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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 28, 1919)
IS T A murd'rou guilt show not ltIf mora toon Than lav that would mm hid; lev' night is noon. Shakespeare. All are but part of on stupendous whole. Who body Natur la, and Cod tho soul. Pop. 1- THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, MAY 28, 1919. Quiet Wedding of Miss McConnell and Mr. White Tuesday. The wedding of Miss Gretchen McConnell, daughter of Mr. nd Mrs. F. R. McConnell, and Mr. Val erie White was celebrated quietly Tuesday morning at the home of the bride's parents on Park avenue. Dean Tancocle of Trinity cathe dral read the marriage lines in the presence of the immediate family and a few close friends. The house was beautifully decor ated with Ophelia roses, lilies of the valley and bridal wreath, and the Lohergren wedding march was played by Miss Swanson, harpist. The bride was given away by her father. She wore a traveling suit of blue serge with a small close fitting hat, and a large corsage bou quet of ogchids and lilies of the val ley. Miss McConnell graduated from the Omaha High chool arid was a teacher at the Holyoke Dox school until the last few months.- Mr. White returned recently from France, where, he was a captain in the overseas forces. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Francis E. White, formerly of. Omaha. The bride and groom left immedi ately after the ceremony for Los Angeles, where they will make their home. , - The Ideal Family Loaf. Patronize Your Neighborhood Grocer JAY BURNS BAKING CO. Nebraska's Leading Women Among Guests Dr. Shaw Luncheon tlx? - ' ' w jH - ii 'mi 1 ' l (jjt; ;-: frv ftoro ft Personals Mrs. Alvin Saunders, who has spent the winter in Washington, D. C, with her daughter, Mri. Russell Harrison, will return to Omalu this weeek, accompanied by Mrs. Harri son. Later they will go to the Saun ders farm out in the state f r the summer. Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Moorhead and daughter, Miss Katherine Moorhead, have returned from a two years' stay at San Diego, Calif. They have taken the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bestor in Dundee for the summer. The Moorheads plan to return to San Diego early in the fall. " Miss Louise Coe of Nebraska City spent the week end with Mrs. C. L. Modesitt. Mrs. C. A. Catten of Hollywood, Cal., is visiting Mrs. Thor Jorger son and Mrs. W. H. Hatteroy. First Sergt. Clarence Spier has just returned from France, where he has been in service for a year. Sergeant Spier is spending a few days with his mother in St. Joseph, and after his return will make his home with his sister, Mrs. C. L. Modesitt. . ' " ' " Mrs. Harvey Newbranch and datighers, Misses Katherine, Evelyn and Eleanor, ac inpanied by Miss Detty Doyle, leave next week to spend the summer at Long Beach', Calif. 9 Great preparations are being made by the suffragists, and other women interested in progressive world movements to entertain Dr. Anna Howard Shaw at a- luncheon Saturr day at the Fontenelle. Dr. Shaw and other notables will appear be fore the state convention called to ratify the league of nation's cove nant as adopted at Paris. Nebras ka women espeptajly wish to honor her as chairman of the Woman's committee, National Council of De- Advo Coffee-Famous Brew We went up hill, we put on speed, ' -To get there quick we had great need, f . When all at once a cop drew near t , -And said, "At Court you ivill Appear;!'?' - A Thermos then we quickly drew -And "covered" him with FAMOUS BREW. Call up your grocer right away "Send ADVO COFFEE no delay! To please the Cop we quickly drew Hot ADVO COFFEE FAMOUS BREW."" fense, in which capacity she is lead er of 11,000,000 women. The demand for places at the peace luncheon to be held at the Fontenelle Saturday has been so great that no reservations have been held after Tuesday morning. Those who are fortunate enough to have secured their places early must be in their seats at 11:30 o'clock Sat urday morning. No seats after that hour will be held. Mrs. James Rich ardson, who is in charge of the res ervations, will distribute badges pre ceding the luncheon, on the mezza nine floor. These badges admit you to the luncheon, and also the after noon and evening performances at the Auditorium. Dr. Anna Howard Shaw will meet all the luncheon guests at the hotel at 10 o'clock a. m. A large delegation by automobile and possibly by chartered train is expected from Lincoln, headed by Mrs. S. R. McKelvie, wife of Gov ernor McKelvie. Mrst D. M. But ler and Miss May Pershing, sister of General Pershing, will also be among the Lincoln enthusiasts. Representatives from the Univers ity of Nebraska faculty. Lincoln Woman's club, W. C. T. U.. Red Cross. P. E. O., Ladies' Legislative, league, Suffrage association. Nurses' association and other organizations will also be here from the capital city. The woman's branch of the Ne- U Continuing Our G Ladie A Message The high quality of our shoes is well known m Omaha and the surrounding ter ritory. Then when a time comes when we must slash the price of these fine shoes to move them qiuckly there is a real mes sage for the woman who would save. Sho e Unprecedented Low Prices on Ppmps, Oxfords and Shoes $14 and $15 values go in at, only this sale, (tin QC $9 and $10 values go Af? in this sale at only . , , P 0 COLONIAL PUMPS Colonial Pumps, just arrived, colors, sand and grey buck, Louis heels CO I C special, at, pair PJJeT'D A Real: Shoe Sale: We must re-; duce our great stock of wom en's shoes at -once. ,, AY m mm and ill! 300 Pairs Two-tone Patent Leather Ladies' Shoes $12.00 values, $6.95 reat tmmu :SalewJ I 8r.1" $5.95 $7 and $8 values this sale at only WHITE KID OXFORDS One of the most popular numbers of the season, Louis or military heels, d Q A C t. pw-i per pair 400 Pair. Pumps and Ox fords; values to $7.00, now $3.95 ALL SIZES WIDTHS AAA TO O. PCrD U 205 So. 15th. St. OMAHA MAIL UKULK) r IlCV rRUMr ILL ! W mmw Viv 500 Pairs 1 Pumps and Ox- fords, values to ! 1 $10.00, now 2J $5.95 High Class SHOES Exclusively Everyone knows we handle only high grade Shoes. braska emergency campaign com mittee of the League to Enforce Peace, under whose auspices the luncheon will be held, is as follows: Mrs. Samuel R. McKelvie, hon orary member; Mrs.- Edgar M. Morsman, jr., chairman; Mrs. Ed P. Smith, vice chairman; Mrs. N. P. Feil, secretary; Mrs. Ward M. Bur gess, treasurer; Mrs. Frank W. Judson, organization; Mrs. Bruce McCullough. Mrs. E. W. Nash; Mrs. James Richardson, registration and badges; Mrs. H. C. Summey, lunch eon and reservations; Mrs. Draper Smith, receptipn. Mrs. Draper smith will be assist ed in her duties as chairman of re ception to Dr. Anna Howard Shaw, by members of Mrs. Martin's motor corps in uniform. HbiB Economics IflipMp EiiieJ iy Ibma H Gross TJr y. HOUStHOlD ARTS DZP'T CENTRAL HIGH SCHQQ1. jffjg The Government Steps In It seemed to me the other day that a new era in housekeeping had dawned. 1 received from the United States Treasury several Thrift leaf lets, one of which concerned house cleaning. The connection between the two was the time, energy and money that might be saved by ef ficient methods of housekeeping, and the particular plea is to buy War Saving Stamps with the sur plus saved. But just the same it is a new era when our government sends expert advice on housekeep ing methods. We are used to get ting information on food; now we are receiving help in a new direction. General Suggestions. The outside of the leaflet con tains the following points: Keep Dirt Out of the House rubbers means less dirt in the house. Clean walks, steps, porches, and sills together with clean shoes and good deal of the juice, or the short cake will be soggy. Remorve Dust Thoroughly Right methods mean removal, not scatter ing dirt about to settle again. Do Heavy Cleaning a Little at a Time and avoid spring and fall cleaning. Use Water and Cleaning Agents SSparingly Too much injures wood and all finishes, weakens glue, paste and cement. Always rub until dry. Train the Family to Leave Things in Place and in Good Condition This is fair play to all. The leaflet proceeds to give excel lent directions for cleaning walls, windows and minors, woodwork, carpets and carpet rugs, matting, lin- LEMON JUICE FOR FRECKLES Girls! Make beauty lotion a few cents Try for Squeeze the juice of two lemons into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white, shake well, and you have a quarter pint of the best freckle and tan lotion, and complex ion beautifier, at very, very small cost. Your grocer has the lemons and any drug store or toilet counter will supply three ounces of orchard white lor a few cents. Massage this sweet ly fragrant lotion into the face, neck, arms and hands each day and see how freckles and blemishes dis appear and how clear, soft and rosy white the skin becomes. Yes! It is harmless and never irritates. Adv. ECZEMA ALL OVER mm HadtoTieHands. HairFell Out Cuticara Heals. "My little boy was taken with ec zema. It started with small blisters all over his scalp, and his scalp was sore and red. He started to scratch so that it be came necessary to tie his bands. Hia hair fell out. "He had the eczema three months when we heard of Cati cura. After we had used two cakes of Soap and one box of Ointment he was healed." (Signed) C. K. Storlie, Spring Grove, Minn. , Having cleared the skin with Cuti cura why not keep it clear by using the Soap for daily toilet purposes. Dwt children'! iklni with Cuticara Titan, an KjtraiUlj mM fan. akin tad baby povdar. oleum, oilcloth, and cork carpet; and furniture. The tools and cleaning agents to use are also discussed with directions for cleaning the tools after use. The information given is that which is tamiliar to every ex cellent housekeeper; but there are always too many housewives who do not know the best methods of clean ing. And there are things that al most anyone can learn even about her own business. Space does not permit giving all the material in cluded. Cleaning Tools. "Before buying any devicee, ask yourself: Will it pay for itself in the long run by saving time and strength or wear and tear? Will it make some especially disagreeable task Jess unpleasant? Long handles on brooms, brushes and dustpans save the back. A cleaning cloth should be soft and loosely woven so that it will take up dirt easily and itself be easy to clean. A duster takes up dirt better if a few drops of water or oil have been sprinkled on it. Beware of too much moisture or oil. It leaves streaks. For wiping very dirty places, use soft paper, cotton waste, or rags which may be thrown away. Keep your cleaning things to gether in a convenient place. Put them away clean. Hang brushes, mops, and brooms when not in use. Clean string mops by shaking over a damp newspaper or a can. Never shake in the open air unless you are sure the dirt will not trouble you or your neighbors. Wash oc casionally in hot water, with wash ing soda or soap. Dry quickly. Sprinkle a few drops of oil on oiled moos. EVERY KIND OF SHORTCAKE The king of shortcakes, the straw berry shortcake, is the only kind in use in the average home. Without detracting from its joys, one may suggest many other kinds that are delicious with the spring and early summer fruits. Pineapple Shortcake Shred fresh pineapple, let it stand 30 minutes with sugar, then spread between and on top of rounds of shortcake. Pineapple and Strawberry Short cake A mixture of the two fruits. Pineapple and Banana Shortcake. Pineapple and Orange Shortcake. Strawberry and Banana Short cake. Rhubarb and Banana Shortcake Add sliced bananas to the cooked rhubarb. Question Box Mrs. T. W. asks for special dress ing for fruit salad. The regular cooked salad dressing may be thin ned with truit juice or whipped cream. Or a Hawaiian .fruit salad dressing is good. Hawaiian Salad Dressing. Jules of 1 orange. 1 T. cornstarch. Juice of 1 lemon. 4 T. sugar. 1 egg, yolk and white separated. Mix ingredients except egg white; and stir to boiling with a wire beat er. Remove from fire and fold in sticly beaten egg white., Mrs. Vincent Astor's Doughnuts A few days ago the huge, white tiled kitchen of Mrs. Vincent Astor was turned into a doughnut factory and for 24 hours New York's New yorkiest labored with their cooks and assistants making doughnuts for the Salvation Army drive. It was a good idea! The goal, 500,000, de liciously br'own cookies were turned out with Mrs. Astor's monogram on them. Here is the Astor recipe for 12 doughnuts. Five cups of flour. Two cups of sugar. Five teaspoonsful of baking pow der. One saltspoonful of salt Two eggs. One and three-quarters cups of milk. One tablespoonful of lard. Knead, roll out, drop in hot fat and in a few minutes you have uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 3v,IC,llll,flllI,llll,ll,lllllllll,lllll,,,l,llll,IMI,,llll,llll,,lll,ll The Aristocracy of Cash and Carry rppE aristocracy of "charge accounts" died out J- vhen Thrift and Conservation became the Badge of Honor. Cash and Carry methods repre sent the spirit of Thrift and Action represent Service measured in Dollars and Cents. Wash Waists Prices for all week: $2.50 Wash Waists for $2.19 $3.75 Wash Waists for ..$3.29 $4.50 Wash Waists for $3.98 $5.00 Wash Waists for $4.59 $6.00 Wash Waists for $5.49 $6.50 Wash Waista for $5.95 Summer Skirts Prices' for all week: $5.00 Summer Skirts for $4.59 $6.00 Summer Skirts for $5.49 $6.50 Summer Skirts for $5.95 $7.50 Summer Skirts for $6.75 $8.50 Summer Skirts for $7.75 $10.00 Summer Skirts for $8.75 Cash Discounts constitute Thorne Profit. Which do you prefer? Discounts or Charge Accbunts? fa '1812 FARNAM STREET? llllllllllllllllllllllllllllIIUIIIIIllENo Connection With Any Other Stora In Omaha.f Wholesome Food Keeps the Children Well A mother writes: " We always use Royal Baking Powder because we know when we use it we are not using anything injurious." Prudent mothers avoid cheap baking powders because they frequently contain alum, a mineral acid. No mat ter how much they are! urged to change, they stick tr ML along Powder They KNO W it is absolutely pure Royal contains no alum-Leaves no bitter taste iiiBB mm f 1 lrifn wnja j7 l u r On this trip over mountain tops and throueh beautiful pine dad canons, under Colorado's . turquoise sky, the traveler enjoys a 76-mlle scenic motor trip on good roads through wild, rugged sceneryland just as nature made it. DENVER TUB GATEWAY to 12 National Parks and 32 National Monuments. ' REDUCED RAILROAD FARES' TO COLORADO The U. S. Railroad Administration has authorized the followlni; low reduced fares to Denver and Colorado Common Points. From CHICAGO - -ST. LOUIS - - Kansas city omaha - round trip $41.50 36.50 26.50 26.50 Similar reductions from other localities. Ask your ticket agent. TICKETS ON SALE JUNE FIRST. Good returning until October 31st. Stop-overs allowed at Denver ajid 'all Western points on all round trip tickets. , Visit ROCKY MOUNTAIN NATIONAL PARK - (Eg. tes), and Denver's Beautiful Mountain Parks. the most delightful scenic mountain motor trips in the vorld Enjoy outdoor sports, camping, hiking, fishing, motoring, jrolt tenuis, bathing and horseback riding, in a delightful climate, with vitalizing air, sunny days and cool niirhts. "arm ,Sf UTi .... Write for Free Booklets. that tell where to go and what to see in Colo rado. BRA'.JCH BUREAUS Chicago, St. Louis, Kansas City, Colorado Springs and Los Angeles Questions 1 Cheerfully Answered J I Uii JjaCM3N IKOlUJttttir UllJtt3.9J 558 nth-stl I' Denver. Colm ! doughnuts. .