimit and Farnam. D. 3000. L. Henderson, 1 r, 19 t'aniam. D. 1248. MONUMENTS & CEMETERIES. THK largest aispiay I,luuu" V th Unlfed States, FRANK 8WOMDA Ulli 3. nth. Phone Douglas 1878-6216 ATTRACTIONS. WANTED TiTliear from amuseuient com- nasv for three day Fourth of July cele bration Spencer Promotion club. Spen rer, Nob,, by C. M. Sturdevant, BIRTHS AND DEATH Births C. H. and Helen Gray, saio California street, girl: Ramon and Jesus Fernandez, 2412 P street, boy; Albln and Bathe.- Anderson. 2508 South Twentieth avenue, girl; Frank and Effle McCormlck. 1926 South Nineteenth street, boy; Benja min and Rose Somberg. 68 Pake Court, boy; John nnd Mary Burlette, 3614 Grover street, boy: Abe and Anna Abrams, 324 North Twenty-third street, girl; Cecil and Lena Hallowell. Benson Acres. Neb boy; Francis and Effle Suber. 2703 Plnkney Mreet, girl; Albert and Jngeborg Nelsen, 59' Vallev street. , boy; O. M. and Flor ence Rlc. 1904 Lnthrop street, boy. Deaths-Kathertne Alice ""R. 7. 2830 ChLrles street; George E Abbott. 61, 2501 Sherman avenue; Rufus O. Tole, 77, 1810 Maple street; Paul Peterson, 28, hospital, Dora Singer, 65, 1016 Pacific street; Helen A Sloup 13 davsff709 South Fourteenth street" John Solqulst. 64. 3226 South Twenty-third street: Flora Eva-Tis, 72, House of Hope; Julia Pepelneg. I days. 1"3 South Fifteenth street. Mike Stodola .12, hospital; Mary B. Williams, 63. 6o-3 -South Twentv-thlrd street; Albert Kostal. i i, i Fiftieth and P streets,; John Orynce wlc'. 1 day. 4414 South Thirty-fourth street; 'Josephine Parsley, 31. 4224 South Seven leonht street: John Burg, 70. hospital. ;,MARRfAGE LICENSES. The following marriage licenses were Issued In Omaha today; Name and Residence. bto- John P. Albers. Humphrey. Neb 28 Josephine Bus.h. Omaha. -J George D Whitmore, Omaha Jj Mildred A. Powers, Omaha .lease C. Baker. Omaha ; Verne Sigler, Omaha .- ViV,? Walter F. Hansen. Newman Grove, Neb. 27 Hazel A. Frank, Newman Grove, Neb..- Joseph J. Dungan. Omaha 0 Claim Daley, Omaha. John A. Weiss. Omaha over .1 Rvv'K. Kost, Omaha i...over 18 Kobsrt L. White, Omaha Blanche Tucker. Omaha Albert R. Lewis, Omaha J Mertie Wemple. Omaha i"L"i"i. - Arthur R. Montgomery, Shenandoah, la. j4 Josephine Wade. Shenandoah, la 24 Oryllle C. Darling, Omaha --j Honor.i Cuslck, Omaha J John Sacka, Omaha jj Jfary Oaimak, Omaha " Marry Jackson, Omaha - , Ultima Gray, Omaha...... Tifn Tucker, Decatur, Net)--- ; Artnle Tyndall, Decatur, Neb 30 Valley White, Omaha 30 Giietchen McConnell, Omaha.. .27 Winter O'Keefe,. Dlvermon. Ill- ' Ann Belle Warner. Welser. Ida 27 Frank A. Porslck. Berlin, Wis , Martha F. Krupa, Omaha.. .is BUILDING PERMITS. J. L. Hlatt Co., 2562 Plnfney street frame dwelling. $2,500; F. S. Martin. 6801 Webster atreet. Improvements to dwelling, SJ.MO; Mike Drakullch, S723 South Twen-tji-elghth atreet, frame dwelling. 11,000; Joseph J. Kawan,. 140 N avenue frame dwelling, 13.600; K. R. Parker, 2848 North utty-Tirst street, repair?. - LOST FOUND REWARDS. zrTn .tiMii t-o x rvT nn at raw i care, tele phone Tyler 800. Ws are anxious to re. atore lost erucren to nsnnu, OMAHA & CO. 0L.vrra w rBsT Black Lynx fur, while auto riding jjaaturoay nigm; r. . ouglas 1229 or svenlngs Room S32 San- , 'ford hotel. LOST on 29th street, -between Dewey and Jackson, a diamond ring. Reward H re turned to 539 so. Z9th St. 11nn1, nf I'avB npai iKth Tld Farnam. week ago. 'Tel. Harney 3448. LOST Ladies black suit jacket, Saturday. near til'HI anu ouo ci. vuti iinnioy FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Pianos and Musical Instruments. A FULL line of Columbia phonographs and recorda In ail languages; also a full line of Vltanolas and all musical Instruments at 25 per cent-off. We also repair phonographs. Rlalto Muslo Shop, 1416 Bouglas St. Open evenings. A. HOSPE COK Pianos for rent. $4.00 per month. REBUILT, sold, rented, repaired. Carbon paper, ribbons and supplies. Service guaranteed. Try us. Phone Doug. 031. k OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO. V , 106 North 15th St. TYPEWRITERS all makes, sold, rented sad repaired. THE W. N. LONO COMPANY, 105 S. 18th St Tel. P. $96$. , WS buy, sell and exchange typewriters, desks and offlee. furniture. Midland of- flee Supply Co., 1404 Dodge St. Tel. . -Douglas J1 47. .' f Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES. NEW AND REBUILT T Tha most complete line of Tjpewrlters , and Adding Machines west of Chicago. Can furnish any. make at moat any price you desire to pay. We rent and repair att-makea and will buy or trade for your old machine. Every machine guaranteed. See us before yon buy. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, f Established over 15 Years. I ' Douglas 4121. 1905 Farnam St, RENT an Oliver Typewriter, thite months for $8.00. Oliver Agescy. 190S Farnam St.. City. Bee Supplies. BEE SUPPLIES KRETCHMER MFG. CO.. Co. Bluffs. la. Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES Ws rent, repair, sell needles and parts. MICKEL'B NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. ' 16th and Harney Sts. Doug. 1871. . Furniture and Household Goods. FOR SALE AT ONCE A Jewell gas stove, . a-mahogany cheval mirror, and a body Brussels rug. all In first-class condition. Telephone Walnut 142. GOOD furniture and household goods' for a i rneap. office desk, same as -Bsw, FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Furniture and Household Goods AUCTION! AUCTION! Another big sale of high grade furni ture, linens, rugs, talking machine, and furnishings of 8 good homes. , IN MY AUCTION HOUSE. ' S. E. CORNER OF 18TH AND WEBSTER STREETS. WEDNESDAY, MAY 28. STARTS AT 10 A. M. SHARP. Consisting In part as follows: Lot S8---One nearly new Anglo Per sian rug, slse 8x12; 1 Whlthall Wilton rug. like new, site, 8x12; 3 Axmtnster ruga. 9x12; 1 Body Brussels rugs, 8-3x10-6, and several smaller rugs, nearly new duofold, and 2 large rockers to match, fumed oak library table, beauti ful fumed oak dining room set, 62-ln. table, 6 leather chalra and large buffet; 2 massive brass beds, best springs and mattresses, 2 Vernis-Martin beds, springs and mattresses, 1 mahogany, 1 Bird's Eye Maple and 2 good oak dressers, ehlffnntnre and hpH rnnm rnckern. riresn- ing table, porch furniture, high oven gas range, noosier caDinet, ice dox, nig tot of linens, dishes, cooking utensils, gar den tools, and hundreds of articles too numerous to mention. Lot 390 Consisting In part as follows: 3 standard sectional book cases, missive mahogany dresser, beautiful early Eng lish dining room set complete, 66 In. tab!., 64-ln. buffet and 6 chalra to mr.tch, kitchen cabinet nearly new. 2 nearly new Bundhar Wilton rugs, size, 9x12, sun room furniture, several large mahogany rockers, beautiful bed, spring and mattress, large library table, 18 bed sheets nearly new, extra good: several pieces of Imported table linen, like new, a lot of fancy linens, dishes and drapes, and hundreds of article too numerous to mention Lot 391 One standard mahogany talk ing machine and about 150 records: 3 Axmlnster rugs, like new. sl-ie, 9x12, and- several smaller rugs; golden oak buffet, table and chairs, 2 Vernls-Mar-tln beds, springs and mattresses, staple and fancy dishes; big lot of bed linens ard comforters, flre.less cooker, high oven gas range, large leather davenport, 2 sanitary couches and pads, mahogany curio cabinet, sewing machine, electric lamp, beautiful pictures, wall mirror, 4 good oak dressers, wardrobe and hun dreds of aVtlcles too nuVnerous to men tion. Lot 892 Is the complete furnishings of a good 6-room home including linens, drapes, etc. Lot 393 la the complete furnishings of a 4-room apartment of the Winona apartment. Lot 394, 396. 396, 397, 898 and 899 These lots are of furnishings from homes and conslstlngs of nearly everything. JAMES L. DOWD, Auctioneer. v If you have anything to sell call Red 8285. Colfax 1424, or Tyler 966-W. OUR FINAL MAY SACRIFICE SALE, of furniture, rugs, etc., continues this week. - It will be a big week for money saving for outfit buyers. Bed room suites, selling regularly at 265.00, at 849.60; 885.00, at $65.00; 8125.00, at $35.00; $250.00, at 1175.00. Dining room and living room outfits In same pro portion. Extraordinary reduction in fiber sun roe-m furniture and odd pieces. We take Liberty bonds at. par. We pay the freight. .We specialize on complete home, rooming house and hotel furn ture. STATE FURNITURE CO., Opp. U. P. Bldg. 14th and Podge. FURNITURE FOR SALE. Three-piece mahogany parlor set In A-l condition, $25. Dining table and 6 chairs to match, $25. China cabinet, $15. Chiffonier. $14. Ice box, $8. No. 12 rug, $14. No. 12 Scotch wool rug, $R.60 One set Imported dishes, $12.00. 2421 Cl'MINO STREET SOLID BLACK WALNUT bed. desk, bookcase, chairs, washstand, domestic sewing machines, Axminister rug, 8x12, hundred pounds white lead. Leaving city. Must be sold at onee. 4974 Mlli tary Ave. ' WE buy, sell and mako desks, sates, show rases, shelving, eta omana fixture IRON bed and springs, $16; excellent davenport, 130. Colfax 1743. ONE Vernis Martin bed. Phone Har ney 6929. ; Clothing and Furs. FOR SALE A complete line of millinery. ladies' coats, suits and furnishings. This stock Is not two years' old. Ev erything Is clean and In first-class-condition. Reason for selling, on account of health. Location In county seat town. The only millinery tore in the town. A first-class milliner can make good money here. It will pay you to investigate this stock. For further In formation write Mr. Chas. A, Miller, Butte, Neb. P. S This stock will Invoice around $4,000. Miscellaneous. DANDELION and bedbug killers, also chicken house spray. A. Allen, 1724 No. 27th St. Webster 2046. 7 TJ T XT T7- fresh apple cider, 60c per 17 XV 1 1 XV gHllon, In 16-gallon kegs; no charge for kegs, return when empty. Drink reliable old port. $1 per gallon. Porto Beverage Co.. 2444 H Burt St mono oougias ainz. SWEET POTATO SLIPS, yellow Jersey, l.UUU, Sis. id; o.uuii, j.ov per hiwuphhu. Express collect. N. R. Simon, Oakland, Kan. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Ma'ireeses made over In new ticking at haif the price of new ones, .1807 Cuming. Woutrlas 2467 INVERTED gas arch lamps, three-burner. Col. 1776. FOR SALE Brand new sulkey, $14; will sell for $7. Webster 4061. WICKER baby cab. First-class condition call -lyier nuj-w. nrrT ' rriiii ps T K Mail rinti 740R KINDLING delivered 83.60 load. Web. 459. SPECIAL NOTICES. AMERICAN RAILWAY EXPRESS SALES BUREAU 1111 HARNEY ST., OMAHA THURSDAY . MAY 29, 1918. AT 9:30 A. M. We will sell at public auotton to high est bidder for cash a large quantity of unclaimed and No Mark shipments con sisting of wearing apparel for rren,. worn end and children, household goods, furni ture, tools,, trunks, auto parts, hardware, and other articles too numer ous to mention. Sale starts at 9:3 a. m. sharp. A. W. FEIOEL. Sales Agent. F. B. STEPHENSON, Auctioneer. WANTED TO BUY WE BUY LIBERTY .BONDS. s WE DEAL IN INVESTMENT SECURITIES. , ROBT. C. DRUESEDOW & CO., 860 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. WANT TO BUY HOMES H. A. WOLF CO. MEMBERS OMAHA REAL ESTATE BOARD. 512 ELECTRIC BLDG. TYLER 85 VICTORY BONDS. We buy them; also all Issues and part ly paid receipts. LIBERTY BONDS. HILL INVESTMENT CO. ' 642 Security (Rose) Bldg. LIBERTY BONDS Including partial payment receipts bought for cash; immediate remittance made for bonds sent by mall LEWIS & CO., BROKERS, 411 M'CAGUE BLDG. LIBERTY BONDS. Higest prices for secsnd and third Issues this week only. Other firms du puicate our ads. but they can't pay our prices. Come and see SECURITY INVESTMENT CO., 639 Securities (Rose) Bldg. LIBERTY BONDS If you have a Liberty bond to sell, see us. Ws pay spot cash for all Issues. Also buy partial payment receipts. 319 M'CAGUE BLDG. N. W. Cor. 16th and Dodge Sts. LIBERTY BONDS - will bfing the highest market pries with us; also m PARTIAL PAYMENT RECEIPTS. NATIONAL BOND COMPANY. (10 World-Herald Bldg. Tyler lit. 15th and Farnam. HIGH prices pstd for clothing, suit cases, bags - old gold and sliver. FRIEDMAN, 1211 Douglas x Re T,1- WANTED TO BUY H. DOLGOr'F. Furniture tnd Hardware Furniture, rugs, linoleum. Ice boxes, gas stoves, office furniture, show cases, trunks, suit cases, bedding, linen, poultry netting and garden tools. Better goods for less money. Credit It you wish. 183H 47 N. 24th. Web. 1607. WANTED TO BUY Watch the dally, bond quotations In this paper and get the market price for your Liberty bends. Corns to us. E. H. LOUGEE, INC 638-40 Keellne Bl.lg. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks; used desks bought sold and traded. J. C. Reed, 1301 Furnam. D. 146 WE are in the market for an unlimited quantity of scrap iron- metals, rubber, etc. Write for prices. A Ferer It Sons. SOS Douglas St. VV'E pay the highest price for second-hand furniture In good condition. W. M. Franklin. 1413 N. 24th St. VYelwter 4206. R1NU HARNEY 1S90 IF YOU HAVE FUR. NITURE, RUGS, OR OFFICE EQUIP MENT. FOR SALE. WE PAY MORE. VAT Pay9 highest prices for old J- n.XJJJ dothes. shoes and trunka. Call Douglas 8028. WE buy waste paper and pay good prices. Phone or writs Omaha Paper Stock Co., Douglas 159. WILL buy aecond-hand clothing, shoes and furniture. Tyler 2698. A. Zavett, 705 North 10th St HIGHEST prices for your old clothes; try us first and be convinced. Lioug las 3444. , ANNOUNCEMENTS Acordeon Pleating. ACCORDEON. side, knife, sunburst, box pleating, covered buttons, all sizes and styles; hemstitching, plcot edging, eye let cut work, button holes, prnnants. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO.. 300-308 Brown Bldg. Phone 1J. 19:16 HEMSTITCHING, PLEATING, BUTTONS. O. U. VanArnam Pleating Co., 412-17 Paxton Block. Phone Doug. 3109. Baggage and Express. "The Only Way" t Omaha Transfer t o. Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W. O. W. Bldg. Brass and Iron Foundries. PAXTON -MITCH ELL CO., 27th and Martha Sts., Omaha, Neb. Brass, bronze, aluminum and machine gray Iron castings. Chiropractors. Ethel Maltby. D. C 312 Bee Uldg. P. 3072. Dr. J. C. Lawrence, Baird Bldg. D. 8461. SPINOGRAPH. Dr. Edwards. 24th Farnam. Dancing Academies. KEEP'S HOTEL ROME Learn to dance for $5; class and dance Monday. Thurs day and Saturday. Private lessons. Phone Mr. Kee p. D. 258 1 . or H ar. 2792. KKL-PINE DANCING ACADEMY. 2424 Farnam. Class and prlv. lessons. D. 7850. Detectives. JAMES ALLAN ?" Ni!! dence secured In all cases. Tyler 1136. Electrical Utilities. WASHERS, $;.9.50; vacuum cleaners, $35; Get our prices before you buy. Lalley Wilson Elec. Co., 1307 Farnam. Ty. 1491. fATTTJ TZT 'VTEIectric washing machines, LI yJ XVXVXXi electric Irons and reading lamps. 2223 Cuming St. Douglas 2519. CAN save you money on electric washers. vacuum cleaners, etc. wone oeiier. E. HODGE. 24th & Fort Sts. Colfax 2164. Express. WHEN In need of a good reliable express n an, phone Douglas 4959. Prices reason able. Osteooaths. DR. MABEL WESSON, 614 Brandeis Dlilg. T. 2961). H. 4741. Film Developing. M'CULLOUGH, photo finishing, nest ma terial, best workmanship, cjpying and enlarging a specialty. .Mail orders so licited. 5403 South SStli St. Films developed free. Mail ordefa solicited. LE GORE STUDIO, V CAMERA SHOP, 214 b1, Films developed free. Mall orders solicited. DEVELOPING- and printing. One-day HPrvlcp. Photo Craft Fhap, 140S Farnam. FILMS developed free. Mail orders so licited. THK EN SI ON CO., Ifi07 Howard. Insurance. INSURE AGAINST TORNADOES Accident and Sickness LAWRENSON, 30:,'-S Jewelry. Fit A M ONFlWe pay tha bust price U111XLJ1 Ukwith privilege to buy back at small profit. OROS8 JEWELRY CO., 402 NV St. Red 8081. Tailors. Dledrlrk. P. La2lBg:2 IT 0 JaljorJDj 432 Lawyers. T. J. M'GUIRE, Lawyer, 51)8 Om. Nat. Office, Tyler 769. Res. S. 3218. Ozone Inhaling. FORENOONS free, at 113 South 26th. Patents. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. In ternational Patent Co., 682 v Brandeis. D 6691. Printing. Wedding Stationery- U. 9. Printing Co., Bee Bldg. Phone D. 117 Razor Blades Resharpened. Single Edge, 3c; Double Edge, 4c OMAHA SHARPENING CO. 1B22'A Dodge St. Omaha, Neb. Remodeling Contractors. LESSARD & SON, 2021 Cuming. Ty. 1632. Safes. Q A P iTQ BARGAINS 1212 Farnam. HlO j. j, Deright Safe Co. Stationery,. OMAHA Stationery Co. 307-9 So. 17th. Towel Supplies. Frontier Towel Sup. 201 S. Uth. D. 6291. Omaha Towel Supply. 207 8. 11th. D. 528. Wedding Stationery WEDDING announcements and printing. Douglas Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 644. Miscellaneous. WASHERS. $r,9.50; vacuum cleaners, $35. Oct our prices before you buy. Lalley Wllson Elec. Co.. 1307 Farnam. Ty. 1491. SPECIAL Imported Italian cheese, Im ported Italian Galame. Rlalto Delica tessen, 15th and Dout'las. "tTTQTrp Our new- Delicatessen Stors. Open Sunday. 203 S. 13th St. BUSINESS CHANCES. Here Is A Real Bargain. Bakery, confectionary and lunch room, town of 1.200; everything first-class; Mldby ' oven, hotel range, fountain, vitro marble tables, candy cases, cigar case and pastry cases, and a money maker, but must be sold In 30 days. Franklin Bakery and Confectionery. Franklin, Neb. FOR SALE Good business property, suit able for wholesale or manufacturing business or automobile and accessory business.- lot, 50x150, covered by 3-story brick building;- two elevators; property centrallv located. Address, J. L. Gib bons. 815 South Helen St., Sioux City, la. FOR SAIjE One of the best equipped cafes, up-to-date. In the state of Nebras ka thriving town, cold storage plant, daily business from $200 up. owner going to Australia, will sell for $15,000 cash. Invoice the stock, only parties meaning business need answer. Address Y-627, Omaha Bee. A FARM IN TOWN. AND HOTEL OF 29-ROOMS. FURNISHED Is ready for a good family. We sell on most easy terms or would rent hotel If tenant will buy the furniture. Come and see it now. William H. Brown Co.. Flasher. Morton Co.. N. Dakota. Agents wanted. RO-ROOM BRICK HOTEL DOING A GOOD BUSINESS In one of the livest railroad towns in North Dakota. sSasy terms of sale. Get facts quick, a bargain. W'm. H. Brown Co , Flasher. N. i'aKoia. UP-TO-DATE SHOE SHOP in Sioux City, T t EM..A Innallnn art A hll.l- IUHK, 1UI RltlC ,HO .wo.t.J,. ....... - ness. Address S. A.- Stover. 4227 Cor rertionvllle Road. Sioux Clty..Iowa; SITUATIONS WANTED. Male THE BEE will publish free a situation wanted ad under this classiicatlon for soldiers, sailors and marines who, will show their dischsrga papers at out oftics In tbs lobby of tha Bes building. Seventeenth and Farnam. JAPANESE chauffeur. Call 6020 South S6th St., South Omata. SITUATIONS WANTED. Male EDUCATION High school and 1 year in college desires employment with In vestment firm or stock and bond cor poration. Clayton H. Brown, 2103 Sherman avenue. No. 7, Margaret apart ments. TOUNG man, 24. good education, dis charged soldier, sound, geueral knowl edge of business. Wholesale salesman ship preferred. Address Box No. 74. Omaha Bee. FARMERS, we can furnish you farm hands; wire, write or phone. Savage's . . ,i, c 1,h C 11 7UTQ l.aoor Agency, c ...... m. . ,q.g CARPENTER work, day or job; price reasonable. sausracwon . guarauieeu Phono Douglas 4379. WANTED A -position as chauffeur in pri vate family, can give references. Phone Douglas 5798. Female. AN experienced child's nurse wants a place In a good home. Call Harney 6178 DAY work wanted. Phone Webster 2262. Laundry and Day Work. BUNDLES laundered, also curtains and blankets. Call and deliver. Webster 4283. BUNDLE washing; reasonable; beet care, soft water. Webster 6949. LAUNDRY and day work wanted by Lew is Smith. Webster 2524. DAY work wanted with references. Call Webster 2941. WANTED Day work or bundle washing. Webster 698. CURTAINS laundered. 2614 Dodge. Har ney 1130. DAY WORK, by experienced laundress. Call Tyler S399-W. WORK by the hour. Call Webster 4555. BUNDLE washing at home. Webster 5931. DAY- work wanted. Web. 2498. jrfELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices WANTED Live, experienced man, for real estate sales office in northwestern Colorado. Good proposition to right man. o - .A n. vo TX-oll in rt,,n Inn GOVERNMENT wants railway mall clerks, $92 month. List positions free. Frank lin Institute, Dept. 23r-P. Rrchester, N Y. - OVERSEAS sailor wants position doing general clerical work, wiyi chance of advancement. Best references. Call walnut Z43i. WANTED Names of men, If to 35, wish ing to become railway mail clerks, $1,100-$1,600 per year. AddresB Box Y-515, Omaha Bee. YOUNG MAN with credit and bookkeep ing experience, $125. "Western Reference & Bond Assn. PAINTERS WANTED If you want steady work, call Walnut 2894. Open shops. WANTED Experienced salesman for shoe department. Benson-Thome Com pany. STENOGRAPH KR-secretary, $125. WATTS REF. CO., 113S 1st Natl. Bank. Professions and Trades WE require the services of one bakery foreman ; must be extra good on bread and able to handle men; one dough mixer and two bench hands. This is a hand shop and we must have men who are bakers ; cigaret smokers and shirkers need not apply; wages highest, but ability is . what counts. Applv in writing to Box 888, The Sioux City .Bakery, Sioux City, la. WANTED EXPERIENCED rOWER SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS. CAN EARN $16 TO ?20 PER WEEK ON OUR MECHANICS' ONE-PIECE WORK SUITS. CAN USE A FEW GIRLS WHO WANT TO LEARN. STEADY WORK. GUARANTEE GIVEN. APPLY FORELADY. OMAHA AUTO TOP CO., 709-11 SOUTH 1STH STREET. MEN Learn barber trade. Make $25 to $50 per week. Special rates to soldiers. Earn while learning. Moier Barber College. 110 South 14th St. EXPERIENCED drug clerk with refer-cn-ep , need not be registered; day Job. Van .as Drug Store, 10th and Bancroft street. WANTED Foreman for the Evening Re publican; give experience, wages want ed, etc. Daily Republican, Mitchell, S. D. BAKKIt and first and second cooks wanted at the Soldiers' Home at Burkett, Neb. Good wages with board and room. WANTED An experienced passenger ele vator operator. Apply II. F. Chapman, Benson-Thome companyJ WANTED Experienced Washington Market, Howard. packer. Apply wholesale, 1307 WANTED News agents to run on pas senger trains; long runs. Apply at news stand I. C. station. Fort Dodge, la. EXPERIENCED man for machine press ing. Steady work and good salary. Call at the Teddy Bear Cleaners, 1908 Harney. START RIGHT Los Angeles i. M. C. A. Auto School. Service Men one-half rate WANTED Upholsterer for furniture de partment. Box 41405 Bee BAKERS Wanted Good salary and meals. Apply Welch's Bakery, 1406 Douglas St. AT ONCE Granite letterer. Cherokee Monument Works. Cherokee, la. Salesmen and Solicitors WANTED Two good solicitors. City work; straight salary . or commission. See Mr. Ragan, Cir culation Manager, Bes. WANTED EXPERIENCED SALESMEN IN THE LADIES' SHOE DEPT. AiOOD SAL ARIES, PERMANENT POSITIONS. AP PLY SUPERINTENDENT BRANDEIS STORES. STOCK SALESMEN WANTED Two live, wide-awake stock salesmen who are able to produce results. We have a proposition which will Interest you. We have paid cash dividends averaging over 100 per cent for the last two years, with better prospects for the future. Owing to increase of business, can use additional capital, and are offering some of our stock at par value. Reply, giv ing full particulars of experience and references. State your house address and telephone number, if you have one. Box -Y-M6. Omaha Bee. TRACTOR salesman. $175, $200. Bookkeeper and credit man, $125, $130. Office clerk to meet public, $85, $90. Ledger clerks, $85, $100; stock clerks, $75. $80. Office boys. $10 and lunches. THE MARTI CO., 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. JIELP WANTEDMALE. Salesmen and Solicitors SALESMAN acquainted with Nebraska territory who understands sporting,, and " athletic goods. Reply, giving particu lars. Addresa -637, Omaha Bee. WANTED STOCK SALESMEN A FEW LIVE WIRE MEN, ACCUSTOMED TO BIG BUSI NESS; GOOD COMMISSION; GOING CONCERN; GOOD TERRITORY. BOX H 20, BEE. AUTO-SUPPLY SALESMAN WANTED. Absolutely necessary that you be ex perienced in this line. Good , pay to right man. POWELL SUPPLY CO., 2051 Farnam 'St.. Omaha Neb. TRAVELING salesman, national J- facturing organization. Will g manu- skleration to inexperienced man of caiiDre jusuiying cspwisv nary training. Salary, $100 to $125 ami expenses. Western Reference & Bond Ass'n. 73B First Nat'l Bank ljjtls. IF YOl can sell insurance and can come clean you can obtain a liberal contract in good territory with an established company offering a full line of standard policies. No stock-selling or organiza tion proposition. Address Lock Box 8-2, Omaha, Neb. WANTED Olffar salesman for Nebraska and part of South Dakota; must be able to give referoiices and furnish bond; good opening for hustler: brands welt known. Address the Harkert Cigar Co.. Davenport HIGH class specialty salesman sell busi ness men, popular well known easy sell ing article. Can make $300 up monthly. City and vicinity. Call for proofs. Yegg- men roe jvirg. o., jjib raarney micrt WANTED A salesman to appoint resident agents and help them sell electric Farm lighting plants. We extend all sales aid we possible can to help your work. KORSMEYER CO., Lincoln. Neb. WANTED Energetic man for tire sales man. A liberal commission with adver tising and other aid will help you get business. Korsmeyer Co., Lincoln. Neb. SALESMAN, Nebraska, $175 to $200 and experience. WATTS REF. CO., 1138 1st Natl, Bank. WANTED: EXPERIENCED meat salesman to call on city trade. Addrebs Manager, Box H-!9, Oimha Bee. Boys BOYS WANTED Over 13 years of age; free tuition. Y. M. C. A. Call Air. Johnson, Douglas 5555. Hotels and Restaurants. COOKS, waiters, waitresses and kitchen help wanted; good wages and hours to the right kind of white help. Union help prefered. Hotel and Restaurant Ass'n. Twin Falls, Idaho. WANTED A good, steady night fry cook; good wages. Brunswick Restaurant, Fre mont, Neb. Trade Schools. AUTO SCHOOL Electrical work a spe cialty. Free catalog. National Vjto School. 2814 North 20th St.. Omaha. Miscellaneous. EXPERIENCED auto accessory salesman, $1,800. Wholesale auto salesman, salary open. Merchandise checker, young man, $75 to $85. Stenographers good positions $110-100. Correspondent, splendid future, $100. Customers' claim clerk. $100 to start. LeiWer clerks. $!n-8r,-75 EMPLOYER'S REFERENCE CO. tUlij Bee Building. V il'XO man 2; to 30 years old to take chnrge of employment department hir ing large force of cleriral and sales help. No experience Is necessary, hut must be a hritrhtr clean cut fellow, well educated and possessing good common sense. Sal ary open. EMPLOYER'S REFERENCE COMPANY ;or) Ree Rullding. STENOGRAPHERS, typest, office clerks, bookkeepers, comptometer operators, etc. Are you looking for a good paying posi tion. See us! "No chaa-ge 'til placed." EMPLOYER'S REFERENCE COMPANY 605 Bee Building. RETAIL drug clerk; does not need to be registered, but should have retail expe rience selling sundry articles. $100 to start. EMPLOYER'S REFERENCE COMPANY li05 Bee Building. WANTED Voices. Tenor and Bass for Catholic choir. Must read music. Salary $0.00 per month. Apply by letter to P O. Box 228. WANTED Experienced man, married pre ferred, for work on ranch In Tripp coun tv So Dakota. Excellent terms. Write at once. Box H-33. Omaha Bee. POSITIONS, locations, etc.. for druggists, dentists, doctors, nurses, veterinarians F V Knlest. 212 Bee Bldg.. Omaha. WANTED Several men over 45 years of age for light work. Gordon Ralnalter, 801-11 Douglas street. - WANTED Man to do housecleanlng, lawn mowing, paper hanging, cleaning, etc. Harney 5S4fi. BE a detective; excellent opportunity; good pay: travel. Write C T. Ludwig. 875 Westover Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. WANTED Colored man to rack balls. C. C C. Billiard Parlors. 1511 Harney. WANTED A houseman; apply Clarkson hospital. - HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices WANTED EXPERIENCED ELLIOTT FISHER OPERATOR. APPLY MR. NEVILLE OR MR. COLLINS. B. F. GOODRICH RUBBER CO., 2034 FARNAM ST. STENO.. lumber exp., $100-$110. Steno., private sect., auto., $85-$90. Stenographers, $6G-$75-$80-$90. Typists, splendid ftrm, $65-$75. P. B. X. opr. and office clerk, $5-$70. Bookkeeper, $75-$80; ledger clerk, $70. THE MARTI CO., 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. Stenographers. $100-$90-$S5. Beginner stenographer, $ti0-$65. Typist and office clerk, $65-$75. BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASS'N, 1307 W. O. W. Bldg. STENOGRAPHERS, $125, $100, $90, $85, $75. $(15 Office clerk, $50. Typist, $65. WATTS REF. CO.. 1138 1st Natl. Bank. WANTED Experienced maker for millin ery department. The John Beno Co., Council Bluffs. WANTED Two experienced Marlnello op erators Phone 2600 or write the John Beno Co., Council Bluffs, la.- STENOGRAPHER and assistant on books, small office, $85. Western Reference & Bond Ass'n. WANTED Experienced oasTOr and wrap per. Apply H. K. Chapman, Benson Thome Co. Saleswomen and Solicitors WANTED Salestady with experience In skirt and waist department. Apply Herzberg's, 1517 Douglas. Household and Domestic. WANTED. , Experienced second girl; good refer ences required. Mrs. F. T. Hamilton. 210 South 32d Ave. WANTED A good white girl or woman to assist with house work. No washing or cooking. Doug. 6203. WANTED White cook; references re quired. 206 S. 32d Ave. Harney 206. GIRL to assist with housework; no washing or ironing. Call Harney 1342. WANTED First-class hand lroner. Web ster 3571. Household and Domestic. LADY to keep house for father and daugh ter. 4 years old; must be neat and clean; good wages. Box Y-628, Omaha Bee. WANTED A competent house maid; downstairs work only. Apply Mrs. Ward Burgess, 123 N. 22d StJ AN experienced maid for half days work, 13 until t p. an. Clatrmont Inn. Douglas 2735. WAITRESS wanted. Flatiron Cafe, 1720 St. Mary's Ave, Good wages. WANTEI.) A good plain cook; good wfeg es. Mrs. Woodruff. Douglas 2218. WANTED Girl for general housework. Good home. Walnut 73$. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Professions and Trades AN EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY -LEARN TELEPHONE OPERATING. PER MANENT POSITIONS THE WORK IS CLEAN, IN INTERESTING AND IMPORT ANT. OFFERS MANY OP PORTUNITIES FOR . AD r VANCEMENT. STEADY EM PLOYMENT IN HEALTHFUL SURROUNDINGS. Good salary to start and frequent In creases at regular Intervals VACATIONS GIVEN EACH YEAR WITH PAY. YOUNG WOMEN. 17 WARS OP AGE OR OVER, APPLY TO C. F. LAMBERT- NEBRASKA TELEPHONE COMPANY. ROOM 613, NEW TELE PHONE BUILDING. NINETEENTH AND DOU. ;:., STREETS. EXPERIENCED shirt makers. Albert Cnhn. 1322 Partial!! St t HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men. ladles and boys to learn barber trade; big demand: wages while learning; atrlctly modern. Call or write 1402 Dodge SL Trl-Clty Barber College Phone D 2147 EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. BOYLES COLLEGE. Students are admitted at any time. Complete courses In accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, ci)iiptometry. ahort hand and typewriting, stenotypy, rail road and wireless telegraphy, civil serv ice and all English and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Douglas 1565 for large Illustrated ca logue. f Address, Boyles Building, Omaha. Neb. Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 5890. LEARN Moster ahorthand and typewrit ing. Day and night classes. Omaha Shorthand College. Bee Bldg., D. 6528. Piano Instruction. ANNIE E. GLASGOW, voice and piano, 603 Karbach Blk. Studio phone Red 1 8j. 209 South 15th St FOR RENT-ROOMS- Furnished Rooms. COOL, southeast room, completely fur nished in mahogany, home comforts, beautiful neighborhood, to business man or couple employed. One other pleasant sleeping room. Harney 2457. NICELY furnished room in private home In Dundee; employed lady preferred. Phone Walnut 149ii EXCEPTIONALLY nice front room, sec ond floor; two car lines. "419 Cuming. ONE verv good room with private family. CH Webster 2729. NICE room, private family; gentlemen preferred. 4250 Douglas. Walnut 59. FURNISHED rooms at 2S32 Lake St., on three carIhies. FRONT room for two. West home; garage. Walnut 1953. Farnam Housekeeping Rooms. LIGHT housekeeping and sleeping rooms, for men only. Sunshine Apartments, 608 N. 17th St. FL'RNISHED housekeeping rooms by day, week or month. Douglas 6328. LARGE housekeeping room, one sleeping room. 2013 Harney. Red 9136. Board and Rooms Excellent Meals Can accommodate a few extra people at my table. Will be appreciated by those wrro like homo cooking. Rates reasonable. 424 Park Ave. Harney 3730. FOR RENT FURNISHED Houses. IN WEST FARNAM DISTRICT, during July and August, 9 -room house, with sleeping porch, no garage, $5 a month. Harney 2.091. 2S North "Mh avenue. FOR RENT HOUSES. North. $15. First floor, 4 rooms and bath, heated. This includes taking care of lawn and furnace, heating 4 other apartments. 3026 Hawthorne Ave.. Walnut 2342. 4-ROOM and sun room modern apt., cor ner second floor. $32.00; Apt. 10, 1815 Maple St. Red CS2. South. 2503 Pierce. 9 rooms, $25.00. Tyler 1636. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., 3.13 Securities Bldg. 3 4 and 5 ROOMS, partly modern, from $12 to $15. 4411 South 2fith St. Red 6S2. Miscellaneous. PETERS TRUST CO., ffpfciallsfi In Apartment nanaffei.ient. LIST your propertx tor rent or sale with FIRST TRUST COMPANY. Realtors. Tyler 729. CREIGH SONS & CO HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY Doug. 200, 600 Bee Bldg. B1RKETT & CO. Care of property and Insurance, 260 Bee Bldir Douglas 633. FOR RENT Business Property. Stores. GOOD store rooms, 15th and Douglas. Inquire WORLD REALTY COMPANY. Phone. Douglas 6342. 713 SOUTH 24TH ST., 24x21, $25. 3106 Sherman ,Ave., 14x60, $20. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., Tyler 1536. 338 Securities Bldg. Office and Desk Room. OFFICE rooms to rent In the Bromley building. Elevator service, water, heat and light. I. N. Hammond, Agt., 210 S. Thirteenth St. ' WEST Vi of store room, 1322 Farnam St. ALHEKT I -A UN. WAKTED TO RENT. Unfurnished Apartments and Houses WANTED to rent 6 or 7 room modern house. Good location. Will pay year's rent In advance. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO. S33 Securities Bldg. Tyler 1536 UNFURNISHED room In modern home on or near car line, by woman employed. Box H-34. Omaha Bee. Miscellaneous. MARRIED couple who work wish a good room with bath, close In, board, and garagw fac-tllities If possible. Address, Box Y-534. Omaha Bee. WANTED Furnished residencs two or more sleeping rooms: no children; best of reference givem Box H-17. Bee. W AX T E D-F u r n 1 s h e d apt. or three fur nished rOoms for light housekeeping. Box H-.15. Bee. MOVING AND STORAGE. FIDELITY fNDR CO., 16th AND JACKl'N. DOUG. 2S8. STORAGE. MOVING. PACKING. REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE COMPLETE LIST OF ALL VACANT iOUSES AND APARTMENTS GLOBE VAN AND STORAGE CO. For real service In hauling or storage call Tyler 250 or D. 4338. auto or wagon FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos: moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO, 806 S Hith. Douglas 4163. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by II. R. Bowen Co. Tyler 8400. WE will furnish you any size truck by hour, month or year. HARTUNG'SansferCO. 1"U HOWARD ST. TYLER 1976 UNION TRANSFER CO: Let us estimate your moving jacking and storage. 1"5 Daven pert. Doug. 290S. WB haul furniture, light ar.U heavy hauling. Live stock hauling a specialty. CALDWELL TRANS. CO.. Office Tjler 579 Res.. J.ouglBJ 31. REAL ESTATE IMPROVEdT" " " West. WE have cash buyers for West. Farnam nd Dundee homes. Phone Douglas 6074 and we will call and Inspect your property. Shuler & Cary. . Lee Want Ads pay big profits to the people who read them, , REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West 6-Room house. 3 blocks from car, a good Slac for garden and chickens. Only ouse In block. 4604 Cast St., $1,300. jCVn JJ gii rula y or evenings. NEW. up-to-date ti rooms, oak finish, fins , . - .... . . . fin,,,,!,, price, su.ztio; terms; iikiuuu N 47th St. Norrls ft Norrls. D 437a North. 36TH AND AMES. $300 DOWN; $25 A MO. 6-room, strictly modern except heat cottage; i rooms on first floor. 2 rooms and hath on second; full, basement: east front lot, with some fruit; priced at $2,.'iiio. PAYNE INVESTMENT QOMPANY, 5.17 Omaha Nat. PkHldg. D. 17M. STOP PAYING RENT. $r,no cash will handle this 5-room. modern cottage, with two lots, two chicken houses, shade trees and bearing fruit; freshly papered; clean and ready to move Into. Vrlce, $3,750. This prop erty is located at 4.M7 Lafayette Ave. Slmwn only by appointment:' Call Doug las 690. Harney 6257 or Walnut 2044. DUMONT & CO., REALTORS. 41C 41S Keellne Bldg.rhoneDoug M0. N EWCROSSROOK HUNUALOW " ' In Chiirinont district, 6 fine large rooms and bath, the finest of oak finish. 2 or more rooms can be finished on the se, nnd floor, full screen porch, driveway ami fine garage, paved street. Few like it at $4,750. Another nearly like It In Houlevard I'ark with a double garage for $5,000; about JJ.000 cash. RASP BROS. 512 Keellne Hldg. Tyler 721. GOOD BUY FOR $3,200. All modern cottage. 6 rooms and hath, nenr ."(Hh and Meredlt h, cloe to st-hool and car line. Big discount for cash. P. J. TEBBENS CO., 605 Omaha Nat. Bk. Phone T. 21 SJ. TWENTY-SECOND ANU LAKH. Dandy 6-room, all modern, 2-slnry home; lot 36x140; nice alley; 3 sleeping rooms upstairs; immediate possession. Price, $3,600; easv terms. Call Rasp Rros. Tyler 721. 210 Keellne Bldg LIST vour property with J. J. MULVIHILL, 200 Brandele Theater Bldg. Ph. D. tt. We Have Property for Rent or Sale. AMRKICAN SECURITY CO. 203 S. 17th St. Douglas 601J. SHOlTlIAMI ST.; elght-rooiiTSrictiy-modern house, full lot, garage: price, $4,250. Mr. Franklin, Webster 3452. CUMING Near 29th street, 25 or 44 feet. Must be sold to close an estate C. A. Orimmel, R49 Omaha Nat. Rk. Bldg.. MINNE LUSA homes and lots offer the best opportunity to Invest your money. Phone Tyler 1S7. . $1,700. 3015 Oak street. Five-room cottage in good shape, with eVrtric light, gnu and city water. Fine lot. Convenient both to east and west side Park car. A snap for someone wanting a little home. D. V. SHOLES CO., RKALTORS. 915-17 City Natl. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 4. NEAR Hanscom park. 7-r. house, on large corner lot, with garage and shed for storage. ,1 w. Rohbins Ponglas 529 108 SOUTH 41st; hot water heat; 7 rooms; paving paid: possession; easy terms; $3,200. John N. Frenzer. Douglas 654. Miscellaneous. BRICK HOUSE, 10 ROOMS- We have a large horn very conveni ent to business center; excellent place to rent rooms; within easy walk to city. The house Is modern In all particulars and may be purchased on reasonable terms. Let us show vou through. ALFRED THOMAS (104 First National Bank. NErW STYLE BUNGALOW Located on a large south front lot, close to car and school. Has two bed rooms, large living room and the dining room has built-in table and seats. This is not a large house but Is very attrac tive, both inside and outside. This house can be bought on easy terms. Call Doug. 1014 or Walnut 1439, evenings, be tween? and 8 p. m. FIVE-room stucco, oak floors throughout, oak and white enam-l finish. Fine lo cation. Price, $4,600 or terms. BENSON & CAR MICH A EL Doug 172. B42 Pamon Block. BRAND new oak bungalow, $350 cash and $35 per month. Completely modern end nice location. Price, $3,850. Call days Douglas 1734. CLOSE-IN INVESTMENTS Leavenworth it.. Capitol ave.. Cuming t. PAYNE A SLATER COMPANY. Dg 1 "IS. BARGAINS In homes. Investments prop erties .id acreage near Omaha. Harri son Morton. 916 Omaha Nat. Bk Bldg. FOR SALE by owner, 6-room modern house, oak floors, good condition: hot air furnace. H823 Corby. Web. 33S4. FOR SALE S-room apartment, beautifully furnished, on car line and walking dis tance to town. Phone. Douglas 6760. LIST your property with Shriver for oillck returns. 1047 O. N. B Bldg. FOR RENT Business Property. BUSINESS property and Investments. A. P TUKEY ft SON. 420 First National Bank Bldg. "real estatTTnvIestment Apartment Houses. We have frir sale at the present time some of the best located and most conveniently arranged apart ment houses in the city, that we are offering at much less than the building alone can be built for at the present time. We have one on 27th street? one half block from Farnam, for $33,000. One within a few blocks of the best retail district, for $40,000. One located in a high-class resi dence district for $65,000, and one for $75,000. One in Dundee for $85,000. Terms can be arranged, and in some cases, well located clear Omaha property can be taken as nort n3vmcjt Hastings & Heyden, 1614 Harney St. Tyler 50. .$9,500. Brick Flat Investment. A well built, well arranged, east front brick flat building, located at 604 and 606 South 35th St.; corner lot, paving all paid: close to high priced West Farnam district. Each flat has living room, drning room and kitchen on the first floor, finished In oak ex cepting kitchen. Four large, well ar ranged bedrooms and bath on second floor. The building la well built and will last a lifetime. Lot Is 66 by 78 feet. These flats will readily rent for 81.0S0 per year. Will take 84.000 cash to handle. Hastings & Heyden, 1614-Harney St. Phone Tyler 6ft. $17,500, brick and frame, 19th and St. Vary's; J16.000, new brick and stucco flat. In West Farnam district; $16,000, new triple brick, close In on 20th; $ll,50n, double brick, close in on lath St. These are alt real bargains. See them at once. Rasp Bros., 212 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 721. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. FOR SALE OK TRADE 5-year lease on Lake Kearney. 4 blocks from state nor mal school. 6 buildings. 6 rowboats, 1 Mulltu's motor boat, fine swimming docks, e lectric lights, best summer resort In Central Neb.; will clear J2.500 In four months. Lake covers 70 acres. 40 'feet deep In center. Address Delbert It. S m It h . Kea ri. ey N eb. - REAL ESTATE, UNIMPROVED. South. BIG BARGAIN LOTS. $1.00 DOWN. $1.00 A WEEK buys fine garden tract, 47x132: only 2 blocks from West Center car line nd one block to paved street; high and sightly, bjack soil; prices $:a5 and $340 THE BYRON REED CO.. HtlJ Farnam. Douglas 297. Miscellaneous. CORNER. 150x1.15. two blocks of car; price $50ii; terms: little below grade. T RAVER BROS.. Douglas 618.. tli list Nat, Bk, REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Benson. 7 Acres. Improved. Located West of Benson, In Keystone Park Addk'n About three blocks from paved street. High, sightly location. Has good house. 6 rooms; 4 rooms down anil 2 rooms upstairs; full brick cellar, good furnace, fruit cellar, cave, bam for 4 horses. 1 cow; chicken house. ' Stone hog house SOxlti feet; good well; cistern; electric lights; about 50 full-ltesring apple and cherry trees; some plums, asparagus, Pla plant. Beautiful location. Sur rounded mostly by new homes. Price, IS, 900. Hastings & Hey den, iM ri;irmy - Tyler tn. To uk " or " 11 viT"ko bus " Several new, strictly modern houses are J ui;t being completed and arc about ready for uci-upani-y. They are In the best part of li-nson. F.asy terms. Liberty bonds at par on the down pav ment. Phone Mr. Carse at Douglas '412 d ays or Ha r ney 3 55; evenings. NEW all modern five-room bungalow"; goon location; convenient to car: onk finish and built-in features $250 cash Cull Colfax 4132. will handli Dundee. DUNDEE.- 9-RM BRICK HOME ON HAPPY HOLLOW BLVD Beautiful d-rnom. full 2 story brick home, with tile roof, first floor 'lias an exceptionally larg.. living room, with fireplace, dining room anil kitchen: also lavatory and closet; 4 large bedrooms and tiled belli on se.-mm floor; third floor finished Into one largo room. This home is equipped uitr.' one ctf the ,o,t vapor healing systems. Ruld heater, laundry tul.H, fruit cellar, etc., one of the most sttratclvo homes m thin high class district (ind must be seen to be appreci ated; shown by appointment only. For full iiifortitHtion rail J. L. HIATT CO., 900 FIRST NATIONAL PHONE v TYI.liR Dundee Lot, 75-Foot Frontage. Located on Happy Hollow blvd.. over looking Happy Hollow golf grounds; one of the best located lots in this choice lo cation; about one block north of Dodge; paved street, paving all paid; about two foot terrace. Price for quick sale, $2,880. Will msike terms. Hastings & Heyden, Hi 1 4 Harney St. Phone Tyler 60. DUNDEE, $9,000. 5016 DODGE ST. Well built, 8 rooms, fully modern large living room arrangement, fire place; hot water heat; located wher values are increasing rapidly. Arrtng, with ns for Inspection. GLOVER & SPAIN, r0H?i3l 919-20 City Natlonel FOR homes or unimproved property li Dundee see GEORGE CO. noug. 75.. J J l2 J-'ity Nat. Bank. We specialize In Dundee homes. C. B.43TUHT CO., 913-14 City Nad. noui. I78T IJl'NDEE LOT FOI! KAT.kf High and sightly; south front lot oi Nicholas, between 60th and 61st St Webster r.lfl. DUNDEE LOT High, sightly south front Between 60th and 51st St. on Nicholas Phone Webster 539. FIVE-ROOM modern cottage, $3,000. li good condition, 2"i blocks from Dundet car. Thone. Walnut 253. Council Bluffs. FOR SALE. 10 lots located at the corner of J7th street and 6 1 li avenue, with sewer and water in street. Inquire of owner. Loui Schneider. Wickham Block, Council Bluffs, la. South. FOR SALE A DANDY new bungalow, on paved street' two full lots, near the packing houses Trice only $2,250. Think of It. Cnnii out to CliOl Suuth 3Clh St. or call Col fax 71!. A NICE littlo homo of four rooms- twf full slned lots: east front; price $1 750 Call II. H. Bllhy. Colfax 719. or corn out to 6314 S. 33d St. and see foi yourself. JAH. J. FlTZ;l-;ilAI,I. 4931 South :uih St.. "Insurance." Buy and sell property. Real estate mortgage loans promptly made. A. W. JONES, South Omaha, buvs, sells exchanges all kinds of property. For resiilts.cjulclcn"ticin. see us REAL ESTATE-OTHER CITIES BLOCK OF 12 LOTS. Cnuiiclf Biuffs,-rTg'hl between the two cities; good high ground and Improving steadily around It; fine for home or Investment at $1,200 for the bunch. McOee Real Estate Co, JlTi-i- .r."nclj H!uffs. REAL ESTATE WANTED?" BUNG A LOWS WANTED. " We have cash buyers for eil located bungalows and residences worth the money. For quick results Hal with us O'NEIL'S R. E. ft INS. AGENCY, 632-6 Brandeis Theater Bldg Tel. Tyler 1024. I HAVE a man who will buy your. Im proved property and pay cash for It. but the price must be right. GEORGE F JONES. REALTOR, 926 city Nat Bk Bldg Doug. 14. LIST your properly with hs. We have calls for homes and investments. Mrc AGUE INV. CO., Phone I). 415. 15th and nodes. ' FOR quick results fist your property with S. P. BOSTWICK & SON. 300 Bee Bldg. Tylfer 160. FOR quick sales list your property with W. G. SHRIVER. 1047-9 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. im IT' you property Is for sale or rent, list it with the AFRO-AMERICAN REALTY CO.. 2705 Luke. Webster 540 WANT TO HEAR from owner of farm fotv sale. Mrs. W. Booth, H. P. Sts., Des Moines, la. FINANCIAL. 80 SHARES OF W7Jl HUFFMAN AUTOMO BILE STOCK FOR SALE CHEAP. J. F. MUNDEHENKE, MIL FORD, NEB. Private Money. SHOPEN & COMPANY. Doug. 4ig. 100 to JMUiOO MADE promptly Fi Wead Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam. Real Estate Loans and Mortgages. CONVERT that Installment Joan on your homo into a straight five-vear mortgage and avoid those tr.onthly payments. E. R. LOUGEE. INC, 638 Keellno Bldg. FARM LOANS 5"i PER CENT, CITT LOANS. 6 PER CENT. PAUL PETERSON 364 Brandeis Theater Bldg. Doug. 1806! WANT listing on your property. Have buyers. Euc.ene Thomas. 413 Karbach Blk.. nougias 3607 MONEY to lend on Improved Real 'Estate! Interest payable semi-annually W. H. thu.mas & SON. 828 Keellne Bldg. CITY and farm loans; 6" and per ceni; no delay J H. Dumont A Co 41S Keellne Bldg. No Delay Closing Loans. W. T. GRAHAM. 604 Bee Bldg. Doug. 152$. LOW rales vNthout delay. C. a t ARi ns-nr. $1.2 Brandeis Theater Bldg. .omaha Homes east neb. farms, o'keefe real estate co., FARMA N DR A N CH LANDsT Arkansas Lands. Southwest Arkansas A LAND OF OPPORTUNITY Mild, healthv climate; no crop fan. ures: 45 Inches annual rainfall: good markets:. Cc,d productive farms for $15 to $40 per a-re on good terms. Send at once for copy of large Farm Bulletin STL' ART LAND COMPANY, De jueen. Ark. Colorado Lands. HAVE several tracts of land In Sedgwick county. Colorado, with fall wheat yet to offer for sale. Part or all of crop goes with land If sold before June 10, 1919 Write or see C. U Tate. 65 Omaha! National Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. 30.000 ACRES choice raw or Improved Lln coln Co.. Colo, lunds. Bargains. Easy terms Pee J L. Maurer. Arriba. Colo. Wyoming Lands. WHEATLAND Wyoming farms. $50 pe a.. Including paid up water right. Herns vi C M. By lander, $54 Ornate JH it " '