THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, MAY 27, 1919. SAYS THE ALLIES HAD TO SUPPLY ARMIESJF II. S. Capt. Archie Roosevelt Writes of Conditions In American Overseas Forces During the War. New York, May 26. (Special.) Capt. Archie Roosevelt, in the cur rent issue of Everybody's, concludes his series of stories of conditions that prevailed in the A. E. F. during the earlier months of the war. Regular army officers, promoted by the seniority rule, evinced, in most cases, he says, an ineradicable pur pose to fight the Germans on Indian war principles. Staff work was ex ecrable, he charges, and blunders that worked havoc with morale and cost many lives were frequent. His chief ground of criticism, however, is the lack of food and equipment during the period of intensive train ing in bitter cold weather prior to the Cantigny campaign. Colonel Roosevelt, the captain's father, and Mrs. Archie Roosevelt, he says, supplied the shoes the men of his company wore during the bat tle of Cantigny. Points to "Roseate Falsities." Directing attention to what he calls "roseate falsities" industriously circulated with regard to tfie excel lent army service, Captain Roosevelt says: - "To refute the deliberate lies out forth by those who show their ef forts accomplished, I will list some of the supplies of our division when in the trenches nine months after we had declared war on Germany: "Shoes Mostly English and French. The English shoes did not fit and were the cause of most of our foot troubles. "Uniforms A great many British uniforms, actually equipped with buttons stamped with the royal in signia. Some of our men would not stand this and ripped the buttons off, but most of us were only too glad to get the British uniforms, which were far superior to the thin shoddy American uniforms. Caps Made in France. "Caps French. Manufactured in France. Those later manufactured in the United States were so ridicu lous that even the general staff made no effort to force them on us. "Airplanes French and generally condemned French machines. "Artillery Horses Condemned French horses. "Field Artillery French. "Signal Equipment French with instructions written in French. Captain Roosevelt also lists French automatics and machine guns and British mortars and ammunition. The onlv entirelv American equip ment in the First division was rifles, but he instances several companies of untrained men coming into the war zone with pitted weapons, which he took to be condemned national guard rifles. Files Slander Suit Charles H. Glads, 3337 Boyd street, filed suit in district court yes terday, against his neighbor, Wil helmina Deines. 3335 Boyd st.eet, asking $5,000 damages for alleged sla..der. He charges that Mrs. Deines call ed him a thief and other names and that she said he just got out of "a high board fence," an expression which he says meant the penitentiary. COUNCIL TO NAME ARMY PHYSICIAN FOR HEALTH JOB Butler and Zimman Vote Against Appointment, Sug gesting That Local Man Should Be Favored. The city council committee of th whole yesterday recommended of fering to Dr. James F. Edwards Camp Mills the position of health commissioner at a salary of $4,000 per year for the remainder of thi year, and $S,(HKJ per year begtnnin January 1, Commissioners Butler and Zim man voted agains the adoption the resolution. ."I am satisfied that we have com petent material right here Omaha, and I even believe that Dr. Manning should ask this coun cil to reconsider his resignation, we would be glad to do so. I he phy sicians recommended Dr. Manning a year ago and now theTV are recom Amending an outside man. I don' just understand it, said Commis sioner Zimman. Mayor Smith said he had spoken to many prominent Omaha physi cians and had been advised that would be necessary to ko out of Omaha to get the right kind of tal ent for the position. Commissioner Butler declared that the appointment of an outside man is a reflection on Omaha. Hi conversations with physicians on this subject led him to believe that they favored an Qmaha man. Dr. Edwards was in Omaha last mm a 4 OF TKHBJOS cakes, cookies, biscuits and every thing else in which bak ing powder is used-all whole some and tasty when you use "DEST BY TEST" The Nation's best baking powder and best suited to every baking need. On the market for thirty years. Long past the experimental stage. Use ' Calumet and prevent waste and failures. It is always reliable always the same uniform in strength. You save when you buy it. You save when you use it This makes it the most economical of all leaveners. Made in the world's largest, finest and most sanitary baking powder factory. Used by the Army and iVtfty millions of .housewives and thousands of chefs and domestic' scientists. NOTE When you buy 'a pound of Calumet you get a full pound 16 oz. Some high priced baking powders are now bring put on the market in 12-ot cans instead of a pound. Be sure you are getting a pound wben you want it No abort weights wita Calumet , hi irty week for a brief visit. He is chief surgeon at Camp Mills and was a member of the public health depart ment of Pittsburgh for 11 years, serving for seven years as its head. McKenna and Jones, Automobile Thieves, Sentenced to Prison William McKenna and Lovell C. Jones were sentenced to the penf tentiary for terms of one to seven years each by District Judge Redick yesterday. They pleaded guilty to he charge of grand larceny. They were the state's principal witnesses in the trials of "Red" Neal and Maurice Katleman on the charge of aiding and abetting grand larceny, particularly the stealing of automobiles. County Attorney Shot well secured conviction of both Neal and Katleman and they are ilso under sentence of one to seven years each in the penitentiary, but are out on bond pending their ap peals to the supreme court. McKenna and Jones were arrested in January, 1919, and have been in jail ever since. They pleaded guilty to stealing an automobile from the corner of Seventeenth and Farnam streets, September 27, 1918. They say they did this at the "order of Katleman, drove the car to Nebras ka City and left it by prearranged plan 911 the east side of the court house with the cushions turned up sie down as a signal. County Attorney Shotwell - asked the court to take note of the five months McKenna and Jones have already spent in jail and Judge Redick ordered that this be con sidered as part of their penitentiary sentence. "We said during the Neal and Katleman trials that McKenna and Jones had not been promised leniency and this proves it, said Mr. Shotwell. Wants Police to Find Husband She Lost Because He's Jealous Amanda Johnson has lost her hus band. She asked aid of police this morn ing to discover his whereabouts which she thinks is Sioux City, la. "He's a grand man, but terribly jealous of me," Amanda told John Dunn, chief of detectives. He s a carpenter and makes good money but he likes whisky at times, About a week ago he came home half pickled and I said a little too much to him, I guess. Anyway he quit me. The real trouble is, though, that I had a job in an apartment house cleaning rooms at which I made $21 a week. My work necessitated being with a man who also had a job in the place. My husband used to raise Ned about this fellow. But believe me I think too much of my man to trifle at all. Now he's gone. I don't know what I'll do," and tears showed in her eyes. Mrs. Johnson says she will keep on searching lor nuDDy until sne finds him. ' In the meantime she s down to $2, "enough to rent a room,' she say- . ... A place to sleep secured, Amanaa purposes getting anotner jod men when a little money is again saved she will resume the hunt for hubby. The couple formerly resided at 2110 Harney street. Mayor Names Three Ex-Soldiers On Body To Welcome Soldiers Mayor Smith yesterday morning received a telegram from Adjutant General Harris of the United States army definitely assuring the mayor that the 355th infantry and the 341st machine gun battalion would come to Omaha for a three-hour stay 'for parade and entertainment pur poses. The commanding officer will wire definite date as soon as the routing has been determined," the telegram read. This explains a previous tele gram sent Saturday by the general to the mayor to the effect that the order to have the Nebraska con tingents stop off in Omaha had been revoked. The mayor has appointed three soldiers, formerly of the 355th, who returned from France recently as casuals, on the general committee of welcome. They are: B. C Gras borg, former' supply sergeant, di visional headquarters; Martin Lun din, former member of Company E, and James P. McCabe of the same company. ouncil Promises to Probe Circumstances Of Library Contract Bruce McCulloch, member of the public library board, obtained from the city council committee of the whole today a promise to investigate the circumstances of the council awarding a library improvement con tract against the recommendations of the library board. Ihe issue of whether the citv council or public library board has authority to award library contracts hould be clearly defined, said Commissioner Zimman. Wore Omahans Arrive In New York From Overseas New York. May 26. (SoeciaU The following Omahans arrived here from overseas: Battery B, 324th field artillerv. Private Ralph A. Riehl, son of Mrs. Minnie Kiehl. 2713 North Twentv- fourth street. Company I, 328th infantry, Pri vate Herman Rybysky, brother of Mrs. Fell Buzenskoi, 1921 Martha street. Casual company 4423, Sergt. Evan . Rhys, 4107 Izard street. Casual company 568th. Private William B. Eliingston, son of Mrs. Mary Ellington, 5221 North Twenty-eighth street. The advertiser who uses The Bee Want Ad Column increases his usiness thereby and the persons GEN. WOOD AND MAJOR BULLOCK STOP IN OMAHA General In City On Way to Lincoln to Deliver. Com mencement Address at State University. Maj.-Gen. Leonard Wood and Maj. Seth Bullock were distinguish ed visitors in Omaha yesterday. The general arrived from Chicago at 8 o'clock yesterday morning and proceeded immediately to Lincoln where he delivered the com mencement address at the Univers ity of Nebraska.. He expects to come this way again when he goes to Deadwood, S. D., to deliver the dedicatory address on Mount Theo dore Roosevelt, July 4. Major Bullock called on Victor Rosewater and Col. T. W. McCul lough at The Bee office yesterday morning. The dedicatory address of Mount Theodore Roosevelt, three miles from Deadwood, will be in connec tion with a home-coming celebra tion. Two bronze tablets will be placed on this mountain which towers to an elevation of 6,000 feet and overlooks- the country where the late Colonel Roosevelt hunted with his friend and guide, Major Bul lock. On one of the bronze tablets this inscription will appear: "In Memory of Theodore Roosevelt, the Ameri can. October lose; January 0, 1919. Society of Black Hills Pioneers. July 4, 1919." Colonel Roosevelt wis the only honorary member ever elected to this society. Major Bullock suggests that Omaha should send at least a spe cial car of visitors to the home coming week program which will be held in his county, beginning June 30 and closing on July 5. "This is Omaha's territory and Omaha should recognize this big event," he said Colonel Tinley to Speak At Creighton Exercises The principal address at the an nual Flag day .exercises Wednesday at Creighton university will be de livered by Col. Matt Tinley. The former president of the university, Father Francis X. McMenamy, now principal of the Missouri province of the Society of Jesus, will be present at the exercises. The mayor and other city commissioners will also be present. Miss Robinson, Teacher, to Be Guest of Honor Miss Emily Robinson retired t f . ! I 'II 1- - principal 01 aaraioga scnooi, win uc the guest of honor at a dinner to be given by teachers who were her pu pils in the Omaha schools and also teachers who have been associated with her. Miss Robinson has served 35 years in the Omaha schools. She has been principal of Fort Omaha, Sherman, Dupont and Siratoga schools. She also taught in Cass and Lake schools. The dinner will be given during the last week of school next month. New York Omaha Sioux City Lincoln Conant Hotel Building, Sixteenth Street. TELLS LADIES HERE "WATCH YOUR STEP" Can not camouflage a touchy corn but says they lift right out A brisk, lively step is what charms more than a lovely skin, but your high heels have caused corns and you limp a little. That's bad, girls, and you know it. Corns destroy beauty and grace, besides corns cap be lifted out with the fingers. Rid your feet of every corn by asking at any drug store for a quar ter of an ounce of freezone. This will cost little but is sufficient to remove every hard or soft corn or callus from one s feet. A few drops applied directly upon a tender, touchy corn relieves the soreness and soon the entire corn. root and all. lifts neht out without pain. This freezone is a gummy sub stance which dries instantly and sim ply shrivels up the corn without in flaming or even irritating the sur rounding skin. Women must keep m mind that cornless feet create a youthful step which enhances her attractiveness. Adv. IMPOVERISHED MEN AND WOMEN Quickly Regain Health, Strength Energy, and Ability by Taking $-urain Cadomene Tablets The Very Best Tonic. Sold by All Druggists'. Adv. XT Here is a message to suffering women, from Mrs. Kathryn Edwards, of R.F.D. 4, Washington Court House. Ohio. "I am clad to tell, and have aI luiu uuuiy women, wnai OI I suffered! before 1 knew ot uaraul and the great benefit to be derived from this remedy. A few years ago I becameprac fically helpless... TAKE The Woman's Tonic i lay, -ana coma not Dp without suffering at pain . . . Nothing med to help me until O "I was very weak," Mrs. Edwards goes on to say, "and could not stoop great seemea to ne id I heard of Cardui and be. gan the use of it ... I gradually gained my strength . . . I am ow able to do all my work." If you need a tonic take Cardui. It is for women. It acts firentlv and reliablv .and will probably help ..... t. "1 -i .is . r 1 oa it ncipca una iaay. All Druggists EB12 To the Women of Omaha:- U THANK YOU. 1 You BELIEVED us and we proved to you that your confidence was WELL FOUNDED. ti We Advertised that we would sell our ENTIRE STOCK OF $45 TO $125 Capes, Coats, Dolmans, Suits and Dresses today for one price $25. 1 We said that you could have your UNRESTRICTED CHOICE OF ANY GARMENT IN THE HOUSE. I AND WE MADE OUR WORD GOOD! If The crowds that flocked here PROVED CONCLUSIVELY that the women of Omaha have CONFIDENCE in our ADVERTISING. If We are happy because you believe in us. If THANK YOU VERY, VERY MUCH! If We are writing this statement at 10 A. M. jf We are swamped with 'buyers. The rain is pouring down, but the store is CROWDED just the same. U If the rain has kept any of you away today we'll TRY TO TAKE CARE OF YOU TOMORROW. ' 1f We don't know whether any of the merchandise will be left BUT IF THERE'S A SINGLE GARMENT ON HAND YOU CAN HAVE IT AT-TODAY'S PRICE, $25. 1f Remember there isn't a single garment that sold for less than $45 and many of them sold for $60, $75, $85, $95 AND UP TO $125. If And just one more word to the women who t attended our sale today If any of you were inconvenienced by lack of attention we are very sorry. We had thirty extra salesladies on hand. We thought we were well prepared, but at 10 o'clock this morning we see that we should have secured at least twice that number. If We promise you that we will take better care of you at future sales. Yours Sincerely, ORKIN BROS. HP. S.: THANK YOU AGAIN. 1 mrnm The Flavor Lasts ! Always i the best buy f for the price $ flP greatest Sealed Tight-Kept Right Vi FBavor I who read them profit bv the oooor-