Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 27, 1919, Page 4, Image 4
THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, MAY 27, 1919. PROGRESSIVES LOSE FIGHT ON SENATE HEADS Senator Norri and Other Members of Opposition Re fuse to Attend Party Conference. WMhlngton, May 26. Republican temtort of the progressiva group lot" their fight today against selec tion, of Senators Penrose of Penn sylvania and Warren of Wyoming, as chairmen of the finance and ap propriations committees, respective ly,, tht party conference approving both assignments. Several progress ive senators did not attend the meet ing.' A motion by Senator Johnson of California to strike out Senator Pen rose's name as chairman of the fi nance committee, was defeated, 35 to 5, Those supporting it were Sen ators Johnson, Cummins, Iowa; Kel logg, Minnesota; McCormick, Illi nois, and McNary, Oregon. Sena tor Johnson indicated in an address to the conference that he would not carry his opposition to the senate floor. Only One Roll Call. Action of the conference was an nounced by Senator Wadsworth of New York, secretary, who said there was no roll call on adoption of the committee assignments after the conference had approved the selec tion of Senator Penrose. Progres- Safety Your drug store pur chases are more vitally sonnected with the health 'of your family than any other purchases you 'make. Drugs exist only because of the deepest human need and in ministering to that need drug purity la the essential. Meyer Brothers Drug Com pany's Red Diamond products are goods of dependable qual ity they have behind them the proved integrity of 67 years' service. The Meyer Red Ditmond label identifies the store of depend able household requisites. Meyer Brother Drug- Com p any trade - mark Is the (jgn of a safe drug store. MeyerBrothersDrugCo. St Louis 7-75 The Largest Drug House In the World J I Got a Cold Then look as. out! Can't be as too careful as about inch a things n o vi. as Get "The Lit- as 1 1 e Doctor" working for ou then colds, coughs, as ache and pains do the . 53 scampering act in short or- EE der. Mustard Cerate comes a. in tidy opal Jars " 3 25c and 50c Sizes s LADENVS I Leaders of Labor, Education and Press to Speak at Omaha Meet of League for Peace JOHN H. WALKER. HAMILTON HOLI DR.V.O.THOMP50N Labor, education and the press will be ably represented in the Omaha meeting of the League to Enforce Peace, which will be held Saturday afternoon and night at the Auditorium. John H. Walker, retiring presi dent of the Illinois State Federation of Labor, will speak on the league of nations from the viewpoint of labor. Dr.. William O. Thompson, presi dent of the Ohio State university, will discuss the subject from the standpoint of the educator. Hamilton Holt, editor of The In dependent, New York, will approach the question with the point of view of the independent editor. All three speakers are virile Americans, well qualified to speak on the league of nations and on the desirability of a league to enforce peace. Mr. Holt has recently returned from Paris, where he was one of the delegates from the League to En force Peace at a conference of or ganizations formed to promote the league of nations. He also repre sented the World Alliance for the Promotion of Friendly Relations Among the Church of the World at Paris. MAC gBf KIT BUSTER At Your Druggist's EE Or Sent Postpaid by SS M THZ MacLAREN DRUG EE COMPANY EE jj TRINIDAD, COLO. as liaiiflHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii WORSE THAN DEADLY POISON GAS I tttaaiM fa ho MBMCtorof fier foes. It attack young and old alike. In moat cases tne victim is warned tiam, pain in the loins and lower ab domen, -difficulty in urinating, all are) tastlon of trouble brewing in you UdneySi TOmb ioeS symptom appear yoo wiB almost certainly find quick relief in GOLD MirfTAT. HsarlTP Oil Capsules. This famous old remedy has stood! the test for two hundred years in helfi t&ff mankind to fight off disease It is Imported direct from the fiom laboratories in Holland, where it has helped to develop the Dutch into one of tht sturdiest and healthiest races in the world, nd it may. bo had at sives who opposed Senators Pen rose and Warren and who did not attend the conference were: Borah, Idaho; Kenyon, Iowa, and Morris, Nebraska. Other absentees were: La Follette,. Wisconsin; Lenroot, Wisconsin, and Capper, Kansas. The republican committee assign ments made included the following: Foreign Relations: Hold-over members, Lodge, Massachusetts, chairman; McCumber, North Da kota; Borah, Idaho; Brandegee, Connecticut; Fall, New Mexico; Knox, Pennsylvania, and Harding, Ohio. New members: Johnson, California; New, Indiana; Moses, New Hampshire. Penrose on Finance. Finance: Holdover members: Penrose, Pennsylvania, chairman; McCumber, North Dakota; Smoot, Utah; La Follette, Wisconsin, and Dillingham, Vermont. New mem bers: McLean, Connecticut; Cur tis, Kansas; Watson, Indiana; Cal der, New York, and Sutherland, West Virginia. Senators Lodge and Townsend of Michigan retired from the committee. Appropriations: Holdover mem bers: Warren, chairman; Smoot, Utah; Jones, Washington; Curtis, Kansas; Kenyon, Iowa; Sherman, Illinois. New members: Gronna, North Dakota; Hale, Maine; Spen cer, Missouri; Phipps, Colorado; Newberry, Michigan. Senator Cal der retired from the committee. Interstate Commerce: Holdover members: Cummins, Iowa, chair man; Townsend, La Follette, Poin dexter, Washington; McLean, Wat son, Kellogg. New members: Fer nald, Florida; Frelinghuvsen, Elk ins. Judiciary: Hold-over members: Nelson, Minnesota, chairman; Dil lingham, Brandegee, Borah, Cum mins and Sterling. New members: Fall, Norris and Kellog, Senator Poindexter retired from the com mittee. Military: Hold-over members: Wadsworth, New York, chairman; Warren,. Sutherland, Neyv, Freling huysen, Johnson, California, and Kriox. New members: Lenroot, Spencer and Capper. Naval: Hold-over ' members: Page, Vermont, chairman; Penrose, Lodge, Poindexter and Hale. New members: Ball, McCormick, New berry and Keyes. The retiring member was Harding. Commerce: Hold-over members: Jones, Washington, chairman; Nel son, Sherman, Harding, Fernald. Calder and Lenroot. New mem bers: Colt, McNary, Ball and Edge. Senator Johnson of Washington re tired. Agriculture: Hold-over members: Gronna: North Dakota, chairman; Page, Norris, Kenyon, Wadsworth and Frances. New members: Mc Nary, and Keyes. Senator Warren was the only retiring member. Banking and currency: Hold-over members: McLean, Connecticut, chairman; Page, Gronna, Norris and Frelinghuysen. New members: Penrose, Calder, Newberry and Keyes. Other Chairmanships. Chairmen of the other committees include: Canadian relations, Hale, Maine; census, Sutherland, West Virginia; civil service, Sterling, South Dakota; coast survey, Edge. New Jersey; coast defenses, Frelinghuysen, New Jersey; Cuban relations, Johnson, California; education and labor, Kenyon, Iowa; fisheries, Newberry, Michigan; immigration, Colt, Rhode Island; Indian affairs, Curtis, Kan sas; inter-oceanic canals, Borah. Idaho; irrigation and reclamation, McNary, Washington; manufactur ers. La Follette, Wisconsin; mines. Poindexter, Washington; national hanks, Kellogg, Minnesota; Pacific islands and Forto Rico, Fall, New Mexico; patents, Norris, Nebraska; pensions, McCumber, North Dakota; Philippines, Harding, Ohio; postof fices, Townsend, Michigan; priv ileges and elections, Dillingham, Vermont; public lands, Smoot, Utah; railroads, Lenroot, Wisconsin; rules, Knox, Pennsylvania; territories, New, Indiana; woman suffrage, Watson, Indiana. Plan Larger Committee. The conference considered a plan for further increase of the relations committee so that more democrats might be retained, but left the ques tion to a subcommittee composed of Senators Lodge and McCumber. The democratic steering commit tee resumed its work of naming democratic members of the senate standing comittees today and a con ference of senate democrats was called for 5 o'clock this afternoon to consider the appointments. House democrats today completed their assignments of members of the house committees, thus perfect ing organization of committees which wiil begin consideration this week of much important legislation. Allotments Will Be Paid Without Formal Signing of New Bill Washington, May 26. Payments of past due and current allotments to families of soldiers and sailors and dependents of civil war veterans will be made by the war risk insur ance bureau waiting for the formal signing of the urgent dificiency bill by President Wilson. Authority to send the checks for ward "without a moment's delay," was cabled to secretary Glass by President Wilson after the president had been informed that the $45,000, 000 deficiency measure had been passed by congress. The bill .is now on its way to Paris where it will be signed by the president. The Advertiser who uses The Bee Want Ad Column increases his business thereby and the persons who read them profit by the oppor tunities offered. OMAHA THIN PEOPLE Bitro-Phoephate should give yon s email, steady Increase of firm, healthy flesh each day. It supplies an essential substance to the brain and nerves in the active form in Which it normally occurs in the living: cells of the body. Bitro. Phosphate replaces nerve waste and creates new strength and ener gy. Sold by Sherman eV McConnell in Oma ha and all good druggists under definite guarantee of results or money back. Adv. i K 6 BlLbANS Tt Hot water Vi3 Sure Relief BELL-AN S WFOR INDIGESTION (tic : ner you. Be sure to get tne genuine GOUS MEDAL Brand, a ealed pack ages, tint itee 732t Soothe Your Itching Skin With Guticura rMBtB Jim , Oftnat 6B. Talon SL R Pm sure i esinol will heal your skin For years and years Resinol has been a favorite household remedy for eczema and other com mon akin-troubles. It usually stops the itching at once and quickly heals the eruption. Doctors prescribe it very widely. . It also makes an ex cellent dressing for bums, wounds, chafings, and sore, irritated places generally. - Keehml eonta'na nothing thatconid injure the tender est kin. ItiernaaoneOactira if esed with Rsshwl Soap. All druggists sell etinol and Jtesiaol Sot p. Ship Waves Toss Herring Alive on Cape Cod Banks Sagamore, Mass., May 26 Schools of herring are swarming through Cape Cod daily. The waves of passing vessels toss hundreds of fish on the banks, where they can be had for the trouble of picking them up. THREE RESCUED FROM FLAMES AS FIRE TAKES HOME Caretaker at Carter Lake Club Carries Wife and Two Children to Safety Early Monday. Ernest Gift, caretaker at the Car ter Lake club, his wife and two children, suffered slight burns about their heads and bodies and experi enced a narrow escape from death early yesterday morning, when fire of unknown origin destroyed their home on the club grounds. The members of the family were asleep on the second floor of the two-story frame dwelling. The blaze originated in the rear on the first floor. The house was filled with smoke and the flames were leaping from the downstairs windows and doors, when one of the children was awakened by the stifling smoke and the roar of the flames, which had begun to burn on the upper floor. The child called to its father, who was asleep in the adjoining room. Mrs. Gift was overcome when her husband seized her in his arms and plunged through the flames te safe ty. The man returned and was burn ed about the face and hand:, while rescuing the smaller of the children. The members of the family had been on the ground only a few min utes before the building collapsed. The Council Bluffs fire department was called, but arrived on the scene af.-r the structure was destroyed. The loss is estimated at $2,000 and is covered by insurance. Auto Driver Wrecks Car. Anderson, Ind., May 26. Arthur Billiu wrecked his automobile to keep from running over a dog that crossed the street in front of his machine. Billiu was taken to a hos pital suffering from serious injuries. Chicago, Wilmington & Franklin Coal Company 522 Keelin Building, OMAHA Telephone Douglas 3405 McKmght Building, MINNEAPOLIS Main Office, McCormick Building, CHICAGO The Mother of the Family Says ORIENT Coal takes a lot off my mind. Cooking is a simple matter with coal that kindles easily, gives real heat and holds it That has a lot to do with keeping the cook happy which is an important point, let me tell you. Dinner is never late, meat is done to a turn, bread and cake rise beautifully for a slow fire or a hot quick fire, Orient's the best!" YOU CAN BUY IT FROM YOUR DEALER. INSIST ON GENUINE FRANKLIN COUNTY ORIENT. im c auks Steedaraized Net' Price Re! SPONSIBLE dealers market Pennsylvania Vacuum Cup 6,000 Mile Fabric and Cord Tires and "Ton Tested" Tubes at . ; Standardized Net Prices Uniform Throughout the United States Price Schedule Effective May 12th: Vacuum Cap Vacuum Cup M1. t-.-j Size 6,000 MHe 6,000 Mile t i!L Fabric Tire Cord Tire lube 30x3 165 2.70 30x3 2L20 26.85 s.15 32 x 3ft 24.95 3835 ZAS 31x4 33.35 4.70 32x4 33.95 48.70 4.78 33x4 35.85 50.05 440 34 x 4 36.50 51.35 &0S 32x4 47.20 5440 6.10 33 x 4ft 49.10 5635 6.20 34 x 4ft 49.50 57.85! 630 35 x 4ft 51.50 59.20 635 36 x 4ft 52.05 60.70 6.50 33x5 6030 68.55 7.25 35 x 5 63.45 7140 7.60 36 x 5 64.65 7.70 37x5 66.75 75.20 7.90 These substantial price reductions are due to the successful ; ' operation of an economical zone selling system, enabling us to market our fast-growing production at an enormous saving in selling expense. PENNSYLVANIA RUBBER COMPANY Jeannette, Pa. OMAHA BRANCH: 22 1 2 Farnam St. Phone Doug. 3046 TTV. 17 mm mm mm VAOTU TVT JiVil 6000 MILE TIRES 2